Interim Secret Process
Fact SheetFact Sheet
On June 8, 2004 The FEMA Office of Security authorized the Personnel Security Branch to use an
Interim Secret clearance in lieu of a Top Secret Waiver (EO 12968). This allowed individuals to
occupy National Security Critical Sensitive position while the proper investigation was being
completed. Positions that are designated as Special Sensitive (SCI) are not eligible for the Interim
Secret process (5 CFR 732 and EO 12968).
Positions eligible for Interim Secret considerations can only be designated National
Security/ Non-Critical Sensitive or National Security/ Critical Sensitive. The positions
designation is located on the OF 8, which can be obtained from Human Capitol.
Program office must submit FEMA Form (FF) 12-77 (Request for an Interim Secret
Clearance) and signed Position Description (PD) with the OF-8 to the HQ, Personnel Security
Branch, Adjudication Unit to begin the consideration process.
FEMA, Chief Security Officer will review and approve the Request for an Interim Secret
Clearance, FEMA Form (FF) 12-77 once they are submitted to him by the Personnel Security
Branch with the entire package.
The applicant will need to provide a SF 86 or SF 86C to the Personnel Security Branch,
Adjudicative Unit for review, prior to consideration for an Interim Secret eligibility clearance.
The applicant will also be required to complete and submit EQIP for the proper level
investigation prior to consideration for an Interim Secret eligibility clearance.
o It takes between 4-6 weeks from the time OPM opens the investigation for a
determination to be made on whether an Interim Secret Clearance will be granted or
o Applicant with a current investigation from a previous agency may be processed
sooner (when reciprocity can be utilized).
. Interim Secret determinations are based on a lower level investigation (NACI, ANACI, NACLC,
MBI, etc) or a National Agency Checks (NAC) in addition to the review of the SF 86 or SF 86C.
o Limited information is provided at this stage by OPM.
o Information is evaluated and all determinations are made in accordance with EO
12968 and DHS MD 11050.2.
o The agency is making a risk determination based on limited information-when in doubt;
o The agency will always side on the side of National Security.
The Program Office and the Human Capital Division will be notified when the applicant has
been approved for an Interim Secret clearance.
An Interim Secret clearance can be denied to an individual in accordance with EO 12968,
DHS MD 11050.2.
o The applicant has no appeal process as a result of being denied an Interim Secret
o Denial of an Interim Secret clearance is not grounds for Human Capital Division to
withdraw the offer.
Interim Secret Clearances are temporary, 180 days (EO 12968) with option for extension
(another 180 days).
An extension must be submitted to the Personnel Security Branch, Adjudicative
Unit via a FF 12-77 by the program office.
The applicant must still be able to meet final requirement of eligibility for Top Secret or Secret
clearance. Therefore, the approval or denial of Interim clearance should not be taken as an
indicator of the final determination. (see more on conditional letter).
Once an Interim Secret clearance has been granted, the applicant has to sign a Conditional
Letter of employment prior to the granting of an Entry on Duty date by the Human Capital
Division (HCD). .
The applicant will return the signed Conditional Letter of Employment to HCD
HCD will forward the Conditional Letter of Employment to the Personnel Security
Branch, Adjudications Unit.
The applicant is not required to sign the Conditional Letter of Employment. The
applicant has the option to choose to wait for the full investigation and granting of
the full clearance. HCD can not withdraw the tentative offer of employment if the
applicant chooses this option.
Interim Secret clearance is not a right.
Questions may be directed to the Personnel Security Branch Customer Service Office at
(202) 646-3790.
Tinell K. Pratt, Acting Branch Chief 202-646-3927
Kenneth Garner, Deputy Chief Security Officer, 202-646-2035
Executive Order 10450
Executive Order 12968
DHS Management Directive 11050.2
5 CFR 732.2
June 8, 2004 Kenneth O. Burris Memorandum to Gregory R. Cooper, authorizing the use of Interim
Secret clearances in lieu of a Top Secret Waiver disasters.
Interim Secret Process
Fact SheetFact Sheet
FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work
together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to,
recover from, and mitigate all hazards.