Home > Some say that the universe is a vast star ocean...

Some say that the universe is a vast star ocean...

Some say that the universe is a vast star ocean...

S ttttt aaa r rrr O O ccc eee aaa n nn
SSS t a a rr O O c eeeee a a nn n
S t a a r O O c e a a n n
SSSS t aaa a r OOOO ccc eee aaa a n n

T h e S e c o n d S t o r y

Complete Game Guide

Version 1.00
By Sky Render


NOTE: This walkthrough employs the QuickFind system! To locate data about
a particular part of the game, simply search for the QuickFind code listed
in the table of contents (found in brackets at the end of each entry)!



I. Introduction
Foreword [IFORWARD]
Legal Disclaimer [ILEGAL]
Revision History [IREVISION]

II. Gameplay Mechanics
Character Roster [GMROSTER]
Skill Dossier [GMSKILLS]
Item Creation
Regular Skills [GMREGSKIL]
Super Specialty Skills [GMSUPERSK]
Combat System [GMCOMBAT]
Frequently Asked Questions [GMFAQ]
GameShark Codes [GMCODES]

III. Walkthrough
Disc 1
PART I: Arlia Village [D1ARLIA]
PART II: Cross Kingdom [D1CROSS]
SUBQUEST: Miscellaneous Things [D1MISC]
PART IV: Mars Village [D1MARS]
PART V: Herlie and Hilton [D1HERLIE]
PART VI: Lacuor Castle [D1LACOUR]
PART VIII: The Hoffman Ruins [D1HOFFMAN]
PART IX: The Lacuor Front Line [D1FRONT]
Disc 2
PART XI: Energy Nede [D2NEDE]
PART XIII: The Four Fields
The Field of Intelligence [D2FINTEL]
The Field of Power [D2FPOWER]
The Field of Courage [D2FCOURAG]
The Field of Love [D2FLOVE]
PART XIV: The Ten Wise Men
Assault on Feinal [D2FEINAL]
Anti-Matter Weapons [D2WEAPONS]
The Final Strike [D2FINAL]
Side-quests and Secrets
The Cave of Trials [SQCOT]
Making Quick Money [SQMONEY]
Immortality Methods [SQIMMORTL]

IV. Special Guides
Item List [SGITEMS]
Private Actions List [SGPA]
Treasure Chest List [SGTCHEST]
Pickpocketing List [SGPICKPCK]
Customizing Guide [SGCUSTOM]
Compounding Guide [SGCOMPND]
Blacksmithing Guide [SGBLACKSM]
Metalwork Guide [SGMETALWK]
Cooking Guide [SGCOOKING]

V. Bestiary [SBESTIARY]

VI. Conclusion
Special Thanks To [CTHANKSTO]
Afterword [CAFTERWRD]


I. Introduction

Foreword [IFORWARD]

Due to a gross lack of decent and complete guides for this game, I felt
compelled to write this one. Hopefully, it'll come in handy for somebody
out there.

Legal Disclaimer [ILEGAL]

Standard legal boilerplate. This guide was written by me (Sky Render),
and as such, it's my property. Reposting of this guide in any form without
my consent is forbidden. Do not modify this guide or repost it in modified
form, ever. I did not make the game that this guide pertains to, and as
such, all credit for this title is given to the company that made it

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

Revision History [IREVISION]

Version 1.00 (2 February 2009)
* First version of the guide


II. Gameplay Mechanics

Star Ocean 2 is unlike almost any other RPG released in the US before it.
The system derives heavily from the original Star Ocean's gameplay, but has
been markedly improved in many areas. This area is a sort of adaptation
guide for those who have never played any Tri-Ace games before, and don't
understand their Item Creation and battle systems.

Status Ailments:

There are 9 status ailments in SO2: Poison, Paralyze, Stone, Silence,
Slow, Blockstun, Stop, Peeped, and of course, Death. Silence, Slow,
Blockstun, Stop, and Peeped can't be cured by items or spells, and always
wear off by the end of the battle. The other conditions can be cured by
items or spells, however, and last until cured by these means.

Poison - The usual effect: HP is lost in 5% increments every 2 seconds in
battle, and a bit is lost with every step taken out of battle.

Paralyze -The afflicted character can't act, and if all party members fall
under this status, Stone, or Death, the game is over.

Stone - For all intents and purposes, the same thing as paralyze.

Silence - Causes magic users to be unable to use spells, which is annoying.

Slow - Makes characters move and attack slower than usual. Fortunately,
not many enemies cause this status.

Blockstun - Causes the afflicted character to freeze in place for a while,
depending on the AVD of the enemy that blockstuns them. Blockstun is
broken out of automatically if the afflicted character takes damage.

Stop - Caused by the Dream Peace skill, and can be very dangerous if you
don't know how to prevent it from taking any effect (open the ring menu
when it's used on you).

Peeped - This is when your characters take a critical hit and stars appear
over their heads. They can't act until peeped status recovers, and they
can be kept peeped by repeated critical hits from the enemies. Of course,
you can do the same thing to enemies.

Death - Really obvious, and primarily caused by HP running out.

There are other status effects as well, but they can only be caused by
your own characters (such as lowering enemy AVD and HIT). There are also
positive status effects, but these are also just stat-affecting (raising
elemental resistances, AVD, HIT, battle speed, etc.).

Key for KMs:
(KM Name): Description of KM effect and its range.
Second: Second form of KM and its range.
Level: ## MP Cost: ##
Start Delay: See below Duration: See below Recovery: See below
Proficiency: Points where skills level up Blockstun: See below
Effect Change: The changes to appearance and power from proficiency levels
Notes: Any notes about a skill, such as how to learn it.

Range is rated either Short, Mid-Short, Medium, Long, or Unirange.
Unirange skills can be used anywhere, and will execute immediately. As
well, Unirange KMs can usually be executed again even before they've caused
damage with their previous use. All other types require the user to move
in towards their target.

Start delay is rated either Instant, Very Low, Low, Mid-Low, Medium,
Mid-Long, Long, or Very Long. Start delay measures the time from executing
the move to actually doing damage. If a start delay is listed as "Varies",
this means that the delay is dependent on distance to the enemy when it's
being used. This mostly applies to Unirange KMs.

Duration is rated the same as start delay, and determines the time that
the KM takes to execute once it's started to do damage, but before it stops
doing damage.

Recovery is rated either Instant, Very Fast, Fast, Mid-Fast, Medium,
Mid-Slow, Slow, or Very Slow. This is how long it takes for the KM to end
once damage has stopped being dealt, up until the player can act again.

If Blockstun is listed as Yes, that means that if a character uses the KM
and the enemy blocks it, they can be put into "blockstun" status if the
enemy's AVD is high enough. Basically, it means that the KM follows the
same rule as weapons do about blocking. Skills that affect the user only
do not have a listing for this, for obvious reasons.

NOTES ON LINK COMBOS: Link Combos are most effective when you use a fast
hitting and fast recovering attack to start the combo, then move on to a
slower but more effective KM for the follow-up. The closer the two are in
range, the better. Another good way to use KMs is to use a large-effect
KM, then follow up with an intense single-target KM. Some of the link
combos I've found to be useful are listed after each fighter's KM list.

Character Roster [GMROSTER]

The cast of Star Ocean 2 is certainly not small. Each character has
critical data pertaining to them that can really help in the long run.

NOTE ON RELATIONSHIPS: Relationships have two scores. The first is the
character's friendship level, the second their romantic level.
Relationship levels of both types go up by 1 every 75 battles that any two
characters participate in together. Books set relationship levels to 8.
Which relationship level is set depends on the book. The common books
affect friendship, the rare books affect romance. Both relationship levels
max out at 15. A level of 10 is required for a shared ending, friendship
for same gender and romance for opposite gender.

Key: Cl=Claude Re=Rena Ce=Celine Bo=Bowman Di=Dias Pr=Precis
As=Ashton Le=Leon Op=Opera Er=Ernest No=Noel Ch=Chisato

Name: Crawd C. Kenny (Claude C. Kenni)
Age: 19
Birthday: Jan. 23
Race: Human
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Instrument: Silver Trumpet
Talent Strong Points: Writing Ability, Dexterity
Talent Weak Points: Sense of Taste
Character Type: Warrior (short-range)
Best Weapon: Eternal Sphere
Starting Relationships:
Cl Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
0/0 5/6 5/5 5/5 6/4 5/5 5/4 5/4 6/5 5/5 5/5 5/5
How to Recruit: Automatic; you have to have him.

Crawd (or Claude, if you like the English translation name) is definitely
the party's heaviest hitter. He can equip the best swords and has the most
multi-hit combo attacks. His moves tend to be very fast, and have decent
range. His only real downfall is that he doesn't have enough MP early on
to use his moves much.

Key Strengths: High stats all around, fast attack and recover, lots of good
Killer Moves
Key Drawbacks: Short-ranged, uses up MP quickly with his better skills

Killer Moves

Phase Gun: Shoots a beam of energy at one enemy. You can't use it after a
certain point in the plot. Mid-Short range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 0
Start Delay: Low Duration: Instant Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: N/A Blockstun: No
Effect Change: None

Air Slash: Claude shoots a wave of air at an enemy. Unirange.
Second: Claude fires a ring of air around himself. Short range.
Level: 3 MP Cost: 4
Start Delay: Varies Duration: Instant Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Turns gold, moves faster.

Shooting Stars: Claude shoots a ball of energy at one enemy.
Mid-Short range, executed from long range.
Second: Claude pummels and enmy with energy fists. Short range.
Level: 7 MP Cost: 7
Start Delay: Very Low Duration: Short Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Turns gold, moves faster.

Head Splitter: Claude jumps into the air, and then lands sword-down on an
enemy's head. Unirange.
Level: 12 MP Cost: 9
Start Delay: Varies Duration: Instant Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 130, 260, 500 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: At level 2, Claude gains more trailing air; at level 3, he
does a flip onto the enemy's head; at level 4, his flip is trailed by ghost
images of himself.

Energy Sword: Claude summons his fighting spirit to heal 15% of his HP.
Level: 20 MP Cost: 11
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Medium Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 100, 200
Effect Change: At level 2, the circle of energy gets bigger and it restores
30% of Claude's HP; at level 3, the circle changes color, and it restores
60% of Claude's HP

Burst Knuckle: Claude launches a fireball. Fire-elemental. Mid-Short
range, executed from long range.
Second: Claude punches an enemy with burning fists. Short range.
Level: 28 MP Cost: 12
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Fireball gets bigger.

Ripper Blast: Claude smashes the ground, causing rocks to fly up and hit
nearby enemies. Short range, executed from long range.
Second: Claude smashes the ground, and a line of rocks shoots up in front
of him. Short range.
Level: 38 MP Cost: 17
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Very Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 90, 180, 270 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Each level adds one more rock to the attack.

Twin Slash: Claude jumps and performs two slashes on an enemy. Short
Level: 45 MP Cost: 20
Start Delay: Very Low Duration: Medium Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 150 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Claude does 4 slashes instead of 2.

Dragon Howl: Claude summons an ethereal mini-dragon to breathe blue fire on
an enemy. Mid-Short range.
Level: 53 MP Cost: 28
Start Delay: Low Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 250, 500 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: The dragon breathes more fire for each level.

Sword Bomber: Claude jumps into the air and launches fireballs from his
weapon at an enemy. Fire-elemental. Long range.
Level: 62 MP: 32
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Medium Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 140, 280, 420 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Claude fires more fireballs.

Mirror Slice: Claude performs a series of fast strikes against one enemy.
Short range.
Level: 70 MP: 32
Start Delay: Low Duration: Long Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 220 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Claude does 8 slashes instead of 4.

Good Link Combos:
Air Slash + Ripper Blast
Ripper Blast + Dragon Howl
Dragon Howl + Mirror Slice

Name: Rena Lanford
Age: 17
Birthday: May 13 (when converted to Earth reckoning)
Race: Expellian (or is she?)
Favorite Food: Shortcake
Favorite Instrument: Lyre
Talent Strong Points: Dexterity, Sense of Taste
Talent Weak Points: Sense of Design, Originality
Character Type: Mage (healing/support/attack)
Best Weapon: Fallen Hope
Starting Relationships:
Cl Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
6/5 0/0 5/5 5/5 7/6 5/4 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5
How to Recruit: Automatic; you have to have her.

Rena will be, for the first half of the game, your only dependable healer.
She has fairly poor physical attack skills, pitiful range, and is more
suited to healing than using attack spells. Taking her out of your party
is generally suicidal, unless you're replacing her with a very high-Magic

Key Strengths: The only dependable healer for most of the game
Key Drawbacks: Low defense, low physical attack power, no powerful attack


Heal: Restores a small amount of HP to one ally.
Casting Time: 1 second
Level: N/A MP Cost: 3

Antidote: Removes poisoning from one ally.
Casting Time: 1 second
Level: 3 MP Cost: 5

Press: A small weight falls on an enemy. Void-elemental.
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: 6 MP Cost: 7

Deep Mist: Lowers the accuracy of all enemies.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 8 MP Cost: 11

Cure Light: Restores an average amount of HP to one ally.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 10 MP Cost: 11

Silence: Mutes an enemy temporarily.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 12 MP Cost: 14

Ray: Shoots a series of weak beams at all enemies. Light-elemental.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 14 MP Cost: 10

Energy Net: A big energy bomb hits all enemies in an area, peeping them.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 16 MP Cost: 12

Protection: Raises one ally's defensive power.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 18 MP Cost: 18

Cure All: Restores an average amount of HP to all allies.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 20 MP Cost: 18

Delay: Slows down one enemy.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 22 MP Cost: 18

Dispel: Removes all status effects from one ally.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 25 MP Cost: 24

Gravity Press: Many small weights fall on all enemies. Void-elemental.
Casting Time: 5 seconds
Level: 28 MP Cost: 24

Light Cross: Dozens of light beams explode across the battlefield.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 30 MP Cost: 18

Tractor Beam: Picks up all enemies in range and drops them on their heads.
Does no damage to flying enemies. Star-elemental.
Casting Time: 5 seconds
Level: 36 MP Cost: 22

Haste: Speeds up one ally.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 42 MP Cost: 20

Growth: Raises one ally's attack power.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 47 MP Cost: 22

Fairy Heal: Restores a large amount of HP to one ally.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 52 MP Cost: 30

Anti: Reduces damage from magic spells. Void-elemental.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 54 MP Cost: 40

Raise Dead: Revives one fallen ally.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 60 MP Cost: 45

Star Flare: Stars are dropped down onto the battlefield. Star-elemental.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 63 MP Cost: 26

Fairy Light: Restores a large amount of HP to all allies.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 65 MP Cost: 40

Angel Feather: Raises all stats of a single character slightly.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 72 MP Cost: 30

Name: Celine Jules
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep. 18 (when converted to Earth reckoning)
Race: Expellian
Favorite Food: Baby Rabbit Risotto
Favorite Instrument: Violin
Talent Strong Points: Dexterity
Talent Weak Points: Writing Ability, Sense of Taste, Love of Animals
Character Type: Mage (attack/effect)
Best Weapon: Million Staff
Starting Relationships:
Cl Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
5/5 5/5 0/0 5/5 4/3 4/3 5/4 5/4 5/5 5/7 5/5 5/5
How to Recruit: Allow her to stay in the party after Cross Cave.

Celine is one of the few mages in Star Ocean 2. Her spells hit heavy, and
do plenty of damage. But later on, she quickly becomes outdated by the
fighters in the party. They can do multiple hits in less time than it takes
her to cast one spell, and their damage starts being on par with her spell
attack power.

Key Strengths: Excellent magic power, exceptionally powerful spells
Key Weaknesses: Pitiful attack and defense, tediously long casting times
for her best spells


Firebolt: A small fireball shoots out from the caster. Fire-elemental.
Casting Time: 1 second
Level: N/A MP Cost: 2

Wind Blade: A small tornado shoots out from the caster. Wind-elemental.
Casting Time: 1 second
Level: N/A MP Cost: 2
costs 2 MP, starts with it.

Thunderbolt: A small thunderbolt strikes an enemy. Thunder-elemental.
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 4

Ray: Shoots a series of weak beams at all enemies. Light-elemental.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 9 MP Cost: 10

Energy Arrow: Several bolts of energy hit one enemy. Void-elemental.
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: 12 MP Cost: 17

Forget: Thunder strikes an enemy, causing them to forget how to use magic.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 15 MP Cost: 10

Starlight: Several stars launch out, and shoot beams to hit all enemies.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 17 MP Cost: 10

Reflection: Raises one ally's defense. Thunder-elemental.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 19 MP Cost: 19

Mind Absorber: Steals MP from one enemy. Vacuum-elemental.
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: 22 MP Cost: 1

Neutral: Nulls enemy effect spells on one ally.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 27 MP Cost: 17

Bless: Raises the accuracy of one ally.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 28 MP Cost: 18

Thunder Storm: Bolts of energy strike all enemies. Thunder-elemental.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 31 MP Cost: 28

Eruption: A small explosion wracks a group of enemies. Fire-elemental.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 34 MP Cost: 30

Curse: Lowers the accuracy of one enemy.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 39 MP Cost: 20

Lunar Light: Bolts of energy are summoned down from the moon to hit all
enemies. Light-elemental.
Casting Time: 5 seconds
Level: 43 MP Cost: 38

Southern Cross: Several stars are summoned from space to crash down on the
battlefield. Star-elemental.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 49 MP Cost: 42

Thunder Cloud: Strikes all enemies with thunder. Thunder-elemental.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 55 MP Cost: 40

Anti: Reduces damage from magic spells. Void-elemental.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 59 MP Cost: 40

Explode: A huge fireball engulfs the battlefield. Fire-elemental.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 66 MP Cost: 54

Angel Feather: Raises all stats of a single character slightly.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 76 MP Cost: 30

Meteor Swarm: Dozens of meteors fall down from space and hit all enemies.
Casting Time: 8 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 82

Name: Ashton Anchors
Age: 20
Birthday: Sep. 28 (when converted to Earth reckoning)
Race: Expellian
Favorite Food: Hamburger
Favorite Instrument: Piano
Talent Strong Points: Sixth Sense, Sense of Taste
Talent Weak Points: Sense of Design
Character Type: Warrior (short-range)
Best Weapon: Melufa
Starting Relationships:
Cr Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
4/4 5/4 4/4 5/5 5/4 5/7 0/0 5/5 0/0 5/5 5/5 5/5
How to Recruit: Before traveling to Lacour, talk to the two men near the
entrance of Herlie. Then, go back to Salva and enter the Drift. You'll
find Ashton fighting a two-headed dragon further in. After the fight, he
will join you if you accept responsibility.

Like most sword fighters in this game, Ashton is an excellent heavy
fighter to use during tough battles. His regular attack has a bit too much
delay to it, and most of his killer moves have delays as well, but he has
plenty of multi-hitting attacks, and his attack power more than makes up
for his occasional missing the target.

Key Strengths: Powerful attacker, fairly fast, has some useful Killer Moves
Key Weaknesses: Fairly long delay before attacking regularly, has some
utterly useless Killer Moves, Luck maxes out at 100

Killer Moves

Twin Stab: Ashton thrusts his swords at an enemy. Mid-Short range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 4
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Uses his swords faster.

Cross Slash: Ashton does two slashes to one enemy. Short range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 8
Start Delay: Low Duration: Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 100 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Tries to do another slash.

Leaf Slash: Ashton vanishes, and slashes one enemy through some leaves.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 19
Start Delay: Mid-Long Duration: Medium Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 200 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Adds more hits to the attack.

Northern Cross: Ashton slashes his swords, then makes a large bolt of
energy before him and launches it at an enemy. Water-elemental.
Medium range.
Second: Slowly forms a large icicle, then launches it at the enemy.
Mid-Short range.
Level: 18 MP Cost: 9
Start Delay: Long Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Works faster, and the ice gets bigger.

Piercing Swords: Ashton throws his swords at an enemy. Medium range.
Level: 22 MP Cost: 12
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 130 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Throws 4 swords instead of two, and they go faster.

Hurricane Slash: Ashton makes a hurricane with his swords. Medium range.
Second: Ashton strikes the enemy, then makes the hurricane. Short range.
Level: 45 MP Cost: 16
Start Delay: Mid-Long Duration: Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 65, 130, 185 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Hurricane gets larger, does more hits.

Dead Triangle: Ashton splits into three, and makes an explosion in the
triangle he forms. Long range.
Level: 53 MP Cost: 19
Start Delay: Long Duration: Low Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: ? Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Does more damage.

Dragon Breath: Ashton's dragons breathe on the enemy. Mid-short range.
Level: 64 MP Cost: 28
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Medium Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 140 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Both dragons breathe simultaneously.

Sword Dance: Ashton does a series of quick slices to one enemy.
Short range.
Level: 70 MP Cost: 32
Start Delay: Low Duration: Mid-Long Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does more attacks.

Tri-Ace: Ashton combines his swords, and his dragons charge them, then he
releases the energy at all enemies. Unirange.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 45
Start Delay: Long Duration: Medium Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 45 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Does more damage, swords get a green trail.

Name: Precis Neumann
Age: 16
Birthday: Feb. 29 (when converted to Earth reckoning)
Race: Expellian
Favorite Food: Chocolate Crepes
Favorite Instrument: Harmonica
Talent Strong Points: Sixth Sense, Originality, Dexterity, Sense of Design
Talent Weak Points: Sense of Taste, Writing Ability
Character Type: Warrior (medium-range)
Best Weapon: SDUGA Punch
Starting Relationships:
Cl Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
7/6 7/6 6/5 0/0 5/5 0/0 5/5 6/5 5/5 5/5 6/5 5/5
How to Recruit: Do a Private Action in Linga after you first arrive there.
If you're playing as Claude, you'll find Precis in the northern area of
town; as Rena, go to the house on the lower left side of town. After a
sequence of events, you'll be given the option to recruit Precis.

One could term Precis a KM-oriented fighter, since her regular attack
against monsters is far too slow. She has a fantastic number of spammable
killer moves that are very fast, and has one of the most powerful "best"
weapons in the game. She can't equip any decent armor for around half of
the adventure, unfortunately.

Key Strengths: Many hit-and-run Killer Moves, one of the best weapons in
the game equippable, fairly fast
Key Weaknesses: Low defense, can't equip many of the better armors, has
some extremely long delays for some Killer Moves, slow regular attacks

Killer Moves

Rocket Punch: Precis launches her weapon at an enemy. Mid-short range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 4
Start Delay: Low Duration: Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 120 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Faster, more damage.

Hop Step: Precis hops at an enemy and hammers them. Unirange.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 5
Start Delay: Very Low Duration: Very Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 140 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Does more damage.

Mole: Precis pulls out Bobot, expands him, gets in, and goes underground to
drill an enemy. Unirange.
Level: 17 MP Cost: 7
Start Delay: Mid-Long Duration: Medium Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 100 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Drills the enemy for longer.

Ally-Oop!: Precis throws her Bobot at an enemy very quickly.
Mid-short range.
Level: 25 MP Cost: 8
Start Delay: Very Short Duration: Very Short Recovery: Very Fast
Proficiency: 200 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Precis tosses a second Bobot as a follow-up.

Parabola Beam: Precis fires a beam from a sattelite dish. Medium range.
Level: 38 MP Cost: 12
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Medium Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 120, 240 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Beam does more hits.

Bang-Bang Attack: Precis hammers an enemy twice. Mid-short range.
Level: 49 MP Cost: 15
Start Delay: Low Duration: Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 170, 340, 510 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does another hit per level

Bloody Mary: Precis makes Bobot expand, gets in, and drills an enemy.
Mid-short range.
Level: 57 MP Cost: 32
Start Delay: Long Duration: Long Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 130, 360 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Drills for longer.

Mujin Super Beam: Precis throws an enlarged Bobot into the air, and Bobot
shoots a laser at an enemy for multiple hits. Unirange.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 24
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 120 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Beam gets bigger, does more damage.
Note: Learned via Mech Launcher item.

Barrier: Precis throws Bobot at an enemy, and Bobot explodes when he lands
on the ground. Mid-short range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 28
Start Delay: Mid-Short Duration: Instant Recovery: Very Fast
Proficiency: 200 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Bobot gets a green trail, and has a larger explosion range
(more hits and damage).
Note: Learned via Plasma Zap-stick item.

Holo-Holograph: Precis makes a hologram of Ashton, who does a move similar
to Sword Dance. Mid-short range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 20
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Medium Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 130 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Ashton's hologram does more hits.
Note: Learned via a PA in Fun City.

Good Link Combos:
Ally-Oop! + Barrier
Ally-Oop! + Bloody Mary

Name: Opera Vectra
Age: 23
Birthday: Aug. 24 (when converted to Earth reckoning)
Race: Tetragenes
Favorite Food: Apple Cider
Favorite Instrument: Piano
Talent Strong Points: Dexterity
Talent Weak Points: Sixth Sense, Love of Animals
Character Type: Warrior (long-range)
Best Weapon: Pulse Box
Starting Relationships:
Cl Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
6/5 4/4 5/4 5/4 5/4 5/4 0/0 5/5 0/0 7/8 5/4 5/5
How to Recruit: Do a Private Action in Cross before the Lacour Tournament
of Arms, and see the three-eyed man run past. After the tournament, go
back to Hilton, and into the bar. After meeting Opera there and telling
her about the three-eyed man, head back to Cross and ask the king about
the three-eyed woman. He'll let you go into the Mountain Palace, where
Opera went. She's a bit further in, and will join if you let her.

One of the few long-range fighters, Opera is by far the best fighter you
can get early on. She becomes slightly outdated later as other characters
get more and more powerful weapons and skills. Even so, her Alpha on One
skill never stops being useful, and her regular attack is both fast and
well ranged. She's also the only fighter character with the ability to
heal all allies with one of her KMs.

Key Strengths: Capable of very long-ranged attacks, fast, quick to recover
with regular attacks, can hit flying enemies without jumping, has the only
all-healing KM in the game
Key Weaknesses: Low defense and stamina, somewhat low attack power later on

Killer Moves

Photon Prison: A prison of light encases an enemy. Short range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 10
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 90, 180, 270 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Freezes the enemy longer.

Flame Launcher: Opera launches a fireball. Fire-elemental. Unirange.
Second: Opera uses her weapon as a flamethrower. Short range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 7
Start Delay: Low Duration: Medium Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Short-range version lasts longer.

Alpha on One: Several energy pockets are released, and they home in on
thier target. Long range.
Level: 24 MP Cost: 23
Start Delay: Low Duration: Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 220, 440 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Adds one more energy pocket per level.

Spread Ray: Opera shoots a few rays at the enemies, which explode when they
hit the ground. Medium range.
Level: 34 MP Cost: 16
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 180, 360, 540 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Fires more shots.

Cold Wind: Opera shoots a cone of ice at the enemies. Water-elemental.
Medium range.
Level: 41 MP Cost: 25
Start Delay: Low Duration: Medium Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 300 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Lasts longer.

Gravity Shell: Opera launches a gravity bombshell at an enemy, which causes
a gravity vortex when it hits the enemy. Void-elemental. Medium range.
Level: 54 MP Cost: 20
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 200 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Vortex gets bigger.

Lightning Blade: Opera charges her gun and blasts out a series of lightning
bolts. Thunder-elemental. Medium range.
Level: 69 MP Cost: 20
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Medium Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Circle of bolts increases in size.

Healing Star: Opera aims her gun at the sky, and fires a rocket that turns
into stars, which heal all allies. Unirange.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 9
Start Delay: Mid-Short Duration: Instant Recovery: Very Fast
Proficiency: 5 more HP recovered per point (starts at 200, maxes at 5195)
Effect Change: None
Note: Learned via White System item.

Laser Bit: Opera throws out a prism and shoots it, and the shards fly out
and hit enemies. Long range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 8
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Long Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100, 200, 300 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: The prism breaks into more pieces.
Note: Learned via Black System item.

Hyper Launcher: Opera fires a massive purple laser from her gun.
Medium range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 34
Start Delay: Low Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Beam lasts longer, range improves.
Note: Learned via Green System item.

Good Link Combos:
Alpha-on-One + Hyper Launcher
Alpha-on-One + Healing Star
Alpha-on-One + Laser Bit

Name: Bowman Jean
Age: 27
Birthday: Dec. 30 (when converted to Earth reckoning)
Race: Expellian
Favorite Food: Daikon Miso Soup
Favorite Instrument: Harmonica
Talent Strong Points: Sixth Sense
Talent Weak Points: Sense of Taste, Dexterity
Character Type: Warrior (short-range)
Best Weapon: Empresia
Starting Relationships:
Cl Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
5/5 6/5 6/5 0/0 5/5 0/0 5/5 5/5 6/5 5/5 6/5 6/5
How to Recruit: He'll offer to join you if you don't have Precis already
during a story scene.

Bowman is often called the worst of the fighters, and for good reason.
His range for non-killer move attacks is horrid. Most of his killer moves
are next to useless, his best weapon is a joke, and his range is horridly
short. He can still be a useful addition to a team, though, as his Poison
Pills skill can wreak havoc on enemies.

Key Strengths: Has a few fast Killer Moves he can use in rapid succession
Key Weaknesses: Low attack power, horrible range, most Killer Moves are too
slow to hit enemies

Killer Moves

Spirit Attack: Bowman launches a ball of chi from his fists.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 4
Start Delay: Low Duration: Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Unknown.

Poison Pills: Bowman throws some poisonous pills at an enemy.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 5
Start Delay: Very Low Duration: Low Recovery: Very Fast
Proficiency: 125, 250 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Bowman throws more pills.

Pillory: Bowman falls through the ground and lands head-first on an
enemy. Unirange.
Second: Bowman jumps and lands head-first on an enemy. Short range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 6
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Instant Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 200 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Does more damage.

Firebird Attack: Bowman launches a fireball at an enemy. Fire-elemental.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 10
Start Delay: Low Duration: Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 200, 400 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Unknown.

Secret Medicine: Bowman throws some medicine and eats it. Unirange.
Level: 28 MP Cost: 8
Start Delay: Low Duration: Instant Recovery: Very Fast
Proficiency: 2 more HP recovered per point (starts at 500, maxes at 2498)
Effect Change: None

Death Siege: Bowman splits into multiple images and attacks an enemy from
all sides. Mid-short range.
Level: 35 MP Cost: 13
Start Delay: Long Duration: Low Recovery: Slow
Proficiency: 100 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Unknown.

Whirlwind Fist: Bowman makes a whirlwind with his fists, and hurls it at an
enemy. Wind-elemental.
Level: 43 MP Cost: 15
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Low Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Unknown.

Burst Fist: Bowman forms an energy field, and attacks an enemy.
Level: 51 MP Cost: 28
Start Delay: Long Duration: Low Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Unkown.

Explosion Pills: Bowman throws some explosive pills at an enemy.
Level: 66 MP Cost: 20
Start Delay: Very Low Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Very Fast
Proficiency: 125, 250 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Throws more pills.

Sakura Attack: Bowman does some martial arts attacks on an enemy.
Short range.
Level: 74 MP Cost: 36
Start Delay: Low Duration: Mid-Long Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 240 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does more attacks.

Name: Ernest Raviede
Age: 35
Birthdate: Aug. 31 (when converted to Earth reckoning)
Race: Tetragenes
Favorite Food: Hassaku Tea
Favorite Instrument: Cembalo
Talent Strong Points: Sixth Sense
Talent Weak Points: Sense of Taste
Character Type: Warrior (medium-range)
Best Weapon: Cat o' Nine Tails
Starting Relationships:
Cl Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
6/5 5/5 5/6 5/5 5/5 5/5 8/5 5/5 5/7 0/0 6/5 5/5
How to Recruit: First, get Opera. Then, go to Arlia Village, and through
it to Shingo Forest. From here, head northwards to where Opera's ship
crashed. Then, once you finish the Hoffmann Ruins, you'll find Ernest.
You'll have to fight a boss battle to recruit him (and not a very difficult
one, either). Note that if you refuse to recruit him at this point, you
lose Opera as well.

Until he's level 41 and has Thousand Whips, Ernest isn't very useful in
battle. Even then, he doesn't become really handy until he's level 58 and
gets Broken Heart. Once he DOES have Broken Heart, he's one of the best
characters to use for keeping enemies at bay while the powerhouses (Claude,
Dias, Chisato, etc.) close in and use their techs. Since you can steal two
Battle Suits from him, he still at least provides for the party (in a
sense) before he becomes competent.

Key Strengths: Decent range in his attacks, has some impossible-to-dodge
Killer Moves, moves quickly, has two Battle Suits to steal
Key Weaknesses: Long recover time from attacks, doesn't gain most of his
better Killer Moves until much later

Killer Moves

Dimension Whip: Ernest whips an enemy from behind via a vortex.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 5
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 80, 160, 240 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does more hits.

Spiral Whip: Ernest makes a whirlwind with his whip. Mid-range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 7
Start Delay: Medium Duration: Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: N/A Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: N/A

Arc Attack: Ernest loops his whip on nothingness and swings out to kick an
enemy. Short-range.
Level: 32 MP Cost: 7
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Low Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Kicks one more time per proficiency level.

Thousand Whips: Ernest splits his whip into multiple strands, and hits an
enemy with it several times. Short-range.
Level: 41 MP Cost: 10
Start Delay: Low Duration: Medium Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 40, 80, 120 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Whips one more time per proficiency level.

Cloud Dust: Ernest makes a cloud of dust around himself, raising his evade
rate greatly. Unirange.
Level: 49 MP Cost: 18
Start Delay: Long Duration: Instant Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: N/A
Effect Change: N/A

Broken Heart: Ernest makes his whip into a vine, which grows up under an
enemy and pokes them. Mid-range.
Level: 58 MP Cost: 17
Start Delay: Very Short Duration: Mid-Short Recovery: Very Fast
Proficiency: 50, 100, 150 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Whips one more time per proficiency level.

Thunder Whip: Ernest charges his whip with electricity and strikes.
Thunder-elemental, mid-range.
Level: 65 MP Cost: 22
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: N/A Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: N/A

Sonic Whip: Ernest makes a large vortex of energy to strike enemies along a
line. Long-range.
Level: 73 MP Cost: 25
Start Delay: Low Duration: Medium Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Does more damage, lasts longer.

Good Link Combos:
Broken Heart + Sonic Whip
Broken Heart + Thousand Whips
Sonic Whip + Thousand Whips

Name: Dias Flac
Age: 25
Birthday: Aug. 5 (when converted to Earth reckoning)
Race: Expellian
Favorite Food: Chicken Skewers
Favorite Instrument: Cembalo
Talent Strong Points: Originality, Sixth Sense, Sense of Taste
Talent Weak Points: Writing Ability
Character Type: Warrior (short-range)
Best Weapon: Crimson Diablos
Starting Relationships:
Cl Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
5/5 7/5 4/4 4/4 0/0 4/4 4/4 0/0 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/4
How to Recruit: You must be playing as Rena. After Dias walks off at the
Lacour Front Lines and Rena runs after him on her own, go and talk to him.
Tell him to fight with Rena and company, and he'll join you.

Dias takes second as the best heavy fighter. Why? Because his physical
attack power is lower than Claude's, and his regular attack has a slight
delay before he actually attacks. His killer moves are also mostly single-
or double-hit skills that do more damage as he uses them (instead of
getting more hits). Despite this, he's a valuable addition to any team.

Key Strengths: High attack and defense power, moves very fast
Key Weaknesses: Slow regular attack, most Killer Moves only hit once or

Killer Moves

Air Slash: Dias launches a black wave of air at an enemy. Unirange.
Second: Dias makes a circle of black air around him. Short-range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 4
Start Delay: Low Duration: Instant Recovery: Very Fast
Proficiency: N/A Blockstun: No
Effect Change: N/A

Chaos Sword: Dias releases dark matter from his weapon, and slashes an
enemy with it. Short-range.
Second: Dias launches an energy wave from his blade. Mid-range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 5
Start Delay: Low Duration: Instant Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 120 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does more damage.

Cross Wave: Dias does a quick double slash to an enemy. Short-range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 8
Start Delay: Low Duration: Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 120 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does more damage.

Crescent Wave: Dias releases a crescent wave from his sword.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 10
Start Delay: Low Duration: Very Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 130 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Gets bigger, does more damage.

Gale Stab: Dias lunges at an enemy. Mid-short-range.
Level: 40 MP Cost: 10
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Instant Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 130 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does more damage.

Crescent Moon Flash: Dias launches a crescent moon wave from his sword.
Level: 48 MP Cost: 13
Start Delay: Low Duration: Very Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: becomes a full moon, does more damage.

Hawk Scream Blast: Dias launches a phoenix wave from his sword.
Level: 56 MP Cost: 16
Start Delay: Low Duration: Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does more damage.

Full Moon Slash: Dias makes a full moon over his head, and strikes an enemy
with the energy. Mid-short-range.
Level: 63 MP Cost: 25
Start Delay: Mid-Long Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 100 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Does more damage, lasts longer.

Illusion: Dias does a series of quick strikes to one enemy. Short-range.
Level: 70 MP Cost: 21
Start Delay: Very Low Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 230, 460 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does one more hit per proficiency level.

Firebird Shockwave: Dias turns into a firebird and divebombs an enemy.
Level: 78 MP Cost: 30
Start Delay: Low Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does more damage.

Good Link Combos:
Firebird Shockwave + Chaos Sword
Illusion + Crescent Wave
Crescent Moon Flash + Gale Stab

Name: Leon D. S. Geeste
Age: 12
Birthday: Nov. 25 (when converted to Earth reckoning)
Race: Fellpool (a race from Star Ocean 1, no less)
Favorite Food: Carrot Juice
Favorite Instrument: Violin
Talent Strong Points: Writing Ability
Talent Weak Points: None
Character Type: Mage (offensive/effect)
Best Weapon: Holy Scriptures
Starting Relationships:
Cl Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
6/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 0/0 6/5 5/4 0/0 5/4 4/4 6/5 5/5
How to Recruit: You must be playing as Claude. Once you reach the
continent of El, head into the refugee camp. From there, when Claude asks
the elder to take care of Leon for them, say that you've changed your mind
(the second option).

Leon is the other heavy spellcaster of Star Ocean 2. By the time you get
him, though, your fighters are getting their first multi-hit skills, and he
is rendered all but useless. Only Gremlin Lair has any real power, and
that power isn't fully realized until Leon is almost level 255.

Key Strengths: Best attack mage in the game
Key Weaknesses: Not a very good fighter, low defense, better spells take a
long time to cast


Ice Needle: Several shards of ice hit an enemy. Water-elemental.
Casting Time: 1 second
Level: N/A MP Cost: 2

Wounds: A reaper strikes an enemy from the shadows. Dark-elemental.
Casting Time: 1 second
Level: N/A MP Cost: 4

Word of Death: A skull appears over an enemy, attempts to kill instantly.
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 18

Shadow Bolt: A few shadowy bubbles strike an enemy. Dark-elemental.
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 7

Deep Freeze: Huge snowflakes fall, freezing a group of enemies. Water-
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 15

Black Saber: Launches a black semi-disc that hits a line of enemies. Dark-
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 14

Acid Rain: Ruddy rain falls and reduces enemy defense. Water-elemental.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 7

Deep Mist: Lowers the accuracy of all enemies.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 11

Protection: Raises one ally's defensive power.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 32 MP Cost: 18

Starlight: Several stars launch out, and shoot beams to hit all enemies.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 34 MP Cost: 10

Delay: Slows down one enemy.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 36 MP Cost: 18

Shadow Flare: Dark stars fall upon the battlefield. Darkness-elemental.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 39 MP Cost: 32

Haste: Speeds up one ally.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 42 MP Cost: 20

Growth: Raises one ally's attack power.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 47 MP Cost: 22

Noah: A gigantic wave sweeps across the battlefield. Water-elemental.
Casting Time: 5 seconds
Level: 54 MP Cost: 35

Gremlin Lair: A gremlin appears and attacks all enemies. Void-elemental.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 60 MP Cost: 26

Daemon's Gate: A demon is summoned, which attacks all enemies. Void-
Casting Time: 5 seconds
Level: 66 MP Cost: 37

Dark Circle: Energy gathers together and tries to absorb weakened enemies.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 68 MP Cost: 65

Extinction: Massive meteors crash down on the battlefield. Void-elemental.
Casting Time: 7 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 90

Name: Noel Chandler
Age: 24
Birthday: Feb. 16 (when converted to Earth reckoning)
Race: Nedian
Favorite Food: Big Tuna
Favorite Instrument: Illusive (sic) Shamisen
Talent Strong Points: Love of Animals
Talent Weak Points: Unknown
Character Type: Mage (attack/healing/support)
Best Weapon: Kaiser Knuckle
Starting Relationships:
Cl Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 6/6 5/5 6/5 0/0 5/5
How to Recruit: Tell him he can come along after getting the Synard.

Noel tries to be the equivalent of a Red Mage from the Final Fantasy
series, and fails badly in all areas as a result. His weapons do more
damage than any other spellcasters' weapons, but they still cannot match up
to regular fighters (and his range is absolutely horrid). His spells are
only half as powerful as other characters' spells, and this really shows
later. The only way you can possibly redeem him and make him useful is to
give him a Million Staff, and make him into a supporting healer. I highly
advise you do this.

Key Strengths: Only healer other than Rena
Key Weaknesses: Horrible as a fighter or attack mage


Wind Blade: A small tornado shoots out from the caster. Wind-elemental.
Casting Time: 1 second
Level: N/A MP Cost: 2

Grave: A spike raises from the ground over an enemy. Earth-elemental.
Casting Time: 1 second
Level: N/A MP Cost: 4

Tetanus Wind: Several wind blasts hit an enemy. Wind-elemental.
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 10

Sonic Saber: A semi-sphere of wind strikes a line of enemies. Wind-
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 11

Magnum Tornado: A tornado forms over an enemy. Wind-elemental.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 18

Earth Grave: A series of rocks rise out of the ground and impale all
enemies. Earth-elemental.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 16

Energy Arrow: Several bolts of energy hit one enemy. Void-elemental.
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 17

Mind Absorber: Steals MP from one enemy. Vacuum-elemental.
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 1

Heal: Restores a small amount of HP to one ally.
Casting Time: 1 second
Level: N/A MP Cost: 3

Cure Light: Restores an average amount of HP to one ally.
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: N/A MP Cost: 11

Cure All: Restores an average amount of HP to all allies.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 41 MP Cost: 18

Silence: Mutes an enemy temporarily.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 41 MP Cost: 14

Neutral: Nulls enemy effect spells on one ally.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 45 MP Cost: 17

Blood Sucker: Steals HP from one enemy. Vacuum-elemental.
Casting Time: 2 seconds
Level: 49 MP Cost: 12

Foehn: A burning wind is summoned to strike all enemies. Wind-elemental.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 52 MP Cost: 25

Fairy Heal: Restores a large amount of HP to one ally.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 55 MP Cost: 30

Dispel: Removes all status effects from one ally.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 60 MP Cost: 24

Curse: Lowers the accuracy of one enemy.
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Level: 66 MP Cost: 20

Bless: Raises the accuracy of one ally.
Casting Time: 3 seconds
Level: 72 MP Cost: 18

Fairy Light: Restores a large amount of HP to all allies.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 77 MP Cost: 40

Earthquake: A golem beats the earth a few times, damaging all ground-based
enemies. Earth-elemental.
Casting Time: 6 seconds
Level: 82 MP Cost: 65

Name: Chisato Madison
Age: 22
Birthday: Oct. 21 (when converted to Earth reckoning)
Race: Nedian
Favorite Food: Fruit Sandwich (cannot be found in-game, sadly)
Favorite Instrument: Organ
Talent Strong Points: Writing Ability, Sense of Taste
Talent Weak Points: Unknown
Character Type: Warrior (medium-range)
Best Weapon: Weird Slayer
Starting Relationships:
Cl Re Ce Bo Di Pr As Le Op Er No Ch
6/6 5/5 5/5 5/5 4/4 6/5 6/5 5/5 6/5 6/5 5/5 0/0
How to Recruit: Spot her in Central City by heading left from the main
administrative building towards the inn. Then, once you reach the Cave of
Red Crystal, grab her Job ID that she drops. Once you get back to Central
City, give it back to her (she's on the third floor of the admin building).

Chisato is much loved by many, despite her inability to equip highly
powerful weapons, because of her Killer Moves. Her attacks are capable of
doing the most hits overall. I personally don't use her much, as her
overall damage with these multi-hit skills is less than those of heavy
fighters, and because her multi-hit attacks take so long to execute.

Key Strengths: Killer Moves almost all hit many times, has a fairly fast
regular attack, Killer Moves all take very little proficiency to master
Key Weaknesses: Most of her Killer Moves take a long time to execute, lacks
powerful weapons

Killer Moves

Twister: Chisato turns herself into a rolling ball. Short-range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 3
Start Delay: Low Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Lasts longer, hits more times.

Burning Cards: Chisato throws several business cards. Mid-short-range.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 10
Start Delay: Low Duration: Low Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Throws more waves of cards.

Whirlwind: Chisato does a simple martial arts dance on an enemy.
Level: N/A MP Cost: 14
Start Delay: Very Low Duration: Mid-Low Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does one more hit per proficiency level.

Ten Thousand Volts: Chisato launches several pillars of energy from her
stun gun.
Level: 44 MP Cost: 22
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Medium Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Shoots more pillars of energy.

Flame Thrower: Chisao pulls out a heavy flamethrower and blasts an enemy
with it. Short-range.
Level: 53 MP Cost: 20
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Long Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 50, 100, 150, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Lasts longer; changes form at 200 and becomes a wide-area
unirange flame launcher.

Rising Dragon: Chisato does a martial arts dance on an enemy. Short-range.
Level: 62 MP Cost: 17
Start Delay: Very Low Duration: Medium Recovery: Medium
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: Yes
Effect Change: Does one more hit per proficiency level.

Tear Gas: Chisato calls up a special skull that blasts out tear gas.
Level: 68 MP Cost: 32
Start Delay: Mid-Low Duration: Mid-Long Recovery: Mid-Fast
Proficiency: 100, 200 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Shoots out more puffs of tear gas.

Preparation: Chisato calls the Nede Defense Force, and orders up a few
missiles to hit an enemy. Costs 25 MP, learned at level 76. Proficiency
levels up at 120, masters at 240.
Level: 76 MP Cost: 25
Start Delay: Very Long Duration: Long Recovery: Fast
Proficiency: 120, 240 Blockstun: No
Effect Change: Missiles take less time to arrive, more are launched.

Skill Dossier [GMSKILLS]

Unlike most RPGs, your characters won't just turn into living gods with no
guidance. You can upgrade characters' abilities via Skills, special
abilities that enhance combat ability and some field actions. Skills are
also the key to Item Creation abilities, which let you make new items from
existing items.

Skills require SP, or Skill Points, to level up. To get SP, you can
either level up, open up talents, or win Bullying Battles in Fun City's
Battling Stadium. You can hold a maximum of 999 SP at any given time for
each character.

Each character starts out with either a few skills learned, or a lot of SP
allocated for you to distribute. You can gain new skills for them to learn
by buying them at Skill Guilds in most towns.

SKILL: Sketching
DESCRIPTION: The ability to draw things.
SP REQUIREMENTS: 5/10/20/30/50/70/90/90/90/90 (545)
SKILLSET: Technique 1

SKILL: Musical Notation
DESCRIPTION: The ability to read and write musical notes.
BONUS EFFECTS: Agility bonus of Skill level + 1
SP REQUIREMENTS: 2/4/8/16/32/90/40/50/70/90 (402)
SKILLSET: Knowledge 2

SKILL: Musical Instrument
DESCRIPTION: The ability to play various instruments.
BONUS EFFECTS: Agility bonus of Skill level + 1
SP REQUIREMENTS: 2/4/8/16/32/90/40/50/70/90 (402)
SKILLSET: Technique 3

SKILL: Tool Knowledge
DESCRIPTION: The ability to identify and use various simple tools.
BONUS EFFECTS: Shop selling prices raise at a rate of Skill level * 3%
SP REQUIREMENTS: 1/5/9/13/17/21/25/29/33/37 (190)
SKILLSET: Knowledge 2

SKILL: Mineralogy
DESCRIPTION: The ability to identify various minerals.
ABILITIES ADDED TO: Identify, Metalwork, Alchemy
BONUS EFFECTS: Intelligence bonus of Skill level * 3
SP REQUIREMENTS: 1/2/4/6/9/12/16/20/40/70 (180)
SKILLSET: Knowledge 1

SKILL: Herbal Medicine
DESCRIPTION: The ability to recognize and properly use various medicines.
ABILITIES ADDED TO: Identify, Compounding
BONUS EFFECTS: Restoration for berry items raises by Skill level + 3%
SP REQUIREMENTS: 2/3/5/8/12/17/23/30/38/47 (185)
SKILLSET: Knowledge 1

SKILL: Craft
DESCRIPTION: The ability to work with materials requiring dexterity.
ABILITIES ADDED TO: Customize, Metalwork
BONUS EFFECTS: Agility bonus of Skill level * 2
SP REQUIREMENTS: 2/4/7/11/16/22/29/37/46/56 (230)
SKILLSET: Technique 2

SKILL: Esthetic Sense
DESCRIPTION: The ability to recognize beauty.
SP REQUIREMENTS: 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/99 (549)
SKILLSET: Sensibility 1

SKILL: Writing
DESCRIPTION: The ability to put thoughts into written word.
BONUS EFFECTS: Dexterity bonus of Skill level * 2
SP REQUIREMENTS: 3/4/6/8/11/14/20/25/40/60 (191)
SKILLSET: Technique 2

SKILL: Effort
DESCRIPTION: The ability to strive even in the most dire of situations.
BONUS EFFECTS: Reduces exp. needed for next level by Skill level * 5%
SP REQUIREMENTS: 20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/90/90 (620)
SKILLSET: Sensibility 3

SKILL: Perseverance
DESCRIPTION: The ability to continue working no matter what.
BONUS EFFECTS: SP consumption of all skills reduces by Skill level * 2,
down to a minimum of 1 SP required for level up
SP REQUIREMENTS: 8/10/12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26 (170) (NOTE: Since this skill
decreases SP needed by 2 per level, you only really need 8 SP per level for
it, totalling 80 SP)
SKILLSET: Sensibility 2

SKILL: Patience
DESCRIPTION: The ability to contain one's feelings and impulses.
ABILITIES ADDED TO: Practice, Survival
BONUS EFFECTS: Constitution bonus of Skill level * 2
SP REQUIREMENTS: 2/4/7/11/16/22/29/37/46/56 (230)
SKILLSET: Sensibility 1

SKILL: Danger Sense
DESCRIPTION: The ability to sense dangerous people and objects.
BONUS EFFECTS: Stamina bonus of Skill level * 3
SP REQUIREMENTS: 2/3/5/7/10/13/17/21/26/40 (144)
SKILLSET: Sensibility 2

SKILL: Biology
DESCRIPTION: Knowledge of the nature of life itself.
BONUS EFFECTS: HP bonus of 10 * Skill level squared
SP REQUIREMENTS: 12/22/32/42/62/80/82/85/90/95 (602)
SKILLSET: Knowledge 2

SKILL: Mental Science
DESCRIPTION: Knowledge of the mind and it's abilities.
BONUS EFFECTS: MP bonus of Skill level * 5
SP REQUIREMENTS: 8/14/20/26/32/52/62/82/90/95 (481)
SKILLSET: Knowledge 3

SKILL: Kitchen Knife
DESCRIPTION: The ability to wield various kitchen utensils.
BONUS EFFECTS: Strength bonus of Skill level * 20
SP REQUIREMENTS: 2/4/8/16/32/40/50/55/65/90 (362)
SKILLSET: Technique 1

SKILL: Recipe
DESCRIPTION: Knowledge of recipes for specific dishes.
BONUS EFFECTS: Recovery amount increases for favorite food consumption
SP REQUIREMENTS: 1/1/2/2/3/3/5/5/10/20 (52)
SKILLSET: Knowledge 1

SKILL: Good Eye
DESCRIPTION: The ability to pick top-quality ingredients for dishes.
BONUS EFFECTS: Recovery effects of food increase
SP REQUIREMENTS: 2/4/6/8/10/20/22/24/26/28 (150)
SKILLSET: Sensibility 1

SKILL: Whistling
DESCRIPTION: The ability to whistle.
SP REQUIREMENTS: 1/2/4/6/12/20/25/30/35/40 (175)
SKILLSET: Technique 1

SKILL: Animal Training
DESCRIPTION: The ability to make animals obey your commands.
SP REQUIREMENTS: 20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/30 (246)
SKILLSET: Technique 2

SKILL: Metal Casting
DESCRIPTION: The ability to cast metals into molds.
BONUS EFFECTS: Dexterity bonus of Skill level * 2
SP REQUIREMENTS: 3/6/12/24/48/58/68/78/88/98 (483)
SKILLSET: Technique 3

SKILL: Scientific Ability
DESCRIPTION: The ability to use laboratory equipment properly
BONUS EFFECTS: Strength bonus of Skill level * 10
SP REQUIREMENTS: 6/10/14/18/22/32/42/52/62/80 (338)
SKILLSET: Technique 3

SKILL: Fairyology
DESCRIPTION: Knowledge of magical beings and magic itself.
BONUS EFFECTS: Intelligence bonus of Skill level + 1
SP REQUIREMENTS: 40/41/42/43/44/45/46/47/48/50 (446)
SKILLSET: Knowledge 3

SKILL: Radar
DESCRIPTION: The ability to detect messages from the great beyond.
BONUS EFFECTS: Gain a random item whenever you level up the skill
SP REQUIREMENTS: 20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/90/99 (629)
SKILLSET: Sensibility 3

SKILL: Piety
DESCRIPTION: Knowledge of religious faith.
BONUS EFFECTS: A random stat increases upon leveling this skill up, usually
for about the character's current level / 6 + Skill level
SP REQUIREMENTS: 5/7/9/11/13/33/43/53/63/80 (317)
SKILLSET: Knowledge 3

SKILL: Playfulness
DESCRIPTION: The ability to accept and understand funny things.
BONUS EFFECTS: Money increases by 10 * Skill level squared (not cumulative)
SP REQUIREMENTS: 12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28/30 (210)
SKILLSET: Sensibility 2

SKILL: Functionality
DESCRIPTION: The ability to balance oneself and that which one works with.
BONUS EFFECTS: Strength, Dexterity, Agility, and Intelligence bonus of
Skill level * 6
SP REQUIREMENTS: 15/25/35/45/55/65/75/75/85/85 (560)
SKILLSET: Sensibility 3

SKILL: Courage
DESCRIPTION: The ability to not be nervous in an awkward situation.
SP REQUIREMENTS: 1/2/4/5/7/28/30/31/43/55 (206)
SKILLSET: Sensibility 1

SKILL: Poker Face
DESCRIPTION: The ability to hide your emotions no matter what.
BONUS EFFECTS: Guts bonus of Skill level * 3
SP REQUIREMENTS: 5/7/9/11/13/33/43/53/63/80 (317)
SKILLSET: Sensibility 2

SKILL: Copying
DESCRIPTION: The ability to replicate things one sees.
SP REQUIREMENTS: 40/50/50/60/60/70/80/90/90/99 (689)
SKILLSET: Technique 1

SKILL: Mech Knowledge
DESCRIPTION: Knowledge of machines and their functions.
SP REQUIREMENTS: 6/10/14/18/22/32/42/52/62/80 (338)
SKILLSET: Technique 2

SKILL: Mech Operation
DESCRIPTION: The ability to operate machinery properly.
SP REQUIREMENTS: 12/22/32/42/62/80/82/85/90/95 (602)
SKILLSET: Technique 3

SKILL: Below the Belt
DESCRIPTION: The ability to strike enemies at their weak point.
EFFECTS: Ignores enemy defense Skill level * 5% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 40/40/50/50/60/60/70/70/80/80 (600)
SKILLSET: Combat 1

SKILL: Strong Blow
DESCRIPTION: The ability to knock enemies away from you.
EFFECTS: Enemies are knocked back Skill level * 7.5% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/30 (246)
SKILLSET: Combat 1

DESCRIPTION: The ability to run around and hit an enemy from behind.
EFFECTS: User attempts to run behind enemies Skill level * 7.5% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28/30 (210)
SKILLSET: Combat 2

SKILL: Counterattack
DESCRIPTION: The ability to counter enemy hits.
EFFECTS: User counters enemy attacks Skill level * 5% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 5/10/15/20/40/50/60/70/85/99 (454)
SKILLSET: Combat 3

SKILL: Feint
DESCRIPTION: The ability to get a guaranteed hit.
EFFECTS: User hits without fail using Feint Skill level * 5% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 12/22/32/42/62/80/82/85/90/95 (602)
SKILLSET: Combat 2

SKILL: Mental Training
DESCRIPTION: The ability to increase attack power via mental focus.
EFFECTS: User's attack power raises by 33% Skill level * 5% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 4/7/14/21/28/35/42/49/56/63 (319)
SKILLSET: Combat 2

SKILL: Motormouth
DESCRIPTION: The ability to speak quickly.
EFFECTS: Reduces spell casting time by 50% Skill level * 6% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 40/50/50/60/60/70/80/90/90/99 (689)
SKILLSET: Combat 3

SKILL: Body Control
DESCRIPTION: The ability to keep oneself from fainting.
EFFECTS: User stays alive from fatal blows and resists status ailments
Skill level * 6% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/99 (549)
SKILLSET: Combat 3

SKILL: Spirit Force
DESCRIPTION: The ability to reduce damage by sheer force of will.
EFFECTS: Damage is halved Skill level * 5% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/90/99 (629)
SKILLSET: Combat 1

SKILL: Parry
DESCRIPTION: The ability to parry enemy attacks.
EFFECTS: User blocks attacks without fail Skill level * 5% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 12/22/32/42/62/80/82/85/90/95 (602)
SKILLSET: Combat 3

SKILL: Cancel
DESCRIPTION: The ability to immediately do a Killer Move after attacking
EFFECTS: Allows use of Killer Moves immediately after starting a regular
attack Skill level * 6% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/99 (549)
SKILLSET: Combat 1

DESCRIPTION: The ability to increase one's own speed
EFFECTS: Combat speed up Skill level * 5%
SP REQUIREMENTS: 5/7/9/11/13/33/43/53/63/80 (317)
SKILLSET: Combat 2

SKILL: Provocation
DESCRIPTION: The ability to taunt enemies in battle.
EFFECTS: Allows use of taunting (press Select in battle); enemies follow
user, may cause enemies to go berserk
SP REQUIREMENTS: 20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/90/99 (629)
SKILLSET: Combat 3

SKILL: Float
DESCRIPTION: The ability to knock an enemy into the air.
EFFECTS: Enemy gets knocked into the air Skill level * 7.5% of the time
SP REQUIREMENTS: 20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/90/99 (629)
SKILLSET: None (special)

Item Creation

Item Creation is the ability to devise new items out of old ones, the new
items frequently being more useful than the old ones. The system is fairly
simple in concept, but each skill has its own functionality and usage.

Regular Skills [GMREGSKIL]

These are the regular Item Creation skills, which can be learned from the
basic skillset which you can purchase from Skill Guilds throughout the

SUB-SKILLS: Esthetic Sense, Sketching
DESCRIPTION: Allows you to make artwork and specialty items that aid in
both battle and field options
MATERIALS NEEDED: Magic Canvas or Magical Clay
SUPPORT TALENTS: Sense of Design
SUPPORT ITEMS: Graphics Software

Magic Canvas - Revival Card, Extension Card, Discovery Card, Fol Up Card,
Victorial Card, Mortalial Card, Fountain Card, Fairies Card, 'The Scream',
'The Last Supper', 'Spring', Portraits A-L (depends on your party)

Magical Clay - Magic Rock, Super Ball, Tri-ball, Silence Card, Dummy Doll,
Hexagram Card, Hyper Ball, Skanda, Bubble Lotion, Mirror of Wisdom,
Jack-in-the-Box, Treasure Chest

NOTES: Art items tend to help in and out of battle, but their overall
usefulness is easily outmatched by other items (with the exception of the
Extension and Discovery Cards)

SKILL: Oracle
SUB-SKILLS: Radar, Peity, Playfulness
DESCRIPTION: Gives you various information, hints, etc.
NOTES: This skill is completely useless, particularly if you're using a

SKILL: Musical Talent
SUB-SKILLS: Musical Notation, Musical Instrument
DESCRIPTION: Allows you to play songs which enhance your party temporarily
MATERIALS NEEDED: Conductor's Baton or Feather Pen
SUPPORT TALENTS: Sense of Rythm, Pitch
SUPPORT ITEMS: Musical Software (for composing)
Compose Music - Can make a new song for an instrument, or simply fail to
come up with anything good; each instrument has two songs
Play Music - Attempt to play any song you know for any instrument that has
Instrument Song Effect
Piano Song of Salvation Recovers HP and MP with every step
Piano Song of Blessing Increases all stats for the party
Cembalo The Ghost Dance Hit% is improved
Cembalo The Fairy Dance Evade% is improved
Shamisen The Green Gale Agility is improved
Shamisen The Secret Power Maximum HP and MP are improved
Silver Trumpet The Evil Melody Summon a powerful monster to fight*
Silver Trumpet The Melody of the Gods Works just like Orchestra
Harmonica Strains of Battle Increase encounter rate
Harmonica Strains of Lonliness Decrease encounter rate
Lyre The Judgement Attack is improved
Lyre The Eternal Song Defense is improved
Violin Enter the Hero Start a random encounter
Violin Hail the Goddess Raises output quality of I.C.
Organ The Song of Healing Restores HP with every step
Organ The Song of Hope Restores MP with every step
NOTES: Musical Talent is probably the most important skill in the game, as
well as the hardest to master; you can never successfully play songs with
characters who lack Pitch and Sense of Rythm, they'll always fail (though
you should have them play instruments repeatedly to unlock those talents)

* - The effects of The Evil Melody vary depending on your Musical Talent
level. Here's what you can summon at each Musical Talent level (assuming
you have Sense of Rythm and Pitch, or Orchestra playing):
Lv. 1 - Nothing
Lv. 2 - Phoenix
Lv. 3 - Clubgunner
Lv. 4 - Hell-Servant
Lv. 5 - Mithril Eater
Lv. 6 - Erysin Beast
Lv. 7 - Geo Guardian
Lv. 8 - Dragon Tyrant
Lv. 9 - Wisesorcerer
Lv.10 - Iselia-Queen

SKILL: Customize
SUB-SKILLS: Craft, Metal Casting, Functionality
DESCRIPTION: Change existing weapons into better (or worse) ones by
combining minerals with them
MATERIALS NEEDED: A weapon, a mineral
SUPPORT TALENTS: Sense of Design, Dexterity
OUTPUT: New weapon or useless weapon (failure)
NOTES: Each character has their own weapon forging abilities; look in the
Customize section at the end of the guide for more details

SKILL: Identify
SUB-SKILLS: Tool Knowledge, Mineralogy, Herbal Medicine
DESCRIPTION: Discover what ? items really are
MATERIALS NEEDED: Spectacles, a ? item
SUPPORT ITEMS: Element Analyzer
OUTPUT: New item or the same ? item (failure)
NOTES: Identify will help a lot, particularly when trying to figure out
what your characters just made in Item Creation processes

SKILL: Metalwork
SUB-SKILLS: Mineralogy, Craft, Esthetic Sense
DESCRIPTION: Make new accessories out of metals
SUPPORT TALENTS: Sense of Design, Dexterity
SUPPORT ITEMS: Soldering Iron
OUTPUT: New accessory
NOTES: This skill can net you some sweet accessories, like Atlas Rings and
Left/Right Crosses, as well as Mental Rings and Protection Rings

SKILL: Authoring
DESCRIPTION: Make skill books to teach party members new skills
SUPPORT TALENTS: Writing Ability
SUPPORT ITEMS: Text Software
OUTPUT: Book relating to the selected skill, or a crumpled paper (failure)
NOTES: A very good way to level up skills for your later party members

SKILL: Practice
SUB-SKILLS: Effort, Perseverance, Patience
DESCRIPTION: Increases experience gained per battle, but lowers stats a bit
OUTPUT: Experience gained up, stats down
NOTES: I don't like to use this skill much, but it's a fair trade-off

SKILL: Scout
SUB-SKILLS: Danger Sense
DESCRIPTION: Sense enemies and either avoid or seek them
OUTPUT: Increase or decrease in encounter rate
NOTES: This skill rarely works even WITH Sixth Sense mastered; best to have
all allies working on whatever encounter method you prefer

SKILL: Compounding
SUB-SKILLS: Biology, Herbal Medicine, Mental Science
DESCRIPTION: Attempt to make new medicine out of two herbs
SUPPORT ITEMS: Antiseptic Gloves
OUTPUT: New item or nothing (failure)
NOTES: Compounding was never all that handy for me, but your results may
vary; check the Compounding guide at the end of this walkthrough for more
details on this skill

SKILL: Cooking
SUB-SKILLS: Kitchen Knife, Recipe, Good Eye
DESCRIPTION: Cook up food dishes out of ingredients
SUPPORT ITEMS: All-Purpose Knife (must be equipped)
OUTPUT: Edible food or inedible food (failure)
NOTES: Excellent way to make a quick buck early on, but otherwise, not so

SKILL: Familiar
SUB-SKILLS: Whistling, Animal Training
DESCRIPTION: Lets you summon an animal in a dungeon to shop for you
SUPPORT TALENTS: Love of Animals
OUTPUT: A bird will come to you (gets better with talent level), or you
NOTES: I never use this skill at all; too proud, I guess

SKILL: Alchemy
SUB-SKILLS: Scientific Ability, Mineralogy, Fairyology
DESCRIPTION: Change iron into various metals
SUPPORT TALENTS: Blessing of Mana
SUPPORT ITEMS: Lezard's Flask, Erlenmeyer Flask
OUTPUT: Chosen mineral, or a rock (failure; success rate sucks without the
Lezard and Erlenmeyer Flasks, still hard without Blessing of Mana)
NOTES: This has to be the single best skill in the game; you don't even
have to TRY to hunt down rare minerals, just buy some Iron and convert it

SKILL: Survival
SUB-SKILLS: Herbal Medicine, Patience
DESCRIPTION: Find items of various types in the field
MATERIALS NEEDED: None; must have at least 4MP to use
OUTPUT: Some sort of item, or nothing (failure)
NOTES: I never use it, it's faster just to go buy or make most of what is

SKILL: Pickpocketing
SUB-SKILLS: Courage, Poker Face
DESCRIPTION: Steal items from passers-by
MATERIALS NEEDED: Bandit's Gloves (equipped)
SUPPORT ITEMS: Magician's Hand (equipped)
OUTPUT: Steal an item, or fail to steal; cannot steal twice, sadly
NOTES: This skill is handy (no pun intended), but has a disturbingly high
failure rate for useful items; don't use it while the entire party is
assembled, as it lowers affection and friendship ratings towards the

SKILL: Reproduction
DESCRIPTION: Turn Magic Film into duplicate items
MATERIALS NEEDED: Magic Camera, Magic Film
SUPPORT ITEMS: Ririca (better camera; use instead of Magic Camera)
OUTPUT: Replica item or blurry photo (failure; frequent with rarer items)
NOTES: This skill is sweet, even if it won't work on super-rare items

SKILL: Machinery
SUB-SKILLS: Mech Knowledge, Mech operation
DESCRIPTION: Make special tools and abilities using machinery
SUPPORT TALENTS: Dexterity, Sense of Design
OUTPUT: New machinery/tool or nothing (failure)

Tools: Survival Kit, Nuclear Bomb, Peep-Peep Bomb, Barrier Bomb, Music Box,
Magician's Hand, Text Software, Graphics Software, Assault Bomb, Mind Bomb,
Killer Poison, Half-Dead Bomb, Erlenmeyer Flask, Antiseptic Gloves, Ririca,
Element Analyzer, Musical Software, Tetra-bomb

Precis Only: Mech Launcher, Plasma Zap-stick, Ultra Punch, One-Two Punch,
Iron Punch, Straight Punch

Opera Only: White System, Black System, Booster Box, X Box, Black Box,
Magic Box, Green System

NOTES: Very useful with Precis and Opera, who can make new deathblows and
weapons with it; also great for getting talent-support items

The key skills in this game that you'll end up using most are Alchemy,
Reproduction, Metalwork, Machinery, Pickpocketing, Customize, and Musical
Talent, so leveling the skills for those abilities up would be a good idea.

Super Specialty Skills [GMSUPERSK]

Super Specialty Skills are like regular Item Creation skills on crack.
You can make insanely effective items, do amazingly helpful things, and
even enhance all Item Creation skills for a short period of time. The only
catch is, you need basic Item Creation skills learned for all party members
for the Super Specialty Skills to be any good.

SKILL: Master Chef
SUB-SKILLS: Cooking, Compounding
DESCRIPTION: Make super-powerful dishes with the entire party's help
MATERIALS NEEDED: Two uncooked food items
SUPPORT ITEMS: All-Purpose Knife
OUTPUT: Healthy dish or junk food (failure)
NOTES: Much like Cooking, I almost never use this

SKILL: Orchestra
SUB-SKILLS: Musical Talent, Art
DESCRIPTION: Play an orchestra for about 30 seconds, and up the success
rate of talents opening up (as well as success rates of Item Creation)
MATERIALS NEEDED: Conductor's Baton, at least 6 instruments, 6 party
members, and 8 songs
SUPPORT ITEMS: None needed
OUTPUT: The orchestra plays (never fails!)
NOTES: This is the single most important Super Specialty you can use, as it
increases success for about 30 seconds on all Item Creation abilities and
Super Specialty abilities by an almost obscene amount (success rate is
upped to 75-90%, no matter the actual skill level of the character); the
fact that talents open up more frequently during Orchestra is an added

SKILL: Comprehenshion
SUB-SKILLS: Practice, Survival
DESCRIPTION: The party tries to increase the SP gained at level up
OUTPUT: Increased SP after level up, highly lowered speed
NOTES: I dislike this ability, and prefer to take what I get

SKILL: Come On Bunny
SUB-SKILLS: Familiar, Scout
DESCRIPTION: Call a bunny to ride on
OUTPUT: Summon a bunny, or don't summon one (failure)
NOTES: Handy early on, highly outdated on disc 2

SKILL: Publishing
SUB-SKILLS: Authoring, Machinery
DESCRIPTION: Write character-specific books with the help of the entire
SUPPORT TALENTS: Writing Ability
SUPPORT ITEMS: Text Software
OUTPUT: Character-specific novel, or crumpled paper (failure)
NOTES: The books published can be sold to publishers in Lacour and Central
City, and you can get a healthy profit off of royalties by returning every
hour or two; books sold in Lacour can be purchased, as well

SKILL: Identify All!
SUB-SKILLS: Identify, Metalwork
DESCRIPTION: Raise or lower prices in shops by up to 30%
OUTPUT: Raise or lower the price in shops (cannot fail!)
NOTES: Never shop without it; a 30% discount adds up quick when buying an
item that costs 5,000,000 Fol

SKILL: Blacksmith
SUB-SKILLS: Customize, Alchemy
DESCRIPTION: Forge powerful armor from minerals
MATERIALS NEEDED: Smith's Hammer, ore
SUPPORT TALENTS: Dexterity, Sense of Design
SUPPORT ITEMS: Magical Rasp (changes what you make entirely, for the
OUTPUT: New armor, or Perforated Armor (failure)
NOTES: This is a good way to get fairly powerful armor, but the Cave of
Trial armor outdates almost anything you make really quick

SKILL: Reverse Side
SUB-SKILLS: Pickpocketing, Reproduction
DESCRIPTION: Make illegal documents to enhance the party
SUPPORT TALENTS: Writing Ability?
OUTPUT: Fake documents of some sort, or a Bounced Check (failure)

Possible documents: Forged Bills, Forged Checks, Forged Documents,
Contract, Fill-up, Forged Medals, Life Insurance, Second Ledger,
Stock Certificates, Lien, Bounced Check

NOTES: This skill makes items that are very useful. The penalty for using
it is that you lose a point of relationship between two random characters
if you fail. I never bother with it, myself.

There are a few key skills you'll want to master here, as well. These are
Identify All!, Blacksmith, and especially Orchestra.

Combat System [GMCOMBAT]

Star Ocean 2 has a very unique combat system, one that takes a bit of
adjusting to. This is a basic overview of how the system works.

BATTLE MODES: There are three battle modes: Manual, Semi-Active, and
Full-Active. Manual is the original Star Ocean attack method, but it's
very slow to use (as you have to manually select a target from the list of
enemies). Semi-Active is similar to this, but time passes while selecting
a target, so it's a very bad idea to use it. Full-Active is probably the
best method, in which enemy targetting is automatically set to the nearest
enemy, and you can actually move your character of choice around with the
D-pad without having to hit a button.

ATTACKING: There are several different ways to attack in battle. The first
and easiest is just to swing your weapon, by hitting X. This causes a
character to run up to the target enemy and use their weapon on them.
You can also assign two Killer Moves to each fighting character, one for L1
and one for R1. Simply hitting L1 or R1 will activate the Killer Move in
those positions on the nearest enemy. You can sequence Killer Moves after
a regular attack, but it's best to wait until you have the Cancel ability
before you try to do this.

USING MAGIC: Fortunately, the magic system isn't hard to adapt to at all.
Simply hit Triangle to open the ring menu, and select Heraldry. Select a
spell, and (if necessary) select a target. Spells can take some time to
cast, so it's best to have a spell caster stay away from the enemies when
using magic.

LEVELING UP: Leveling up in Star Ocean 2 is much the same as most RPGs.
Once you gain enough experience, you gain a level, and your characters gain
SP (usually equal to their level, give or take 10%). They also gain new
skills at level up.

Frequently Asked Questions [GMFAQ]

These are questions that get asked repeatedly in just about every Star
Ocean 2 forum, message board, and chatroom. Note that there are spoilers

Q: How to I get the Eternal Sphere sword?
A: First, you must get to second place in the Lacour Tournament of Arms
(that is, get up to the fight with Dias). Then, go back to Gamgee's house
(in the rear of Lacour) and talk to Gamgee, BEFORE you leave Lacour at the
end of the tournament. He'll give you the Sharp Edge. Customize the Sharp
Edge with a Mithril to get the Minus Sword. Customize the Minus Sword with
another Mithril to get the Eternal Sphere. Saving before each
customization is highly recommended, as it's hard to get the Eternal Sphere
without Orchestra, and hard even with a decent Customize level.

Q: Where can I find Mithril?
A: Mithril can be made with Alchemy (level 8+), as long as you have a
Lezard's Flask. You can also get it from the Trickster bracelet (found in
Eluria Tower, in a room on the left-hand side of the second floor), from
the Survival skill (very rarely), by stealing a piece from a man at L'Aqua,
and from defeating various monsters in the Field of Intelligence. The only
other methods to get Mithril are via a Treasure Chest (very rare), or by
leveling up the Radar skill (the best method for getting Mithril early on).

Q: How do I make or find Atlas Rings?
A: Atlas Rings can be made with Metalwork, via Rainbow Diamonds. Only
Claude, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Ernest, Dias, and Chisato can make them.
You can find one in the Field of Power on Nede.

Q: How do I make or find Berserk Rings?
A: Berserk Rings can also be made with Metalwork, via Rubies. Only Claude,
Precis, and Chisato can make them.

Q: Which is better, Atlas or Berserk Rings?
A: That depends on your tactics. Berserk Rings double all attack power,
but since you're in berserk mode, your characters won't get the bonus to
their attack if they see an ally fall. Atlas Rings only double your base
strength, and give you elemental weaknesses, but characters become far more
powerful if they go berserk that way.

Q: What is the highest level you can reach?
A: The highest level is 255.

Q: How do I beat Gabrie Celesta and/or Iselia-Queen?
A: There are many methods to do this, several of which are listed in this
guide. Check below in the Cave of Trials and Immortality sections for more

Q: How do I get the Flare Gun?
A: You can't, unless you use a cheat device.

Q: How can I get Precis' and Opera's special Machinery skills faster?
A: Have them wear Secret Boots and a Crown, and play Violin 2 while working
on Machinery with them (not Orchestra). The equipment isn't confirmed to
make it go faster, but there's really no reason not to.

Q: What is the best weapon in the game for <character>?
A: Generally speaking, the highest attack power weapon is the best (listed
below), with a few exceptions. Rena is best off with the Fallen Hope, as
it raises her magic power (which is more important, seeing as she's a magic
user). For Chisato, her best weapon is definitely the Wierd Slayer, as her
next best weapon that you can obtain drains MP when you use it. Dias'
Crimson Diablos is easily his best sword, since it doubles all damage he
deals, regardless of Berserk status. And Claude, naturally, is best with
the star-shooting Eternal Sphere.

Q: What do the Salamander's and Sacknoth Helmets do?
A: If both helmets are equipped on Ashton, his Dragon Breath skill will
automatically be at maximum proficiency. This only stays true if both
helmets are equipped, though.

Q: How do I take Indalecio's Limiter off?
A: You must first get in a PA very early in the game (to be exact, at Clik,
before the flood). After meeting Filia there, you can meet her later in
Central City, during a Private Action. This PA takes place only after you
have come to the point where you have to return to Fienal, and you cannot
turn the limiter back on once it's off. Filia is in the Central City
administrative office, on the first floor. Entering the building and
moving forward starts the event, and turns off the limiter.

Q: How do you access the secret files in North City?
A: This is actually a quest unto itself. The first bit to do is try to
access the Secret Files, and discover that they're locked. From there,
once you can get to Giveaway, talk to the dean of the university to find
out about Reyfus and his research. Find Reyfus in his lab, and he'll tell
you about his research. From there, go to Central City and talk to Chisato
(you may have to do a PA if she's in your party). She'll begin searching
for the password for you. Then, go back into Central City again (or do
another PA if Chisato's in your party) to get the password to the database.
Go back to North City, and check the terminal again. The data is unlocked,
but the computer can't decode the information. From here, you must get up
to the point where the sealed Heraldry laboratory is unsealed, and the
passcode is found. Go back and talk to Reyfus again, and he'll use the
passcode to hack into the files and decode them. Read through the files,
and you'll see that the third and fourth are locked. Go talk to Reyfus
again, and then go talk to the dean of Giveaway. He'll give you Pandora's
Box, which you should go and give to Reyfus. From here, you should start a
PA in Giveaway, and talk to everybody in the university, then return to the
town normally. Talk to Reyfus, and he'll have finished decoding the final
two files, which you'll now be able to read. Behold for yourself the true
history of Nede...

GameShark Codes [GMCODES]

These are some useful GameShark codes for the game.

C1000000 0000 Enable code
D0061CA4 0010
80061CAC 0004 Yes, you have to include this huge column's worth of codes
D0061CA4 0010 just to get codes to work with Star Ocean 2 at all.
80061CAE AC62
D0061CA4 0010
80061CB0 0001
D0061CA4 0010
80061CB2 2442
D0061CA4 0010
80061CB4 000C
D0061CA4 0010
80061CB6 AC62
D0061CA4 0010
80061CB8 0001
D0061CA4 0010
80061CBA 2442
D0061CA4 0010
80061CBC 0008
D0061CA4 0010
80061CBE AC62
D0061CA4 0010
80061CC0 0009
D0061CA4 0010
80061CC2 1000
D0061CA4 0010
80061CC4 0010
D0061CA4 0010
80061CC6 AC60

D002B628 0101
30189A6E 0001 Item Creation always succeeds (press L2 + Select)
30189A66 0001
30189A9A 0001


III. Walkthrough

Disc 1

PART I: Arlia Village [D1ARLIA]

NOTE: If you plan to do any pickpocketing early on, you may need to restart
the game several times to do so! Be sure that your character has the
Dexterity talent on their status screen (go to Status, then hit Triangle)
before moving on! You may ignore this if you're not planning to do any
stealing before reaching the Lacour continent. Just be aware that many
useful items will be unattainable as a result.

The introduction to both scenarios is different, so read the one that
pertains to you. Either way, you'll be in Arlia Village for a bit.

Location: Arlia Village
Items: Leather Armor, Ressurection Bottle, 200 FOL, Blueberry, Rose Hips,
Strawberry Jam, Blackberry

~ Claude's Scenario ~
You start at the entrance of a dome on Milocinia. Once you can, go up to
the sparking control box, and activate it. When you're inside, run up to
the equipment in the northern half of the screen. Upon regaining control,
you will be in battle. Simply attack the enemy with L1 repeatedly (like
you were told to), and it will die quickly enough.

After a short sequence, you'll be allowed to explore Arlia Village a bit.
Once you're satisfied, go to Rena's house (on the eastern end of town, down
in the western corner of that side of town). Take Rena to see the newlywed
couple, then return to Rena's house. Once you're back in control, go to
Salva and talk to the people in the mansion on the north side of town.
Return to Arlia briefly, then go back to the mansion in Salva.

~ Rena's Scenario ~

You start outside Rena's house. From there, go west to the other end of
town, then south, and enter the Shingo Forest. Once you go far enough in,
you will encounter Claude, who kindly dispatches an enemy for you. The
game takes over at this point, and you eventually you'll be back in Arlia.
Go to Rena's house, and then go talk to the people in town (particularly
the newlyweds). Once you've found Claude, go back to Rena's house.
Afterwards, go to the house directly right of Rena's. Once you have
control again, go to the Shingo Forest, watch the scene with Claude, and
then try to return to Arlia.

Regardless of scenario, you should now be in Alen's mansion. Enter the
room on the right of the first floor, and check the little lantern in the
right corner of the room. Go into the area that this reveals to reach the
Salva Drift.

Location: Salva
Items: Heavy Ring, Portrait B

Location: Salva Drift Suggested Level: 1-5
Items: Blackberry x2, Rose Hips, Blueberry x2, Silver, Iron, Gold x2,
Enemies: Funnythief, Kobold, Vopalbunny, Lizardaxe

The drift is easy to navigate, and the items are all pretty close to the
path you need to take. It's pretty obvious where the boss room is, there's
a save point right outside it. Be sure to use said save point before you
enter. Once you do, a story sequence will take place, and you'll have to
fight a monster.


BOSS: Alen-Tax Exp: 150 Fol: 500
HP: 1,000 Resistances: Dark Difficulty: Easy
Recommended Party: Claude & Rena Suggested Level: 3-6

You don't have many options for this fight. If you're playing as Claude,
use Air Slash a lot, then close in to finish Alen. If you're playing as
Rena, control Claude and attack, while backing off when his HP is too low
so Rena can heal him. It's not a hard fight, really, unless you're playing
as Rena on Universe mode.


After Alen's down, a whole lot more story unfolds, most of it mind-
numbingly boring. Once you're given control again, run down to the bridge
in Arlia. If you're playing as Rena, you'll also have to try and enter
Shingo Forest before you can continue. More story sequence will take place
after this, and the opening chapter of SO2 will come to a close.

PART II: Cross Kingdom [D1CROSS]

NOTE: At this point, you have the entirety of the Cross continent open to
you. There are a number of unofficial side-quests you can do at this point
if you wish (listed in the next section), or you can move on with the plot.

Location: Cross
Items: Wooden Shield, Leather Helm, 500 Fol, 600 Fol, Passport*,
Treasure Map*

As you enter Cross, you'll notice that it's night there (although it's
daytime everywhere else). Head on into the inn, and you'll be allowed to
stay for free. After that's over, you might want to browse around town,
and buy new equipment (if you haven't already done so in other towns).
Once you're ready, head to the north end of town, and enter the castle. Go
ahead and sign up for an audience, and then loot the castle. Be sure to
talk to as many people as you can. Eventually, one of the guards will
inform you that it's time for your audience.

Head back to the main stairway of the castle, and head up to have your
audience. Ask all three questions you're given, and then head out of the
castle (with a measly 600 Fol gift and a Passport). As you walk into the
town square, you'll see a woman panicking over something. Moving forward
even further, you'll see two mages in a shoutfest. After a few barbs are
exchanged, the party leader will try to intervene, but not be much help.
The white-cloaked mage manages to win, and suggests that you come with her
on an adventure. Since you have no choice at this point, just say yes.
She'll introduce herself as Celine, and show you her map. Then, it's off
to Cross Cave!

OPTIONAL: If you plan to recruit Opera, do a Private Action in Cross, and
go towards the castle. After seeing the three-eyed man run past, you'll
open the possibility of recruiting Opera later. You have until you leave
this continent to do so.

Location: Cross Cave Suggested Level: 5-10
Items: Blueberry, Artemis Leaf, Sweet Syrup x2, Cure Poison x2, ?MINERAL,
Lavender x2, ?JEWELRY, Tri-ball, Magic Canvas, Stink Gel, ?ITEM,
Blackberry, Feather Pen, 600 Fol, Resurrection Mist, 700 Fol,
Heart Barriers, Green Beryl, Ancient Writings*
Enemies: Armedknight, Slime, Landworm, Alraune, Gargoyle

The cave is very straightforward, with only one hidden path (remember: all
entrances have green light pouring from them). Your goal is on the far
north end of the cave, a room with a very big rock that's glowing green.
Celine will panic when she sees that it's a dead end, but Claude will point
out that the map mentions that a spell needs to be cast. The path will
open, and you'll be able to enter the treasue room.

The treasure you're looking for is on the upper lefthand side of the big
star, the Ancient Writings. Unfortunately, Celine can't understand them.
A warning: if you open the chest on the upper right part of the glowing
star, you'll have to fight two Gargoyles (who are a bit tough for a level
10 party, but not impossible). Anyway, once you've nabbed everything, head
back to the entrance. Celine will then give you the choice to take her
along or ditch her. Do as you see fit, and then it's off to Clik!

SUBQUEST: Miscellaneous Things [D1MISC]

At this point, you can perform a number of actions to make the game a lot
easier for you: leveling up, getting more skills from the two port towns of
the Cross continent, and even netting yourself a nice accessory that gives
you items as you walk.

Leveling Up: There are a few good places to do this at this point. The
first is Cross Cave (northeast of Cross), then the Heraldry Forest (the
entrance of which is in Mars village, which is along the eastern arm of the
Cross continent), and the final location for leveling up is Lassguss
Mountain (on the western side of the continent, behind Cross). You can
easily reach level 30-40 before even entering Cross.

Getting the Mischief: There's a rare accessory that you can get at this
early point, called Mischief. There is a catch, though: you have to take
it from somebody via Pickpocketing, during a Private Action. This means
that your main character needs the Dexterity talent, and that they need to
get their Pickpocketing skill up to a reasonable level (8 or above). Also,
you need to get a pair of Bandit's Gloves (which cost 40,000 Fol) to
pickpocket. Once you've met these requirements, equip the Bandit's Glove
on your main character, save outside of Clik, and perform a Private Action.
Head to the town square, and watch the scene with Filia. Pickpocket her,
and if you succeed, you'll get the Mischief! The Mischief gives you random
items and small FOL amounts, and even gives you Forged Medals at times
(which are like a free level up for whomever you use them on).

Getting a Marvel Sword: You can also get a VERY powerful sword for Claude
at this point, which will make the game a lot easier. As above, develop
your Pickpocket skill (level 4 or 5 should be sufficient in this case).
Save near the eastern exit to Mars, do a PA, and steal from the old man
next to the inn. You'll get a Treasure Chest once you succeed. Leave
town, sort items according to how new they are, save, and use the Treasure
Chest; sort your items according to how new they are again afterwards. If
you get a Marvel Sword, equip it and save. If not, load and try again.
Keep in mind that this can take hundreds of attempts, so you need to be
patient. That patience will pay off in spades.

Getting Money: It's tough to get a lot of money early on, but if you level
up the Playfulness skill for an ally, you'll get quite a healthy dose of
money for it. If you plan to steal Mischief, have the non-leader ally
(either Rena or Claude at this point) master it, so you can afford the
Bandit's Gloves, and have the leader focus on Courage and Poker Face. Of
course, you should first master Perseverance for both of them.


Clik is on the northern end of the Cross continent, on the north "spoke"
of the land. Go ahead and go there.

Location: Clik Suggested Level: 8-12
Items: Lyre, Grain, Seafood, Vegetables

Start off by visiting the house on the hilltop, and getting the Lyre. If
you miss it now, you won't be able to get another one for a very long time.
Once that's done, go ahead and buy any new equipment you may need, and
visit the docks. Talk to the captain of the ship, and then head back up to
the town square. After this, return to the port and talk to the two kids
running around, and then return to the first area of Clik. Talk to the
little blue-haired boy to get things moving again.

At this point, you can visit many locations and hear Ketil say (often
amusing) things about the locales. Feel free to visit around, and answer
Ketil however you like; it doesn't affect anything, after all. Once you've
had your fill of Ketil's tour, go visit the kids at the docks again. After
that, visit the captain of the ship, and then head back up to the town
square. It seems that fate doesn't agree with your plans to leave port.
Talk to the captain again to get your passport back, and then head up the
steps and see Ketil again. Then, leave Clik. It's off to Mars!

PART IV: Mars Village [D1MARS]

Back on the world map, head south to the central area of the continent,
and then head east along the path to Mars Village.

Location: Mars Village Suggested Level: 8-12
Items: Silk Robe, Purple Mist, Silence Card, Sour Syrup

Unfortunately, you can't skip this segment (which is kind of silly, seeing
as nothing is preventing you from going to Herlie, but the ship there
refuses to leave port until this part is done). Go visit the house on the
far right end of town for the Silk Robe in the upstairs bedroom, and buy
any other supplies you may be needing at the general store. When all is in
order, visit the elder's house (located in the upper left area of town).

~ Claude's Scenario ~

The story sequence here is fairly long, so bear with it. When you're back
in control, buy any supplies you may be needing, and then tell Celine that
you're ready. Once you've got control again, equip Claude with the Mud
Boots, and enter the Heraldry Forest.

~ Rena's Scenario ~

After the sequence in the elder's house, you will automatically go visit
Dias. After this, just go back to your party and talk to them. Now, buy
any last-minute supplies you may need, and then tell Dias that you're
ready. When you're back in control, equip the Mud Boots on Rena, and head
into the Heraldry Forest. NOTE: you should use Dias' SP, but don't give
him any abilities that raise base stats; when/if he permanently joins you
later, those boosts will not be in effect. Also, feel free to unequip Dias
entirely and give his stuff to your other party members.

Location: Heraldry Forest Suggested Level: 8-12
Items: ?HERB, Amber Robe, Smelling Salts, Dummy Doll, Flame Blade, Mandrake
Monsters: Carlaeagle, Robberaxe, Magius, Bugbear, Bloodworm, Stingray

From the entrance of the Heraldry Forest, head left and grab the ?HERB.
After that, take advantage of the save point, and head into the forest
proper. The path is entirely straightforward at first, so don't worry; you
can't get lost. You'll have to fight bandits along the way, but they're
really not too tough at all (especially in Rena's scenario, since Dias is
level 35). Once you reach any intersection, be sure to explore both of
the possible paths, so you can get any items that may be down the dead
ends. Also, if you didn't before, be sure to equip the Mud Boots (but not
on Dias; trust me on this one). Before long, you'll reach the final
intersection of the forest. Head off to the left.

~ Claude's Scenario ~

The master of Heraldry from the elder's house will wander into the area,
and reveal that he's the boss of the bandits. Now you have to defeat him.


BOSS: Varmillion Exp: 1000 Fol: 1000
HP: 3,000 Resistances: Dark Difficulty: Easy
Recommended Party: Claude & Celine Suggested Level: 10-13

This boss will only attack physically. If you can keep your distance and
use attacks that keep him at bay or let you dodge him (Head Splitter in
particular), then you shouldn't have a problem.


After the fight, the plot will continue automatically.

~ Rena's Scenario ~

A little girl will run into the scene, and you'll have to fight a lone
bandit; no challenge. Now, continue left. Soon, you'll be in a boss fight
with Azamgil.


BOSS: Azamgil Exp: 1840 Fol: 3750
HP: 2,000 Resistances: None Difficulty: Average
Recommended Party: Rena & Dias Suggested Level: 10-13

Azamgil comes with 4 Shielders (1,400 HP each), who are really annoying.
Have Rena spam a full-screen attack like Ray or (if you have it) Light
Cross, while Dias protects her from any incoming Shielders or Azamgil
himself. Once the Shielders are down, Azamgil is easy as pie; just spam
Air Slash and/or Chaos Sword.


After the fight, you'll get the hut key. Take it to the cabin door, and
unlock it. You can talk to the kids if you want, or you can leave the area
and continue the plot.

With that out of the way, you'll be in Celine's house. After a short chat
with the elder, try to leave town. Some more story sequences will take
place, and you'll (finally) be able to leave for Herlie.

PART V: Herlie and Hilton [D1HERLIE]

From Mars, it's a short walk east to Herlie. Go ahead and go there.

Location: Herlie Suggested Level: 11-15
Items: 1200 FOL, Leather Boots, Ring of Sadness, Ringed Mail,
Sinclair Saber

You're not obligated to, but you may want to buy some supplies before you
cross over to the next continent (I certainly suggest it). Also, if you
plan to recruit Ashton, this is your first (and almost last) chance to.
See the next section for details. Once you're ready, board the ship, and
head on over to the continent of Lacour, and the town of Hilton.

Location: Hilton

There's literally nothing here but shops and NPCs. Stock up on anything
you're running short on, then head to the world map. Note that enemies on
the Lacour continent are much stronger than most everything on the Cross
continent, so if you haven't been leveling up, you may be in for a bit of
a surprise. Anyway, your next goal is the town of Lacour, in the middle of
the continent. Naturally you can go visit the Lacour Front Lines and Linga
now if you want, but the plot won't continue until you visit Lacour.


NOTICE: If you want to get Opera in your party, do not finish this
subquest! Getting Ashton will prevent you from getting Opera. If you plan
to get Opera, and want to do the Salva Drift sequence, do not agree to take
Ashton along and do not return to the room you meet Ashton in until after
you've left Salva and re-entered the town!

Location: Salva Drift Dragon's Nest
Items: Maple Syrup, Brigandine, Iron, Aquaberry, Golden Earring,
Cinderella Glass, Diamond, Star Ruby
Monsters: Gerel, Sandglass, Beastmaster, Werewolf, Scewer

To get Ashton, you need to complete the Mars Village sequence. Go to
Herlie, and talk to the two sailors near the entrance of town to find out
about the dragon in Salva. Leave Herlie, and return to Salva. Enter the
drift, and make your way into the dragon's domain. You'll see a mysterious
fighter in there as you make your way through the area. Follow the path
to the end, and you'll find Ashton there, fighting a two-headed dragon.
After the fight, say you'll take responsibility, and he'll join your party.
If you tell him no, returning to the room where he was fighting the dragon
in will force him to join your party. Note that you can go as far as
meeting Ashton and turning him down and still be able to recruit Opera.
If you want to get the Diamond and Star Ruby, but don't want Ashton, leave
Salva and re-enter; Ashton will no longer be in the mines.

Ashton has his own sub-quest that you can do at almost any time, starting
now. Head to Mars Village, and check the bookshelf there. After this,
go back to Cross, and ask for permission to enter the Mountain Palace.
Head there (it's north of cross, on a side-path from the road that leads
to Clik).

Location: Mountain Palace Suggested Level: 12-15
Items: Luna Tablet, Crystal, Fairy's Statue, Emerald Ring, ?MINERAL,
Amber Robe, Crest Rod, Damascus, Fairy's Cologne, Wolfsbane, ?HERB,
Ressurection Bottle, ?JEWELERY, Cure Stone, Sweet Syrup, ?MINERAL, Cestus
Monsters: Archer, Slimepool, Petrogerell, Hounddog, Hood, Sandglass

Yikes, well-stuffed dungeon! The path through is far from straightforward
or easy, but there's a lot you can find to make up for the maze-like
structure of the place. Once you get to the room with the goblet, you'll
have to fight a boss.


BOSS: Nightmare Exp: 4000 Fol: 9000
HP: 9,000 Resistances: None Difficulty: Average
Recommended Party: Claude, Rena, Celine, Ashton Suggested Level: 19-21

As with all enemies of this type, Nightmare can and does completely evade
physical attacks about 90% of the time. Meaning you need to spam spells
and KMs like Ripper Blast to even hit her. She's annoyingly fast, but not
that powerful overall.


After the fight, get the heck out of the dungeon, and head to the Lassguss
Mountains behind Cross.

Location: Lassguss Mountains Suggested Level: 21-23
Monsters: Pilesherry, Koboldking, Sargwen, Shout, Simurgh, Flyingray

As if to make up for the previous dungeon, this one is short and entirely
bereft of items. Note that this is a good place to level up. Anyway, just
make your way to the top, save at the bird nest, and battle XINE.


BOSS: XINE Exp: 8300 Fol: 3200
HP: 20,000 Resistances: None Difficulty: Average
Recommended Party: Claude, Rena, Celine, Ashton Suggested Level: 23-26

Clever name (read it backwards). Anyway, XINE is a flying enemy, meaning
you need to either use KMs that can reach that high (like Head Splitter, or
if you've leveled up quite a bit, Ripper Blast), or use physical attacks
and let your spellcasters do the main damage for you. XINE has a lot of
annoying moves, but he tends to focus on your fighters, so Rena should be
able to keep everybody alive while you rip XINE a new one.


After this, return to the Salva Drift where you found Ashton, and the
subquest will complete. Note that, though this subquest IS entirely
optional and Ashton will never leave the party even if you ignore it, you
get enough goodies from doing it that it's worth it.

PART VI: Lacuor Castle [D1LACOUR]

Location: Lacour
Items: Star Ruby

After a brief chat at the entrance, you're free to explore the town and
buy stuff. If you're feeling particularly ambitious, see the next section
for details on how you can power up and get another ally here on the Lacour
continent. If you're playing Rena's scenario, I suggest you level Claude
up quite a bit before continuing.

When you're satisfied that you're ready, visit the castle and talk to the
upper receptionist. Enter the Lacour Tournament of Arms, and then head to
the item shop area of town. Any shop you want is fine as a sponsor, so
pick one according to how much you think you'll need to focus on defense or
attack power. Once that's done, stay at the inn.

~ Rena's Scenario ~

Rena will run off after staying at the inn. Lead her to the far left side
of town, and talk to the little girl there, then go to the bar and talk to
the fighting men there. After a bit, Dias will show up. Head back to the
forge, then head back to the inn.

Go on up to the castle, and into the left wing, then upstairs into the
arena proper. Talk to the receptionist.

~ Claude's Scenario ~

Head into the waiting room, and you'll soon be in a battle. The fight is
not too hard, so you should prevail without trouble. Afterwards, go to the
stands and talk to your allies, then fight another battle. This time, keep
your distance and use long-range moves like Head Splitter, Air Slash, and
Ripper Blast. Once more, return to the stands and talk to your allies, and
then you'll be back in battle. You cannot win against Dias, so don't
bother trying.

~ Rena's Scenario ~

Follow Dias, then head to Gamgee's. After that, try to enter the tavern.
One easy fight later, you'll get the Sharpness. Go into the tavern and
talk to Gamgee, then head back to the arena. Note that, if you didn't
equip Dias' stuff on your party members but did remove it prior to this,
Dias will reclaim all of his equipment from you. Go to the upper end of
the arena, and down into the central viewing area. Then go around to the
far side and talk to Gamgee. Return to the viewing area and talk to
Claude. To trigger the rest of this area's story scenes, just keep exiting
the upper seating area and re-entering it, then walking into the upper part
of the central staircase.

After the tournament, go first to see Gamgee (the swordsmith living on the
far left side of town). If you got to the fight with Dias, he will give
you the Sharp Edge. Afterwards, go back to the item shop that sponsored
you and get your consolidation prize. After that, you're free to head to

IMPORTANT! If you got up to Dias in the tournament, visit Gamgee and get
the Sharp Edge BEFORE you leave Lacour! You cannot come back to get it
later! This is your only chance!


Once again, there's a lot of stuff you can do at any point as soon as you
get to the new continent. Here's the big tasks...

Finishing the Skill Dossier: You can buy the remaining skillsets you lack
from Hilton, Lacour, and Linga. This will net you a number of useful
abilities, and open the path to learning any Item Creation skill. I
suggest you level up Claude's Metalworking ability to 10, so you can take
advantage of a sword you'll be able to get soon.

Recruiting Precis: You can also recruit Precis at this point if you visit
Linga, so it may be worth a visit unless you plan to skip getting her. If
you do plan to get Precis, go to Linga, exit, do a PA, and go either to the
north side of town (Claude's scenario) or to the house in the lower left
corner of town (Rena's scenario) to initiate the sequence to recruit her.

Making Money: If you got a Marvel Sword from the Treasure Chest earlier,
then you have a chance to make a lot of money off of it now. Linga sells
Magical Film and a Magical Camera, or you can train up an ally (I suggest
Precis if you got her) in Mechanical skill and have them build a Ririca
instead. Either way, you can duplicate the Marvel Sword and sell it for
an insanely high price (even higher if you use Identify All! to raise the
price beforehand).

Leveling Up: Lacour's hotspot leveling area is the forests outside of the
Lacour Front Lines. You can find Salamanders there, who are very dangerous
and very valuable. If you're feeling less than enthusiastic about manually
leveling up by now, then you may want to try your hand at Reverse Side and
see if you can't make a Forged Medals item (if you haven't already gotten
one from the Mischief, that is). Use the Reproduction skill to duplicate
the Forged Medals as much as needed, and you'll be able to level up all of
your characters to level 100 if you so desire. This does, of course, break
the game's difficulty.

Eternal Sphere: This can only be done after the Tournament of Arms. Save
after you get the Sharp Edge from Gamgee, then level up Radar twice for an
ally. If you don't get at least 1 Mithril, reload and level Radar again.
Once you do get Mithril, save and (if you only got 1) repeat the process
for a different ally. Save after you have 2 Mithrils, then have Claude do
Metalworking on the Sharp Edge with Mithril. Once he successfully makes
the Minus Sword, save again. Then, Metalwork the Minus Sword with Mithril.
This will almost definitely take several tries, but it's worth it: it will
net you Eternal Sphere, the best sword in the game.


NOTICE: To do this subquest, you must not have Ashton! If you got Ashton
earlier, or if you missed the scene involving the three-eyed man in Cross,
you won't be able to recruit her. You can still recruit Opera if you went
as far as meeting Ashton and turning him down; the game only cares if he
actually joins the party or not for recruiting Opera.

After you complete the Tournament of Arms, head to Hilton's pub and watch
the scene there. Head back to Cross and ask the king about the three-eyed
woman, then head to the Mountain Palace.

Location: Mountain Palace Suggested Level: 12-15
Items: Luna Tablet, Crystal, Fairy's Statue, Emerald Ring, ?MINERAL,
Amber Robe, Crest Rod, Damascus, Fairy's Cologne, Wolfsbane, ?HERB,
Ressurection Bottle, ?JEWELERY, Cure Stone, Sweet Syrup, ?MINERAL, Cestus
Monsters: Archer, Slimepool, Petrogerell, Hounddog, Hood, Sandglass

Same items as in Ashton's scenario, as you can see. Make your way in, and
recruit Opera as soon as you find her. You can technically quit at this
point, but since you're here, you may as well continue and get the items in
this dungeon. There's a boss fight of sorts partway in against some
Salamander lookalikes. They're not too hard, they're just like Salamanders
are. Once you find Ernest's lab, you can leave.

NOTE: If you plan to recruit Ernest, return to Arlia now and enter Shingo
Forest. Go to the upper right corner of the clearing in the forest, and
watch the scene there. If you have Precis recruited, Opera will get the
Seventh Ray as well. This is required for getting Ernest, but if you don't
plan to get him, DO NOT WATCH THIS SCENE! Opera will leave your party upon
finding Ernest if you refuse to take him along.


Once you get to Linga, visit the house furthest to the right in the middle
of town. Then go visit the pharmacy on the north end of town, and talk to
the shopkeep from the wrong side of the counter. After that, it's off to
the Linga Sanctuary.

Location: Sanctuary of Linga
Items: Lavender x3, Wolfsbane, Mandrake, Artemis Leaf, Aceras x2,
Rose Hips, Ruby, Mixed Syrup, Might Chain, Rainbow Diamond, Bubble Lotion,
Straight Punch, Twin-Edge, ?GUARD, Spring Water, Cinderella Glass

I suggest you avoid collecting herbs until you've found the rare one
you're after. There are two ways to go about this dungeon: you can either
collect every herb in sight until you find Clarisage, or you can hold off
until you reach the back of the cave and get a Dill Whip. Both of them
will work, but Bowman will be more impressed by a Dill Whip. If you visit
the very back of the cave, you'll find the last of the treasures, and a
pack of 3 Visseyers. These enemies can eat your allies when they attack,
but attacking them after they swallow an ally will force them to release
whomever they ate. Regardless, you can return to Linga once you have
either a Clarisage or a Dill Whip.

Show Bowman the herb you got, then head to Kieth's again. If you didn't
recruit Precis, Bowman will offer to go along with you; it's your call if
you want to take him up on that. Anyway, after all's said and done, return
to Lacour, and head to the basement of the castle.

PART VIII: The Hoffman Ruins [D1HOFFMAN]

Now you have Bratrat... er, Leon in the party (for now). Head to Hilton
and take the ship to the Hoffman Ruins, and head on inside.

Location: Hoffman Ruins
Items: Cure Stone, Recoil Bracelet, Angel Hair, Light Box, Aquaberry,
Dictionary, Cure Paralysis, Holy Mist, Green Beryl x2, Zephyr Earring,
Orichalcum, 1-Up Pudding, Gold, Hyperball, Diamond, Spring Water,
Fruit Syrup, Hot Syrup, Peep Half, Material Kit, Peep-Peep Bomb,
Blackberry, Sturm Ring, 'Spring', ?HERB, Sour Syrup, Paralysis Check

This place is big, long, and annoying. Along the way, you'll occasionally
find explosives which you can detonate. A few of these reveal items, but
most just damage you and accomplish nothing. That said, you may as well
activate all of them, seeing as healing is not difficult at all. Once you
reach the lowest part of the ruins, save and head in for a boss fight.


BOSS: Harfainx x2 Exp: 40000 Fol: 10000
HP: 36,700 Resistances: Light, Dark, Difficulty: Average
Recommended Party: 3 fighters + Rena Suggested Level: 32-35

The Harfainx enemies love to cast lightning spells, so try and focus on
whatever one your allies are not focusing on at the moment. If you keep
them busy with your fighters, they won't be able to cast their spells, and
thus won't be hard at all. Just be sure to heal if they do somehow slip
past your defenses and cast a spell, and do not under any circumstances let
them spell-combine: combined Thunderstorm can easily do over 2000 damage to
all allies.


After the fight, exit the Hoffman Ruins. Note that, if you recruited
Opera and saw her downed ship in Shingo Forest, you will have an additional
sequence here and have to fight another boss.


BOSS: Ghost Exp: 52000 Fol: 85000
HP: 8,200 Resistances: None Difficulty: Very Easy
Recommended Party: 3 fighters + Rena Suggested Level: 32-35

Ahahahaha, you're kidding me, right? This guy is pathetically easy. The
best move he has is Black Saber. I cannot see how he will be anything
resembling a problem for you if you could handle the Harfainxes.


After the fight, you get the option to either ditch Opera, or recruit both
her and Ernest; I suggest you recruit him. If you do recruit him, go to
both Mars and Linga and save outside them, then do a PA and find Ernest.
Pickpocket him in both places to get 2 Battle Suits, ridiculously powerful
armor that has 500 defense.

Regardless, head back to Lacour, and visit Lacour Castle's throne room.

PART IX: The Lacuor Front Line [D1FRONT]

NOTE: This is the point of no return for disc 1. As soon as you go to the
Lacour Front Line and join up, you will not be able to return to the world
map. Be sure to prepare sufficiently before continuing.

Head to the Lacour Front Line now, which is in the opposite direction from
Linga, following a different road than the one to Hilton. Once you're
there, visit the commander's office on the top level, right-most room.
Leave the room for some story scenes.

~ Rena's Scenario ~

Go follow Dias and talk to him. If you want him in your party, ask him
to join up with you. Then go out on the balcony.

The next day, talk to everybody at the front, then enter the main hallway.
Go up to the pavillion. You'll be thrown automatically into a battle.


BOSS: Shin Exp: N/A Fol: N/A
HP: 21,000 Resistances: All Difficulty: Impossible
Recommended Party: 3 fighters + Rena Suggested Level: 32-35

This is one of the most annoying battles in the game: you have to survive
for 1 minute, but you cannot damage the boss, and the boss ignores your
defenses entirely. There's nothing to indicate that you need to stay alive
in this fight, either. Anyway, just avoid the boss as best you can, and
draw it away from Rena so she can heal as necessary. After the minute's
up, Shin will leave.


After the fight, talk to the commander in his office, then go back to the
infirmary and try to exit it. More story scenes commence (and if you have
Precis, you'll get a Thunder Punch). Exit the pavillion once you can, and
head into the main part of the hall. Next time you have control, you'll be
in yet another fight (an easy one against some Stonestatues), then a boss


BOSS: Shin Exp: N/A Fol: N/A
HP: 21,000 Resistances: All Difficulty: Impossible
Recommended Party: 3 fighters + Rena Suggested Level: 32-35

Nice FMV Elvis 'do, Shin. Anyway, this time there's no time limit on the
battle, so feel free to get your arse handed to you as fast as you please.
This battle is a good chance to raise skill for Healing Star and/or Secret
Medicine, at least. Don't you just hate must-lose battles?



After all that, you'll be on the continent of El. The story here varies
ever so slightly depending on who you chose as your main character, but not
enough to warrant special notes. Make your way up to the Eluria Colony.

Location: Eluria Colony
Items: Plate Mail x2, Rune Cap, Giant Fists, Silver Greaves x2,
Metal Fangs, Silver Robe x2, Shield Sword, Veil Piercer, Fine Shield,
ID Card*

After some brief (sappy) story scenes, you'll be back in control.

~ Claude's Scenario ~

If you want to recruit Leon, be sure to tell the Elder that you'll take
Leon along instead of leaving him there.

Visit the armory, and raid the barrels. As you try to leave, the shop
owner will give you the ID Card. Make your way to Eluria Tower, in the
center of the continent.

Location: Eluria Tower Suggested Level: 35-38
Items: Meteor Ring, Holy Mist, Stone Check, Steel Helm, X Box,
Crestier Guard x2, Musical Software, Trickster, Cure Paralysis, Sapphire,
Aquaberry, Ultra Punch, Fresh Syrup, ?GUARD, Card Key, Murasame Sword,
Giant Fists, Gale Earring, Splinter, Spring Water
Monsters: Eldermagius, Goathead, Defender, Coldlizard, Darthwidow,

Go up to the door and use the ID Card to get inside. I love the music in
this place... Anyway, raid the rooms for their treasures (there's a hidden
room off to the left in the second section of the tower that has the
Trickster), and make your way up. Note that, if you haven't been leveling,
this place is a great spot to do so. Anyway, as you make your way towards
the top, you'll eventually find a statue of a priest. Talk to it and input
A P O C A. By doing so, you'll gain the Access Card, which lets you reach
the last part of the dungeon. Once you reach where you can use the Card
Key, if you go to the left, you can get a scene involving Claude. It's a
bit more verbose in Claude's scenario, so if you're playing his, look

~ Claude's Scenario ~

Upon being beamed up to the Calnus, make your way to the bridge, and then
pickpocket the cadet to the right of the door for a Battle Suit. If you
fail to steal this, you may want to reload, as Battle Suits are rare and
very powerful. Most of the rest of the ship's staff has useful stuff too,
so feel free to rob them all blind. Once you're ready, talk to Ronixis to
resume the plot.

Take the right path, be sure to use the save point, then go face Shin


BOSS: Shin Exp: 45,400 Fol: 52,100
HP: 21,000 Resistances: All Difficulty: Average
Recommended Party: 3 fighters + Rena Suggested Level: 38-41
Items: Emerald Ring

Now he can be beaten, and he's actually not that hard. He comes with two
Stonestatues (2,200 HP each), but they're barely even minor annoyances.
Use your best flying KMs, and avoid letting Shin get too close, since he
can absorb HP and MP via his Spoiling attack. Ripper Blast, Head Splitter,
and other such aerial attacks will see you through.


After the battle, head upstairs. Feel free to eplore the side rooms, but
do not enter the right-hand door in the area that the middle door leads to
until you're ready to finish disc 1. Doing so will trigger the final boss
fight of this disc, as well as a lot of exposition.


BOSS: Berle Exp: N/A Fol: N/A
HP: 100,000 Resistances: All Difficulty: Impossible
Recommended Party: 3 fighters + Rena Suggested Level: 42-45

Just like the first Shin fight, you have to survive for 1 minute without
having everybody die. To make this easier to do, set all of your allies'
AI to Do Nothing, then use your controlled character to kite Berl around
the battlefield for the whole minute.


After the fight, the disc ends. Prease insult disc 2.

Disc 2 Walkthrough

PART XI: Energy Nede [D2NEDE]

As the second half of Star Ocean 2 opens, you witness a confusing and
almost nonsensical conversation between the Ten Wise Men. The party will
wake up, and Rena will inform them that they're at the Outer Wall Paradise.
Before long, the party will find a transporter, and you'll take control of
the party again in a much more high-tech facility. Leave the Transporter
Room, and watch as a short conversation ensues between the party and the
mayor of Central City, Narl.

~ Rena's Scenario ~

Narl will ask to speak with Rena alone. It's just a brief little chat,
and not that important.

Once your party is assembled, look around town. Be sure to visit every
location in Central City, and upgrade your equipment.

RECRUITMENT NOTICE: Make sure you see the strange red-haired woman near
the inn in Central City before you leave the city! This is critical for
recruiting a character later.

Once your party is equipped and ready, leave Central City, and go
northwards, to North City. There's a lot of stuff available in North City
that can't be found anywhere else, so you may want to get as much as
possible here, as well. When you feel you're ready, go to the building on
the far upper right side of town, the Synard home.

Talk to the receptionist, and visit the director's office on the first
floor. A boss fight will commence shortly.


BOSS: Synard Exp: 80000 Fol: 20000
HP: 43,000 Resistances: None Difficulty: Average
Recommended Party: 3 ranged fighters + Rena Suggested Level: 50-55

The Synard is a flying boss, meaning that sword-users and ground-based
attackers will have a hard time against it. Your team for fighting the
Synard should include Opera w/Alpha on One, Ernest w/Broken Heart, Precis
w/Ally-Oop!, and/or Bowman w/Poison Pills. As long as they use their
Killer Moves as much as possible, the Synard will be done for in no time.


With that accident over, the director will inform you that you'll have to
get a Synard another way, and sends you through yet another transporter.


Location: Noel's House
Items: Nature's Life Force, Pet Food, 50,000 FOL

You'll find yourself deposited in yet another transporter room (which you
should leave, obviously). Upon exiting the teleporter, you'll see that
the building you're in is little more than a log cabin, and that it's
inhabitant is back. The owner introduces himself as Noel, and informs you
that you're at an endangered species preserve. After a short conversation,
he joins you to guide you through the Cave of Red Crystals to find a wild
Synard. Leave his house (after grabbing the stuff in it), and head towards
the large cave on the island.

Location: Cave of Red Crystal Suggested Level: 55-60
Items: Dream Bracelet, Heraldry, ?MINERAL, Resurrection Bottle,
Cinderella Glass, Flying Hawk Robes, Fruit Syrup, ?MINERAL, Link Combo,
Fairy Glass, Chisato's Job ID*
Enemies: Hellhound, Bang, Raystinger, Periton

The Cave of Red Crystal isn't hard, and there's no time limit (despite
Noel's comment), so take your time and get all of the treasures. About
halfway through, when going to grab a chest below the main path, you should
see the red-haired reporter trip and drop her job ID. If you don't, then
you forgot to see her earlier in Central City, and that means that you
won't be able to recruit her. After seeing her trip, grab her Job ID, and
continue through the cave to the Synard. The Synard is being attacked,
though (of course), so you have to fight it's attackers.


BOSS: Arcmene x2 Exp: 78,000 Fol: 52,000
HP: 40,000 Weak Points: Thunder Difficulty: Average
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 60-65
Items: Reverse Doll, Steel Armor

These spider-ladies aren't really all that tough, they're just resillient.
Thrash them constantly so that they stay peeped, and they won't pose any
threat at all. They can teleport and throw sickles, just like their non-
boss selves can, but they're hardly difficult to corner.


With the threat taken care of, the plot will continue, and you will get
the Synard. Head back to Central City now.

Back in Central City, go up to the third floor, and visit the Nede
Chronicle. Talk to the red-haired reporter you kept running into, and you
can choose to recruit her (assuming she did follow you around). From here,
just head up to the mayor's office, and he'll tell you what to do next. To
sum it up, you need to collect the four powers of Nede from the Fields of
Power, Intelligence, Courage, and Love. He gives you the keys to these
Fields (the Rune Codes), and sends you on your way.

PART XIII: The Four Fields

The entire world of Nede is open to you now, so let's have an overview of
the locations and options available at this point.

Giveaway: This town has some unique items for sale, and you can start the
quest to find out the information in the North City secret files here, as
well. On one of the smaller islands north of Giveaway, there is a hidden
shop (called Fake Gallery), which sells fairly high-quality items at very
high prices.

Location: Giveaway
Items: Fairy Glass

Armlock: For now, this is simply the best place to buy weapons at (although
you should be able to outmatch what you can buy here via Customize).

Fun City: A good place to go if you want to level up specific characters in
the Battle Arena, or if you want to collect prizes from the battling
tournament. The Bunny Races are very hard to win, as is Master Chef, and
the rewards from each are minimal, so stick with the battling tournament.

L'Aqua: There's not much you can really do here at this point, save some

Now then, you have four Fields you can pick and choose from. Each Field
has a section dedicated to it, and you can actually take them on in any
order you want.

The Field of Intelligence [D2FINTEL]

Location: Field of Intelligence
Items: Fairy Glass, Jeanne's Helm, Alpha Box, Mirror of Wisdom, Rune Metal,
Great Punch, Fruit Syrup
Monsters: Ricki, Wizard, Controller, Reflectguard

This dungeon is a bit irksome. Progress is made by checking the mirrors,
and your goal is to flag all the switches in the central hub. You can
easily do this by visiting every mirror, so a guide to doing this should
not be even remotely necessary. After the switches are hit, the path to
the boss will be open.


BOSS: Magichand Exp: 161,600 Fol: 82,200
HP: 130,000 Weak Points: None Difficulty: Average
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 60-65
Items: Ressurection Mist, Cinderella Glass, Rare Gauntlets, Reverse Doll

This boss is annoying for many reasons, most notable being that it has 4
sub-bosses with it (2 Magicboxes, a Guardbox, and a Workbox, all with
30,000 HP each). Focus on the "box" enemies first, but beware: the Workbox
and Guardbox will absorb star attacks, so Eternal Sphere will heal those
two enemies. That aside, the fight is mostly annoying, and is easiest when
done with allies who have good aerial KMs.


The fight over, you get the Jewel of Intelligence. Leave the Field

The Field of Power [D2FPOWER]

Location: Field of Power
Items: Marvel Sword, Blackberry, Rune Full Moon, Assault Bomb,
Melting Lotion, Jeanne's Armor, ?GUARD (Mithril Helm), Atlas Ring
Monsters: Insaneload, Darkcrusader, Atulatul, Ghast, Yety*

This Field is almost notorious, due to a few ape monsters that can turn
off switches and block side paths in the process (which lead to treasures),
called Yety (sic). Many a player has quit in frustration at this point due
to those apes... Anyway, the dungeon itself is actually fairly
straightforward, with quite a few side-paths for you to take and collect
treasures from. Once you've cleaned the place out (it takes a bit of time,
and there are about 5 of those switch-flicking Yety groups), make your way
to the summit. Before long, you'll be fighting the Guardian of this Field.


BOSS: Guardian Exp: 150,000 Fol: 64,000
HP: 130,000 Weak Points: Earth, Fire, Water Difficulty: Average
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 60-65
Items: Protection Ring

Gee, what an original boss name... Anyway, Guardian's a pushover if you
have good fighting techniques like Ripper Blast and Alpha on One. He's a
heavy hitter, but if you get him peeped, he'll never hit you even once.
Just don't rely on spellcasters for him, or you're right screwed.


After the fight, grab the jewel, then high-tail it off the mountain (yes,
you have to walk all the way back...).

The Field of Courage [D2FCOURAG]

Location: Field of Courage
Items: Sour Syrup, Spring Water, Jeanne's Shield, Mithril Greaves,
Stone Check, Warrior Statue*
Monsters: Darkcrusader, Insaneload, Rikilo, Otif, Fenrilbeast

The trick to this place is to find the Warrior Statue, then make your way
up to the second floor and use it. Though the encounter rate is high, and
most fights are side attacks, you shouldn't have too much trouble if you
managed to get this far. Place the Warrior Statue on the pedestal on the
second floor to initiate the boss fight.


BOSS: Guardian Exp: 150,000 Fol: 64,000
HP: 130,000 Weak Points: Earth, Fire, Water Difficulty: Average
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 60-65
Items: Protection Ring

This is the exact same boss as the previous Field had. Same tactics apply
here as did there.


After the fight, grab the jewel and go.

The Field of Love [D2FLOVE]

Location: Field of Love
Items: Serpent's Tooth, Ressurection Mist, Holy Robe, Hot Syrup
Monsters: Reflectguard, Masterwizard, NiquiaHG, Controlkey, Rikiha

This one is flying in the sky. It's annoying as hell, but not very hard
to finish, since it's so tiny. There are switches on some of the platforms
that cause them to rotate, which you'll need to hit to reach the boss and
to get all the treasures. Once you get to the end, you'll fight (surprise
surprise!) another boss.


BOSS: Lover Exp: 55,200 Fol: 38,040
HP: 60,000 Weak Points: Light Difficulty: Average
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 60-65

Lover comes with 2 Breakwings (30,000 HP each) who should be taken out
first, since they use nasty magic like Star Flare. Once you've got the
Breakwings down, Lover's a total joke.


Grab the jewel and leave.

PART XIV: The Ten Wise Men

Assault on Feinal [D2FEINAL]

Once you have all 4 Jewels, return to Central City and talk to Mayor Narl
to begin the campaign to take down the 10 Wise Men. When you get control
again, head out to the world map, save (if you want to), and enter Feinal.
After some story, you'll fight a bunch of robots, and then a "boss".


BOSS: Marsillio Exp: N/A Fol: N/A
HP: 150,000 Resistances: None Difficulty: Impossible
Recommended Party: 3 fighters + Rena Suggested Level: 65-70

Getting sick of can't-win battles? This is the last of them, and it's
also (pleasantly enough) NOT a time-limited battle. Let Marsillio rip you
a new one, so the fight ends fast. Note that, if an ally has an Algol
equipped, you can sometimes insta-kill Marsillio when he hits them. This
has zero impact on the plot, however; it will always act like you lost.


Afterwards, you'll be back in Central City, and be told to head to Armlock

Anti-Matter Weapons [D2WEAPONS]

In Armlock, go to the far north side of town, and talk to Narl. He will
lead you to the Heraldry Weapons Laboratory.

Location: Heraldry Weapons Laboratory
Items: Mind Ring

The Mind Ring is in a side area off to the right. Anyway, make your way
to the central data banks in the north part of the laboratory, then go back
outside and into the forest below the transporter back to Armlock.
Afterwards, go to Mirage's house (she lives in the center of town), and
after you see her about the data, go to the Minhe Cavern in the south of
Energy Nede.

Location: Minhe Cavern
Items: Fruit Syrup, ?MINERAL, Encyclopedia, Fresh Syrup, Smelling Salts,
Mithril Mesh, Smith's Hammer, Spring Water, Meteorite, Wonder Drug,
Lightning Gun, Dummy Doll, Aceras, LEA Metal*

This dungeon is unique: the walls are basically monsters, and monsters are
all over the place. The encounter rate is truly ridiculous. BUT, when you
beat the boss, the random encounters all go away. So it's in your best
interest to make it to the back of the cave and face the boss first thing.


BOSS: Bark Exp: 59,800 Fol: 55,000
HP: 150,000 Weak Points: None Difficulty: Easy
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 65-70

Bark does not move, or attack, or do anything... at first. But once the
fight has lasted long enough, Bark uses Lost Patience, which does pretty
good damage to all allies. He'll keep doing Lost Patience at regular (and
very slow) intervals. Seeing as he NEVER attacks you, you'd have to be
very low-leveled to lose this fight.


After the fight, you can take the LEA metal to Mirage in Armlock. After
that, equip your new antimatter weapons (if you'd like), then tell the
assistant you want to see Mayor Narl, then prepare to fight another boss.


BOSS: Marsillio Exp: 72,000 Fol: 50,000
HP: 150,000 Weak Points: None Difficulty: Fairly Easy
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 65-70

Not so badass now that he can't ignore defense, and doesn't take 0 damage,
huh? Marsillio's a pushover who only does close-range attacks. Hit him
with a long-range delaying attack like Alpha on One while your close-range
allies move in for the kill while he's stunned. Easy easy.


Afterwards, leave the arena to fight ANOTHER boss.


BOSS: Shiego Exp: 83,000 Fol: 54,000
HP: 160,000 Weak Points: None Difficulty: Easy
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 65-70

Shiego's a fast bastard, but that's all he has going for him. His attacks
barely do anything, so just corner and pummel him like the ass he is.


After that, head to Armlock and go towards Mirage's house for ANOTHER
boss. Sick of these yet?


BOSS: Berle Exp: 99,000 Fol: 58,000
HP: 170,000 Weak Points: None Difficulty: Easy
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 65-70
Items: Merlin Drink

Berle can use a move called Meta-Guard, which puts him in immune state
briefly, but that's his only advantage in this fight. Once his blue
barrier wears off (and it doesn't last long), move in and pummel him good.


Once that's over, you're finally able to move about on your own again.

The Final Strike [D2FINAL]

When you're good and ready, head to L'Aqua. After a story scene with your
lead character and whomever likes them best, you'll be back onto the Herush
and on your way to Feinal once more.

Location: Feinal
Items: Mithril Shield, Heraldry Book, Spark Whip, Nuclear Bomb, Left Cross,
?ITEM, Ressurection Mist, Lotus Eater, Beta Box, Atomic Punch,
Sylvan Boots, Mithril, Titan's Fists, Rune Shoes, Pleiad Sword,
Fresh Syrup, Spring Water, Spark, Clap Rod, Duel Helm, Sage's Stone,
Flash Pot, Aceras, Duel Suit, Goddess Statue, Cure Stone

Big, long, hard. Feinal. The biggest phallus in the world. *bong* Start

Big, long, hard. Feinal. The last dungeon of the game. This place will
take a while to complete, rest assured. As you enter, you'll have to fight
not one, not two, but THREE of the Ten Wise Men at once.


BOSS: Three Wise Men Exp: 72,000 Fol: 70,000
HP: See below Weak Points: None Difficulty: Somewhat Hard
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 70-75
Items: Reverse Doll

You're fighting against Ruprecht (105,800 HP), Nicolus (45,500 HP), and
Jibril (85,200). Nicolus is the one you want to get rid of first, both
because he has the least HP and because he uses the nastiest magic. Jibril
comes next, since he's also pretty nasty, and Ruprecht can wait for last.
This fight is utterly insane, so be prepared for some unexpected twists.


After the fight, head in and head up. The dungeon has two different paths
at first, one of which leads to some items, and the other of which leads up
to the next boss pair. On the fifth floor, use the save point and go face
the next batch of Wise Men.


BOSS: Vesper & Decus Exp: 197,000 Fol: 65,000
HP: See below Weak Points: None Difficulty: Somewhat Hard
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 75-80

Vesper has 140,000 HP, Decus has 180,000 HP. Vesper is the spellcaster in
this fight, while Decus does brute force attacks. Focus on Vesper first,
then let Decus have it. The fight will only be slightly less crazy than
the previous boss was, but it's quite doable.


More dungeon follows after this, in the form of a puzzle floor. You need
to hit all 4 of the hidden switches to progress. It's not a particularly
hard puzzle, just time-consuming to find and hit every switch. Once you
get them all, continue onwards to the next save point and face Cyril.


BOSS: Cyril Exp: 460,000 Fol: 80,000
HP: 300,000 Weak Points: None Difficulty: Somewhat Hard
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 80-85

Now it's getting serious. Cyril is a hell of an attacker AND a hell of a
mage, so you've got your work cut out for you. Keep your HP up as you wail
on him with your best attacks. This fight will take some time (as his high
HP count no doubt suggests), but he's quite beatable. Just don't use any
elemental KMs on him, and no mages; he's immune to all elemental damage.


Continue onwards, and save at the last save point. You can now return to
Fun City and access Expel again, if you so desire. The remainder of this
guide will tell you how to beat the last boss.


BOSS: Indalecio Exp: 600,000 Fol: 90,000
HP: 500,000 Weak Points: None Difficulty: Hard
Recommended Party: 3 fighters & Rena Suggested Level: 85+

Indalecio is fast, furious, and deadly. Do not underestimate him, or he
will kick your ass. If you have Opera, her Alpha on One will be a true
lifesaver, since Indalecio can be hitstunned from attacks. Pound on him
with your fastest and best KMs and attacks, and do not let up on healing or
attacking. After a bit, Indalecio will attempt to break his Limiter, but
unless you've returned to Central City and seen Filia's end, he'll fail to
do so. If he does break his Limiter, DO NOT LET HIM CAST SPELLS! His
magic power becomes obscenely high without the limiter, meaning that his
magic will almost definitely do 9999 damage to your whole party if he pulls
any spell off. Should you remove his Limiter, consider yourself fairly


Congratulations, you've won Star Ocean 2!


Side-quests and Secrets

Cave of Trials [SQCOT]

After you've reached the final save point in Feinal and used it, you open
up a very special feature: the ability to return to Expel. Leave Feinal (I
know, it's a hell of a trip), and go back to Fun City. From there, talk to
the old man standing on the far side of the Battling Arena (he's wearing a
green hat), and tell him to revive your memories. Leave Arlia, and you'll
see that you have a Synard in Expel now! This means that you can go to the
far island off in the southwest corner of the world map that you couldn't
reach before! Go there, and you'll find the bonus dungeon, lovingly called
the Cave of Trials.

Floor 1 - Heraldic Ruins
Items: Fruit Nectar, Blueberry, Tri-emplem, Juicy Beef, Wonder Drug,
Nuclear Bomb, Link Stock
Monsters: Livingarmor, Warlock, Weirdknight, Gloomwing

The easiest of all of the floors, this area's mainly just to get you up to
par with the cave. There are no secrets or hidden items on this floor, and
everything is in plain sight (including the path to the exit), so feel free
to explore. The boss of the first floor is Darkfeather, a succubus boss
who can petrify your party members, and who dodges physical attacks quite
frequently. She's not too tough, fortunately. Victory against her nets
you a pair of Bunny Shoes, and access to the second floor.

Floor 2 - Lover's Alley
Items: Purity Leaf, Link Combo, Reflective Armor, Resurrection Mist
Monsters: Giant, Huntinggel, Cavesting, Weirdaxe

This floor is rather annoying. Because of the horrid translation, it's
all but impossible to understand the plaque at the entrance that tells you
the solution. The basic idea is to make each statue face the statue that
they "love" (according to what the plaque says). Here's a quick guide to
what direction each statue has to face:

Yufie - South
Lloyd - East
Cistina - South
Feria - East
Luke - North
Milene - South
Sharon - West

That will open the door to the boss of the second floor, Bloodgrell. Note
that the Link Combo is on the ground between Luke and Milene. The boss of
this floor is really just a regular monster on later floors, but he has the
same ability as all monsters of his type: to split in two. Be wary, and
use your best combos to kill him quick.

Floor 3 - Single Path Cave
Items: Slayer's Ring, Fruit Nectar (x2), Sylvan Mail, Wonder Drug,
Dream Crown, Juicy Beef
Monsters: Bloodgerell, Weirdgoat, Lesserdemon, Warlock

This floor is fairly easy, but you have to keep an eye on what you're
doing so that you don't backtrack. I've outlined a fairly good path below.
| | < | | < |
| | ^ | | ^ |
| | ^ | < | ^ |
| > | > | > | ^ |

S: Start/exit
<,>,^,v: Directions
| |: Room

The boss of this floor is a group of Dreamshades (hourglass monsters).
They can use a rather annoying skill called Dream Peace, which stops all
allies for about five seconds. To avoid this pesky state, control Rena and
have her cast Ray every chance possible. Alternately, open the circle
command menu and wait until your characters resume their normal "standing
in place" poses when Dream Peace is activated. Victory nets you some
Magical Drops.

Floor 4 - Dancing God's Altar
Items: Fruit Nectar, Black Earring, Peep Non, Resurrection Mist,
Purity Leaf, Seraphic Garb, Illusive Shamisen, Extinction spell
Monsters: Huntinggel, Punkponk

This floor has two hidden walls right off the bat, with Leon's best spell
hidden in a chest behind one of them. The area is still very simple,
requiring little thought (flip both levers, and go into the center room to
meet the Dancing God; play her a song with a high-skill musician, and you
will net yourself the Illusive Shamisen).

The boss is behind a hidden wall along the left path, and is called
Miel128. He's a real pain in the arse, and can shoot his rockets in three
directions. He also blocks attacks quite a bit. Even so, he can be
peeped, so once he is, you'll have no trouble at all. Once he's finished,
you can reach the next level.

Floor 5 - Lady's Revenge
Items: Fresh Syrup, Slayer's Ring, Wonder Drug, Juicy Beef, Fruit Nectar,
Fairy Ring, Seraphic Garb, Weird Slayer
Monsters: Dragonaxe, Ladyquimira, Atlus, Gloomsting, Greatergoat

A deceptively easy floor. As soon as you enter the second area, you'll
encounter none other than Puffy, the princess of the Fun City arena! Tell
her whatever you want, it doesn't matter. Soon enough, you'll be in an
utterly hopeless battle with a Weird Beast. Just run away (it takes a good
five or six hours to beat it at this point, since you don't have a Weird
Slayer), and explore the floor a bit. You'll see Puffy being harassed by
some Dreamshades a bit further in, so go ahead and save her. She'll drop a
Weird Slayer, possibly the most useful weapon in the game, which you should
equip on Rena. Now, go find her Weird Beast, and slay it. Take the Red
Lotus Gem you get from it, open the previously sealed door, and go on down
to the sixth floor.

Floor 6 - Burglar's Nest
Items: Cure Poison, Dream Crown
Monsters: FunnyThief, MetalFunny, Dreamshade

This floor's a real breather compared to the previous floors. The only
enemies down here are FunnyThieves (the first enemies in the game),
FunnyMetals (which can only be killed by a Funny Slayer), and Dreamshades
(which are really quite rare). If you nabbed a Funny Slayer on disc 1,
equip it on Rena now. Make your way into the area, and you'll find
yourself in a room full of statues. Sometimes, you can meet a fellow here
called Santa (he looks like a regular merchant, though). He sells lots of
useful stuff, including Tri-Emblems and most of the high-level rocks.
Anyway, the puzzle on this floor involves finding the statue with a switch
behind it, so just check the back of each statue until you find it. It
should be the one in the lower right corner.

The boss of the area is a FunnyThief Level 99, accompanied by a few
Dreamshades, a regular FunnyThief and a Dragonaxe. I don't think the Funny
Slayer works on him, so you'll have to beat him up the old-fashioned way.
Be wary, he's extremely fast, and hits hard; gang up on him with KMs like
Alpha on One and Ripper Blast, so he can't nail somebody in a corner and
rip them apart. Once he's down, you may want to take the portal in the
side room back up to the first floor, so you can go outside and save.

Floor 7 - Goddess's Altar
Items: Tri-emplem, Fresh Syrup, Resurrection Mist, Ganze Sea Urchin,
Purity Leaf, Peep Non, Weird Slayer, Bunny Shoes, 'Ishidaya' Tea,
Yukiyachu Tea, Cracked Gem
Monsters: F-thiefL99, Orbiterbeast, Lastavenger, Meigus, Robinfake

This floor can be a real pain. The item you're looking for to get to the
next floor is the Cracked Gem, which is in a chest somewhere on the floor.
Once you get it, you need to repair it with Metalwork (don't worry, I don't
think you can fail, and if you do, you'll probably just get the Cracked Gem
right back).

The boss of the seventh floor is the Mithril Eater, a clone of the Barker
from the Mihne Cave that makes the Barker look weak. He can't move, but he
can be peeped, so the fight should be relatively uneventful. Victory will
also net you a Million Staff, the best rod for Celine, Noel, and Leon. Get
the treasures in the side room, then head on down to the next floor.

Floor 8 - Food God
Items: Lavender, Funny Slayer, Seraphic Garb, Amoeba Soup, Slime Jelly,
Soda Pop, Million Staff, Wonder Drug, Fresh Syrup, Ganze Sea Urchin,
Special Tuna, Peep Non
Monsters: Killergigant, Foriger, Weirddevil, Starguarder

This floor is cute, if somewhat annoying. Make sure you have about 10 or
15 non-failure foods in your inventory, as well as a Mandrake or Wolfsbane
(or both). The floor is essentially 90% optional, so go ahead and run up
to the face on the far wall and start feeding it. Eventually, you'll be
given the option to feed Mandrake and/or Wolfsbane, do so. Who should
appear but everybody's favorite little queen of Fun City's arena, Puffy?
The door to the exit opens, though, so no harm done.

The boss of this floor is a slug monster, called Erysin Beast, and not
very difficult at all. Be wary, it can eat party members (although only
one at a time). Like most monsters at this point, it can be peeped, so
feel free to give it a nice big dose of Eternal Sphere + Slayer's Ring.
Upon defeating it, you get a fairly useless Gelatin Steak.

Floor 9 - Sealed Coffin
Items: Artemis Leaf, Valiant Boots, Resurrection Mist, Wonder Drug
Monsters: Cockatricking, Brigandogre, Weirdmalesk, Robinmaster

A straightforward floor, with no boss (yet). Get whatever treasures you
happen to fancy, then head for the exit to the 10th floor.

Floor 10 - Decision Point
Items: Funny Slayer, Bunny Shoes, Fresh Syrup, Valkyrie Boots x2,
Rainbow Diamond, Sage's Stone, Valiant Boots, Million Staff, Purity Leaf,
Meteor Swarm spell (Celine), tri-Ace technique (Ashton), Valiant Guard
Monsters: Liveflayer, Mindflayer, Miel128, Clubgunner

This floor is similar to the 3rd floor, but now you get to pick the path
you take. Here's a layout of the map:

x 1 2 3 4
y ___ ___ ___ ___
1 | R | G | G | & |
2 | Y | G | R | R |
3 | G | G | Y | Y |
4 | * | Y | R | R |

* - You start here
& - The stairs to the next floor
G - Green; safe to pass through
Y - Yellow; damages you as you walk through
R - Red; damages you as you walk through

Take note that the enemies down here are ruthless. Clubgunners can do a
lot of damage (they're the walking mechs), MindFlayers can suck your entire
MP store away in a hit or two, and LiveFlayers (which look exactly like
MindFlayers, save that their casing is all white) can turn even level 255
heroes into corpses in seconds. There are also weak Miel128's, which are
utterly impossible to tell apart from LiveFlayers. Hitting first is of
critical importance on this floor. Bloody Armor may be required for any
hope of survival.

There are some chests in some of the rooms, listed below in (x,y) format
corresponding to the numbers on the above chart.

(1,1) Bunny Shoes
(1,2) Funny Slayer
(2,4) Fresh Syrup
(3,2) Valkyrie Boots
(3,4) Rainbow Diamond, Sage's Stone, Valkyrie Boots
(4,1) Tri-Ace (Ashton's last KM)
(4,2) Million Staff, Meteor Swarm (Celine's last spell)
(4,3) Purity Leaf
(4,4) Valiant Boots

The boss of this floor is a very large mech called Geo Guardian, that
(like all bosses in the cave so far) is peepable. He shouldn't cause you
any trouble, so long as you keep him peeped and unable to perform his nasty

Floor 11 - Dragon's Nest
Items: None whatsoever
Monsters: Mindflayer, Miel128, Dreamshade, Ghastricgel, Weird-mage,
Hellmaster, Owlbear

A very short floor, with a boss just a few steps in. The boss is a copy
of the Synard, and significantly harder. Give Claude his best aerial
skills (Dragon Howl and Ripper Blast, essentially), and give everybody else
their best air-based skills, and thrash it. Although the boss can be
peeped, it hardly matters. The fight will take a while, but not that long.
Victory nets you Float, the last combat Skill. You can't access the 12th
floor as of yet, though. You have to split up first, and go with only two
party members (I suggest Claude and Rena).

Floor 12 - Hall of Warriors
Items: Battle Suit x2, Valkyrie Guard, Bunny Shoes
Monsters: Mindflayer, Miel128, Dreamshade, Weird-mage, Hellmaster, Owlbear,

An exceptionally short floor, this one ends with the Phoenix boss. Since
you have to face it off with only two allies (hopefully Claude and Rena),
the fight could be a bit difficult. Give Claude Dragon Howl or Ripper
Blast (or both), and set Rena to Aid Allies. Use Dragon Howl/Ripper Blast
to keep the boss at bay, and restore MP as necessary. The fight is long,
but not difficult at all. Once you win, you get the Holy Sword Farwell,
the second-best sword in the game. Head on back up to the 11th floor and
use the escape panel to reunite with the party and save. Even though you
have the option to re-enter the cave with only two party members from now
on, you'll never have to again.

NOTE: Now you have to go back to Sealed Coffin (9th floor), and get the
Levantine Sword from the Wisesorcerer. He has a lot of HP, but can be
peeped, so he won't be tough at all. Once you have the Levantine Sword
(which is, by the way, the best weapon in the game), equip it on Dias or
Ashton and go down to the door behind Phoenix on the 12th floor. You may
have to fight Phoenix again, so be wary.

Final Floor - Holy Nest of Angels
Items: Valiant Guard, Valiant Mail, Angel Armband
Monsters: Soulmaster, Hell-servant, Rock-demon

This floor is quite small, but the random encounters are basically all
boss monsters that no other boss monster can possibly match up to. Keep
your party well equipped and ready, and be sure to grab the Valiant Guard
and Valiant Mail from the chests on this floor. There are two switches to
hit, so be sure you smack them both (one on either side of the main hall)
before you try to open the central door. Once you enter, you'll be
face-to-face with the second-hardest optional boss in the game, Gabrie


BOSS: Gabrie Celeste Exp.: 10,000,000 Fol: 5,000,000
HP: 1,000,000 Resistance: All elements Difficulty: Insane
Items: Holy Sword Farwell
Special Reward: Silver Trumpet
Reccomended Party: 3 heavy fighters and Rena Suggested Level: 170-255

Strategy: Gabrie is the fastest spell-caster in the game, and never fails
to pull off Motormouth. She can't be peeped, and she moves faster than
Bunny Shoes make you move (when she does move). Her attacks can do
anywhere from a few hundred to 9999 damage (depending on type and target's
defense). Have Rena set to aid allies, and have your two fighters
(preferrably Dias/Ashton for close range and Precis/Opera for long range)
set to use all of their MP. Control Claude, and slash the boss with the
Levantine Sword. Don't bother with killer moves, the boss blocks most of
them; just focus on striking her hard and fast. I found her to be quite
easy, myself, but I DID beat her in Earth Mode, so that may be why.


After defeating the boss, go claim your prize (an Angel Armband), and give
it to Claude. Don't use a Go Home Frog to escape, though. Now you can go
to any floor in the dungeon without random encounters! The damage effect
on the 10th floor is also gone. The two escape points also don't function
during this period. These bonuses only last until you leave, though, so
pick up every treasure you might have missed on your previous trips down.


Fun City is what you might call an easter egg. There are an amazing
number of things you can do here, from leveling up party members to getting
rare cooking ingredients. You can also get back to Expel from here, once
you save your game at the last save point in Feinal. Just talk to the old
man standing on the far side of the Battle Stadium (he's wearing a green
hat), and tell him that you do want him to revive your memories.

Now, for an overview of your options here...

BATTLE STADIUM: This place rules. You can level up your characters quick
here, and even win valuable items and Fol. I highly recommend you beat the
Survival Challenge when you can survive it, as it will net you the Fortune
(an accessory that gives you items while walking when worn).

BUNNY RACES: The bunny races are a great way to get more Bunny Shoes, and
possibly other prizes as well. I found that it's best to constantly bet on
the item you want, and not worry about betting on what seems to be the most
likely winning combo. Winning something you want eventually is better than
not standing a chance of ever winning at all, if you get my drift.

COOKING MASTER: This is tough, to say the least. If you start failing even
a little bit, you're basically screwed. But if you DO win, you can get
very rare cooking ingredients. The Beret and All-Purpose Knife seem to
help in this contest. The best strategy for this contest is to cook up
some dishes with common ingredients first, and then switch to the rarer
ingredients once your Press(ure) is down to about 10 or lower.

Making Quick Money [SQMONEY]

Money is tough to come by in Star Ocean 2, there's no question about that.
Near the end of the game, you can get some great items for prices that go
up to about 10 million Fol. Given that there are probably all of five
monsters that drop more than 50,000 Fol during the course of the game
(not counting boss monsters and Cave of Trial monsters), you're pretty much
left struggling with other means to get cash. Here are a few methods I've
figured out to make big bucks for small investments. Using Orchestra for
any of these is optional, but recommended for the first three.

METHOD #1: Marvel Swords
ITEMS NEEDED: Marvel Sword x1, Magical Film x20, Spectacles x2,
Magical Camera (or Ririca) x1
SKILLS NEEDED: Reproduction
WHAT TO DO: Simple, simple, simple. Organize items according to value,
then choose to perform Reproduction. The Marvel Sword should be at the top
of the list. Just attempt to reproduce it 20 times. Even if you fail 19
out of 20 times, it will still be a profitable effort. Since you can get a
Marvel Sword early on from a Treasure Chest item, this can be a great way
to make large quantities of FOL early in the game. Of course, if you don't
have a Marvel Sword, you're out of luck. Obviously, you should use
Identify All! to raise the price while selling the swords, and lower the
price while buying more film (and more Spectacles).

METHOD #2: Sage's Stones
ITEMS NEEDED: Iron x20, Spectacles x20, Conductor's Baton x20,
Lezard's Flask x1, Erlenmeyer Flask x1 (optional)
SKILLS NEEDED: Alchemy (Lv 8+), Identify
WHAT TO DO: Start up the orchestra, and quickly go into the Alchemy option.
Have your budding alchemist try to make Sage's Stones, and they should be
succeeding 75-100% of the time (depending on level and talents present).
The stones can be sold for a hefty 80,000 Fol with Identify All! used to
raise prices in shops. All that for a few 100 Fol pieces of iron. Not
bad, huh?

METHOD #3: Pallas Athenas
ITEMS NEEDED: Iron x20, Spectacles x20, Conductor's Baton x20,
Lezard's Flask x1, Erlenmeyer Flask x1 (optional), Smith's Hammer x20,
Magical Rasp x1
SKILLS NEEDED: Alchemy (Lv 10), Identify
SUPER SPECIALTIES NEEDED: Blacksmith (Lv 10), Identify All!
WHAT TO DO: This method requires more effort, but nets you far more cash.
Using Orchestra and Alchemy, make yourself a large amount of Mithril.
Then, use Orchestra and Blacksmith to turn that Mithril into Pallas Athena
shields (with the help of the Magical Rasp, of course). These shields are
the most valuable piece of armor you can forge outside of Ishtar's Robe,
and sell for 416,000 Fol with Identify All!'s raise price function. The
initial price of this method is higher, but the end result is far more
valuable than the first two methods.

METHOD #4: Valiant Guards
ITEMS NEEDED: Silver Trumpet, Conductor's Baton x20
SKILLS NEEDED: Musical Talent (Lv 7 exactly)
WHAT TO DO: Have an ally with level 7 Musical Talent summon a monster via
The Evil Melody. You'll face off the 10th floor boss of the Cave of
Trials, Geo Guardian. Defeating this mech always nets you a Valiant Guard,
worth 7,840,000 Fol with prices increased. You can summon him as many
times as you want (so long as Musical Talent remains at 7), so you can make
a lot of money very fast with this method. You DO have to defeat Gabrie
Celesta to be able to even do this, though, so it's not very helpful.

Immortality Methods [SQIMMORTAL]

The one thing everybody wants: the ability to be undefeatable! There are
three methods I know of to do this, and all three have their drawbacks.

METHOD #1: Lunatic Ring + Peep Non on all
ADVANTAGES: Nothing hurts you, and you can't be peeped (unable to move or
act for 3 seconds).
DISADVANTAGES: Lunatic Rings break randomly when you get hit, so this is a
very unreliable method in a long boss fight. I'd go with the second
method, myself.

METHOD #2: Bloody Armor on all + Noel w/ a Million Staff
ADVANTAGES: You are literally completely immortal while wearing Bloody
Armor, but the downside is that you lose 1 HP per millisecond, meaning that
you'll die after about 10 seconds with 9999 HP. That's where Noel comes
in. He can equip Bloody Armor (as can most male characters), so you can
control him, and have him use Fairy Light whenever your party is getting
down there in the HP department. Be sure to turn of Parry for Noel, or he
may inadvertantly doom the party by blocking an attack while trying to heal
DISADVANTAGES: Fairy Light costs a lot of MP. You can alleviate this
problem with a Fairy Ring and Mental Ring equipped on your healer (highly
recommended). Also, be sure to have 20 Blackberries handy at all times.
This method is superbly effective for facing off Gabrie Celesta and Iselia-
Queen. I've beaten the harder of the two (Iselia-Queen, that is) dozens
times with this method, and had swimmingly good results every time. One
final disadvantage: only fighter-type characters can take advantage of this
method (sorry, Rena!). Even so, three allies in Bloody Armor take the
brunt of Iselia-Queen's attacks, so you can still pull it off with Rena in
the party as your healer.

METHOD #3: Bloody Armor on all + Opera w/ max proficiency Healing Star
ADVANTAGES: Same as method #2, along with the fact that Healing Star uses
only 9MP per shot. Throw in a Fairy Ring on Opera, and you practically
have infinite healing (a maximum of 249 shots of Healing Star before your
MP runs out; far more than you'll need for any given fight).
DISADVANTAGES: Again, only certain characters can equip Bloody Armor. The
ones who cannot will have a harder time. Also, getting 999 proficiency for
Healing Star can take a while, though it's well worth it. Obviously, you
cannot use this method if you pick Ashton instead of Opera.


IV. Special Guides

There are a lot of options and functions in Star Ocean 2. The number of
possible combinations and effects that you can achieve can almost be
overwhelming at times. But this section is here to set things right for
you, and tell you just what you can get while making things with Item

Item List [SGITEMS]

While not all items can be made custom, some are a bit obscure in their
function, given the unhelpful nature of the item descriptions. This is a
rather nice guide for those seeking knowledge of what items do.

Item Types

There's several types of items in SO2, each with varying functions. Here
is your obligatory overview.

Healing - Items used for healing allies' HP, MP, and status in or out of
battle. This also includes some ally-damaging items. They're all one-time
Food - Items made with cooking skills. These are mostly HP/MP-restoring
items, and none work in battle. All one-time.
Book - Books used to teach skills or modify relationships. All one-time.
Special - Items which have special effects, but can't be used in battle.
All one-time.
Support - Items in this category are used to aid with item creation, or
are one-time item creation materials.
Other - Items that have no function whatsoever on thier own, and can't be
used for anything (save being sold).
Junk - Failed item creation items, these serve no purpose whatsoever.
Battle - Items used in battle to cause damage or effects to the enemy. As
well, this includes ally-aiding items that only work in battle. All
Card - Special items, several of which have special effects. All one-time.
Weapon - Weapons are what characters can equip to attack enemies.
Shield - Shields raise defense and avoidance ratings.
Armor - Armor raises character defense (which should be obvious).
Helm - Helmets add to character defense, as well.
Greaves - Greaves raise defense, and sometimes other stats.
Mineral - Minerals can be worn as accessories, or made into items.
Accs. - Accessories have a multitude of special effects.
Story - These items are the ones listed under Precious Items. They can't
be used, but may have an effect nonetheless.

Item List

Item Name Type Function
Blueberry Healing Restores 22% HP
Blackberry Healing Restores 22% MP
Aquaberry Healing Restores 10% HP, cures poisoning
Aceras Healing Restores 2% HP
Rose Hips Healing Restores 2% HP
Lavender Healing Restores 3% HP
Artemis Leaf Healing Removes all status ailments
Wolfsbane Healing Poisons user
Mandrake Healing Kills user
Maple Syrup Healing Restores 20% MP
Sour Syrup Healing Restores 30% MP
Sweet Syrup Healing Restores 30% HP
Fresh Syrup Healing Restores 100% HP
Mixed Syrup Healing Restores 30% HP and MP
Fruit Syrup Healing Restores 45% HP and MP
Hot Syrup Healing Restores 70% HP or MP
Angel's Statue Healing Restores 30% HP to all
Goddess Statue Healing Restores 30% MP to all
Herbal Oil Healing Restores 30% MP
Holy Mist Healing Restores 60% HP to all
Merlin Drink Healing Restores 100% MP
Violence Pill Healing Restores 100% HP or kills user
Odd Medicine Healing Restores 100% HP or kills user
Danger Pot Healing Restores 10% HP, poisons/petrifies if user
has over half HP
Nightmare Pot Healing Restores 25% HP, poisons/petrifies if user
has over half HP
Energy Tonic Healing Switches HP and MP
Cure Poison Healing Restores 10% HP, cures poisoning
Cure Paralysis Healing Cures paralysis
Cure Stone Healing Cures petrification
Spring Water Healing Cures all status ailments
Wonder Drug Healing Cures all status ailments, revives a fallen
ally with 1 HP
Smelling Salts Healing Revives a fallen ally with 30% HP
Ressurection Bottle Healing Revives a fallen ally with 60% HP
Ressurection Mist Healing Revives a fallen ally with 100% HP
Risky Liquid Healing Revives a fallen ally with 100% HP, gives
a random status ailment
Fairy's Cologne Healing Keeps enemies away
Succubus Cologne Healing Draws enemies near
Rotten Sashimi Food Poisons user
Muscat Grape Jelly Food Removes poisoning
Yogurt Salad Food Removes poisoning
Aloe Jam Food Removes paralysis
Sake Lees Pickles Food Removes paralysis
Coconut Milk Food Removes all status ailments
Energy Drink Food Removes all status ailments
Pear Compote Food Removes all status ailments
Aged Berry Juice Food Removes all status ailments (unconfirmed)
Smelly Rice Cakes Food Restores 1% HP
Spicy Cake Food Restores 1% HP
Wilted Salad Food Restores 2% HP
Bad Tasting Stew Food Restores 1% MP
Bitter Juice Food Restores 1% MP
Raw Milk Food Restores 1% MP
Sambai Tea Food Restores 3% MP
Pickled Plum Food Restores 2% HP
Chicken Skewers Food Restores 5% HP; Dias' favorite food
Quick Pickles Food Restores 5% HP
Yogurt Food Restores 5% HP
Rice-bran Pickles Food Restores 6% HP
Gruel Food Restores 10% HP
Macaroni Au Gratin Food Restores 10% HP
Orange Sherbet Food Restores 10% HP
Peach Ice Cream Food Restores 10% HP
Vanilla Ice Cream Food Restores 10% HP
Shu-mai Food Restores 10% HP
Strawberry Jam Food Restores 10% HP
Raspberry Jam Food Restores 11% HP
Apple Jam Food Restores 12% HP
Carrot Ice Cream Food Restores 12% HP
Rice Croquettes Food Restores 12% HP
Sweet Dumpling Food Restores 12% HP
Strawberry Mousse Food Restores 14% HP
Apple Crepes Food Restores 15% HP
Custard Pudding Food Restores 15% HP
Shortcake Food Restores 16% HP; Rena's favorite food
Banana Crepes Food Restores 18% HP
Fried Eggs Food Restores 18% HP
Egg Sandwich Food Restores 19% HP
Hamburger Food Restores 19% HP; Ashton's favorite food
Potstickers Food Restores 19% HP
Rice Cakes Food Restores 19% HP
Bacon & Eggs Food Restores 20% HP
Rice Omlet Food Restores 20% HP
Spring Rolls Food Restores 20% HP
Toro Tuna Food Restores 20% HP
Orange Au Gratin Food Restores 21% HP
Shrimp Doria Food Restores 21% HP
Chocolate Crepes Food Restores 22% HP; Precis' favorite food
Meat Dumpling Food Restores 22% HP
Sole and Fruit Sauce Food Restores 22% HP
Squash Croquettes Food Restores 22% HP
Pancakes Food Restores 23% HP
Cabbage Roll Food Restores 26% HP
Fried Rice Food Restores 26% HP
Shrimp Au Gratin Food Restores 26% HP
Squash Spring Rolls Food Restores 28% HP
Salmon Omlet Food Restores 29% HP
Beef Croquettes Food Restores 30% HP
Shrimp Pilaf Food Restores 30% HP
Baby Rabbit Risotto Food Restores 35% HP; Celine's favorite food
Ground Lamb Steak Food Restores 40% HP
Konyaku Jelly Food Restores 40% HP
Big Tuna Food Restores 45% HP; Noel's favorite food
Jambalaya Food Restores 46% HP
Chicken Doria Food Restores 48% HP
Fried Vegetables Food Restores 50% HP
Steak Food Restores 50% HP; Claude's favorite food
Steamed Aspic Food Restores 50% HP
Strawberry Mochi Food Restores 55% HP
Meat Fried Rice Food Restores 60% HP
Plain Omlet Food Restores 60% HP
Sole & Wine Sauce Food Restores 60% HP
Au Gratin Climax Food Restores 68% HP
Cheese Pizza Food Restores 68% HP
Assorted Cheeses Food Restores 70% HP
Exciting Tenderloin Food Restores 70% HP
Fine Saute Food Restores 70% HP
Fish of Happiness Food Restores 70% HP
Peking Duck Food Restores 70% HP
Sashimi Food Restores 70% HP
Shark Potstickers Food Restores 70% HP
Miracle Fried Rice Food Restores 75% HP
Gorgonzola Food Restores 78% HP
Prime Sirloin Food Restores 80% HP
Prime Tuna Steak Food Restores 80% HP
Sirloin Steak Food Restores 80% HP
Sweet Rice Cakes Food Restores 80% HP
Deluxe Doria Food Restores 88% HP
Genie's Steak Food Restores 90% HP
1-Up Pudding Food Restores 100% HP, revives a fallen ally
Gateau Marjolaine Food Restores 100% HP
Inviting Fillet Food Restores 100% HP
Berry Juice Food Restores 5% MP
Fruit Smoothie Food Restores 8% MP
Daikon Miso Soup Food Restores 10% MP; Bowman's favorite food
Orangeade Food Restores 10% MP
Soy Milk Food Restores 10% MP
Carrot Juice Food Restores 13% MP; Leon's favorite food
Seaweed Miso Soup Food Restores 20% MP
Corn Potage Food Restores 22% MP
Green Potage Food Restores 25% MP
Vegetable Juice Food Restores 26% MP
Broth Food Restores 30% MP
Soda Pop Food Restores 30% MP
Root Beer Food Restores 35% MP
Apple Cider Food Restores 40% MP; Opera's favorite food
Hassaku Tea Food Restores 40% MP; Ernest's favorite food
Shark Fin Soup Food Restores 40% MP
'Usunigori' Tea Food Restores 45% MP
Yaegaki Tea Food Restores 50% MP
French Toast Food Restores 55% MP
Yukiyucho Tea Food Restores 55% MP
Gelatin Steak Food Restores 60% MP
Shrimp Shu-mai Food Restores 60% MP
Slime Jelly Food Restores 60% MP
'Ishidaya' Tea Food Restores 60% MP
Mushroom Soup Food Restores 66% MP
Amoeba Soup Food Restores 68% MP
Bird's Nest Soup Food Restores 70% MP
Creamed Stew Food Restores 70% MP
Special Stir-Fry Food Restores 70% MP
Tuna Skewers Food Restores 70% MP
Milky Potage Food Restores 80% MP
Genie's Veggie Soup Food Restores 90% MP
Golden Stew Food Restores 90% MP
Ichigoni Food Restores 90% MP
Ichigoni Supreme Food Restores 90% MP
Magical Salad Food Restores 100% MP
Lady Fingers Food Restores 8% HP and MP
Prince's Zoni Stew Food Restores 60% HP and MP
Special Tuna Food Restores 70% HP and MP
Beautiful Ice Cream Food Restores 80% HP and MP
Risotto Ecstasy Food Restores 80% HP and MP
Seltzer Food Restores 90% HP and MP
Fruit Nectar Food Restores 100% HP and MP
Ginger Ale Food Restores 100% HP and MP
Heavenly Doria Food Restores 100% HP and MP
Sea Urchin on Rice Food Restores 100% HP and MP
Pose Collection Book Enhances the Sketching skill
Musical Theory Book Enhances the Musical Notation skill
Pieces for Learners Book Enhances the Musical Instrument skill
All About Herbs Book Enhances the Herbal Medicine skill
The Land's Secret Book Enhances the Mineralogy skill
Pocket Encyclopedia Book Enhances the Tool Knowledge skill
Gold/Silversmith Book Enhances the Craft skill
Nature's Life Force Book Enhances the Biology skill
Heart Barriers Book Enhances the Mental Science skill
Cook from the Heart Book Enhances the Kitchen Knife skill
Today's Dish Book Enhances the Recipe skill
Choose Ingredients Book Enhances the Good Eye skill
Forest Friends Book Enhances the Animal Training skill
No Need for Words Book Enhances the Metal Casting skill
Mystical Beings Book Enhances the Fairyology skill
The Hermes Theory Book Enhances the Scientific Ability skill
Before Tea's Ready Book Enhances the Copying skill
Engineering Book Enhances the Mech Knowledge skill
Operation Manual Book Enhances the Mech Operation skill
On Revenge Book Enhances the Counterattack skill
On Training Book Enhances the Mental Training skill
Planet of the Winds Book Claude's friendship book
Ocean of Stars Book Claude's romance book
I Can See Only You Book Rena's friendship book
Falling in Love Book Rena's romance book
The World is Mine Book Celine's friendship book
Lady in Red Book Celine's romance book
Mr. 'No' Book Ashton's friendship book
Never Turn Back Book Ashton's romance book
Buy it... OK? Book Precis' friendship book
A Maiden's Secret Book Precis' romance book
New Civilization Book Opera's friendship book
Historic Greats Book Opera's romance book
Cat House Murder Book Bowman's friendship book
Wax Dol Murders Book Bowman's romance book
Countdown Book Ernest's friendship book
Lost Sanctuary Book Ernest's romance book
The Bloody Road Book Dias' friendship book
To Live Book Dias' romance book
Advanced Heraldry Book Leon's friendship book
Special Heraldry Book Leon's romance book
Living with Animals Book Noel's friendship book
Principles of Nature Book Noel's romance book
But One Truth! Book Chisato's friendship book
Killer's Book Book Chisato's romance book
'Spring' Special Restores 100% HP/MP and revives fallen
Cinderella Glass Special Reduces shop prices by 30%
Second Ledger Special Reduces shop prices by 30%
Contract Special Allows you to claim ownership of any inn
Lien Special Gives a random item when used
Fill-up Special Gives a random item when used
Jack-in-the-box Special Gives either a random item or a random
battle when used
Treasure Chest Special Gives three random items when used
Music Box Special Repels monsters while it plays
Flash Pot Special Guarantees success of next Item Creation
Forged Medals Special Reduces experience needed for next level to
1 (all the way up to level 100)
Go-home Frog Special Allows you to escape dungeons instantly
Twin's Tonic Special Raises friendship between allies
Aphrodisiac Special Raises romance between allies
Life Insurance Special Gives you money when used on a fallen ally
Plasma Zap-stick Special Teaches Precis a Killer Move, Barrier
Mech Launcher Special Teaches Precis a Killer Move, Mujin Super
Black System Special Teaches Opera a Killer Move, Laser Bit
White System Special Teaches Opera a Killer Move, Healing Star
Green System Special Teaches Opera a Killer Move, Hyper Launcher
Portrait A Special See Claude's character portrait
Portrait B Special See Rena's character portrait
Portrait C Special See Celine's character portrait
Portrait D Special See Dias' character portrait
Portrait E Special See Precis' character portrait
Portrait F Special See Ashton's character portrait
Portrait G Special See Leon's character portrait
Portrait H Special See Bowman's character portrait
Portrait I Special See Opera's character portrait
Portrait J Special See Ernest's character portrait
Portrait K Special See Noel's character portrait
Portrait L Special See Chisato's character portrait
Text Software Support Raises Authoring and Publishing success
Graphics Software Support Raises Art success
Musical Software Support Raises Composing success
Soldering Iron Support Raises Metalwork success
Element Analyzer Support Raises Identify success
Survival Kit Support Raises Survival success
Erlenmeyer Flask Support Raises Alchemy success
Antiseptic Gloves Support Raises Compounding success
Lezard Flash Support Adds more mineral-making abilities to the
Alchemy command
Magical Rasp Support Raises Customize success, changes what you
can make with Blacksmith
Magical Camera Support Used with Reproduction
Ririca Support Used with Reproduction; better than the
Magical Camera
Magical Film Support Expended when using Reproduction
Conductor's Baton Support Expended when using Play Music or Orchestra
Feather Pen Support Expended when using Compose
Fountain Pen Support Expended when using Authoring or Publishing
Magic Canvas Support Can be expended when using Art
Magic Clay Support Can be expended when using Art
Smith's Hammer Support Expended when using Blacksmith
Vellum Paper Support Expended when using Reverse Side
Meat Support Ingredient for Cooking and Master Chef
Fruit Support Ingredient for Cooking and Master Chef
Grain Support Ingredient for Cooking and Master Chef
Seafood Support Ingredient for Cooking and Master Chef
Vegetables Support Ingredient for Cooking and Master Chef
Egg/Dairy Products Support Ingredient for Cooking and Master Chef
Juicy Beef Support Rare ingredient for Cooking
Creamy Cheese Support Rare ingredient for Cooking
Purity Leaf Support Rare ingredient for Cooking
Sweet Fruit Support Rare ingredient for Cooking
Magical Rice Support Rare ingredient for Cooking
Prime Tuna Support Rare ingredient for Cooking
Ganze Sea Urchin Support Rare ingredient for Cooking
Jiggly Slime Support Rare ingredient for Cooking
Slippery Slime Support Rare ingredient for Cooking
Yarma Cooking Set Support Rare ingredient for Cooking
Lyre Support Instrument for Musical Talent and Orchestra
Piano Support Instrument for Musical Talent and Orchestra
Organ Support Instrument for Musical Talent and Orchestra
Cembalo Support Instrument for Musical Talent and Orchestra
Violin Support Instrument for Musical Talent and Orchestra
Harmonica Support Instrument for Musical Talent and Orchestra
Illusive Shamisen Support Instrument for Musical Talent and Orchestra
Silver Trumpet Support Instrument for Musical Talent and Orchestra
Forged Bills Other Sell them to get money
Forged Checks Other Sell them to get money
Forged Documents Other Sell them to get money
Stock Certificates Other Sell them to get money
Fanzine Other No use
Fanzine ! Other No use
Fanzine ? Other No use
Fanzine ... Other No use
Fanzine (Music) Other No use
Fanzine (Male) Other No use
Fanzine (Female) Other No use
Fanzine (Heart) Other No use
?ITEM Other An unidentified item
?HERB Other An unidentified herb
?JEWELERY Other An unidentified accessory
?MINERAL Other An unidentified mineral
?WEAPON Other An unidentified weapon
?GUARD Other An unidentified piece of armor
?MACHINE Other An unidentified machine
?FOOD Other An unidentified foodstuff
?BOOK Other An unidentified book
Red Lotus Gem Other Opens a door in the Cave of Trials
Cracked Gem Other A gem that needs repair via Metalwork
Scribbles Junk Failed Art attempt (Magical Canvas)
Weird Lump Junk Failed Art attempt (Magical Clay)
Rock Junk Failed Alchemy attempt
Crumpled Paper Junk Failed Authoring or Publishing attempt

Scrap Iron Junk Failed Customize attempt (Precis/Opera)
Blurry Photo Junk Failed Reproduction attempt
Perforated Armor Junk Failed Blacksmith attempt
Bounced Check Junk Failed Reverse Side attempt; reduces Fol
while held
Fairy Glass Battle Stops MP consumption for one ally
Fairy Mist Battle Stops MP consumption for all allies
Skanda Battle Allows instant escape from battle
Skanda Compress Battle Speeds up one ally temporarily
Skanda Ointment Battle Speeds up all allies temporarily
Care Tablet Battle Makes one ally resist status ailments
Marionette Pill Battle Revives a fallen ally and raises their
attack power
Crush Pill Battle Converts HP into attack power
Attack Vial Battle Raises an ally's attack power temporarily
Kamikaze Tonic Battle Raises an ally's attack power temporarily
Mirror of Wisdom Battle Raises an ally's magic power temporarily
Mental Pot Battle Raises an ally's magic power temporarily
Dummy Doll Battle Raises an ally's hit rate
Lilith Tonic Battle Raises attack power, cannot control target
Pixie Cologne Battle Raises magic power, cannot control target
Natural High Battle Makes target constantly attack until killed
Assault Bomb Battle Blows up on the nearest enemy
Protection Bomb Battle Blows up on a single enemy
Flare Bomb Battle Fire explosion to a single enemy
Half-Dead Bomb Battle Cuts enemy HP in half
Nuclear Bomb Battle Reduces all enemies' and allies' HP to 1
Peep-peep Bomb Battle Peeps target monster
Mind Bomb Battle Reduces an enemy's MP by 50
Paralysis Oil Battle Paralyzes target monster
Paralysis Mist Battle Paralyzes all enemies
Shock Oil Battle Reduces an enemy's MP to 0
Smoke Oil Battle Reduces an enemy's speed
Smoke Mist Battle Reduces all enemies' speed
Bitter Lotion Battle User may kill next enemy instantly with
their next physical attack
Bubble Lotion Battle User may kill next enemy instantly with
their next physical attack
Melting Lotion Battle User may kill next enemy instantly with
their next physical attack
Stink Gel Battle User may poison next enemy instantly with
their next physical attack
Magic Rock Battle A magic rock that rolls over enemies
Super Ball Battle A bouncing ball that hits some enemies
Tri-Ball Battle A ball that hits three enemies
Tetra-Bomb Battle A laser cannon that hits four enemies
Hyperball Battle A ball that hits eight enemies
Idol Battle Can instantly kill an enemy
Fairy's Statue Battle Can instantly kill all enemies
Magical Drops Battle Makes all enemies freeze for a few seconds
Spectacles Battle Show the statistics of target enemy
'The Scream' Battle Casts Daemon's Gate
'Judgement Day' Battle Casts Shadow Flare
'The Last Supper' Battle Kills user, restores 100% HP to all other
Fountain Card Card Gives a random item when used
Extension Card Card Doubles exp. gained from current battle
Fol Up Card Card Doubles Fol gained from current battle
Discovery Card Card All but guarantees you gain an item after
current battle
Revival Card Card Revive target automatically if they die
Fairies Card Card Restores 50% of HP to all allies
Victorial Card Card Raises the Guts level of all allies
Silence Card Card Silences target
Hexagram Card Card Silences all enemies
Funny Slayer Weapon +1 ATK; kills all enemies with Funny in
their name instantly
Golden Fangs Weapon +10 ATK
Silver Fangs Weapon +12 ATK
All-Purpose Knife Weapon +160 ATK, +10 CRT; raises success rate of
Cooking while equipped
Dull Sword Weapon +2 ATK, +1 CRT (Claude/Dias only)
Worn-out Sword Weapon +3 ATK (Claude/Dias only)
Long Sword Weapon +30 ATK (Claude/Dias only)
Broad Sword Weapon +60 ATK (Claude/Dias only)
Sinclair Sabre Weapon +100 ATK (Claude/Dias only)
Bastard Sword Weapon +150 ATK, +10 HIT, +10 CRT (Claude/Dias
Flame Blade Weapon +160 ATK, +20 HIT, +10 CRT, fire-elemental
(Claude/Dias only)
Baselard Weapon +180 ATK (Claude/Dias only)
Sharp Edge Weapon +222 ATK, +60 HIT, +10 CRT (Claude only)
Walloon Sword Weapon +240 ATK (Claude/Dias only)
Gusgine Weapon +250 ATK (Claude/Dias only)
Long Edge Weapon +280 ATK, +5 CRT (Claude/Dias only)
Oriental Blade Weapon +448 ATK (Dias only)
Veil Piercer Weapon +480 ATK (Claude only)
Sharpness Weapon +500 ATK, +50 HIT, +10 STM, +33 CRT (Dias
only; temporary weapon)
Murasame Sword Weapon +522 ATK (Dias only)
Minus Sword Weapon +620 ATK, +80 HIT, +10 CRT, strong vs.
stars and vaccuum; reduces user's HP with
each successful blow (Claude only)
Grand Stinger Weapon +620 ATK, +120 HIT, +10 CRT, star-
elemental, resists stars and vaccuum
(Claude/Dias only)
Ignite Sword Weapon +720 ATK (Claude/Dias only)
The Hope of Breeze Weapon +770 ATK, wind-elemental (Dias only)
Whirlwind Weapon +780 ATK, wind-elemental (Dias only)
Force Sword Weapon +908 ATK, uses 2MP whenever it hits (Claude
Soul Slayer Weapon +982 ATK, +10 HIT, +12 CRT (Dias only)
Sawed Weapon +990 ATK, +80 HIT, +60 GUTS, +30 CRT (Dias
Ruins' Fate Weapon +1000 ATK, +50 CRT (Dias only)
Hard Cleaver Weapon +1100 ATK, +60 HIT, +30 CRT (Dias only)
Marvel Sword Weapon +1100 ATK, +100 HIT, +10 STM, +15 CRT
(Claude/Dias only)
Crimson Diablos Weapon +1100 ATK, +80 HIT, +50 STM, +24 CRT,
strong vs. light, dark, and void; physical
damage of the wielder's attacks is doubled
(Dias only)
Pleiad Sword Weapon +1200 ATK, +60 HIT, +30 CRT (Dias only)
Aura Blade Weapon +1200 ATK, +80 HIT, +32 CRT, light-
elemental (Claude only)
Silvance Weapon +1210 ATK, +99 HIT, +30 CRT, light-
elemental, strong vs. light and dark
(Claude only)
Sacred Tear Weapon +1250 ATK, +50 HIT, +32 CRT; MP consumption
is halved (Claude only)
Cromlea Sword Weapon +1399 ATK (Dias only)
Windsley Sword Weapon +1400 ATK (Claude only)
Eternal Sphere Weapon +1600 ATK, +70 HIT, +40 GUTS, +25 CRT,
strong vs. stars, light, dark, and vaccuum;
shoots stars when hitting targets (Claude
Holy Sword Farwell Weapon +1900 ATK, +70 HIT, +70 MAG, +15 CRT
(Claude/Dias/Ashton only)
Levantine Sword Weapon +3000 ATK, +50 HIT, +50 GUTS, +50 STM, +50
CRT (Claude/Dias/Ashton only)
Wobbly Sword Weapon +3 ATK, +1 CRT (Ashton only)
Twin Sword Weapon +40 ATK (Ashton only)
Both Shaver Weapon +120 ATK (Ashton only)
Guard Sword Weapon +160 ATK, +10 HIT, +11 CRT (Ashton only)
Smaller Weapon +180 ATK (Ashton only)
Twin-edge Weapon +340 ATK (Ashton only)
Shield Sword Weapon +490 ATK (Ashton only)
Twin Picks Weapon +500 ATK, +50 HIT, +20 CRT (Ashton only)
Doubledemon Sword Weapon +700 ATK (Ashton only)
Double Masher Weapon +799 ATK, +40 HIT, +15 CRT (Ashton only)
Scyther Weapon +820 ATK (Ashton only)
Lotus Eater Weapon +1150 ATK, +50 HIT (Ashton only)
Holy Cross Weapon +1240 ATK, +60 HIT, +80 LUC, +18 CRT
(Ashton only)
Melufa Weapon +1320 ATK, +80 HIT, +100 LUC, +40 CRT,
+30% max. HP, strong vs. light and dark,
weak vs. water (Ashton only)
Bent Rod Weapon +5 ATK, +1 MAG (Celine only)
Rod Weapon +10 ATK, +5 MAG (Celine only)
Ruby Wand Weapon +70 ATK, +20 MAG (Celine only)
Crest Rod Weapon +100 ATK, +25 MAG (Celine only)
Magical Rod Weapon +150 ATK, +10 CRT (Celine only)
Clap Rod Weapon +280 ATK, +30 MAG; randomly kills target
(Celine only)
Tongue Twister Weapon +300 ATK, +25 MAG; MP consumption reduced
by 1/3
Silver Rod Weapon +350 ATK, +20 HIT, +250 MAG (Celine only)
Holy Rod Weapon +520 ATK, +240 MAG, light-elemental (Celine
Ruby Rod Weapon +680 ATK, +300 MAG; casts Firebolt when
attacking (Celine only)
Rod of Snakes Weapon +700 ATK, +60 HIT, +50 MAG, +6 CRT; MP
consumption reduced by 1/2 (Celine only)
Million Staff Weapon +800 ATK, +80 HIT, +800 MAG, +30 STM,
+30 LUC, +40 CRT; restores MP by 1/5 of all
magic damage taken (Celine/Leon/Noel only)
Silvermoon Weapon +1000 ATK, +300 MAG; restores MP gradually
during battle (Celine only)
Worn Knuckles Weapon +1 ATK (Rena/Noel/Bowman only)
Knuckles Weapon +30 ATK (Rena/Noel/Bowman only)
Hard Knuckles Weapon +40 ATK, +10 MAG (Rena/Noel/Bowman only)
Cestus Weapon +140 ATK, +20 MAG (Rena/Noel/Bowman only)
Bagh Nakh Weapon +160 ATK (Bowman only)
Metal Fangs Weapon +400 ATK, +50 MAG (Rena/Noel/Bowman only)
Dragon's Claws Weapon +450 ATK, +20 HIT. +100 MAG, +26 CRT
(Rena/Noel/Bowman only)
Giant Fists Weapon +470 ATK, +10 HIT, +80 STM, +26 CRT
(Bowman only)
Pain Cestus Weapon +580 ATK, +80 MAG (Rena/Bowman only)
Braised Knuckles Weapon +599 ATK, +30 HIT, +70 MAG, +6 CRT, fire-
elemental (Rena/Noel/Bowman only)
Hecatoncheire Weapon +630 ATK, +50 HIT, +27 CRT (Bowman only)
Magical Gloves Weapon +688 ATK, +50 HIT, +60 MAG, +12 CRT (Rena
Eagle's Claws Weapon +760 ATK, +110 MAG, +10 CRT (Noel only)
Grizzly Claps Weapon +840 ATK, +60 HIT, +200 MAG (Noel only)
Rune Full Moon Weapon +900 ATK, +150 MAG (Rena only)
Serpent's Tooth Weapon +900 ATK, +20 HIT, +150 MAG, +10 CRT (Noel
Sorceress Knuckles Weapon +1000 ATK, +180 MAG (Rena/Noel/Bowman only)
Weird Slayer Weapon +1000 ATK, +40 HIT, +10 GUTS, +10 STM;
instantly kills any monster with Weird in
their names (Rena/Bowman/Precis/Chisato
Fallen Hope Weapon +1000 ATK, +50 HIT, +300 MAG, +20 CRT;
halves MP consumption (Rena only)
Kaiser Knuckle Weapon +1100 ATK, +60 HIT, +200 MAG, +4 CRT
(Rena/Noel/Bowman only)
Fellper Nails Weapon +1200 ATK, +50 HIT, +30 MAG (Rena only)
Empresia Weapon +1220 ATK, +70 HIT, +300 MAG, +30 CRT
(Rena/Noel/Bowman only)
Booster Box Weapon +128 ATK (Opera only)
Radio Box Weapon +162 ATK (Opera only)
Seventh Ray Weapon +280 ATK, +60 HIT, +35 CRT; light-, dark-,
star-, and vaccuum-elemental; strong vs.
light, dark, stars, and vacuum (Opera only)
Light Box Weapon +490 ATK, light-elemental (Opera only)
X Box Weapon +500 ATK (Opera only)
Alpha Box Weapon +690 ATK, +50 HIT (Opera only)
Beta Box Weapon +690 ATK, +30 HIT, +20 CRT (Opera only)
Gamma Box Weapon +750 ATK, +50 HIT, +20 CRT
Pulse Box Weapon +1000 ATK, +60 HIT, +30 AVD, +30 CRT (Opera
Psycho Box Weapon +1050 ATK (Opera only)
Limp Whip Weapon +2 ATK (Ernest only)
Leather Whip Weapon +60 ATK (Ernest only)
Splinter Weapon +460 ATK (Ernest only)
Hard Whip Weapon +550 ATK (Ernest only)
Rose Whip Weapon +600 ATK, +66 HIT, +25 CRT (Ernest only)
Light Whip Weapon +820 ATK, thunder- and vacuum-elemental
(Ernest only)
Invisible Whip Weapon +950 ATK, +40 GUTS, +31 CRT (Ernest only)
Spark Whip Weapon +1080 ATK, +50 HIT, thunder-elemental
(Ernest only)
Cat o' 9 Tails Weapon +1280 ATK, hits three times per single
attack (Ernest only)
Magic Hand Weapon +125 ATK (Precis only)
Iron Punch Weapon +165 ATK (Precis only)
One-two Punch Weapon +280 ATK (Precis only)
Straight Punch Weapon +400 ATK (Precis only)
Thunder Punch Weapon +420 ATK, +50 HIT, +25 CRT, thunder- and
vacuum-elemental, strong vs. thunder
(Precis only)
Ultra Punch Weapon +650 ATK (Precis only)
Fire Punch Weapon +699 ATK, fire-elemental (Precis only)
Great Punch Weapon +850 ATK (Precis only)
Atomic Punch Weapon +1120 ATK, +55 HIT (Precis only)
SD Punch Weapon +1150 ATK, +50 HIT, +50 GUTS, +20 CRT
(Precis only)
Hyper Punch Weapon +1250 ATK
UGA Punch Weapon +1300 ATK, +60 HIT, +60 GUTS, +30 CRT
(Precis only)
SDUGA Punch Weapon +1600 ATK, +65 GUTS, +35 CRT (Precis only)
Book of Awakenings Weapon +50 ATK, +20 HIT, +80 MAG, +20 STM, +20 LUC
(Leon only)
Treatsie Weapon +50 ATK, +390 MAG, +50 LUC (Leon only)
Thick Book Weapon +180 ATK, +15 MAG (Leon only)
Reference Book Weapon +280 ATK, +50 MAG (Leon only)
Heraldry Weapon +290 ATK, +100 MAG (Leon only)
Illustrated Book Weapon +320 ATK, +22 MAG (Leon only)
Dictionary Weapon +340 ATK, +50 MAG (Leon only)
Encyclopedia Weapon +500 ATK, +100 MAG (Leon only)
Heraldry Book Weapon +500 ATK, +50 HIT, +100 MAG (Leon only)
Book of Darkness Weapon +700 ATK, +80 MAG, dark-elemental, strong
vs. dark and light (Leon only)
Brain Structure Weapon +890 ATK, +50 HIT, +80 MAG; MP consumption
cut by 1/2 (Leon only)
Holy Scriptures Weapon +920 ATK, +50 HIT, +199 MAG, light-
elemental (Leon only)
10 Volt Stun Gun Weapon +10 ATK, +10 CRT (Chisato only)
Stun Gun Weapon +200 ATK, +50 HIT, +50 CRT (Chisato only)
Shock Gun Weapon +380 ATK, +40 HIT, +50 CRT (Chisato only)
Electro Gun Weapon +410 ATK (Chisato only)
Voltage Weapon +460 ATK, +70 HIT, +50 CRT (Chisato only)
Flame Gun Weapon +550 ATK, +60 HIT, +50 CRT, fire-elemental
(Chisato only)
Freeze Weapon +600 ATK, +40 HIT, +50 CRT, water-elemental
(Chisato only)
Lightning Gun Weapon +650 ATK, +50 HIT, thunder-elemental
(Chisato only)
Cracker Weapon +660 ATK, +50 CRT (Chisato only)
Spark Weapon +750 ATK, +60 HIT, +80 CRT (Chisato only)
Aero Gun Weapon +800 ATK, wind-elemental (Chisato only)
Electron Weapon +830 ATK, +66 HIT, +50 CRT (Chisato only)
Psychic Gun Weapon +980 ATK, +65 HIT, +70 CRT; uses 2 MP per
physical attack (Chisato only)
Odd Clothes Armor +2 DEF
Leather Armor Armor +6 DEF
Silk Robe Armor +12 DEF (mages only)
Banded Mail Armor +12 DEF (warriors only)
Ringed Mail Armor +20 DEF (warriors only)
Mithril Dress Armor +20 DEF, +120 AVD, +220 MAG; strong vs.
wind, thunder, stars, vaccuum, and light
(mages only)
Amber Robe Armor +30 DEF (mages only)
Brigandine Armor +30 DEF (warriors only)
Evening Dress Armor +30 DEF, +100 MAG (females only)
Barrier Armor Armor +42 DEF, +5 AVD; strong vs. earth, fire,
and water (warriors only)
Silver Robe Armor +70 DEF, +120 MAG, strong vs. thunder
(mages only)
Mithril Coat Armor +88 DEF, +80 MAG strong vs. stars and
light; wearer is immune to instant death
Plate Mail Armor +90 DEF (warriors only)
Chaos Mail Armor +99 DEF, +9 AVD; weak vs. thunder, stars,
and light; raises stats, lowers STM to 0
(warriors only)
Core Plate Armor +100 DEF, strong vs. thunder and light
(warriors only)
Holy Cloak Armor +100 DEF, +100 MAG (mages only)
Bloody Armor Armor +144 DEF, +44 AVD; weak vs. water, fire,
thunder, light, dark, and void; voids all
damage, reduces 1 HP per 2 milliseconds
(warriors and Noel only)
Steel Armor Armor +150 DEF (warriors only)
Flying Hawk Robes Armor +170 DEF, +150 MAG; strong vs. wind,
thunder, and void (mages only)
Jeanne's Armor Armor +180 DEF, +20 GUTS, strong vs. vacuum and
light (female warriors only)
Mithril Mesh Armor +200 DEF (warriors only)
Wizard's Mail Armor +200 DEF, +10 MAG (mages only)
Star Cloak Armor +220 DEF, +220 MAG, strong vs. stars (mages
Ishtar's Robe Armor +230 DEF, +30 AVD, +230 MAG, +50 STM (mages
Mirage Robe Armor +230 DEF, +60 AVD, +150 MAG, +50 GUTS,
+50 STM, +50 LUC, +10 CRT; strong vs.
thunder, stars, vacuum, light, and dark;
immune to petrification (mages only)
Sylvan Mail Armor +240 DEF; immune to petrification (warriors
Reflective Armor Armor +290 DEF, +10 AVD, +20 GUTS, +20 STM;
strong vs. earth, wind, thunder, star,
vacuum, light, and void; restores MP in
Duel Suit Armor +300 DEF, +20 GUTS, immune to petrification
(male warriors only)
Seraphic Garb Armor +400 DEF, +40 AVD, +100 MAG, +50 STM,
+50 LUC, strong vs. fire and light; defense
rises as HP decreases
Battle Suit Armor +500 DEF, +50 GUTS
Valiant Mail Armor +500 DEF, +60 GUTS (male warriors only)
Odd Gauntlets Shield +0 DEF, +10 AVD (mages only)
Buckler Shield +1 DEF, +30 AVD
Odd Shield Shield +5 DEF, +10 AVD, +5 CRT (warriors only)
Rune Buckler Shield +5 DEF, +60 AVD, immune to paralysis
Knight's Shield Shield +10 DEF, +60 AVD (warriors only)
Fine Shield Shield +15 DEF, +70 AVD (male warriors only)
Rare Gauntlets Shield +20 DEF, +30 AVD
Pallas Athena Shield +20 DEF, +80 AVD, strong vs. all but void
(warriors only)
Crestier Guard Shield +20 DEF, +80 AVD, strong vs. water
(warriors only)
Barrier Shield Shield +24 DEF, +40 AVD, strong vs. water and
thunder (warriors only)
The Armband of Kali Shield +30 DEF, +30 AVD, +10 CRT, strong vs. void
(females only)
Jeanne's Shield Shield +30 DEF, +80 AVD, strong vs. thunder and
stars; immune to paralysis (female warriors
Mithril Shield Shield +31 DEF, +60 AVD; strong vs. fire, dark,
and void (warriors only)
Star Guard Shield +33 DEF, +121 AVD; launches stars when
Algol Shield +40 DEF, +80 AVD, +50 STM; petrifies
attacking enemy when parrying (female
warriors only)
Valkyrie Guard Shield +100 DEF, +120 AVD (females only)
Valiant Guard Shield +120 DEF, +120 AVD (males only)
Crown Helmet +0 DEF
Golden Crown Helmet +0 DEF
Dream Crown Helmet +0 DEF; strong vs. earth, water, fire,
thunder, and void; weak vs. dark
Moon Tiara Helm +0 DEF, weak vs. dark; Motormouth set to 7
(females only)
Beret Helm Raises success rate of Art
Frog Helm +1 DEF, +5 GUTS
Odd Hat Helm +1 DEF
Leather Helm Helm +3 DEF
Odd Helmet Helm +6 DEF (warriors only)
Banded Helm Helm +6 DEF (warriors only)
Magical Hat Helm +10 DEF (mages only)
Fame Helm Helm +12 DEF (warriors only)
Iron Helm Helm +25 DEF (warriors only)
Rune Cap Helm +26 DEF; MP consumption cut by 1/3 (mages
Wizard's Hat Helm +29 DEF (mages only)
Bloody Helm Helm +33 DEF, +33 MAG, +13 CRT; weak vs. earth,
fire, and vacuum; sucks MP away during
battle (warriors only)
Hermit's Hat Helm +35 DEF, +20 AVD, strong vs. fire (mages
Plate Helm Helm +40 DEF (warriors only)
Steel Helm Helm +50 DEF (warriors only)
Sylvan Helm Helm +50 DEF
Isis Tiara Helm +50 DEF (mages only)
Odin's Helm Helm +50 DEF, +10 MAG, +60 GUTS, +60 STM,
+10 CRT, strong vs. void (male warriors
Jeanne's Helm Helm +56 DEF, strong vs. water and void (female
warriors only)
Mithril Helm Helm +65 DEF (warriors only)
Duel Helm Helm +100 DEF (male warriors only)
Mud Boots Greaves +0 DEF; allows passage through marshes in
the Heraldry Forest
Sandals Greaves +1 DEF
Glass Slippers Greaves +1 DEF (females only)
Boots Greaves +3 DEF
Secret Boots Greaves +3 DEF; raises success rate of item
creation skills slightly
Pin Heels Greaves +3 DEF, +10 CRT (females only)
High Heels Greaves +5 DEF (females only)
Suede Boots Greaves +5 DEF
Leather Greaves Greaves +5 DEF (warriors only)
Leather Boots Greaves +6 DEF
Steel-toed Boots Greaves +8 DEF, +20 AVD
Iron Greaves Greaves +10 DEF
Bunny Shoes Greaves +10 DEF, +80 STM; raises combat speed to
Plate Greaves Greaves +18 DEF (warriors only)
Neo Greaves Greaves +20 DEF, +5 AVD, +10 LUC, strong vs. earth
(warriors only)
Rune Shoes Greaves +20 DEF, +10 AVD, strong vs. wind and
Witch's Boots Greaves +24 DEF, +10 AVD, strong vs. fire (mages
High-laced Boots Greaves +25 DEF
Silver Greaves Greaves +30 DEF (warriors only)
Mithril Greaves Greaves +45 DEF (warriors only)
Sylvan Boots Greaves +60 DEF
Star Greaves Greaves +60 DEF, strong vs. vacuum and dark
(warriors only)
Valkyrie Boots Greaves +250 DEF; raises combat speed to maximum
(females only)
Valiant Boots Greaves +260 DEF; raises combat speed to maximum
(males only)
Iron Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork,
armor via Blacksmith, or be turned into
other minerals via Alchemy; HIT +1
Silver Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork;
AC +1
Gold Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork;
AVD +1
Sapphire Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork;
strong vs. water
Ruby Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork;
strong vs. fire
Crystal Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork;
strong vs. thunder
Green Beryl Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork;
strong vs. wind
Damascus Mineral Can be used to make armor with Blacksmith;
strong vs. dark
Orichalcum Mineral Can be used to make armor with Blacksmith;
strong vs. dark and void
Meteorite Mineral Can be used to make armor with Blacksmith;
strong vs. dark
Rune Metal Mineral Can be used to make armor with Blacksmith;
strong vs. thunder
Mithril Mineral Can be used to make armor with Blacksmith;
strong vs. light
Diamond Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork;
strong vs. thunder
Star Ruby Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork;
strong vs. fire and dark
Rainbow Diamond Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork;
strong vs. stars and light
Moonite Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork;
strong vs. vacuum
Sage's Stone Mineral Can be used to make items with Metalwork;
strong vs light, dark, and void
Blue Talisman Accs. STM +12; strong vs. water, raises defense
Aqua Ring Accs. Blocks ice magic 50% of the time; strong
vs. water, weak vs. fire
Fire Ring Accs. GUTS +10, STM +10; strong vs. fire, weak
vs. water
Flare Ring Accs. Blocks fire magic 50% of the time; strong
vs. fire, weak vs. water
Stardust Ring Accs. Blocks star damage 50% of the time
Atlas Ring Accs. Doubles strength; weak vs. all
Battalia Ring Accs. AC +30; weak vs. earth, fire, thunder,
vacuum and dark
Berserk Ring Accs. Gives wearer berserk status (double attack
Eclipse Ring Accs. Sets Strong Blow skill to level 3
Emerald Ring Accs. Reduces MP consumption to 2/3, STM +10
Fairy Ring Accs. Reduces MP consumption to 1/2
Gold Ring Accs. AVD +1
Hard Ring Accs. Raises attack power, GUTS +5, CRT +3; weak
vs. stars
Heavy Ring Accs. GUTS +10, CRT +3; weak vs. fire, wind, and
Holy Ring Accs. Stops spells 10% of the time
Infinity Ring Accs. Gives exp. as you walk; weak vs. all
Insanity Ring Accs. Effects unknown
Lunatic Ring Accs. All damage negated, user is peeped; breaks
Meteor Ring Accs. Increases attacks by 1; GUTS +5, STM +10,
CRT +1
Peep Half Accs. Cuts peep time in half, GUTS +5
Peep Non Accs. Prevents peeping, GUTS +10
Princess Ring Accs. Increases maximum MP
Prism Ring Accs. Negates damage 5% of the time, GUTS +5
Promised Ring Accs. GUTS +20, STM +20, LUC +10, CRT +10
Protection Ring Accs. Causes physical attacks to heal instead of
damage, breaks often; AC +6
Reflection Ring Accs. Absorbs magical attacks to heal instead of
taking damage, breaks often
Resistance Ring Accs. Reduces all magic damage to wearer to 10%,
breaks often
Ring of Happiness Accs. STM +10, LUC +50
Ring of Sadness Accs. Lowers attack power 25%, raises defense 25%
Shield Ring Accs. Reduces physical damage to wearer to 10%,
breaks often
Silver Ring Accs. AC +2, STM +10, LUC +10; strong vs vacuum,
light, and dark
Slayer's Ring Accs. Increases attacks by 2; GUTS +10, STM +30,
CRT +5
Sturm Ring Accs. HIT +15, AVD +15, LUC +5
Thunder Ring Accs. GUTS +30; strong vs. thunder, weak vs.
Weighty Ring Accs. Ac +2, GUTS +5, CRT +2; weak vs. vacuum,
dark, and void
Angel Armband Accs. Makes weapons shoot stars when using normal
attacks, HIT +60, AC +60, AVD +60, LUC +60,
GUTS +60, ATK +100, MAG +200; strong vs.
all elements
Dream Bracelet Accs. Raises character level by 1 when worn
Golden Bracelet Accs. AC +10
Green Bracelet Accs. LUC +5
Link Combo Accs. Allows usage of linked Killer Moves
Lot Bracelet Accs. Lowers or raises all damage taken
Recoil Bracelet Accs. Diverts blocked attacks into energy 10% of
the time
Feet Symbol Accs. Increases attack power and accuracy
Israfil's Tear Accs. Hit +30, AC +30, AVD +30, GUTS +20,
LUC +50, CRT +30; strong vs. void
Leaf Pendant Accs. LUC +10, raises defense
Luna Talisman Accs. Max. HP raises by 30%, GUTS +20
Magic Mist Accs. Enemies ignore wearer when running away
Might Chain Accs. Raises attack power, STM +30
Misty Symbol Accs. Raises magic power
Necklace Accs. AVD +1
Paralysis Check Accs. Prevents paralysis
Poison Check Accs. Prevents poison
Stone Check Accs. Prevents petrification
Purple Mist Accs. Escape faster, enemies ignore wearer when
running away
Fairy Tear Accs. Converts 10% of magic damage to MP; strong
vs. water, weak vs. fire
Pyre Tear Accs. Converts 10% of magic damage to MP; strong
vs. fire, weak vs. water
Ruby Pendant Accs. Effect unknown
Silver Charm Accs. Raises magic power
Silver Pendant Accs. Gives a speed boost, AVD +10, GUTS +5
Star Necklace Accs. Sets Motormouth to level 3
Talisman Accs. STM +8, increases defense
Attack Earring Accs. Raises encounter rate, GUTS +20, CRT +20
Black Earring Accs. Converts 5% of magic damage into MP
Blood Earring Accs. Absorbs physical attacks as HP 10% of the
Emerald Earring Accs. Sets Motormouth to level 5; strong vs. wind
First Earring Accs. Prevents back attacks, LUC +20; strong vs.
Gale Earring Accs. Improves combat speed, attacks increase by
1, HIT +10, AVD +10, CRT +15, strong vs.
Gaudy Earring Accs. No effects
Golden Earring Accs. Raises parrying rate
Hard Earring Accs. Attack power up, attack speed down
Lunatic Earring Accs. Attack power up, accuracy down; weak vs.
Moon Earring Accs. Diverts blocked attacks into energy 10% of
the time; strong vs. vacuum
Ruby Earring Accs. AC +1
Shield Earring Accs. Reduces damage from all attacks by 1/5
Shiny Earring Accs. Strong vs. light
Silver Earring Accs. Raises max. MP
Star Earring Accs. Sets Motormouth to 3; strong vs. stars
Zephyr Earring Accs. Increases combat speed
Angel Hair Accs. AVD +5
Anklet Accs. AC +3
Bandit's Gloves Accs. Allows user to pickpocket
Golden Cross Accs. Hit +50; strong vs. fire, weak vs. vacuum
Golden Idol Accs. HIT +1
Left Cross Accs. Doubles HP, HIT +40, STM +20, CRT +10;
strong vs. water, stars, vacuum, light, and
void; weak vs. earth, fire, thunder, and
Right Cross Accs. Doubles MP, AC +20, AVD +40, GUTS +10,
LUC +20; strong vs. earth, fire, thunder,
and dark; weak vs. water, stars, vacuum,
light, and void
Luna Tablet Accs. Raises max. MP by 30%
Magic Cross Accs. Diverts blocked attacks into energy 20% of
the time; strong vs. stars, vacuum, and
Magician's Hand Accs. Allows user to pickpocket (higher accuracy)
Moonlight Accs. Effects unknown
Pretty Idol Accs. Effects unknown
Reverse Doll Accs. Revives holder when they die, GUTS +20;
strong vs. all
Salamander Helmet Accs. Raises Ashton's effectiveness in battle,
AC +12, AVD +10
Sacknoth's Helmet Accs. Raises Ashton's effectiveness in battle,
AC +40, AVD +15
Santa's Boots Accs. Gives random items to the party when worn
while staying at an inn
Silver Cross Accs. Blocks all status ailments, can break;
strong vs. vacuum and light, weak vs. fire
Silver Idol Accs. AVD +1
Silver Barette Accs. AC +3
Tri-emplem Accs. Hit +10, AC +12, AVD +5, CRT +2
Tri-emblem Accs. Hit +50, AC +50, AVD +50, GUTS +20,
STM +50, LUC +50, CRT +10; strong vs. all
Useless Decoration Accs. No effects
Wierd Doll Accs. Effects unknown
Mischief Accs. Gives you random items (common); weak vs.
Trickery Accs. Gives you random items (semi-rare); weak
vs. water
Fortune Accs. Gives you random items (rare); weak vs.
Wisdom Ring Accs. Raises HP and MP, blocks status ailments;
breaks randomly
Surrender Pendant Accs. Prevents some monsters from approaching the
wearer during combat
Demonslayer Ring Accs. Prevents most monsters from approaching the
wearer during combat
Mind Ring Accs. Restores 5% of max. MP per turn; weak vs.
Mental Ring Accs. Restores 5% of max. HP per turn
Healing Ring Accs. Regenerates HP automatically during combat
Regeneration Ring Accs. Regenerates HP automatically during combat;
AVD +2
Communicator Story Claude's communicator
Rena's Pendant Story The pendant Rena wears
Rena's Hairpin Story Rena's crescent-moon hairpin
Passport Story Allows passage via ships
Treasure Map Story A new map of Cross Cave
Ancient Writings Story A mysterious scroll found in Cross Cave
Hut Key Story The key to the hut in the Heraldry Forest
Tournament Pass Story Allows the bearer entry to the Lacour
Tournament of Arms
Silver Goblet Story A goblet used in demon exorcism
Tears of the King Story The tears of the demon bird XINE
Clarisage Story A very rare herb
Dill Whip Story A never-before-seen herb
Metox Story A legendary herb that can cure any ailment
Energy Stone Story The key component of the Lacour Hope
ID Card Story Allows entry to Eluria Tower
Card Key Story Removes the barriers in Eluria Tower
Chisato's Job ID Story Chisato's ID; give it to her to recruit her
Rune Codes Story Special codes to break the seal of the
Fields of Nede
Jewel of Intelligence Story The intelligence of Nede
Jewel of Power Story The strength of Nede
Jewel of Courage Story The courage of Nede
Jewel of Love Story The love of Nede
Warrior Statue Story Used to summon the boss of the Field of
The Key to Minhe Cave Story Allows entry to the Minhe Mine
LEA Metal Story Low Energy Antiproton metal, used to make
void-matter weapons
N.F.I.D. Story Allows the bearer free entry to Fun City
Void Matter Story Gives all allies' weapons an antimatter
Link Stock Story Gives another slot for Link Combos
Pandora's Box Story Used to decode the Secret Files from the
North City library

Private Actions List [SGPA]

This is a list of all of the Private Actions (PA's) in SO2. Note that
relationship changes aren't guaranteed to occur for all parties involved
in a PA, so all specific relationship changes are recorded.

Key: F=Friendship R=Romantic

=-=-= Arlia Village PA's =-=-=

Where?: Rena's bedroom.
Who?: Claude
When?: Any time.
What?: Rena is thinking about the past.
What about the past?
(Cr/Re, Re/Cr: R+1)
What kind of kid were you when you were young?
(Re/Cr: R-1)
Let's not talk about the past. How about the future?
(No effect)

Where?: Outside Hearn's of Arlia.
Who?: Claude
When?: Any time Celine is in your party.
What?: Celine offers something to Claude.

Where?: River near Rena and Regis' houses.
Who?: Claude
When?: After the Tournament of Arms.
What?: Precis and Rena are arguing about Claude.

Where?: Next to the church.
Who?: Rena
When?: Before visiting Cross.
What?: Rena listens in on Claude talking to himself.

Where?: Next to the church.
Who?: Rena
When?: After getting Celine until Mars Village.
What?: Claude and Rena discuss pets.

Where?: River near Rena and Regis' houses.
Who?: Rena
When?: Before Clik is destroyed.
What?: Rena and Celine discuss past boyfriends.

Where?: Inside the mayor's house.
Who?: Rena
When?: Any time Precis is in the party.
What?: Precis and Rena discuss art.

Where?: Inside Hearn's of Arlia.
Who?: Rena
When?: After the Hoffman Ruins
What?: Rena and Opera look at Jewelery.

Where?: Inside the newlywed couple's house.
Who?: Either
When?: Any time Bowman is in the party.
Wnat?: Bowman is checking up on the newlyweds, who are expecting.

Where?: Inside Hearn's of Arlia.
Who?: Either
When?: Before crossing to Lacour for the first time.
What?: Gyoro and Ururun are demanding that Ashton buy something.

=-=-= Salva PA's =-=-=

Where?: Outside the jewelery shop.
Who?: Claude
When?: Any time Rena is in the party.
What?: Rena wonders about Claude's father.
Outcomes: No relationship changes.

=-=-= Cross PA's =-=-=

=-=-= Clik PA's =-=-=

=-=-= Herlie PA's =-=-=

=-=-= Hilton PA's =-=-=

=-=-= Lacour PA's =-=-=

=-=-= Linga PA's =-=-=

=-=-= Central City PA's =-=-=

Where?: Inside the restaurant.
Who?: Rena
When?: Any time Chisato is in the party.
What?: Chisato's buying eggs, and asks Rena for help.
Boiled or raw?
(Re/Ch: F+2 Ch/Re: F-1, R-1)
Chisato, can you cook?
(Re/Ch, Ch/Re: F+2)
Even then, aren't you buying too much?
(Re/Ch, Ch/Re: F+4)

=-=-= North City PA's =-=-=

=-=-= Fun City PA's =-=-=

=-=-= Armlock PA's =-=-=

Where?: Inside Mirage's house.
Who?: Claude
When?: Any time Leon is in the party.
What?: Leon is a bit out of sorts.
Are you homesick?
(Cr/Le, Le/Cr: F+3 Cr/Le: R+1)
I know what you mean. I can't believe it myself.
(Cr/Le, Le/Cr: F+3)
Well, lots of things have happened.
(Le/Cr: F-1)

=-=-= Giveaway PA's =-=-=

Treasure Chest List [SGTCHEST]

This is a list of everything you can get out of the Treasure Chest item.
Which items you get is entirely random. There are 208 known items you can
get at this time.

Lavender, Aceras, Artemis Leaf, Wolfsbane, Mandrake, Rose Hips,
Cure Poison, Cure Paralysis, Cure Stone, Aquaberry, Blueberry, Blackberry,
Ressurection Bottle, Ressurection Mist, Mixed Syrup, Fresh Syrup,
Fruit Syrup, Hot Syrup, Apple Jam, Strawberry Jam, Raspberry Jam, Aloe Jam,
Aphrodisiac, Twin's Tonic

Conductor's Baton, Magical Clay, Feather Pen, Vellum Paper, Smith's Hammer,
Spectacles, Fruit, Grain, Vegetables, Seafood, Egg/Dairy Products, Meat,
Ladyfingers, Rice Croquettes, Soy Milk, Weird Lump, Bounced Check Fanzine,
Fanzine ?, Fanzine !, Fanzine ..., Fanzine (male), Fanzine (female),
Fanzine (heart), Fanzine (Music)

Worn Knuckles, Hard Knuckles, Cestus, Metal Fangs, Bagh Nakh,
Giant's Fists, Hetaconchiere, Grizzly Claps, Rune Full Moon,
Sorceress Knuckles, Bent Rod, Rod, Silver Rod, Magic Hand, One-Two Punch,
Iron Punch, Fire Punch, Great Punch, Atomic Punch, Ultra Punch,
Booster Box, Radio Box, Light Box, X Box, Alpha Box, Limp Whip,
Leather Whip, Splinter, Light Whip, Spark Whip, Rose Whip, Wobbly Sword,
Twin Swords, Smaller, Both Shaver, Scyther, Lotus Eater, Reference Book,
Heraldry, Dictionary, Thick Book, Dull Sword, Long Sword, Sinclair Sabre,
Baselard, Flame Blade, Walloon Sword, Gusguine, Veil Piercer,
Oriental Blade, Ignite Sword, Force Sword, Marvel Sword

Leather Armor, Robe, Ringed Mail, Brigandine, Buckler, Wooden Shield,
Round Shield, Knight's Shield, Fine Shield, Secret Boots, Boots,
Suede Boots, Iron Greaves, Leather Greaves, Frog, Leather Helm, Fame Helm,
Odd Gauntlets, Odd Shield, Odd Hat, Odd Clothes, Odd Gloves

Glass Slippers, Gold Bracelet, Hard Ring, Weighty Ring, Anklet, Gold Ring,
Ruby Earring, First Earring, Lot Bracelet, Useless Decoration, Shield Ring,
Reflection Ring, Silver Barette, Necklace, Gaudy Earring, Weird Doll,
Star Earring, Golden Idol, Silver Idol, Attack Earring, Tri-Emplem,
Crown, Golden Crown, Golden Bracelet, Lunatic Earring

Hyperball, Killer Poison, Nuclear Bomb, Bubble Lotion, Care Tablet,
Medical Rinse, Risky Liquid, Nightmare Pot, Madness Mist, Flare Bomb,
Smoke Mist, Natural High, Odd Medicine, Pixie Cologne, Fairy Glass,
Energy Tonic, Super Ball, Fairies Card, Extension Card, Fol Up Card,
Discovery Card, Experience Card, Mortalial Card, Victorial Card,
Spring Water, Paralysis Mist, Bubble Lotion, Wonder Drug, Mental Pot,
Melting Lotion, Paralysis Oil, Tri-ball, Herbal Oil, Shock Oil, Holy Mist,
Flash Pot, Angel's Statue, Dummy Doll, Skanda Compress, Kamikaze Tonic,
Assault Bomb, Peep-Peep Bomb, Crush Pill, Violence Pill, Lilith Tonic,
Succubus Cologne, Tetra-bomb, Mind Bomb, Attack Vial, Fairy's Statue,
Sweet Syrup, Smelling Salts, Resistance Ring, Smoke Oil, Fairy Mist,
Fairy's Cologne, Half-Dead Bomb, Merlin Drink, Skanda Ointment

Pickpocketing List [SGPICKPCK]

This is a list of everything you can steal from the townspeople in the
game. Items marked with a ^ are valuable/rare/otherwise useful. A # after
a person's name means that they say something if you fail (usually meaning
that it's very hard to steal from them).

Arlia Village
Lucia: 100 Fol
Young Girl: Blackberry
Old Man: 100 Fol
(PA) Ashton: Necklace
(CPA) Leon: The Hermes Theory^
(RPA) Claude: Attack Vial

Newlywed's House
Boy*: Santa's Boots^
Wife#: Rainbow Diamond^
Husband: 100 Fol

Belding Church
Young Girl: Sour Syrup
Priest: Silver Cross
Boy: 10 Fol

East Side
Man: 100 Fol
Little Girl: 24 Fol
Aunty: Vegetables
Vern Vern: Wierd Doll
(PA) Celine: Spring Water^
(PA) Noel: Cure Stone

General Store 'Hearn's of Arlia'
Mr. Hearn: 120 Fol
(PA) Ashton: Hard Ring

Bossman's House
Little Boy: Rock
Little Girl: Strawberry Jam
Bossman: Skanda Compress^

House of Mayor Regis
Mayor Regis#: Resurrection Bottle^
Maid: Fried Eggs
(PA) Precis: Iron
(PA) Opera: Berry Juice

Rena's House
Westa: Necklace
(CPA) Rena: Worn Knuckles

* - This boy only appears on disc 2.

Town of Salva
South End
Young Man: Paralysis Check^
Old Woman: Spectacles
Little Boy: Pet Food
Woman: Golden Idol
Young Man 2 (next to Jewelry Store): 24 Fol
Young Man 3 (Walking near boarded house): Wolfsbane
(CPA) Rena: Sapphire
(PA) Celine: Succubus Cologne^
(CPA) Little Girl: 1 Fol
(PA) Ernest: Silver Ring^
(PA) Bowman: Lavender
(CPA) Leon: ???? (too hard to steal!)

Boy: Dummy Doll
Mother: Resurrection Bottle^
(PA) Noel: Pet Food

Jam Store 'Dolphin Kick'
Yuki: Apple Jam
(PA) Precis: Peep-peep Bomb

Inn 'The Hopping Penguin'
Rockhopper**: Second Ledger^
Traveler: Mental Pot^
Tourist: Skanda Compress^
(RPA) Claude: Suede Boots

Weapon Shop 'Ferguson's'
Ferguson: Iron Greaves

Jewelry Store 'Fairy Tear'
Faye: Crystal
(CPA) Rena: Green Beryl
(RPA) Celine: Lilith Tonic^
(RPA) Ashton: Silver Pendant

North End
Man: Artemis Leaf
Man 2 (near entrance of Salva Drift): Magical Clay
Young Woman: Ruby
Young Woman 2 (the one that "tingles"): Blurry Photo
Little Girl: Silver Idol
Young Man: 500 Fol
Fighting Man*: Dull Sword
(PA) Ashton: Silver Pendant
(PA) Precis: Material Kit
(RPA) Claude: Can't pickpocket

Tavern 'Rough and Tumble'
Worker (on upper level): Gold
Worker 2 (sitting at table): Silver
Worker 3 (sitting at counter): Sambai Tea^
Young Man (worried about Talent): Resurrection Bottle^
Bartender: Spring Water^
Fighting Man* (at counter): Worn-out Sword
Soldier* (at counter): Iron Helm
Fighting Man* (at table): Victorial Card
Soldier* (at table): Banded Mail
Fighting Man* (2nd floor): Bastard Sword

Alen's Mansion
Butler: Berry Juice
Servant: 12 Fol
Cook: 15 Fol

Salva Drift
(PA) Yuki: Aloe Jam
Soldier*: Silence Card
(CPA) Ashton: ???

* - Only appears when Ashton is trying to fight Gyoro and Ururun (you don't
have to recruit him to steal these items though)

** - If you fail to steal from Rockhopper, the game won't play any sounds;
you can only tell because the game won't react when you try to use
Pickpocket on her any longer.

Kingdom of Cross
Traveler: Worn-out Sword
Devious Fighting Man: Paralysis Oil
Little Girl: 20 Fol
Young Woman: Weird Lump
Young Man: Spectacles
Young Man 2 (Walking in grassy area): Iron
Man: Pet Food
Dog#: Orichalum
(PA) Opera: Root Beer^
(PA) Ernest: Prism Ring
(PA) Noel: Sole and Fruit Sauce
(PA) Bowman: Lavender

Inn 'Kingdom Hotel'
Rachel: Aquaberry

West Side
Young Man: 200 Fol
Old Man: Sake Lees Pickles^
(CPA) Rena: Boots
(PA) Ashton: Golden Bracelet
(PA) Precis: Peep-peep Bomb
(RPA) Claude: Round Shield
(RPA) Celine: Can't pickpocket! (during first Chris/Celine event)

Tool Shop 'Budabing Budaboom'
Belle: Blackberry

Restaurant 'Forum'
Walmeyer: Sashimi^
Meyer: Pear Compote^
Lady Owner: Root Beer^
(RPA) ????? (Chris): Silver Fangs (only if you have Celine in your
party; can be before Cross Cave, so you don't have to keep her)

Bar 'Mikado'
Fighting Man: Long Sword
Man: Blueberry
Drunk Man: 50 Fol
Husband: Blurry Photo
Wife: Aloe Jam
Bartender: 'Ishidaya' Tea^

Skill Guild 'Skillie'
Explainer: Spectacles
Guildmaster: Feather Pen
Advisor: Fol Up Card^

Weapon Shop 'Royal Hunt'
Zott: Leather Armor

East Side
Old Guy: Cure Poison
Boy (hidden behind wall): Blueberry
(PA) Celine: Cinderella Glass

Path to Castle
Young Man: Paralysis Oil

Cross Castle
First Floor
Receptionist (audience): Leather Helm
Receptionist (tax payments): Leather Greaves
Young Woman: Magical Film
Young Man: Magical Camera^
Soldier: 200 Fol
Soldier2: Sweet Syrup
(CPA) Leon: Pocket Encyclopedia^ (Game calls it "Pocket Book")

Soldier: 200 Fol

Soldiers' Compartment
Page: 200 Fol

Cross Castle Kitchen
Chambermaid: Anklet
Cook: Fruit

Second Floor
Throne Room
West Guard: Cure Paralysis
East Guard: Stink Gel

Waiting Room
Soldier: Banded Helm
Soldier 2 (near window): Banded Mail

Third Floor
Chambermaid: Wierd Doll
Chambermaid 2 (near window): 500 Fol

The Princess's Chambers
Nanny: 100 Fol
Princess Rosalind: Silk Robe

The Prince's Chambers
Chambermaid: 50 Fol
Prince Clother: Golden Crown (only if you did the Chris-Celine scene
though; only in Rena's game)

Mars Village
West Side
Colin: 120 Fol
Young Man: Robe
Young Woman: Magical Hat
Woman: Spectacles
Cecille: Ring of Sadness^
Old Man: Boots
Young Man (at Heraldry Forest entrance): Ruby Wand
(PA) Leon: All About Herbs^
(RPA) Claude: Portrait B
(RPA) Claude*: Sinclair Sabre
(RPA) Celine*: Amber Robe^

Elder's House
Elder: Fairy Glass
(PA) Opera: 'Usunigori' Tea^
(PA) Ernest: Battle Suit^

Tool Shop 'Roof's'"
Shopping Customer: 200 Fol
(PA) Precis: Can't pickpocket

Inn 'Finn's'
Finn: Rose Hips
(PA) Ashton: 10 Fol
(PA) Noel: Beret

Bar 'O'Shane'
Proprietor: Berry Juice
Man: Root Beer^

East Side
Batts: Magic Rock
Grandmother: Silence Card
Young Woman: Angel's Statue
Milly (after Clik is destroyed): Raw Milk
Old Man: Treasure Chest^
Man: Dummy Doll
(CPA) Rena: Fountain Card
(CPA) Abeema: Purple Mist
(PA) Bowman: Maple Syrup

Grocery Store 'Golden Spoon'
Middle-aged Woman: Grain

Celine's House
Labe: Silk Robe
Eglas: Herbal Oil
(PA) Celine: Cinderella Glass

* - You can steal from Claude and Celine right after you talk to Dias in
Rena's scenario, during the Mars campaign.

Port Town Clik
Young Man: 800 Fol
Woman: Today's Dish^

Inn 'Waterfront'
D'Auria: Zephyr Earring^
Guest: 500 Fol

Antique Shop 'Milly's Shop'
Milly: Flash Pot^

Henry's Happy Barrel
Man: Aquaberry
Man (at the bar): Artemis Leaf
Proprietor: Aged Berry Juice^
Andrew the Wood Carver: 100 Fol
James (in bathroom): Dummy Doll

International Trading
Flint: Worn Knuckles

Ketil's House
Housekeeper*: 200 Fol

Fountain Area
Young Woman: Extension Card^
Street Vendor: Pancakes
Old Woman: Ruby
Old Man: Silver Cross
Boyfriend: Silver Charm
Girlfriend: Battalia Ring^
Ice Cream Girl: Orange Sherbet
(PA) Filia: Mischief^
(CPA) Rena: Fruit Syrup
(PA) Celine: Ruby Wand
(RPA) Claude: Broad Sword

Restaraunt 'The Big Potato'
Owner: Root Beer^
Cook: Vegetables

Restaurant, second floor
Strangely, you can't pickpocket anybody up here!

Clothing Store 'Golgo'
Customer: Robe
Golgo: Odd Clothes^
Customer# (dressing room)****: Odd Clothes^

Bakery 'The Clik Bakery'
Baker: Egg Sandwich
Girl: 500 Fol

Skill Guild 'Clik Skills'
Advisor: Sapphire
Guildmaster: Mandrake
Explainer: Magical Clay

The Hill
Old Man: Fountain Pen
Young Man: Iron
Woman: Anklet
(RPA) Claude - On Training^
Street Vendor**: Banana Crepes
Captain**: 'Ishidaya' Tea^
Heraldic Wizard**: Herbal Oil^
Sailor**: Hassaku Tea^
Old Woman**: Life Insurance^
Boy**: Silver
Ketil**: Bandit's Gloves
Housekeeper**: 1500 Fol
Young Man**: Fanzine ?
Milly**: Flash Pot^
Cafe Owner**: Aged Berry Juice^
Girl**: Fanzine (music)
(CPA) Rena: Mystical Beings^

Dock Area
Sailor (by barrels): Hassaku Tea^
Sailor (sweating): Discovery Card^
Sailor (by the boat): Feet Symbol^
Sailor# (mad, by the kids)***: Berserk Ring^
Boy: 50 Fol
Girl: Apple Crepes
Heraldic Wizard: Herbal Oil^
Captain: 'Ishidaya' Tea^
Ketil: Bandit's Gloves
(PA) Celine: Cinderella Glass

* - The housekeeper only appears while Ketil is giving you a tour of
the town.

** - These people only show up after Clik is destroyed.

*** - This guy only shows up after finishing Cross Cave.

**** - This person will be gone after Ketil's tour.

Port Town of Herlie
Port Area
Father#: 'Usunigori' Tea^
Traveler*: 120 Fol
Woman: 200 Fol
Sailor: 'Ishidaya' Tea^
Sailor (near boat): Hassaku Tea^
(PA) Opera: Apple Cider^
(CPA) Rena: Fairies Card^
(RPA) Claude: Extension Card^
(RPA) Yul#: Portrait B

Shop Area
Woman: Rose Hips
Boy: Meat Dumpling
Man (behind Skill Guild building): Silence Card
(PA) Precis: Flare Bomb
(PA) Leon: Mystical Beings^
(PA) Ernest: Reverse Doll^
(PA) Bowman: Holy Mist^

Inn 'Ocean View'
Karen: Fountain Pen
Raddle the Traveler (in 1st room on west hall): Wonder Drug^
Old man (2nd room east hall)*: Pickled Plum
Young Boy (1st room west hall)*: Purple Mist
Proprietor (3rd room west hall)*: Ruby Earring
Newlywed: Life Insurance^
Newlywed 2: Ring of Happiness^

Eleanor's House
Mother: Mixed Syrup
Eleanor: Care Tablet^
(PA) Ashton: Fruit

Delicatessen 'Red Dragon Manor'
Chinnen: Coconut Milk^
(PA) Celine: Blueberry

Weapon Shop 'Premia'
Premia: Round Shield

Antique Dealer 'The Grasping Hand'
Lord of the Turtles: Silk Robe
(RPA) Yul: Can't pickpocket

Skill Guild 'Giono Vallon'
Explainer: Bandit's Gloves
Guild Master: Buckler
Advisor: Suede Boots

Tavern 'Wild Man'
Corey: Ring of Sadness^
Sailor: Sambai Tea^
Sailor 2 (near wall): Toro Tuna^
Zand's Minion**: Forged Bills^
Zand's Minion 2** (sitting at table): Forged Checks^
Bartender: Raw Milk

Zand's Mansion
First Floor
Zand's Minion**: Twin Swords
Cook: Shrimp au Gratin

Second Floor
Zand's Minion**: Leather Whip

* - This guy only appears after Clik is destroyed.

** - Zand's Minions will vanish in Rena's scenario if you defeat Zand
during the second Yul PA (Rena's scenario only).

Mountain Palace
Soldier: Crystal

Port Town of Hilton
Port Area
Soldier*: Plate Mail^
Soldier 2*: Plate Helm^
Soldier 3*: Buckler
Soldier 4*: Plate Greaves^
Soldier 5* (next to ship): Skanda Compress^
Sailor: Pickled Plums
Man: Bandit's Glove
Woman: Vegetables
Sailor 2: 500 Fol
(PA) Opera: 'Usunigori' Tea^
(PA) Ernest: Fairy's Statue
(PA) Noel: Nature's Life Force^
(RPA) Little Girl: Silver Idol

Skill Guild 'Skill Power'
Explainer: Magic Canvas
Guildmaster: Spectacles
Advisor: Eggs/Dairy Products
(PA) Precis: Flare Bomb

East Side of Hilton
Little Boy***: Rocket Pendant
Just Another Boy: 25 Fol
Young Man: Sweet Syrup
Young Man 2: Fruit
Young Man 3: Magical Clay
Adventurer: Skanda^
(PA) Bowman: Medical Rinse^
(CPA) Rena: High-laced Shoes^
(RPA) Claude: Banded Mail

Tavern 'Stone'
Young Man: Shrimp Shu-Mai^
Old Man: Quick Pickles
Man: Paralysis Check^
Poprietor: Root Beer^
Fighting Man** (lowest): Super Ball
Fighting Man** (middle): 200 Fol
Fighting Man** (upper): Hyper Ball
(PA) Ashton: Paralysis Check^
Drunk****: Sambai Tea
Man**: 150 Fol

Food Store 'Munchies'
Manager: Seafood

Weapon Shop 'Gerencer'
Gerencer: Leather Boots

Seaside Music Shop
L. Prima: Feather Pen

Tool Shop 'Rosso's'
Rosso: Lavender

Inn 'Hilton Island'
Paula: Blackberry
(PA) Celine (in a room): Pyre Tear^
(RPA) Nonno: Silver Idol
(RPA) Mother: Pretty Idol

* - These people only show up when Leon first joins your party.

** - These people only appear before the Lacour Arms Tournament.

*** - This kid only appears in Claude's scenario; stealing the Rocket
Pendant (shouldn't that be Locket Pendant?) is a part of this PA,
actually. I don't know what stats the pendant has, but I suspect that
it's worthless as an actual item (if you can even keep it).

**** - This guy only appears during a sequence in the quest to recruit

Central Area
Girl: Attack Earring
Stunning Lady: Gold Ring
Old Guy: Sandals
Young Man (by inn): 20 FOL
Young Man (by tavern): Lavender
Young Man (in green): 500 FOL
Young Woman: First Earring
(CPA) Rena: Hard Knuckles

Inn 'The Lacour Hotel'
Hotel Manager: 100 FOL

Tavern 'La Coeur of Lacour'
Fighting Man (in brown): Both Shaver
Fighting Man (by statue): Sinclair Sabre
Fighting Man (by painting): Cestus
Fighting Man (by entrance): Oriental Blade^
Man: 500 FOL
Proprietor: Apple Cider^

West Area
Store Kepper: Aquaberry
Man: 600 FOL
Efficient Girl: 555 FOL
(PA) Old Woman: Vegetables
(PA) Celine: Crest Rod

House 'Red Roof'
Child: Scribbles
Mother: Meat

1st East Area
Dagor: Iron
Young Man: 20 FOL
Furlong: Gold
Man: Blackberry
Fastrad: Silver

Weapon Shop 'Slayer'
Indecisive Man: Baselard
Retired Fighting Man: Wobbly Sword
Edda: Hard Knuckles

2nd East Area
Child: 12 FOL
Nor: Wolfsbane
Ladyowner: Grain
Grandma: Fruit
Chief: Egg/Dairy Products
(CPA) Little Girl: Green Beryl

Skill Guild 'Lacour Skills'
Explainer: Magical Clay
Guildmaster: Magical Canvas
Advisor: Magical Film

Path to Castle
Young Man: Strawberry Jam
Girlfriend: Aqua Ring^
Boyfriend: Fairy Tear^
Man: Blueberry
Boy: Carrot Juice
Mother: Silver Ring

Outside Castle
Woman: Pyre Tear^
Young Man: Extension Card^
Scalper*: Crumpled Paper
Tourist* (lower): Orangeade
Tourist 2* (higher): Soy Milk
Man*: 500 FOL

* - These people only appear on the day of the tournament.

Note: Some people also disappear on the day of and after the tournament.

Lacour Castle
Lacour Castle 'Registration'
Soldier at Registration: Fountain Pen
Soldier at Registration 2: Fountain Pen

Central Atrium
Maid: Weighty Ring
Tournament Fighting Man: Long Sword
Maid: Twin-Edge*
Soldier: Ruby*

East Hallway
Young Woman: Sapphire
Maid: Silver Barrette
Ayura: 50 FOL
Maid: Silver*
Soldier* (left)= Blackberry
Soldier 2*(right): Aquaberry

Lacour Castle 'Conference Room'
Soldier (left of doorway): Paralysis Check^
Soldier 2 (right of doorway): Blackberry
Soldier 3 (left of window): Aquaberry
Soldier 4 (right of window): Blueberry
Soldier 5 (by chair): 800 FOL

Lacour Castle 'Main Library'
Soldier: 70 FOL
Researcher (by desk): Maple Syrup
Librarian: Feather Pen
Researcher 2 (by bookcase): Sour Syrup
Researcher 3 (in corner): Vellum Paper
(PA) Ernest: Frog
(PA) Bowman: Antiseptic Gloves^

Researcher (right of doorway): Care Tablet^
Soldier: Sour Syrup
???? (Leon): Pieces for Learners^
Researcher 2 (near bookcase): Fresh Syrup
Researcher 3*: Mandrake
Researcher 4*: Wolfsbane

West Hallway
Maid: Sweet Dumpling
Soldier* (right): Round Shield
Soldier* (left): Banded Mail

Lacour Castle 'Great Dining Hall'
Man: 300 FOL
Woman: Fruit
Cook: Sirloin Steak^

Lacour Castle 'Arsenal'
Soldier: 500 FOL

Stairs to Second Floor
Chikashi: Weird Lump

Hall to Arena Resgistration
Youth: Magical Clay
Soldier*: Leather Greaves

Ariena Registration Area
Soldier (on stairs): Blackberry
Soldier (behind desk): Fountain Pen
Maid: Lot Bracelet
Soldier (to the right): Twin Swords
Soldier**: Round Shield
Soldier 2* (right of doorway): Blueberry
Soldier 3* (left of doorway): 300 FOL
Soldier 4* (near waiting room): Wooden Shield
Soldier 5* (above stairs): Worn-out Sword
Fan*: Cinderella Glass
Fan 2*: Cinderella Glass
Father*: Feather Pen
Son*: Harmonica
Soldier 6*: Leather Armor
Man*: 600 FOL
Girl*: Gold Ring
Youth*: Necklace
Woman*: Black Earring
Soldier 7* (by railing): Leather Greaves

Waiting Room
Soldier**: Crumpled Paper
Soldier**: Crumpled Paper

Arena (south side)
Soldier: 200 FOL
Spectator (right): Vanilla Ice Cream
Spectator 2 (left): Chocolate Crepes
Soldier 2** (right): Blackberry
Soldier 3** (left): Aquaberry

Arena (north side)
Howard: Frog
Spectator: Useless Decoration
Soldier** (angry)= 150 FOL
Soldier 2**: 200 FOL
(PA) Opera: Light Box^

Outside Arena (bottom right)
Soldier**: 150 FOL

Entry Hall to Battle Arena
Maid: Blueberry
Soldier: 200 FOL
Soldier 2*: Boots
Soldier 3*: Leather Helm

Throne Room
Child from Cold Region: Vanilla Ice Cream
Mother from Cold Region: 400 FOL
Tourist (back row)= Blueberry
Opportunist: Bandit's Glove
Tourist (woman): Cinderella Glass
Tourist 2 (mid front row): Vellum Paper
Tourist 3 (left front row): Useless Decoration
Guide: Conductor's Baton
Soldier*: Worn-out Sword

Hall above Throne Room
Soldier (left): Poison Check
Soldier 2 (right): Cure Poison
Maid: Rice Cakes
Soldier 3* (left): Buckler
Soldier 4* (right): Boots

Maid: Anklet

* - These people only appear on the day of the tournament.

** - You can only pickpocket these people after the tournament.

Note: Some people also disappear on the day of and after the tournament.

Lacour (Post-Invasion)
Central Area
Soldier: Can't pickpocket
Man: 500 Fol
Woman*: Cinderella Glass
(PA) Claude: Iron Greaves

Drunk: Root Beer^
Soldier: Blackberry

2nd East Area
Soldier: Cure Paralysis

Chef: Egg/Dairy Products

* - This woman disappears if you talk to her. Be sure to steal from
her first.

Lacour Castle (Post-Invasion)
Lacour Castle 'Registration'
Man: Mortalial Card
Woman: Victorial Card
Soldier at Registration: Fountain Pen
Soldier at Registration: Fountain Pen

Central Atrium
Maid: Twin-edge
Gamgee: Smith's Hammer
Suphia: Orichalcum
Edda: Smith's Hammer
Guildmaster: Pet Food
Ground Host: Iron
Youth: 150 Fol
Mama: 500 Fol

East Hall
Maid: Sweet Dumpling
Fastred: Rock
Soldier: Banded Mail

Great Dining Hall
Chef: Hamburger
Man: 300 Fol
Girl: Fruit
Cook: Sirloin Steak

Soldier (desk): Fountain Pen
Fighting Man: 600 Fol
Fighting Man 2: Cure Poison

East Arena Hall
Maid: Blueberry

Arena Fan Seats, South
Soldier (grey): Blackberry
Soldier (brown): Aquaberry

Arena Fan Seats, North
Man: Weird Lump

West Hall
Maid: Silver
(PA) Precis: Iron Punch

Meeting Room
Soldier (grey): Paralysis Check^
Soldier (brown): Blackberry
Soldier (blue, left): Aquaberry
Soldier (blue, right): Blueberry

Soldier: 70 Fol
Store Keeper: Apple Cider^
Researcher (desk): Maple Syrup
Librarian: Feather Pen
Researcher (bookshelf): Sour Syrup
Researcher (corner): Vellum Paper
Noel*: Reverse Doll

(PA) Opera: Light Box^
(PA) Leon: Pieces for Learners^
Soldier: Sour Syrup
Florice: Erlenmeyer Flask^
Murdoch: Ressurection Bottle^
King Lacour: Crown

Throne Room
Basil: Iron
Nerori: Jack-in-the-box
Soldier: Worn-out Sword
Yukari: Weird Lump
Youth: 150 Fol

Upper Hallways
Maid: Rice Cakes

King's Room
Soldier: Blueberry
Dagor: Cestus

Child: 50 Fol
Matron: Seafood
Maid: Anklet

* - This is not the party member Noel. It's Nor from the tool shop Pellen
Nor. The translators messed up and called him Noel here for some reason.

Town of Linga
Soldier*: Silver
Soldier 2*: Gold
Soldier 3* (far right): Iron
Woman: Spicy Cake
Woman 2: Grain
Man: Pet Food
Man 2: Iron
Muscle-bound Guy: Attack Vial
(PA) Leon: Illustrated Book
(PA) Ashton: Plate Mail^

Inn 'Pension Chie'
Chie-chan: 200 Fol

Skill Guild 'Le Skill'
Explainer: On Revenge^
Guildmaster: On Training^
Advisor: Forest Friends^

Kieth Klasner's House
Assistant (near door): Crumpled Paper
Assistant 2: Fountain Pen
Kieth: Beret

University Co-op 'Academy Co-op'
Co-op Lady: Fountain Pen

Pharmacy 'Tsuyoshi Takemoto'
Tsuyoshi: Madness Mist

Precis's House
Precis's House 'The Lab'
Graft: Iron

Living Room
(PA) Precis' Old Man*: Mind Bomb

Precis's Room
(PA) Precis*: Chocolate Crepes

University Area
Young Man: 1500 Fol
Student: Fountain Pen
Lady Professor: Artemis Leaf
Professor: Wolfsbane
(PA) Student A: 100 Fol
(PA) Student B: Natural High
(PA) Student C: Herbal Oil
(PA) Professor A: Attack Vial
(PA) Untrustworthy Vendor: Fountain Pen
(PA) Celine: Silk Robe

Academy Library
Student (procrastinator): Operation Manual^
Librarian: Magical Drops^
Librarian 2: Spectacles
Student 2 (sitting on chair): Fanzine (music)
Student 3: Engineering^
Student 4 (upper level): The Land's Secret^
Student 5 (upper level): The Hermes Theory^
(PA) Opera: Pin Heels
(PA) Ernest: Battle Suit^
(RPA) Claude: Fine Shield

Pharmacy 'Jean Medicine Home'
Bowman (or Nineh): Promised Ring^

Lacour Academy
Receptionist: 300 Fol
Assistant: Paralysis Oil
(CPA) Rena: High-laced Shoes^

Hall One
Professor: Bitter Lotion

Hall Two
Professor: Fairy's Cologne^

Assistant: Shock Oil
Assistant 2: Smoke Oil
Professor: Energy Tonic^

Student Cafe
Old Lady: Meat
Student: Risky Liquid
Student 2: Medical Rinse^

* - These people only show up when Leon first joins your party.

** - This is the PA for getting Precis. If you fail to pickpocket, though,
you have to watch the whole PA again if you reload. After she joins you,
they'll both have moved.

Hoffman Continent
Drop-off Point
Soldier: Angel Hair

Lacour Front Line
Training Grounds
Soldier: Cure Poison
Soldier 2: Cure Paralysis
Gutless Soldier: Fairy's Cologne^
Captain: Blackberry
Soldier 3: Blueberry
Soldier 4: Aquaberry

Soldier: Rose Hips
Soldier 2: Lavender
Soldier 3: Blueberry

Nurse*: Rose Hips
Captain*: Blackberry

Soldier: Paralysis Check^
Fighting Man*: Magic Rock

General Store 'Lacour Store'
Soldier: Iron Greaves
Captain: Knight's Shield
Grover#: Steel Armor^
Soldier 2: Round Shield
Dias*: Sturm Ring

Meeting Room
Commanding Officer: Hard Earring
Commanding Officer 2: Hard Ring
Commanding Officer 3 (mad one): 500 Fol
Commanding Officer 4: Anklet

Field Hospital
Nurse: Cure Poison
Nurse 2: High Heels
Soldier: Bitter Lotion
Nurse 3*: Sweet Syrup
Soldier 2* (far right): Brigandine
Soldier 3* (next to nurse 3): Brigandine
Soldier 4* (sitting at back of room): Blueberry
Soldier 5* (sitting in front of clock): Worn-out sword
Soldier 6* (standing near bed): Perforated Armor
Fighting Man*: Broad Sword
Doctor*: Spring Water^

* - These people appear only after the first monster attack

Eluria Colony
Woman: Paralysis Check^
Child: Lot Bracelet
Woman 2 (right side of screen): Ring of Sadness^
Woman 3 (near huts): Reverse Doll
Youth: Holy Mist
Man: Peep Half

Leader's House
Leader: Star Ruby
Woman: Glass Slippers
Youth: Sandals
Leon*: Magical Theory

Youth: Melting Lotion

* - Leon only appears here if you are playing Claude's storyline and have
not included him in your party.

Calnus Research Vessel
(NOTE: This area is exclusive to Claude. If you picked Rena as your hero,
you will not be able to pickpocket here.)

Cadet: Fountain Pen
Cadet 2 (right): Battle Suit^
Science Officer: Pet Food
Officer: Survival Kit^
Operator: Shortcake^
Operator 2 (right): Material Kit
Kurtzman: Text Software^
Ronixis: Peep Non^
Helmsman: Graphic Software^
Helmsman 2 (right): Musical Software^

Central City
Central Square
Man: Sweet Syrup
Old Man: Magical Clay
Woman: Shortcake^
Young Man: 500 Fol
Woman (turns into 'Girlfriend' after boyfriend appears): Ruby
Boyfriend: Moon Tiara
(CPA) Rena: Chocolate Crepes
(PA) Ernest: Discovery Card^
(PA) Ashton: Battalia Ring^

Weapon Shop 'Hyper-on-Hyper'
Kim: Mortalial Card

Restaurant 'Weight Lawyer'
Madam: Golden Bracelet
Butler: 5000 Fol
Proprietor: Baby Rabbit Rositto
Part-timer: French Toast^

Tool Shop 'Reverse Edge'
Arnon: Magic Canvas
(PA) Celine: Holy Rod

Skill Guild
Guildmaster: Erlenmeyer Flask^
Advisor: Antiseptic Gloves^
Explainer: Survival Kit^

West Side

Tavern and Inn 'Brandywine'
Clerk: Shiny Earring
Girlfriend: Fairy Tear^
Boyfriend: 500 Fol
Proprietor: Root Beer^
Young Girl: Misty Symbol
Young Girl 2: Attack Earring
Good-looking Girl: Ring of Happiness^
Normal Young Man: Blackberry
Pick-up Guy: Lavender
Pick-up Guy 2: Berry Juice
(PA) Opera: Evening Dress^

Fifth Floor
(PA) Noel: Seafood

Front of City Hall
Man: Feather Pen
(PA) Bowman: Sour Syrup
(PA) Leon: Encyclopedia
(PA) Chisato: Shock Gun**

City Hall
Girl: Pretty Idol
Mother of Child: Meat
Boy: Scribbles
Woman: Gale Earring

City Hall Receptionist
Woman: Succubus Cologne^
Woman 2: Medical Rinse^
Female Clerk: 10 Volt Gun
Female Clerk 2: Mirror of Wisdom
Clerk: Vellum Paper
Clerk 2: Spectacles
Young Man: 720 Fol
Girl*: Pretty Idol (same as Lobby)
Mother of Child*: Vegetables

Newspaper Office
Assistant Editor-in-Chief: Resurrection Mist^
Editor: Raw Milk
Editor 2: Text Software^
Editor 3: Crumpled Paper
Editor 4: Smelling Salts^
Editor-in-Chief: Fanzine (male)

Nede Publishing Company
Young Man: Star Earring
Editor: 800 Fol
Editor 2: Treatise
Editor 3: Dictionary
Editor-in-Chief: Root Beer^
Young Girl: 500 Fol

Mayor's Office
Receptionist: Graphic Software^
Narl: Musical Software^

* - After Filia gets swallowed by Indaleco.

** - Obtained after gaining access to the library's secret files.

North City
Main Area
Young Man: Jack-in-the-Box
Young Man 2: 400 Fol
Young Man 3: Cure Poison
Woman: Luna Tablet
Grandfather: Wolfsbane
(PA) Bowman: Mandrake
(PA) Opera: Pin Heels

Inn 'Landscape'
(PA) Celine: Mithril Dress
(CPA) Rena: High Heels

Smiley's Grocery
Girl: Carrot Ice Cream
Old Woman: Stock Certificate^

Account Weapons
Shop Boy: Steel-laced Boots^
Grocer: Sard*

Tool Shop 'Blue Flask'
Mrs. Heath: Violin^
Customer: Fruit Syrup

2nd Floor
(PA) Chisato: Revival Card^

Library 'Encyclopedia'
Operator: Musical Software^
Secretary: Heart Barriers^
Secretary 2: Fountain Pen
Girl: Prism Ring
(CPA) Leon: Forest Friends^
(PA) Noel: Prime Toro Tuna^

Synard Reception Area
Explainer: Fountain Pen
Guildmaster: Smith's Hammer
Advisor: Smith's Hammer
Receptionist: Today's Dish^
Receptionist 2: Before Tea's Ready^
Researcher: Pixie Cologne^
Artis: Crush Pill^
Researcher: Lilith Tonic^
Man: Flash Pot^
Researcher (inside 1st floor): Nightmare Pot^
Researcher (inside 2nd floor): Danger Pot^
Researcher (data entry area): Madness Mist
(PA) Ernest: Weird Lump

* - Actually, this is a Sawed. It's just mistranslated here as Sard.

Fun City
Ticket Taker: Insanity Ring^
Receptionist: Fountain Pen
Receptionist 2: Crumpled Paper

Central Square
Boyfriend: Promised Ring^
Girlfriend: Attack Earring
Clerk: Crumpled Paper
Child: Orange Sherbet
Mother: Orangeade
Child 2 (singing): Vanilla Ice Cream
Father: Root Beer^
Mother 2: Banana Crepes
Girl: Golden Idol
Girl 2: Silver Idol
Girl 3: Pretty Idol

Information Center
Information: Shiny Earring
Information 2: Super Ball
Information 3: Before Tea's Ready^

Fun City Hotel
Counter Clerk: 1000 Fol
Man: Fairies Card
Man 2: Blueberry
Woman: Succubus Cologne^
(PA) Opera: Hassaku Tea^
(PA) Ernest: Hexagram Card
(PA) Noel: Prime Toro Tuna^
(PA) Little Girl (red hair): Weird Doll
(PA) Ashton: Aqua Ring^
(PA) Little Girl (blue hair): Useless Decoration

Tavern 'Playgirl'
Girlfriend: Odd Hat^
Boyfriend: Odd Clothes^
Waiter: Apple Cider^
Youth: Pin Heels
Proprietor: Goddess Statue
(PA) Leon: Engineering^

Gift Shop 'Gift Box'
Tourist: Gaudy Earring
Tourist 2: 800 Fol
Tourist 3: Dull Sword
Shopkeeper: Aloe Jam
(CPA) Rena: Lady Fingers^

Restaurant 'Light Step'
Man: Peking Duck^
Tourist: Fried Vegetables^
Clerk: Orangeade
(PA) Bowman: Spring Water^

Bunny Race Window
Good-looking Woman: Natural High
Receptionist: High Heels
Receptionist 2: Lot Bracelet
Siggy the Tipster#: Root Beer^
Bunny Mannequin#: Bunny Shoes^
(PA) Celine: Crumpled Paper

Fighting Arena Square
Father: Fountain Pen
Child: Carrot Ice Cream
Fighting Man: Cure Stone
Normal Man: 500 Fol
Youth: Necklace
Soldier: Might Chain
Soldier 2: Holy Ring
(PA) Chisato: Vellum Paper

Fanzine Spot Sale
Girl: Heart Barriers
Boy: Super Ball
Woman: Fanzine !
Star Ocean Girl Fan: Lunatic Ring^
Card Collector: Fairies Card
Fanzine Seller: Second Ledger^

Fun City Fighting Arena
Receptionist: 500 Fol
Hopeless Swordsman: Rotten Sashimi
Friend of Hopeless Swordsman: Wonder Drug
Soldier: Fol Up Card^
Soldier 2: Discovery Card^

Waiting Room
Hopeless Swordsman, Part 2: Idol
Friend of Hopeless Swordsman, Part 2: 400 Fol

Southern End of Arena
Girlfriend: Knuckles
Boyfriend: Skanda Compress^
Clerk: Scribbles
Man: Jack-in-the-Box
Old Woman: Mirror of Wisdom

Northern End of Arena"
Mysterious Old Mon: 'Spring'^
Girl: Pixie Cologne^
Boy: Fol Up Card^
Man: Natural High
Woman: Carrot Juice
Man 2: Victorial Card
Man 3: Berry Juice
Woman 2: Carrot Ice Cream

Cooking Master Square
Old Woman: Idol
Old Man: Treasure Chest^

Fortune Tellers' Office
Fortune Teller who thinks he's cool: Lavender
Unfortunate Girl: Blueberry
Stylish Girl: 600 Fol
Precocious Girl: Necklace
Woman Fortune Teller: Crystal
Experienced Fortune Teller: Hexagram Card

Cooking Master Entrance
Receptionist: Spicy Cake
Receptionist 2: Raw Milk
Receptionist 3: Fruit Nectar^

Town of Armlock
Main Square
Young Girl: Sour Syrup
Old Man: 'The Last Supper'
Young Man: Secret Boots
Man: Weird Lump
Woman: Cinderella Glass
(PA) Bowman: Artemis Leaf
(PA) Celine: Silvermoon

Tavern 'Home Brewn 54'
Young Man: Pear Compote^
Woman: Moon Earring
Granny: Yeagaki Tea^
Gramps: Smith's Hammer
Inn Guest: 5000 Fol
Traveling Salesman: Tri-emplem
Kella: Herbal Oil^
(PA) Opera: Alpha Box^
(PA) Ernest: Light Whip^

2nd Floor
(PA) Chisato: Lightning Gun

Weapon Shop 'Milword's'
Rock: Mithril Dress
(CPA) Rena: Rune Full Moon^
(PA) Noel: Dragon's Claws^

Skill Guild 'Skill World'
Explainer: Musical Software^
Guildmaster: Magician's Hand^
Advisor: Antiseptic Gloves^

Mansion 'Mirage's House'
Mirage: Force Sword^
(PA) Leon: Heralrdy Book^

Restaurant 'Yamoto-Ya'
Customer: 1500 Fol
Waitress: Before Tea's Ready^
Lemmers: Grain

Main Square
Woman: Misty Symbol
Boy: Superball
Old Mon: 1000 Fol
Man: Artemis Leaf

Rokumondo's Secondhand Shop
Rouge: Cinderella Glass

Inn 'Mandarin'
Jack: Scribbles
Guard Yarma: Yarma Cooking Set^
(PA) Leon: Encyclopedia
(PA) Ashton: ????

Tavern 'Tackle'
Boy: Fanzine ...
Flare: Fruit Nectar^
Old Man: Rune Metal^
Boy: 500 Fol
(PA) Opera: X Box^

Dining Hall 'Fresh Meat'
Student: 200 Fol
Abdulleh: Wilted Salad

Noel's House
(PA) Noel: Seafood
(PA) Chermes: ??? (Too hard to steal!)

Entrance to University
Woman: Glass Slippers
(PA) Celine: Ruby Rod

Giveaway University
Traveling Salesman in the Snow: Peep Half
(CPA) Rena: Pain Cestus

Nede History Research Lab
Chief Researcher Reyfus: Nature's Life Force^
Intern: Gaudy Earring

Classroom 1
Female Student: Mirror of Wisdom
Student (sleeping): Crumpled Paper
Student 2: Fountain Pen
Female Student: All About Herbs^
Professor: All About Herbs ^

Classroom 2
Student: Fountain Pen
Student 2: Vellum Paper
Female Student: Element Analyzer^
Professor: The Hermes Theory^
(CPA) Ernest: Flare Whip^

Librarian: Star Earring
Student: 500 Fol

Defense Force Soldier: Peep Non^

West Barrier
Defense Force Soldier: Infinity Ring^

East Barrier
Defense Force Soldier: Recoil Bracelet
Defense Force Soldier 2: Magic Cross

Entrance to Base
Defense Force Soldier: 3000 Fol
Defense Force Soldier 2: Rune Metal^

L'Aqua Tours Reception
Curator: Mithril^

Nurse: Resurrection Mist^
Nurse 2: Resurrection Bottle
Defense Force Soldier: Skanda^
Defense Force Soldier 2: Magic Mist

General's Office
Marianna: Isis Tiara^

Defense Force Soldier: Meteorite^
Soldier* (next to Mirage): Holy Scriptures^
Soldier* (next to Narl): Ruby Rod
Mirage*: Star Cloak
Narl*: Star Cloak

* - These people appear when you return to Feinal for the second time.

Secret Charity/Fake Gallery
Tock: Killer's Book

Customizing Guide [SGCUSTOM]

The ability to modify weapons and make new weapons is quite handy, seeing
as many of the most powerful equippable items are impossible to purchase.

A NOTE ON NON-LISTED COMBOS: Most weapons, when customized in a manner that
doesn't have a pre-determined output, will produce one of about five
weapons (all pre-determined) that the character can wield (or a failure
weapon, of course). With the orchestra playing, you'll most likely get a
fairly powerful weapon for the character doing this (listed as "All invalid
combinations (rare)" below).

A * indicates that you practicaly need a Magical Rasp for this to succeed.

Universal Weapons
Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Funny Slayer 1 None (found in Cave of Trial and received
All-Purpose Knife 160 None (buyable/buildable only)
Wierd Slayer 1000 None (found in Cave of Trial only)

Crawd Kenny (Claude Kenni)
Weapon Class: Knightly swords

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Dull Sword 2 Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Worn-out Sword 3 None (stealable only)
Golden Fangs 10 Any weapon + Gold
Silver Fangs 12 Any weapon + Silver
Long Sword 30 None (buyable/receivable only)
Broad Sword 60 All invalid combinations
Sinclair Saber 100 All invalid combinations
Flame Blade 160 Most swords + Ruby
Sharp Edge 222 None (receivable only)
Walloon Sword 240 None (buyable/receivable only)
Gusgine 250 All invalid combinations
Long Edge 285 All invalid combinations
Veil Piercer 480 All invalid combinations
Heart Breaker 550 Veil Piercer + Diamond
Minus Sword 599 Sharp Edge + Mithril
Grand Stinger 620 Oriental Blade + Rune Metal (Dias only)
Ignite Sword + Sapphire (Dias only)
Most swords + Damascus
Ignite Sword 720 Most swords + Star Ruby
Force Sword 908 All invalid combinations
Sawed 990 All invalid combinations
Marvel Sword 1100 None (findable only)
Aura Blade 1200 All invalid combinations (rare)
Silvance 1210 Most swords + Orichalcum*
Sacred Tear 1250 None (receivable only)
Windsley Sword 1400 None (receivable only)
Eternal Sphere 1600 Minus Sword + Mithril
Holy Sword Farwell 1900 None (found in Cave of Trial only)
Levantine Sword 3000 None (found in Cave of Trial only)

Rena Lanford
Weapon Class: Armored gloves

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Worn Knuckles 1 Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Knuckles 30 None (buyable only)
Hard Knuckles 58 None (buyable/stealable only)
Cestus 140 All invalid combinations
Metal Fangs 400 All invalid combinations
Dragon's Claws 490 Cestus + Moonite
Pain Cestus 580 All invalid combinations
Braised Knuckles 599 Titan's Fists+Rainbow Diamond (Bowman only)
Magical Gloves 688 All invalid combinations
Rune Full Moon 900 Magical Gloves + Moonite
Sorceress Knuckles 1000 Rune Full Moon + Sage's Stone
Magical Gloves + Rune Metal
Fallen Hope 1000 None (receivable only)
Kaiser Knuckles 1100 All invalid combinations (rare)
Fellper Nails 1200 None (receivable only)
Empresia 1220 Kaiser Knuckle + Moonite

Celine Jules
Weapon Class: Mage's staves

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Bent Rod 5 Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Rod 10 None (buyable only)
Ruby Wand 70 Most rods + Ruby
Crest Rod 100 All invalid combinations
Magical Rod 150 All invalid combinations
Clap Rod (eww...) 280 All invalid combinations
Tongue Twister 300 All invalid combinations
Silver Rod 350 Crest Rod + Mithril
Rod + Mithril
Ruby Wand + Mithril
Holy Rod 520 Most rods + Orichalcum
Ruby Rod 680 Most rods + Star Ruby
Rod of Snakes 700 All invalid combinations (rare)
Million Staff 800 None (found in Cave of Trial only)
Dragon's Tusk 990 Holy Rod + Star Ruby
Prime Player (sic) 1000 None (receivable only)
Silvermoon 1000 Silver Rod + Moonite

Ashton Anchors
Weapon Class: Twin swords

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Wobbly Sword 3 Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Twin Swords 40 None (start with them)
Both Shaver 120 None (buyable/stealable only)
Guard Sword 160 None (stealable only)
Smaller 180 None (receivable only)
Twin-Edge 340 All invalid combinations
Pair Nuts 380 Smaller + Moonite
Shield Sword 490 Guard Sword + Iron
Twin Picks 500 All invalid combinations
Doubledemon Sword** 700 None (receivable only)
Double Masher 799 All invalid combinations
Scyther 820 All invalid combinations
Lotus Eater 1150 All invalid combinations
Gemini 1200 Lotus Eater + Meteorite
Pair Nuts + Meteorite
Holy Cross 1240 All invalid combinations (rare)
Melufa 1320 Scyther + Damascus
Holy Sword Farwell 1900 None (found in Cave of Trial only)
Levantine Sword 3000 None (found in Cave of Trial only)

** - The Doubledemon Sword makes Ashton berserk, thus he does twice as much
damage as usual while holding it

Opera Vectra
Weapon Class: Kalaidescope cartidges

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Scrap Iron N/A Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Booster Box 128 None (initially equipped)
Radio Box 162 All invalid combinations
Black Box 200 Booster Box + Damascus
Seventh Ray 280 Light Box + Rainbow Diamond
Light Box 490 All invalid combinations
X Box 500 All invalid combinations
Magic Box 650 Light Box + Rune Metal
Alpha Box 690 All invalid combinations
Beta Box 690 All invalid combinations
Gamma Box 750 All invalid combinations (rare)
Burst Box 780 Magic Box + Sage's Stone
Pulse Box 1000 Gamma Box + Orichalcum
Psycho Box 1050 None (receivable only)

Precis Neumann
Weapon Class: Robotic arms

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Scrap Iron N/A Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Magic Hand 125 All invalid combinations
Iron Punch 165 All invalid combinations
One-Two Punch 280 All invalid combinations
Ice Punch 380 All invalid combinations
Straight Punch 400 None (can only be built with Machinery)
Thunder Punch 420 Most arms + Diamond
Burning Hand 600 Most arms + Star Ruby
Ultra Punch 650 All invalid combinations
Spark Hand 650 Most arms + Rainbow Diamond
Fire Punch 699 Most arms + Ruby
Great Punch 850 All invalid combinations
Atomic Punch 1120 All invalid combinations
SD Punch 1150 All invalid combinations (rare)
Hyper Punch 1250 None (receivable only)
UGA Punch 1300 SD Punch + Damascus
SDUGA Punch 1600 UGA Punch + Meteorite

Bowman Jean
Weapon Class: Fighting gloves

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Worn Knuckles 1 Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Hard Knuckles 58 None (buyable/stealable only)
Bag Nakh 165 All invalid combinations
Giant's Fist 470 All invalid combinations
Braised Knuckles 599 All invalid combinations
Hecatoncherie 630 Asura + Diamond
Magical Gloves 688 Metal Fangs + Mithril (Rena only)
Pain Cestus + Star Ruby (Rena only)
Asura 750 Titan's Fist + Crystal
Sorceress Knuckles 1000 Rune Full Moon + Sage's Stone (Rena only)
Titan's Fists 1000 All invalid combinations
Kaiser Knuckles 1100 All invalid combinations (rare)
Moon Fists 1200 Rune Full Moon + Diamond

Ernest Raviede
Weapon Class: Whips

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Limp Whip 2 Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Leather Whip 60 None (buyable only)
Splinter 460 All invalid combinations
Hard Whip 550 All invalid combinations
Rose Whip 600 All invalid combinations
Molecule Wire 799 All invalid combinations
Flare Whip 800 Most whips + Star Ruby
Freeze Whip 800 Most whips + Sage's Stone
Light Whip 820 All invalid combinations
Twin-Tail 860 Rose Whip + Silver
Invisible Whip 950 All invalid combinations (rare)
Spark Whip 1080 Most whips + Rainbow Diamond
Dark Whip 1100 Molecule Wire + Damascus
Cat o' 9 Tails*** 1280 None (receivable only)

*** - This whip hits three times, as though Ernest had a Slayer's Ring
equipped. It will hit 9 times if you do equip a Slayer's Ring.

Leon Geeste
Weapon Class: Heraldic books

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Crumpled Paper N/A Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Treatsie 50 None (stealable/writable only)
Thick Book 180 Most books + Iron
Reference Book 280 None (start with it)
Heraldry 290 Most books + Rune Metal
Illustrated Book 320 All invalid combinations
Dictionary 340 All invalid combinations
Encyclopedia 500 All invalid combinations
Heraldry Book 500 Heraldry + Moonite
Mental Revolution 680 All invalid combinations
All About ESP 780 All invalid combinations
Book of Darkness 700 Most books + Damascus
Ancient Wisdom 800 Book of Chaos + Damascus
Million Staff 800 None (found in Cave of Trials only)
Brain Structure 890 All invalid combinations (rare)
Holy Scriptures 920 Book of Darkness + Mithril
Book of Chaos 950 Book of Darkness + Damascus

Dias Flac
Weapon Class: Warrior's swords

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Dull Sword 2 Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Worn-out Sword 3 None (stealable only)
Long Sword 30 None (buyable/receivable only)
Bastard Sword 150 Grand Stinger + Iron
Worn-out Sword + Orichalcum
Flame Blade 160 Most swords + Ruby (Claude only)
Baselard 180 Walloon Sword + Sapphire
Sharp Edge 222 None (receivable only)
Walloon Sword 240 None (buyable/receivable only)
Oriental Blade 448 All invalid combinations
Sharpness 500 None (temporary weapon)
Murasame Sword 552 All invalid combinations
Grand Stinger 620 All invalid combinations
Ignite Sword 720 Most swords + Star Ruby
The Hope of Breeze 770 All invalid combinations
Whirlwind 781 Most swords + Meteorite
Soul Slayer 982 Most swords + Star Ruby
Ruin's Fate 1000 All invalid combinations
Hard Cleaver 1100 The Hope of Breeze + Rainbow Diamond
Marvel Sword 1100 None (findable only)
Crimson Diablos**** 1100 Soul Slayer + Sage's Stone
Hard Cleaver + Damascus
Pleiad Sword 1200 All invalid combinations (rare)
Cromlea Sword 1399 None (receivable only)
Holy Sword Farwell 1900 None (found in Cave of Trial only)
Levantine Sword 3000 None (found in Cave of Trial only)

**** - This weapon actually doubles the power of all physical attacks Dias
does (but it's not a berserk effect), meaning that it's potentially his
most powerful weapon

Noel Chandler
Weapon Class: Mage's knuckles

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
Worn Knuckles 1 Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Knuckles 30 None (buyable only)
Hard Knuckles 40 All invalid combinations
Cat's Fangs 120 All invalid combinations
Metal Fangs 400 All invalid combinations
Dragon's Claws 490 All invalid combinations
Tiger's Fangs 600 All invalid combinations
Eagle's Claws 760 Hard Knuckles + Mithril
Million Staff 800 None (found in Cave of Trial only)
Grizzly Claws 840 Dragon's Claws + Iron
Platinum Nails 850 Tiger's Fangs + Mithril
Serpent's Tooth 900 Eagle's Claws + Sapphire
Kaiser Knuckles 1100 All invalid combinations (rare)
Death Fangs 1350 None (receivable only)

Chisato Madison
Weapon Class: Stun guns

Output Weapon AtkPwr Combinations
10 Volt Stun Gun 10 Anything + Any metal (failed customization)
Stun Gun 200 Electric + Sapphire
Electric 280 Stun Gun + Rainbow Diamond
Voltage + Sapphire
Shock Gun 380 Electric Gun + Mithril
Stun Gun + Mithril
Electro Gun 410 All invalid combinations
Voltage 460 All invalid combinations
Flame Gun 550 Most guns + Ruby
Freeze 600 Shock Gun + Sapphire
Lightning Gun 650 All invalid combinations
Cracker 660 Most guns + Damascus
Spark 750 All invalid combinations
Electron 830 All invalid combinations (rare)
Psychic Gun 980 Cracker + Sage's Stone
Flare Gun 1100 None (cannot be recieved at all)

Compounding Guide [SGCOMPND]

Compounding is probably one of the more simple abilities that still
requires a bit of guidance. The basic idea is that you can mix two regular
herbs (Aceras, Mandrake, Wolfsbane, etc.) to gain a new medicine, usually
more helpful than the herbs themselves were.

Below is a chart of the various combinations possible, and their effects.
Note that reversing their order has no effect.

Herb #1 Herb #2 Possible Results
Aceras Aceras Fairy Mist, Ressurection Bottle,
Skanda Ointment, Smelling Salts
Aceras Artemis Leaf Flash Pot, Herbal Oil, Wonder Drug,
Spring Water
Aceras Lavender Energy Tonic, Fresh Syrup, Holy Mist,
Ressurection Bottle
Aceras Mandrake Energy Tonic, Herbal Oil, Hot Syrup,
Risky Liquid
Aceras Rose Hips Kamikaze Tonic, Mental Pot,
Skanda Ointment, Succubus Cologne
Aceras Wolfsbane Bubble Lotion, Lilith Tonic, Pixie Cologne,
Shock Oil
Artemis Leaf Artemis Leaf Care Tablet, Fairy Glass, Mind Pot,
Spring Water
Artemis Leaf Lavender Medical Rinse, Ressurection Mist,
Smelling Salts, Wonder Drug
Artemis Leaf Mandrake Danger Pot, Sour Syrup, Spring Water,
Sweet Syrup
Artemis Leaf Rose Hips Attack Vial, Flash Pot, Kamikaze Tonic,
Smoke Mist
Artemis Leaf Wolfsbane Bubble Lotion, Fairy's Cologne,
Lilith Tonic, Melting Lotion
Lavender Lavender Herbal Oil, Medical Rinse, Mixed Syrup,
Ressurection Bottle
Lavender Mandrake Maple Syrup, Merlin Drink, Nightmare Pot,
Smoke Oil
Lavender Rose Hips Fresh Syrup, Fruit Syrup, Holy Mist,
Sweet Syrup
Lavender Wolfsbane Bitter Lotion, Melting Lotion,
Paralysis Oil, Stink Gel
Mandrake Mandrake Crush Pill, Natural High, Risky Liquid,
Violence Pill
Mandrake Rose Hips Attack Vial, Flash Pot, Kamikaze Pot,
Smoke Mist
Mandrake Wolfsbane Bubble Lotion, Fairy Cologne, Lilith Tonic,
Melting Lotion
Rose Hips Rose Hips Cure Paralysis, Cure Poison, Mixed Syrup,
Maple Syrup
Rose Hips Wolfsbane Danger Pot, Nightmare Pot, Paralysis Mist,
Succubus Cologne
Wolfsbane Wolfsbane Bitter Lotion, Madness Mist, Stink Gel,
Melting Lotion

Blacksmithing Guide [SGBLACKSM]

Blacksmithing is a good way to make lots of decent armor without having to
pay obscene prices for it in shops. Later on, it becomes a good source of
profit, as you can turn fairly inexpensive pieces of metal into very
valuable pieces of armor.

The Magical Rasp is a very special item when using the Blacksmith Super
Specialty, as it gives you the ability to forge an entirely new set of
armor for each ore.

Without Magical Rasp:
Metal Ore Armors
Iron Knight Shield, Plate Greaves, Ring Mail, Plate Helm,
Banded Helm
Orichalcum Neo Greaves, Barrier Shield, Barrier Armor, Hermit's Hat,
Rare Gauntlets
Damascus Chaos Mail, Bloody Armor, Bloody Helm, Core Plate
Moonite Jeanne's Helm, Witch Boots, Jeanne's Shield, Jeanne's Armor
Mithril Mithril Coat, Mithril Dress, Mithril Shield, Mithril Mesh
Meteorite Star Greaves, Star Guard, Star Cloak, Star Necklace
Rune Metal Rune Shoes, Wizard Hat, Wizard Mail, Rune Buckler

With Magical Rasp:
Metal Ore Armors
Iron All-Purpose Knife, Plate Mail
Orichalcum Odin's Helm, Reflective Armor
Damascus Duel Suit, Algol, Duel Helm
Moonite Ishtar's Robe, Isis Tiara, The Armband of Kali
Mithril Pallas Athena
Meteorite Sylvan Helm, Sylvan Boots, Sylvan Mail
Rune Metal Mirage Robe, Flying Hawk Robes

Metalwork Guide [SGMETALWK]

Metalwork is a very special ability, as not all characters can make all
items possible in Metalwork. This list tells what each metal ore can be
turned into, as well as who can make each item type. Each character can
make four items per material, with some exceptions (Sapphire, especially).

Failure Items (any character can make them with any mineral):
Weighty Ring
Gaudy Earring
Useless Decoration

Accessory Who can make?
Heavy Ring Claude, Celine, Ashton, Precis, Ernest, Noel, Chisato
Hard Ring Claude, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Ernest, Precis, Chisato
Poison Check Claude, Opera, Bowman, Dias, Leon, Chisato
Hard Earring Claude, Ashton, Precis, Ernest, Dias, Chisato
Black Earring Rena, Celine, Opera, Precis, Leon, Noel
Paralysis Check Rena, Opera, Bowman, Ernest, Dias, Leon
Stone Check Rena, Bowman, Dias, Leon, Noel
Wierd Doll Rena, Celine, Ashton, Ernest, Precis, Noel

Accessory Who can make?
Silver Ring Claude, Celine, Ashton, Precis, Ernest, Leon
Silver Baretta Claude, Celine, Opera, Bowman, Dias, Leon, Chisato
Silver Cross Claude, Ashton, Precis, Ernest, Dias, Chisato
Angel Hair Claude, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Precis, Ernest, Dias,
Silver Pendant Rena, Opera, Bowman, Dias, Noel, Chisato
Silver Charm Rena, Celine, Leon, Noel
Silver Idol Rena, Ashton, Precis, Ernest, Noel
Silver Earring Rena, Celine, Opera, Precis, Leon, Noel

Accessory Who can make?
Necklace Claude, Celine, Opera, Leon, Noel, Chisato
Gold Bracelet Claude, Bowman, Precis, Dias, Leon, Noel, Chisato
Gold Earring Claude, Ashton, Bowman, Precis, Ernest, Dias, Leon, Chisato
Gold Cross Claude, Precis, Ernest, Dias, Chisato
Gold Crown Rena, Celine, Ashton, Opera
Gold Ring Rena, Celine, Opera, Noel
Sturm Ring Rena, Celine, Ahton, Opera, Bowman, Leon, Noel
Gold Idol Rena, Ashton, Ernest, Noel

Accessory Who can make?
Purple Mist Claude, Ernest, Dias, Noel, Chisato
Anklet Claude, Celine, Precis, Dias, Leon, Noel
Gale Earring Claude, Ashton, Bowman, Dias, Chisato
Fairy Tear Claude, Rena, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Precis, Dias,
Ernest, Noel
Blue Talisman Rena, Celine, Opera, Precis, Ernest, Leon, Noel
Aqua Ring Rena, Celine, Precis, Dias, Leon, Noel
Feet Symbol Rena, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Precis, Bowman, Leon
Water Ring Leon, Noel

Accessory Who can make?
Recoil Bracelet Claude, Celine, Opera, Precis, Chisato
Berserk Ring Claude, Precis, Chisato
Ruby Earring Claude, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Chisato
Pyre Tear Claude, Rena, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Ernest, Noel
Blood Earring Rena, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Ernest, Leon, Noel
Flare Ring Rena, Celine, Precis, Ernest, Dias, Leon, Noel
Shield Earring Rena, Ashton, Bowman, Ernest, Dias, Leon, Noel
Fire Ring Celine, Leon

Accessory Who can make?
Resistance Ring Claude, Ashton, Precis, Bowman, Ernest, Dias, Leon, Noel
Reflection Ring Claude, Ashton, Opera, Nowman, Ernest, Dias, Leon, Noel
Prism Ring Claude, Opera, Precis, Chisato
Frog Claude, Dias, Noel, Chisato
Holy Ring Rena, Celine, Ashton, Bowman, Ernest, Dias, Leon, Noel
Princess Ring Rena, Celine, Precis, Chisato
Glass Slippers Rena, Celine, Opera, Chisato
Surrender Rena, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Ernest, Bowman, Leon

Green Beryl:
Accessory Who can make?
Crown Claude, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Ernest
Fairy Ring Claude, Rena, Ashton, Opera, Precis, Bowman, Ernest, Dias,
Might Chain Claude, Opera, Precis, Dias, Chisato
Lot Bracelet Claude, Opera, Precis, Ernest, Chisato
Emerald Ring Rena, Celine, Ashton, Bowman, Dias, Leon, Noel
Talisman Rena, Celine, Ashton, Bowman, Ernest, Leon, Noel
Emerald Earring Rena, Celine, Noel
Green Bracelet Rena, Bowman, Precis, Dias, Leon, Noel, Chisato

Accessory Who can make?
Attack Earring Claude, Celine, Opera, Bowman, Precis, Dias, Leon, Chisato
First Earring Claude, Celine, Bowman, Precis, Ernest, Dias, Chisato
Reverse Doll Claude, Dias, Bowman, Ernest, Chisato
Flash Earring Claude, Rena, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Precis, Ernest, Dias,
Leon, Noel, Chisato
Shiny Earring Rena, Ashton, Opera, Leon, Noel
Promised Ring Rena, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Precis, Leon, Noel
Pretty Idol Rena, Ashton, Ernest, Noel
Thunder Ring Celine, Noel

Star Ruby:
Accessory Who can make?
Eclipse Ring Claude, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Precis, Ernest, Dias,
Ruby Pendant Claude, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Noel, Chisato
Shield Ring Claude, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Precis, Ernest, Chisato
Meteor Ring Claude, Precis, Ernest, Dias, Chisato
Stardust Ring Rena, Celine, Precis, Dias, Leon
Star Earring Rena, Celine, Leon, Noel
Star Necklace Rena, Celine, Leon, Noel
Protection Ring Rena, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Leon, Noel

Rainbow Diamond:
Accessory Who can make?
Dream Bracelet Claude, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Precis, Dias,
Regeneration Claude, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Dias, Chisato
Zephyr Earring Claude, Celine, Ashton, Bowman, Precis, Ernest, Dias,
Atlas Ring Claude, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Ernest, Dias, Chisato
Left Cross Rena, Celine, Precis, Leon, Noel
Healing Ring Rena, Precis, Ernest, Leon, Noel
Magic Mist Rena, Ernest, Leon, Noel
Magic Cross Rena, Precis, Leon, Noel

Accessory Who can make?
Luna Talisman Claude, Dias, Leon, Noel
Moon Light Claude, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Dias, Leon, Noel,
Insanity Ring Claude, Opera, Bowman, Dias, Chisato
Lunatic Earring Claude, Opera, Ernest, Dias, Noel, Chisato
Lunatic Ring Rena, Celine, Precis, Ernest
Luna Tablet Rena, Celine, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Precis, Ernest,
Moon Earring Rena, Celine, Ashton, Bowman, Precis, Leon
Battalia Ring Rena, Celine, Ashton, Precis, Ernest, Leon, Noel

Sage's Stone:
Accessory Who can make?
Mental Ring Claude, Celine, Bowman, Precis, Ernest, Dias, Leon, Chisato
Wisdom Ring Claude, Celine, Opera, Bowman, Precis, Dias, Chisato
Peep Half Claude, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Dias, Chisato
Peep Non Claude, Ashton, Opera, Bowman, Dias, Leon, Chisato
Misty Symbol Rena, Celine, Precis, Ernest, Leon, Noel
Infinity Ring Rena, Celine, Precis, Ernest, Noel
Mind Ring Rena, Ashton, Opera, Noel
Demonslayer Rena, Ashton, Ernest, Leon, Noel

Cracked Gem:
Special (any can work it, turns into Red Lotus Gem)

Cooking Guide [SGCOOKING]

Another result-laden option, and two versions, at that! This is an
outline of what you can get when cooking up things with both Cooking and
Master Chef.

Cooking (Item Creation skill)

Regular Ingredients

NOTE: The first item listed in each group below is the failure dish. In
the case of Egg/Dairy, the first two items are failure items.

Ingredient Possible Output
Seafood Rotten Sashimi, Shu-Mai, Toro Tuna, Sole and Fruit Sauce,
Shrimp Au Gratin, Salmon Omlet, Shrimp Pilaf, Big Tuna,
Seaweed Miso Soup, Broth, Shark Fin Soup
Meat Bad-Tasting Stew, Chicken Skewers, Potstickers, Hamburger,
Meat Dumpling, Beef Croquettes, Baby Rabbit Risotto,
Ground Lamb Steak, Jambalaya, Chicken Doria, Steak
Grain Smelly Rice Cakes, Sweet Dumpling, Daikon Miso Soup, Gruel,
Rice Cakes, Rice Omlet, Fried Rice, Shrimp Doria, Soy Milk,
Rice Croquettes, Pancakes
Grain (adults) Sambai Tea, Root Beer, Hassaku Tea, Usunigori Tea,
Yaegaki Tea, Yukiyucho Tea, 'Ishidaya' Tea
Fruit Bitter Juice, Pickled Plum, Berry Juice, Orange Sherbet,
Peach Ice Cream, Orangeade, Strawberry Mousse,
Apple Crepes, Banana Crepes, Orange Au Gratin, Apple Cider
Vegetables Wilted Salad, Quick Pickles, Rice-Bran Pickles,
Carrot Ice Cream, Carrot Juice, Spring Rolls, Corn Pottage,
Green Pottage, Cabbage Roll, Vegetable Juice,
Squash Spring Rolls
Egg/Dairy Raw Milk, Spicy Cake, Yogurt, Fruit Smoothie,
Vanilla Ice Cream, Macaroni Au Gratin, Custard Pudding,
Shortcake, Fried Eggs, Bacon and Eggs, Chocolate Crepes,
Egg Sandwich

Rare Ingredients

NOTE: You get no item if you fail with rare ingredients.

Ingredient Possible Output
Ganze Sea Urchin Ichigoni, Ichigoni Supreme, Prince's Zoni Stew,
Sea Urchin on Rice
Prime Tuna Fish of Happiness, Prime Tuna Steak, Special Tuna,
Tuna Skewers
Juicy Beef Exciting Tenderloin, Fine Saute, Inviting Fillet,
Prime Sirloin
Magical Rice Deluxe Doria, Heavenly Doria, Miracle Fried Rice,
Risotto Ecstasy
Sweet Fruit 1-Up Pudding, Beautiful Ice Cream, Ginger Ale,
Gateau Marjolaine
Purity Leaf Golden Stew, Magical Salad, Milky Pottage,
Special Stir-Fry
Creamy Cheese Assorted Cheeses, Au Gratin Climax, Cheese Pizza,
Yarma Cooking Set Energy Drink, Genie's Steak, Genie's Veggie Soup,
Jiggly Slime Amoeba Soup, Gelatin Steak, Slime Jelly, Soda Pop
Slippery Slime Amoeba Soup, Gelatin Steak, Slime Jelly, Soda Pop

Master Chef (Super Specialty skill)

You can't mix in rare ingredients when cooking with Master Chef. Order
of ingredients doesn't matter, as with Compounding. Failure nets you one
of the failed items for your two ingredients, although which you get is
totally random.

Ingredient #1 Ingredient #2 Output
Egg/Dairy Egg/Dairy Plain Omelet
Egg/Dairy Fruit Coconut Milk
Egg/Dairy Grain French Toast
Egg/Dairy Meat Creamed Stew
Egg/Dairy Seafood Steamed Aspic
Egg/Dairy Vegetables Yogurt Salad
Fruit Fruit Pear Compote
Fruit Grain Strawberry Mochi
Fruit Meat Muscat Grape Gelly
Fruit Seafood Sole and Wine Sauce
Fruit Vegetables Konyaku Jelly
Grain Grain Sweet Rice Cakes
Grain Meat Meat Fried Rice
Grain Seafood Shark Potstickers
Grain Vegetables Sake Lees Pickles
Meat Meat Sirloin Steak
Meat Seafood Bird's Nest Soup
Meat Vegetables Pecking Duck
Seafood Seafood Sashimi
Seafood Vegetables Mushroom Soup
Vegetables Vegetables Fried Vegetables

V. Bestiary [SBESTIARY]

This is the complete monster list for Star Ocean 2: their stats, their
weaknesses, their strengths, and their items dropped.

Name: FunnyThief HP: 3 MP:0
Exp: 6 Fol: 10 Items: Spectacles, Useless Decoration
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: A small hoodlum with a curved sword
Found: Arlia area, Salva Drift, Cross area, Mountain Palace, Cave of Trials
Level 6

Name: Lizardaxe HP: 60 MP: 0
Exp: 10 Fol: 18 Items: Necklace, Useless Decoration
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: None
Description: A fat lizardman wearing light armor and holding an axe
Found: Arlia area, Salva Drift, Cross area

Name: Kobold HP: 65 MP: 0
Exp: 15 Fol: 30 Items: None
Weak vs.: Fire, Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: A werewolf
Found: Salva Drift

Name: Vopalbunny HP: 120 MP: 0
Exp: 16 Fol: 25 Items: Baby Rabit Risotto
Weak vs.: Wind Strong vs.: None
Description: A jumping rabbit with antlers and boxing gloves
Found: Salva Drift

Name: Alen-tax HP: 400 MP: 0
Exp: 150 Fol: 500 Items: None
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: Dark
Description: An ogre
Found: Salva Drift (boss)

Name: Landworm HP: 200 MP: 0
Exp: 35 Fol: 40 Items: Cure Poison
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: None
Description: A gigantic centipede-like monster
Found: Clik area, Cross Cave

Name: Slime HP: 200 MP: 0
Exp: 45 Fol: 40 Items: Slime Jelly
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: None
Description: An undulating, tall-and-thin mass of slime
Found: Cross Cave, Col-Mars area

Name: Armedknight HP: 180 MP: 0
Exp: 40 Fol: 25 Items: None
Weak vs.: Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: A fully armored knight with a sword
Found: Cross Cave, Col-Mars area

Name: Alraune HP: 120 MP: 0
Exp: 38 Fol: 34 Items: Mandrake
Weak vs.: Stars Strong vs.: None
Description: A walking plant root
Found: Cross Cave, Heraldry Forest (ext.)

Name: Gargoyle HP: 1,500 MP: 0
Exp: 500 Fol: 850 Items: Cure Poison
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: Dark
Description: A green bat-man thing
Found: Cross Cave (special)

Name: Robberaxe HP: 400 MP: 0
Exp: 130 Fol: 105 Items: Cure Poison
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: None
Description: A light blue Lizardaxe
Found: Heraldry Forest (ext., int.)

Name: Magius HP: 20 MP: 50
Exp: 150 Fol: 120 Items: None
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Fire, Wind, Thunder, Stars
Description: A female mage wearing a floppy wizard's hat
Found: Heraldry Forest (ext., int.)

Name: Bugbear HP: 600 MP: 0
Exp: 130 Fol: 90 Items: Pet Food
Weak vs.: Fire, Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: A blue Kobold
Found: Heraldry Forest (int.)

Name: Bloodworm HP: 600 MP: 0
Exp: 125 Fol: 100 Items: Killer Poison
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: A purple Landworm
Found: Heraldry Forest (int.)

Name: Stingray HP: 588 MP: 0
Exp: 150 Fol: 250 Items: None
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: None
Description: A flying mantarey
Found: Heraldry Forest (int.)

Name: Carlaeagle HP: 800 MP: 0
Exp: 300 Fol: 260 Items: Golden Earring
Weak vs.: Fire, Stars, Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: A ground-based eagle with an ornamented headband
Found: Heraldry Forest (int.)

Name: Bandit HP: 500 MP: 0
Exp: 300 Fol: 360 Items: Sapphire, Orichalcum
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: A gray FunnyThief
Found: Heraldry Forest (event only)

Name: Shielder HP: 1,400 MP: 0
Exp: 210 Fol: 500 Items: None
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: A knight holding a body-sized shield
Found: Heraldry Forest (event only)

Name: Azamgil HP: 2,000 MP: 0
Exp: 1,000 Fol: 1,750 Items: None
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: An armored knight with a spear
Found: Heraldry Forest (event only)

Name: Varmillion HP: 3,000 MP: 0
Exp: 1,000 Fol: 1,000 Items: None
Weak vs.: Fire, Light Strong vs.: Dark
Description: An ogre
Found: Heraldry Forest (event only)

Name: Lessassassin HP: 6,000 MP: 0
Exp: ? Fol: ? Items: Core Plate, Neo Greaves
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: A Bandit palette-swap
Found: Herlie Warehouse (Claude PA only fight)

Name: Zand HP: 6,000 MP: 100
Exp: 2,000 Fol: 10,000 Items: Magical Drops
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: A long-haired man with a pike
Found: Zand's Mansion (PA boss fight)

Name: Sandglass HP: 780 MP: 0
Exp: 400 Fol: 260 Items: None
Weak vs.: Fire, Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: A walking hourglass with hands on top
Found: Heraldry Forest (ext.), Mountain Palace

Name: Gerel HP: 600 MP: 0
Exp: 380 Fol: 120 Items: Cure Poison
Weak vs.: Earth Strong vs.: None
Description: A blue anenome with teeth instead of tentacles
Found: Salva Drift (Dragon's Nest)

Name: Werewolf HP: 750 MP: 0
Exp: 250 Fol: 100 Items: None
Weak vs.: Wind Strong vs.: None
Description: A werewolf
Found: Salva Drift (Dragon's Nest)

Name: Beastmaster HP: 840 MP: 30
Exp: 340 Fol: 190 Items: None
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: A whip-wielding woman
Found: Salva Drift (Dragon's Nest)

Name: Scewer HP: 880 MP: 0
Exp: 520 Fol: 337 Items: Paralysis Oil
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: None
Description: A spider-woman
Found: Salva Drift (Dragon's Nest)

Name: Gelatincube HP: 460 MP: 0
Exp: 160 Fol: 130 Items: Damascus, Gelatin Steak
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Water, Fire
Description: A cube of gelatin with a globe-thing in it
Found: Salva Drift (Dragon's Nest)

Name: Hood HP: 850 MP: 0
Exp: 280 Fol: 147 Items: None
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: None
Description: A red Slime
Found: Mountain Palace

Name: Hounddog HP: 750 MP: 0
Exp: 310 Fol: 130 Items: None
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: None
Description: A small, pig-like monster
Found: Mountain Palace

Name: Archer HP: 200 MP: 0
Exp: 295 Fol: 155 Items: Skanda Compress
Weak vs.: Wind Strong vs.: None
Description: A classic archer, wearing a trademark cap with feather
Found: Mountain Palace, Hilton-Lacour area, Lacour Front area

Name: Slimepool HP: 1,600 MP: 0
Exp: 420 Fol: 134 Items: None
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Earth, Water
Description: A wide-and-short pool of putrid slime
Found: Mountain Palace, Hilton-Lacour area, Lacour Front area

Name: Petrogerell HP: 656 MP: 0
Exp: 600 Fol: 360 Items: None
Weak vs.: Earth Strong vs.: None
Description: A purple Gerel
Found: Mountain Palace, Lacour-Hilton area, Lacour Front area

Name: Pilesherry HP: 500 MP: 40
Exp: 590 Fol: 200 Items: Ruby, Flare Ring
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Fire, Water, Stars
Description: A pinkish Magius
Found: Lassguss Mountain, Herlie-Lacour area

Name: Sargwen HP: 850 MP: 0
Exp: 580 Fol: 130 Items: Walloon Sword, Gusgine
Weak vs.: Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: An Armedknight with an orange sword
Found: Lassguss Mountain, Herlie-Lacour area

Name: Koboldking HP: 800 MP: 0
Exp: 600 Fol: 150 Items: Steak, Sirloin Steak
Weak vs.: Fire, Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: A dark-brown Kobold
Found: Lassguss Mountain

Name: Simurgh HP: 1,200 MP: 0
Exp: 1,000 Fol: 250 Items: Cure Stone
Weak vs.: Fire, Thunder, Stars Strong vs.: None
Description: A brown Carlaegle
Found: Lassguss Mountain, Herlie-Lacour area, Lacour Front area

Name: Shout HP: 700 MP: 0
Exp: 400 Fol: 150 Items: Blackberry
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: None
Description: A walking ball with eyes
Found: Lassguss Mountain, Herlie-Lacour area

Name: Flyingray HP: 1,000 MP: 0
Exp: 800 Fol: 150 Items: Cure Paralysis
Weak vs.: Ice Strong vs.: None
Description: A green Stingray
Found: Lassguss Mountain, Herlie-Lacour area

Name: Sandworm HP: 1,000 MP: 0
Exp: 50 Fol: 210 Items: Damascus, Orichalcum
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Fire
Description: A green Landworm
Found: Lasguss Desert

Name: Rolesher HP: 3,000 MP: 0
Exp: 250 Fol: 150 Items: Damascus, Fairy Glass
Weak vs.: Water, Fire, Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: A gray Sandglass
Found: Lassguss Desert

Name: Shadowflower HP: 1,200 MP: 0
Exp: 151 Fol: 220 Items: Mandrake, Artemis Leaf
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Stars
Description: A brown-gray Alraune
Found: Lassguss Desert

Name: Mandrake HP: 800 MP: 0
Exp: 880 Fol: 280 Items: Mandrake, Wolfsbane
Weak vs.: Stars Strong vs.: None
Description: A purple-and-brown Alraune
Found: Lacour area

Name: Wolfhead HP: 600 MP: 0
Exp: 840 Fol: 200 Items: Silver Pendant
Weak vs.: Wind Strong vs.: None
Description: A werewolf palette-swap
Found: Linga area, Sanctuary of Linga

Name: Shynesslady HP: 1,000 MP: 30
Exp: 900 Fol: 280 Items: Talisman
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: A Beastmaster palette-swap
Found: Linga area, Sanctuary of Linga

Name: Killerrabi HP: 2,000 MP: 0
Exp: 1,600 Fol: 260 Items: Baby Rabbit Risotto
Weak vs.: Void Strong vs.: None
Description: A reddish Vopalbunny
Found: Linga area, Sanctuary of Linga

Name: Salamander HP: 5,000 MP: 0
Exp: 6,000 Fol: 2,000 Items:
Weak vs.: Water Strong vs.: Fire, Thunder, Void
Description: A large fire-breathing lizard
Found: Forests around Linga and Lacour Front area, Hoffman Ruins

Name: Flarelizard HP: 5000 MP: 0
Exp: 4,000 Fol: 8,000 Items: Reflection Ring
Weak vs.: Water Strong vs.: Fire, Thunder
Description: A Salamander palette swap
Found: Mountain Palace (mini-boss)

Name: Blackhound HP: 1,100 MP: 0
Exp: 940 Fol: 288 Items: Steak
Weak vs.: Stars Strong vs.: Fire
Description: A red Hounddog
Found: Sanctuary of Linga

Name: Ooze HP: 2,300 MP: 0
Exp: 848 Fol: 350 Items: Soda Pop
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Earth, Water
Description: A blue Slimepool
Found: Sanctuary of Linga

Name: Visseyer HP: 10,000 MP: 100
Exp: 4,200 Fol: 7,000 Items: Orichalcum, Damascus
Weak vs.: Thunder, Light Strong vs.: Void
Description: Um... we'll just say it looks like a weird worm...
Found: Sanctuary of Linga (boss)

Name: Doomaxe HP: 3200 MP: 0
Exp: 1,020 Fol: 310 Items: Star Ruby, Brigandine
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: None
Description: A brown Lizardaxe
Found: Hoffman Ruins, Lacour Front area

Name: Kitty HP: 60 MP: 0
Exp: 4,000 Fol: 1,200 Items: Pretty Idol, Reverse Doll
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind,
Thunder, Stars, Void, Light, Dark
Description: A teddy bear
Found: Hoffman Ruins

Name: Giantbow HP: 600 MP: 0
Exp: 1,000 Fol: 320 Items:
Weak vs.: Wind Strong vs.: None
Description: A green Archer
Found: Hoffman Ruins

Name: Blackslime HP: 3,600 MP: 0
Exp: 1,100 Fol: 450 Items:
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: None
Description: A black Slime
Found: Hoffman Ruins

Name: Guarder HP: 200 MP: 0
Exp: 1,000 Fol: 410 Items: Orichalcum, Fine Shield
Weak vs.: Water Strong vs.: Fire, Wind, Thunder
Description: A gray Shielder
Found: Hoffman Ruins

Name: Harfainx HP: 36,700 MP: 100
Exp: 20,000 Fol: 5,000 Items: Star Ruby
Weak vs.: Water, Dark, Light Strong vs.: Fire, Wind, Stars, Void
Description: A goat-headed monkey
Found: Hoffman Ruins (boss)

Name: Ghost HP: 8,200 MP: 100
Exp: 5,200 Fol: 8,500 Items: None
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: None
Description: A blue humanoid
Found: Hoffman Ruins (optional boss)

Name: Shin HP: 21,000 MP: 200
Exp: 45,000 Fol: 52,000 Items: Emerald Ring
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind,
Thunder, Stars, Void, Light, Dark
Description: A green flying demon
Found: Lacour Front (boss), Ocean Transport (boss), Tower of Eluria (boss)

Name: Stonestatue HP: 2,200 MP: 0
Exp: 200 Fol: 50 Items: None
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: Dark
Description: A Gargoyle palette-swap
Found: Ocean Transport (sub-boss), Tower of Eluria (boss support)

Name: Timekeeper HP: 3,500 MP: 0
Exp: 1,800 Fol: 580 Items:
Weak vs.: Fire, Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: A Sandglass palette-swap
Found: Eluria continent, Eluria Tower

Name: Goathead HP: 3,000 MP: 50
Exp: 1,900 Fol: 450 Items: Crystal, Star Ruby
Weak vs.: Thunder, Light Strong vs.: None
Description: A Harfainx palette-swap
Found: Eluria continent, Eluria Tower

Name: Eldermagius HP: 800 MP: 50
Exp: 2,000 Fol: 610 Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.: Fire, Wind, Thunder, Stars
Description: A Magius palette-swap
Found: Eluria continent, Eluria Tower

Name: Defender HP: 800 MP: 0
Exp: 1,820 Fol: 310 Items: Barrier Shield
Weak vs.: Stars, Light Strong vs.: None
Description: A Shielder palette-swap
Found: Eluria continent, Eluria Tower

Name: Coldlizard HP: 13,000 MP: 0
Exp: 13,000 Fol: 4,000 Items:
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: Water, Thunder
Description: A blue Salamander
Found: Eluria Tower

Name: Darthwidow HP: 6,700 MP: 0
Exp: 3,000 Fol: 900 Items:
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: None
Description: A Scewer palette-swap
Found: Eluria Tower

Name: Gelatinfloat HP: 3,000 MP: 0
Exp: 4,000 Fol: 900 Items: Blackberry
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: Water
Description: A red Gelatincube
Found: Eluria Tower

Name: Raystinger HP: 4,000 MP: 0
Exp: 2,600 Fol: 660 Items: Cure Paralysis, Fountain Pen
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: None
Description: A red Stingray
Found: Nede world map, Cave of Red Crystal

Name: Bang HP: 4,000 MP: 0
Exp: 2,400 Fol: 1040 Items: Blackberry, Magic Canvas
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: None
Description: A pink Shout
Found: Nede world map, Cave of Red Crystal

Name: Hellhound HP: 8,300 MP: 0
Exp: 2,300 Fol: 654 Items: Conductor's Baton, Fire Ring
Weak vs.: Fire, Stars Strong vs.: None
Description: A blue Hounddog
Found: Nede world map, Cave of Red Crystal

Name: Otif HP: 8,000 MP: 0
Exp: 3,650 Fol: 800 Items: Cure Poison, Poison Check
Weak vs.: Earth Strong vs.: Water
Description: A green Gerel
Found: Nede forests, Field of Courage

Name: Darkcrusader HP: 10,000 MP: 0
Exp: 4,500 Fol: 1,000 Items: Bloody Armor
Weak vs.: Water, Light Strong vs.: Dark
Description: A green-and-purple Knight
Found: Nede world map, Field of Courage, Field of Power

Name: Insaneload HP: 8,000 MP: 0
Exp: 4,950 Fol: 1,200 Items: Bloody Helm, Chaos Mail
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: Dark
Description: A purple-and-green Knight
Found: Nede forests, Field of Courage, Field of Power

Name: Ricki HP: 10,000 MP: 0
Exp: 3,500 Fol: 850 Items: Magical Film
Weak vs.: Vacuum Strong vs.: None
Description: A floating disc with tentacles
Found: Nede world map, Field of Intelligence, Field of Love

Name: Wizard HP: 20,000 MP: 200
Exp: 4,600 Fol: 2,000 Items: Mithril
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind,
Thunder, Stars
Description: A tall wizard
Found: Nede world map, Field of Intelligence

Name: Synard HP: 43,000 MP: 200
Exp: 80,000 Fol: 20,000 Items: Mind Ring
Weak vs.: Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: A mechanical dragon
Found: Synard Home (boss)

Name: Periton HP: 12,500 MP: 0
Exp: 2,800 Fol: 50 Items: Meteorite, Prism Ring
Weak vs.: Fire, Thunder, Stars Strong vs.: None
Description: A gray Carlaeagle
Found: Cave of Red Crystal

Name: Arcmene HP: 40,000 MP: 0
Exp: 39,000 Fol: 26,000 Items: Reverse Doll
Weak vs.: Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: A Scewer palette-swap
Found: Cave of Red Crystal (boss)

Name: Mountsnow HP: 20700 MP: 0
Exp: 3,000 Fol: 50 Items: Meteorite
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: Earth, Water, Wind, Thunder,
Stars, Vacuum, Void, Light, Dark
Description: A hairy ape
Found: Nede snowy areas

Name: Saberbunny HP: 18,600 MP: 0
Exp: 4,000 Fol: 5,000 Items:
Weak vs.: Wind Strong vs.: None
Description: A Vopalbunny pallete-swap
Found: Nede snowy areas

Name: Controller HP: 8000 MP: 0
Exp: 6,200 Fol: 1,100 Items: Smith's Hammer
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: A PS1 game pad
Found: Field of Intelligence

Name: Reflectguard HP: 3000 MP: 0
Exp: 3,300 Fol: 10 Items: Silver
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind,
Thunder, Stars, Vacuum, Light,
Dark, Void
Description: A purple Shielder
Found: Field of Intelligence

Name: Magicbox HP: 30,000 MP: 100
Exp: 200 Fol: 100 Items: Ressurection Mist
Weak vs.: Stars Strong vs.: Fire, Thunder
Description: A round mini-cannon
Found: Field of Intelligence (sub-boss)

Name: Guardbox HP: 30,000 MP: 100
Exp: 200 Fol: 1000 Items: Cinderella Glass
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: Thunder, Stars
Description: A round mini-cannon
Found: Field of Intelligence (sub-boss)

Name: Workbox HP: 30,000 MP: 100
Exp: 200 Fol: 1000 Items: Rare Gauntlets
Weak vs.: Thunder Strong vs.: Fire, Stars
Description: A round mini-cannon
Found: Field of Intelligence (sub-boss)

Name: Magichand HP: 60000 MP: 100
Exp: 80,000 Fol: 80,000 Items: Reverse Doll
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Earth, Water, Fire, Thunder,
Stars, Vacuum, Void
Description: A wall-mounted cannon
Found: Field of Intelligence (boss)

Name: Atulatul HP: 5,000 MP: 0
Exp: 3,800 Fol: 50 Items: Purple Mist
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: An orange Azamgil
Found: Field of Power, Field of Courage

Name: Ghast HP: 20,000 MP: 0
Exp: 4,800 Fol: 50 Items: Cure Paralysis, Paralysis Check
Weak vs.: Fire, Thunder Strong vs.: Water
Description: A purple Alen-tax
Found: Field of Power

Name: Yety HP: 20,000 MP: 0
Exp: 6,500 Fol: 18,000 Items: Star Ruby, Rainbow Diamond
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: None
Description: A purple Mountsnow
Found: Field of Power (special)

Name: Guardian HP: 130,000 MP: 0
Exp: 150,000 Fol: 64,000 Items: Protection Ring
Weak vs.: Dark Strong vs.: Earth, Water, Fire
Description: A large metal robot
Found: Field of Power (boss), Field of Courage (boss)

Name: Rikilo HP: 10,000 MP: 0
Exp: 3,900 Fol: 800 Items: Peep-Peep Bomb
Weak vs.: Vacuum Strong vs.: Water
Description: An orange Ricki
Found: Field of Courage

Name: Fenrilbeast HP: 25,000 MP: 0
Exp: 5,500 Fol: 1,500 Items:
Weak vs.: Fire Strong vs.: Water, Thunder
Description: A purple Salamander
Found: Field of Courage

Name: NiquiaHG HP: 1,300 MP: 50
Exp: 1,000 Fol: 50 Items: Magical Camera
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: A flying camera-thing
Found: Field of Love

Name: Masterwizard HP: 35,000 MP: 400
Exp: 13,000 Fol: 2,200 Items: Silver
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: Water, Fire, Wind, Stars, Dark
Description: A Wizard palette-swap
Found: Field of Love

Name: Rikiha HP: 15000 MP: 0
Exp: 5,500 Fol: 50 Items:
Weak vs.: Vacuum Strong vs.: None
Description: A Ricki palette-swap
Found: Field of Love

Name: Controlkey HP: 14,000 MP: 0
Exp: 6,200 Fol: 2,000 Items:
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.: None
Description: A Controller palette-swap
Found: Field of Love

Name: Breakwing HP: 30,000 MP: 100
Exp: 100 Fol: 20 Items: None
Weak vs.: Thunder Strong vs.: None
Description: A Harfainx palette-swap
Found: Field of Love (boss support)

Name: Lover HP: 60000 MP: 0
Exp: 55,000 Fol: 38,000 Items: None
Weak vs.: Light Strong vs.: None
Description: A young woman
Found: Field of Love (boss support)

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: Takicodos HP: 25,500 MP: 50
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Thunder Strong vs.: Water, Wind, Vacuum, Light
Description: A green mech walker
Found: Feinal

18900 (1 Takicodos, 1 Miel64)

Name: Miel64 HP: 18,000 MP: 0
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Wind Strong vs.: None
Description: A green Miel32
Found: Feinal

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: Marsillio HP: 130,000 MP: 0
Exp: 72,000 Fol: 50,000 Items: Fairy Glass
Weak vs.: None Strong vs.:
Description: A shirtless warrior with a huge sword
Found: Fun City (boss)

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:

Name: HP: MP:
Exp: Fol: Items:
Weak vs.: Strong vs.:


VI. Conclusion

Special Thanks To [CTHANKSTO]

* Trystan: For helping me out in remembering all of the monsters summoned
by The Evil Melody, among other things.

Afterword [CAFTERWRD]

Years of playing Star Ocean 2 with no really reliable guide to turn to
are what drove me to write this, and I'm damn glad I did. I hope you also
found this guide handy.


Copyright 2007 Sky Render

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