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Full text of "French travellers in the United States, 1765-1932 : a bibliography / by Frank Monaghan;"





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From the portrait by S. F. B. Morse owned by The New York Public Library
(Painted from sittings in Washington, D. C, in February, 1825)

French Travellers


1765 -1932

A Bibliography by

Department of History
New York University





Head Librarian
McNeese State College, La.




First Published in Separate Form

By The New York Public Library

Reprinted 1961
with Supplement


Antiquarian Press Ltd., New York

Through Special Arrangement with the
G. K. Hall Co., Boston. Massachusetts

Edition Limited to 750 Copies

Printed in the U.S.A.

New York Lithographing Corp.
New York, N. Y.


List of Illustrations --------- v

Introduction ---------- vii

List of Abbreviations -------- xxi

The List __________ 1

Addenda __________ 07

Corrigenda ---------- 106

Selected Chronological List of Travellers - 107

Index ----------- 109

Supplement ---------- 117

Index to Supplement --_-__-- 128


1. Lafayette. From the painting by S. F. B. Morse (1825). Frontispiece

2. Title-page of the Abbe Robin's Nouveau voyage. . . (1782). Facing fage 8

3. A criticism of the Abbe Robin from the Mercure de France (1783). Facing fage o

4. Portraits of two eighteenth-century travellers: La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt and
Chateaubriand. Facing fage 16

5. Title-page of the Voyage de New fort . . .by Chastellux (1781). Facing fage 24

6. Frontispiece and title-page of the journal of the first successful aerial flight in the
United States (1793). Facing fage 32

7. Portraits of two eighteenth-century French travellers: Talleyrand-Perigord and
Brissot de Warville. Facing fage 40

8. Title-page of Nouvelles du Scioto. . ., an early account of land speculation in
America, by one of its victims (1790). Facing fage 48

9. View of Chamf d'Asi/e, a settlement of refugee Bonapartist soldiers in Texas
( 1 8 1 8 ) . Facing fage 56

10. An impression of the French Jury at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia
(1876). Facing fage 64


TRAVELLERS' tales, sober and fantastic, have always commanded the
attention of a numerous reading public. Long after these accounts of
travel have satisfied the immediate curiosity of the public they have yielded up to
historians curious and precious information about new lands and peoples ; they
have, under scholarly analysis, greatly contributed to our understanding of the
evolution of ideas and the formation of public opinion. The accounts of French
missionaries and explorers in America during the seventeenth and early eight-
eenth centuries have for many years engaged the efforts of collectors and schol-
ars. The labors of Reuben G. Thwaites, V. H. Paltsits, Gustave Lanson, Gilbert
Chinard, and GeofFry Atkinson (to mention the most notable of the recent
scholars in the field) have laid the foundations of numerous scientific studies and
have made these materials accessible and familiar to the larger reading public.
No similar amount of attention has yet been devoted to the French travellers in
America during the second hal f of the eighteenth century. Bernard Fay and How-
ard Mumford Jones have utilized, with brilliance and discernment, a part of these
materials in their studies of Franco-American relations.1 Charles H. Sherrill and
Alexandre Capitaine have each devoted a volume to the French visitors of this
period and their impressions.2 None of these studies has been based upon the
extensive collection of materials presented in this bibliography. For the period
after 1800 there has been (with a few notable exceptions) a surprising neglect
of many valuable materials. The writings of French travellers on the United
States from 1765 to 1932 represent a rich and varied collection of materials,
unknown to the general reader and largely unexploited by scholars, especially for
the period of the nineteenth century.

British travellers in the United States are already familiar to the world of
scholarship and to the general reading public. The fact that their works have
presented no difficulties of language has made them interesting and accessible to
the ordinary reader. They have long attracted the attention of American scholars
with the result that the field is largely explored and exploited. Jane Louise
Mesick's The English Traveller in America, 1785-1835 is a competent survey of
a half-century of English observations ; Allan Nevins has recently and very suc-
cessfully surveyed a larger field in his American Social History as Recorded by
British Travellers (New York, 1923) which presents selections, with copious
introductions, from more than a score of the more important accounts. From
many points of view the French travellers represent a more varied and richer
source of materials. Coming from Latin rather than the familiar Anglo-Saxon
backgrounds they brought a different point of view, a new approach, other biases

1 Howard Mumford Jones, America and French Culture, 1750-184S (Chapel Hill, N. C, 1927) ;
Bernard Fay, The Revolutionary Spirit in France and America. . . (New York, 1927.)

2 Charles H. Sherrill, French Memories of Eighteenth Century America (New York, 1915);
Alexandre Capitaine, La Situation economique et sociale des P.tats-Unis a la fin du XVIIIe Steele
d'aprcs les voyageurs francais (Paris, 1926). Capitaine draws his materials from eleven of the
better-known travellers ; these travellers represent merely a small part of the available materials.



and prejudices. The observations of many British travellers until the middle of
the nineteenth century were colored by memories of the War of the American
Revolution and the War of 1812. Fortunately this particular kind of asperity
is gone, but it would not be impossible to find, in the twentieth century, British
travellers who still regard the Americans as "colonials" and who observe them
and lecture them with a marked degree of condescension. They have not, how-
ever, been able to maintain an undisputed monopoly of this point of view.

It was enthusiasm rather than bitterness that prejudiced the minds of French
travellers to America during the eighteenth century ; and during the early years
of the nineteenth century many of the travellers were refugees who had found an
asylum in the United States and whose writings were colored by this sentiment of
gratitude. America was the object of the admiration, even veneration, of French
liberals during the nineteenth century, as it was the recipient of the vituperative
attacks of the French Royalists. On the whole, however, the French travellers
maintained a more judicious, and often sympathetic, attitude toward the United
States. It was this that caused Henry T. Tuckerman to make the following
comment : "The social character, the more versatile experience of American life,
assimilate it in a degree, and externally, with that of France, and the climate of
America develops nervous sensibility; while the exigencies of life foster an
adaptive facility, which brings the Anglo-American into more intelligent relations
with the Gallic nature than is possible for a people so egotistic and stolid as the
English to realize. But this partial sympathy does not altogether account for the
French understanding America better : that is owing to a more liberal, a less
prejudiced, a more chivalric spirit; to quicker sympathies, to more scientific
proclivities, to greater candor and humanity among her thinkers. They are far
enough removed in life and character to catch the true moral perspective ; and they
have few, if any, wounds of self-love to impede their sense of justice to a country
wherewith their own history is often congenially and honorably associated." 3
This was written by Tuckerman during the American Civil War and his opinion
had been influenced by contemporary British criticisms of America as well as
by the attitude of the French Liberals toward the Civil War.

It is interesting to contrast this view with an opinion advanced by a reviewer
in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine in 1851 : "Frenchmen are very apt to ex-
press great sympathy with, and admiration of, the people of the United States.
This arises from various causes. Some are smitten with their democratic institu-
tions ; some exult in American independence as a triumph over England ; others
assume a share in that triumph, on account of the French auxiliaries in the
American war; whilst others, again, suffer their imaginations to be captivated
by the wonderfully rapid rise and prodigious development of American wealth
and power. It does not require any great amount of sentiment and fancy to get
up this kind of love-at-a-distance." The writer then proceeds to develop the thesis
that there is "a sort of disenchantment in store for those Frenchmen who, after
picturing to themselves the United States as a democratic Utopia, the very para-
dise of the worshippers of Liberty, have occasion to visit the unseen land of their

3 Henry T. Tuckerman, America and Her Commentators (New York, 1864), p. 153-54.


affections ... In fact, no two characters can be more antagonistic than those of
Frenchman and American. However strong his predetermination, the former
finds it impossible to be pleased in the country where he had fondly anticipated
so much gratification." 4

These prejudices and preconceptions which Frenchmen have sometimes
brought with them to the United States have been ably discussed by Gilbert
Chinard in his study of "le mirage americain." 5 To some of these travellers the
cruel deception of this "mirage" was at once apparent ; an excellent example of
this sudden disillusionment is found in D'AUemagne, a Parisian who in 1790 was
seduced by the eloquence of a group of Scioto land speculators and who came to
America to settle the lands which he had bought. This same eloquence persuaded
a Parisian engineer, Desjardins, to come to America. Here he lost not only his
time, money, health, and ideals, but his whole respect for humanity. In other
travellers there are symptoms of a more gradual dispelling of this "mirage," but
almost none has failed to note, either in simple surprise or in indignation, the
discrepancy between what he thought he was about to find and what he actually
found. In others this surprise has been translated into enthusiasm.6

Several important facts will assist in the understanding of the favorable views
of the French travellers entertained by Tuckerman and other early writers on
Franco-American relations. The absence of any large collections of materials in
the field and the lack of any adequate bibliographical guides were distinct handi-
caps to any full understanding of the subject. They were forced to rely upon
the better-known accounts, especially those which had been translated into Eng-
lish. And publishers, ever mindful of their public, have usually undertaken the
translations of only the more favorable views. The result is that general readers
and some scholars have been given an incomplete, and hence false, impression
of the attitude of visiting Frenchmen. They have mistaken a small part of the
canvas for the whole panorama. Scholars who have written on Franco-American
relations have tended to minimize the numbers and the value of French views
unfavorable to the United States. Indeed, a lengthy list might be drawn up of
French travellers whose views were, if not distinctly hostile, decidedly uncompli-
mentary to the Americans.7 The great outbursts of sympathetic enthusiasm
engendered by the War of the American Revolution and the World War have
each been followed by periods of relative coolness and even hostility. Especially
does the present period seem melancholy and discouraging, for many of the
present popular French impressions of America have been created by sensational
novelists, cheap journalists and cheaper politicians whose intellectual integrity
may have collapsed under the strain of ambition and the demands of their purse.
At the same time intellectual relations between the two countries have increased

4 Blackivood's Edinburgh Magazine, lxix (1851), p. 545-63. "Transatlantic Tourists."

5 Gilbert Chinard, Les Refugies Huguenots en Amerique avec une Introduction sur le Mirage
Americain (Paris, 1925).

6 See the interesting introduction by Duvergier de Hauranne in his Huit mots en Amerique
(Paris, 1866).

7 Moreau de St. Mery, Desjardins, d'Allemagne, La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (in many of his
views), Talleyrand, Volney, Louis Felix de Beaujour, Baron de Montlezun, Gustave de Beaumont,
to mention but a few before 1850, after which date hostile literature reached a flood-stage.


and are increasing and there now exists a large body of French literature, serious
and well-informed, on the United States. It is unfortunate that the voice of these
scholars seems too often to be drowned out by the cheap clamor and the raucous
din for publicity and profits.8 But this is only a temporary condition ; friendly
opinions and counsels will ultimately prevail. Enough has been said to dispel the
erroneous notion that French comment on the United States has been an un-
qualified eulogy. Frequently the hostile literature yields up to the historian some
of his most valuable material. The foundations of Franco-American friendship
are so broad and firm that the towering edifice will hardly be disturbed by the
diatribes of designing politicians, muck-raking journalists, or dyspeptic and dis-
tempered tourists. The interesting fluctuations in French opinion of America
is a subject too complicated for treatment in the present limited space and is one
which I am in the course of developing elsewhere. It is impossible to characterize,
with any degree of exactitude, the hundreds of French travellers who have
written on America ; in the editorial notes I have sometimes taken the opportunity
to comment upon individual travellers.

One observation, however, should be made here. Goethe once remarked to
Eckermann that the Germans were really a queer people, for "by their profound
thoughts and ideas which they seek everywhere and trust, they make life much
more burdensome than is necessary." French thinkers often suffer from a
different virtue : French thought is often clear and very logical ; it seeks the in-
terpretive generalization as a means of simplifying life. This desire to generalize,
which frequently degenerates to a mere love of the epigrammatic, often leads to
curious results in the pages of those commentators who have followed de Tocque-
ville. Not a few critics are bold enough to attempt to superimpose a pattern of
logical thought upon the changing, tumultuous life of these United States.

In the light of the materials contained in this list it must be admitted that the
old generalization about the French being infrequent travellers no longer has any
great degree of truth. Although accurate statistics do not exist for a detailed
comparison, it is evident that the French as travellers would compare very favor-
ably with the English. This bibliography contains more than 1,800 entries, in-
cluding translations and many items of no very great significance. It contains
examples of every type of traveller: soldiers and sailors, either on active service
or upon missions of investigation; missionaries of religion; propagandists of
French culture; merchants and land speculators of all descriptions; immigrants ;
refugees and exiles, fleeing the law, "leaving their country for their country's
good," and escaping political vengeance; official investigators of education, in-
dustry, etc. ; students ; honeymooners ; musicians and actresses ; artists and
litterateurs in search of materials ; lecturers ; adventurers ; those who have come to
seek wives; those who have married Americans; sportsmen; journalists and
publicists who have been brought over by various international foundations to
promote Franco- American relations ; and mere tourists.

8 For an interesting discussion of French contemporary fiction concerning the United States
written by French travellers see "French Authors Take Revenge" by C. E. Andrews in The Book-
man, March, 1931.


They have been in the United States for varying periods of time: Le Braz
spent three days in America ; Albert Delaporte remained six days ; Maurice Don-
nay, seventeen ; Georges N. Tricoche spent thirty years here. Volney wrote to
La Revelliere-Lepeaux in 1797: "il me semble impossible d'avoir une idee nette
de ce grand pays a moins de trois ans, surtout pour un frangais." This was
written when the United States was a small, agricultural community. Few trav-
ellers could measure up to this requirement of time, for it is certainly excessive
when we consider that M. Georges Duhamel was able to write one of the most
influential of contemporary books on the United States after a visit of six weeks,
during much of which time he was confined to his rooms by an illness. I have
sometimes indicated in the notes the length of time spent by the traveller in his
observations and travels. The written records of these impressions have taken
many forms : books, pamphlets, articles, letters to friends, thinly-disguised novels,
official reports, published lectures, dramas (such as those of Tapon-Foujas, who
suffered from a mental disorder), memoirs, journals, diaries, and poems, such
as those of E. Prarond and Jacques Henri Pillionel (though these are, fortu-
nately, rare).

The value of the materials here assembled must be studied in detail to be
properly appreciated, for they enrich and embellish many fields of study. They
throw an interesting light upon American social history; they provide new
materials for American political and economic history.

A few of the earlier examples will illustrate this point. The anonymous account
of a French traveller in the colonies in 1765 9 presents one of the few extant
reports of those who heard Patrick Henry's celebrated speech and from this
report we have a new version of that famous event. Three years later John Kalb
arrived in Philadelphia on a secret mission for the French government. Shortly
after his arrival he made an interesting and significant prophecy. In February,
1768, he reported to Choiseul : "All classes of people here are imbued with such
a spirit of independence and freedom from control, that if the provinces can be
united under a common representation, an independent state will soon be formed.
At all events it will certainly come forth in time." 10 Quesnay de Beaurepaire
published in 1788 his project for the establishment of an Academy of Arts and
Sciences at Richmond. In the following decade another French traveller, Tanguy
de la Boissiere, published the first journal of political economy in America, and
J. P. Blanchard, the French aeronaut, accomplished the first successful aerial
flight in the New World.

The materials included in this bibliography form the largest group of first-hand
French observations upon America that has yet been collected. They provide a
field for the study of national psychology. They are a modest contribution to the
bibliography of American travel. These are new materials for the study of
Franco-American relations, a field out of which have already come many brilliant
and fruitful studies and a field which attracts an increasing number of scholars
and students. They point to the desirability and the necessity for detailed studies

9 See item 859.

io Friedrich Kapp, Life of John Kalb (New York, 1870), p. 63.


of the influence of the United States in France during the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. It should now no longer be possible for a scholar to write on French
Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century, as did Mr. Roger Soltau (New
Haven, 1931 ) and to dismiss the question of American influence by a few vague
and often inaccurate references.

This bibliography is the result of work begun in 1929, the preparation of a
volume on American social history as recorded by French travellers.11 In the
fall of that year I went to Paris to continue my researches. I soon perceived that
some systematic bibliography of the subject was essential for my own work and
that such a bibliography would probably prove useful to students of other fields.
While there was an obvious need for bibliographical treatment of French travel
in the United States, it is surprising that no serious attempts had been made to
compile one. For some years the project of a vast bibliography of American
travel has been agitated by a group of interested American scholars. Much
progress has been made toward this end, but it has been slow, and if it is carried
out along the wise and generous lines suggested by Dr. Solon J. Buck, it will be
some years before the work will finally be completed.12 Henry T. Tuckerman in
his America and Her Commentators, with a Critical Sketch of Travel in the
United States, devoted two chapters, with meagre bibliographical references, to
French travellers and writers on the United States from the period of the Revo-
lution to the Civil War. These chapters, containing frequent errors, discussed
merely the better-known travellers and writers, often without discriminating
between them. Bernard Fay in his Bibliographic critique des ouvrages francais
relatifs aux Etats-Unis, 1770-1800 (Paris, 1925) devotes his attention to the
travels published during those thirty years; the present bibliography contains
many new items for that period that cannot be classified as strictly travel accounts.
It includes a few accounts of eighteenth-century travellers that have been discov-
ered and published since 1800. Henry R. Wagner's The Plains and the Rockies:
A Bibliography of Original Narratives of Travel and Adventure , 1800—1865
(San Francisco, 1921), admirable in plan and execution, contains numerous
omissions for the period and the region which it was seemingly designed to cover.
The Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris has no subject catalogue for the greater
part of the period which interests us ; their subject catalogue which begins in the
latter part of the nineteenth century is incomplete and faulty. The Hugh C.

11 Translated selections from forty French travellers, with an introduction and notes, probably
to be published early in 1935.

12 For an explanation of this work see "The Bibliography of American Travel: A Project" by
Solon J. Buck in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, XXII (1928), p. 52-59.
The period to be covered is from 1600 to 1900. Dr. Buck proposes that descriptive items like
Bryce's American Commomvealth be included as well as the mere narrations of travels and that
materials in magazines, in volumes of collections, and even in newspapers be included. He estimates
that the total number of items will be about six thousand. I believe that the total number of items
is seriously underestimated, especially if the bibliography is to contain newspaper materials. Dr.
Chazin, upon inquiry, informs me that during a period of ten years during the nineteenth century
two American correspondents of two Belgian newspapers contributed more than 500 articles.
J. C. Houzeau once estimated that his newspaper contributions on America would fill twelve
volumes. If I might hazard an estimate I would say that Belgian and French items alone would
total more than six thousand. Dr. Buck has recently informed me that the present available funds
will probably carry the work only as far as 1830.


Wallace Library, a valuable collection on Franco-American relations, was then
in formation and possessed no catalogue of its treasures. The American libraries,
somewhat better endowed with catalogues and bibliographical equipment, then
possessed no collections of materials that approached completeness.

The bulk of the materials here presented was first gathered in Paris, where
bibliographical research assumes many interesting forms. Much of the work was
necessarily done in the Bibliotheque Nationale, with its challenging and baffling
immensity, and in other public libraries in Paris. Not a few of the travellers'
books were first discovered in the book stalls on the quays along the Seine ; many
were found and consulted in the collections of various Parisian booksellers whose
kindness and intelligence deserve mention. They frequently threw open their
collections to my examination and assisted me with a degree of affability and
knowledge not so frequently found among their brethren in the United States.
The Librairie fimile Nourry possesses the largest collection of travellers that I
have yet found in France or in the United States ; the Librairie Maurice Chamonal
possesses, among other valuable items, a splendid collection of materials by and
concerning Cabet and Beluze ; M. Chadenat contributed largely to the building
up of the splendid collection formed by the late Hugh C. Wallace under the
direction of Col. Beckles Willson ; M. Alph. Margraff and M. Marcel Blancheteau
have been of great service in unearthing obscure items. The catalogues of various
other Parisian and provincial dealers have yielded up many valuable materials.
The private libraries in Paris were generously opened to me. In the library of
James Hazen Hyde I found items for which I had fruitlessly searched at the
Bibliotheque Nationale. The richest and most complete private library of ma-
terials on Franco-American relations was that presented to the American Em-
bassy in Paris by the late Hugh C. Wallace. With the assistance of Col. Beckles
Willson I examined each of the books and pamphlets that make up this extensive
collection, now housed in the American Embassy. This collection should become,
if properly augmented and administered, a center of Franco-American studies.
When I returned to the United States I was able to examine the voluminous
materials in the possession of The New York Public Library and the Library of
Congress. The catalogues of other libraries in Europe and the United States
were consulted with profit. The many writings on Franco-American relations
supplied further information and suggestions. Sabin was searched item by item
and Lorenz was examined for relevant material. Following the first publication
of this bibliography in the Bulletin of The New York Public Library 13 much new
material was contributed by several libraries and interested scholars: the Library
of Congress, the William L. Clements Library, the John Carter Brown Library,
M. Aegidius Fauteux, chief librarian of the Montreal Public Library, M. Fernand
Baldensperger, of the Sorbonne, and Dr. Edward Larocque Tinker, whose two
recent volumes are notable contributions to Franco-Americana. Since the list
was first published I have been enabled to include more than two hundred new
items, to add several notes, and to correct a few errors. While every effort has
been made to make this list as complete as possible I fully realize that there are

J3 In seven parts from March to October, 1932.


doubtless omissions. I shall gladly welcome further information concerning items
which come within the scope of this bibliography. The success of a project of
such magnitude demands the co-operation of interested scholars and librarians
and I invite the active collaboration of those who are working in the field.

The materials presented many problems that demanded solutions. There were
numerous anonymous books and pamphlets; I have been able to establish the
authorship of several.14 There sometimes existed a serious confusion of names
that I have been able to disentangle.15 Several of the books have been republished
under various titles ; others have been republished, but with the addition of new
materials. I have tried to indicate these changes in the various notes. A problem
that presented many difficulties was the separation of those who had actually
travelled in the United States from those who merely seemed to have travelled.

Literary history contains numerous examples of authors who have written
books of travel without ever having ventured beyond their local libraries. Daniel
Coxe, a seventeenth-century English land speculator, wrote in his Account of
New Jersey that he had "made greate discoveryes towards the greate Lake . . .
and contracted Freinshipp with diverse petty Kings . . ." but we know that these
events were experienced where they were written : in the quiet of his study in
Aldersgate Street, London. The task of recognizing these sedentary tourists is
a difficult one ; nor does the evidence supplied by the text always provide a means
of recognizing them. They do not directly say they have travelled in the regions
which they describe, but they frequently desire (from a variety of motives) to
give the impression that they are relating actual experiences and observations.
In 1863 there was published in Paris a book which described the experiences of a
Parisian family suddenly transported to the United States : Paris en Amerique,
by Dr. Rene Lefebre. It was filled with humor, piquant anecdote, and sagacious
observations upon American political and social life. Americans then residing
in Paris took it to be the work of a Frenchman who had long resided in the United
States. Beginning with the eighth edition, published early in 1864, the book
carried the name of its real author, fidouard Laboulaye, a distinguished professor
at the College de France. It was difficult to determine, in Paris in 1930, whether
or not Laboulaye had ever visited the United States. There were neither biblio-
graphical nor biographical data available ; invitations were found asking Labou-
laye to visit the United States and there were abundant indications that he wished
to come. Obituaries revealed nothing on the question. One day, however, in the
British Museum I found Mary L. Booth's English translation of his book and
in the preface the brief statement that he had never been in the United States,
though his knowledge of America was greater than that of any other European.
His book continues to fool the unwary : as late as 1900, Edmond de Nevers speaks
of Laboulaye as one of the most important of those "touristes europeens lettres
qui ont traverses l'Atlantique."

14 See, among others, items 962, 1002, 1523, and the note under Ferdinand Longchamp in the

15 Such as that between the Abbe Robin and Qaude C. Robin.


Even more baffling are the deliberate fabrications such as that of Price Collier.
In 1897 there was published in London and New York an anonymous book,
America and the Americans from a French Point of View. In the dedication the
author states : "It may seem strange to the readers of some of these pages that I
dedicate this little book to you, an American ... I lay my prejudices as a French-
man at your feet ..." In the preface he states that he is a member of an old
French family, that he has allowed these pages to be translated upon condition
that his identity remain hidden ; "it is enough that a Frenchman . . . writes them."
It required almost two days of research, with visits to the Paris office of the
London Times, to discover that this was a literary hoax. The author, although
educated in Switzerland and Germany, had been born in America, had been a
newspaper correspondent and had served in the United States Navy during the
Spanish-American War. Fortunately the problem of M. Charles Bastide, who
during 1918-19 published a series of twelve books on contemporary American
civilization, was settled by a letter from the author in which he expressed his
regret that he had never visited the United States.

My file of discarded items contains several hundred titles which have been
examined and omitted from this bibliography because I could find no credible
evidence of their actual travels in the United States. When authorities have
referred to authors as travellers and I have not been able to establish the fact that
they were actually in America I have frequently expressed, in the notes, doubts
of their travels.

During the course of my investigations I compiled lengthy lists of French
travellers in the United States who seemingly left no published records of their
observations and impressions. We would be willing to give much had some of
these travellers left their impressions. Franqois Louis Michel Deforgues, French
minister at New Orleans under Napoleon, might have said much concerning life
in Louisiana at the beginning of the nineteenth century, but he wrote nothing
during a lengthy life of considerable leisure. Louis Marie Turreau de Garambou-
ville, who fought in the War of the American Revolution and who was French
Minister to the United States from 1804 to 1811, has left no published account
of the many events of which he was a close observer. The Marquis de Grouchy,
who lived in America from 1815 to 1821, wrote virtually nothing on the United
States, although he lived for another twenty-six years after his return to France.
In the course of time it is probable that unpublished manuscripts of other French
travellers will be discovered and published, especially when the French consular
and diplomatic archives are further opened to investigators. The Hugh C. Wal-
lace Collection contains a valuable manuscript of Crevecceur which is worthy of
separate publication. Manuscript letters of other travellers are probably scat-
tered throughout various collections. An example of this is the manuscript letter
of Pierre Franqois de Real now contained in the John Boyd Thacher Collection
in the Library of Congress. The Comte de Real lived in exile in the United States
from 1816 to 1827 when he returned to Paris. Although he wrote his memoirs
at length it is curious to observe that he makes no mention of the United States.


More significant then is this letter written from Le Havre May 24, 1827 and
addressed to Philip Hone of New York :

". . . The moment I again saw this France from which I had been
exiled eleven years ago my first thought, I confess, was not for my old
fatherland. I turned toward the West, and, my heart filled with grati-
tude, I paid homage to that other country, the United States, and the
State of New York especially, which so generously gave hospitality to
the outcast. At this moment when I re-enter France, more than ever
before, I am convinced that it is to the sole kindness, to the all-powerful
intervention of the American revolution, that the victims of revolutions
and counter-revolutions which stain old Europe with blood, will be
obligated for their escape from that scaffold which vengeance always
raises after political convulsions. Without the United States there
would be no shelter for the outcast but that of prison, no repose but that
of the tomb.

"Tranquillity, happiness, liberty, independence, security: these are
the words which in their full meaning and significance are thoroughly
understood only in the United States, where one meets neither peasant
nor pauper, where one enters without passport and leaves without per-
mission, where one sees neither Jesuit nor gendarme, etc., etc.

"Ah! how I am going to make haste to terminate my affairs here!
How impatient am I already to return to those forests where I spent
eleven years so free and independent, so tranquil and happy, or to those
friends who have been so thoughtful and so indulgent to me ; and espe-
cially to you, kind sir, and to your family where I was received and
where my daughter was cared for with such kindness and such perfect
affection . . ."

In the bibliography which follows I have endeavored to include all the French
travellers who have left printed accounts of their voyages and experiences in the
regions now comprised within the United States from 1765 to 1932. The year
1765 has been selected as the anterior date because at that time the movement
which culminated in independence was already in motion and was being closely
observed by French travellers and as early as 1768 Kalb predicted that inde-
pendence was inevitable. This bibliography is an attempt to gather together all
the writing on the United States by French authors who have had the opportunity
of actual contact with and observation of life in its variegated aspects in America.
It is not confined to the reports of the mere travels themselves, but is meant to
include all writings in which the influence of their travels and observations is
expressly stated or in which that influence can be definitely traced. All such
materials, when they have been published in the form of books or pamphlets,
including reprints from periodicals, have been sought. Purely scientific studies,
such as Ferussac's Observations sur la synonymie des co quill es bivalves de
YAmerique septentrionale ( Paris, 1835 ) , have been omitted from this work, even
though the researches upon which they are based might have been carried out


in the United States. This list is not to be understood as being restricted to
travellers who were born in France or who became French citizens. It includes
those neighboring peoples who have been greatly influenced by French civilization
and who use the French language : many of the Belgians and the Swiss, who are,
for the present purposes, distinguishable from native Frenchmen only with con-
siderable difficulty. It contains accounts written in French by French-Canadian
travellers and by travellers from other territories essentially French in their
culture. Infrequently it includes travellers of other nationalities when those
travellers have originally written in French ; I have tried to indicate in the notes
the origins of these travellers. I have excluded authors born in the United States
of French parentage; the exceptions to this exclusion are several Louisiana
writers who frequently went to France and who were far more French than they
were American. In the matter of Frenchmen who have migrated and settled in the
United States I have fixed arbitrary limits for inclusion. If, for example, a
French lad has been brought to the United States at the age of twelve, has settled
down and become Americanized, and at the age of seventy has recorded his
memories of an active and useful life, I have excluded that material. But, if a
Frenchman has lived long enough in France to acquire a French background and
a French outlook, has migrated to the United States and has written of his ex-
periences during his early years here, I have included that material, for it usually
illustrates the interplay of two cultures. I have included such material even
though that particular traveller may later have become a naturalized American
citizen. It is obvious that it is impossible to establish hard and fast rules for
including and excluding the type of material that I have assembled in this

No effort has been made to search through the periodicals and newspapers after
1800 to discover travellers' accounts, but for travellers who were in the United
States anterior to 1800 their writings have been sought and included regardless
of where those materials first found publication. Many eighteenth-century
French travellers' accounts have been published in later periodicals and in the
journals of learned societies; others have been utilized by various authors in
books and articles, and where these latter contain extended excerpts from un-
published manuscripts of travellers they have been included.

The fact that this same procedure has not been followed for the periods after
1800 does not represent such an omission as might be supposed, for the French
have long had the custom of reprinting important magazine articles in brochure
form — and where these newspaper and periodical articles have formed a series
they have frequently been reprinted in book form. Dr. Maurice Chazin of Co-
lumbia University has made a study of the American materials in French and
Belgian periodicals of the nineteenth century; this study deserves to find its way
into print at an early date, for it will notably increase our knowledge of Franco-
American relations during that period.

The materials are arranged alphabetically by authors and, in the case of anony-
mous items, by titles, with necessary cross-references. For convenient reference
each item has been numbered ; "A" and "B" numbers have been provided for items


which were inserted after the original numbering had been made. The great
majority of the items have been seen and examined by the editor. An attempt
has been made to locate copies in two American libraries. Material in The New
York Public Library is indicated by the proper classmarks. I have tried to make
a complete check of the materials in the Library of Congress, because their collec-
tions are large and the majority of their material is available for inter-library loan.
Where the two copies have not been located in The New York Public Library and
the Library of Congress I have attempted to locate copies in other American
libraries. The compilation of this useful information locating copies in the
various American libraries is partly the work of Daniel C. Haskell of The New
York Public Library and partly the work of the staff of the Union Catalog in
the Library of Congress. Before the list was first published it was checked by
Mr. Haskell and after the first publication it was again checked, together with the
inserted items and the Addenda, by the staff of the Union Catalog.16 I have in-
dicated the source of my bibliographical information for the items of which no
copies have been found. When material has been found in serial publications I
have given no location other than the classmark of the material in The New
York Public Library. In the last analysis, of course, it is possible to tell whether
or not a desired book is in a particular library only by consulting the catalogues
of that library, for books are sometimes mislaid and lost and additions are con-
stantly being made to the collections of the principal libraries.

Where possible I have attempted to include rather full bibliographical infor-
mation. Since my notes on items which I examined in the Bibliotheque Nationale
in the early stages of my work did not always include sufficient detailed infor-
mation I have sometimes been forced to rely upon the printed catalogue of the
Bibliotheque Nationale; the earlier volumes of this catalogue contain but meagre
bibliographical information. Hence there is a certain paucity of details concerning
some of the items not available in American libraries. At other times I have been
forced to rely upon the information supplied by correspondents, and this
information has varied in the degree of completeness. Many of the entries are
followed by brief notes. For the better-known travellers comment was super-
fluous. Some items adequately describe themselves in their titles; others are
described by a brief summary of their table of contents. A few of the items
have required more lengthy notes. I have not attempted to list all the editions of
an item unless the later editions contain revisions, new materials, or illustrations
not included in the first. Although no exhaustive search has been made for trans-
lations, I have included them when found. When there are two or more entries
under the same author, the items have, if possible, been arranged chronologically.
Translations immediately follow the entry for the French title.

!6 This Union Catalog of the Library of Congress is an extraordinary and comparatively recent
development destined to be of almost unlimited service to the world of scholarship. It contained
(according to recent statistics) 13,000,000 cards from over 500 American libraries. Of these cards
8,500,000 represented the locations of more than 7,000,000 different book titles in over 500 libraries.
This is not only the largest card catalogue in the world, but it is also the most complete catalogue
of materials in the Library of Congress. Those who avail themselves of the services of this catalogue
will be delighted, as I have been, with the cordial and intelligent co-operation extended by Dr. Ernest
Kletsch, the director, and Mr. George A. Schwegmann, jr., the assistant director.


In the description of formats, difficulties arose which are still without solution.
There is no uniform method of describing formats employed by the French
publishers, the Bibliotheque Nationale, the British Museum, and the American
libraries. The latter have recently adopted the practice of describing the size by
giving the measurements in centimeters : a logical procedure, but one alien to
European library methods. Frequently the same item will be described by the
publishers as in one format, by the Bibliotheque Nationale as another, and by the
British Museum as yet a third. Nor is it always possible to translate French
terms into what seems to be their English equivalents. "In-12" cannot always
be described as "12�." In the midst of this confusion I have usually given the
format as described by the catalogue of the library whose copy T have consulted.
I regret the necessity of this procedure, but the reader will gain from the various
entries an approximate idea of the format of the various items.

A final count of the corrected bibliography17 reveals 1,806 title entries. This
includes the various editions of an item and includes the various translations that
are listed. Of this total there are 267 titles that have not yet been located in any
library in the United States or Canada. These titles do not seem to be available
in American or Canadian libraries, but frequently the text is available in another
edition or a translation. Of this total of 1,806 title entries there are 586 not yet
available in The New York Public Library, but a further check reveals that the
texts of 167 of these items are available in The New York Public Library in
other editions, translations, and periodical form. These statistics require revision
as new additions are made to the collections of the Library.

At the end of the regular list will be found a valuable Addenda. This is made
up of new entries and of new information concerning items that appear in the
regular list. This was made necessary by the fact that the final sheets of the
earlier parts of the regular list were printed as quickly as possible. For all names
and entries the Addenda should be consulted as well as the regular list. A few
errors have been noted in the Corrigenda ; they consist principally of minor
misspellings. In the hope of facilitating the consultation of the materials con-
tained in this bibliography I have added a selected chronological list of travellers
and an index of subjects and names of persons and places. Despite their limited
scope I feel they will be useful.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the many friendly debts I have incurred during
the course of my work. My special thanks are due to : The American Field Service
Foundation, whose grant of a fellowship in 1929 enabled me to pursue my work
in Paris; Mr. Worthington C. Ford; Col. Beckles Willson, curator of the Hugh
C. Wallace Collection ; Mr. James Hazen Hyde, who for more than thirty years
has labored to promote Franco-American relations; Professor Bernard Fay of
the College de France ; MM. Chamonal, Chadenat, Blancheteau, and Clavreu'il,
scholars and booksellers, of Paris ; Madame Paul Vulliaud of the Librairie fimile
Nourry; Dr. Maurice Chazin, whose knowledge and friendly assistance have
been of constant value ; Mr. Robert R. Finster, editor of publications, The New

!7 After the final sheets of the regular list had been printed it was discovered that several items
ought to have been deleted from the bibliography. See the Corrigenda.


York Public Library; Mr. Daniel C. Haskell of The New York Public Library,
resourceful and tireless in locating new materials as in editing and proofreading
this bibliography ; and to the staffs of the various libraries in Europe and America
in which I have spent many pleasant hours, and without whose efforts the work of
scholars would seldom reach successful conclusions. Since this bibliography
first began publication in the Bulletin of The New York Public Library more than
a year ago I have contracted a number of additional debts which I am happy to
acknowledge: Professor Fernand Baldensperger, of the Sorbonne; M. Aegidius
Fauteux, chief librarian of the Montreal Public Library; Mr. Lawrence C.
Wroth, of the John Carter Brown Library; Dr. Randolph G. Adams and Miss
Elizabeth B. Steere, of the William L. Clements Library; Dr. Edward Larocque
Tinker, of New York City ; Dr. Ernest Kletsch and Mr. George A. Schwegmann,
jr., of the Union Catalog of the Library of Congress; Mr. Max J. Kohler of
New York City; Mr. Nathan Shiff and Miss Naomi J. Levenson for assistance
in the compilation of the index. The spirit of friendly co-operation among
scholars and librarians is one of the substantial pleasures of scholarly endeavor.
I take this occasion to thank in advance others who may be induced to co-operate
in supplying new materials for this bibliography or in pointing out errors that
it may contain. I owe, as do other workers in the field, a special debt of gratitude
to The New York Public Library for this opportunity of publication and for the
intelligence and liberality with which it has seen fit to augment its collection of
the writings of French travellers in the United States.

To my wife, who has tolerated and encouraged this innocuous form of biblio-
mania, I offer this bibliography as an apology for many silent hours.

Frank Monaghan
New York University,
June 22, 1933.


AF Private Library of Aegidius Fauteux, Montreal, Que., Canada.

Am. Lib., Paris. American Library, Paris.

Bib. Royale Bibliotheque Royale, Brussels.

Bib. Ste. Gen. . . Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve, Paris.

BM British Museum, London.

BN Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.

C California State Library, Sacramento, Cal.

Chamonal Librairie Maurice Chamonal, 20 rue de Varenne, Paris.

CSmH Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Cal.

CSt Stanford University Library, Stanford University, Cal.

CU University of California Library, Berkeley, Cal.

CU-B Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, Cal.

DA Library of the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington,

D. C.

DCE Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D. C.

DCU Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C.

DCU-H Huyvernat Collection, Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C.

DGS Library of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C.

DL Library of the United States Department of Labor, Washington, D. C.

DS Library of the United States Department of State, Washington, D. C.

DSG Library of the Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C.

Dufosse Librairie americaine et coloniale E. Dufosse, Paris.

ELT Private Library of Edward Larocquc Tinker, New York City.

HCW Franco-American Library of Hugh C. Wallace, now at the American

Embassy, Paris.

HEH The Henry E. Huntington Library and Museum, San Marino, Cal.

ICJ John Crerar Library, Chicago.

ICN Newberry Library, Chicago.

ICU University of Chicago Library, Chicago.

IU University of Illinois Library, Urbana, 111.

JCB The John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R. I.

JHH Private Library of James Hazen Hyde, Paris.

Journal Journal General de l'lmprimerie et de la Librairie, Paris.

LC Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.

LCP Library Company of Philadelphia, Philadelphia.

LNH Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans.

Lorenz Catalogue General de la Librairie Franchise, edited by Otto Lorenz.

MB Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass.

MBAt Boston Athenaeum, Boston, Mass.

MBHo Library of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Boston, Mass.

MdBJ Johns Hopkins University Library, Baltimore, Md.

MdBP Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md.

MH Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass.

MH-A Library of the Arnold Arboretum, Boston, Mass.

MH-BA Library of the Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard

University, Cambridge, Mass.




MiU University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, Mich.

MnH Minnesota Historical Society Library, St. Paul, Minn.

MPL Montreal Public Library, Montreal, Que., Canada.

MWA Library of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.

N New York State Library, Albany, N. Y.

NIC Cornell University Library, Ithaca, N. Y.

NjP Princeton University Library, Princeton, N. J.

NNC Columbia University Library, New York City.

NNH New York Historical Society Library, New York City.

NNU Union Theological Seminary Library, New York City.

Nourry Librairie fimile Nourry, 62 rue des ficoles, Paris.

NRU University of Rochester Library, Rochester, N. Y.

NWM Library of the United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.

NYPL The New York Public Library, New York City.

OrP Library Association of Portland, Portland, Ore.

RPB Brown University Library, Providence, R. I.

SSL Bibliotheque St. Sulpice, Montreal, Que., Canada.

WaS Seattle Public Library, Seattle, Wash.

WaU University of Washington Library, Seattle, Wash.

WLCL The William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Mich.




A., Ad d'.

Esquisses americaines, ou Tablettes d'un voy-
ageur aux fitats-Unis d'Amcrique. Paris: Chez
Ebrard, 1841. 178 p. in-18. 1

A vigorous and important criticism designed to dis-
illusion French admirers of American institutions. Dis-
cusses slavery, penitentiary system, banks, the press,
literature, science, the fine arts, universities, liberty,
equality, morals, and prostitution. Attacks Lafayette
and de Beaumont.

Copies: NYPL (I AG p.v.322, no. 2); BN.

Abbadie, d'. See wider Vii.liers du Terrage,
Marc, baron de.

Abzac, Paul d', vicomte.

Enquete sur la navigation, l'immigration, et
le commerce frangais a la Nouvelle-Orleans en
1876. Paris: Guillaumin, 1876. (xi), 86 p. in-8.


Was formerly French consul at New Orleans.
Copies: NYPL (TLH); MB; BN.

See also under Conditions du travail.

Achard, Paul.

Un ceil neuf sur l'Amerique. Illustrations de
D. Olere. Paris: Les Lettres Franchises, 1930.
285 p. in-8. 3

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN.

A new slant on America, "Un ceil neuf sur
rAmerique," being a translation by Margaret
Gaffey Mel . . . Chicago: Rand, McNally &
Company, 1931. 203 p. illus. 8�. 4

Achard in the company of six other young French
journalists made a flying visit to the United States
in October, 1929. lie saw New York, Hollywood, Chi-
cago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. He visited a
football game, several great hotels, and Harlem. His
book is hasty, fragmentary, enthusiastic, and uncritical
and contains no "new slants" upon anything American.

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.

Adam, Lucien.

De l'abolition de l'esclavage aux fitats-Unis.
Nancy: Imprimerie de Vaguer, 1861. 72 p.
in-4. 4A

The author made two "voyages volontaires" in the
United States before writing this pamphlet.
Copy: BN.

Adam, Paul Auguste Marie.

Vues dAmerique, ou La Nouvelle Jouvence.
Paris: Ollendorff, 1906. 568 p. in-18. 5

This popular French novelist visited the United
States in 1904; the resulting lengthy volume is among
the most important French writings upon twentieth-
century America.

Copies: NYPL (ILH); MB; BN.

Adet, Pierre Auguste.

Authentic translation of a note from the
minister of the French Republic to the Secre-
tary of State of the United States. New York:
Hopkins, Webb & Co., 1796. 38 p. 8�. 6

Copies: MB; NNH.

The gros mousqueton diplomatique; or,
Diplomatic blunderbuss. Containing Citizen
Adet's notes to the Secretary of State. As
also his cocade proclamation. With a pref-
ace, by Peter Porcupine [pseud, of William
Cobbett]. Philadelphia: Printed for, and sold
by, William Cobbett, opposite Christ Church,
1796. vi, (1)6-72 p. 8�. 7

Copies: NYPL (ICM, France; * KD) ; LC.

Interesting state papers, from Pres. Wash-
ington, M. Fauchet and M. Adet. Likewise
conferences with G. Hammond: quoted by E.
Randolph. London, 1796. 136 p. 8�. 8

Copy: MVVA.

Notes addressees par le citoyen Adet, min-
istre plenipotentiaire de la Republique Fran-
chise pres les �tats-Unis dAmerique, au secre-
taire d'etat des fitats-Unis. Notes from citizen
Adet ... to the Secretary of State of the United
States. Philadelphia: Printed for Benjamin
Franklin Bache, 1796. 95 p. 8�. 9

Copy contains both French and English texts.
Copies: NYPL (* KD) ; LC.

Official notes, from the minister of the
French republic, to the Secretary of State of the
United States of America. With a replication
to the first note, by the Secretary of State.
Philadelphia: Printed for J. Ormond, by Or-
mond and Conrad t1796]. 42 p. 8�. 10

Copies: NYPL (* KD); LC.

Rapport fait par P. A. Adet sur la convention
conclue entre la Republique franchise et les
�tats-Unis d' Amerique. Paris: Imprimerie na-
tionale, An x. 22 p. in-8. 11

Copy: BM.

See also under Correspondance of the
French ministers; Fay, Bernard. Bibliogra-
phic critique. . .


Gustave Aimard was the pen name of Olivier Gloux
(1818-1883), who is usually referred to as Aimard. He
was a prolific author whose works attained such popu-
larity in France, England, and the United States that
he became more than a mere author and rose to the
dimensions of an industry. He was known as the
French Fenimore Cooper; certainly he deserves a high
place among the imitators of Cooper. He spent long
periods in North and South America, periods which
are said to total more than twenty years. He visited
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, California, Texas
and possibly other regions which are now part of the
United States. His first visit to the United States
was from 1835 to 1845; he returned again about 1850.

Through his many volumes he managed to convey
to the Old World a considerable knowledge of Indian
customs and of life on the frontier. What modern
literary research has been devoted to Aimard (and that
has not been much) reveals him to have had a sur-
prising knowledge of life and customs in the South-
west. His novels can, with certain reservations, be
taken to accurately portray certain aspects of pioneer
and frontier life. Aimard's views on the United States
were most interesting: he saw in America the land of
liberty and theoretical philanthropy, a land where the

t 1]


AlMARD, G., PSEUD., Continued

people had one God, the God Dollar. He early accused
the Americans of imperialist designs, designs that would
bring the entire continent under American domination.
The usual conclusion of travellers: that we were in-
sufferable puritans — did not escape him. The greatest
virtue of the Americans was their conquering energy
that was transforming a continent. Virgil L. Jones
has written in the Southwestern Reviciv (xv, 1930,
p. 452-68) a study of Aimard.

The list that follows is, I believe, the first attempt
to compile a bibliography of Aimard's writings touching
the regions now a part of the United States. The total
of his various writings is large: the NYPL catalogue
lists more than 70 titles; the new catalogue of the BM
contains more than 175 entries; the catalogue of the
BN lists 238 entries. Both the collections of the BM
and the BN have important omissions; nor can a com-
plete bibliography be compiled from all these collections.
In the following list the original French editions are
arranged chronologically; each original edition is fol-
lowed by translations, chiefly drawn from the collec-
tion of the NYPL. At the end of the list will be found
several translations for which I have been unable to
find the French originals, together with the several
books in which Aimard collaborated with J. B. d'Auriac.
Aimard frequently borrowed materials from one book to
fill another. For a more complete view of Aimard's
productions consult the catalogues of the above-men-
tioned libraries.

Le chercheur de pistes. Paris: Amyot, 1858.
450 p. in-18. 12

Copy: BN.

The trail hunter; a tale of the Far West
[translated by L. Wraxall]. London: J. A.
Berger [186-?]. viii, 392 p. 16�. 13

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

[Same translation.] Philadelphia: T. B.

Peterson and Bros. [187-?] 1 p.l., 15-175 p.
8�. 14

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

London: Ward, Lock and Tyler [1879].

viii, 392 p. 12�. (Tales of Indian life and ad-
venture, no. 3.) 15

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Les pirates des prairies. Paris: Amyot, 1858.
374 p. in-18. 16

Copy: BN.

The pirates of the prairies: adventures in the
American desert. [Translated by L. Wraxall.]
London: Ward and Lock, 1862. viii, 320 p.
16�. 17

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Complete and unabridged edition. Phila-
delphia: T. B. Peterson and Bros. r1862.] 1 p.l.,
15-152 p. 8�. 18

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

The prairie pirates; or, The hunter's revenge.
New York: Beadle and Adams tcop. 1867].
120 p. 16�. (Beadle's pocket novels, no. 218.)

Copy: NYPL (Reserve). 19

The bandit at bay; or, The pirates of the
prairies. New York: Beadle and Adams, cop.
1879. 37 p. illus. f�. (Beadle's dime librarv.
no. 20.) 20

Copy: NYPL (Reserve).

Les trappeurs de 1' Arkansas. Paris: Amyot,
1858. xii, 455 p. in-18. 21

Copies: NYPL (14. ed., 1882); MB; BN.

The trappers of Arkansas. . . London: J. A.
Berger [186-?]. 1 p.l., 337 p. 16�. 22

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

The trappers of Arkansas. . . London: Ward,
Lock and Tyler [1879?,. iv, 337 p. 12�. (Tales
of Indian life and adventure, no. 9.) 23

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

. . . Loyal Heart ; or, The trappers of Arkansas
. . . New York: Beadle & Adams, cop. 1879.
24 p. illus. f�. (Beadle's dime library, no. 62.)

Copy: NYPL (Reserve). 24

L'ficlaireur. Paris: Amyot, 1859. in-18. 25
Copy: BN.

The Indian scout; or, Life on the frontier
(translated by L. Wraxall]. Complete and un-
abridged edition. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson
and Bros. [186-?] 1 p.l, 13-202 p. 8�. 26

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

La loi de Lynch. Paris: Amyot, 1859. 464 p.
in-18. 27

Copies: LC; BN.

The trapper's daughter . . . London: J. A.
Berger [186-?,. 1 p.l., 381 p. 16�. 28

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

The trapper's daughter, a story of the Rocky
Mountains. . . Revised and edited by Percy B.
St. John. London: J. and R. Maxwell [1877?].
128 p. 12�. 29

Copy: NYPL (NKD p.v.63, no. 5).

. . . The trapper's daughter; or, The outlaw's
fate . . . New York: Beadle & Adams, cop.
1878. 37 p. illus. f�. (Beadle's dime library,
no. 21.) 30

Copy: NYPL (Reserve).

La fievre d'or. Paris: Amyot, 1860. 332 p.
in-18. 31

Copy: BN.

The gold finders. A romance of California.
New York: E. D. Long and Co. [1840?] 130 p.
8C. 32

This supposed date, given by the NYPL catalogue,
is hardly possible. The original French edition did not
appear until 1860.

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

The gold-seekers: a tale of California. Lon-
don: Ward and Lock, 1861. 310 p. 16�. 33

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Balle-Franche. Paris: Amyot, 1861. 432 p.
in-18. 34

Copy: BN.

The prairie flower. Philadelphia: T. B. Pet-
erson and Bros. [1840?, 1 p.l., 13-165 p. 8�. 35

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

The prairie flower; a tale of the Indian
border. [Translated bv L. Wraxall.] London:
J. A. Berger [186-?,. viii, 360 p. 16�. 36

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

The prairie flower; a tale . . . Revised and
edited by P. B. St. John. London: J. and R.
Maxwell [1878?,. 125 p. 12�. (Aimard's Indian
tales.) 37

Copy: NYPL (NKS p.v.64, no. 6).

. . . Prairie-flower. New York: Beadle and

Adams, cop. 1879. 37 p. illus. 4. ed. f�.

(Beadle's dime library, no. 24.) 38

Copy: NYPL (Reserve).


Les rodeurs des frontieres.
1861. 360 p. 12�.

AlMARD, G.. PSEUD., continual

Le coeur-loval. Paris: Amvot, 1867. 2 p.l.,
424 p., 1 1. 6.'ed. 12�. 38A

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Les francs tireurs. Paris: Amyot, 1861.
450 p. in-18. 39

Copies: NYPL (NKV; 7. ed., 1868); BN; BM.

The freebooters. A story of the Texan war.
Complete and unabridged edition. [Translated
from the French.) Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson
and Bros. l1840?] 1 p.l., 19-162 p. 8�. 40

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

[Translated by L. Wraxall.] London:

J. A. Berger (186-?,. 2 p.l., [viij-viii, 380 p. 16�.

Copy: NYPL (NKV). 41

London: Ward, Lock and Co. [1879.]

2 p.l., 376 p. 12�. 42

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

London: Ward, Lock and Tyler [1879?].

viii, 376 p. 12�. (Tales of Indian life and ad-
venture, no. 5.) 43

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

New York: Beadle and Adams, 1881.

30 p. illus. f�. (Beadle's dime library, no. 151.)

Copy: NYPL (Reserve). 44

Paris: Amyot,

Copies: NYPL (NKV; 7. ed., 1868); BM.

The border rifles. A tale of the Texan
war. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson and Bros.
[1840?] 1 p.l., 19-172 p. 8�. 46

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

[Translated bv L. Wraxall.] London: J.

A. Berger, 1868. 1 pi, 311 p. 16�. 47

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

London: Ward, Lock and Tyler ,1879?,.

viii, 310 p. 12�. (Tales of Indian life and ad-
venture, no. 8.) 48

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

La Main-ferme. Paris: Amyot, 1862. 520 p.
12�. 49

The first edition of this item was the quarto reprint
from the journal Le Temps. See the BN catalogue.
Copy: BM.

Stronghand. [Translated by L. Wraxall.]

London: J. A. Berger t186-?3. viii, 392 p. 16�.

Copy: NYPL (NKV). 50

Stronghand; a tale of the disinherited. Re-
vised and edited by J. B. St. John. London:
J. and R. Maxwell [1878?]. 127 p. 12�. (Aim-
ard's Indian tales.) 51

Copy: NYPL (NKS p.v.65, no. 1).

Les chasseurs d'abeilles. Paris: Amyot, 1864.
393 p. in-18. 52

Copy: BN.

The bee-hunter. [London? J. and R. Max-
well? 1878?] 124 p. 123. (Aimard's Indian
tales.) 53

Copy: NYPL (NKS p.v.65, no. 4).

The bee hunters; a tale of adventure. [Trans-
lated by L. Maxwell.] London: J. A. Berger,
1868. 2 p.l., 336 p. 16�. 54

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Le coeur de pierre. Paris: Amyot, 1864.
371 p. in-18. 55

Copy: BN.

Stoneheart; a romance. [Translated bv L.
Wraxall.] London: J. A. Berger, 1868. 3' p.l.,
322 p. 16�. 56

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Stoneheart. [London: J. and R. Maxwell?
1878?] 108 p. 12�. (Aimard's Indian tales.) 57
Copy: NYPL (NKS p.v.65, no. 5).

Le Montonero. Paris: Amyot, 1864. 432 p.
12�. 58

Copy: BM.

The insurgent chief. [Translated by L. Wrax-
all.] London: J. A. Berger [186-?]. 1 p.l., (1)8-
344 p. 16�. 59

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Revised and edited bv J. B. St. John.

London: J. and R. Maxwell [1878?]. 118 p. 12�.
(Aimard's Indian tales. ) 60

Copy: NYPL (NKS p.v.64, no. 2).

Zeno Cabral. Paris: Amyot, 1864. 339 p.
12\ 61

The first edition of this item was the quarto reprint
from the journal La France. See the BN catalogue.
Copies: NYPL (NKV); BM.

The flying horseman. [Translated by L.
Wraxall.] London: J. A. Berger [186-?]. 1 p.l.,
(1)8-312 p. 16�. 62

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Revised and edited by P. B. St. John.

London: J. and R. Maxwell [1878?]. 120 p.
12�. (Aimard's Indian tales.) 63

Copy: NYPL (NKS p.v.64, no. 3).

Les outlaws du Missouri. Paris: Amyot,
1868. in-18. 64

Copies: NNH; BN.

The Missouri outlaws. Translated by P. B.
St. John. London: G. Vickers, 1877. 112 p.
12�. (Aimard's Indian tales.) 65

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

The Missouri outlaws . . . Translated by
Percy B. St. John. London: J. and R. Max-
well [1878?,. 112 p. 12�. 66

Copy: NYPL (NKS p.v.64, no. 5).

La Belle Riviere, i. Le fort Duquesne. n. Le
serpent de satin. Paris: E. Dentu, 1874. 2 v.
in-18. 67

Copy: BN.

Cardenio, scenes et recits du Nouveau-Monde.
Paris: E. Dentu, 1874. 307 p. in-18. 68

Copies: LC (4. ed., 1887); BN.

Le saut de l'elan. Paris: E. Dentu, 1875.
2 p.l., 343(1) p. 12�. (v. 3 of his Les Bois-
brules.) 68 A

Copy: NYPL (NKV).


AlMARD, G., PSEUD., COIltillltcd

Une goutte de sang noir, episode de la guerre
civile aux �tats-Unis. Paris: Impr. de Du-
buisson, 1878. in-4. (Feuilleton du journal Le
Telcgraphe.) 69

Copy: BN.

Les bandits de l'Arizona, scenes de la vie
sauvage. Limoges: E. Ardant [1882]. in-8. 70
Copy: BN.

The buccaneer chief. [Translated by L. \V rax-
all.] London: J. A. Berger [186-?]. 1 p.l., 384 p.
16�. 71

Copy:-NYPL (NKV).

Revised and edited by Percy B. St. John.

London: G. Vickers, 1877. 128 p. 12�. 72

Copy: NYPL (NKD p.v.63, no. 1).

The queen of the Savannah. [Translated by
L. Wraxall.] London: J. A. Berger [186-?].
2 p.l., 456 p. 16c. 73

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

[London: J. and R. Maxwell? 1878?,

127 p. 12�. (Aimard's Indian tales.) 74

Copy: NYPL (NKS p.v.65, no. 6).

Die Konigin der Savannen. Eine Erzahlung
aus den mexikanischen Freiheitskampfen. Nach
dem Franzosischen bearbeitet von O. Berger.
Reutlingen: Ensslin und Laiblin [1885?]. 64 p.
16�. (Xeue Volksbiicher. Nr. 199.) 75

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Red Cedar, the prairie outlaw. New York:
F. Starr and Co., cop. 1877. 38 p. illus. f�.
(The New York library, no. 19.) 76

Copy: NYPL (Reserve).

The Red River half-breed. A tale of the wild
North-YYest. [Translated by H. L. Williams.
Edited by P. B. St. John.] London: J. and R.
Maxwell [1885]. 128 p. 8C. 77

Copy: BM.

Les scalpeurs blancs. Paris: E. Dentu, 1872-
3. 2 v. in-18. (Oeuvres de . . . Aimard.) 78

Copy: BN.

The white scalper ; a story of the Texan war.
[Translated by L. Wraxall.) London: J. A.
Berger [186-?]. 1 p.l., [vii]-viii, 352 p. 16�. 79

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

The white scalper; a story. Revised and
edited by J. B. St. John. London: G. Vickers,
1876. 126 p. 12�. (Aimard's Indian tales.) 80

Copy: NYPL (NKS p.v.65, no. 3).

The white scalper. A story of the Texan
war. New York: Beadle and Adams, 1881.
28 p. illus. 3. ed. f�. (Beadle's dime library,
no. 153.) 81

Copy: NYPL (Reserve).

Aimard, Gustave, pseud, of Olivier Gloux,
and J. B. d'Auriac.

Les forestiers du Michigan. Paris: P. Bru-
net, 1867. in-18. (Les drames du Nouveau-
Monde. 3e serie.) 82

Copy: BN.

Jim l'lndien. Paris: P. Brunet, 1867. in-18.
(Les drames du Nouveau-Monde. 3e serie.) 83
Copy: BN.

L'Aigle Noir des Dacotahs. Paris: A. De-
gorce-Cadot [1878]. in-18. 84

Copy: BN.

Albrey, Jean d'.

Du Tonkin au Havre. Paris: Plon, 1898.

313 p., 1 map. in-18. 85

Visited California, Louisiana, Washington, New-
York, and Niagara.

Copies: NYPL (KBK); LC; BN.

Allard, Christophe.

Promenade au Canada et aux �tats-Unis.
Paris: Didier, 1878. 132 p. in-8. 86

The unadorned observations of a simple excursion of
less than two months in the United States. The author
visited the following principal cities and points of
interest: New York, Brooklyn, Niagara, Troy, Phila-
delphia, Chicago, St. Louis, the Mississippi, Louisville,
Mammoth Caves, the Blue Ridge, and Washington,
D. C.

Copies: MH; BN.

Allemagxe, d'.

Nouvelles du Scioto, ou Relation fidele du
voyage et des infortunes d'un Parisien qui ar-
rive de ce pays-la, ou il etoit alle pour s'etablir.
Paris: Chez Lenoir et Leboucher, Aoust 1790.
16 p. in-8. 87

The author was twenty years old when he first
became enchanted by the advertisements of the Scioto
Land Company. With a large number of emigrants
he sailed from Le Havre in February, 1790. Early in
May they arrived in Chesapeake Bay, but after a most
miserable crossing. In Alexandria they found neither
food nor drink — nor the agents of the Scioto enter-
prise, whom they expected to meet there. Two members
of the group sent to New York did not return; the
others considered travelling to Scioto, but were deterred
by the stories of vast deserts, of savage Indians, of
"ferocious beasts, tigers, bears, and flying serpents"
that infested the region. They determined to return to
France; the greater part of the group were forced to
remain in Virginia, the others reached Paris in July,
and were cured of "la folie de Scioto."

Copies: NYPL (photostat); BM (Fill/).

Allyn, Jack, joint author. See tinder Blouet,
Paul, and Jack Allyx.

Almbert, Alfred d'.

Flanerie parisienne aux �tats-Unis. Paris:
Librairie Theatrale, 1856. 279 p. in-12. 88

The author almost perished of seasickness and his
eloquent denunciation of the sea as a highway of travel
is a prelude to a generally ill-humored attack. The more
important chapters treat: temperance in Maine, slavery
and the Blacks, gallantry in America, flirtation, fine
arts in America, social positions, cemeteries, William
Penn, and Stephen Girard. In a chapter of concluding
advice to his countrymen he advocates the criminal
prosecution of all authors who contribute to the legend
of a rich, democratic, and happy America.

Copies: NYPL (* C p.v.1052, no. 1); LC; BN;

Alphaud, Gabriel.

L'action allemande aux Iitats-Unis, de la mis-
sion Dernberg a l'incident Dumba (2 aout 1914-
25 septembre 1915). Preface de M. Ernest La-
visse . . . Paris: Payot & Cie., 1915. 4 p.l.,
(i)xii-xvi, 498 p., 1 1. 8�. 89

Copies: NYPL (BTZE); LC.

Paris: Payot & Cie., 1917. 90


Alphaud, Gabriel, continued

Les fitats-Unis contre l'Allemagne, du Rappel
de Dumba a la declaration de guerre (25 sep-
tembre 1915-4 avril 1917). Paris: Payot &
Cie., 1917. 343 p. in-8. 91

Copies: NYPL (BTZS); LC; HCW.

Altiar, El., pseud.

Journal d'une Franchise en Amerique (sep-
tembre 1916- juin 1917). Paris: Plon-Nourrit,
1917. iii, 355 p. in-16. 92

Copies: NYPL (BTZS); LC; BN.

Alviella, Goblet d', comte. See Goblet d'Al-
viella, Eugene Felicien Albert, comte.

Ampere, Jean Jacques Antoine.

Promenade en Amerique: �tats-Unis, Cuba,
Mexique. Paris: Michel Levy freres, 1855.
2 v. xii, 417; 425 p. in-8. 93

Ampere was the son of the distinguished scientist
and held a professorship of literature at the College de
France. He first conceived the idea of visiting America
from meeting Fanny Kemble. He found in America
the materials to justify and support the theories of his
intimate friend, de Tocqueville, to whom he dedicated
the two volumes. His observations are intelligent, some-
times shrewd, and often witty. He met the most dis-
tinguished American scientists, publicists, and authors,
but his travels were confined to the northeastern states.
He was so fascinated by the beauty of the American
cemeteries that he wished to die and be buried in one,

Ereferably at Mount Auburn, Mass. On second thought
e states that he would prefer being at Cambridge and
getting a professorship there. The lyric advertisements
of the pork industry in Cincinnati reminded him of
the poetry of Dante.

Copies: NYPL (HAY); LC; BN.

. . . Nouv. ed. entierement revue . . .

Paris: Michel Levy freres, 1867. 2 v. in 1. 8�.

On covers: Quatrieme edition. 1866. 94

Copy: NYPL (HAY).

Precede d'une etude sur J. -J. Ampere

par C. A. Sainte-Beuve. Nouvelle edition il-
lustree. Paris: Michel Levy freres, 1874. 4�.

Copies: LC; BN. 94A

Lettres inedites de J. J. Ampere relatives a
sa Promenade en Amerique. [Edited by Fernand
Baldensperger.] (Revue de litterature comparee.
Paris, 1928. 8�. annee 8, no. 1, p. 175-179.)


Two letters to Daremberg; one is dated July 10,
1851, from Boston; the other, January 4, 1852, from

Copy: NYPL (NAA).

Anadoli, pseud, of Gyula de Szilassy. See
Szilassy, Gyula, baro.

Andre, Alexandre.

Mon itineraire du Havre a San-Francisco et
dans l'interieur de la Calif ornie en 1849 et 1850.
Paris: Typographic Plon-Nourrit, 1913. 90 p.
in-8. 95

Copy: BN.

Andre, G.

Luttes pour la liberte de l'figlise Catholique
aux fitats-Unis. Paris: P. Lethielleux [1907].
128 p. in-16. 96

Author spent many years in the United States and
wrote with a wide knowledge of American affairs.
Copies: LC; MB; HCW.

Anneville, J.

Vacances en Amerique. Lausanne: Mignot,
1875. in-12. 97

Copy: Lorenz. The BN does not list a copy.

Antoine, A.

Les travaux publics et le batiment aux fitats-
Unis. Paris: Dunod, 1923. 228 p. in-8 avec
figures. 98

Copies: NYPL (VEC); LC; BN.

Les routes americaines. Paris: Dunod, 1925.
102 p. in-8 avec figures. 99

Copies: NYPL (VDC p.v.114, no. 2); LC; BN.

Archimbaud, Leon.

La Conference de Washington. Paris: Payot,
1923. 364 p. in-8. 100

Copies: NYPL (BAF); LC; HCW.

Ariel, France.

Canadiens et Americains chez eux. (Journal,
lettres, impressions d'une artiste francaise.)
Montreal: Granger freres, 1920. 297 p. in-8. 101

Arrived in the United States in Sept., 1916; her en-
tries continue until 1919. Pages 15-64, 189-290 treat
of her visits in the United States.

Copy: NYPL (HWY).

Arles, Henri d', pseud. See under Beaude,

Armand, Colonel. See La Rouerie, Armand,
marquis de.

Armstrong, Kate Emma.

"Chateaubriand's America. Arrival in Amer-
ica and first impressions." (Modern Language
Association of America. Publications. Balti-
more, 1907. v. 22 tnew series, v. 15], p. 345-
370.) 102

Copy: NYPL (RAA).

Aron, R., and A. Dandieu.

Le cancer americain. Paris: Les Editions
Rieder, 1931. 246 p. in-16. 103

Contents: Introduction. I, Guerre et apres-guerre.
ii. Le cancer americain. in. La banque americaine.
iv. Colonization de l'Europe. v. Les miseres de la
prosperity. VI. Remedes a la prosperity. Conclusion.

Copy: NYPL (5. ed.).

Artaud de Montor, Alexandre Maurice.

Histoire de la vie et des travaux politiques
du Comte d'Hauterive, comprenant une partie
des actes de la diplomatic francaise, depuis 1784
jusqu'en 1830. Paris: Librairie d'Adrien le
Clere et Cie., 1839. vii, 575 p. 2. ed. in-8. 104

D'Hauterive was French consul in New York in
1792; after his dismissal from this post he remained
in the United States for a time and acted as a secret
agent. He was a close friend of Talleyrand, who later
took him into the Foreign Office.

Copy: NYPL (AN).

Asmodee, PSEUD.

Asmodee a New- York: revue critique des in-
stitutions politiques et civiles de l'Amerique;
vie publique et privee, moeurs, coutumes, anec-
dotes romanesques, etc. Paris: Plon, 1868.
503 p. in-8. 105

The importance of this trenchant volume as a
serious contribution to the social history of New York


Asmodee, pseud., continued

in the 1860's has been neglected by historians. The
identity of the author has never been discovered: nor
do the records of the French publisher contribute to
elucidate the mystery. Several authors have written
under the pseudonym of Asmodee: Bouvier, an in-
significant Parisian journalist, and Villebort, the Pa-
risian correspondent of the �toile bclqe.
Copies: NYPL (ILD) ; MH; HCW.

Asmodeus in New York. New York: Long-
champ Co., 1868. 1 p.l., (i)vi-vii, (2) 10-378 p.
12�. 106

Translation of Asmodee a New-York.
Copies: NYPL (ILD and IRGV) ; MH.

Assollant, Jean Baptiste Alfred.

Scenes de la vie des fitats-Unis: Acacia. Les
Butterfly. Une fantaisie americaine. Paris:
Hachette, 1859. 362 p., 1 1. in-18. 107

The author chose to convey his impressions of
American life in a series of short stories, of which
the actual plots are of little consequence. He was a
liberal with republican sentiments, and, although his
comments are often incisive and severe, he was sympa-
thetic to the American experiment. Kentucky is the
background of Acacia: New York and the Scioto lands,
of Les Butterfly; and Baltimore of Une fantaisie
americaine, an amusing burlesque of social life in that

Copies: NYPL (NKV) ; MH; BN.

"Canonniers a vos pieces!" Paris: Dentu,
1861. 30 p. in-8. 107A

Advises the French to remain neutral while Brother
Jonathan strangles himself and ruins John Bull in the

Copy: BN.

Un Quaker a Paris. Paris: Librairie Inter-
nationale, 1866. 308 p. in-8. 108

Copies: MBAt (1867); BN.
Astie, Jean Frederic.

Astie was born in France, came to the United States
and was pastor of a church in New York City from 1848
to 1851. He later became a professor of philosophy at

Histoire de la Republique des fitats-Unis . . .
precedee d'une preface par M. fid. Laboulaye.
Paris: Grassart, 1865. 2 v. xv, 478; 589 p.
in-8. 109

Copies: NYPL (IAE) ; LC; BN.

Le reveil religieux des fitats-Unis, 1857-1858
. . . Lausanne: G. Bridel, 1859. in-16. 110

Copy: BN.

Aubert, Georges.

Les nouvelles Ameriques: notes sociales et
economiques . . . Paris: E. Flammarion [1901].
438 p. in-12 avec portrait, fig., planches et carte.


A voyage of several months through the United
States, Mexico, Cuba, etc.

Copies: LC; MB; BN.

Etudes financieres . . . Paris: l'auteur, 1912.
172 p. in-8. 112

Chapter on "Le marche financier americain."
Copy: BN.


. . . Paix japonaise. Le Japon et la paix de
l'Extreme-Orient — Le Japon et la Chine —
Japonais et Americains — La lutte pour le Pa-
cifique — Le paysage japonais — Routes ja-
ponaises — L'inkyo. Paris: A. Colin, 1906.
2 p.l., xii, 351 p. 8�. 113

Copies: NYPL; LC.

Americains et Japonais... Paris: A. Colin,
1908. 2 p.l., 430 p., 1 folded map. 8�. 114

Copy: LC.

Aubry. See under Villiers du Terrage, Marc,


Audiffret, �mile d'.

Notes d'un globe-trotter. Course autour du
monde. De Paris a Tokio. De Tokio a Paris.
Paris: Plon, 1880. 584 p. in-18 jesus. 115

Copy: BN.

Audouard, Mme. Olympe (Jouval).

A travers l'Amerique. Le Far-West. Paris:
E. Dentu, 1869. 370 p. in-18. 116

The author complains that too many French writers
have described the ideal American republic and not the
real one, and states that if one comes to America
expecting much he will find nothing; if he expects
nothing, he will find a little. She was a republican
before visiting America, but as a result of her ob-
servations she concluded that such a form of govern-
ment would never do for France. Petty annoyances
colored her opinions of American social life: she states
that the most conspicuous thing about a Yankee is the
soles of his feet; that the Yankee expectorates once a
minute — and is the champion of the world. American
men seemed odious to her; American women, exactly
opposite. She praised American railways, declaring
that the Pacific Railroad was one of the few great
achievements of the century.

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

A travers l'Amerique. North America.
fitats-Unis. Constitution, mceurs, usages, lois,
institutions, sectes religieuses. Paris: E. Dentu,
1871. 372 p. in-18. 117

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

Auger, fiDOUARD.

Voyage en Californie (1852-1853). Paris:
Hachette, 1854. 238 p. in-16. 118

The author states that he went to California from
simple curiosity and a love of travel, and not to seelc
gold. He studied the mines, the miners, and the In-
dians. He found thousands of Frenchmen who were
stranded in California. The religious revivals which
he witnessed he thought were worthy of the middle
ages. Lauds the generous and noble instincts of the

Copies: NYPL (IXG) ; LC; BN.

Recits d'outre-mer. A bord du Tennessee.
Les hounds. Le poison noir. Une chasse au
boeuf sauvage. Paris: Didier, 1873. 303 p.
in-18. 119

This semi-fictive account of life in America de-
scribes the "Hounds of San Francisco," a band of
robbers, and devotes space to an explanation of the
lynch law. Auger states that San Francisco began as
did all western cities: by the foundation of a tavern,
a church, and a newspaper.

Copies: NYPL (NKV); BN.

Auriac, J. B. d', joint author. See Aimard,


J. B. d'Auriac.


Aux �tats-Unis et dans Ontario, par un etudi-
ant en medecine. Montreal: A. T. Lepine
et Cie., 1892. 64, 6 p. in-8. 120

Copy: BM.

Avf.nel, Georges d', vicomte.

Aux �tats-Unis (Les champs — Les affaires
— Les idees). Paris: A. Colin, 1908. 255 p.
in-18. 121

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; JHH.

g * * *

Voyages interessans dans Differentes Colo-
nies Frangaises, Espagnoles, Anglaises, etc. . . .le
tout redige et mis au jour . . . par M. N. . .
Londres et se trouve a Paris: Chez Jean-Fran-
cois Bastien, 1788. ix, 407 p. in-8. 122

Edited from a collection of mss. left by B * * * who
lived in America thirty years; p. 225-299 are devoted
to Boston, New York, New Rochelle, Louisiana, and
the Mississippi.

Copy: HCW.

Bacourt, Adolphe Fourier de.

Souvenirs d'un diplomate, lettres intimes sur
l'Amerique... Paris: C. Levy, 1882. xiii, 401 p.
in-18. 123

Author was French minister in Washington from
1840 to 1842.

Copies: NYPL (II); LC; BN.

Publiees avec une introduction par la

Comtesse de Mirabeau. Paris: C. Levy, 1891.
2 p.l., xiii, 401 p. 12�. 124

Copy: NYPL (ILD).

Souvenirs of a diplomat. Private letters from
America during the administrations of Presi-
dents Van Buren, Harrison, and Tyler . . . New
York: H. Holt & Co., 1885. 1 p.l., 297 p. 8�. 125

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Badin, Stephen Theodore.

The Church in Kentucky. Letters of the Rev.
Stephen Badin to Bishop Carroll. (American
Catholic Historical Societv. Records. Phila-
delphia, 1912. 8�. v. 23, p. 141-174.) 125A

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Some letters of Fathers Badin and Nerincks
to Bishop Carroll. (Catholic historical review.
Washington, D. C, 1920. 8�. v. 6, p. 66-88.)


Material written by Badin is dated 1805 from near
Bardstown, Kentuckv.

Copies: NYPL (IAA); LC.

Origine et progres de la mission du Ken-
tucky, (litats-Unis d'Amerique) ; par un temoin
oculaire [S. T. Badinj. Paris: Chez Adrien Le
Clere, 1821. 32 p. in-8. 126

Copies: LC; HCW.

See also under Garraghan, Gilbert J.;
Hovvlett, W. J.; and McNamara, William.

Baldensperger, Fernand.

M. Baldensperger, professor at the Sorbonne and a
corresponding member of the Institut, is co-director of
the Revue de litterature comparee. He has fre-
quently been in the Tinted States, where he has held
appointments at Harvard and at Columbia University.
He has written widely and brilliantly upon literary
history and literature and has been one of the most
active of a small group of distinguished scholars who
have established the study of comparative literature.
For his reviews and articles upon American literature

and Franco-American relations, as well as his im-
pressions of America and Americans, see the recent
bibliography, Publications de M. Fernand Balden-
sperger . . ., Paris, 1930 (reprinted from Melanges . . .
offerts a Fernand Baldensperger, Paris, 1930, tome
2, p. 373-94, in which form the material is available
in NYPL).

Le premier "instructeur" de frangais a Har-
vard College: Joseph Nancrede. (Harvard Ad-
vocate. Cambridge, Mass., 1913. 4�. v. 96,
p. 76-79.) 127

Paul Joseph Guerard de Nancrede is thought to
have been an officer in Rochambeau's army; he taught
French at Harvard beginning in 1787. He wrote his
L'Abeillc francaise for his Harvard students in 1792.
While in Boston he founded a bookstore and a news-
paper, Le Courrier de Boston, which he continued for
seven months. He later moved to Philadelphia.

Copy: MH.

Notes sur les universites etrangeres. Paris:
Felix Alcan, 1920. 21 p. in-8. 128

p. 1-13 are on American universities.

Reprinted from the Revue des sciences politiques,
troisieme serie, trente-cinquieme annee, tome 43, April
15, 1920, p. 197-217, in which form it is available in

Copy: BN.

Le sejour de Talleyrand aux �tats-Unis. (Re-
vue de Paris. Paris, 1924. 8�. tome 6, p. 364-
387.) 129

Copy: NYPL (� DM).

Le sejour de Brillat-Savarin aux Stats-Urns.
(La Revue de litterature comparee. Paris,
1922. 8�. v. 2, p. 94-95.) 130

Copy: NYPL (NAA).

Baldensperger, Fernand, and J. M. Carre.

La premiere histoire indienne de Chateaubri-
and et sa source americaine. (Modern language
review. Cambridge [Eng.], 1913. v. 8, p. 15-
26.) 131

Copy: NYPL (NAA).

Bancroft, George.

History of the formation of the constitution
of the United States of America. New York:
D. Appleton and Company, 1882. 2 v. xxiv,
520; xiv, 501 p., 1 1. 8�. 131A

The appendices of this work total more than three
hundred and fifty pages and are composed of unpub-
lished manuscript materials gathered from many
sources. These materials are well indexed and include
important letters by Barbe-Marbois, La Luzerne, Mou-
stier, Otto, and Rochambeau.

Copies: NYPL (IBD); LC.

Barbaroux, Charles Oge.

Resume de l'histoire des litats-Unis d'Ameri-
que. Bruxelles: Wahlen, 1824. 320 p. in-32.


Copies: NYPL (IAE, 2. ed.); LC (other editions);
Bibliotheque du Ministere de la Guerre, Bruxelles.

Histoire des fitats-Unis, par O. Barbaroux,
continuee depuis l'annee 1825 jusqu'a nos jours
par T. Seron . . . Nouv. ed. soigneusement rev.
a l'usage des ecoles. Philadelphia: Moss &
Brother, 1854. 360 p. 16�. 133

Copies: NYPL (IAE); LC.

Quelques observations sur Emancipation des
esclaves, avec un projet pour rendre cette mesure
plus facile et moins desastreuse, par un frangais
d'Europe [C. O. Barbarouxj qui habite les co-



Barbaroux, Charles Oge, continued

lonies depuis vingt ans et ne possede pas d'es-
claves. Paris: Imprimerie de J. B. Gros, 1841.
24 p. in-18. 133A

Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; BN.

Barbaroux, Charles Oge, and A. Lardier.

Voyage du general La Fayette aux fitats-
Unis d'Amerique en 1824 et 1825. Paris:
L'Huillier, 1824-26. 364 p. in-8. portrait. 134

Copies: NYPL (AN, Lafayette, p.v.l, no. 3; partie
1 only); LC; BN.

Barbe-Marbois, Franqois, marquis de.

Histoire de la Louisiane et de la cession de
cette colonie par la France aux fitats-Unis de
l'Amerique septentrionale, precedee d'un dis-
cours sur la constitution et le gouvernement des
fitats-Unis. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1829. 187,
485 p. in-8. 135

Copies: NYPL (ITP); LC; BN.

History of Louisiana, particularly of the ces-
sion of that colony to the United States . . .
Philadelphia: Carey & Lea, 1830. xviii p., 1 1.,
17-455(1) p. 8�. 136

Copies: NYPL (ITP); LC.

Our revolutionary forefathers; the letters of
Frangois, marquis de Barbe-Marbois, during
his residence in the United States as secretary of
the French legation, 1779-1785. Translated with
introduction by E. P. Chase. New York: Duf-
field and Co., 1929. ix, 255 p. in-8. 137

Copies: NYPL (IG); LC; Am. Lib., Paris.

See also tinder Bancroft, George; Durand,
John; Fay, Bernard. Bibliographic critique;
and Villiers du Terrage, Marc, baron de.

Barber, Samuel.

Talleyrand's visit to Brooklyn in 1794.
[Brooklyn? 18—?] 2 1. 8�. 138

Reprinted from the Brooklyn Eagle.
Copy: NYPL (AN p.v.225, no. 7).

Barrier, �mile.

Voyage au pavs des dollars. Paris: E. Flam-
marion [1893]. 344 p. in-12. 139

Copies: LC; MB; BN.

Cy there en Amerique. Paris: E. Flammarion,
1894. 244 p. in-16. 140

Copy: BN.

Bargy, Henry.

La religion dans la societe aux �tats-Unis.
Paris: A. Colin, 1902. xx, 299 p. in-16. 141

Copies: NYPL (ZFD); LC; BN.

Baridon, A.

En Amerique. Mes souvenirs et aventures de
colon. Geneve: V. Pasche [1904]. viii, 223 p.
in-16. 142

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC; BN.

Barneaud, Charles.

Origines et progres de l'education en Ame-
rique. fitude historique et critique. Paris: Ar-
thur Savaete, 1898. 372 p. gr. in-8. 143

Went to America on an official mission.

Copies: NYPL (STE); MB; HCW.

Baroux, Abbe.

Baroux lived among the Indians sixteen years.

Notice sur la mission des Pottowatomies,
dans l'etat du Michigan. Caen: A. Hardel, 1858.
48 p. in-8. 143A

Copy: BN.

Lettre de M. l'abbe Baroux, missionaire apos-
tolique du Michigan, a M. J. Deneve, vicaire-
general, superieur du College americain de Lou-
vain. Orleans: Imprimerie de Morand, 1863.
68 p. in-12. 144

Copy: HCW.

Barras, Chevalier de. See Noailles, Am-
blard Raymond Marie Amedee, vicomte
de. Marins et soldats frangais en Ame-
rique . . .

Barras, Charles, and others.

Les conditions du travail aux fitats-Unis
etudiees specialement dans la tannerie au chrome
pour chassures. Mission du Ministere du Tra-
vail (mai 1908). Rapports presentes a M. le
Ministre du Travail par F. Pin et H. Chau-
martin, Ch. Fritz et F. Richard, et Charles
Barras, chef de la mission. Paris: fidouard
Comely et Cie., 1910. xvi, 317 p. gr.-in-8. 144A

Copies: NYPL (TDK); BN.

Bartholdi, Frederic Auguste.

Le Jury frangais a Philadelphie. Album du
bord. 1876. Paris: Bartholdi, Simonin, Fouret,
et Cie., 1879. 15 p. in-12 et 15 planches en cou-
leur. 145

This little volume, privately printed in an edition
of a few copies, is a rare collection of caricatures at-
tributed to Bartholdi.

Copies: NYPL; HCW.

Rapport sur les arts decoratifs. Exposition
internationale de Philadelphie en 1876. Paris:
Imprimerie Nationale, 1877. 17 p. gr. in-8. 146

Copies: MB; BN.

Barthou, Louis. See Comite France-Ame-
rique. — Mission Champlain, 1912.

Basterot, Florimond Jacques, vicomte de.

De Quebec a Lima; journal d'un voyage dans
les deux Ameriques en 1858 et en 1859. Paris:
Hachette et Cie., 1860. viii, 338 p. in-12. 147

p. 1-275 devoted to the United States and Canada.
Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Baudot, Victor.

Au pays des Peaux-Rouges. Six ans aux
montagnes Rocheuses. Monographies indiennes.
Lille: Societe Saint- Augustin, Desclee, De
Brouwer et Cie., 1912. 238 p. gr. in-8. figures.

Copies: NYPL (HBC); BN. 148

Baudouin, Marcel.

La medecine transatlantique, les ecoles de
medecine et les hopitaux du nord des fltats-
Unis. (In: France. — Ministere du Commerce,
de l'lndustrie, des Postes et des Telegraphies.
Exposition internationale de Chicago en 1893.
Rapports publies sous la direction de M. Camille
Krantz. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1894. 4�.
comite 32, p. 1-346.) 148A

Copy: NYPL (VC, Chicago).





EN L A N N E E I J 8 1 ;




Par M VAbbd Ron in.


Et fc irouve a Pa r i s _,

Chez Moutak^), Impiimcur-Libiairc de la Reine,
dc Madame, & dc Madame Comtelfc d'Aaxois,
rue des Mathurins, Hoicl de Cluni.


One of the earliest books of French travel in America during the Revolution.

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Baudry des Lozieres, Louis Narcisse.

Voyage a la Louisiane, et sur le continent de
l'Amerique septentrionale, fait dans les annees
1794 a 1798. . .par B * * * D * * * Paris: Dentu,
An xi. — 1802. viii, 382 p. in-8. et carte. 149

Copies: NYPL (ITP); LC; BN.

Second voyage a la Louisiane, faisant suite
au premier de l'auteur de 1794 a 1798. Paris:
Charles, An xi. — 1803 (mars). 2 v. 3 p.l.,
(i)iv-xvi, 414 p., 1 1.; 2 p.l., 410 p., 1 1. 8�. 150

Copies: NYPL (ITP); LC; BN.

Bayard, Ferdinand Marie.

Voyage dans l'interieur des fitats-Unis, a
Bath, Winchester, dans la vallee de Shenan-
doha. . .pendant l'ete de 1791. Paris: Cocheris,
An v. — 1797. xvi, 336 p. in-8. 151

Copies: NYPL (* KF); LC; BN.

— - 1791. Seconde edition, augmentee de
descriptions et d'anecdotes sur la vie militaire
et politique de Georges Washington... Par
Ferdinand-M. Bayard... A Paris: Chez Ba-
tilliot freres, imprimeurs-libraires. . . an vi
[1798]. xxv, 349 ,i.e. xxiii, 347] p. 8�. 152

Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; LC.

Bayley, James Roosevelt.

Memoirs of the Right Reverend Simon Wm.
Gabriel Brute, D. D., first bishop of Vincennes,
with sketches describing his recollections of
scenes connected with the French Revolution,
and extracts from his journal. New York: John
Gilmary Shea, 1860. x p., 1 1., (1)10-223 p.,
1 1. 8�. 152A

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Bazin, Rene.

Nord-Sud: Amerique — Angleterre — Corse
— Spitzberg. Paris: Calmann-Levy [1913].
348 p. in-12. 153

Paysages d'Amerique, p. 1-85.

Bazin travelled in America during 1912.

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.

See also Comite Franxe- Amerique. — Mis-
sion Champlain, 1912.

Beaude, Henri.

Le college sur la colline [Brown University].
Paris: F. R. de Rudeval, 1908. 95 p., 2 1. 8J.


Published under the pseudonym of Henri d'Arles.
Copies: NYPL (SGT, Brown Univ.); LC.

Beaugrand, H.

Six mois dans les Montagnes Rocheuses
(Colorado, Utah, Nouveau Mexique). Mont-
real: Granger freres, 1890. 324 p. in-8. planche
et carte. 155

Copies: LC; ICJ; BN.

Beaujour, Louis Auguste Felix, baron de.

Opinion de M. Felix Beaujour sur la con-
vention du 8 vendemiaire an 9, entre la France
et les fitats-Unis. Paris: l'lmprimerie Natio-
nale, An x. 6 p. in-8. 156

Copy: BM.

Apercu des fitats-Unis, au commencement du
xixe siecle, depuis 1800 jusqu'en 1810, avec des
tables statistiques. Paris: L. G. Michaud, De-
launay, 1814. 274 p. in-8. 157

Copies: NYPL (II); LC; BN.

Sketch of the United States of North
America. ..from 1800 to 1810. Translated...
by William Walton, Esq. London: J. Booth,
1814. xx, ii p., 1 1., (1)6-363 p. illus. 8�. 158

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Beaumetz. See under Evans, Paul D.

Beaumez. See under Evans, Paul D.

Beaumont, Gustave de la Bonniniere de.

Marie, ou l'Esclavage aux fitats-Unis, tableau
de moeurs americaines. Paris: C. Gosselin,
1835. 2 v. in 1. in-8. 159

Copies: NYPL (Schomburg Coll. F326.9-B); LC;

Paris: C. Gosselin, 1835. 2 v. in 1. 2. ed.

8�. 160

Copy: NYPL (NKT).

Troisieme edition, revue et corrigee.

Paris: C. Gosselin, 1836. 2 v. xiii, 318; 410 p.
gr. in-8. 161

Copy: NWM.

Paris: C. Gosselin, 1842. 2 p.l., 588 p.

5. ed. 12�. 162

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC.

Beaumont, Gustave Auguste de la Bon-
niniere de, and Alexis de Tocqueville.

Du systeme penitentiaire aux fitats-Unis et
son application en France. Paris: H. Fournier,
1833. viii, 439 p. in-8. 163

Copies: NYPL (SLT); LC; BN.

Paris: Gosselin, 1836. 2 v. xiii, 318;

410 p. 2. ed. in-8. 164

Revised and considerably enlarged.
Copies: NYPL (SLT); LC.

Paris: C. Gosselin, 1845. iii, 5-^46 p.

12=. 165

Copies: NYPL (SLT); MH.

On the penitentiary system in the United
States and its application in France... Trans-
lated. . .by Francis Lieber. Philadelphia: Carey,
Lea & Blanchard, 1833. 2 p.l, (i)vi-xlvii, 301 p.
8�. 166

Copies: NYPL (SLT); LC.

Note sur le systeme penitentiaire et sur la
mission confiee par M. le Ministre de l'in-
terieur a MM. Gustave de Beaumont et Alexis
de Tocqueville. Paris: Impr. de H. Fournier,
1831. 48 p. in-8. 167

Copy: BN.

Beauvallet, Leox.

Rachel et le nouveau monde ; promenades aux
fitats-Unis et aux Antilles. Paris: A. Cadot,
1856. viii, 304 p. in-16. 168

Copies: NYPL (AN); MH; BN.



Beauvallet, Leon, continued

Rachel and the new world; a trip to the
United States and Cuba... New York: Dix,
Edwards & Co., 1856. 2 p.l., (i)iv-xiv, 404 p.
12�. 169

Rachel Felix, the French actress, went on an English
and American tour under the management of her
brother, Raphael Felix. Her French Company was
well attended in America, but not well appreci-
ated. New York is described as a very sad city and
Boston, where her success was greater, as literary and
cultured. Fires seemed to be one of the chief American
amusements and firemen were always on some kind of

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Beauvoir, Ludovic, MARQUIS DE.

Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco: voyage autour
du monde. Paris: Plon, 1872. 360 p. in-18.
fig. et cartes. 170

Copies: NYPL (KBG, 6.ed.); LC (6.ed.); BN.

A voyage round the world. . . Translated. . .
bv Agnes and Helen Stephenson... London:
John Murray, 1872. 3 v. 12�. 171

v. 3 contains: Pekin, Teddo, and San Francisco.

Copies: NYPL (KBG); LC.

Belgium. — Ministers de l'Industrie, du
Travail et du Ravitaillement. Le Travail
industricl aux fitats-Unis. Rapports de la Mis-
sion d'enquete. Bruxelles: Imprimerie A. Le-
signe, 1920. 2 v. 485 p., 1 1.; 894 p., 1 1. 8�.


The mission was made up of the following mem-
bers, whose reports are included in the above two
volumes: MM. Steels, Henri De Man, Stels, Van
Hecke, Vandersypen, Mauvaut, and R. Sand.

Copies: NYPL (TME); LC.

Bellaigue de Bughas, Louise (Dubois de
Beauchesne), comtesse de.

Nos Americains; episodes de la guerre de
Secession. Paris: V. Palme, 1882. viii, 385 p.
in-18. 172

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC; BN.

Bellegarde, Dantes. See Dialogue entre
Deux Mondes.

Bellegarrigue, A.

Les femmes d'Amerique. Paris: Blanchard,
1853. 96 p. in-16. 173

The modesty of American women has become vanity
and their tenderness cupidity. For an European family
life does not exist in America, for here the family has
lost all authority. Marriage and divorce are simple
and frequent. In the United States female education
is founded on an exact knowledge of things, in decided
contrast to that in Europe. The European woman has
an exalted imagination: she loves the ideal man and
lives in a fictive world. The American woman is a
realist and not a poetess; she expects nothing very
marvelous from a man. In countries that live by
illusions poets succeed because they have most illusions,
but in the United States it is the mathematicians who
ought to succeed.

Copies: LC; MB; BN.

Le Baron de Camebrac en tournee sur le Mis-
sissippi, souvenirs d'Amerique. Paris, 1854.
30 p. in-8. 174

Reprinted from the Revue de Paris, Jan. 1, 1854,
p. 120-1 SO.

Bellemare, Eugene Louis Gabriel de [Pseud.
Gabriel Ferryj.

An adventure with the Apaches. New York,
Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger Brothers, 1901.
151 p. 16�. 174A

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Impressions de voyages et aventures dans le
Mexique, la Haute Californie et les regions de
Tor; par Gabriel Ferry tpseud.]. Bruxelles: En
vente chez tous les librairies de la ville et du
royaume, 1851. 410 p. 8�. 174B

This book is based upon the letters written from
the United States by a young emigrant and a friend
of Bellemare, George de ***.

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC.

Les squatters, La clairiere du bois des Hogues.
Paris: L. Hachette et Cie, 1860. 3 p.l., (1)4-
200 p., 2 1. 2. ed. 12�. 174C

Copies: LC; BN.

Souvenirs du Mexique et de la Californie,
vovages et voyageurs. Paris: M. Dreyfous,
1884. 252 p. in-18. 175

A posthumous work consisting of personal memoirs
cast in the form of a romance of Lower California.
Copy: BN.

Bellessort, Andre.

Reflets de la vieille Amerique. Paris: Perrin
et Cie., 1923. 315 p. in-16. 176

Copies: MB; BN.

Bellonte, Maurice, joint author. See Costes,
dleudonne, and maurice bellonte.

Bellot des Minieres, Ernest.

La question americaine, suivie d'un appendice
sur le coton, le tabac et le commerce general
des anciens fitats-Unis. Paris: Dentu, 1861.
48 p. gr. in-8. 177

Copies: LC; MB; BN.

Compagnie financiere et commerciale. . .
Tarbes: Imprimerie de J. P. Larrieu, 1865. 88 p.
in-8. 178

Attempt to interest French capital in Virginia Canal,
Southern Pacific Railroad, and Mexico. No positive
evidence exists that the author actually travelled in

Copy: BN.

Beltrami, Giacomo Constantino.

La decouverte des sources du Mississippi et la
Riviere Sanglante. Description du cours entier
du Mississippi. . .ainsi que du cours entier de
l'Ohio. . . Observations critico-philosophiques,
sur les mceurs, la religion, les superstitions...
de plusieurs nations indiennes . . . Coup d'ceil,
sur les Compagnies Nord-ouest, et de la Baie
d'Hudson, ainsi que sur la colonie Selkirk...
Nouvelle-Orleans: B. Levy, 1824. v p., 1 1.,
327(1) p. 8�. 178A

Copies: NYPL (IV); LC; BN.

A pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading
to the discovery of the sources of the Mississippi
and Bloody River with a description of the
whole course of the former, and of the Ohio.
London: Hunt & Clarke, 1828. 2 v. lxxvi p.,



Beltrami, G. C, continued

2 I., 472 p., 2 diagrs., 1 pi.; 545 p., 1 map, 3 pi.
8�. 178)5

The second volume contains Beltrami's travels in
America, the text of the New Orleans edition of 18-M
with two additional letters, one written from Phila-
delphia and describing his ocean voyage, the other writ-
ten from Pittsburgh, containing a description of that
city and other parts of western Pennsylvania.

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

To the public of New- York, and of the United
States. The author of "The Discovery of the
sources of the Mississippi," &c &c. New- York:
Printed by Joseph Darke ,1825,. 36 p. 8�. 178C

This is a spirited refutation of numerous attacks and
criticisms of his Dicouverte des sources du Mississippi
.... New Orleans. 1824.

Reprinted in 19.U) as extra no. 160 of the Magazine

of history with notes and queries.

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Beluze, Jean Pierre.

Aux Icariens. Paris: l'auteur, 1856. 6 p.
in-16. 179

Copy: Chamonal.

Adresse du fondateur d'Icarie aux Icariens.
Paris: l'auteur, juillet, 1856. 8 p. in-32. 180

Copy: Chamonal.

Lettre sur la colonie Icarienne par un Icarien.

Paris: chez l'auteur, octobre, 1856. 46 p. in-12.

Copies: NYPL (SFH p.v.ll); MH. 181

Manifestes de l'opposition et reponse du Ci-
toven Cabet. Paris: l'auteur, novembre, 1856.
24 p. in-12. 182

Copy: Chamonal.

Depart de Nauvoo du fondateur d'Icarie avec
les vrais Icariens. Paris: l'auteur, novembre,
1856. 23 p. in-12. 183

Copy: Chamonal.

Mort du fondateur d'Icarie [Cabet]. Paris:
chez l'auteur, decembre, 1856. 12 p. in-12. 184
Copies: NYPL (SFH p.v.ll); MH.

La colonie Icarienne a Saint-Louis. Paris:
chez l'auteur, Janvier, 1857. 24 p. in-12. 185

Copies: NYPL (SFH p.v.ll); MH.

Celebration du premier anniversaire de la
naissance du fondateur d'Icarie [Cabet]. Paris:
chez l'auteur, mars, 1857. 23 p. in-12. 186

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.ll).

Organization du travail dans la communaute
Icarienne. Paris: chez l'auteur, juin, 1857. 23 p.
in-12. 187

Copies: NYPL (SFH p.v.ll); MH.

Notre situation a Saint-Louis. Paris: l'au-
teur, octobre, 1857. 23 p. in-12. 188
Copy: Chamonal.

Lettre a Maximilien. Paris: l'auteur, Janvier,
1858. 45 p. in-12. 189

Copy: Chamonal.

Deuxieme lettre a Maximilien. Paris: l'au-
teur, mars, 1858. pagine 52-70. in-12. 190
Copy: BN.

Cheltenham. Paris: l'auteur, juillet, 1858.
22 p. in-12. 191

Copy: Chamonal.

Inauguration du cours Icarien. Paris: l'au-
teur, septembre, 1858. 70 p. in-12. 192

Copy: Chamonal.

Lettres icariennes. A mon ami Eugene.

Paris: Impr. de Malteste [1859]. 2 v. in-16.

Copy: BN. 193

Lettre a Corilla et a Maximilien. Paris: l'au-
teur, 1860. 24 p. in-12. 194

Copy: BN.

Bennett, Wells. See Hallet, Stephen.

Benoist, Charles.

L'Espagne, Cuba et les fitats-Unis. Paris:
Perrin, 1898. xvii, 272 p. in-16. 195

Copies: NYPL (HOM); LC; BN.

Bexoist, Louis. See Delegation ouvriere

Bentzon, Th., pseud, of Marie Therese (de
Solms) Blanc. See Blanc, Marie
Therese (de Solms).

Berchon, Ernest.

En steamer. D'Europe aux fitats-Unis. His-
toire, souvenirs, impressions de voyage. Le
Havre: Impr. de Lepelletier, 1867. xv, 288 p.
in-18. et cartes. 196

Copies: NYPL (TR) ; MBAt; BN.

Berenger, Henry.

Paroles d'Amerique. Paris: Impr. F. Paillart

a Abbeville, 1926. 144 p. in-12. 197

Copies: NYPL (ICM — France) ; LC; BN; Am.
Lib., Paris.

Bernard, Leon, joint author. See Labbe, Mar-
cel, and Leon Bernard.

Bernard, Marius.

Au pays des dollars. Paris: Calmann Levy,
1893. 308 p. in-16. 198

Copies: NYPL (IRGV); LC; BN.

Au dela de l'Atlantique. Paris: L. Boulanger
[1895,. 2 v. in-16. 199

Copy: BN.

Bernard, Simon. 200

Simon Bernard, French general and military engi-
neer, was exiled and came to the United States in 1816,
where he became a brigadier-general in the American
army. He was in charge of planning an extensive
system of coast defenses, in which he was eminently
successful. Fort Monroe in Virginia was designed by
Simon. With the accession of Louis Philippe he re-
turned to France. It is to be regretted that he did not
find the time to write on American conditions; he was
endowed with great intelligence and an agreeable style.
See his letter on American conditions dated from New
York April IS, 1818 and addressed to M. Huart, p. 199-
202 of Georges Bertin, Joseph Bonaparte en Amerique.

Bernard du Hautcilly, Auguste.

Voyage autour du monde, principalement a
la Californie et aux lies Sandwich, pendant les
annees 1826, 1827, 1828 et 1829. Paris: Arthus
Bertrand, 1835. 428 p. in-8. 201

Copies: LC; CU; BN.



Bernard du Hautcilly, A., continued

Viaggio intorno al globo principalmente alia
California... anni 1826, 1827, 1828 e 1829...
Torino: Stabilimento tipografico Fontana, 1841.
2 v. in 1. 8�. 202

Copies: NYPL (KBG) ; LC.

Duhaut-Cilly's account of California in the
years 1827-28. Translated from the French by
Charles Franklin Carter, illus. (California His-
torical Society. Quarterly. San Francisco,
1929. 8�. v. 8, p. 130-166, 214-250, 306-336.)


Translated from the Voyage autour du monde, Paris,

Copies: NYPL (IAA); LC.

Bernhardt, Sarah.

Ma double vie: memoires. . . Paris: E. Fas-
quelle, 1907. 579 p. in-8 et portraits. 203

p. 462-569 are devoted to her American travels.

Copies: LC; NjP.

Memories of my life. . . New York: D. Ap-
pleton and Company, 1907. xvi, 456 p. illus.
8C. 204

Copies: NYPL (AN — Bernhardt) ; LC.


Voyage a la Louisiane et sur le continent de
l'Amerique, fait dans les annees 1794 a 1798.
Paris: Imprimerie expeditive, An xi — 1803.
xx, 318 p. in-8. 205

Copy: BN.

Vue de la colonie espagnole du Mississippi,
ou les provinces de Louisiane et Floride occi-
dentale en l'annee 1802... Paris: B...Duval-
lon, editeur, 1803. xx, 318 p. in-8 et une table
et cartes. 206

Copies: NYPL (IT); LC.

Paris, an xn-1804. in-8. 207

Copy: LC.

Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas, in the
year, 1802, giving a correct picture of those
countries. Translated from the French, with
notes, &c. by John Davis. New-York: Printed
by and for I. Riley & Co... 1806. viii, 181 p.,
1 map. 12�. 208

Copies: NYPL (IT); LC.

Schilderung von Louisiana. Aus dem Franzo-
sischen des von Duvallon... Weimar: F. S.
pr. Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1804. 3 p.L,
(i)iv-xxviii, 344 p. 12�. (In: M. C. Sprengel,
Bibliothek der neuesten und wichtigsten Reise-
beschreibungen. Bd. 10.) 209

Copies: NYPL (KBD); LC.

Berthet, Llie Bertrand.

Les emigrans: La colonie du Kansas. Paris:
L. de Potter [I860]. 5 v. in-8. 210

Copy: BN.

Bertin, Georges.

Joseph Bonaparte en Amerique, 1815-1832.
Accompagne d'un portrait d'apres une gravure
de M. Rodolphe Piguet. Paris: Librairie de la
Nouvelle Revue, 1893. xv, 423 p. in-16. 211

Contains abundant citation from unpublished letters.

Copies: NYPL (DGF); LC.

Bertrand, L. A.

Memoires d'un Mormon. Paris: E. Jung
[1862,. 329 p. in- 18. 212

This is the first book by a French Mormon. The
author combines the history of Joseph Smith with his
own experiences in Utah. He became an ardent
propagandist of the faith in France, where he trans-
lated many Mormon documents into French. Previous
to his conversion in 1850 he had spent seven years
in the New World and had returned to Paris where
he became editor of the Populaire. A Mormon mis-
sionary visited him in Paris and converted him; with
four other converts he was baptised on Dec. 1, 1850.
After this he left his wife in Paris and went to live
for four years in Utah.

Copies: NYPL (ZZMD); LC; BN.

Biancour, Felix Fernand de.

Quatre mille lieues aux �tats-Unis. Paris:
Ollendorff, 1888. 408 p. in-18. 213

Copies: NYPL; LC; BN.


Le droit des gens: La France et les Yankees.
Nantes: Imprimerie de Pledran, 1866. 98 p.
in-8. 214

Biarnes states that he can tell the truth about the
United States, because he expects neither honors, gifts,
nor favors there. He lived in the South for ten years.
When he went to the United States he was a repub-
lican; he is still a slavery man. His entire attitude
is colored by the American attitude toward French
intervention in Mexico and he warns Mr. Seward
that Napoleon III will spank him, if he does not mend
his ways. Mexico is the Poland of the new world,
states the author, and the United States is the Russia
that first disorganizes and then conquers. He hopes
that the South will again rise up and triumph against
the North. The cause of all the troubles in the South
came with the arrival of the Abolitionists, wretched
sentimentalists. All the wicked and corrupt people in
the States united against the honest minority and be-
came Abolitionists. From the immense confidence of
the Americans comes an energy that nothing can stop.
American education makes counterfeits of Plutarch's
heroes. Everything in America runs to an excessive
individualism. Education is often a bad thing for
a nation; fortunately the French have been able to get
along quite well merely by instinct.

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v. 50, no. 9); MH; BN.


A travers l'Amerique. Nouvelles et recits.

Paris: A. Hennuyer [1876]. 383 p. gr. in-8.

28 figures hors texte. 215

Copies: NYPL; LC; HCW.

My rambles in the New World. Translated
by Mary de Hauteville. London: Sampson,
Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1877. 300 p.
in-8, with 28 illustrations. 216

Copies: NYPL (HAY); MB.

Amerikanisches Wanderbuch. Land- und
Lebensbilder aus Nord- und Mittel-Amerika. . .
Nach Lucian Biart frei bearbeitet von Philipp
Laicus (pseud, of Philip Wasserburg]. Einsie-
deln, New-York [etc.]: Gebr. K. und N. Ben-
ziger, 1880. 316 p. illus. 4�. 217

Copy: LC.

Biddle, Edward, joint author. See Hart,
Charles Henry, and Edward Biddle.



Bigot, Charles Jules.

De Paris au Niagara; journal de voyage
d'une delegation. Paris: A. Dupret, 1887. vi,
198 p. in-18. 218

Copies: CU; BN.

Billy, �douard de.

Discours prononces pendant ma mission aux
�tats-Unis (1917-1919). Nancv, Paris:
Berger-Levrault, 1920. xii, 369 p. in-8. 219

Copies: BN; HCW.


Neuf mois aux �tats-Unis d'Amerique.
Geneve: Joel Cherbuliez, 1862. 184 p. in-12. 220

Copy: BM.

Bixc, Samuel,

La culture artistique en Amerique. Paris: 22
rue de Province, 1896. 119 p. gr. in-8. 221

Copies: NYPL (MAMT); LC; BN.

Biron, Armand Louis de Goxtaut, duc de
Lauzun, afterwards duc de.

Memoires de M. le duc de Lauzun. Paris:
Chez Barrois l'aine, 1822. 1 p.l., xx, 399 p. 8�.

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC. 222

Paris: Chez Barrois l'aine, 1822. 2 v.

2. ed. 24�. 223

Copy: LC.

Memoires du duc de Lauzun (1747-1783),
publies pour la premiere fois avec les passages
supprimes, les noms propres, une etude sur la
vie de l'auteur, des notes et une table generale,
par Louis Lacour [pseud.]. Paris: Poulet-Ma-
lassis et De Broise, 1858. 2 p.l., Hi, 330 p., 1 1.
12�. 224

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Paris: Poulet-Malassis et De Broise,

1858. lxvil, 411 p. 2. ed. in-12. 225

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC; BN.

Memoires du duc de Lauzun et du comte de
Tilly; avec avant-propos et notes par F. Bar-
riere. Paris: F. Didot freres, fils et Cie., 1862.
2 p.l., 435 p., 1 1. 12�. (Bibliotheque des me-
moires relatifs a l'histoire de France pendant le
18e siecle. tome 25.) 226

Copy: NYPL (AN).

Memoires du duc de Lauzun. �dition com-
plete precedee d'une etude sur Lauzun & ses
memoires par Georges d'Heylli [pseud.j. Paris:
E. Rouveyre, 1880. xlvi p., 1 1., 266 p. illus. 8�.

Copy: LC. 227

Memoires du duc de Lauzun. Introduction et
notes de MM. Maurice Vitrac et Arnould Ga-
lopin. Paris: Artheme Fayard, n.d. 159 p.
gr-in-8 double column. 228

Copy: HCW.

Memoirs of the duc de Lauzun (Armand
Louis de Gontaut, duc de Biron) 1747-1783.
Translated from the French by E. Jules Meras.
New York: Sturgis & Walton Company, 1912.
xi p., 2 1., 3-364 p. illus. 12�. (The court series
of French memoirs.) 229

Copy: LC.

is: C. Levy,

. . .Memoirs of the duc de Lauzun; translated,
with an appendix, by C. K. Scott Moncrieff . . .
London: G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd. [1928.] xii,
253 p. illus. 8�. (Broadway library of xvm.
century French literature.) 230

Copies: NYPL (8AN — Biron); LC.

Blanc, Marie Tiierese (de Solms).

Les nouveaux romanciers americains, par Th.
Bentzon. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1885. 342 p.
in-18. (Bibliotheque contemporaine. ) 231

Contains studies and appreciations of W. D. How-
ells, Henry James, G. W. Cable, E. Fawcett, and
F. M. Crawford.

Copies: NYPL (NBN); LC.

Les Americaines chez elles. Paris: C. Levy,

1894. 414 p. in-18. 232

Copy: BN.

...Nouv. ed., rev. et augm. Paris:

Hachette et C* 1904. 2 p.l., ii, 358 p. 12 �. 233

Copies: NYPL (SNB); LC.

Choses et gens d'Amerique. Par
1898. 334 p. in-18.

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

Nouvelle-France et Nouvelle-Angleterre.
Paris, 1899. 320 p. in-18. 235

Copies: NYPL (HWY); MB; BN.

Femmes d'Amerique. Paris: A. Colin, 1900.
332 p. in-16. 236

Copies: NYPL; LC; BN.

The condition of woman in the United States.
A traveller's notes... Boston: Roberts Bros.,

1895. 285 p., 1 port. 12�. 237

Copies: NYPL (SNF); LC.

Questions americaines. Paris: Hachette,
1901. 310 p. in-16. 238

Copies: NYPL; LC; MH; BN.

Blanchard, Claude.

Journal de campagne. .. (1780-1783) par
Maurice La Chenais. Paris: Bureaux de la Re-
vue militaire franchise, 1869. 32 p. in-8. 239

Copies: LC; BN.

Guerre d'Amerique (1780-1783); journal de
campagne de Claude Blanchard. Par Maurice
La Chenais. Paris: Ibid., 1881. xii, 217 p.
in-8. 240

Copies: BN; JHH.

Paris: J. Dumaine, L. Baudoin & Ce,

successeurs, 1881. xii, (1)14-134 p. 8�. 241

Copy: LC.

The journal of Claude Blanchard, commissary
of the Erench auxiliary army sent to the United
States during the American Revolution...
Translated. . .by William Duane. Albany,
N. Y.: J. Munsell, 1876. xvi, 217 p. in-8. 242

Copies: NYPL (IG); LC.

See also Noailles, Amblard Raymond Ma-
rie Amedee, vicomte de. Marins et soldats
franqais en Amerique. . .



Blanchard, Claude.

Voila l'Amerique!... Paris: Editions Bau-
diniere, 1931. 237 p. in-16. 243

Contents: Les portes de l'Amerique. Coup d'oeil sur
New- York. La naissance, la vie et la mort d'un gratte-
ciel. Broadway. Sous le signe des "Cochons Aveugles."
Monsieur le "Bootlegger." La machine a habiter.
Scenes de la vie commerciale. Les jambes automobiles.
Les barons de la Biere. Le beefsteack standard. Petite
lec;on d'argot americain. Sears Roebuck and Co. Au
galop des trains. Chez les fils de la prairie. L'ouest des
pionniers. Les jaunes de San-Francisco. Le jeu du
petrole. La publicite nerf de l'Amerique. Hollywood
ou "le pays des ombres en chair et en os." L'idee re-
ligieuse au pays de la machine. Les gentlemen de cou-
leur. Le chemin de bagne. Ce que j'ai dit a un
americain. Les plaisirs du dimanche. La nuit a New-
York. Le bonheur americain.

Copies: NYPL; LC; BN.

Blanchard, Jean Pierre.

Journal of my forty-fifth ascension, being the
first performed in America, on the ninth of
January, 1793. ^ithereum tranabit iter, auo
numine Blanchard? Impavidus, sortem non ti-
met Icarium. Philadelphia: Printed bv Charles
Cist, 1793. 27 p., 1 pi. 8�. 243A

Reissued in 1918 as Extra number 64, [part 1],
of the Magazine of history with notes and queries.

This is undoubtedly one of the most curious and
interesting items of travel in the LTnited States. It is
the narrative of the first successful aerial flight in
America. The author was a Frenchman who had made
many successful ascensions in various European cities
and who was the first to cross the English Channel
by air from France to England. In his ascension from
Philadelphia he flew a distance of about fifteen miles
in little more than forty minutes. It is worthy of note
that the first person to accomplish an aerial flight in
America was equipped with a passport from President
Washington, who displayed great interest in the ex-

It would seem that there were three editions of this
pamphlet published during 1793. Evans states that
there was a French edition, but locates no copy. The
reprint of the pamphlet in the Magazine of history-
quotes verse from an earlier and less complete edition
in English.

Copies: NYPL (* KD) ; LC.

Bleriot, Louis. See Comite France-
Amerique. — Mission Champlain, 1912.

Blouet, Abel Guillaume, joint author. See
under Demetz, Frederic Auguste, and
Abel Guillaume Blouet.

Blouet, Paul.

A Frenchman in America. Recollections of
men and things. New York: Cassell, 1891.
365 p. in-8. 244

Copies: NYPL (ILD) ; LC; HCW.

Blouet, Paul, and Jack Allyn.

Jonathan et son continent. La societe ameri-
caine. Paris: C. Levy, 1889. ii, 384 p. in-18.

Copies: DCU; BN. 245

Jonathan and his continent, rambles through
American society. Bristol: J. W. Arrowsmith,
1889. 292 p. in-16. 246

Copies: NYPL (ILD); ICJ; Am. Lib., Paris.

Boislecomte, Andre Olivier Ernest Sain,
comte de.

De la crise americaine et de celle des na-
tionality en Europe. Paris: E. Maillet, 1862.
155 p. gr. in-8. 247

Copies: NYPL (IKA); LC; BN.

Boissonnas, Mme. B. (de La Touche).

Un vaincu; souvenirs du general Robert Lee.
Paris: J. Hetzel et O*, 1875. 2 p.l., vii, 291 p.,
1 port., 1 folded map. 3. ed. 12�. 248

Copies: NYPL (IKC); LC; BN.

Bonaparte, Jerome. See under Casenave,
Maurice; and Saffell, William Thomas

Bonaparte, Joseph, king of Spain.

Lettres d'exil (Amerique — Angleterre —
Italic 1825-1844) publiees avec une introduc-
tion, des notes, et des commentaires par Hector
Fleischmann. . . Paris: E. Fasquelle, 1912.
viii, 317 p. in-12. 249

Copies: NYPL (NKW) ; BN.

See also Bertin, Georges; and Masson,


Bonduel, Florimond J.

Souvenir d'une mission indienne. Nakam et
son fils Nigabianong; ou, L'enfant perdu. Tour-
nai: Imprimerie de J. Casterman et fils, 1855.
44 p. in-8. Portrait, planches, et cartes. 249A

Copies: NYPL (photostat reproduction; tHBM);

Tableau comparatif entre la condition morale
des tribus indiennes de l'etat de Wisconsin con-
sideree sous l'influence du paganisme, et celle
de leur etat actuel envisagee sous l'influence du
catholicisme: ou, Memoire partiel de l'etat des
missions indiennes du diocese de Milwaukee,
lu dans., .l'eglise St. Roch, a Paris le 22 mai
1855. Tournai: Imprimerie de J. Casterman et
fils, 1855. 27 p. in-8. 249B

Copies: NYPL (photostat reproduction; t HBC) ;

Bonet-Maury, G.

Le Congres des religions a Chicago en 1893.
Paris: Hachette, 1895. ix, 345 p. in-16. 250

Copies: NNU; BN.

Bonnaud, Dominique.

D'ocean a ocean; impressions d'Amerique.
Preface d'Armand Silvestre. Paris: Biblio-
theque de la Vie moderne [1895]. 586 p. 12�. 251

Copy: NYPL (ILD).

Paris: P. Ollendorff, 1897. 586 p. 12�.

Copies: LC; BN. 252

Bonnet, Auguste.

Considerations sur les systemes penitentiaires
en general, et en particulier sur celui de Phila-
delphie... Bordeaux: H. Gazay, 1844. 51 p.
in-8. 253

Copy: BN.

Question penitentiaire. De l'influence que le
systeme de Pennsylvanie exerce sur le physique
et le moral des prisonniers. . . Bordeaux: Impr.
de Balarac jeune, 1844. 66 p. in-8. 254

Copies: NYPL (SLO); BN.

Bonnet, J. E., abbe.

The author emigrated to the United States during
the French Revolution, was naturalized an American
citizen, but returned to France under the Consulate.
He wrote in favor of Bonaparte because he thought



Bonnet, J. E., ABBE, continued

that the latter was working toward the restoration of the
Bourbons. See Fay, Revolutionary spirit...

Reponse aux principals questions qui peuvent
etre faites sur les Etats-Unis d'Amerique...
Lausanne, 1788. 2 v. 23, lxxii, 312; 469 p.
in-8. 255

Copies: HCW; BN.

Lausanne: Luquiens, 1795. 2 v. 8�. 256

Copy: NYI'L (IID).

fitats-Unis d'Amerique a la fin du xvme
siecle... Paris: Maradan (1802). 2 v. in-8. 257
Copies: NYPL (IAE); LC; BN.

Tableau des fitats-Unis d'Amerique au com-
mencement du xixe siecle. Par M. E. Bonnet
[Sicl). Paris: Testu et Dentu, 1816. viii, 175 p.
in-8. 258

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; BX.

Bonvouloir, Achard de. See Doxiol, Henri.
Histoire de la participation de la Erance a
l'etablissement des fitats-Unis; and D it-
rand, John.

Bordeaux, Albert Franqois Joseph.

Siberie et Californie. Notes de voyage et de
sejour. (Janvier 1899- decembre 1902.) Paris:
Plon-Nourrit, 1903. 345 p. in-16. 259

p. 221-339 are devoted to California.
Copies: NYPL (BDL); LC; BN.

Bossange, Hector.

Ma bibliotheque franchise. Paris: H. Bos-
sange et fils, 1855. 481 p. in-16. 260

Bossange was a Parisian bookseller who frequently
visited the United States. In the introduction to this
volume he states that he is favorably impressed with
cultural activities in America; that libraries are every-
where being formed; and that all contain French books.
The French impression that all Americans are mer-
chants is explained by the fact that almost all French-
men who come to America come on business. In his
opinion France is much better understood in America
than is America in France.

Copies: NYPL (* GBO); LC; BN.

Bossu, Nicolas.

Bossu served as a soldier with the comte de Schon-

berg in many parts of Europe; he fought in the wars
in Italy and distinguished himself at the battle of
Chateau-Dauphin, July 19, 1744, where he was seri-
v ously wounded. For almost ten years he was stationed
with the French army in Louisiana, where he had much
time to explore and observe. He first sailed from La
Rochelle December 26, 1750, for the new world and
did not arrive back in France until June 15, 1757. He
returned to America a second time, arriving at New
Orleans August 12, 1758 and not returning to France
until late in 1762; he had landed in Spain November 1
of that year. His third voyage was a private enter-
prise; he arrived in New Orleans at the end of May,
1770 and had returned to Bordeaux by August, 1771.
The importance of his voyages has long been recognized.

Nouveaux voyages aux Indes occidentales,
contenant une relation des differens peuples qui
habitent les environs du grand fleuve Saint-
Louis appele vulgairement le Mississipi. . .
Paris: Le Jay, 1768. 2 v. in 1. xvii, 244; 264 p.
in-12. 261

Copies: NYPL (* KF, 1768); LC; BN.

A Amsterdam: Ches D. J. Changuion,

1769. 2 v. in 1. illus. 12�. 262

Copies: NYPL (* KF, 1769); DCS.

A Amsterdam et a Paris: Chez la veuve

Duchesne, 1778. xvj, 392 p. nouv. ed. illus.
8�. 263

Copies: NYPL (* KF, 1778); MH-A.

Travels through that part of North America
formerly called Louisiana. . . Translated from
the French by John Reinhold Foster... to
which is added. . .A flora Americae Septentrio-
nalis... London: T. Davies, 1771. 2 v. 8�. 264

Copies: NYPL (* KF, 1771); LC.

The Arkansas... Translated by D. Rouqu-
ette. Fort Smith: Printed at the office of the
Fort Smith Herald, 1850. 18 p. 8a. 265

Comprises "Letter v."
Copy: NYPL (* KF).

Nieuwe reizen naer Noord-Amerika. . . Am-
sterdam: Steven van Esveldt, 1769. 2 v. 8�. 266
Copies: NYPL (* KF, 1769); LC.

Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amerique septen-
trionale. Amsterdam: Changuion, 1777. xvi,
392 p. in-8. 267

Copies: NYPL (* KF, 1777); LC; BN.


Travels of a naturalist. A record of adven-
tures, discoveries, history and customs of
Americans and Indians, habits and descriptions
of animals, chiefly made in North America,
California, Mexico, Central America, Columbia,
Chili, etc. during the last forty-two years. By
A. Boucard, naturalist. London: [Printed at
Bournemouth by Purdy & Son,] 1894. viii,
ii, 204 p., 1 port. 8�. 267A

Copies: NYPL (HAY); LC.

Boucard was a Frenchman who spent many years
in England and who wrote with equal facility in both
French and English. This interesting volume of rem-
iniscences was privately published in English in Lon-
don; I can find no evidence that there was a French
edition. He first visited San Francisco in 1851, and
of this visit he has left a lengthy description. During
1853 and 1854 he lived in New York City. He made
several other voyages to the United States, the last in

Boucher de la Richardiere.

Memoires sur la Louisiane et la Nouvelle-
Orleans... par M*** [Boucher de la Richar-
diere]. Paris: chez Ballard, An xm. — 1804.
viii, 176 p. in-8. 268

Left the United States to go to Santo Domingo in
1785, whence he returned in 1793. Explorations began
in 1801, in the course of which he visited Maryland,
Pennsylvania, went down the Mississippi, and finally
to Kentucky and back to New Orleans.

Copies: LC; BN.

Boulogne, Charles Bue.

French land agent in the United States; active in
the colonization at Asylum, Pa. Sec under Murray,
Louise (Welles).

Bourbonnaud, Louise.

Les Ameriques: Amerique du Nord, les An-
tilles, Amerique du Sud. Paris: Librairie Leon
Vanier, 1889. 256 p. in-18. 269

p. 1-127 are on the United States.

Copies: NYPL (HAY); BN.



Bourcier, Emmanuel.

Un jour d'Amerique: La ville; Le camp.
Paris, 1918. 28 p. gr. in-8. 270

Reprints of articles from La Grande revue, v. 96,
1918, April, p. 193-204; May, p. 400-415, in which
form the material is in NYPL (* DM).

Copy: BN.

Dans l'Amerique en guerre. Paris: Berger-
Levrault, 1918. 61 p, 1 1. in-12. 271

Copies: LC; MB.

Bourget, Paul Charles Joseph.

Outre-mer (notes sur l'Amerique). Paris:
Plon-Nourrit, 1895. 2 v. in-16. 272

Copy: BN.

Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1895. 2 v.

iv, 315; 331 p. 12�. 273

Copies: NYPL (ILD) ; LC.

Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1906. iv, 311;

329 p. in-16. 274

fidition definitive.
Copy: BN.

Outre-mer; impressions of America.

New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1895. v,
425 p. 8�. 275

When M. Bourget first came to the United States
in the summer of 1893 he had already achieved con-
siderable reputation as a novelist. He remained in
America almost a year while travelling throughout the
country. He was a guest in many distinguished houses;
he knew many prominent Americans, among whom
was James Gordon Bennett, owner of the New York
Herald. Bourget's impressions of America were first
published in English from Sept. 23, 1894 to Feb. 17,
1895. Before their publication was ended they were
attacked bitterly by Mark Twain in the January, 1895,
number of the North American review. The controversy
thus begun was ended by an article of Max O'Rell in
the March number of the North American review.

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC.

See also Voyage a travers l'Amerique.


Au pays de l'energie. Impressions de voyage,
notes et souvenirs. Paris: Librairie nationale
d'education et de recreation [1910]. 112 p. in-4.

Copy: BN. 276


Au pays du dollar. (Notes, indiscretions,

souvenirs.) Paris: A. Messein, 1908. 356 p.

in-16. 277

Copies: NYPL (ILH); BN.

L'Oncle Sam chez lui, mceurs americaines.

Paris: Louis Michaud [1910]. 277 p. in-16. fig.

Copies: NYPL (ILH); BN. 278

Boutmy, Smile Gaston.

fitudes de droit constitutionnel: France,

Angleterre, fitats-Unis. Paris: Plon, Nourrit

et Cie., 1885. iv, 272 p. in-18. 278A

Copies: NYPL (XE); BN.

Paris: A. Colin, 1903. 2 p.L, viii, 345 p.,

1 1. 4. ed. 12�. 278B

Copy: LC.

Studies in constitutional law: France — Eng-
land — United States. . . Translated from the
2d French edition by E. M. Dicey, with an

introduction by A. V. Dicey. London and New
York: Macmillan & Co., 1891. xiv p., 1 1., 183
(1) p. 12�. 278C

Copies: NYPL (IBC); LC.

filements d'une psychologie politique du
peuple americain. La nation. La patrie. L'etat.
La religion. Paris: A. Colin, 1902. xi, 366 p.
in-12. 279

Copies: NYPL (IAG) ; LC; Am. Lib., Paris.

Boutroux, �mile.

Observations presentees par M. fimile Bout-
roux sur son voyage en Amerique. (Academie
des sciences morales et politiques. Seances et
travaux. Paris, 1910. 8�. annee 70 (nouv. serie,
tome 73], semestre 1, p. 673-690.) 280

Copy: NYPL (* EO).

La pensee americaine et la pensee franchise.
(In: Les fitats-Unis et la France. Paris, 1914.
8�. p. 1-22.) 281

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC.

L'idealisme americain. (In: Ce qu'un f rangais
doit savoir des fitats-Unis. Paris: Librairie
Grasset [1917,. 80 p. in-12.) (Le Fait de la
Semaine. 5e annee, no. 3.) 282

Copy: NYPL (* C, Fait).

Le role decisif de l'Amerique dans la guerre
mondiale. Paris: Bibliotheque Franco-Ameri-
caine de Guerre, 1918. 32 p. in-16. 283

Copies: NYPL (BTZE p.v.365, no.10); LC.

Bowen, Clarence Winthrop.

A French officer [Baron de Closen] with
Washington and Rochambeau. (The Century
magazine. New York, 1907. 8�. v. 73, p. 531-
538.) 284

Copy: NYPL (* DA).

Brassac, Hercule.

Brassac's correspondence with the American
bishops (1818-1861). (Catholic historical re-
view. Washington, D. C, 1918. 8�. v. 3, p. 448-
470.) 284 A

Copies: NYPL (IAA) ; LC.

Braunschvig, Marcel.

La vie americaine et ses legons. Paris: Ar-
mand Colin, 1931. 375 p. gr. in-8. 285

Contents: Chap. i. L'origine et revolution des �tats-
Unis. Le developpement historique. ..; Le sens de
leur evolution; les problemes poses par l'immigration;
le conflit actuel.

Chap. ii. Psychologie du peuple americain. Le car-
actere americain; la mentalite americaine; la sensi-
bilite americaine.

Chap. in. Les mceurs americaines. Le culte du
passe; la religion, la morale, la chasse aux dollars;
le regne de la femme; la vie familiale; le "birth con-
trol"; la vie sociale; le regime sec.

Chap. iv. Les principales tendances de la civilization
americaine. L'egalite; la valeur et la jeunesse; la
grandeur; la rapidite; le changement et la nouveaute;
le confort et la commodite; le gaspillage et la con-
sommation; la publicite.

Chap. v. Grands principes economiques. Le sys-
teme de la rationalisation; les hauts salaires; le ma-
chinisme; 1'organisation du travail: specialisation et
taylorisme; la production en masse et la standardisa-
tion; la concentration financiere; la valeur des me-
thodes americaines.






















































Braunschvig, Marcel, continued

Chap. vi. Grandes entreprises financieres, indus-
trielles et commerciales. La doctrine americaine du
succes dans les affaires; grandes banques; chemins de
fer; grandes usines; grandes imprimeries; grands maga-
sins; grands hotels.

Chap. vii. La vie intellectuelle. Le culte du savoir;
ecoles primaires et secondaires; colleges et universites;
lapedagogie americaine; les laboratoires; les biblio-
theques; la presse.

Chap. vin. La vie artistique. Le culte du beau et
de 1'art; la beaute de la race; la beaute de la nature;
la beaute des villes; l'architecture; les musees; le

Copies: NYPL; LC; BN.

Brehan, la marquise de (Mme. de Brehan).
See Chinard, Gilbert. Trois amities fran-
chises de Jefferson. . .

Bridel, Jean Philippe Louis.

Swiss pastor who lived almost twenty years in

Le pour et la contre, ou Avis a ceux qui se
proposent de passer dans les �tats-Unis
d'Amerique, suivi d'une description du Kentucky
et du Ghenesy, deux nouveau etablissemens les
plus considerables dans cette partie du monde,
avec une carte typometrique. Paris: Levrault,
Schoell & Comp. Imprime a Basle chez Guil-
laume Haas. An xn. — 1803. 2 p.l., 162 p. in-12
avec plan. 286

Copies: NYPL (* KF, 1803); LC; BN; HCVV.

"Le pour et le contre," one of the rarest of
books relating to western New York, folded
map. (Buffalo Historical Society. Publications.
Buffalo, 1914. 8�. v. 18, p. 257-312.) 287

H. F. De Puy's translation.
Copy: NYPL (IAA).

"Le pour et le contre" from the French. . .by
H. F. Du Puy [sic!]. Buffalo, N. Y., 1914. 56 p.,
1 folded map. 8�. 288

Copy: NYPL (IID).

Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme.

Physiologie du gout, ou Meditations de gas-
tronomic transcendante. . .dedie aux gastro-
nomes parisiens par un professeur. Paris: A.
Sautelet, 1826. 2 v. in-8. 289

The New York Public Library has French editions
as follows: Paris, 1838, 1839, 1842, 1844, 1846, 1847,
and 1889; one German translation, Braunschweig, 1866;
and the following English translations: Philadelphia,
1854, London, 1859, New York, 1865, New York,
1879, New York, 1884, Boston, 1915, and New York,
1926. All the Library's copies have the location VTB.

Copies: MB; BN.

Lettres. (Societe litteraire, historique et
archeologique de l'Ain. Revue. Deuxieme an-
nee, 1873-74, p. 44.) 290

See also wider Baldensperger, Fernand.

Brissot de Warville, Axacharsis.

Voyage au Guazacoalcos, aux Antilles, et aux
fitats-Unis. Ouvrage precede de trois lettres de
La Fayette. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1837.
390 p. in-8 avec une carte depliante. 291

The author was the son of J. P. Brissot de War-
ville. He devotes chaps, ii, xix, xx, and xxi to the
United States.

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; HCW.

Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre.

For the abundant literature concerning Brissot de
Warville see Eloise Ellery, Brissot de Warville, a study
in the history of the French Revolution; Fay, Revolu-
tionary spirit, and Lucy M. Gidney, L'Influence des
�tats-Unis d'Amerique sur Brissot, Condorcet, et Mme.

Examen critique des Voyages dans l'Amerique
septentrionale de M. le marquis de Chastellux,
ou Lettre a M. le marquis de Chastellux, dans
laquelle on refute principalement ses opinions
sur les quakers, sur les negres, sur le peuple et
sur l'homme. Londres, 1786. 143 p. in-8. 292

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; BN.

A critical examination of the Marquis of
Chastellux's Travels in North America...
Translated from the French of J. P. Brissot de
Warville, with additions and corrections of the
author... Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph
James, 1788. 1 p.l., 89 p. 8�. 293

Copy: LC.

Reponse a une critique des Lettres d'un cul-
tivateur americain, des Quakers, etc. Faite par
l'auteur anonyme des Recherches sur les fitats-
Unis, par J. P. Brissot de Warville. [Paris,]
1788. 1 p.l., 27 p. 8�. 294

Copies: NYPL (* KF); LC.

Memoire sur les noirs de l'Amerique Septen-
trionale lu a l'Assemblee de la Societe des Amis
des Noirs le 9 Fevrier 1789. Paris: Bureau du
Patriote Frangais, 2 Dec. 1789. 56 p. in-8.

Copies: LC; HCW; BN. 295

Nouveau Voyage dans les �tats-Unis de
l'Amerique septentrionale, fait en 1788; par
J. P. Brissot. Paris: Buisson, 1791. 3 v. in-8.


Copies: NYPL (* KF; two issues, one in large
type and one in small type) ; LC.

New travels in the United States of America.
Performed in 1788. . . New- York: Printed by
T. & J. Swords, for Berry & Rogers, 1792.
xxvi, (1)28-264 p., 4 1., 1 folded table. 12�. 297

Copies: NYPL (*KD); NNH.

Boston: From the press of Joseph Bum-
stead, 1797. xxvi, (1)28-276 p., 2 1. 12�. 298

Copies: NYPL (*KD); LC.

New travels in the United States of America,
performed in m. dcc. lxxxviii. . . Second edi-
tion, corrected... London: Printed for J. S.
Jordan, 1794. 2 v. 8�. 299

Copies: NYPL (*KF); NNH (1797).

. . . Neue Reise in die vereinten Staaten Nord-
amerika, gemacht im Jahr 1788 von dem Fran-
zosischen... [Reutlingen: J. Grozinger,] 1797.
2 v. in 1. 12�. 300

Copy: NYPL (• KF).

. . . Memoires (1754-1793) publies avec etude
critique et notes par Claude Perroud. . . Paris:
A. Picard et fils r1911]. 2 v. in-8. 301

Copies: NYPL; LC.

Correspondance et papiers, precedes d'un
avertissement et d'une notice sur sa vie, par
Claude Perroud. Paris: A. Picard et fils [1912].
lxix, 492 p. in-8. 302

Copies: NYPL; LC.



Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre, and
�tienne Claviere.

De la France et des fitats-Unis, ou De l'im-
portance de la Revolution d'Amerique pour le
bonheur de la France, des rapports de ce roy-
aume et des fitats-Unis, des avantages recipro-
ques qu'ils peuvent retirer de leurs liaisons de
commerce, et enfin de la situation actuelle des
fitats-Unis. Londres, 1787. xxiv, xlviii, 344 p.
in-8. 303

Published separately in 1787, this was later re-
published as v. 3 of his Nouveau voyage dans les Btats-
Unis. .., 1791.

Copies: NYPL (*KF); LC.

(Paris? Buisson? 1791 ?3 xxiii, 448 p.

nouv. ed. 12�. 304

Copy: LC.

Considerations on the relative situation of
France and the United States of America: shew-
ing the importance of the American Revolution
to the welfare of France... London: Robson
and Clarke, 1788. 1 p.l., xvi, xxxiv, 326 p. 8�.

Copies: LC; NNH. 305

The commerce of America with Europe;
particularly with France and Great Britain...
Shewing the importance of the American Revo-
lution to the interests of France. . . Translated
from the last French edition, revised by Brissot,
and called the 2d volume of his View of America
... London: J. S. Jordan, 1794. 2 p.l., (i)iv-
lxiv, 348 p. 8�. 306

Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; LC.

New-York: T. and J. Swords, 1795.

xxxv, 228 p., 1 port. 12�. 307

Copies: NYPL (*KD); LC.

Broglie, Victor Claude, prince de.

Narrative of the Prince de Broglie. (Maga-
zine of American history. New York, 1877. 8�.
v. 1, p. 180-186, 231-235, 306-309, 374-380.) 308

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Deux Francais aux �tats-Unis et dans la
Nouvelle Espagne en 1782. Journal de voyage
du prince de Broglie et Lettres du comte de
Segur... 205 p. (Melanges publies par la So-
ciete des bibliophiles frangois. Paris, 1903. 8�.
par tie 2, piece no. 6.) 309

Copy: NYPL (DBA).

Brute de Remur, Simon William Gabriel.
See Bayley, James Roosevelt; Godecker,
Sister Mary Salesia.

Bruwaert. See Conditions du travail.

Bruyssel, Ernest Jean van.

Scenes de la vie des champs et des forets aux
fitats-Unis. Paris: J. Hetzel et Cie. [1888.]
240 p. gr-in-8. 310

Belgian consul-general at New Orleans.

Copies: MnH; BN.

Bryas, Madeleine, comtesse de, and Jacque-
line de Bryas.

A Frenchwoman's impressions of America.
New York: Century Co., 1920. xiv, 268 p.
in-8. 311

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; Am. Lib., Paris.

Buisson, Ferdinand.

Rapport sur l'instruction primaire a l'Ex-
position universelle de Philadelphie en 1876,
presente a M. le Ministre de l'instruction Pub-
lique au nom de commission envoyee par le
ministere a Philadelphie. Paris: Imprimerie
nationale, 1878. xii, 688 p. gr. in-8. figures et
planches. 311A

Copies: LC; BN.

Bulle, Capitaine.

Les Americains chez eux. Nimes: Impr.
"l'Ouvriere," 1925. 23 p. in-8. 312

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v.328, no.l); BN.

Bureau de Pusy, Jean Xavier. See under du
Pont, Eleuthere Irenee.

Byars, William Vincent.

The first scientist of the Mississippi Valley:
a memoir of the life and work of Doctor Antoine
Frangois Saugrain. St. Louis: Benj. von Phul,
publisher, n.d. 18 p. 8�. 312A

This interesting pamphlet was published sometime
between 1902 and 1906. The NYPL copy is a presen-
tation copy to Wilberforce Eames from B. von Phul,
Sausirain's grandson.

Copy: NYPL (AN).

Cabet, �tienne.

Voyage et aventures de Lord Villiam Caris-
dall en Icarie. Traduit de l'anglais de Francis
Adams par Th. Dufruit, maitre de langues.
Paris: Hippolyte Souverain, 1840. 2 v. in-8.


For Cabet and the origins of this interesting book
see Jules Prudhommeaux. Several copies of this, en-
tirely written by Cabet and disguised under the title
above, were distributed in 1839. The Dictionary of
American Biography contains a brief but adequate
article on Cabet.

Copies: ICJ; BN.

Voyage en Icarie. Paris: J. Mallet, 1842. xi,
566 p. 2. ed. in-18. 314

Copy: BN.

Paris: P. Baudouin, 1845. 2 p.l., viii,

600 p. 12�. 315

Copy: NYPL (SFH).

Paris: Bureau du Populaire, 1848. 600 p.

4. ed. in-8. 316

Copies: NYPL (SFH); LC; BN.

Realization de la communaute d'Icarie.
Paris: au bureau du Populaire, novembre 1847.
412 p. in-12. 317

Reprints from Le Populaire, nos. 5-38.
Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.9, no.l).

Almanach icarien. Supplement 1848. Paris:
Bureau du Populaire [1848]. 216 p. in-16 avec
3 cartes pliees hors texte. 318

Copies: NYPL (SFH); BN.

Yovage de M. Cabet (New-York. 6 Janvier
1849)". [Paris:] Impr. F. Malteste (1849). 8 p.
in-8. 319

Copy: BN.

Icarie. Paris: en vente au Bureau du Popu-
laire, 15 mars 1849. 15 p. in-8. 320

This was the first of the series which in the second
number was retitled: Realization d'Icarie. Nouvelles
de Nauvoo.

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.9, no.2).



Cabet, �tiexxe, continued'

Realization d'Icarie. Nouvelles de Nauvoo.
Publiees a Paris, le 14 juillet 1849. p. 17-144.
in-8. 321

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.9, no.3).

This is the continuation of the series of which the
first number was titled: Icaric. The date of the sixth
and last number is June 12, 18S0.

Realization de la communaute d'Icarie.
Nouvelles de Nauvoo. Paris: Bureau du Popu-
late, sept., 1849 - juin, 1850. nos. 4-6. p. 57-
144. in-8. 322

Copy: BN.

Notre proces en escroquerie, ou Poursuites
dirigees contre les citoyens Cabet et Krolikow-
ski, a l'occasion de la fondation d'Icarie. Paris:
au bureau du Populaire, 1849. 16 p. in-8. 323

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.3, no.9).

Proces et acquirement de Cabet, accuse
d'escroquerie au sujet de Immigration icarienne.
Histoire d'Icarie. Paris: au Bureau du Repub-
lican, octobre 1851. 240 p. in-8. 324

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.3, no.10).

Colonie ou Republique icarienne dans les
�tats-Unis d'Amerique, son histoire. . . Paris:
au Bureau de l'Emigration Icarienne, 1852. 59 p.
in-32. 325

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.10, no.5).

Colony or republic of Icaria in the U. S. of
America, its history. . . Nauvoo, Illinois: Icari-
an Printing Office, 1852. 326

Copy: MH.

Prospectus. Emigration icarienne. Condi-
tions d'admission. Rapport de la Gerance a
l'Assemblee Generate. Cabet aux Icariens.
Paris: chez l'auteur, octobre 1852. 61 p. in-32.


Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.10, no.6).

Colonie icarienne. Situation dans l'lowa, au
15 octobre 1853. Paris: l'auteur, 1853. 8 p.
in-32. 328

Copies: NYPL (SFH p.v.10, no.8); BN.

Colonie icarienne. Reforme icarienne. 21 no-
vembre 1853. Paris: l'auteur, 1853. 30 p. in-32.

Copies: NYPL (SFH p.v.10, no.9); BN.

Inventaire de la colonie icarienne. 1853. Cele-
bration de l'anniversaire du 3 fevrier 1848. Un
jugement en Icarie. Paris: l'auteur, mars 1853.
31 p. in-16. 330

Copies: NYPL (SFH p.v.10, no.7); Chamonal.

Progres de la colonie icarienne etablie a Nau-
voo (�tats-Unis d'Amerique). M. Cabet a
Julien, Icarien dispose a venir en Icarie. Paris:
l'auteur, 1854. 31 p. in-32. 331

Copies: NYPL (SFH p.v.10, no.12); BN.

Reception et admission dans la communaute
icarienne des 38 Icariens partis du Havre le 8
septembre 1853. Paris: chez l'auteur, fevrier
1854. 8 p. in-32. 332

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.10, no.10).

Lettre sur la reforme icarienne, du 21 no-
vembre 1853. Reponse du citoyen Cabet a quel-
ques objections sur cette reforme. Paris: chez
l'auteur, juin 1854. 16 p. in-32. 333

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.10, no.ll).

Compte-rendu par le president de la com-
munaute, sur l'etat de la colonie icarienne, apres
le ler semestre de 1854. Paris: chez l'auteur,
novembre 1854. 32 p. in-32. 334

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.10, no.13).

Ce que je ferais si j'avais cinq mille dollars.
Paris: chez l'auteur, decembre 1854. 30 p. in-
32. 335

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.10, no.14).

Prospectus de la colonie icarienne. Conditions
d'admission. Paris: chez l'auteur, mars 1855.
63 p. in-32. 336

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.S, no.7).

Celebration a Nauvoo du septieme anniver-
saire du depart de la premiere avant-garde icari-
enne, 3 fevrier 1848. Paris: chez l'auteur, avril
1855. 63 p. in-32. 337

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.5, no.l).

Colonie icarienne aux �tats-Unis d'Amerique.
Sa constitution, ses lois, sa situation materielle
et morale apres le premier semestre 1855.
Paris: l'auteur, 1856. 240 p. in-12. 338

Copies: NYPL (SFH p.v.ll, no.l); LC; BN.

Depart de Nauvoo du fondateur d'Icarie avec
les vrais Icariens. Paris: l'auteur, 1856. 23 p.
in-12. 339

Copy: BN.

Opinions et sentiments publiquement ex-
primes concernant le fondateur d'Icarie. Paris:
chez l'auteur, mars 1856. 36 p. in-12. 340

Copy: NYPL (SFH p.v.ll).

Le fondateur d'Icarie aux Icariens. Paris:
l'auteur, avril 1856. lip. in-12. 341

Copies: NYPL (SFH p.v.ll, no.13); BN.

La Califorxie. Recit d'un chercheur d'or.

Cambrai: Impr. de P. Leveque [1851]. 4 p.

in-8. 342
Copy: BN.

Calmox-Maison, Robert.

L'amiral d'Estaing (1729-1794). Paris: Cal-
mann-Levv, 1910. 2 p.l., ii, 513 p., 1 1., 1 port. 8�.


Based principally on unpublished manuscript ma-
terials of which much relates to d'Estaing and his par-
ticipation in the American Revolution.

Copies: NYPL (YYK); LC; BX.

Cambis, COMTE DE.

Extraits du journal tenu par le cte de Cambis
a bord du Languedoc. (In: Henri Doniol, His-
toire de la participation de la France a l'etab-
lissement des �tats-Unis d'Amerique. Paris,
1886-92. f�. tome 3, p. 374-382.) 343

Copies: NYPL (t IG); LC.

Cambon, Jules Martix.

France and the United States; essays and
addresses. New York: D. Appleton and Com-
pany, 1903. vi, 90 p. 8�. 344

Copies: LC; MB; BN.



Cambon, Victor.

�tats-Unis — France. Paris: Pierre Roger
et Cie., 1917. 280 p. in-12. 345

Copy: LC.

Paris: Pierre Roger et Cie., 1917. 280 p.

2. ed. in-12. 346

Copy: NYPL(TAH).

Le Taylorisme. Preface de M. H. Le Chate-
lier. Nancy: Impr. Nanceinne, 1917. 24 p.
in-12. 347

Copy: BN.

Cambray, Louis-Marie-Joseph.

Reminiscences et confessions d'un ancien
chirurgien de corsaires. Voyage aux Antilles,
au continent americain et croisiere dans le golfe
du Mexique, pendant les annees 1800, 1801, 1802
et le commencement de 1803. Cambrai, 1856.
200 p. in-8. 348

Contains account of his visit to New Orleans.
Copy: BN.

Cannart d'Hamale, Mme. Arthus DE.

Un voyage de noces a Chicago. Bruxelles:
Lebeque [189-?]. 320 p. in-8. 349

Author was in the United States in 1893; this
volume was published in 1894 or 1895. p. 1-165 give
the account of her travels in America.

Copy: NYPL.

Caraman, G., comte de.

Les fitats-Unis il y a quarante ans. Paris:
Aux Bureaux de la Revue Contemporaine, 1852-
54. 31, 30, 20 p. gr. in-8. 350

An important account by the man who accompanied
Serrurier, the French minister, to the United States
in 1811.

Reprinted from the Revue contemporaine, in which
form the material is available in NYPL (* DM).

Copy: BN.

Carlier, Augusts.

Visited the United States from 1855 to 1857. He
travelled extensively in America where he enjoyed the
friendship of many distinguished Americans of the
period. Carlier was a member of the American Philo-
sophical Society. While in the United States he kept
a detailed diary which, still in manuscript form, richly
deserves publication.

Le mariage aux �tats-Unis. Paris: Hachette,
1860. 264 p. in-18. 351

Copies: NYPL (SNV); LC; BN.

Marriage in the United States. Translated
... by B. J. Jeffries. Boston: De Vries, Ibarra
& Co., 1867. xv, 179 p. 12�. 352

Copies: NYPL (SNV); LC.

De l'esclavage dans ses rapports avec l'union
americaine. Paris: Michel Levy freres, 1862.
xv, 495 p. 8�. 353

Here Carlier maintains that all French ideas of
America have been turned a bit from reality by de
Tocqueville, who represented the United States as a
political Eldorado. This is a statement that could hardly
have been made two years earlier. There are great
things which France does not know about the LTnited
States; these things they are now learning. In Car-
lier's opinion there was an excellent argument to be
advanced for the separation of the North and the South.
He clearly understood that the emancipation of the
slaves was not a solution of the problem of the negroes,

but that it merely changed its aspect. Once they were
freed there must be a method of saving them.
Copies: NYPL (SEKK); LC; BN.

Histoire du peuple americain, �tats-Unis, et
de ses rapports avec les Indiens, depuis la fonda-
tion des colonies anglaises jusqu'a la revolution
de 1776. Paris: Michel Levy freres, 1864.
2 v. xxviii, 456 p., 1 1.; 511 p., 1 1. 8�. 354

Copies: NYPL (IF; autograph presentation copy to
George Bancroft); LC; BN.

Memoire sur l'acclimatement des races en
Amerique. Paris: Impr. de Hennuyer et fils,
1867. 55 p. in-8. 355

Copies: MH; BN.

La Republique americaine �tats-Unis; insti-
tutions de l'union, institutions d'etat, regime
municipal, systeme judiciaire, condition
sociale des Indiens. Paris: Guillaumin, 1890.
4 v. in-8. 356

This was published posthumously with an intro-
ductory memoir on Carlier written by Claudio Jannet,
who completed several chapters left unfinished at the
time of the author's death. This history was the chief
concern of Carlier for the last twenty years of his life.

Carlier states that among modern nations the Ameri-
cans are the people best placed and in the most favorable
circumstances to exert a great influence on the future
of the world. America is a vast field of study for the
philosopher, the economist, the historian. He is able
to give important modifications upon de Tocqueville's
ideas on the family and marriage in America.

Copies: NYPL (ID); LC; BN.

Carre, Henri.

Les emigres frangais en Amerique, 1789-1793.
Paris: Impr. Chaix, 1898. 32 p. gr. in-8. 357

Publishes new documents concerning the Scioto en-

Reprint from Revue de Paris, May 15, 1898, in
which form it is available in NYPL (* DM).

Copy: HCW.

Carre, Jean Marie.

Images d'Amerique. Ornees de 25 bois ori-
ginaux par Philippe Burnot. Lyon: H. Lardan-
chet, 1927. 143 p. in-8. 358

Copies: NYPL (ICH); MH; BN.

Carrey, Edmond, and Ernest Frignet.

fitats-Unis d'Amerique. Les etats du North-
West et Chicago. Paris: Impr. de Jouast, 1871.
88 p. in-8. photographies. 359

Copies: NYPL(IV); BN.

Carrey, �mile.

Grandeur et avenir des �tats-Unis. Paris:
Dentu, 1863. 48 p. in-8. 360

In this sympathetic pamphlet the author states that
there is not a day but one hears, no matter where he
is, some disparagement of the United States. It is the
fashion to blame them for something. It is the fashion
to regard them as a troop of pirates who do nothing
but go bankrupt, travel on steamboats, and fight with
revolvers in the streets. In his opinion the more one
studies the Americans the more one is impressed with
their qualities, their real grandeur, and their great
future. Carrey found that generosity was the base of
American character. Everywhere he found literacy,
knowledge and equality. And in America he witnessed
a great sympathy for France.

Copies: NYPL (IKA); LC; BN.

Cart, Jean Jacques. See Guerlac, Othon.



Cartier df. Marchienne, O. de.

Mes voyages. Paris: P. Dupont, 1897. 367 p.
in-18. portrait. 361

p. 247-305 are devoted to America.

The author, a Belgian, was an inveterate traveller.
He was attracted to the United States by the great
Chicago Exposition of 1893. He arrived in the United
States in May, 1893, and left in July of the same year.
Although he shook the hand of President Cleveland
he was not favorably impressed by the people in Amer-
ica, for he found them all oppressed by the terrific
struggle for life, and turned with pleasure to medi-
tating how sweet and deep must be the sleep in an
American cemetery.

Copies: NYPL; BN.

Casf.xave, Maurice.

Les emigres bonapartistes de 1815 aux fitats-
Unis. (La Revue d'histoire diplomatique. Paris,
1929. in-8. v. 43, p. 20-32, 131-154.) 362

These articles, containing important materials for
Hyde de Neuville, Jerome Bonaparte, and Lakanal,
are based upon a study of unpublished manuscript

Copy: NYPL (BAA).

Castellaxe, Boni, marquis de.

Comment j'ai decouvert l'Amerique. Paris:
G. Cres et Cie., 1924. v, 347 p. in-16. 363

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC; BN.

How I discovered America; confessions of
the Marquis Boni de Castellane. New York:
A. A. Knopf, 1924. 283 p. illus. 8�. 364

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Confessions of the Marquis de Castellane.
[London:] T. Butterworth, Limited [1924].
4p.l.( 11-303 p. illus. 8�. 365

Copy: LC.

Wie ich Amerika entdeckte; Erinnerungen.
Aus dem franzosischen von Else Baronin Werk-
mann. Berlin: Verlag fur Kulturpolitik, 1926.
255(1) p. 8�. 366

Copy: LC.

L'Art d'etre pauvre: memoires. Paris: G.
Cres et Cie., 1925. vi, 277 p. in-16. 367

Copies: LC; BX.

Both volumes are diverting and amusing and have
had a wide reading. The author first discovered America
by marrying a wealthy American heiress; divorce forced
him to cultivate that "art" (of which both these volumes
are seemingly a part) which he describes in his second

Castelxau, Fraxcis, COMTE DE.

Vues et souvenirs de l'Amerique du Nord.
Paris: A. Bertrand, 1842. viii, 165 p., 1 1. illus.
f�. 368

Copies: NYPL (t IID); LC.

Paris: A. Bertrand, 1852. viii, 168 p.,

35 pi. in-4. 369

Copy: BN.

Castets, �mile.

Mexique et Californie, souvenirs et descrip-
tion. Paris: Challamel aine, 1886. iii, 219 p.
in-16. 370

p. 159-216 are devoted to the United States.

Castets spent six months during 1883-84 in Mexico
and California. His book is a simple recital of his
travels, without invention or elaboration. The following
are the entries for the American portion of his tour:

Peaux-rouges ou Apaches; Indiens; Plaines de la Cali-
fornie; Los Angeles; San Francisco: Service d'incendie,
Quartier chinois, La colonie franchise; Trajet de San-
Francisco a New-York; Les Mormons; Un debordement
de I'Ohio; Arrive a New- York.

Copies: NYPL (HTY, autograph presentation
copy); HCW.

Castro, Henry.

Le Texas en 1845. Castro-ville, colonie fon-
dee par Henry Castro, le ler septembre 1844 sur
la riviere Medina, 24 milles ouest de San An-
tonio de Bexar. [Anvers, 1845.] 43 p. in-8. 370A

Copies: Dr. Chazin reports the above copy in the
Archives des Affaires Etrangeres at Brussels. Dossier
Colonisation Na 2025. LC contains a copy with a
slightly different pagination: 38 p., 1 1.

Catalogxe, Gerard de. See Dialogue entre
Deux Mondes.

Caullery, Maurice Jules Gastox Corxeille.

The author was an exchange professor at Harvard
in 1916.

Les universites et la vie scientifique aux
�tats-Unis. Paris: A. Colin, 1917. xii, 302 p.
in-16. 371

Copies: NYPL (STE); LC; BN.

Universities and scientific life in the United
States. Translated by James Haughton Woods
and Emmet Russell . . . Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 1922. xvii, 269(1) p. 8�. 372

Copies: LC; MH.

Cazamiax, Louis.

L'humour de New-York. (La Revue anglo-
americaine. Paris, 1929. in-8. v. 6, p. 393-405.)

Copy: NYPL (� DM). 373

Cazamiax, Madeleixe L.

L'autre Amerique. Paris: Librairie Honore
Champion, 1931. 328 p. in-16. 374

Contents: I. Flaneries: Gratte-ciels, la rue, pares et
musees, campagnes et banlieues. II. Tourisme: La voie
ferree et la route, environs de Berkeley, pares natio-
naux. in. Reflexions. Sentiments de famille, vie do-
mestique et independence feminine, education, valeurs

Without question this is one of the most intelligent
and understanding of the recent French books on

Copy: NYPL (ILD).

Cazeau, Fraxqois.

Deni de justice de la part des �tats-Unis de
l'Amerique Septentrionale. Nouvelle reclama-
tion de Francois Cazeau, citoyen Francois, ci-
devant negociant a Montreal, en Canada. Ad-
dressee au Directoire Executif. Paris, An vi.
15 p. in-8. 375

The grievance of a man who alleges that he was
swindled by the United States.
Copy: BM.

Cazexove, Theophile.

Cazenove journal 1794. A record of the jour-
ney of Theophile Cazenove through New Jersey
and Pennsylvania. (Translated from the
French.) Edited by R. W. Kelsey. Haverford:
The Pennsylvania History Press, 1922. 103 p.
illus. 8�. (Haverford College studies, no. 13.)


Cazenove, although born in Amsterdam, was de-



Cazenove, Theophile, continued

scended from a French family who had found refuge
from religious persecution in Switzerland late in the
16th century. He was the first agent for the Holland
Land Company in the United States. He subscribed
to the project which brought Brissot de Warville to the
United States; he was friendly with Talleyrand during
the latter years of his life; he died in Paris in 1811.
This is a translation of a manuscript journal in the
Library of Congress.

Copy: NYPL (* C, Haverford).

Celeste, Raymond.

Un petit-fils de Montesquieu en Amerique.
Bordeaux: Impr. de G. Gounouilhou, 1902. 30 p.
in-8 avec portrait. 377

Reprint from La Revue philomatique de Bordeaux
et du Sud-Ouest, annee 5, no. 12, Dec, 1902, p. 529-
556, in which form the material is available in NYPL.

Contains letter of Baron Montesquieu to M. Latapie,
dated at Newport January 29, 1781, p. 18-24.

Copies: LC; BN.

Cestre, Charles.

Professor Cestre, one of the best-known French
authorities on American affairs, holds the chair of
American Literature and Civilization at the Sorbonne.
His pamphlet on Harvard L'niversity, a lecture in
printed form, written while he was an instructor at
the University of Dijon, attracted wide attention and
comment at the time of its publication. He had just
returned from two years of graduate work at Harvard;
he was the first French student to complete his graduate
studies in English in an American university. Fol-
lowing his return to France he lectured and wrote
extensively, especially in La Revue de I'enseigncment
superieur, on American universities. When the chair
of American studies was established at the Sorbonne
in 1918 he was the logical candidate for the post, which
he has held since that time. For the other writings
of Professor Cestre, not contained in this bibliography,
see the catalogue of the NYPL.

Une grande universite americaine. L'uni-
versite Harvard. Dijon: Impr. J. Berthoud,
1899. 50 p. 8�. 378

Reprint from Bulletin des Amis de V universite de

Copies: NYPL (STG p.v.23, no. 5); MH.

L'usine et l'habitation ouvriere aux fitats-
Unis. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1921. xxxvi,
301 p. in-16. 379

Copies: NYPL (TDI) ; DL; BN.

Production industrielle et justice sociale en
Amerique. Paris: Gamier freres, 1921. xxix,

343 p. in-16. 380
Copies: NYPL (TMF); MB; BN.

Les fitats-Unis. Paris: Larousse, 1927.

344 p. in fol. a 2 col. 381
Copies: NYPL (tILH); MH; BN.

Ceuleneer, Adolphe de.

Le Colorado. Conference faite a la Societe
royale de geographie d'Anvers. Anvers, 1890.
27 p. gr. in-8. 382

Copies: LC; MH; HCW.

Chabrand, Smile.

De Barcelonnette au Mexique: Inde, Bir-

manie, Chine, Japon, fitats-Unis. Paris: E.

Plon, 1892. 472 p. in-18. fig. 383

Pages 201-226, 416-465 are devoted to the United

Copies: LC; BN.

Chambrun, Charles Adolphe de Pixeton,

marquis de.

Le pouvoir executif aux �tats-Unis. Rouse's

Point, N. Y.: J. Lovell, 1873. v p., 1 1., (1)6-

359 p. 8�. 384

This is the first edition of this work. The Paris
edition of 1876 is the American edition, but with a new
title-page carrying the imprint of Thorin.

Copies: NYPL (IBC) ; LC.

Paris: E. Thorin, 1876. vi, 362 p. in-8.

Copies: NYPL (SEF); MH. 385

2. ed., rev., cor. et augm., avec preface

de M. Pierre de Chambrun. Paris: A. Fonte-
moing, 1896. 2 p.l., xvi, 336 p., 1 1. 8�. 386

Copy: LC.

Executive power in the United States . . .
Translated ... by Mrs. Madeleine Vinton
Dahlgren. Lancaster, Pa.: Inquirer Printing
and Publ'g. Co., 1874. xvii, (1)19-288, 15 p.
12�. 387

Copies: NYPL (SEF); LC.

Droits et libertes aux fitats-Unis: leurs ori-
gines et leurs progres. Paris: E. Thorin, 1891.
543 p. in-8. 388

Copies: LC; MH.

Les conditions du travailleur aux fitats-Unis.
Rapports. Paris: Berger-Levrault & Cie., 1891.
Ill p. 8�. (Recueil de rapports sur les con-
ditions du travail dans les pays etrangers. ) 389

Copy: NYPL (TD).

See also Comite France-Amerique. — Mis-
sion Champlain, 1912.

Champion, fiDOUARD Jean Marie.

Retour d'Amerique. Introduction de M.
P. Peixotto. Versailles: Impr. F. Paillart, 1927.
73 p. in-16. 390

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v.364, no. 2); LC.

Le livre aux fitats-Unis. Paris: Renouard,
1927. 35 p. in-8. 391

Reprint from La Revue des deux tnondes, May 15
and June 1, 1927, in which form it is available in
NYPL (* DM).

Copies: MH; ICJ; HCW.

Chanal, Francois Victor Adolphe de.

L'armee americaine pendant la Guerre de se-
cession. Paris: Librairie du Dictionnaire des
arts et manufactures, 1872. 263 p. gr-in-8. 392

Copies: NYPL (IKC); LC; BN.

The American army in the War of secession
. . . Translated by ... M. J. O'Brien . . .
Leavenworth, Kan.: G. A. Spooner, 1894. 245 p.
8�. 393

Copy: NYPL (IKC).

Georges Gordon Meade, major general dans
l'armee reguliere des fitats-Unis. Paris: Impr.
de Vieville et Capiomont t1873j. 14 p. in-8. 394

Copies: LC; BN.

Chappe d'Auteroche, Jean.

Voyage en Californie pour l'observation du
passage de Venus sur le disque du soleil le 3
juin 1769 . . . Paris: chez Charles Antoine
Jombert, 1772. 172 p. small in-4. 395

Copies: NYPL (* KF, 1772); LC; HCW.



Chappe d'Auteroche, Jean, continued

A voyage to California, to observe the transit
of Venus . . . Also, a voyage to Newfoundland
and Sallee . . . Bv Monsieur de Cassini. Lon-
don: E. and C. DUlv, 1778. 4 p.l., 315 p., 1 plan.
8�. 396

Copies: NYPL (KBK); LC.

Charavay, �tienne.

Le general La Fayette, 1757-1834. Notice
biographique . . . Paris: Societe de l'histoire de
la revolution franchise, 1898. viii, 653 p. gr.
in-4. 397

Despite the recent extensive biographical writings
concerning La Fayette this book, never translated into
English, remains the best biography. Charavay made
extensive use of many unpublished manuscripts.

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Chasles, Victor Euphemion Philarete.

Les Americains et l'avenir de l'Amerique.
[Paris, 1850.) 398

Excerpt from Revue des deux mondes, nouv. periode,
annee 20, tome 6, p. 616-666, in which form the ma-
terial is available in NYPL (* DM).

Copy: MH (excerpt).

fitudes sur la litterature et les mceurs des
Anglo- Americains au xixe siecle. Paris: Am-
yot, 1851. viii, 515 p. in-12. 399

This important volume is composed of articles that
first appeared in La Revue des dcu.v mondes. Much
of the French knowledge of American literature and
civilization in the middle of the nineteenth century is
due to the writings and reviews of Chasles.

Copies: NYPL (IAC); LC; BN.

Anglo-American literature and manners . . .
New York: C. Scribner, 1852. xii, 312 p. 12�.

Copy: NYPL (NBB). 400

Moeurs et voyages; ou, Recits du Monde
nouveau. Paris: E. Didier, 1855. 327 p. in-18.

Copies: NYPL (KBK); BN. 401

Chasseloup-Laubat, Armand Eugene Pros-
per Louis Napoleon, marquis de.
Voyage en Amerique et principalement a Chi-
cago. Paris: 10 cite Rougemont, 1893. 90 p.,
plan. in-8. 402

Reprinted from Mcmoires of the Societe des in-
genieurs civils, annee 1892, volume 2, p. 723-802,
in which form the material is available in the NYPL.

Copies: ICJ; BN.

Chastellux, Franqois-Jean, marquis de.

Voyage de Newport a Philadephi [Std-j, Al-
bany, etc. Newport: Imp. rovale de l'escadre
[1781]. 188 p. in-4. 403

The NYPL copy has a mutilated title-page; the im-
print is wanting. This copy belonged to the Marquise
de Marbois — nee Elizabeth Moore — and contains
her signature. The Harvard Library copy, of which
the title-page is reproduced elsewhere in this bibliogra-
phy, has an added interest because it was presented
by Edouard Laboulaye to Charles Sumner. This title
is one of the rarest items of Franco-Americana. It was
printed on the press of the French fleet at Newport
in an edition of from 24 to 27 copies to save the trouble
of making manuscript copies which Chastellux wished to
circulate among his friends in Europe.

Copies: NYPL (*KD-1781); MH; HCW.

Voyage de M. le Chevalier de Chastellux en
Amerique. n.p., 1785. 228 p. in-8. 404

Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; LC; HCW.

Voyages de M. le marquis de Chastellux dans
l'Amerique septentrionale dans les annees 1780,
1781, & 1782. . . Paris: Chez Prault, Imprimeur
du Roi, 1786. 2 v. 8, 390 p., 1 map; 362 p., 1 1.,
1 map, 3 pi. in-8. 405

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Paris, 1788. 408, 251 p. 2. ed. in-8. 406

Travels in North- America, in the years 1780,
1781, and 1782. . . London: Printed for G. G. J.
and J. Robinson, 1787. 2 v. xv, 462 p., 2 maps;
xii, 432 p., 3 pi. illus. 1. ed. 8�. 407

Translated by George Greive or Grieve. See Pro-
cccdinas of Mass. Hist. Soc, 1869/70, p. 5-9.
Copies: NYPL (* KF); LC.

London: Printed for G. G. J. and J.

Robinson, 1787. 2 v. xv, 462 p., 1 map; xii,

432 p., 1 map, 3 pi. illus. 2. ed. 8�. 408

Copy: NYPL (* KF).

Travels in North- America, in . . . 1780-81-82.
Translated . . . [by J. Kent] . . . New York:
White, Gallaher & White, 1827. 416 p. 8�. 409

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Discours sur les avantages ou les desavan-
tages qui resultent, pour l'Europe, de la De-
couverte de l'Amerique. Par M. P. * * *, Vice-
Consul, a E [Franqois Jean, marquis de Chas-
tellux]. Londres et Paris: chez Prault, 1787.
68 p. in-8. 410

Attributed to Chastellux by Querard.
Copies: LC; BM.

Chateaubriand, Franqois August Rene,
vicomte DE.

For the interesting and highly-complicated questions,
both historical and literary, concerning Chateaubriand's
visit to America see under Kate Emma Armstrong,
Gilbert Chinard, and Fernand Baldensperger, the most
recent and competent authorities. Victor Giraud and
Joseph Bedier have also made important contributions
to the study of the early career of Chateaubriand.

The narrative of his travels is found in his Voyage
en Amerique (1826) and in the first volume of his
Mcmoires d'Outre-Tombe (1849). But the "nouvelle
muse" which he found in America, instead of the North-
west Passage, provided the inspiration for Atala (1801),
Rene (1805), and Les Natchez (written about 1797,
published in 1826).

Any detailed bibliography of Chateaubriand's writ-
ings would approach the size of a small volume. An
adequate and convenient bibliography is supplied by the
printed catalogue of the BN which contains some 713
entries. The items listed below are composed chiefly
of a few interesting editions of his writings on America
and other writings in which the influence of his Ameri-
can experience is most marked. For a more complete
idea of the collections of the NYPL on this subject
consult the card catalogues.

Essai historique, politique et moral sur les
revolutions anciennes et modernes, consider ees
dans leurs rapports avec la Revolution franchise.
Londres: J. Deboffe, 1717 [sic for 1797]. vi,
693 p. et tableaux in-8. 410D

This is the first edition. It has been republished
in the (Euvres completes, available in the NYPL.
Copy: BN.

Atala, ou les amours de deux sauvages dans
le desert. . . Paris: Impr. de Migneret, an xi —
1801. xxiv, 210 p. in-12. 410A

Copy: BN.



Chateaubriand, F. A. R., vicomte de, cont'd

Atala; or, The amours of two Indians in the
wilds of America. . . London: Printed for Tegg
and Castleman [etc., etc., 1803]. 44 p., 1 pi.
12�. 410B

Published anonymously.

Copies: NYPL (NCT p.v.106); LC.

Atala, Rene. Paris: Chez Le Normant, 1805.
2 p.l., 46, 331 p. illus. 16�. 410C

Copies: NYPL (*KL); BN.

The Natchez; an Indian tale. . . London: H.
Colburn, 1827. 3 v. 12�. 410E

Vol. 3 contains also Atala.
Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC.

Voyage en Amerique. Bruxelles: A. Weis-
senbruch, 1828. 2 v. 24�. 411

Copy: NYPL (HV).

Voyages en Amerique, en Italie . . . Paris:
Lefevre, Ladvocat, 1829. lix, 464 p. in-8. 412

Copy: BN.

Voyages en Italie et en Amerique. [Melanges
litteraires.] Lagny: Vialat & Cie. [1851.] 112 p.
f�. 413

Copy: NYPL (t NKS).

Paris: Gamier freres [1873]. 2 p.l.,

418 p. new ed. 12�. 414

Copy: NYPL (HV).

Travels in America and Italy . . . London:
Henry Colburn, 1828. 2 v. 8�. 415

Copy: NYPL (HV).

Chateaubriands Reise in Amerika. Ueber-
setzt von Dr. K. J. Perleb. Freiburg im Breis-
gau: Friedrich Wagner, 1828. 2 v. 16�. 416

Copy: NYPL (HV).

Memoires d' outre tombe. New York: P. Ar-
pin, 1848-49. 2 v. 518 p., 1 1.; 548 p., 1 1. 8�.

Copy: NYPL (AN). 416A

Chaumartin, H., joint author. See under
Barsas, Charles, and others.

Chaumont, L. de. See Le Ray de Chaumont,

Chauveau, Pierre Joseph Olivier.

Relation du voyage de son Altesse Royale le
prince de Galles en Amerique, reproduite du
"Journal de l'instruction publique du Bas-Ca-
nada," avec un appendice contenant divers adres-
ses, correspondances, etc. Montreal: E. Senecal,
1860 [i. e. 1861]. 148, xxvii p., 1 1., front, (port.)
illus., pi. gr.-in-8. 417

Last half originally written in English and translated
into French by James J. Phelan.

Copy: LC.

The visit of His Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales to America, reprinted from the "Lower
Canada Journal of Education," with an ap-
pendix containing poems, addresses, letters, etc.
Montreal: E. Senecal, 1860 ti. e. 1861]. 113 p.,
1 1., xxvi p., 1 1., front, (port.) illus., pi. 8�. 418

First half was originally written in French; trans-
lated into English by Joseph Lenoir.

Copy: LC.

Cheftele, Sophie.

Les forces morales aux �tats-Unis (l'eglise,
l'ecole, la femme). Paris: Payot, 1920. 212 p.
in-16. 419

Copies: NYPL (ILD); MH; BN.

Chevalier, Henri �mile.

Chevalier lived in the United States and Canada
from 1850 until March, 1860, when he returned to
France to recuperate from an illness caused by over-
work. His ten years in America were filled with activ-
ity. He was a novelist, journalist, translator, geog-
rapher, geologist, historian, and tourist. He was one
of the editors of the Courrier des Etats-Unis at New
York and was a correspondent of I'Orleanis at New
Orleans. In these two papers many of his novels
received their first publication. While in America
he is said to have published more than twenty volumes,
among which were La Vie a New-York in six volumes
and Les Deserts de V Amerique septentrionale in two
volumes. Sabin locates no copies of these works, nor
have I been able to locate copies or even definite
bibliographical information concerning them. Dionne
in his Canadian bibliography does not mention the
works of Chevalier that are reported to have been pub-
lished at Montreal.

L'enfer et le paradis de l'autre monde. Paris:
Librairie Centrale, 1866. 291 p. in-18. 420

First printed in Montreal in 1857.
Copy: BN.

Chevalier, Henri �mile, and Th. Labou-


Les trois Babylones — Paris — Londres —

New-York. Paris: Lecrivain et Toubon, 1864.

396 p. in-18. 421

Copies: MB; BN.

Chevalier, Henri �mile, and Florian

Un drame esclavagiste ; prologue de la se-
cession americaine; suivi Notes sur John
Brown, son proces et ses derniers moments.
Paris: Charlieu et Huilley (1864]. 2 p.l., 60 p.
illus. 4�. 421A

Copy: LC.

Le Nord et le Sud. L'espion noir, episode de
la guerre servile. Paris: E. Dentu, 1863. 305 p.
in-18. 421B

Copies: BM; BN.

Chevalier, Michel.

Chevalier (1806-1879), celebrated French economist,
was an important follower of Saint Simon, the founder
of modern socialism. He became active in the movement
and in 1830 became editor of Le Globe, a Parisian
daily newspaper. When the school at Menilmontant
was broken up by the authorities he was sentenced by
a French court to six months' imprisonment. M. Thiers,
under the advice of Legrand, sent him to the United
States to study railroads. He arrived in America in
December, 1833, and remained until October, 1835.
America charmed him from the day of his arrival.
"La vie en France est une perpetuelle station — ici
e'est un voyage perpetuel." Here he found a new
world, where the past had not yet imposed an oppressive
routine and where there were no great privileges of
birth. His letters addressed to the Journal des Debats
were very successful and established his reputation.
These letters were republished and form about a third
of the text of Les Lettres sur I' Amerique du Nord.
During his lengthy career as publicist and professor
he was constantly occupied in promoting the relations
between France and the United States. Among his
contemporaries he enjoyed a reputation equal to that
of his two distinguished contemporaries, de Tocqueville






// '' ' "■ - - ■ -■ ■ <■'■

Title-page of the rare voyage of Chastellux, printed in an edition of 24 copies on the press

of the French fleet at Newport in 1781. From the copy presented hy fidouard

Laboulaye, with inscriptions, to Charles Sumner, and now

in the Harvard Library.



Chevalier, Michel, continued

and Gustave de Beaumont. He remains one of the
most important French commentators on the United

Lettres sur l'Amerique du Nord. Paris: C.
Gosselin, 1836. 2 v. in-8 et carte. 422

Copies: LC; ICJ.

Lettres sur l'Amerique du Nord... fidition
speciale revue, corrigee, augmentee de plusieurs
chapitres. Paris: C. Gosselin, 1837. xvi, 439;
535 p. in-8 avec carte. 422A

Copy: NYPL (IID).

Bruxelles: Hauman, Cattoir et Cie.,

1837. 2 v. 2 pi., 484 p., 1 map; 2 p.l., 531 p.
map. 16�. 423

The BM catalogue lists a Bruxelles edition of 1827;
this can only be a printer's error.
Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Lettres sur l'Amerique du Nord . . . Troi-
sieme edition, revue, corrigee, augmentee de
plusieurs chapitres et d'une table raisonee des
matieres. Paris: C. Gosselin, 1838. 2 v. xvi,
439; 535 p. et carte, in-8. 424

This is the most complete and the most available
edition. It contains the same materials and the same
text as the special edition, published in Paris in 1837
by Gosselin. The catalogues of the BM and BN do
not indicate that they have copies of the 1837 or the
1838 editions. The NYPL copy, lacking the title-page,
has been misdated 1836 instead of 1838.

Copy: NYPL (IID).

Society, manners and politics in the United
States: being a series of letters on North Amer-
ica. Translated from the third Paris edition.
Boston: Weeks, Jordan and Company, 1839.
iv, 467 p. 8�. 424A

Copy: NYPL (IID).

Briefe iiber Nord-Amerika. . . Aus dem
franzosischen. Leipzig: P. Reclam, junr., 1837.
4 v. 16�. 424B

Copy: NYPL (IID).

Histoire et description des voies de com-
munication aux �tats-Unis, et des travaux d'art
qui en dependent. Paris, 1840-41. 2 v. in-4. 425

Copies: NYPL (TSB and tTSB); LC; BN.

Paris: C. Gosselin, 1840-43. 2 v. in 3.

xiii, 542 p., 1 I.; 582, xv p. 4�. 426

Copy: NYPL (TSB).

Table analytique et alphabetique des ma-
tieres. Paris: Capelle, 1857. lii p. in-4. 427
Copy: BN.

La liberte aux �tats-Unis. Paris: Capelle,
1849. 56 p. in-8. 428

Copies: LC; MB; BN.

La France, le Mexique et les �tats Confe-
deres. [By Michel Chevalier.] Paris: E. Dentu,
1863. 31 p. 8�. 428A

Attributed to Chevalier.
Copies: NYPL (1KB); LC.

France, Mexico, and the Confederate States.
Translated by W. H. Hurlbut. New York,
1863. 16 p. 8�. 429

Copy: NYPL (1KB p.v.3, no. 17).

Cheverus, Jean Louis Anne Magdeleine
Lefebvre de.
. . . Some friendly letters (from A. D. 1814
to 1823) from Cardinal Cheverus, first bishop
of Boston. From the originals with introduction
and notes by Isabel M. O'Reilly. (American
Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia.
Records. Philadelphia, 1903-04. 8�. v. 14,
p. 299-382, 439-514; v. 15, p. 83-112.) 429 A

Copies: NYPL (IAA) ; LC.

See also under Huen-Dubourg, J., pseud, of
A. J. M. Hamon.

Chevrillon, Andre.

fZtudes anglaises. Paris: Hachette, 1901.
357 p. in-16. 430

"Les �tats-Unis et la vie americaine," p. 27—77.
Copies: MB; BN.

Paris: Hachette, 1920. 357 p. 4. ed. 12�.

(Bibliotheque de litterature.) 431

Copies: NYPL (NKW) ; MH.

Nouvelles etudes anglaises. Paris: Hachette
& Cie., 1910. 2 p.l., 328 p., 1 1. 12�. 432

"L'avenir aux Etats-Unis," p. 131-190.
Copies: MB; NjP.

Paris: Hachette et C;e, 1918. 328 p. 2.

ed. 12�. 433

Copies: NYPL (NKW); MH.

Chinard, Gilbert.

The study of Franco-American relations is indebted
to no one scholar more than to Gilbert Chinard, pro-
fessor of French Literature at Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity. His editorial labors have made available to the
world of scholarship many unpublished manuscripts of
Volney, Du Pont de Nemours, La Fayette, and Jeffer-
son. His original contributions first opened up the
field for the study of "l'exotisme americain" in French
literature from the sixteenth to the nineteenth cen-
turies. His recent activities include a biography of
Thomas Jefferson and a forthcoming study of John

Notes sur le voyage de Chateaubriand en
Amerique (juillet-decembre, 1791). Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1915. (1)270-
349 p. 8�. (University of California publica-
tions in modern philology, v. 4, no. 2.) 434

Copies: NYPL (STG — Cal.); LC.

Yolney et l'Amerique d'apres des documents
inedits et sa correspondance avec Jefferson.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press et les Presses
L'niversitaires, 1923. 207 p. gr. in-8. (Johns
Hopkins studies in Romance literatures and
languages, v. 1.) 435

Copies: NYPL (RDTA — Johns) ; LC.

...Trois amities franchises de Jefferson,
d'apres sa correspondance inedite avec Madame
de Brehan, Madame de Tesse et Madame de
Corny. Paris: Societe d'edition "Les Belles
lettres," 1927. vi, 242 p., 1 1. 12�. 435A

Copies: NYPL (AN, Jefferson); LC; BN.

The letters of Lafayette and Jefferson, with
introduction and notes by Gilbert Chinard. Bal-
timore: Johns Hopkins Press; Paris: Les Bel-
les Lettres, 1929. xiv, 443 p. gr. in-8. 436

Copy: NYPL (IAW).



Chixard, Gilbert, continued

Houdon in America. A collection of docu-
ments in the Jefferson papers in the Library
of Congress; edited by Gilbert Chinard . . .
with an introduction by F. H. Taylor. Balti-
more: Johns Hopkins Press, 1930. 51 p. in-4.
(Institut frangais de Washington . . . Historical
documents. Cahier 4.) 437

Copies: NYPL (IAG) ; LC.

Choris, Ludovik.

Voyage pittoresque autour du monde, avec des
portraits de sauvages d'Amerique, d'Asie,
d'Afrique, et des iles du grand Ocean; des
paysages, des vues maritimes, et plusieurs ob-
jets d'histoire naturelle, accompagne de de-
scriptions par M. le baron Cuvier et M. A.
de Chamisso . . . Paris: P. Didot, 1822. 9
parts in 1 v. illus. f�. 438

Includes a ten-page account of San Francisco in
1816, and a three-page description of the grizzly bear.
Illustrated by fourteen views of San Francisco and its
vicinity, and of Californian Indians.

Copies: NYPL; LC; BN.

San Francisco one hundred years ago. Trans-
lated from the French of Louis Choris by Porter
Garnett. With illustrations from drawings
made by Choris in the year 1816 . . . San Fran-
cisco: A. M. Robertson, 1913. v, 20 p., 21 pi.
12�. 439

"The description of San Francisco here presented for
the first time in an English translation constitutes one
chapter of a work entitled Voyage pittoresque autour
du monde. . . Paris, 1822."
Copies: NYPL (IXH); LC.

Chotteau, Leon.

Chotteau, known chiefly for his writings on the
French participation in the American Revolution, has
also written many pamphlets on the American tariff
and Franco-American commercial relations. He was
active in that movement which sent the Statue of
Liberty to the United States.

Les Americains d'aujourd'hui: Andrew John-
son. Paris: G. Retaux, 1868. 31 p. in-8. 440
Copies: NYPL (AGZ p.v.35, no. 13); MH; BX.

Les veritables republicans. Biographies de
Ulysses S. Grant, president, et Schuyler Col-
fax, vice-president de la republique des fitats-
Unis. Paris: Degorce-Cadot, 1869. 35 p. 2. ed.
in-18. 441

Copy: BN.

L'instruction en Amerique. Paris: Rodiere,
1873. 106 p. in-12. 442

Copy: BN.

Le traite franco-americain: documents pour
servir aux negotiateurs. Paris: Sandoz et
Fischbacher, 1878. xix, 111 p. in-16. 443

Copies: LC; BN.

Paris: Guillaumin & Cie., 1880. 516 p.

8�. 444

Copy: NYPL (TLV).

France et Amerique: mes deux campagnes
aux �tats-Unis. 1878-1879. Paris: au siege du
Comite francos, 1879. 190 p. in-8. 445

With introduction by Auguste Desmoulins.

Copies: NYPL (TLH); LC; BN.

Franco-American treaty of commerce. My
two campaigns in the United States. 1878-1879.
New York: [Macgowan & Slipper,] 1879. 114 p.,
1 table. 8�. 446

Copies: NYPL (TLC p.v.29, no. 14); LC.

Mes campagnes aux �tats-Unis et en France
1878-1885. Paris: E. Dentu, 1893. 704 p. in-12.

Copies: NYPL (TLC); LC; BN.

Les Citoyens francois habitans des Etats-
unis de L' Amerique Septentrionale, a leur pat-
rie, a ses Representans. 17 p. 8�. 447A

This uncommon pamphlet, which has neither pub-
lisher, printer, place nor date of publication was
doubtless printed in the latter part of 1793 or the
beginning of 1794. It is primarily a complaint, elo-
quently bitter, against certain French consuls, among
them d'Annery, for their anti-republican conduct to-
ward the privateer La Marseilloise in Boston. "Ci-
toyens, La Republique salaire un nombre de Consuls en
Amerique; e'est autant de serpens que la revolution
avoit engourdis, et que la Republique rechauffe dans

son sem. . .

Claes, J. J. B.

Expose des motifs a l'appui d'un projet de
colonisation beige a fonder dans les etats de
l'union americain par J. J.B. C[laeS]. Bruxelles:
Joostens, 1856. 447B

Claes was a Belgian who founded an unhappy colony
in Pennsylvania. This item is reported to me by Dr.
Maurice Chazin.

Claflin, Avery, collaborator. See Fay, Ber-

Claretie, Leo Eugene Hector.

Feuilles de route aux fitats-Unis. Paris: E.
Dentu [1895]. 293 p. in-12. 448

Among other curious remarks the author observed
that the "Sleeping Indian" mountain in Yellowstone
National Park looked like Napoleon III.

Copies: MH; BN.

La vallee f umante ; roman . du Far-West
americain; illustrations de E. Zier. Tours: A.
Mame et fils [1914]. 320 p., 1 pi. illus. 12�.


Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Claviere, �tienne, joint author. See Brissot
de Warville, Jacques Pierre, and
�tienne Claviere.

Clemexceau, Georges.

American reconstruction, 1865-1870, and the
impeachment of President Johnson. Translated
by Margaret MacYeagh, introduction by Fer-
nand Baldensperger. New York: Dial Press,
L. MacVeagh, 1928. 300 p. in-8. 450

Copies: NYPL (IKR); LC.

See also Geffroy, Gustave.

Clement, Marguerite.

L'ame americaine vue par une Franchise.
Paris: a l'CEuvre [1918]. 95 p. in-16. 451

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v.33, no. 3); MH; BN.

La vente du livre frangais aux �tats-Unis.
Paris: Societe d'exportation des editions fran-
chises, 1919. 42 p. in-4. 452

Copy: BN.



Clerc, Alexis.

Vovage au pays du petrole. Paris: A. De-
1882,. 324 n. in-18.


Voyage au pays du petrole
gorce-Cadot (1882]. 324 p. in-
Copy: BN.

Chez les Yankees. Paris: Librairie generate
de vulgarisation (1884). 219 p. in-18 avec fig.


In this item a printer's error gives him the name of
Alexandre Clerc. It is composed of materials that were
already published in his Voyage au pays du petrole.

Copies: LC; BN.

Clermont-Tonnerre, Elisabeth (de Gra-
mont), duchesse de.

U. S. A. Petites notes sur un grand pays.
Paris: Bernard Grasset, 1921. 153 p. in-16. 455

Copies: NYPL (I AG p.v.104, no. 1); MB; BN;
Amer. Lib., Paris.

Cleron, Othenin de. See under Hausson-
ville, Gabriel Paul Othenin de Cleron,
co.mte d'.

Closen, Baron de. See under Bowen, Clar-
ence Winthrop.

colleville, ludovic, comte de.

Les missions secretes du general-major baron
de Kalb et son role dans la guerre de l'inde-
pendance americaine. Paris: Perrin, 1885.
161 p. in-12. 456

Publishes much of Kalb's original correspondence.
Copies: LC; MH; BN.

Collot, Victor.

General Collot was a French officer who had served
with Rochambeau during the American revolutionary
war. In 1796 he undertook, at the request of Adet,
the French ambassador to the United States, to furnish
a detailed memoir on the western regions of the United
States, the Ohio and Mississippi vaileys. His voyage
from Pittsburgh to New Orleans required from March
to December, 1796. He died in 1805 and his manu-
script remained unpublished until 1826. From the un-
usual copy in the NYPL it will be seen that the Voyage
was printed, but not published, in 1804.

Voyage dans l'Amerique septentrionale . . .
A Paris: Chez , An xm — 1804. 2 v. 8�.


Note on NYPL card: "Original issue, printed but
not published before the author's death; v. 1 has title-
page as above, probably a proof copy, with blank space
for publisher's name; v. 2 is without title-page.

Copy: NYPL (� KF-1804).

Paris: A. Bertrand, 1826. 2 v. iv, viii,

416; 427 p. in-8 et 1 atlas in-fol. 458

Copies: NYPL CKF-1826); LC; BN.

A journey in North America, containing a
survey of the countries watered by the Mis-
sissippi, Ohio, Missouri and other affluing riv-
ers .. . Paris: Arthur Bertrand, 1826. 2 v.
310: 372 p. and atlas. 4�. 459

Copies: LC; BM.

Paris: Printed for Arthur Bertrand,

1826. [Repr.: Firenze: O. Lange, 1924.) 2 v.
and atlas of 36 pi. 4�, f�. 460

Copies: NYPL CKF-1924); LC.

See also under Villiers du Terrace, Marc,
baron de.

Combier, Cyprien.

Voyage au golfe de Californie — Nuits de la
zone torride. Paris: A. Bertrand, 1864. xvi,
544 p. in-8 et carte. 461

Copies: NYPL (KBK); LC.

Comettant, Jean Pierre Oscar.

Trois ans aux fitats-Unis. fitude de mceurs
et coutumes americaines. Paris: Paguerre,
1857. 364 p. in-12. 462

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; BN.

Paris, 1858. 392 p. 2. ed. in-18. 463

Copy: BN.

Le Nouveau Monde, scenes de la vie ameri-
caine. Preface par Louis Jourdain. Paris: Pa-
guerre, 1861. xvi, 375 p. in-16. 464

Copies: NYPL (IID); MdBP; BN.

Les civilisations inconnues. Paris: Paguerre,
1863. 401 p. in-16. 465

Discusses the Mormons in Utah, Joseph Smith, etc.
Copies: NYPL (KAT); MH; BN.

Las civilizaciones desconocidas. Mexico: I.
Cumplido, 1874. 232 p. 12�. 465A

Copy: NYPL (BAC).

L'Amerique, telle qu'elle est; voyage anec-
dotique de Marcel Bonneau dans le nord et le
sud des �tats-Unis, excursion au Canada.
Paris: A. Faure, 1864. 392 p. in-16. 466

Copies: NYPL (IID); MH; BN.

En Amerique, en France et ailleurs. Paris:
Bureaux du siecle [1865]. p. 107-241. in-4. 467
Copy: BN.

Voyage pittoresque et anecdotique dans le
nord et le sud des fitats-Unis d'Amerique.
Paris: A. Laplace, 1866. viii, 469 p. in-4. 468

The text of this is substantially that of L'Amerique,

telle qu'elle est;..., published in 1864.
Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

Le naufrage de l'Evening Star et la colere
celeste en Amerique . . . Paris: A. Faure, 1866.
32 p. in-8. 469

Copies: MH; BN.

La musique de la garde republicaine en Ame-
rique, histoire complete et authentique. Paris:
Impr. de Boullay, 1894. 292 p. in-8. 470

Copy: BN.

Comite France-Amerique. — Mission

Champlain. 1912.

La Mission Champlain aux fitats-Unis et au

Canada. Avril-mai 1912. Paris: Editions

France-Amerique, 1913. 225 p. in-4. 471

Authors are as follows: Hanotaux, Gabriel; Bar-
thou, Louis; Bazin, Rene; d'Estournelles de Constant,
P.; Lamy, Etienne; Lebon, General; V idal de La
Blache; Cormon; Chambrun, comte de; Dandurand, R.;
Fuller, P.; Gosselin; Montpetit, E.; Bleriot, Louis;
Deschamps, Gaston; Gignoux, Regis; Muret, Maurice;
Louis-Garay, Gabriel.

Copies: NYPL (tlAG); LC; Amer. Univ. Union

Compayre, Gabriel.

L'enseignement secondaire aux �tats-Unis.
Paris: Hachette, 1896. 231 p. in-8. 471 A

Copies: NYPL (STE); LC; BN.



Compayre, Gabriel, continued

L'enseignement superieur aux �tats-Unis.
Paris: Hachette, 1896. 306 p. in-8. 47 IB

Both the above items are "Rapports de la delegation
envoyee a l'Exposition colombienne de Chicago par le
Ministere de l'lnstruction Publique. 1893."

Copies: NYPL (STE); LC; BN.

L'enseignement primaire aux �tats-Unis du-
rant l'annee 1898-1899. Paris: C. Delagrave,
1899. 33 p. 8�. 471C

Reprint: Revue pedagogique, Nov. IS, 1899.
Copy: LC.

Education in the United States. [New York,]
cop. 1901. 32 p. 16�. 471D

Reprint: School journal, June 1 and 8, 1901.
Copy: LC.

Horace Mann and the public school in the
United States . . . Translated by Mary D. Frost.
New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. [Cop.
1907.] vi, 3-134 p. 12�. (Pioneers in edu-
cation.) 471E

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Les Conditions du travail aux �tats-Unis.
i. fitats-Unis [Mis de Chambrun). n. �tat de
New York [Vte d'AbzaC]. in. fitats compris
dans la circonscription du Consulat de France a
Chicago [M. Bruwaert]. Rapports transmis au
Ministre des Affaires fitrangeres . . . Paris,
1891. Ill p. in-8. 472

Issued as one of the series "Recueil de rapports sur
les conditions du travail dans les pays etrangers."
Copies: NYPL (TD, France); BN.

Cons, Louis.

Les �tats-Unis de 1789 a 1912. Paris: Nou-
velle librairie nationale, 1912. xxv, 243 p. in-16.


This book was written by the author while he was
in America studying institutions and public opinion.
Copies: LC; MB; BN.


Considerant (1808-1893) at the age of twenty-one
adopted the very unpopular communistic doctrines of
Fourier, at whose death in 1837, he became the chief
of the movement. He was the real founder of the
cooperative movement in France. Accused of treason,
he fled to Belgium in 1849 and came to New York in
1852. There he received the support of Albert Bris-
bane and made a journey to Texas. His highly en-
thusiastic account of that territory, An Texas, pub-
lished in many editions, received wide attention. He
formed a company and in 1855 settled at Reunion,
several miles from Dallas. After several years it
failed, and Considerant settled in San Antonio, re-
turning to Paris in 1869, and dying obscurely in 1893.

Au Texas. Paris: Librairie phalansterienne,
1854. 194 p. in-8. 474

Copies: NYPL (ITR) ; MH; BN.

The great West. A new social and industrial
life in its fertile regions. New York: Dewitt
& Davenport, 1854. 2 p.l., 60 p. 8�. 474A

Copy: LC.

European colonization in Texas; an address
to the American people. New York, 1855. 38 p.
8�. 475

Copy: NYPL (ITR p.v.4, no. 1).

Du Texas. Premier rapport a mes amis.
Paris: Librairie societaire, 1857. 80 p. in-8. 476
Copy: BN.

See also under Dommanget, Maurice.


La capitulation d'Yorktown et le Comte de
Grasse. (La Revue d'histoire diplomatique.
Paris, 1928. in-8. annee 42, p. 378-399.) 477

Publishes for the first time extracts from the manu-
script "Journal de mes campagnes de l'Amerique depuis
le 5 juillet 1781 jusqu'au 12 avril 1782, par le marquis
de Saint-Simon."

Copy: NYPL (BAA).

Deux documents sur la guerre d'Amerique.

I. L'Artillerie franchise a la prise de York-
town. 1781. [Letter of Baron de Verton to
Comte de Segur in 1826.]

ii. L'Amiral de Grasse et la bataille des
Saintes, 1782. [Extracts from the journal of
M. de Saint-Simon.] (Revue d'histoire diplo-
matique. Paris, 1930. 8�. annee 44, p. 20-34.)

Copy: NYPL (BAA).


Mes voyages dans les deux Ameriques, Nord
et Sud. Verviers: [E. Gilon,] 1881. 92 p. in-12.


Copy: LC.

Corcos, Fernand.

L'Amerique . . . un Paradis? [Paris: j fiditions
Montaigne [1929,. 132 p. in-8. 480

First published in L'CEuvre.
Copies: NYPL (HAEp.v.65); LC.

Cormon. See Comite France-Am erique. —
Mission Champlain, 1912.

Correspondence of the French ministers to
the United States, 1791-1797. Edited by Fred-
erick Jackson Turner. Washington, D. C, 1904.
1110 p. 8�. (American Historical Association.
Annual report for 1903, v. 2.) 481

Correspondence: Jean de Ternant, p. 43-200; Genet,
p. 201-286; Joseph Fauchet, p. 287-719; Pierre Auguste
Adet, p. 731-1009; Letombe, p. 1016-1096.

Copies: NYPL (IAA) ; LC.


Voyage au pays des Osages. Un tour en
Sicile. Paris: Chez Arthus Bertrand, 1837.
94 p. 8�. 482

Wagner states that: "Cortambert in 1835 went out
from St. Louis to the Osage Agency and the Union
Mission by way of Independence."

"Excursion au cataractes du Niagara. Juin 1833,"
p. 85-94.

Copies: NYPL (HBC; photostat reproduction); LC;

La guerre americaine; discours prononce
devant l'lnstitut-Canadien le 6 novembre 1863.
Montreal: Presses du journal le Pays, 1863.
11 p. 8�. 482A

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v. 393); LC.




�tats-Unis d'Amerique. Histoire de la guerre
civile americaine (1860-1865). Paris: Amyot,
1867. 2 v. 389 p. in-8 avec portraits, cartes. 483

Copies: NYPL (IK); LC; BN.

Le general Grant, esquisse biographique.
New York: H. de Mareil, 1868. 34 p. 8�.
(Bibliotheque du Messager franco-americain.)


Copies: NYPL (AN p.v.156, no. 10); LC.


Paris — New York. Paris: Editions de la
Nouvelle revue critique (Cop. 1930]. 77 p. maps,
pi., ports, in-16. (La vie d'aujourd'hui. no.
13.) 483B

Copy: NYPL (• C p.v.2275).


Notre tour de la terre. Paris: Librairie
Hachette, 1928. 268 p. in-16 avec photographies.


Pages 180-220 are devoted to their travels in the
United States in 1927. Their route was the following:
Brownsville, Texas; New Orleans; Montgomery, Ala.;
Washington, D. C; New York; Detroit; Chicago;
Rock Springs, Wyoming; San Francisco.

Copies: NYPL (VDY) ; LC.


Six mille lieuos en soixante jours (Amerique
du Nord). Auxerre: Impr. de G. Perriquet,
1877. 1 p.l., 138 p., 1 1. in-8 et carte. 485

Copies: LC; MH; BN.

Promenades dans les deux Ameriques ( 1876—
1877). Paris: G. Charpentier, 1880. 2 p.l., 320 p.
in-12 et cartes. 486

Copies: NYPL (HAY, 1886); LC; BX.

Cotton, L. de.

A travers le Dominion et la Californie.
Paris: Retaux Bray, 1888. 205 p. in-8. 487

Copies: NYPL; BN.

Coubertix, Pierre, barox de.

Universites transatlantiques. Paris: Hach-
ette, 1890. 381 p. in-16. 488

Copies: NYPL (SSW); LC; BN.

Souvenirs d'Amerique et de Grece. Paris:
Hachette et O*. 1897. 181 p., 1 1. 12�. 489

Contents: (p. 3-98): Chicago. L'Ouest americain.
Sur la cote de Californie. Le mouvement universitaire
aux Etats-Unis. Les sports de glace. La mission des

Copies: NYPL; BN.

Coue, �mile.

My method, including American impressions.
London: William Heinemann, Ltd., 1923. 201 p.
in-8. 490

Copy: BM.

Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Page &

Company, 1923. xx, 201 p., 1 port. 12�. 491
Copies: NYPL (YWD); LC.

Coulon, �mile. See Coulon de Jumoxville,

Coulox de Jumoxville, �mile.

America past and present; or, Simple and
strenuous life — Manhattan — New York.
[New York: D. V. Wein, 1902., 2 p.l., (1)4-9 p.
illus. (port.) 8�. 492

Manhattan-New York: as pictured in 1900 is in
verse (p. 7-9). Coulon de Jumonville was a professor
of French in New York and was the author of numerous
fugitive productions.

Copies: NYPL (IL p.v.ll); LC.

Realistic descriptions of American life and
institutions. Prophetic letters on the Dreyfus
affair. [By the author of "American and To-
rontian pen pictures," "America past and pres-
ent, or Simple and strenuous life," fimile Cou-
lon de Jumonville.i New York: D. V. Wien
icop. 1905,. 48 p. 8�. 493

Copy: NYPL (NCZ).

Courmoxt, Felix de.

Des �tats-Unis, de la guerre du Mexique,
et de l'ile de Cube [.nc.'j. Paris: Moquet, 1847.
30 p. in-8. 494

Copies: NYPL (UN); BX.

Crepy, Auguste.

A travers les fitats-Unis: notes de voyage 6
avril - 18 aout 1889. Lille: Impr. L. Danel,
1890. 84 p. gr-in-8 avec tables et une carte.


Copy: BN.

Creuse, Paul.

Une promenade autour du monde (1882).
Limoges: Eugene Ardant et Cie. [1882., 2 p.l.,
vii-viii, 9-124 p., 1 1., 10 pi. 8�. 496

Pages 25-75 are devoted to the United States.

Contents: A New- York. Les chemins de fer ameri-
cains — De New-York a Chicago. Chicago — Le chemin
de fer Union-Pacific. Le chemin de fer Central-Pacific.
San-Francisco — Aper<;u historique sur les Etats-Unis.

Copy: NYPL (KBG).

Crevecceur, Michel Guillaume St. Jean de.

Crevecceur first came to New York in 1759, where
six years later he became a naturalized American
citizen. His Letters from an American Farmer, one
of the popular and influential books of the eighteenth
century, was probably written between 1769 and 1780,
when he returned to France. In 1783 he returned to
the United States, when he became the French consul
at New York. He remained there until 1790, when he
returned to France for the last time. For a brief and
convenient bibliography see the Dictionary of American
Biography, iv, 544. The Hugh C. Wallace Library
contains a lengthy unpublished manuscript of Creve-
cceur which merits publication.

Letters from an American Farmer, describing
certain provincial situations, manners and cus-
toms not generally known and conveying some
idea of the late and present interior circum-
stances of the British Colonies in North
America, written for the information of a friend
in England, bv J. Hector St. Jean. London:
T. Davies, 1782. 318 p. in-8; map. 497

Copies: NYPL (* KF - 1782); LC; BN.

A new ed., with an accurate index. Lon-
don: Printed for T. Davies, 1783. 7 p.l., 326 p.,
2 folded maps. 8�. 498

Copy: NYPL (* KF-1783).



Crevecceur, M. G. St. J. de, continued

Philadelphia: From the press of Mathew

Carey, March 4, 1793. viii, (1)10-240 p. 12�.
Copies: NYPL (• KD) ; LC. 499

Letters from an American farmer. Reprinted
from the original ed . . . New York: Fox, Duf-
field & Co., 1904. xxxvii, 355 p. 8�. 500

Copies: NYPL (IF); LC.

Letters from an American farmer . . . Lon-
don: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. [1913.] xxiii, 256 p.
12�. 501

Copies: NYPL (IF); LC.

Lettres d'un cultivateur americain, ecrites a
W. S. [William Setonj, ecuyer, depuis l'annee
1770, jusqu'a 1781, traduites de l'anglois par
* * *. Paris: Cuchet, 1784. 2 v. in-8. 502

Written and translated by Crevecceur with letters
by Lacratelle which serve as an introduction.
Copies: NYPL (*KF); LC; BN.

Voyage dans la Haute Pennsylvanie et dans
l'etat de New-York, par un membre adoptif de
la Nation Oneida. Traduit et publie par l'auteur
des Lettres d'un cultivateur americain. Paris:
Maradan, an xi — 1801. 3 v. in-8. 503

Copies: NYPL (*KF); LC; BN.

Letter from St. Jean de Crevecceur. (Massa-
chusetts Historical Society. Proceedings. Bos-
ton, 1923. 8�. v. 55, p. 42-46.) 504

Copies: NYPL (IAA); LC.

Crevecoeur on the Susquehanna, 1774-1776.
Edited with introduction by H. L. Bourdin and
S. T. Williams. (Yale review. Concord, N. H.,
1925. 8�. v. 14, p. 552-584.) 505

Copies: NYPL (* DA); LC.

Sketches of eighteenth century America.
More "Letters from an American Farmer."
Edited by H. L. Bourdin, R. H. Gabriel, and S.
T. Williams. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1925. 342 p. in-8. 506

Copies: NYPL (IF); LC; Am. Lib., Paris.

See also Mitchell, Julia Post.

Crevecceur, Robert St. Jean de.

Saint Jean de Crevecceur, sa vie et ses ou-
vrages (1735-1813). Paris: Librairie des biblio-
philes, 1883. iv, 435 p. in-8. 507

Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; LC.

Cromot du Bourg, Marie Franqois Joseph
Maxime, baron.
Diary of a French officer, 1781. (Magazine
of American history. New York, 1880. 8�.
v. 4, March, 1880, p. 205-214; April, 1880,
p. 293-308; May, 1880, p. 376-385; June, 1880,
p. 441-449.) 508

Thought to be the diary of Cromot du Bourg.
Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Croonenberghs, Charles.

A Belgian and a member of the Society of Jesus.

Trois ans dans l'Amerique septentrionale
(1885, 1886, 1887). Les �tats-Unis. Paris:
Delhomme et Briguet, 1892-93. 4 v. in-8. 509

Contents: i. Le Canada, n - in. Les Etats-Unis.
iv. Le Mexique.

Copies: NYPL (ILD; v. 2-3 only); BN.

Croquet, Adrian J.

Monsignor Adrian J. Croquet, Indian mis-
sionary (1818-1902), and some of his letters.
Compiled with notes by the Rev. J. Van der
Heyden . . . (American Catholic Historical
Society of Philadelphia. Records. Philadelphia,
1905-06. 8�. v. 16, p. 121-161, 268-295, 456-
462; v. 17, p. 86-96, 220-242, 267-288.) 510

Copies: NYPL (IAA) ; LC.

Cucheval-Clarigny, Athanase.

Histoire de la presse en Angleterre et aux
�tats-Unis. Paris: Amyot, 1857. 551 p. in-12.

Copies: NYPL (NARF); LC. 511

The election of Mr. Lincoln: a narrative of
the contest in 1860 for the presidency of the
United States. Translated from the "Revue des
deux Mondes" by Sir Willoughby Jones, bart.
London: James Ridgway [1861]. 91 p. in-8. 512

Copies: NYPL (IKA p.v.9) ; LC.

D., A.

La guerre civile aux fitats-Unis, impuissance
du Nord, l'independance du Sud inevitable. Par
A. D. . . revenu tout recemment des �tats-Unis.
Paris: E. Dentu, 1862. 32 p. in-8. 513

Copies: MBAt; BN.

Dabadie, F.

Recits et types americains. Paris: Sartorius,
1860. 384 p. in-16. 514

Deals principally with South America, with the ex-
ception of chap, xii, p. 366-382, entitled "Le Premier

Copies: NYPL (HCK); LC; BN.

Dalmas, Charles Joseph. See under du Pont,
Eleuthere Irenee.

Damseaux, �milede.

Voyage dans l'Amerique du Nord. Mons: E.
Dacquin; Paris: Hachette, 1878. vi, 321 p. in-
16 avec illus. 515

An interesting, enthusiastic account of his travels
in America, chiefly to New York, Philadelphia, Wash-
ington, Cincinnati, Chicago, New Orleans, and Niagara.

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

Dandieu, A., joint author. See under Aron,
R., and A. Dandieu. Le cancer americain.

Dandridge, N. P.

Antoine Francois Saugrain (de Vigni).
(American Surgical Association. Transactions.
Philadelphia, 1904. 8�. v. 22, p. 1-17.) 515A

This valuable article contains (p. 4-11) Saugrain's
"Relation of a trip down the Ohio River" translated
by Eugene Bliss. Saugrain set out from Pittsburgh
in March, 1788, and travelled considerably until 1790.
His travels are summarized in this article.

Copies: NYPL (WIA) ; DSG.

Dandurand, R.. See Comite France-Ame-
rique. Mission Champlain, 1912.

Danel, Herman.

Mon premier voyage en Amerique. Notes et
impressions. [Paris: Impr. des orphelins-ap-
prentis d'Auteuil, 1928?] 93 p. in-4 et gravures.

Copies: NYPL (ILH); BN. 516

See also Dialogue entre Deux Mondes.



Daniel, Louis.

La guerre aux fitats-Unis. (Topbgraphie,
moeurs, histoire, documents diplomatiques et po-
liticoes.) Paris: Jules Vanackere, 1862. 156 p.
gr-in-8 avec carte. 517

Copies: LC; MBAt; HCW.

David, John Baptist Mary. See Fox, Sister

Davignon, Hexri.

Heures americaines. Bruxelles, 1926. 89 p.
gr. in-8. 518

Reprints of three articles first published in La Revue
generate, tome 116 (1926), Aug. 15, p. 129-157;
Sept. 15, p. 257-290; Oct. 15, p. 420-445, in which
form the material is available in NYPL (* DM).

Copy: BX.

Dax, Armaxd Louis, vicomte de, and L. Rey.
Voyage aux fitats-Unis d' Amerique par une
delegation de la Societe des ingenieurs civils de
France en aoiit, septembre, octobre 1893. Paris,
1893. 40 p. in-8. 519

Reprinted from the Memoires et comptes rendus of
the Societe des ingenieurs civils de France, annee 1893,
v. 2, p. 343-378. in which form the material is available
in NYPL (VDA).

Copy: BN.

Daye, Pierre.

Sam, ou Le vovage dans l'optimiste Amerique.
Paris: Perrin et Cie., 1922. 253 p. in-16. 520

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN.

Debat, Francois.

New York: images mouvantes. Dessins
d'Henriette Delalain. Paris: aux Publications
du Centre, 35 rue des Petits-Champs, 1929.
79 p. in-4. 521

Copies: NYPL (IRGV); HCW.

Deby, P. N. H.

De l'agriculture en Europe et Amerique, con-
sidered et comparee dans les interets de la
France et de la monarchic Paris: Mme. Hu-
zard, 1825. 2 v. in-8. 522

Said to have travelled in America.
Copies: DA; BN.

Delacroix, Jacques Vixcent.

Thought to have travelled in America.

Memoires d'un Americain avec une descrip-
tion de la Prusse et de l'lsle de Saint Dominique.
Par l'Auteur des lettres d'Affi a Zurac et de
celles d'un Philosophe sensible. Lausanne and
Paris: V. Regnard, 1771. 2 v. xxiv, 240; 191 p.
in-12. 523

Copies: NYPL (* KL) ; LC.


Amsterdam, 1772. 2 v. in-8.

Copy: MH.

Memoirs of an American. . . London: Printed
for F. and T. Noble, 1773. 2 v. 12�. 525

Copies: NYPL (* KL) ; LC.

Peinture des moeurs du siecle, ou Lettres et
discours sur differens sujets. Amsterdam, 1777.
2 v. in-12. 526

Copy: MH.

Constitutions des principaux etats de l'Europe
et des fitats-Unis de l'Amerique. Par M. de la
Croix. Paris: chez Buisson, 1791-1801. 6 v.
in-8. 527

v. 2 (1791) is devoted to the United States.
Copy: NYPL (* KF).

A Review of the constitutions of the principal
states of Europe, and of the United States of
America. Given originally as lectures by M. de
la Croix... now first translated from the
French, with notes... [by Elizabeth Ryves.]
London: printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson,
1792. 2 v. 8�. 528

The English translation of the first two volumes
of the above.

Copies: NYPL (*KF); LC.

Delalonde, A.

Trois mois au Canada et au Nord-Ouest, par
M. de la Londe. . . A M. le Ministre de 1' Agri-
culture. Rouen: Impr. C.-F. Lapierre, 1881.
62 p. carte, gr. in-8. 529

Copies: NYPL (HV) ; LC.

Delaporte, Albert.

Six jours aux fitats-Unis. (New-York et
Philadelphia) Paris: Paul Dupont Impr., 1890.
15 p. gr-in-8. 530

Copy: BN.

Delegation ouvriere franqaise aux
�tats-Unis et au Canada.

Rapports des delegues Louis Benoist, Henri
Dugue, Claude Gignoux, fitienne Hyolet, Alfred
Jaquet, Jean Leblanc, Jules Malbranque, fimile
Martin. Paris: fidouard Comely, 1907. 300 p.
in-8. 531

Copy: JHH.

Delessert, Eugene.

Voyages dans les deux oceans, Atlantique et
Pacifique, 1844 a 1847... Paris: A. Franck,
1848. 326 p. in-4 fig. et cartes. 532

Copies: NYPL (KBK); LC.

Notre cable transatlantique (France aux
fitats-Unis). Notes et projet. Paris: tous les
librairies, 1867. 40 p. gr-in-8 et pi. 533

Copies: NYPL (TTE p.v.3, no. 13); LC.

Delorme, D.

fitudes sur l'Amerique. La democratic et le
prejuge de couleur aux fitats-Unis, les nationa-
lity americaines et le systeme Monroe. Brux-
elles: Impr. H. T. Van Buggenhandt, 1866.
55 p. in-8. 534

A naive defence of the North. Author was a native
of Haiti.

Copy: BN.

Demetz, Frederic Auguste, and Guillaume
Abel Blouet.

Rapports a M. le comte de Montalivet, sur
les penitenciers des fitats-Unis. Paris: Impr.
Royale, 1837. 2 parts in 1 v. 144, 114 p. in-fol.

Copies: NYPL (tt SLT) ; LC; BN. 535



Demeunier, Jean Nicolas.

While Demeunier is said to have travelled in the
United States, I have found no conclusive evidence of
his visit.

Essai sur les fitats-Unis. Paris: Impr. de
Laporte, 1786. 89 p. in-4. 536

Reprint from L'Encyclopedie methodique.
Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; LC; BN.

L'Amerique independante, ou les differentes
constitutions des treize provinces qui sont eri-
gees en republiques, sous le nom d'fitats-Unis
d'Amerique. Gand: P. F. de Goesin, 1790. 3 v.
in-8. 537

Copies: MH; HCW.

Supplement ou suite aux remarques de Mr.
Demeunier sur la Constitution et les Etats de
Nouvelle-Yorck et Virginie, qui ne se trouvent
point dans les trois volumes de l'Amerique inde-
pendante. Gand: P. F. de Goesin, 1791. 120 p.
gr-in-8. 538

Copies: LC; HCW.

Desache, Gaetan.

Souvenir de mon voyage aux fitats-Unis et
au Canada. Tours: Impr. Paul Bouserez [1878].
192 p. in-12. 539

Author travelled in the United States and Canada
from May, 1876 to June, 1877. The United States
he found to be dominated by the passion of gain; in
Canada he found an idyllic blending of the best ele-
ments of English and French civilization.

Copies: LC; BN.

Deschamps, �mile Felix.

Chroniques americaines . . . Bucharest, 1904—
06. 2 v. in-8. 540

Two note-books of newspaper clippings of letters
while he was a New York correspondent.
Copy: BN.

Trois ans de la vie americaine, lettres ameri-
caines. Saint-Petersbourg, 1904-07. 3 v. in-8.


Three note-books of letters published in the Journal
de St. Petersbourg and I'Independance roumaine, Bu-
charest, and presented by the author to the BN.

Dans le Nouveau Monde. L' Americaine.
Marseille: Impr. de Barlattier [1908]. 23 p.
in-8. 542

Copy: BN.

Impressions de Californie. L'ascension du
Tamalpa'is. (Le Tour du monde: journal des
voyages et des voyageurs. Paris, 1911. 4�.
nouv. serie, 17e annee, p. 1-12.) 543

This article, excellently illustrated with photographs,
I have seen in reprint form. Possibly a few copies
were struck off for the author, but there was no sale
of them. The BN does not possess a copy of the reprint.

Copy: NYPL (t KBA).

Les femmes d'oncle Sam: carnet d'un voy-
ageur. Paris: J. Maisonneuve et fils, 1913.
vii, 400 p. in-8. 544

In this work the author states that he has already
published the following two works in the Tour du
monde, published in Paris by Hachette: (1) Impres-
sions de Californie — Au mont Tamalpa'is; and (2)
Une visite a l'observatoire de Lick au mont Hamilton.
On p. iv he announces two books for publication: (1)
Yankees en scene (Scenes de la vie americaine); and
(2) Choses des Etats-Unis.

Copies: NYPL (SNF); LC; BN.

Deschamps, Gaston. See Comite France-
Amerique. — Mission Champlain, 1912.

Deschamps, Philippe.

A travers les �tats-Unis et le Canada; recits
de voyage. Paris: E. Leroux, 1896. 226 p.
3. ed. in-18. 545

Copies: NYPL (ILD); MH; BN.

Vingt mille lieues a travers le monde... en
Europe, Asie, Afrique, et Amerique. Paris: A.
Lemerre, 1900. 418 p. in-4. 546

Copy: LC.

Deschanel, Paul. See Questions actuelles.

Des Etangs, G., comte.

L'Amerique laborieuse. L'Amerique croy-
ante. Conference faite au Gros-Caillon, Dec.
22, 1889. Paris, Auteuil: Impr. des Apprentis-
Orphelins, 1890. 16 p. gr-in-8. 547

Copy: BN.

Desfontaines, Jules.

A travers l'Amerique. Recit de voyage fait
aux societes de geographie de Bordeaux, Saint-
Nazaire et Nantes. Nantes: Impr. Mme. Vve.
Camille Mellinet, 1893. 44 p. in-8. 548

Copy: BN.


L'Amerique au xvme siecle, vue par un Fran-
cais. fidite par Bernard Fay. (La Vie des
peuples. Paris, 1922. 4�. v. 7, p. 399^25.) 549

Desjardins was a middle-class Parisian engineer who
was sent to America to represent a land company
organized by Gouverneur Morris. He states without
reserve his failures and his disillusionments. Instead
of the America that he expected: pure, charitable,
friendly and in a state of nature, he found merely a
country corrupt, unworthy of its great reputation for
morality, selfish and hostile to foreigners. As M. Fay
concludes: "He lost his time, his hopes, his ideals, his
money, his health, and his respect for humanity."

Copy: NYPL (* DM).

Dessaulles, Louis A.

La guerre americaine, son origine et ses vraies
causes; lecture publique faite a l'lnstitut-Ca-
nadien, le 14 decembre 1864. Par l'Hon. L. A.
Dessaulles. Montreal: Typ. du journal "Le
Pays," 1865. 3 pi, 538 p. in-18. 550

A series of six lectures on the Civil War and its

Copies: NYPL (IKA); LC.

Detoeuf, Auguste.

Observations sur l'Amerique. Vannes: Impr.
Lafolye freres et Cie., n.d. 38 p. in-8. 551

Copy: BN.

Observations sur l'Amerique. Strasbourg:
Impr. Miih, 1926. 26 p. in-4. 552

Copy: BN.

Deux-Ponts, Guillaume, comte de. See For-
bach, Guillaume de, comte de Deux-





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Dialogue entre Deux Mondes: reportage.
Par Gerard de Catalogue. Paris: Librairie de
la Revue franchise [Alexis Redierj, [1931].
298 p. 12�. 553

This book contains the results of an important sym-
posium conducted by M. Gerard de Catalogne in the
Parisian newspaper, Le Figaro. It should not be ne-
glected by any one interested in Franco-American re-
lations — or by any student of public opinion. It is a
curious medley — and a revealing document. Here so-
ber professors and members of the Institute are jostled
by cheap journalists and gullible sensation-mongers.
As an example of this latter I translate this pasty
gem, culled from the remarks of one Rene Maran:
"They [the Americans] love garbage and garbage sur-
rounds them, especially when they wallow in the de-
lights of cocktails i. e. mouth wash, Cologne water,
wood alcohol, spirits of paregoric are mixed with
several dashes of angustora drops, vitriol or with several
portions of eau de Javel [a strong French deodorant
and disinfectant]". It is interesting to note that the
author of this has never been in the United States, so
that his imagination is in no way hampered by the facts.
Many French authors and publicists who have trav-
elled in the United States have participated in this
debate for and against "l'Americanisme." A list of
these travellers, with the pages containing their con-
tributions, follows:

Bellegarde, Dantes. p. 83-88.

Danel, Herman. p. 139-145.

Dimnet, Ernest. p. 146-149.

Duplan, T. L. p. 149-152.

Durtain, Luc. p. 192-195.

Fleury, Jean (ierard. p. 154-157.

Homberg, Octave. p. 102-107.

Lalou, Rene. p. 107-110.

Melera, Marguerite Y. p. 128-131.

Morand, Paul. p. 167-168.

Puaux, Rene. p. 224-228.

Reboux, Paul. p. 235-237.

Roz, Firmin. p. 244-249.

Siegfried, Andre. p. 252-254.

Of these fourteen travellers who have had the oppor-
tunity of observing America and the Americans for
themselves it is relevant to note that four, Bellegarde,
Homberg, Lalou and Melera, argue against "l'Ameri-
canisme"; the other ten write in favor of it.

Copies: NYPL (IDS); LC; BN.

Dilhet, Jean.

French Catholic ecclesiastic who was located in the
region of Detroit. He arrived in Baltimore January,
1798 and remained in the United States until April,

fitat de l'figlise catholique ou diocese des
fitats-Unis de l'Amerique septentrionale.
Translated and annotated by Rev. P. William
Brown. Washington, D. C, 1922. xxii, 261 p.
in-8. (Catholic University of America. Studies
in American church history, v. 1.) 554

French text and English translation on opposite

Copies: NYPL (ZLR) ; LC.

Dim net, Ernest.

From a Paris balconv. London: Grant Rich-
ards, 1924. 234 p. 8�. ' 555

The chapter on American opinion and Europe,
p. 136-142. discusses Williams College at Williams-
town, Mass., where the author lectured.

Copy: LC.

See also Dialogue entre Deux Mondes.

Dionne, Narcisse Eutrope.

fitats-Unis, Manitoba, et Nord-Ouest. Notes
de voyage. Quebec: Impr. de Leger Brousseau,
1882. 184 p. in-16. 556

Copies: NYPL (HWE p.v.7, no. 2); LC.

Gabriel Richard sulpicien, cure et second
fondateur de la ville de Detroit... Quebec:
Typ. Laflamme & Proulx, 1911. xv, 191 p. 12�.
(Galerie historique. [no.] 6.) 557

Copies: NYPL (HWD, Galerie); LC.

Domenech, Emmanuel Henri Dieudonne.

Journal d'un missionnaire au Texas et au
Mexique, 1846-1852. Paris: Gaume et freres,
1857. xii, 477 p. gr-in-8. 558

Copies: NYPL (HTY) ; LC; BN.

Missionary adventures in Texas and Mexico
. . . London: Longman, Brown, Green, Long-
mans, and Roberts, 1858. xv, 366 p. illus. 8�.

Copies: NYPL (HV); LC. 559

Erinnerungen aus Amerika, insbesondere aus
Texas... Marburg: Elwert'sche Buchhand-
lung, 1856. iv, 95(1) p. 12�. 560

Copies: NYPL (ITR); IU.

Voyage dans les solitudes americaines. Voy-
age au Minnesota. Paris: Pouget-Coulon, 1858.
224 p. in-16. 561

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC; BN.

Voyage pittoresque dans les grands deserts
clu Nouveau Monde. Paris: Morizot, 1862. iv,
608 p. 4�. 562

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC; BN.

Seven years' residence in the great deserts of
North America... London: Longman, Green,
Longman and Roberts, 1860. 2 v. illus. 8�. 563

This relates to Texas, New Mexico, California, Utah,
Oregon, Louisiana, Missouri, Minnesota, etc. The
second volume is devoted to a description of various
Indian tribes.

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC.

Souvenirs d'outre-mer; mes missions au
crepuscule de la vie. Paris: Gaume, 1884. viii,
392 p. in-18. 564

Copies: NYPL (HV); LC; BN.

Les secrets de ma valise; vovages et souvenirs.
Lyon: E. Vitte, 1895. 408 p. in-8. 565

Copy: BN.

Victor Considerant: sa vie, son ceuvre. Paris:
fiditions sociales internationales, 1929. 231 p.
in-8. 566

This most recent and satisfactory study of Con-
siderant makes use of unpublished material, including
a few letters written from America.

Copy: NYPL (AN).


Les fitats-Unis et le Mexique. Paris: Guil-
laume, 1852. 2 p.l., 88 p., 1 map. in-4. 567

Copies: NYPL (|HTY); LC; BN.

Doniol, Henri.

Histoire de la participation de la France a
l'etablissement des fitats-Unis, correspondance
diplomatique et documents. Paris: Impr. Na-
tionale, 1886-99. 6 v. in-fol. 568

A collection of the highest importance for eighteenth
century Franco-American relations. This monumental
work is based chiefly on unpublished manuscripts in
the French Foreign Office. It should be noted that
there are six, rather than five, volumes in this work.
The sixth, and supplementary volume, contains very
important materials on the negotiation of the peace
of 1783.

Copies: NYPL (t IG); LC; BN.



Doxxat, Leox.

L'etat de Californie, recueil de faits observes
en 1877-1878. Paris: C. Delagrave, 1878. xiii,
325 p. in-12. 569

Copies: LC; BX.

Lois et moeurs republicaines. Paris: C. Dela-
grave, 1880. xiii, 453 p. in-12. 570

Copy: BX.

Doxxay, Maurice.

Travelled in the United States during April and
May, 1922.

Dix-sept jours en Amerique. Paris, 1922.
30 p. in-8. 571

Reprint of two articles published in La Revue des
deux mondes, periode 7, tome 10, July 1 and 15, 1922,
p. 5-18, 276-291, in which form the material is available
in NYPL (* DM).

Copy: BN.

Douyau, Jeax.

Au temps ou l'Oncle Sam se militarisait. . .
Paris: Jouve et Cie., 1921. 260 p. in-16. 572

Travelled extensively in the United States from
Oct., 1917 until Oct., 1918.

Copies: XYPL (BTZS) ; LC.

Drouf.t, Paul L. M.

Les institutions artistiques et les beaux-arts
en general aux Ltats-Unis, au Canada et a l'Ex-
position de Chicago en 1893, avec une notice
complementaire sur la ville de Boston et diverses
associations americaines. . . Caen: Impr. de C.
Valin, 1896. 210 p. gr. in-8. 573

Reprinted from the Bulletin de la Societe des beaux-
arts de Caen, v. 9, no. 4, a copy of which is in NYPL
(t3 MAR p.v.5, no.3). Drouet also published articles
on pomology and horticulture in the United States,
listed in the BX catalogue.

Copies: MH; MB; BN.

Drouix de Bercy.

L'Europe et 1' Amerique comparees. Paris:
Rosa, 1818. 2 v. in-8. pi. en couleur. 57.4

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.


Les nuees Magellaniques: i. Voyage au Chili,
au Perou, et en Californie a la peche de la
baleine. n. Le requin, ou la mer du sud. Paris:
Amyot, 1853. 2 v. 200; 93 p. 8�. 575

Duboc arrived in Monterey, California, on September
13, 1835 and sailed away ten days later. Chap, xiii
(v. 1, p. 178-189) describes his observations in Cali-

Copy: NYPL (HIY).

Dubreuil, Hexri.

Standards: le travail americain vu par un
ouvrier frangais. Paris: Grasset, 1929. 429 p.
in-12. 576

Copies: NYPL (TDI); LC; BX.

Robots or men? A French workman's ex-
perience in American industry... Translated
by Frances and Mason Merrill. . .for the Taylor
Society. New York and London: Harper and
Brothers, 1930. xi, 248 p. 8=. 577

Copies: NYPL (TDI); LC.

Arbeiter in U. S. A. Mit einem Vorwort von
Dr. Ernst Michel... Leipzig: Bibliograph-
isches Institut, A. G. t1930.] viii, 364 p. 12�.

Copies: NYPL (TDI); MB. 578

Standards; il lavoro americano veduto da un
operaio francese; a cura di Alessandro Schiavi.
Bari: G. Laterza & figli, 1931. xx, 338 p. 8�.
(Biblioteca di cultura moderna. v. 205.) 579

Copy: NYPL (TDI).

Xouveaux standards: les sources de la pro-
ductivity et de la joie. Paris: Editions Bernard
Grasset, 1931. 344 p. in-16. 580

Copies: NYPL (TDB): LC.


L'itineraire des Francais dans la Louisiane;
contenant l'histoire de cette colonie francaise, sa
description, le tableau des moeurs des peuples
qui l'habitent, l'etat de son commerce au mo-
ment de sa cession a l'Espagne, et le degre de
prosperite dont elle est susceptible; d'apres les
renseignements et les relations les plus authen-
tiques. Paris: Dubroca [etc.], an x. — 1802. 2
p.l., 104 p., 1 folded map. 16�. 580A

Copy: LC.

Du Buissox, Paul Ulrich.

Abrege de la revolution de l'Amerique an-
gloise. depuis le commencement de l'annee 1774,
jusqu'au premier Janvier. 1778, par M. * * *,
Americain. Paris: Cellot et Jombert fils jeune.
1778. 1 p.l. 452 p.. 1 1. in-8. 580B

The author frequently visited America and was
greatly interested in Santo Domingo. In the intro-
duction to this book he states that he was near the
events he relates. Whether this is a correct statement
of facts or merely a device to assist in selling the book
I am not able to decide.

Copies: XYPL (*KF-1778); LC; BN; SSL
(17S1 i.

Yverdon, 1779. xii, 345 p. 12�. 580C

Copies: XYPL (*KF-1779); LC.

Historischer Abriss der in Nord-

Amerika vorgefallenen Staats-Yeranderung.
Vom Anfange des Jahrs 1774. bis den ersten
Jenner 1778. Yon M * * *, einem Amerikaner.
Aus dem franzosischen. Bern: Haller, 1779.
xii, 351(1) p. 8=. 580D

Copy: LC.

— — ■ Yorstellung der Staatsveranderung in
Nordamerika, von den ersten Unruhen im Jahr
1774 bis zu dem Biindniss der Krone Frank-
reichs mit den Kolonien. Yon einem Ameri-
kaner. Zweyte Auflage. vermehrt mit den Re-
flexionen eines Englanders. Bern: In der Hal-
lerschen Buchhandluns", 1784. viii, 374 p. 8�.


Copy: NYPL (* KF).

Storia della rivoluzione dell' America

inglese. Tradotta dal francese, ed illustrata
colle carte del teatro della guerra di M. Bellin.
Di M. * * *, Americano. . . Yenezia: V. For-
maleoni, 1782-84. 3 v. in 1. 8�. 580F

Tomo 1-2 are a translation of the author's Abrege
dc la revolution de l'Amerique angloise, 1778, with
additions by the editor, bringing the history down to
the treaty of peace. Tomo 3 is an abridged translation
of that part of Raynal's Histoire fhilosofhique des
deux Indes which has to do with the X'orth American

Copy: NYPL (*KF-1782).



Du Buysson.

Memoir by one of the French officers who
accompanied the Marquis de Lafayette to
America and Extract of the letter which ac-
companied the Memoir. 12 September [1777].
(B. F. Stevens's Facsimiles..., v. 8, no. 754.)

580( ;

The French original occupies eight folio pages; the
translation eleven folio pages, The Memoir is a most
interesting and valuable account of his experiences and
observations in America, from the time of his landing
to the eve of his departure, lie speculates upon the
real causes of the war and describes the state of the
American army, the Quakers, and pays great attention
to the prevalence of luxury in America.

Copies: NYPL (IAG); IX".

Ducher, G. J. A.

Ducher came to the United States after the close
of the American Revolution and was given an appoint-
ment as vice-consul at Portsmouth, N. H. In the
summer of 1787 he was transferred to Wilmington,
N. t'., where he remained until late in 1789, when he
returned to France. An exhaustive study of Ducher
has been written by Frederick L. Nussbaum [q.v.].
After returning to Fiance Ducher wrote several pam-
phlets touching upon the United States and American
affairs; he also wrote a number of articles on the
United States for Lc Moniteur, and these are care-
fully listed by Nussbaum, p. 322-328.

Analyse des loix commerciales, avec le tarif
des droits sur les batiments et ies marchandises
dans les treize fitats-Unis de l'Amerique, par
J. Ducher. [20 octobre 1790). [Paris, 1790?, 35 p.
in-8. 580H

Copies: JCB; LC; BN.

De la dette publique en France, en Angleterre,
et dans les fitats-Unis de l'Amerique par M.
Ducher. [Paris. 1791 ?j 29 p. in-8. 5801

Copies: JCB; BX.

Nouvelle alliance a proposer entre les repu-
bliques franchise & americaine. Par Ducher.
[Paris, 1792., 8 p. 8�. 580J

Copies: XYPL (DFD p.v.80, no.22); LC; BX.

Les deux hemispheres, par A. G. J. Ducher
... [Paris: De l'lmprimerie Nationale, 1793.,
8 p. 8�. 580K

Copies: NYPL (* KF); JCB (1794); BN.

See also under Nussbaum, Frederick Louis.

Du Coudray, Philippe.

Du Coudray's "Observations on the forts in-
tended for the defense of the two passages of
the river Delaware," July, 1777. (Pennsylvania
magazine of history and biography. Philadel-
phia, 1900. 8�. v. 24, p. 343-347.) 580L

Copy: NYPL (* R-IAA).

See also under Ford, Worthington Chaun-
cey, editor; Kite, Elizabeth S.

Ducpetiaux, Ldouard.

Des progres et de l'etat actuel de la reforme
penitentiaire et des institutions preventives aux
fitats-Unis, en France, en Suisse, etc. Brux-
elles: Hauman, Cattoir et Cie., 1837-38. 3 v.
in-18. 581

Copies: NYPL (SLR); LC; BN.

De l'etat de l'instruction primaire et populaire
en Belgique, compare avec celui de l'instruction
en Allemagne, en Prusse, en Hollande et aux
fitats-Unis. . . Bruxelles: Meline, Cans et Cie.,
1838. 2 v. in 1. in-18. 582

Copies: NYPL (STL); LC; BN.

Duez, fiDOUARD, joint author. See under
Haecht, Paul van, and others.

Dufief, Nicolas Gouin. See under Philips,

Duflot de Mofras, Eugene.

Exploration du territoire de l'Oregon, des
Californies et de la mer Vermeille, executee
pendant les annees 1840, 1841 et 1842. Paris:
Arthus Bertrand, 1844. 2 v. and atlas of 1 folded
map and 17 pi. xii, 524 p., 4 pi.; 514 p., 4 pi.
in-8. 583

Copies: NYPL (IW and t IW); LC.

L'Oregon par M. D. de Mofras. Paris: Im-
prime par Plon freres, 1846. 44 p. 8�. 584

Reprinted from La Revue nouvelle.
Copy: NYPL (* KF).

Unpublished portions of the Memoires of
Duflot de Mofras. By George Verne Blue.
(American Historical Association. — Pacific
Coast Branch. Proceedings. Los Angeles, 1929.
8�. 1928, p. 88-102.) 585

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Dugard, Marie.

In a note to the editor Mile. Dugard states that she
has been in the United States but once — in 1893. She
has written extensively on Emerson and has translated
many of Emerson's writings. For a more complete list
of these see the catalogue of the BN under the author
and under Emerson.

La societe americaine. Paris: Hachette, 1896.
320 p. in-16. 586

Copies: NYPL (ILD) ; LC; BN.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, sa vie et son ceuvre.
Paris: A. Colin, 1907. 418 p. in-8. 587

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC; BN.

Dugue, Henri. See Delegation ouvriere

Duguet, Raymond.

La poligamye [sic!] aux fitats-Unis. Les
Mormons. Leur religion, leurs moeurs, leur
histoire. Paris: fidition du Nouveau Mercure,
1922. 98 p. in-12. 587A

Copies: MPL; BN.

Du Hailly, L., pseud. See under Vanee-


Duhamel, Georges.

Scenes de la vie future. . . Paris: Mercure de
France, 1930. 248 p. 104. ed. 12�. 588

Copy: NYPL (ILH).

America: the menace; Scenes from the life
of the future; translated by Charles Miner
Thompson. Boston and New York: Houghton
Mifflin Company, 1931. xiv p., 2 1., 216 p., 1 I.
8� 589

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.



Duhamel, Georges, continued

Spiegel der Zukunft. Berlin: S. Fischer Ver-
lag, 1931. 3 p.l., 9-247(1) p., 1 1. 12�. 590

Copy: NYPL (ILH).

Geographie cordiale de l'Europe. Paris:
Mercure de France, 1931. 279 p. charts. 12�.


The lengthy preface (82 p.) is largely devoted to
attempts to justify his Seines de la vie future which
received much criticism, especially in America, and
considerable praise, especially in Europe. For a brief
review see that of Albert Guerard in Books abroad,
October, 1931, p. 413-414.

Copies: NYPL (BTZA); NRU; BN.

DuHaut-Cilly, A. See Bernard du Haut-
cilly, auguste.

Dulieu, Marie Henri Joseph.

Mississippi et Indiana, souvenirs d'Amerique.
Bruxelles: Vve Parent et fils, 1862. 310 p. in-12.


First published under pseud. Theodore de Vance in
Revue trimestrielle, Bruxelles, 1858-1860, tomes 18-
28, as Souvenirs d'Amerique.

Copies: NYPL (IV); LC; MH.

Dumas, Alexandre.

Californie. Un an sur les bords du San- Joa-
quin et du Sacramento. Impressions de voyage
redigees sur les recits d'un emigrant. Brux-
elles: Meline, Cans et Compagnie, 1852. 2 v.
122; 131 p. in-18. 593

Preface by Alex. Dumas, v. 1, p. 1-25.
Copy: Bib. Royale.

Dumas, Mathieu, comte.

Souvenirs du lieutenant general Mathieu Du-
mas, de 1770 a 1836, publies par son fils [Chris-
tian Dumas]. Paris: Charles Gosselin, 1839.
3 v. in-8. 594

La guerre d'Amerique: v. 1, p. 24—162.
Copies: ICN; NIC; BN.

Memoirs of his own time; including the Revo-
lution, the Empire, and the Restoration. By
Lieut. -Gen. Count Mathieu Dumas. Philadel-
phia: Lea & Blanchard, 1839. 2 v. 12�. 595

The account of his American experiences during the
Revolution occupies v. 1, p. 19-80.
Copies: NYPL (DFB); LC.

Dunkel, Paul.

De Paris a Saint-Louis, impressions de voy-
age (mai-juin 1904). Paris: Impr. de E. Ca-
piomont, 1905. 73 p. in-8. 596

This pamphlet I have never examined. Apparently
there is no copy recorded in the American libraries

Copy: BN.

Du Pasquier de Dom martin, Hippolyte. See
Dommartin, Hippolyte du Pasquier de.

Du Petit-Thouars, Abel Aubert.

Voyage autour du monde sur la fregate la
Venus, pendant les annees 1836-1839, publie. . .
sous les auspices du Ministre de la Marine...
Relation... Paris: Gide, 1840^3. 4 v. and
atlas. 8� and f�. 597

Tome 2, p. 77-140 describes his visit in California,
where he arrived October 18, 1837, and remained until
November 14th.

Tome 4, p. 1-33: Les pieces relatives a la revo-
lution dans la Haute-Californie vers la fin de 1836...

Copies: NYPL (PQH and tttPQH); MB; BN.

Du Petit-Thouars, Aristide Aubert.

Memoires et voyages. . . Publie par sa sceur,
Felicite Du Petit-Thouars. Paris: chez les
editeurs, 1822. xliv, 404 p. et pi. in-8. 598

Copy: BN.

See also under Murray, Louise (Welles).
Duplan, Jean Leopold.

Duplan is a prominent silk manufacturer and has
for many years been prominent in Franco-American
commercial activities. He is equally at home in France
and in America. He is eminently qualified to speak of
American industrial conditions and has done much to
explain American methods to French industrialists.

Lettres d'un vieil Americain a un Francois.
Paris: Payot, 1917. 271 p. in-16. 599

Both this and the following work were written
under the pseudonym of Jean Farmer.
Copies: NYPL (TAH) ; LC; BN.

Cesar-Napoleon Gaillard a la conquete de

l'Amerique. Paris: Payot, 1918. 392 p. in-16.

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC; BN. 600

Sa majeste la machine. Preface de Louis
Rongier. Paris, 1930. 159 p. in-8. 601

Copies: NYPL (TB); LC.

See also Dialogue entre Deux Mondes.

Duplessis, Paul.

Le Batteur d'Estrade. New York: C. Las-
salle, 1856. 320 p. 4�. 602

Copies: LC; MB.

Paris: Alexandre Cadot [1859]. 2 v.

2. ed. 12�. 602A

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Les Mormons. Paris: A. Cadot, 1859. 8 v.
in-8. 603

Copies: MH; BN.

Paris: Alexandre Cadot [1862]. 2 v.

in 1. 2 p.l., (1)6-362 p.; 2 p.l., (1)6-374 p.
2. ed. 12�. 604

Copy: NYPL (NKV).

Aventures mexicaines. Paris: Alexandre
Cadot [I860]. 3 p.l, (1)4-324 p. 12�. 605

Les chercheurs d'or, p. 227-324.

A tale of the gold mines on the Sacramento River.

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC.

Les Peaux-Rouges. Paris: A. Cadot [1864].
311 p. in-18. 606

Copy: BN.

Duponceau, Peter Stephen.

Duponceau (1760-1844) came to America in 1777
as secretary and aide-de-camp to Baron von Steuben.
He settled in this country, becoming a naturalized
citizen in 1781. He became a prominent resident of
Philadelphia, and later president of the American Philo-
sophical Society and the Historical Society of Penn-

Autobiographical letters of Peter S. Dupon-
ceau. (Pennsylvania magazine of historv and
biography. Philadelphia, 1916. 8�. v. 40, p". 172-
186.) 606 A

Four letters written in 1836. containing recollec-
tions of his experiences during the Revolution.
Copy: NYPL (*R-IAA).



du Pont, Eleuthere Irenee.

Life of Eleuthere Irenee du Pont from con-
temporary correspondence, 1778-1834. Trans-
lated from the French and with an introduction
by Bessie Gardner du Pont. Newark, Dela-
ware: University of Delaware Press, 1923-27.
12 v. 8�. 607

This extensive biography, published privately in an
edition of 250 copies, is a collection of valuable ma-
terials for Franco-American relations of the period.
The value of the work is enhanced by numerous notes
and an elaborate index (all of volume 12). Scattered
through these volumes are many interesting letters and
references concerning: Pierre Samuel du Pont de
Nemours, Victor Marie du Pont, Jean Xavier Bureau
de Pusy, Charles Joseph Dalmas, Peter Stephen Du-
ponceau, Baron Hyde de Neuville, Jacques Philippe
Arcambal, Alexandre Dautrement, Auguste Dautre-
ment, Jean Victor Auguste Menestrier, General Perrie-
mond. General Rey, Durant Saint-Andre, Louis Andre
Pichon, Jacques Antoine Bidermann, Talleyrand, and
the Bonapartes.

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

du Pont, Victor Marie. See under du Pont,
Eleuthere Irenee; Morison, Samuel

du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel.

Sur 1' education nationale dans les fitats-Unis
d' Amerique. Paris: Le Normant, 1812. 159 p.
2. ed. in-8. 608

The catalogue of the BN does not record a copy
of the first edition, but lists three copies of the second

Copies: NYPL (STE); MH; BN.

National education in the United States of
America, by Dupont de Nemours; translated
from the second French edition of 1812 and with
an introduction by B. G. du Pont. Newark,
Del.: University of Delaware Press, 1923. xxi,
iv, 161 p., 1 folded table. 8�. 609

Copies: NYPL (STE); LC.

Correspondence between Thomas Jefferson
and Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours, 1798—
1817. Edited by Dumas Malone. Translations
by Linwood Lehman. Boston and New York:
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1930. 210 p. in-8.


Copies: NYPL (NBV); LC; Am. Lib., Paris.

The correspondence of Jefferson and Du Pont
de Nemours, with an introduction on Jefferson
and the physiocrats, by Gilbert Chinard. Balti-
more, Md.: The Johns Hopkins Press; Paris:
"Les Belles Lettres," 1931. 3 p.l., (i)x-cxxiii,
293 p., 1 1., 1 port. 8�. (The Johns Hopkins
studies in international thought.) 611

Copies: NYPL (IAW); LC.

See also under du Pont, Eleuthere Irenee.

Du Portail, Louis Lebeque.

Memorial of Brig.-Gen. du Portail to General
Washington, dated Valley Forge, January 18,
1778. (Pennsylvania magazine of history and
biography. Philadelphia, 1915. 8�. v. 39, p. 375-
376.) ' 611 A

Copy: NYPL (* R-IAA).

See also under Ford, Worthington Chaun-
cey, editor; Kite, Elizabeth S.

Dupuy, Annemond. See under Holweck,
F. G.

Dupuy, Peyou, pseud, of abbe Leopold Louis.

Six mois au pays des Yankees; esquisses
rimees. Paris: E. Rouveyre, 1880. 61 p. in-8.


Copy: Palais des Academies, Bruxelles.

Durand, John.

New materials for the history of the Ameri-
can Revolution. Translated from the documents
and edited by John Durand. New York: Henry
Holt, 1889. vi p., 1 1., 311 p. 12�. 612A

Durand publishes valuable manuscript materials con-
cerning and by La Luzerne, Gerard, Achard de Bon-
vouloir and Barbe-Marbois. The editor constantly re-
fers to Conrad Alexandre Gerard as de Rayneval, but
this is the name usually given to Gerard's younger
brother who was also in the Foreign Office but who
was more concerned with continental politics.

Copies: NYPL (IG); LC.

Durand, Marie Joseph.

Epistle or diary of the Reverend Father
Marie Joseph Durand. Translated from the
French by Ella M. E. Flick. (American Catho-
lic Historical Society of Philadelphia. Records.
Philadelphia, 1915-16. 8�. v. 26, p. 328-346;
v. 27, p. 45-64.) 613

Father Durand was in the Mississippi Valley from
1S05 to 1820 with a group of French refugee Trappists.
Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Dureau, Jean Baptiste.

Les fitats-Unis en 1850. Notes et souvenirs.
Paris: l'auteur, 1891. iv, 540 p. in-18. 614

Copies: NYPL (ILD) ; LC; BN.


Journal d'une campagne en Amerique, par
Durousseau de Fayolle (1777-1779) ; publie par
M. le general L. Segretain. . . (Societe des anti-
quaires de l'Ouest. Bulletin et memoires. Poi-
tiers, 1902. 8�. serie 2, tome 25, p. 1-48.) 615

See also article by L. Segretain, "Un compagnon
de La Fayette, Pierre du Rousseau de Fayolle (1746-
1780)" in ibid., p. xix-xxxix.

Copy: NYPL (DPA).


Conquetes du monde. i. Amerique. Quaran-
tieme etage. Paris: Gallimard, 1927. 253 p. in-
16. 616

Copies: NYPL (NKV, 8. ed.); LC; BN.

Crime a San-Francisco. Paris: Au Sans Pa-
red, 1927. 89 p. in-8. 617

Copies: NYPL; LC; BN.

Decouverte de Longview: nouvelle inedite. . .
avec des gravures de Frans Masereel. Paris:
Lditions Rene Kieffer, 1927. 49 p. in-4. 618

Longview is in Cowlitz County, Washington, on the
north bank of the Columbia River about half way
between Portland and the sea. It has a population of
about 10,000 and was built by the Long-Bell Lumber
Co., as a lumber center. Here the author was fascinated
by the rapid growth of a small city. It is noteworthy
as one of the few items of M. Durtain in which he is
not chiefly interested in American crime and sex.

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC.



Durtain, Luc, continued

Conquetes du monde. Amerique. u. Holly-
wood depasse. Paris: Gallimard, 1928. 248 p.
12�. 619

Copies: NYPL (NKV) ; LC; BN.

Quelques notes d'U. S. A. L' Amerique vue
par l'Europe. Prohibition. Chez les negres.
Universites. L'Amerique. L'individu et le
couple. Paris: Lditions Lemarget, 1928. 115 p.
in-8. 620

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v.378); LC; BN.

Les deux faces de 1' Amerique. Monaco: So-
ciete de conferences (Imprimerie de Monaco),

1930. 35 p. gr. in-8. (Societe de conferences,
Monaco. [Conferences,] 1929/30. no. 62.) 621

An address given before the Societe de conferences
on Dec. 3, 1929.

Copy: NYPL (* EN).

Capitain O. K. Paris: Ernest Flammarion,

1931. 249 p. in-18. 622
Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC; BN.

See also Dialogue entre Deux Mondes.

Du Simitiere, Pierre Eugene.

Du Simitiere, artist, antiquary, and naturalist,
projector of the first American museum, with
some extracts from his note book, by William
John Potts. (Pennsylvania magazine of historv
and biography. Philadelphia, 1889. 8�. v. 13,
p. 341-375.) 622A

Du Simitiere was a Swiss artist and antiquary who
first came to America in 1765. In 1769, in New York,
he became a naturalized citizen, but this he denied in
1777 when he was in danger of being drafted into the
militia. At that time he stated that he was a foreigner
who was travelling in the United States to complete
his studies and his collections. At his death his vast
collection of newspapers and pamphlets was bought by
the Library Company of Philadelphia. The extracts
from his note book extend from 1774 to 1783.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Duvailon, Berquin. See Berquin-Duvallon.


Huit mois en Amerique, lettres et notes du
voyage. 1864—1865. Paris: A. Lacroix, Ver-
boeckhoven et Cie., 1866. 2 v. xi, 439; 503 p.
in-18. 623

It is strange that this book has never been translated
into English, for it is the single work which offers the
most complete picture of American life written by any
French traveller during the period of the Civil War.
The author was endowed with a penetrating observation
and a felicitous style. He arrived in the United States
in June, 1864, during a critical period of the war, and
remained until February, 1865, when the victory of the
North was certain. During that time he travelled ex-
tensively: from Quebec to Georgia and from Boston to
Missouri. His two volumes of more than nine hundred
pages are composed of his observations written day by
day. He is equally successful whether describing the
color and bitterness of an electoral campaign, a New
Year's celebration in New York, or the cultural at-
mosphere of Boston. He has painted an excellent pic-
ture of Washington during the war. Among his many
interesting pages will be found valuable materials on
Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Washington, Chicago,
Missouri, and Kentucky.

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; BN.

Les �tats-Unis en 1867; un an de guerre po-
litique. [Paris, 1867.] 475-517 p. 8�. 624

Reprinted from Revue des deux mondes, periode 2,

annee 37, tome 72, p. 475-517, in which form the
material is available in NYPL (* DM).
Copies: LC; RPB.

Ebray, Alcide.

La France qui meurt. Paris: Societe fran-
chise d'imprimerie, 1910. xiv, 380 p. in-8. 625
Copies: ICJ; HCW.

Eggermont, Isidore.

Rapports sur l'Exposition universelle de
Philadelphie au point de vue du commerce et de
l'industrie beige. Bruxelles: A. Mertens, 1877.
59 p. in-8. 626

Copy: BN.

Voyage autour du globe. Paris: C. Dela-
grave, 1892-1900. 2 v. in-fol. fig. 627

Contents: v. 1. Amerique. v. 2. Japon.
Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN.

Eichthal, Eugene d'.

Quelques notes d'un voyage aux fitats-Unis.
Paris: F. Alcan, 1906. 36 p. gr. in-8. 628

Reprinted from Annales des sciences politiques,
March 15, 1906.

Copies: NYPL (IHC); LC.

En Louisiane. (le document. Collection de
textes publies. . .par "le Devoir" de Montreal.
No. 6, Novembre, 1931.) Montreal: l'lm-
primerie populaire, 1931. 127 p. in-12. 628A

The account of a trip to Louisiana by a party of
French Canadians in 1931. It was organized by the
newspaper Le Devoir of Montreal, which published the
above account.

Copy: MPL.

Engelbach, H.

Notes et observations sur l'industrie houillere
aux �tats-Unis. Paris: Comite central des
houilleres de France, 1913. vii, 170 p. in-4. fig.
pi. et cartes. 629

Copies: NYPL (VHW) ; ICJ; BN.

Lpitre d'un trappeur du Texas aux savants
de France. Paris: Decembre-Alonnier, 1870.
in-12. 629A

Copy: Lorenz.

L'Esclavage dans les fitats Confederes. Par
un missionnaire. Paris: E. Dentu, 1865. ix,
147 p. in-8. 630

Copy: HCW.

Paris: E. Dentu, 1865. ix, 147 p. 2. ed.

8�. 631

Copies: NYPL (SEKK) ; LC.

Estaing, Charles Hector, comte d'. See un-
der Calmon-Maison, Robert; Stevens,
Benjamin Franklin. Facsimiles.

Estournelles, Paul d'.

Mort d'une etoile. Paris: Librairie Galli-
mard, 1931. 198 p. in-18. 632

This comes in the class of cheap and sensational
fiction. Its action takes place in a New York speak-
easy with frequent descriptions of the life of several of
its characters in Hollywood. It is significant, because
no small part of present French opinion of life in
America is made on the basis of just such books as
this represents.

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC; BN.



estournelles de constant, paul henri
Benjamin, baron d\
Woman in the United States; translated from
the French by Estelle C. Porter, with a fore-
word bv David Starr Jordan. San Francisco,
Cal.: A. M. Robertson, 1912. 63(1) p., 1 port.
12�. 633

Copies: LC; ICJ.

Les Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Paris: A. Colin,
1913. ix, 536 p. in-12. 634

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; Am. Lib., Paris.

America and her problems... New York:
The Macmillan Company, 1915. xxii, 545 p.
8�. 635

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.

La vie publique et sociale aux Etats-Unis.
(In: Les Etats-Unis et la France. Paris, 1913.
8�. p. 135-143.) 636

Copies: NYPL (I AG; 1914); MB.

See also Comite France-Am erique. — Mis-
sion Champlain, 1912.

Les Etats-Unis et la France. Leurs lapports
historiques, artistiques, et sociaux. Par E. Bou-
troux, P. W. Bartlett, J. M. Baldwin, L. Bene-
dite, W. V. R. Berry, d'Estournelles de Con-
stant, Louis Gillet, D. J. Hill, J. H. Hyde,
Morton Fullerton. Paris: F. Alcan, 1913. 220 p.
gr. in-8. 637

Copy: HCW.

Paris: F. Alcan, 1914. 3 p.l., 222 p., 1 1.

illus. 8�. (Bibliotheque France-Amerique.) 638
Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC.

Les Etats-Unis en 1866. Geneve: J. Cherbu-
liez, 1866. 22 p. in-8. 639

Copies: LC; NjP; HCW.

Etienne, Jules Marie Alphonse.

Choses d'Amerique. Chalons-sur-Marne:
Impr. de C. O'Toole, 1904. 26 p. in-8. 640

The item carries this explanation: Conference faite
aux eleves de l'lnstitution Saint-Etienne, le 29 fevrier
1904. De Cherbourg et New-York au Vellowstone.

Copy: BN.


Livret-guide de l'emigrant, du negociant et du
touriste dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et au
Canada. Paris: A. Petit-Pierre, 1855. 212 p.
in-18. 641

Copies: LC; BN.

Les Mormons. Preface par Pierre Vincard.
Paris: Bestel, 1856. xii, 283 p. in-18. 642

Copies: NYPL (ZZME); LC; BN.

De Paris au Nouveau Monde et du Nouveau
Monde a Paris; narration d'un voyage de dix
ans. Paris: Bestel, 1857-59. 3 v. ii, 312; 315;
408 p. in-18. 643

Copy: BN.

Promenade instructive a travers le Monde
Nouveau. Premiere livraison. Alger: Impr. de
Cursach, 1878. 48 p. gr. in-8. 644

Copy: BN.

Evans, Paul D.

Deux emigres en Amerique: Talleyrand et
Beaumez. (La Revolution franchise. Paris,
1926. 8�. v. 79, p. 51-61.) 645

The author has made extensive use of unpublished
documents from the Knox mss. in the Massachusetts
Historical Society and from the private archives of
Van Eeghen and Co. of Amsterdam. It is to be noted
that Evans adopts the form "Beaumez" rather than the
more usual "Beaumetz," since that was the form used
by Beaumez in signing bis letters.

Copy: NYPL (DFA).

Evolution de la race franchise aux Etats-Unis.
See under Wilson, Bruno.

Extrait du Journal d'un officier de la Marine
de l'escadre de M. Le Comte d'Estaing. [Paris,]
1782. 126 ]). in-8. 646

Copies: NYPL (*KF-1782); LC.

Extrait du journal d'un officier de la ma-
rine de l'escadre de M. le comte d'Estaing.
in. p.,] 1782. 1 p.l., 158 p. 8�. 646A

Copies: JCB; HCW.

Evma, Louis Xavier.

Eyma, several of whose works were published under
the name of Adolphe Ricard, was born in Martinique
in 1816 and died sixty years later in Paris. He was
probably sent to Paris for his education. He became
associated with the Ministry of Marine there and wrote
for French reviews. In 1845 he first visited the United
States to study the American educational system. He
later returned to the United States and went to New
Orleans where he edited the French section of L' Abeille
during 1858-9. He travelled extensively in America
before returning to Paris. (See Edward L. Tinker,
Les fccrits de la langue francaise en Louisiane au XIXe
siicle. p. 189.)

Eyma was a prolific journalist and litterateur whose
writings during the 1850's and 1860's were influential
in the formation of French opinion of the United States.
Despite the volume of his writings on America the social
historian will find them of considerable value.

Les deux Ameriques: histoires, mceurs, et
voyages. Paris: D. Giraud, 1853. 374 p. in-18.


Copies: NYPL (YFH); LC; MH; BN.

Les femmes du Nouveau-Monde. Paris: D.
Giraud, 1853. 396 p. in-18. 648

Copy: BN.

Paris: M. Levy freres, 1860. 3 p.l.,

300 p., 1 1. 12�. 649

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC.

Les Peaux Rouges: scenes de la vie des In-
diens. Paris: D. Giraud, 1854. 345 p. in-18. 650
Copies: LC; BN.

Paris: M. Levy freres, 1860. 2 p.l., 314 p.,

1 1. 12�. 651

Copy: NYPL (HBC).

Les Peaux Noires. Scenes de la vie des
esclaves. Paris: Michel Levy, 1857. viii, 312 p.
in-18. 652

Copies: NYPL (HCY); LC; BN.

Excentricites americaines. Paris: Michel
Levy freres, 1860. 199 p. in-24. 653

The author explains that in his other books on
America he has discussed the greatness, the richness
and strength of American civilization and that he does
not wish this book to appear to be a contradiction of
his others, for here he paints merely the peculiarities.
Other French writers have spent much of their time



Evma. Louis Xavier, continued

writing about the peculiarities of American society
without recognizing that they were dealing with ex-
ceptions: a procedure which is neither just nor honest.
This valuable little book of Eyraa's is now excessively
difficult to find in very good condition. The peculiarities
which he treats are the following: A propos des femmes;
A propos des religions; Les marquis transatlantiques;
Messieurs les domestiques, mesdames les servantes:
Xoirs et blancs: Mosurs intimes de la presse; Le duel
et la justice individuelle; Les comites de vigilance;
Les fonctions publiques — La vie politique — Les

Copies: LC; MB; BX.

...Leipzig: Alph. Durr [I860?]. 193 p.

32�. 654

Copy: XYPL (IID).

Le trone d'arsrent. Paris: Michel Levy freres,
1860. 297 p. in-18. 655

Copies: NYPL (XKY); LC.

La Republique americaine, ses institutions,
ses hommes. Paris: Michel Levy freres, 1861.
2 v. in-8. 656

Copies: XYPL (IID); LC; BN.

Scenes de moeurs et de voyages dans le Nou-
veau Monde. Paris: Poulet-Malassis, 1862.
392 p. in-18. 657

Copy: BN.

Les trente-quatre etoiles de l'union ameri-
caine. Paris: Michel Levy freres, 1862. 2 v.
in-8. 658

Copies: XYPL; LC (Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1862);

La vie dans le Nouveau Monde. Paris: Pou-
let-Malassis, 1862. 355 p. in-18. 658A

Copies: LC; BX.

Legendes, fantomes et recits du Nouveau
monde. Paris: Nourry, 1863. 2 v. in-18. 659
Copies: LC; BX.

Paris: A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven et

O., 1863. 2 v. 12�. 660

Cories: XYPL (HAE) ; MB.

La chasse a l'esclave. Paris: P. Brunet, 1866.
281 p. in-18. 661

Copy: BX.

La vie aux �tats-Unis, notes de vovaee.
Paris: Plon, 1876. 307 p. in-18. 662

Copies: NYPL (IID); MH; BX.

F x, G x.

L'heroine du Texas; ou, Voyage de Madame
* * * aux Ltats-Unis et au Mexique. Par Mr.

G n F n. Paris: Plancher, 1819.

118 p. in-8, plate. 663

Copies: WLCL; CU-B; BX.

Fabre, Auguste.

Les sky scratchers; ou, Les hautes maisons
americaines. Nimes: Bureaux de l'fimancipa-
tion, 1896. 31 p. in-8. 664

Copies: LC; BX.


Formerly a pastor in a Swiss and a French church
in Philadelphia.

Abraham Lincoln, son caractere intellectuel,
moral et religieux; conference donnee a Bor-
deaux. Paris: C. Meyrueis, 1867. 48 p. in-18.

Copies: LC; BX. 665

Farmer, Jeax, pseud, of Jeax Leopold Du-
plax. See Duplax, Jeax Leopold.

Faucher de Saixt Maurice, Xarcisse Hexri

De Quebec a Mexico, souvenirs de voyage, de
garnison, de combat et de bivouac... fidition
complete. Montreal: Duvernav, Freres et
Dansereau, 1874. 2 v. 236; 271 p. in-18. 666

Journey from Rouse's Point, X. Y., to Xew York
City is described, as well as his sojourn in Xew York:
v. 1. p. 14-^4.

Copies: XYPL (HTO); LC; BX.

Fauchet, Jeax Joseph Axtoixe, barox.

Turner states that Fauchet (1761-1834) had been
chief of the bureau of the administration of war (1791),
secretary of the mayor of Paris (1792) and of the
executive power. He succeeded Genet as French min-
ister to the United States. Hamilton said of them that
"It was a meteor following a comet." Turner publishes
more than four hundred pages of correspondence of
Fauchet and the commissioners. After his return to
France he became a partisan of Xapoleon. was made
prefect of the Yar and later of the Gironde. He was
created a baron in 1810 and retired to private life after
the second restoration.

A translation of Citizen Fauchet's political
dispatch, no. 10. Philadelphia: Sold at the Po-
litical Book-Store, South Front-Street, No. 8.
Published by T. Bradford, Tanuary 7, 1795.
20 p. 8�. 667

Copy: LC.

A translation of Citizen Fauchet's intercepted
letter no. 10; to which are added extracts of
no. 3 8z 6. Philadelphia: Sold at the Political
Book-Store [1795]. 16 p. 8". 668

Copies: XYPL (*KD); LC.

Coup d'ceil sur l'etat actuel de nos rapports
politiques avec les fitats-Unis. Paris: Pougin,
an v— 1797. 42 p. in-8. 669

Copies: MH; WLCL: BX.

A sketch of the present state of our political
relations with the United States of North-
America. By Joseph Fauchet, ex-minister of the
French Republic at Philadelphia. Translated
bv the editor of the Aurora. Philadelphia:
Printed bv Benj. Franklin Bache, 1797. 31 p.
8D. . 670

Copies: XYPL (*KD); LC.

See also Correspoxdexce of the French min-

Fauvel-Gouraud, J. B. G.

Author was from Martinique.

L'Hercule et la Favorite, ou La capture de
l'Alexandre de Bordeaux, et des pirates borde-
lais, effectuee a New-Port, Rhode Island, fitats-
Unis de l'Amerique du Nord, le 21 mai 1838;
...suivi d'un aper^u sur les moeurs, les insti-
tutions americaines, les grands bateaux a vapeur,
les chemins de fer. etc. etc. Paris: chez l'auteur,
Impr. de F. J. Bailly, 1840. 2 v. xi, 518; 580 p.
in-8 avec portrait. 671

Copies: XYPL (KBK); BX.

Les hommes d'etat de la France constitu-
tionelle, compares aux hommes d'etat de la
grande republique des �tats-Unis, ou la Haute



politique du jour des deux gouvernements. . .
Paris: Impr. de Blondeau [1847]. 26 p. in-4
avec portrait. 672

Copies: LC; BN.

Fay, Bernard.

M. Fay, critic, publicist, historian, professor of
American history at the College de France, is a fre-
quent visitor to the United States, where he has held
academic posts in various universities. Although in-
terested in a variety of Franco-American problems, his
chief contributions have been on eighteenth-century
Franco-American relations which he treated with acu-
men and brilliance in his Revolutionary spirit . . . and
more recently in his Franklin and his Washington. Few
contemporary French scholars have done more in pro
moting American studies in France and none have done
more in the furthering of Franco-American relations.

L'esprit revolutionnaire en France et aux
fitats-Unis a la fin du xvnie siecle. Paris: �.
Champion, 1925. 2 p.L, 378 p. 4�. (Bibliotheque
de la Revue de litterature comparee. tome 7.)


A few copies of this were first published by Cham-
pion in 1924 when it was submitted as a thesis at the

Both the Esprit revolutionnaire and the Bibliogra-
phie critique publish, for the first time, important
manuscripts, chiefly from the diplomatic archives in

Copies: NYPL (NKB, Bibliotheque); LC.

The revolutionary spirit in France and
America, a study of moral and intellectual re-
lations between France and the United States
at the end of the eighteenth century. Translated
by Ramon Guthrie. New York: Harcourt,
Brace and Co., 1927. 4 p.L, 3-613 p. in-8. 674

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC.

Bibliographic critique des ouvrages francais
relatifs aux Ltats-Unis (1770-1800). Paris:
Librairie de la Societe de l'histoire de France
et de la Societe des anciens textes frangais, 1925.
108 p. in-8. (Bibliotheque de la Revue de littera-
ture comparee. tome 7, partie 2.) 675

Appendix i contains unpublished materials, chiefly
by Barbe-Marbois, concerning the establishment of the
Courrier de I' Amerique by Boinod and Gaillard. Ap-
pendix ii is made up of unpublished materials, some
by Adet, concerning Tanguy dc la Boissiere and his
activities in America.

Copies: NYPL (NKB, Bibliotheque); LC.

L'empire americain et sa democratic en 1926.
Paris: Louis de Saye Impr., 1926. 72 p. in-8. 676

Reprint from Correspondant.
Copy: NYPL (IAG p.v.402).

Faites vos jeux. Paris: Bernard Grasset,
1927. 190 p. in- 16. 677

A novel with an American background and based
upon observations in America.
Copies: NYPL (XKV); LC.

Notes on the American press at the end of the
eighteenth century. New York: The Grolier
Club, 1927. 5 p.l., 29 p., 25 (i. e. 26) folded
facsims. f�. 678

Copies: NYPL (t* KP, Grolier); LC.

The American experiment, by Bernard Fay,
in collaboration with A. Claflin. New York:
Harcourt Brace and Company [Cop. 1929].
264 p. 8�. 679

Copies: NYPL (IDS); LC.
See also Desjardins.

Fedix, P. A.

L'Oregon et les cotes de l'Ocean pacifique du
Xord, aperQu geographique, statistique et po-
litique. Paris: Amyot, 1846. 258 p. in-8 et
carte. 680

Copies: NYPL (IXI); LC; BX.

Ferrandi, Jean.

Chez nos freres d'armes d'Amerique. Paris:
Charles-Lavauzelle et Cie., 1931. 86 p. illus.
12�. 680 A

The author is a member of the board of directors
of the Federation interallied des anciens combattants.
It was on behalf of this organization that the author
travelled in the United States during several months
in 1929. The book is in part a protest against the pic-
ture of America provided by Duhamel.

Copies: NYPL (BAC p.v.171); LC; BX.

Ferri-Pisani, Camille, i. e., Marcel Victor
Paul Camille.
Lettres sur les fitats-Unis d'Amerique. Paris:
Hachette, 1862. 455 p. in-18. 681

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; BX.

Ferri-Pisani, Camille Auguste Anatole.

The productions of this author are but yellow jour-
nalism in book form, a cheap burlesque representation
of American life. For a candid estimate of his work
and of its popularity in France see the article "French
authors take revenge" by C. E. Andrews in The Book-
man, March, 1931.

L'interet et l'ideal des �tats-Unis dans la
guerre mondiale. Paris: Perrin, 1918. 243 p.
in-16. 682

Copies: NYPL (BTZS); LC; BN.
Au pays du film: souvenirs de Los-Angeles.
Paris, 1923. 78 p. 8�. 683

Copies: NYPL (MFF p.v.57, no. 3); LC.

...Au pays des Amazones. L'amour en
Amerique. Paris: Les Editions de France, 1927.

p. in-c


Copies: NYPL (SNF) ; LC; BX.

Sa majeste le dollar. Paris: Editions de
France, 1929. 273 p. in-16. 685

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BX.

Le cinema en France, en Italie, en Amerique
par Boisyvon, Emilio Ghione, Ferri Pisani.
Paris: Felix Alcan, 1930. 134 p. in-16 avec 8
planches hors-texte. (L'art cinematographique.
vii. ) 686

Le cinema americain, par Ferri-Pisani: p. 69-134.
Copies: NYPL (MFLA); BX.

. . .Lucile, jeune fille americaine. Paris: Les
fiditions de France ,1930]. 238 p. in-8. 687
Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC.

Souvenirs d'un gangster. Paris: Les Editions
de France, 1931. 251 p. in-8. 688

Contents: En guise dc preface: William Hale Thomp-
son, maire de Chicago. On assassine un homme. Pri-
sons americaines. Chez O'Banion, le tueur aux yingt-
huit coches. Le "racket" des garages. Au service de
Capone. Vivent le vin, le jeu, l'amour et...Capone.
Chauffeur a 10,000 francs par semaine. Comment on
"fixe" un jury. 2,000 dollars "avant", 2,000 dollars

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Ferry, Gabriel, pseud. See Bellemarre,
Louis Ferry Gabriel de.



Ferry, Hippolvte.

Description de la Nouvelle-Californie;
geographique, politique et morale... Paris:
Maison, 1850. 386 p., 1 map, 7 pi. in-12. 689

Copies: NYPL (IXG); LC; BN.

La California, descrizione geografica, po-
litica e morale... Prima traduzione italiana
di S. d. S. Venezia: Tip. Fontana, 1851. 340 p.
illus. 8�. 690

Copy: LC.

Feydeau de Saint-Christophe, P. J. F. de.

P. J. F. de Feydeau de Saint-Christophe,

1735-1782. (Revue del' Anjou. Jan./Feb., 1921,

p. 9-73.) 691

Copies: MiU; JHH.

Firmin, Smile.

Le Kansas en 1889. Topeka: Impr. de C C.
Baker, 1889. 39 p. in-8 fig. et carte. 691A

Copy: BX.

Notice sur les Franqais de Florence (Kansas,
�tats-Unis d'Amerique). Issy-sur-Seine: Impr.
de R. Beau et C. Dillet jn.d.]. 8 p. in-8 couv.
illus. 691 B

Copy: BN.

Fisch, Georges.

Les fitats-Unis en 1861. Paris: E. Dentu,
1862. 239 p. in-16. 692

Copies: NYPL (IK); LC; BN.

Nine months in the United States during the
crisis. With an introduction by the Hon. Arthur
Kinnaird, m. p., and a preface by the Rev. W.
Arthur. London: J. Nisbet & Co., 1863. 1 p.l.,
(i)vi-xvi, 166 p. 12�. 693

This survey, with a distinct religious and anti-slavery
bias, is the result of a residence of nine months in the
United States during 1861. He remarks that slave-
holders have spread much propaganda in France, a
country which is too distant from America to really
appreciate the two great issues. He found everything
in America strange and concluded that never have a
people been judged more superficially, more hastily or
with more injustice. It is all a strange mixture of
savagery and civilization in which the faults of the
country are at once apparent. To him the strangest
thing in this strange world was the American political
party. The special genius of America finds expression
in an art that is special to the United States: that of
beautifying cemeteries, in which the pagan dream of the
Elysian fields is realized in a spirit that is Christian.
The greatest fault of Americans is their tremendous
pride — which takes on the vast proportions of the
country itself.

Copies: NYPL (IID) ; LC.

Flaget, Benedict Joseph.

Correspondence between the Most Reverend
Joseph Octavius Plessis, archbishop of Quebec,
Canada, and the Right Reverend Benedict
Joseph Flaget, bishop of Bardstown, Kentucky,
and a few miscellaneous letters. (1811-1833.)
(American Catholic Historical Society. Rec-
ords. Philadelphia, 1907. 8�. v. 18, p. 12-43.)

Copy: NYPL (I A A). 693A

Bishop Flaget's diary [for the year 1812],
published by W. J. Howlett. (American Catho-
lic Historical Society of Philadelphia. Records.
Philadelphia, 1918. 8�. v. 29, p. 37-59, 153-
169,231-249.) 694

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Bishop Flaget's report of the Diocese of
Bardstown to Pius vn, April 10, 1815. (Cath-
olic historical review. Washington, D. C,
1915. 8�. v. 1, p. 305-319.) 694A

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Appel de B. J. Flaget, eveque de Bardstown
(Kentucky) a ses compatriotes de France, n.p.,
1820. 16 p. in-8. 695

Copy: BN.

Benoit-Joseph Flaget, par la misericorde de
Dieu et l'autorite du Saint-Siege, eveque de
Bardstown dans le Kentucky, un des Ltats-Unis
de l'Amerique septentrionale, a ses compatriotes
de France, salut et benediction. [Bordeaux:
Imprimerie de Veuve J.-B. Cavazza, 1820?] 16 p.
12�. 695A

Pages 1-7, text of the Flaget letter, dated Feb. 28,
1820; p. 7-15, a description signed by Gui-Ignace
Chabrat, missionaire au Kentucky, of his experiences;
p. 15-16, extract of a letter from Flaget to Chabrat:
at the end a communication from the Archbishop of
Bordeaux, dated Oct. 14, 1820.

Copy: WLCL.

See also under Spalding, Martin John.

Fleury, de. See Stevens, Benjamin Frank-
lin. Facsimiles.

Fleury, Jean Gerard. See Dialogue entre
Deux Mondes.

Fleury, Louis. See Ford, Worthington
Chauncey, editor.

Florey, Robert.

Filmland, Los Angeles et Hollywood, les capi-
tales du cinema. Paris: Editions de Cinemaga-
zine, 1923. 328 p. in-8 pi. portr. 696

Copy: LC.

Deux ans dans les studios americains. Paris:
Publications Jean Pascal [1926?]. 278 p. in-
16. 697

Copies: NYPL (MFL); BN.

La guerre d'Amerique. Recit d'un soldat du
Sud. Paris: Adrien Le Clere et Cie et C. Dillet
[1866-70]. 2v. 304; 265 p. 12�. 698

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC.

La guerra d' America raccontata da un
combattente del Sud... Milano: Corona e
Caimi, 1870. 400 p. 12�. 699

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC (1868).

Fontenay, Marie, pseud. See Grandfort,
Marie Fontenay de.

forbach, guillaume de, comte de deux-

My campaigns in America. A journal kept
by Count William de Deux-Ponts, 1780-81.
Translated from the French manuscript, with
an introduction and notes, by S. A. Green. Bos-
ton: J. K. Wiggin and W. P. Lunt, 1868. xvi p.,
1 1., 176 p. in-8. 700

Copies: NYPL (IGI); LC; JHH.


Ford, Worthington Chauncey, editor.

Defences of Philadelphia in 1777. (Pennsyl-
vania magazine of history and biography Phil-
adelphia, 1894-97. 8\ v. 18, p. 1-19, 163-184
329-353, 463-495; v. 19, p. 72-86, 234-250, 359-
373, 481-506; v. 20, p. 87-115, 213-247 391-
404, 520-551; v. 21, p. 51-71.) 700A

Contains numerous letters and repor's by Du Cou-
dray, Du Portail, and Louis Fleury. Consult the in-
dexes to the separate volumes

Copy: NYPL C R - IAA).

Forest, Prudent.

Voyage aux fitats-Unis de l'Amerique en
1831. Lyon: Imp. chez J. Perret, 1834. 95 p.
in-8. 701

A curious and valuable book. Author wishes to
present the details of daily life in the United States,
detads that are too often neglected by travellers. He
spent considerable time in New Orleans and gives
interesting views of cockfights and slavery. He states
that crocodiles are as common in the Mississippi as
in the Nile. The book abounds in curious phonetic
spellings: Kentoki (Kentucky), stainboot (steamboat)
sleege (stage).

Copy: BN.

Fortunio, pseud. See Niboyet, Paulin For-


Foubert, Auguste.

Par dela l'ocean. La vie emigrante en
Amerique (Republique Argentine, fitats-Unis
et Canada). Paris: P. Dupont, 1875. 274 p.
in-18. 702

Pages 145-203 are devoted to the United States.
Copy: BN.

Foucault, Denis Nicolas. See under Villiers
du Terrace, Marc, baron de.


Coup d'ceil historique et statistique sur le
Texas. Paris: Delloye, avril 1841. 57 p. in-8.


Copies: NYPL (ITR); LC; HCW.

Fox, Sister Columba.

The life of the Right Reverend John Baptist
Mary David (1761-1841), bishop of Bardstown
and founder of the Sisters of Charity of Na-
zareth... New York: United States Catholic
Historical Society, 1925. 4 p.l., 240 p., 2 1. illus.
8�. (Monograph series, no. 9.) 704

Copies: NYPL (IAA); LC.

France. — Ministere du Commerce, de l'Ix-


Exposition internationale de Chicago en 1893.
Rapports publies sous la direction de M. Camille
Krantz, commissaire general du gouvernement
francais. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1894
7 v. 4�. 704A

Copy: NYPL (VC, Chicago).

Franchere, Gabriel.

Mr. Henry R. Wagner states concerning Franchere
that he went out with the Astor party in the Tonquin
and that he came home overland. His book formed the
basis of Irving's Astoria.

"Franchere left on his return April 4, 1814, and
traveled by the Columbia, Rocky Mountain Hou=e,
Saskatchewan, Ft. Vermilion, Ft. Cumberland, Ft.


Winnipeg, the Red River Settlement and Ft. William
and arrived at Montreal September 1st.
io'c'!rUrioUsly enough' the translation of this book in
1854 contains an additional chapter by Franchere him-
self and an Appendix in which he gives an account of
the fate of some of the persons who left Astoria before
and after its transfer to the British." — The Plains and
the Rockies, p. 15.

Relation d'un voyage a la cote du nordouest
de 1 Amerique Septentrionale, dans les annees
1810, 11, 12, 13, et 14... Montreal: De l'im-
primene de C. B. Pasteur, 1820. 284 p. 8�. 705

Copies: NYPL (*KF); LC.

Narrative of a voyage to the northwest coast
of America, in the years 1811, 1812, 1813, and
1814... Translated and edited bv J. V Hunt-
ington. New York: Redfield, 1854. 376 p., 3 pi
12�- 706

Copies: NYPL (HV); LC.

Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Com-
pany, 1904. in-8. (Early western travels, v. 6 )


A reprint of J. V. Huntington's translation pub-
lished in 1854.

Copies: NYPL (IW, Western); LC; BN.

Franqueville, Charles Franquet, comte de.

Les fitats-Unis du centenaire. Paris: Impr

de E. De Soye et fils, 1889. 51 p. in-8. 708

Reprint from Correspondant.
Copies: BN; HCW.

Freeman, Nicolas, pseud. See Jay, Antoine.
Frignet, Ernest.

La Californie, histoire des progres de Tun des
fitats-Unis d'Amerique et des institutions qui
font sa prosperite. Paris: Schlesinger, 1866.
xxvi, 479 p. in-8. 709

Copies: MH; LC; BN.

Paris: Schlesinger freres, 1867. 2 p.l.,

xxvi, 479 p. 2. ed. 8�. 710

Copies: NYPL (IXG); LC.

Essai sur l'organization des chemins de fer
du Pacifique (Union Pacific Railway, south
branch) et de leurs bons hypothecates. Paris-
Vieweg, 1869. 126 p. maps. 8�. 71 i

Copies: LC; MH-BA.

fitudes financieres sur les chemins de fer
amencains. 1. Missouri, Kansas, and Texas
Railway. Paris: Jouast, 1873. 99 p. in-8. 712

Copy: BN.

See also Carrey, Edmond, and Ernest

Frison, Marc, joint author. See Haecht, Paul


Fritz, Ch., joint author. See under Barras,
Charles, and others.

Fromage, Georges.

Notes sur un rapide et court voyage aux
fitats-Unis et au Canada. Rouen: Impr. du
Journal de Rouen, 1910. 24 p. in-8. 713

Copy: BN.



Frout de Fontpertuis, Adalbert.

Les fitats-Unis de l'Amerique septentrionale.
Leurs origines, leur emancipation et leur pro-
gres. Paris: Felix Alcan, 1872. viii, 615 p.
in-8. 714

Copy: BN.

Paris: Guillaumin et Cie. [1873.] viii,

615 p. in-8. 715

Copies: NYPL (IAE); LC; BN.

L'organisme judiciaire aux �tats-Unis.
Versailles: Impr. de Cerf et fils [1875]. 29 p.
in-8. 716

Copy: BN.

Fuller, P. See Comite France-Amerique.
— Mission Champlain, 1912.

Gabriel, Charles Nicolas.

Le marechal de camp Desandrouins (1729-
1792) ; guerre du Canada (1756-1760) ; guerre
de 1'independance americaine (1780-1782)...
Verdun: Impr. Renve-Lallemant, 1887. viii,
419 p. gr-in-8. 717

Copies: LC; MH; BN.

Gachon, Jean.

La politique etrangere des �tats-Unis, qui
la conduit? Paris: Felix Alcan, 1929. 252 p.
in-12. 718

Author spent more than a year in the United States,
travelling and studying the political, social, and eco-
nomic factors which influence American foreign policy.

Copies: NYPL (IC) ; LC.

Gaillardet, Frederic.

Gaillardet (1808-1882) had been admitted to the
practice of law in France when he turned to literature
and collaborated with Alexandre Dumas, with whom he
quarreled, whom he sued six times in the courts of law,
and whom he met on the field of honor, from which
both escaped without injury. He came to New Orleans
in 1837 with two brothers and while travelling in the
Mississippi valley and Texas he frequently wrote to
the Parisian newspapers. In 1840 he came to New
York, bought the moribund Courrier des �tats-Unis,
and established it as the leading French newspaper in
America. In 1848 he sold it and returned to France.
He frequently returned to America in the years follow-
ing. His l' Aristocratic en Amerique, published the
year following his death, is brilliant, though frag-
mentary. His book was designed, as the title indicates,
to be the counterpart to that of de Tocqueville, with
which it should be read.

Aux electeurs de l'Yonne: profession de foi
et considerations sur le systeme republicain des
�tats-Unis. Paris: Impr. de Dupont, 1848. 16 p.
in-8. 719

Copy: HCW.

L'aristocratie en Amerique. Paris: E. Dentu,
1883. 375 p. in-18. 720

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

Garraghan, Gilbert J.

Early Catholicity in Chicago. (Illinois Catho-
lic historical review. Chicago, 1918. 8�. v. 1,
p. 8-28.) 721

Important materials for Theodore Stephen Badin
and Gabriel Richard.
Copy: NYPL (I A A).

Early Catholicity in Chicago. (Illinois Catho-
lic historical review. Chicago, 1918. 8�. v. 1,
p. 147-172.) 722

Important materials for John Irenaeus Mary St.
Cyr, a priest in the diocese of St. Louis in the 1830's.
Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Gasnier, Rene.

. . . Villes americaines ; notes de voyage d'un
aeronaute a la coupe Gordon-Bennett. Angers:
Germain & G. Grassin, 1909. 158 p., 1 1. illus.
pi. 8�. 723

The author discusses New York, St. Louis, Albany,
Schenectady, Niagara Falls, Buffalo. Chicago, Pitts-
burgh, Boston, Quebec, Montreal, Philadelphia, and

Copies: LC; MB.

Gasquet, Louis. See under Nasatir, Abra-
ham P.

Gaullieur, Henri.

Maud Dexter: scenes americaines. Paris:
Librairie Plon [1888]. 262 p. in-18. 724

Copies: NYPL; LC.

fitudes americaines: race blanche, race noire,
race rouge, zones de Chicago. Paris: Plon-
Nourrit, 1891. 2 p.l., vii, 299 p., 1 1. in-12. 725

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BM; Bib. Ste. Gen.

Rapport sur la contree du Pecos aux fitats-
Unis (Nouveau-Mexique). Berne: "Berner
Tagblatt," 1891. 25 p. illus. 8�. 726

Copies: NYPL (TB p.v.452, no.l); LNH.

Gayet, Stephane.

Les Juvenile Courts aux Ltats-Unis, rapport
a l'Universite de Lyon. Lyon: Impr. de Wal-
tener, 1905. 58 p. in-8. 727

Copy: BN.

Geffroy, Gustave.

Clemenceau, suivi d'une etude de Louis Lu-
met, avec citations de G. Clemenceau, sur les
fitats-Unis d'Amerique. Texte frangais et
anglais. Paris: George Cres et Cie, 1918. 233 p.
in-16. 728

Copies: LC; MB; HCW (copy contains a ms. letter
from Clemenceau).

Zurich: G. Cres et O., 1918. 2 p.l.,

229 p., 3 1. illus. t15. ed., 12�. 729

Copy: NYPL (AN, Clemenceau).
Gelline, P. L.

Journal de mer d'un voyage a la Nouvelle-
Orleans, capitale de la Louisiane. . .2 octobre
1841-au 21 fevrier 1842. Paris: chez l'auteur,
231 rue St. Martin, 1842. 20 p. in-8. 730

Copy: BN.

Genet, Edmond Charles �douard.

The Correspondence between Citizen Genet,
Minister of the French Republic, to the United
States of North America, and the Officers of the
Federal Government ; to which are prefixed the
Instructions from the Constituted Authorities
of France to the said Minister. All from Au-
thentic Documents. Philadelphia: Printed and
sold by Benjamin Franklin Bache, No. 112,
Market-Street. 1793. 2 p.l., 26 p. 4�. 731

p. 11-26 contain the "Correspondence relative to
the Renewal of Treaties between France and the United
States of America."

Copies: NYPL (* KD) ; LC.

Correspondance entre le citoyen Genet, mi-
nistre plenipotentiaire de la Republique Fran-
chise pres les fitats-Unis, et le membres du



gouvernement federal, precedee des instructions
donnees a ce ministre par les autorites consti-
tutes de la France. Tiree des originaux. Phila-
delphie: de l'lmprimerie de Benjamin Franklin
Bache, rue du Grande-Marche, N� 112, 1794.
32 p. 4�. 732

Copy: NYPL (* KD).

See also Correspondence of the French Min-

Gerard, A. G.

Itineraire de Quebec a Chicago. Montreal:
C O. Beauchemin et Valois, 1868. iv, 170 p.
in-8 avec tableau. 732A

The BN catalogue describes the item as having 179
pages instead of 170 pages. The part of the book
devoted to the United States extends from p. 61 to
p. 158.

Copies: SSL; MPL; BX.

Gerard, Conrad Alexandre.

Extracts from the diplomatic correspondence
of Conrad Alexandre Gerard, first minister
plenipotentiary to the United States. July, 1778
to October, 1779. Made. . .by Elizabeth S. Kite.
(American Catholic Historical Society. Rec-
ords. Philadelphia, 1920. 8�. v. 31, p. 215-
228.) 733

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Reports of Conrad Alexandre Gerard, min-
ister plenipotentiary to America, 1778—1779,
from his Most Christian Majesty, Louis xvi,
king of France. (American Catholic Historical
Society. Records. Philadelphia, 1922. 8�. v. 33,
p. 54-91.) 734

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

See also under Durand, John; Ormesson,
Wladimir, comte i)'; Stevens, B. F. Fac-

Gerbault, Alain.

Seul a travers l'Atlantique. Paris: Bernard
Grasset, 1925. 222 p. in-16. 735

Pages 173-197 deal with his arrival and first days
in America.

Copies: NYPL (MVYV); LC; BX.

The fight of the "Firecrest"; the record of a
lone-hand cruise, from East to West across the
Atlantic. London: H. F. & G. Witherby, 1926.
176 p. illus. 12�. 736

Copies: NYPL (MVW; also the N. Y. ed. of 1926);
LC (both editions).

...Allein iiber den Atlantic (Seul a travers
l'Atlantique). Einzig autorisierte Ubersetzung
aus dem franzosischen von C. L. Wagenseil.
Hamburg: "Ava"-Verlag, 1926. 1 p.l., 168 p.,
1 1. illus. 12�. 737

Copy: LC.

A la poursuite du soleil: journal de bord. 1.
De New-York a Tahiti. Preface de J. B. Char-
cot. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 1929. 3 p.l.,
(1)10-202 p., 3 1. illus. in-12. 738

Pages 15-38 discuss his preparations in America and
his departure from New York.

Copies: NYPL (MVW); LC; BX.

In quest of the sun; the journal of the "Fire-
crest." London: Hodder & Stoughton, Limited
[1929,. 315 p. illus. 8�. 739

Copies: NYPL (MVW, 1930); LC.

Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Doran

& Co., 1930. xvi p., 1 1., 303 p. illus. 12�. 740

Copies: NYPL (MVW); LC.

Ghio, Paul.

L'anarchisme aux �tats-Unis. Precede

d'une lettre de Louis Marie. Paris: A. Colin,

1903. xvi, 196 p. in-16. 741

Copies: NYPL (SFK); LC; BN.

Gignoux, Claude. See Delegation ouvriere

Gignoux, Regis. See Comite France-
Am erique. — Mission Champlain, 1912.

Gigot, Albert.

M. de Tocqueville. Paris: Douniol, 1861.
39 p. in-8. 742

Reprinted from Le Correspondant, tome 51 [nouv.
serie, tome IS], 1860, p. 690-726, in which form the
material is available in NYPL (* DM).

Copy: BN.

La democratic autoritaire aux �tats-Unis. Le
general Andre Jackson. Paris: C. Levy, 1885.
iv, 364 p. in- 18. 743

Copies: LC; WLCL; BN.

Girard, Charles Frederic.

Les fitats Confederes d'Amerique visites en
1863. Memoire addresse a S. M. Napoleon in
[par C. F. Girard]. Paris: E. Dentu, 1864. viii,
9-160 p. gr-in-8, avec carte. 744

Copies: NYPL (IK p.v.47, no.l); LC; BN.

Girard, Just, pseud. See Roy, Just Jean

Girardin, Louis Hue.

Education. [Circular relating to formation of
a school at Dumfries, Virginia, for teaching
languages and other subjects belonging to a
course of liberal education. Richmond, 1798?]
2 1. 4�. 745

Signed and dated: L. H. Girardin. Dumfries, Julv
21st, 1798.

Copy: NYPL (* KD).

See also under Philips, Edith.


Essai sur la condition des femmes en Europe
et en Amerique. Paris: A. Ghio, 1882. 442 p.
in-16. 746

Copies: Mil; HCW (contains statement that Giraud
was the author).

Giraud, Octave.

L'abolition de l'esclavage. Reflexions sur le
livre de M. Cochin. Paris: A. Aubry, 1861.
64 p. in-12. 747

Giraud spent six months in 1860-61 in the French
regions of America. His pamphlet is a reply to Cochin's
popular studv of slavery.

Copy: BX.



Giraud, Victor.

Nouvelles etudes sur Chateaubriand. Paris:
Hachette, 1912. ix. 335 p. in-16. 748

See p. 156-174 where parts of the manuscript jour-
nal of ftdouard de Montdesir, who was in the United
States from 1791 to 1803, are published.

Copies: LC; MB; BX.


Voyage de Jean Giraudoux. Illustre par Max-
ime Dethomas. Paris: Smile Paul freres, 1918.
127 p. in-8. 749

Half-title: Arnica America.
Copies: NYPL (ILH); MB; BN.

Gobat, Albert.

Croquis et impressions d'Amerique. Berne:
G. Grunau [1905]. 301 p. in-4. fig. et pi. 750

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN.

Goblet d'Alviella, Eugexe Felicien Albert,
Souvenirs d'une excursion au Canada. . .et les
chutes du Niagara. 751

Reprint from Revue de Belgique, 1881.

L'evolution religieuse contemporaine chez les
Anglais, les Americains et les Hindous. Paris,
1884. xx, 432 p. in-8. 752

Copies: MH; BN.

The contemporary evolution of religious
thought in England, America and India. Trans-
lated bv J. Modem New York: G. P. Putnam's
Sons. 1886. xv, 344 p. 8�. 753

The English edition of this translation was printed
in London in 1885. Copy available in Harvard Library.
Copy: LC.

A travers le Far-West: souvenirs des fitats-
Unis. Bruxelles: Weissenbruch, 1906. 236 p.
in-4. 754

Copies: NYPL (IW); LC; BN.

Godecker, Sister Mary Salesia.

Simon Brute de Remur: first bishop of Vin-
cennes. . .with a preface by His Excellency, the
Right Reverend Joseph Chartrand, Bishop of
Indianapolis. St. Meinrad, Indiana: Published
by St. Meinrad Historical Essays, 1931. xliii,
441 p. illus. 8�. 755

Contains much unpublished manuscript material by
and concerning Brute.

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Godox, Charles, and A. Rouxet.

L'art dentaire aux �tats-Unis en 1893. Une
mission en Amerique. Paris: J. B. Bailliere et
fils, 1894. 139 p. in-8. 756

Copies: DSG; BN.

Goemaere, Pierre.

A travers l'Amerique avec le roi des Beiges.
Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1920. 167 p. in-16. 757

Copies: LC; BN.

Across America with the King of the Belgians
.. .Translation. . .by Beatrice Sorchan. New
York: E. P. Dutton & Company (cop. 1921].
4 p.l., 149 p. 12�. 758

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.

Gohier, Urbaix Degoulet.

Le peuple du xxe siecle aux Ltats-Unis.
Paris: E. Fasquelle. 1903. 2 p.l, 311 p. 12�. 759

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.

Goxtard, Jean.

A travers la Calif ornie. Paris: Pierre Roger,
1922. 256 p. pet-in-8. 760

Copies: NYPL (IXG) ; LC.

Dans les sierras de Calif ornie. Paris: Pierre
Roger, 1923. 248 p. in-8. 761

Copies: NYPL (IXG); LC.

Au pays des gratte-ciel (fitats-Unis). Paris:
Pierre Roger, 1925. 272 p. pet-in-8. 762

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN.

Gosselix. See Comite France-Amerique.
Mission Champlain, 1912.

Gostkowski, Gustave, baron de.

De Paris a Mexique par les fitats-Unis.
Paris: P. V. Stock, 1899. 432 p. in-8. 763

Copies: NYPL (HTY) ; LC; BN.


Coup d'oeil historique et statistique sur le
Texas. Paris: Delloye, April 1841. 57 p. in-8.


Copy: HCW.

Une Frangaise chez les sauvages. Tours:
A. Mame et fils, 1897. 144 p. illus. 8�. 765

Copies: MB; BN.

Un voyage chez les Indiens du Nouveau-
Mexique. Rouen: Impr. de L. Gy [1898]. 27 p.
in-4. 766

Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Societe normande
de geographie, tome 20, 1898, p. 85-108, in which form
the material is available in NYPL (KAA).

Goussexcourt, Chevalier de, pseud. See The
Operatioxs of the French fleet under the
Count de Grasse in 1781-2. . .

Goy, Hexri.

De Quebec a Valparaiso, paysages, peuples,
ecoles. Paris: A. Colin, 1917. 288 p. in-16.


Copies: NYPL (STX) ; BX.

Graffigxy, Hexry de, pseud. See Marquis,

Graxdfort, Marie Foxtenay de.

L'autre monde. Paris: Librairie nouvelle,
1855. 4 p.l, 259 p, 1 1. in-18. 768

This little book is a classic of parody and abuse.
The author states that American actors have no talents
and that Americans never go to the theatre unless
Barnum is producing something. American women
from the age of 15 to 25 are beautiful; after that they
are unbearably ugly. There are only two types of
American men: clergymen and soap-salesmen. In the
street-cars of Xew York it is not unusual for women
to sit on the laps of the men. The country she found
was filled with escaped criminals from Europe. After
she had toured through the South she decided that
l~r.de Tom's Cabin was romantic nonsense. She thought
the Kentuckians were the Gascons of America and
defined a Kentucky gentleman as a man who paid his



bills the first time they were presented. Her best
vitriol she reserved for suffragettes. There was but
one aspect of life that pleased her in America: the
hotels — and the steamships, that were great floating

Mr. Edward L. Tinker has called my attention to a
reply to L'Autre atomic by Mme. Eleonore Ligeret de
Chazey and entitled: Les Creole*. Riponse a .1/
de Grandfort. (1855?) There is a copy of this pain
phlet in LC.

Copies: NYPL (NKV); Mil; BN.

L'autre monde. [Par) Mine. Manoel de Grand-
fort, membre de 1'Institut canadicn de [Mon-
treal. Deuxieme edition. Paris: Librairie
nouvelle, 1857. 2 p.l.. Ill p., 6 1. 12�. 768A

The success of the first edition persuaded the pub-
lishers to reissue the book in La Bibliotheque nouvelle,
a series of popular books. It is not a mere reprint of
the first edition; il was printed from new type. The
text is substantially the same.

Copy: I.C.

The New World: translated from the French
of Mme. M. de Grandfort, by Edward C. Whar-
ton, of New Orleans, author of the comedy
of the "Young Couple," as performed by the
"Batemen children," etc. New Orleans: Pub-
lished and printed bv Sherman, Wharton Co.,
No. 41 Camp Street, 1855. 144 p., 1 1. 8�. 768B

Copy: LC.

Grandin le Marcheur.

A pied! Le tour de la terre. Impressions et
notes de voyage; preface de Edmond Lepelle-
tier. Paris: A. Charles, 1895. xx, 427 p. in-16.

Copy: HCW. 769

Grandpierre, Jf.ax Hexri.

Quelques mois de sejour aux fitats-Unis
d'Amerique. Paris: Grassart, 1854. 209 p. in-
16. 770

These articles were first published from Sept., 1853
to Jan., 1854 in L'lisperance, of which the author was
the editor.

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; BN.

A Parisian pastor's glance at America. Bos-
ton: Gould and Lincoln, 1854. 5, [iii]-v p., 1 1.,
(1)12-132 p. 12 . 771

The appendix of the French edition has been omitted
in this translation.

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Eenige maanden in de Vereenigde Staten
van Noord-Amerika. Naar het Fransch..,
Amsterdam: H. Hoveker, 1854. xii, 174 p.,
1 1. 8�. 772

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Graxier de Cassagxac, Bernard Adolphe.

Voyage aux Antilles franchises, anglaises,
danoises, espagnoles; a Saint-Domingue et aux
fitats-Unis d'Amerique... Paris: Dauvin et
Fontaine, 1842-1844. 2 v. 3 p.l., (i)iv-viii,
356 p., 1 1.; 2 p.l., 481 p., 1 1. in-8. 773

Imprint of v. 2: Paris: au comptoir des imprimeurs-

The following parts are devoted to the United States:
vol. 2: chapitre xi, Les femmes americaines, p. 315-
348; chapitre viii, Les Etats-Unis, p. 369-392.

Copies: NYPL (HNH); LC; BN.

Grant, Elliott M., joint editor. See Selec-
tions from French travellers in America.

Grasse-Tilly, Francois Joseph Paul, mar-
quis de.
Memoire du comte de Grasse [Sur le combat
naval du 12 avril 1782, avec les plans des
positions principales des armees respectives.
Paris, 1782.] 28 p. in-8 avec 8 cartes depli-
antes. 774

Copies: NYPL (�KF-1782); MBAt; HCW.

Mcmorie van den Graave de Grasse, betref-
fende de actien in de West-Indien voorgevallen.
n.p. ,1782?, 55 p., 8 folding plates. 4�. 774A

Copy: WLCL.

Correspondence of General Washington
and Comte de Grasse. 1781. August 17 -
November 4. With supplementary docu-
ments from the Washington papers in the
Manuscripts Division of the Library of Con-
gress. Edited by the Institut Frangais de
Washington. Washington, D. C: Govern-
ment Printing Office, 1931. xviii, 169 p. 8�.
(U. S. — 71. cong., 2. sess. Senate doc. 211.)


Contains letters to and from Washington, de Grasse,
Duportail, Mordecai Gist, Lafayette, de Custine, de
Choisy, Col. Morris, de Rochambeau, Hamilton, Corn-
wallis, La Luzerne, Elias Boudinot, Gen. Knox, and
Samuel Hodgdon.

Copies: NYPL; LC.

Greard, Octave.

Prevcst-Paradol. fitude suivie d'un choix de
lettres. Paris: Hachette, 1894. vi, 305 p. in-16.


Publishes some letters written from the United States
where Prevost-Paradol was ambassador in 1870.
Copies: LC; MH; BN.

Greber, Jacques.

L'architecture aux fitats-Unis. Paris: Payot,
1920. 2 v. 162; 175 p. gr-in-4. 777

Copies: NYPL (t MQWO); LC; HCW.

Grfnte, Georges Fraxc;ois Xavier Marie,

Le beau voyage des cardinaux frangais aux
fitats-Unis et au Canada. Paris: Plon [Cop.
1927]. iii, 339 p. in-8 avec une photographie
hors texte. 778

Copies: NYPL (ZHFK) ; LC; BN.

Grisei.le, Eugene, editor. See under Un Voy-
age en Amerique au temps de la guerre de


Grobet, H., axd Th. Otto Schweitzer.

Rapport sur la situation des ouvriers en
Amerique par H. Grobet & Th. Otto Schweitzer,
delegues suisses a Chicago. Exposition uni-
verselle de Chicago. 1893. n. p.: Imprime par
les soins du syndicat des maitres imprimeurs
de la Suisse romande, 1894. 92 p. 8�. 778A

Copy: NYPL (TDI p.v.16, no.10).

Gros, Raymond, joint author. See Bourxaxd,
Franqois, and Raymond Gros.

Grosclaude, �tienne.

En revenant des fitats-Unis: conference faite
a l'Universite des Annales le 19 Janvier 1917.
[Paris, 1917., 32 p. in-8. 779

Copy: NYPL.



Grosclaude, �tiemne, continued

...Le president Wilson. Conference donnee
a Versailles au Bosquet d'Apollon le 8 sep-
tembre 1918, par le comite "L'Effort de la
France et de ses allies." Paris: Bloud et Gay
[1918]. 47(1) p. 16�. (Les grandes figures de
l'Entente). 779A

Copies: NYPL (BTZE p.v.594, no.4) ; LC.

Grouchy, Emmanuel, marquis de.

Marshal Grouchy, one of the best known of Na-
poleon's generals, is said to be the only general who
twice lost an empire. In 1796 his indecision of mind
and his fatal formalism prevented a successful French
landing in Ireland, and at Waterloo these same qualities
are frequently credited with the loss of that momentous
battle. After Napoleon's final failure Grouchy came
to the United States with other French officers; he
returned to France in 1821. The Library of Congress
contains several interesting unpublished letters written
by Grouchy while he was in America. See under
Reeves, Jesse S.

Grousset, Paschal.

L'oncle de Chicago. Mceurs scolaires en
Amerique. Par Andre Laurie [pseud.]. Paris:
J. Hetzel [1898]. 304 p. gr-in-8. 780

This volume is cast in fictional form. A rich uncle
invites a French family to come to Chicago and while
there the children are put in the Wabash Seminary, the
Luttrel School and Wentworth University for women.
These institutions are described. The preoccupation of
America is to be practical, concluded Grousset. He also
describes a trip to Denver and the valley of the Yosemite.

Copies: ICJ ; BN.

Guerlac, Othon.

Une Vaudoise aux fitats-Unis. (Revue his-
torique vaudoise: bulletin historique de la Suisse
romande. Lausanne, 1915. 8�. annee 23, p. 77-
90.) 781

Guerlac has utilized family correspondence extending
from 1794 to 1827. Cart was proscribed and came to
the United States in 1793. He remained in New York
for two years and then settled at Rosendale in the
Hudson Vallev.

Copy: NYPL (GDY).


La liberte et l'education. L'instruction pri-
maire aux fitats-Unis. Paris: Berger-Levrault,
1880. 25 p. in -8. 782

Copies: LC; BN.

Guichet, Albert.

Les fitats-Unis (United States America).
Notes sur l'organisation scientifique, les facultes
de medecine, les hopitaux, la prostitution, la
syphilis, l'hygiene, etc. Paris: Vve A. Delahaye,
1877. 175 p. in-18. 783

Copies: NYPL (ILD); DSG; BN.


Un mois aux fitats-Unis; notes et croquis par
M. l'abbe Charles Guillemant. Boulogne-sur-
Mer: Imprimeries reunies, 1918. 20 p. gr-in-8.


Guillemant's brief observations were chiefly gathered
in the following places: Washington, New York, Fall
River, Boston, Chicago, Notre Dame University, To-
ledo, and Philadelphia.

Copy: LC.

Guillemin, Leon. See Chaumont, L. de,



At one time Belgian consul at San Francisco.

La Californie. Importations, exportations, In-
dustrie sucriere. Bruxelles: P. Weissenbruch,
1898. in-8. 784A

Extrait du Rccueil consulaire beige.
Copy: Lorenz.

Exploration consulaire dans les etats d'Ore-
gon, de Washington, d'Idaho, de Montana et de
Nevada... Bruxelles: P. Weissenbruch, 1898.
in-8. 784B

Extrait du Recueil consulaire beige.
Copy: Lorenz.

See also Hagemans, Paul, and L. Guis-


Guyot, Pauline, known as Camille Lebrun.

Amitie et devouement ou Trois mois a la

Louisiane. Tours: R. Pornin et Cie., 1845. xii,

276 p. in-18. 785

Reprinted under title: Trois mois a la Louisiane.
Tours: A. Mame, 1857.
Copies: LC; MH; BN.

Un Habitant des Kaskaskias. See under Invi-
tation serieuse. . .

Haecht, Paul van, and others.

Aux fitats-Unis d'Amerique; notes. [By
Paul van Haecht, Marc Frison, and fidouard
Duez.j Peruwelz: Typ. Bascourt & Colin, 1913.
51 p. gr. in-8. 786

This is the matter-of-fact journal of three Belgians
who came to attend the Congress of the International
Chamber of Commerce at Boston during September,
1912. They describe themselves as "three gay com-
panions" who came to the United States for a vacation:
their record of it is of negligible value.

Copies: LC; MB.

Hagemans, Paul.

Hagemans was the Belgian consul at Philadelphia
during the 1890's. He was the author of numerous
consular reports, many of which were first published
in the Recueil consulaire beige. For these reprints con-
sult Lorenz, rather than the BN catalogue, for the BN
has but one of Hagemans' productions.

Voyages d'etudes a Pittsburg et dans la partie
occidentale de la Pensylvanie. Bruxelles: P.
Weissenbruch, 1891. in-8. 787

Reprinted from the Recueil consulaire beige.

Copy: Lorenz.

Rapport commercial sur les fitats-Unis
d'Amerique. Bruxelles: P. Weissenbruch, 1892.
140 p. in-4. 788

Reprinted from the Recueil consulaire beige.
Copy: BN.

Les fitats-Unis industriels. Bruxelles: P.
Weissenbruch, 1897. 255 p. 8�. 788A

Copy: MB.

Quelques mots sur les fitats-Unis. Confe-
rence faite a la Societe beige des ingenieurs et
des industriels, le 13 juin 1906. Bruxelles: Im-
primerie des travaux publics, 1907. in-8. 788B

Copy: Lorenz.

IIW . !�■■

■"— ' ' " '■■-■









Qui arrive dc res pays-la , oil il etoit alii
pour syetul>/ir.

Vive la trance ct Paris !


- Imprimcurs , rue des Muuvais - Garcons ,
I'anbourg S. Germain y au Cafe Ja Fayette.

A O U S T 1790.

The lament of d'Allemagne, an early victim of American advertising.



Hagemans, Paul, and L. Guislain.

�tats-Unis d'Amerique. lies Hawai. Brux-
elles: P. Weissenbruch, 1903. in-8. 788C

The latter part of this report was written by Guis-
lain, Belgian consul at San Francisco.

Copy: Lorenz.

Hallet, �tienne Sulpice. See Hallet,

Hallet, Step hex.

Stephen Hallet and his designs for the Na-
tional Capitol, 1791-94. By Wells Bennett.
(American Institute of Architects. Journal.
Washington, D. C, 1916. 4�. v. 4, p. 290-295,
324-330, 376-383, 411-418.) 789

This splendid series of articles contains many manu-
script materials here published, with introduction and
notes, for the first time. Hallet was the first great
French architect in the United States, where he ar-
rived in 1787. L'Enfant, who enjoys a greater his-
torical reputation, was not an architect, but a military
engineer. The best biographical summary of Hallet is
in the Dictionary of American Biography.

Copy: NYPL tf MQA).

Hamon, A. J. M. See Huen-Dubourg, J.,
pseud, of A. J. M. Hamon.

Hamy, Theodore Jules Ernest.

Les voyages de C. A. Lesueur dans l'Ame-
rique du Nord, 1815-1837. Paris: Societe des
americanistes, 1904. 4 p.l., Ill p. illus. 4�. 790

Reprinted from Journal de Societe des americanistes
a Paris, tome 5, 1904.

This is one of the best studies of Lesueur and con-
tains considerable unpublished material.

Copies: NYPL (|IID); LC; BM.

Hanotaux, Gabriel. See Comite France-
Amerique. — Mission Champlain, 1912.

Hart, Charles Henry, and Edward Biddle.

Memoir of the life and works of Jean-Antoine
Houdon, the sculptor of Voltaire and of Wash-
ington. Philadelphia: Privately printed, 1911.
3 p.l., v-xiii, 341 p., 32 pi., 1 port. 4�. 791

Copies: NYPL (MGO); LC.

Hartmann, and Millard.

Le Texas, ou Notice historique sur le Champ
d'Asile, comprenant tout ce qui s'est passe depuis
la formation jusqu'a la dissolution de cette
colonie, les causes qui l'ont amenee, et la liste
de tous les colons francais, avec des renseigne-
ments utiles a leurs families, et le plan du camp,
dedie a messieurs les souscripteurs en faveur des
refugies. Par MM. Hartmann et Millard, mem-
bres du Champ d'Asile, nouvellement de retour
en France. Paris: Beguin..., Bechet aine...,
Delaunay. . .et a Gand chez Houdin..., juin
1819. 5 p.l., ix, 135 p., 1 pi. 12�. 792

Copies: NYPL (ITR) ; LC; HCW.

Hauser, Henri.

L'imperialisme americain. Paris: "Pages
libres," 1905. 124 p., 2 1. 12�. (fitudes sur la
politique exterieure des etats. (no.]2.) 793

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v.231, no.5); LC.

L'Amerique vivante. Paris: Plon-Nourrit
et C'e [cop. 1924,. 159 p. in-16. 794

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; HCW.

Haussonville, Gabriel Paul Othenin de
Cleron, comte d'.

A travers les fitats-Unis, notes et impres-
sions. Paris: C. Levy, 1883. 400 p. in-18. 795
Copies: NYPL (ILD) ; LC (1888); BN.

One day in Utah. A literary French noble-
man's views on the Mormon question, from "A
travers les fitats Unis." Translated. . .by Leo
Haefeli... Salt Lake City: Deseret News Co.,
1883. 41 p. 2. ed. 12�. 796

Copies: NYPL (ZZMLp.v.l); MH.

Hauterive, Alexandre Maurice Blanc de la
Naulte, comte d'. See Artaud de Mon-
tor, Alexandre Maurice.

Hawkins, Richmond Laurin, editor.

Newly discovered French letters of the seven-
teenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries ; col-
lected and edited by Richmond Laurin Hawkins.
Cambridge. Mass.: Harvard University Press,
1933. xvi, 288 p. 8�. (Harvard studies in Ro-
mance languages, v. 9.) 796A

Contains valuable materials by and concerning Cle-
menceau, Lafayette, de Tocqueville and Volney. All the
letters have concise and valuable introductions. In the
appendix is an important list of de Tocqueville letters
edited and published by Professor Hawkins in various
periodicals, but not republished in this volume

Copies: NYPL; LC.

Herriot, �douard.

Impressions d'Amerique. Lyon: Impressions
de M. Audin et Cie., 1923. 2 p.l., (1)10-128 p.,
3 1. 12�. 797

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v.279, no.3); LC; BN.
Herz, Henri.

Mes voyages en Amerique. Paris: A. Faure,
1866. 328 p. in-16 avec portrait. 798

The author, a celebrated pianist, came to the United
States in November, 1846 for a concert tour. Ulmann,
a friend of P. T. Barnum, became his manager: the
curious means by which Ulmann undertook to promote
the concerts of Herz fill many amusing pages. Herz
visited Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Charleston, New Orleans, and Mobile. Herz has many
reflections on music and musicians in the United States,
but his observations were not confined to this subject.
The American press, religion, and slavery greatly in-
terested him. He travelled to California, to Mexico,
Chile and Peru; these latter experiences were to have
been related in a second volume, which was evidently
never completed.

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

Heuvel, Jules van den. See Van den Heuvel,

Hippeau, Celestin.

Instruction publique aux �tats-Unis. ficoles
publiques. Colleges, universites, ecoles speciales.
Rapport addresse au Ministre de l'lnstruction
Publique. Paris: Didier, 1870. viii, xvi, 447 p.
in-8, planche. 799

Copies: NYPL (STE; 2. ed., 1872); LC; BN.

La instruccion ptiblica en los Estados Unidos.
Escuelas publicas, colegios, universidades, es-
cuelas especiales. Paris: Imp. hispano-ameri-
cana de Rouge, Dunon y Fresne, 1872. xviii,
(1)20-454 p. 12�. 800

Copy: LC.



Hoche, Jules.

Notre tour du monde... Paris: F. Juven,
1899. 231 p. in-fol. pi. en couleur et fig. par
C. W. Allers. 801

Copy: BN.

Holinski, Alexandre.

La Californie et les routes interoceaniques.
Bruxelles, 1853. x, 414 p. in-12. 802

Copies: NYPL (IXG); CSt; HCW.

Holker, Jean.

French consul at Philadelphia.

See Stevens, B. F. Facsimiles...

Holweck, F. G.

Beginnings of the Church in Little Rock.
(Catholic historical review. Washington, D. C,
1920. 8�. v. 6, p. 156-171.) 803

Author quotes extensively from manuscript cor-
respondence of Annemond Dupuy, a French Catholic
priest in Arkansas in the 1830's.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Homberg, Octave Marie Joseph Kerim.

L'imperialisme americain. Paris: Librairie
Plon, 1929. 85 p. in-16. 804

Copies: NYPL (HAE o.v.65); LC.

See also Dialogue entre Deux Mondes.

Houdon, Jean Antoine, See under Chinard,
Gilbert; Hart, Charles Henry, and
Edward Biddle; Ingersoll-Smouse,

Houzeau, Jean Charles.

The "discovery" of this tra%-eller is due to the efforts
of Dr. Maurice Chazin who found, in a private library
in Belgium, a voluminous file of his letters from
America. Dr. Chazin is now preparing a study on
Houzeau with selections from his correspondence. He
was a Belgian savant and "libre-penseur" who came
to the United States in 1857 and remained until 1876,
when he returned to Brussels to become director of the
Observatory there. During his residence here he con-
tributed to the Belgian press many literary and scientific
articles. He was a forceful advocate of the Unionist
cause during the Civil War. At the close of the war
he founded and directed in New Orleans, La Tribune,
one of the first and most successful of negro jour-
nals. His unpublished correspondence contains many
comments upon American politics and social life — and
reveal Houzeau as an interesting and often original

La terreur blanche au Texas. Bruxelles: Pa-
rent, 1862. in-8. 805

Reprinted from La Rezue trimestriclle.

La question de l'esclavage. Bruxelles: Pa-
rent, 1863. in-8. 806

Copy: BN.

Le journal noir aux �tats-Unis. Bruxelles,
1872. 23 p. in-8. 807

Reprinted from La Revue dc Belgique, 1872, v. 11,
p. 5-28.

Mon passage a la Tribune de la Nouvelle-
Orleans. 36 p. double-columns, in-8. 808

This interesting brochure contains neither a title-
page nor the name of printer or place of publication.
It was later reprinted in the Revue de Belaiquc, v. 11,
p. 5-28, 96-122.

"L'Amerique et Immigration," introduction to
Albert Benoit Marie Lancaster's Quatre mois
an Texas, Bruxelles, 1886. See entry under


Les �tats-Unis pendant la guerre, de la neu-
trality a la Croisade. Paris: Felix-Alcan, 1919.
469 p. in-8. 809

Copies: NYPL (BTZS); NjP; HCW.

The Very Rev. Stephen Theodore Badin,-
proto-priest of the United States. 1 port
i United States Catholic Historical Society.
Historical records and studies. New York, 1916.
8�. v. 9, p. 101-146.) 810

Prints extracts from Father Badin's letters.
Copy: XYPL (IAA).

Huard, Charles.

Xew-York comme je l'ai vu. Texte et dessins
par Huard. Paris: E. Rev, 1906. 205 p. in-16
fig. 811

Copies: NYPL (IRGY); LC; BX.

Huard, Victor Amedee.

Impressions d'un passant: Amerique — Eu-
rope — Afrique. Quebec: Typ. Dussault et
Proulx, 1906. viii. 368 p. gr. in-8. 812

Travelled in the United States in 1888, 1901, and
very widely during 1904.

Pages 173-358 treat his important voyage in 1904.
Copies: NYPL (IHL); ICJ.

La vie et l'ceuvre de l'abbe Provancher. Paris:
'• Editions Spes," 1926. 509 p., 1 1. 8�. portrait.


''Les Yoyages de l'abbe Provancher en Amerique."
p. 310-393. Provancher travelled widely in the United
States at various times from 1861 to 1890.
Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Huebner, Joseph Alexandre, Graf von.

Promenade autour du monde, 1871. Paris:
Hachette, 1873. 2 v. 478; 501, 4 p. in-8. 813

v. 1, p. 1-327 are devoted to the United States.

Hiibner was Austrian minister in Paris. This book
was first written in French and later translated into

Copies: LC; BX.

A ramble round the world, 1871. Translated
bv Ladv Herbert. London: Macmillan & Co.,
1874. 2 v. xi, 463; viii, 491 p. 8�. 814

Copies: NYPL (KBG); LC.

London: Macmillan & Co., 1878. xvi,

657 p. illus. 12�. 815

Copy: NYPL (ZZME).

Vie du cardinal de Cheverus. archeveque de
Bordeaux. Par J. Huen-Dubourg [pseud.].
Paris: Perisse, 1837. 2 p.l.. iv. 415 p., 1 port.
8 s. 81 5 A

Copy: MB.

The life of Cardinal Cheverus, archbishop of
Bordeaux, and formerly bishop of Boston, in
Massachusetts. Translated from the French by
E. Stewart. Boston: James Munroe and Com-
pany. 1839. xxvii(i),389p. 8�. 815B

Cheverus was in the United States from 1796 to

Copies: NYPL (AN); MH.




Yraie histoire ou simple precis des infortunes,
pour ne pas dire, des persecutions qu'a souffert
& souffre encore le Reverend Pierre Huet de
la Yaliniere, mis en vers par lui-meme, en
juillet 1792... Albany: Imprime par Charles
R. & George Webster, No. 46. Rue des fLtats,
aux depens de l'Auteur, 1792. 50 p. 8�. 815C

In his many wanderings the author was in New
England, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New Or-
leans, Florida, and Charleston.

Copies: NYPL (photostat copy); SSL; MPL.

Hulot, �tienne Gabriel Joseph, baron.

De l'Atlantique au Pacifique a travers le Ca-
nada et le nord des �tats-Unis. Paris: Plon-
Nourrit et Cie., 1888. 345 p. in-18, carte et plan.

Copies: NYPL (HWY); LC; BN 816

Huret, Jules.

En Amerique. De New York a la Nouvelle-
Orleans. Paris: Fasquelle, 1904. 420 p. in-12.

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN. 817

En Amerique. De San Francisco au Canada.
Paris: Fasquelle, 1905. 564 p. in-12. 818

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN.

L' Amerique moderne. Paris: P. Lafitte,
1910-11. 2 v. 2 p.l., 240, vi p.; 2 pi., 240, vi p.,
1 1. in-4. pi. en noir et en couleurs. 819

This is an illustrated edition of the two previous

The most popular French book on America in the
early years of the centurv.

Copies: NYPL (t ILH); LC; BN.

Hurt-Binet, Marc Gabriel.

Neuf mois aux �tats-Unis d'Amerique. Ge-
neve: J. Cherbuliez, 1862. 184 p. in-12. 820

Copies: NYPL (IID) ; LC.

Hyde de Neuville, Jean Guillaume, baron.

Memoires et souvenirs du baron Hyde de
Neuville... Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1888-92. 3 v.
xi, 538; 516; 591 p. in-8 avec portrait. 821

These volumes cover Hyde de Neuville's residence
in the United States: 1807-1814; 1816-1820; 1821-

Copies: NYPL (DFB); LC.

Memoirs of Baron Hyde de Neuville; outlaw,
exile, ambassador; translated and abridged by
Frances Jackson . . . with 24 illustrations. Lon-
don: Sands & Co. ,pref. 1913.] 2 v. illus. 8".

Copy: LC. 822

See also under Casenave, Maurice; Reeves,
Jesse Siddall.

Hyolet, �tienne. See Delegation ouvriere

Imbert, A., and G. Taboulet.

Impressions d'Amerique relevees au cours
d'un voyage d'etudes (octobre 1925). Paris:
Impr. Draeger, n.d. 16 p. in-4 avec figures. 823

Copy: BN.

Ingersoll-Smouse, Florence.

Quelques documents et lettres relatifs au voy-
age de Houdon aux �tats-Unis. (Societe his-
torique de l'art francais. Bulletin. 1914.) 824

Invitation serieuse aux habitants des Il-
linois, by Un habitant des Kaskaskias. Re-
printed in facsimile from the original edition
published at Philadelphia in 1772, with an in-
troduction by Clarence Walworth Alvord and
Clarence Edwin Carter. Providence, R. I.: Club
for Colonial Reprints, 1908. xxviii p., 1 1., 53 p.
8\ 824 A

This is the fourth publication of the Club for Co-
lonial Reprints of Providence, R. I. The pamphlet
which is here reprinted is one of 15 pages and is signed:
"Un habitant des Kaskaskia."

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC.

Jackson, Stuart Wells.

La Fayette, a bibliography. New York:
William Edwin Rudge, 1930. xxiii, 226 p. illus.
8�. 825

This item is included because it is the most complete
guide to the materials by and concerning Lafayette.
These materials are of the highest importance for
Franco-American relations in the eighteenth and early
nineteenth centuries. It might be noted here that the
name of Lafayette is currently spelled in two ways:
La Fayette, the form adopted by Mr. Jackson, and
Lafayette, the form preferred among French and a
majority of American historians writing in the field
at the present time.

Copies: NYPL (*KA); LC; HCW.

Jacolliot, Louis.

Voyage au pays de la liberte. La vie com-
munale aux �tats-Unis. Paris: Decaux, 1876.
230 p. in-12. 826

Copies: LC; HCW.

Les chasseurs d'esclaves. Paris: C. Marpon
et E. Flammarion [1888]. 316 p. in-12. 827
Copy: BN.

Jacotot, Prosper.

Voyage d'un ouvrier dans la vallee du Mis-
sissippi, de Saint-Louis a la Nouvelle-Orleans.
Scenes de moeurs. Dijon, 1888. 30 p. in-8. 827A

These details concerning this interesting item have
been supplied by M. Aegidius Fauteux, but I am unable
to locate any copy of it.

Jacquemin, Nicolas.

Memoire sur la Louisiane, contenant la de-
scription du sol et des productions de cette ile,
et les moyens de la rendre florissante en peu de
terns; avec un vocabulaire et un abrege de la
grammaire de la langue des sauvages. . . Paris:
Impr. de J. M. Eberhart, an xi. — 1803. 2 p.l.,
67(1) p. 12�. 827B

Copies: JCB; LC (lacks half -tide).

Jacquemont, Victor.

Correspondance inedite. . .avec sa famille et
ses amis, 1824-1832; precedee d'une notice bio-
graphique par V. Jacquemont neveu et d'une
introduction par Prosper Merimee. Paris:
Michel Levy freres, 1867. 2 v. xvi, 390; 384 p.
in-8. 828

Many of Jacquemont's letters to his friends and his
family form an important, but neglected, criticism of
American life in the early decades of the nineteenth
century. From many of his French friends, who were
liberals and sympathetic to the United States, he had
secured such excellent reports that when he actually
visited the country he was shocked. He could explain
Chateaubriand's admiration only by the fact that when
Chateaubriand visited America there were still living



Jacquemoxt, Victor, continued

many of the great figures of the American Revolution,
but these men were aristocrats who had received an
English education. These men are now dead, sighed
Jacquemont. He found that bankruptcy was the quick-
est way to wealth and called it the great national vice.
He found in America a uniform and monotonous life, a
servile copying of European customs, and an absolute
lack of art and poetry, even when offered in their
simplest forms.

Copies: NYPL (NKW); LC; BN.

James, James Alton.

French opinion as a factor in preventing war
between France and the United States, 1795-
1800. (American historical review. New York,
1925. 4�. v. 30, p. 44-55.) 829

The author quotes extensively from Otto's memoir
on the relations between France and the United States
from 1789 to 1797.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Jaxnet, Claudio.

Considered by some authorities to have travelled in
the United States, but I can find no definite evidence
of his visit. His book is the most valuable French
study of the post-Civil War period in the United States.

Les �tats-Unis contemporains, ou Les mceurs,
les institutions et les idees depuis la guerre de
la secession. Precede d'une lettre de M. Le
Plav. Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1875. xiii, 514 p.
in-18. 830

Copies: LC (2. ed., 1876); BN.

Quatrieme edition, completement refon-

due. Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1889. 2 v. xliii, 347;
381 p. in-18. 831

Copies: NYPL (ILD); ICJ; BN.

Jaquet, Alfred. See Delegation ouvriere

Jay, Aime.

�tude sur l'organisation et le fonctionnement
des compagnies d'assurances contre l'incendie
dans les �tats-Unis de l'Amerique du Nord.
Paris: Gaulthier-Villars, 1874. 119 p. in-8. 832

Copy: BN.

Paris: Gaulthier-Villars, 1876. 116 p.,

2 1. 8�. 833

Copy: NYPL (SIK).

A travers les �tats-Unis d'Amerique. Ou-
vrage posthume. Niort: L. Clouzot, 1884. viii,
320 p. gr-in-8. 834

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

Jay, Axtoine.

Jay, who later became a distinguished litterateur
and a member of the French Academy, was in the
United States from 1795 to 1802. To escape the Terror
he sought refuge in Boston, where, with the Cardinal
de Cheverus and the Due d'Orleans, he is said to have
started a French newspaper. Jay returned to France
in 1802 and joined the ministry of Napoleon, for whom
he translated English newspapers. His American ex-
periences are the subject of articles contributed to
Le Nouveau Journal des Voyages (see Bionraphie
nouvellc des contemporains, 1823, ix, 386-389) and
to the Bibliothcque americaine (see entry under Jay in
the Addenda of this bibliography). Jay was known in
France as an admirer of American institutions (see
Bibliographie Catholique, 1866, xxxi, 177-182). Dr.
Chazin is at present engaged in a study of Jay's career.

Le glaneur, ou Essais de Nicolas Freeman,
recueillis et publies par M. A. Jay. Paris:
Impr. de Le Normant, 1812. xiii, 416 p. 8�.


Scattered passages contain Jay's American impres-

Copies: NYPL (NKW); BN.

Oeuvres... Paris: Sauvaignat, 1839. 4 v.
gr. in-8. 835

v. 2, p. 1-239 contain "Nouvelles americaines." of
which p. 1-184 relate to the United States. It consists
of several sections; one dealing with a Quaker, others
dealing with prisons and prison life in New York.

v. 3, p. 348-383 contain material on various
French travellers in the United States, treating Creve-
cceur, Barbe-Marbois, and Rochefoucauld-Liancourt.

Copies: NYPL (NKE); MB; Bibliotheque de lTn-
stitut, Paris.

Jay, Antoine, and Victor Joseph �tienne

Les hermites en prison, ou Consolations de
Sainte Pelagie. Paris: Ladvocat, 1823. 2 v.
238; 267 p. in-8. 836

Both volumes contain scattered passages dealing
with American prisons.
Copy: BN.

Paris: Ladvocat, 1823. 2 v. 286; 273 p.

5. ed. 12�. 837

Copies: NYPL (DT); MB.

Job, Frederic Olinet.

Voyage d'un Autunois [F. O. Job] en Icarie
a la suite de Cabet. Autun: Impr. de Dejussieu,
1898. 180 p. in-12. 838

Copy: Chamonal.

Jobey, Charles.

L'amour d'un negre. Paris: M. Levy freres,
1860. 282 p. in-12. 839

Was in New Orleans during a great part of his
American residence, 1834-1840.

Copies: NYPL (NKV); MH; BN.


Un Francois dans la Floride. Notes de voy-
age. Tours: Mame et fils, 1889. 240 p. in-8
fig. et pi. 840

Copies: NYPL (ITL); LC; BN.

Autour du monde millionnaire americain.
Paris: C. Levy, 1898. vi, 377 p. in-18. 841

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.


Campagne de l'armee du Potomac (mars-
juillet 1862). Paris: Imprimerie de J. Clave,
1862. 72 p. gr. in-8. 842

First published under the pseudonym of A. Trognon
in La Revue des deux mondes, 15 October 1862.
Copies: NYPL (IK p.v.52, no.4); HCW.

Par A. Trognon. New York: F. W.

Christern, 1862. 64 p. 8�. 843

Copies: NYPL (IKE p.v.l); LC.

Die Kriegsoperationen in Nordamerika. 1.
Feldzug der Potomac-Armee vom Marz bis Juni
1862. Aus dem Franzosischen. Naumburg: G.
Piitz, 1863. 83(1) p., 1 map. 8�. 844

Copy: NYPL (IKE p.v.l).



Joinville, F. F., PRINCE DE, continued

Campana del ejercito del Potomac, de

marzo a julio de 1862. Escrita en frances, por
A. Trognon, v traducida al espaiiol por Melchor
Pardo. Madrid: J. J. de las Heras, 1870. 84 p.
8�. (Biblioteca de El Correo militar.) 844A
Copy: NYPL (IK p.v.32, no.5).

The Army of the Potomac: its organization,
its commander, and its campaign. Translated
with notes bv William Henrv Hurlbert. New
York: A. D*. F. Randolph, 1862. 118 p. in-8
with map. 845

Copies: NYPL (IKK); LC (also 1863).

Guerre d'Amerique. Campagne du Potomac,
mars-juillet 1862. Paris: Michel Levy, 1863.
211 p. in-18, carte. 846

Copies: NYPL (IKD) ; LC; BN.

Joly, Charles.

Note sur le pare national Yellowstone aux
fitats-Unis. Paris: Rougier et Cie., 1884. 15 p.
in-8. 847

For other articles bv Joly see the BN catalogue.

Copies: MBHo; BN.


De Paris au Sacramento. Paris: Au Bureau
de la Revue contemporaine, 1852. 39 p. gr.
in-8. 847A

Copy: Evidently a small number of reprints were
struck off for the author. A bookseller once offered
me the item, but I cannot locate any copy in a library.
It was first published in two installments in La Revue
contemporaine, I (1852), p. 575-600; n (1852), p. 73-
86, in which form the material is available in NYPL
(• DM).

Comment on revient de la Californie. Paris:
Au Bureau de la Revue contemporaine, 1853.
18 p. in-8. 847 B

Copy: There is no copy of this reprint, as far as I
can determine, in any library. I have seen the reprint
offered for sale. It was first published as an article
in La Revue contemporaine, vi (1853), p. 282-299. in
which form the material is available in NYPL(* DM I.

Joxveaux, �mile.

L'Amerique actuelle. Preface de fidouard
Laboulaye. Paris: Charpentier, 1869. xvi,
340 p. in-12. 848

Copy: BX.

Paris: Charpentier & Cie., 1870. 2 p.l.,

xvi, 340 p. 2. ed. 12�. 849

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC.

La America actual, colonizacion, ensehanza
y religion en los Estados Unidos. Sevilla: E.
Perie, 1871. xx, (1)22-324 p., 1 1. 16�. 850

Copy: ICJ.

Los Estados-Unidos de la America del Norte
... Madrid: D. L. Lopez, 1871. 2 p.l., 408 p.,
1 1. 8�. 851

Copy: ICJ.

Joseph, kixg of Spain. See Bonaparte,
Joseph, kixg of Spaix.

Joseph-Renaud, J.

New-York flamboie. Preface d'Andre Tar-
dieu. Paris: Fasquelle, fiditeurs, 1931. 200 p.
in-8. 852

Contents: Preface d'Andre Tardieu. Le visage de
New-York. Le contort americain. La "Noble Ex-
perience" est une redoubtable corruptrice. Nuits de
New- York (Harlem — le Ghetto — Chinatown — Chez
les Italiens). La femme — Le cinema — - Le theatre —
Le roman. Les religions. Prisons et tribunaux. Ban-
lieue — Grands magasins, etc. Les deux civilizations.
Apres le retour.

Copy: NYPL (IRGV).


La jeunesse d'Abraham Lincoln, ou Comment
un petit pionnier devint president d'une grande
republique. Paris: Impr. de Kugelmann, 1874.
31 p. in-8. 853

Copy: BN.

Abraham Lincoln; sa jeunesse et sa vie po-
litique; histoire de l'abolition de l'esclavage aux
fitats-Unis. Paris: Hachette, 1875. 256 p. in-12
avec portrait et fig. 854

Author witnessed Lincoln's assassination.

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC; BN.

...Abraham Lincoln, su juventud y su vida
politica, historia de la abolicion de la esclavitud
en los Estados-Unidos... Barcelona: Gaceta
de Barcelona, 1876. 221 p. 16�. 855

Copies: NYPL (AN [Lincoln] p.v.17, no.3); LC.

La presidence aux fitats-Unis R. B. Hayes.
Les parties et la constitution. Paris: Hachette,
1877. 72 p. in-12. 856

Copy: HCW.

Jouix, Hexry.

Lakanal en Amerique d'apres sa correspon-
dance inedite (1815-1837). Ce qu'il faut penser
de son ouvrage: Vingt-deux ans de sejour aux
Etats-Unis. Besan^on: Typographic et litho-
graphic Dodivers et Cie, 1904. 71 p. gr. in-8. 857

Reprinted from La Revue idealiste.
Copy: NYPL (AN).


Globe-trotting. Paris: A. Lemerre, 1894.
224 p. in-12. 858

In French.

Copies: NYPL (NKV) ; BN.

Journal of a French traveller in the colonies,
1765. (Edited by Abel Doysie.] (American his-
torical review. New York, 1921. 4�. v. 26,
p. 726-747; v. 27, p. 70-89.) 859

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Jourxal of an officer in the naval army in
America, in 1781 and 1782. See The Opera-
tioxs of the French fleet under the Count de
Grasse in 1781-2. . .

Jourxal d'un officier de l'armee navale en
Amerique, en 1781 & 1782. Amsterdam, 1783.
72 p. in-8. 860

I'or translation see entry under Operations of the
French fleet.
Copy: MH.



Journal d'une promenade autour du monde
en 118 jours: �tats-Unis. Japon. Chine. Cey-
lan. Inde. figypte. Terre-Sainte. Paris: Fa-
yard freres [1898?]. 404 p. in-8 avec 96 gra-
vures. 861

Entries date from October 22, 1897, to February 18,
1898. The volume was probably published in 1898.
p. 1-73 are devoted to the United States.

Copy: NYPL (KBG).

Journal of the siege of York in Virginia.
[By a French engineer.] September - October,
1781. (Magazine of American history. New
York, 1880. 8�. v. 4, p. 449^52.) 862

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Journal of the siege of York-town. Un-
published journal of the siege of York-town in
1781 operated by the General Staff of the French
Army, as recorded in the hand of Gaspard de
Gallatin and translated by the French Depart-
ment of the College of William and Mary.
Washington: Government Printing Office,
1931. iv, 48 p. 8�. (U. S. 71. cong., 3. sess.
Senate doc. 322.) 863

Copies: XYPL (IGE); LC.

Yankees fin de siecle. Paris: P. Ollendorf,
1892. viii, 333 p. in-18. 864

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BX.

Jouve, E.

Voyage en Amerique. Lyon: Impr. Mongin-
Rusand, 1853-55. 2 v. 434; 533 p. in-8. 865

First published in the Courrier de Lyon.
Copy: BX.

Jouy, Victor Joseph �tienne. See under Jay,
Antoine, and Victor Joseph Ltienne

Julien, Eugene Louis Ernest.

Impressions d' Amerique. Conference donnee
au theatre de Boulogne-sur-Mer le...2 avril
1919. Boulogne-sur-Mer: Impr. de P. Gaultier
[1919?]. 47 p. in-8. 866

Copies: MH; BN.

Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules.

Rochambeau in America, from unpublished
documents; an address before the Society of
the Phi Beta Kappa of Harvard University,
June 12, 1912. Washington, D. C, 1912. 52 p.
8�. 867

Copies: XYPL (IG p.v.6, no. 6); LC.

With Americans of past and present days.
New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1916. ix, 350 p.
8�. 868

Contains important essays on Rochambeau and L'En-

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC.

En Amerique jadis et maintenant. Paris:
Hachette et Cie., 1918. xi, 368 p. in-12. 869

A French translation of With Americans of past and
present days.

Copies:" XYPL (IAG); LC; BN.

The French and American independence.
New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1918. vi, 212 p.
16�. 870

A reprint of the essays on Rochambeau and Wash-
ington from the above.

Copies: NYPL (IG); LC.

Le sentiment americain pendant la guerre.
Paris: Payot, 1931. 157 p. 8�. (Collection de
memoires, etudes et documents pour servir a
l'histoire de la guerre mondiale. ) 871

Copies: XYPL (BTZS); LC.

Kalb, Johann, baron von.

An adequate summary of Kalb's career will be found
in the Dictionary of American Biography. It should
simply be noted here that although Kalb was born in
what is now Bavaria he early in life went to France
and identified himself with things French. Kapp has
demonstrated that his title of baron was a title bestowed
by himself to aid in his military advancement. In
January, 1768, he arrived in Philadelphia on a secret
mission of observation for the French government; he
travelled in America until the following April when he
sailed from Xew York for France. His views were
those of a calm and intelligent observer; he predicted
that the colonies would gain their independence, but
that they were little inclined to accept the aid of foreign
powers. He was later instrumental in bringing Lafay-
ette to America; he served with distinction until he
was killed at the battle of Camden, August 19, 1780.

See under Colleville, Ludovic, comte de;
Kapp, Friedrich; Stevens, Benjamin

Kapp, Friedrich.

Leber, des amerikanischen Generals Johann
Kalb... Stuttgart: Cotta, 1862. xiv, 306 p.
8�. 872

Copies: XYPL (AN); LC.

The life of John Kalb, major-general in the
Revolutionary army. New York: [Trow &
Smith Book Manufacturing Co.,] 1870. xii,
320 p., 1 port. 8�. 873

This early and privately-printed translation is not
generally known. From all indications the edition was
very small. Kapp published for the first time many of
Kalb's letters written from America.

Copies: NYPL (AN); MH.

New York: Henrv Holt and Company,

1884. ix, 337 p., 1 port. 12�. 874

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Kite, Elizabeth S.

General Washington and the French engineers
Duportail and companions. (American Catholic
Historical Society. Records. Philadelphia,
1932-33. 8�. v. 43, p. 1-33, 97-141, 193-219,
289-319; v. 44, p. 1-46.) 874A

Contains unpublished documents from the collections
of the Library of Congress and the American Philo-
sophical Society of Philadelphia. It is scheduled to be
continued through several numbers of the magazine.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Klein, Felix.

Professor at the Institut catholique in Paris.

Au pays de "la vie intense." Paris: Plon-
Nourrit, 1904. 386 p. in-16. 875

Copies: LC; BX.

In the land of the strenuous life. Chicago:
A. C. McClurg & Co., 1905. xix, 387 p., 2 1.

illus. 8�. 876

Copies: XYPL (ILH); LC.

La decouverte du Vieux monde par un etudi-
ant de Chicago. Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1906.
318 p. in-16. 877

Copies: LC; BX.



Klein, Felix, continued

An American student in France. . . Chicago:
A. C. McClurg & Co., 1908. xvii, 19-340 p.,
26 1. 8�. 878

Copies: NY PL (DVV); LC.

La separation aux fitats-Unis; histoire, lois,
coutumes, documents. Paris: Bloud et Cie.,
1908. 126 p. in-18. 879

Copies: NYPL (ZDW); Mil; BX.

L'Amerique de demain. Paris: Plon-Nourrit,
1910. 320 p. in-16. 880

Copies: NYPL (ILH) ; LC; BX.

America of to-morrow... Translated. . .by
E. H. Wilkins... Chicago: A. C. McClurg &
Co., 1911. xii p., 1 1, 359 p. 8�. 881

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.

En Amerique a la fin de la guerre. Paris:
Gabriel Beauchesne, 1919. 308 p. in-8. 882

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BX.

Kowalski, Henri.

A travers l'Amerique. Impressions d'un
musicien. Paris: Lachaud, 1872. xi, 268 p. in-8.


This book is of more than ordinary interest because
the author was a musician as well as an intelligent
observer of American life. He first arrived in New
York in October, 1869. He estimated that a customs
inspector ought to be able to earn one hundred thousand
dollars in five years. He approved enthusiastically of
American barber shops and American drinks. He
found that no American pianist could raise himself
above an honest mediocrity; in America there were no
composers, but there were many good players. He
found the public admiring Ole Bull, the Swedish vio-
linist, and admiring his false notes as well as his true
ones. His heroism during a fire on a boat has gained
him more credit in America than all of his double
chords. He found that the country was being exploited
by German and Italian artists. He praised the Stein-
way pianos and American minstrels. In his opinion
the Nezv York Times was the best newspaper in exist-
ence. Kowalski gave concerts in Boston, New York,
Albany, Buffalo. Washington, Philadelphia, Cleveland,
Chicago, and Milwaukee.

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v.186, no.3); LC; BN.

L * * *, George de. See Bellemare, Eugene
Louis Gabriel de. Impressions de voy-
ages. . .

Labbe, Marcel, and Leon Bernard.

Impressions sur la medecine aux fitats-Unis
d'Amerique. Hopitaux et universites. Paris:
Masson et Cie., 1927. 20 p. in-8. 884

Reprint from La Presse medicate, no. 2, Jan. 5, 1927.

Copy: BX.

Labourieu, Th., joint author. See Chevalier,
Henri �mile, and Th. Labourieu.

La Carrieres, A. C. de.

Voyage aux pays auriferes: Afrique, Mex-
ique, Californie, Perou, Chili, Nouvelle Cale-
donie, Australie, Russie. Paris: A. Courcier
[1855). 328 p. in-8 avec planches. 884A

Copies: LC; SSL; BN (plates lacking).

La Chapelle, Alfred, comtf. de.

Trente ans a travers le monde: premiere
partie: Aventures en Amerique et en Australie.
Paris: Dubuisson et Cie., 1888. 196 p. in-12.

Voyage and in America, p. 1-87. 885

Copy: HCW.

Lacoste, Auguste.

Californie. Fragments inedits d'un voyage
autour du monde. Paris: chez l'auteur, 8 rue
du Croissant et Imp. Schneider, 1849. 32 p. in-8.

Copies: HEH; LC; BN. 886

Lacour-Gayet, Georges.

Talleyrand en Amerique, 1794-1796. (Le
Correspondant. Paris, 1928. 8�. tome 311
[iiouv. serie, tome 275], p. 409-427.) 887

Copy: NYPL (* DM).

Talleyrand, 1754-1838. v. 1-3. Paris: Payot,
1928-31. 426; 495; 519 p. in-8. (Bibliotheque
historique.) 888

v. 1: 1754-1799; v. 2: 1799-1815; v. 3: 1815-1838.

Copies: NYPL (AX); LC.

Lacouture, �douard.

Memoire a S. M. l'empereur Napoleon in —
La verite sur la guerre d'Amerique. Paris: E.
Dentu, 1862. 16 p. in-8. 888A

Copies: LC; NjP; HCW.

Lacroix, Lucien Leon.

Yankees et Canadiens. Impressions de voy-
age en Amerique. Paris: V. Lecoffre, 1895. iv,
322 p. in-18. 889

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

Ladreyt, Marie Casimir.

L'instruction publique en France et les ecoles
americaines. Paris: J. Hetzel [1883]. 378 p.
in-18. 890

Copies: LC; BN.

Lafargue, Paul.

Author was born in Cuba in 1842 of French parents.
He went to France where, in 1891, he became a Socialist

Les trusts americains. Leur action econo-
mique, sociale, et politique. Paris: V. Giard et
E. Briere, 1903. 146 p. in 18. 891

Copies: NYPL (TN); LC; BN.

Lafayette, George Washington. See under
Dale, Edward Everett, editor, in the Ad-

Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Roch Yves
Gilbert de Motier, marquis de.

Of the abundant materials concerning Lafayette a
lengthy bibliography, compiled by Stuart Wells Jack-
son, was published in 1930; for a critical estimate of
the principal items of the Lafayette material see the
review article, by Louis R. Gottschalk in the Journal
of modern history, v. 2, 1930, p. 281-287; Professor
Gottschalk has in preparation a volume of unpublished
Lafayette letters. The biographies of Lafayette by
Charlemagne Tower, Brand Whitlock, and Etienne
Charavay contain many letters by Lafayette; Chara-
vay contains many letters not available elsewhere. The
following list is intended to indicate the most important
items which contain Lafayette's writings from or con-
cerning the United States. For the various editions of
his correspondence and for other bibliographical entries
see the work of Stuart W. Jackson or the card cata-
logue of the Library.

Memoires, correspondance et manuscrits du
general La Fayette. Publie par sa famille.
Edite par F. de Corcelle. Preface par G. W.
La Fayette. Paris: H. Fournier aine, 1837-38.
6 v. in-8. 892

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC; BX.



Lafayette, marquis de, continued

Memoirs, correspondence and manuscripts of
General Lafayette. Published by his family, v.
1-3. London: Saunders and Otlev, 1837. 3 v.
8�. 892A

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Correspondance inedite de La Fayette: lettres
ecrites au comte d'Estaing pendant la cam-
pagne du vice-amiral, de la Delaware a Boston
du 14 juillet au 20 octobre 1778. Paris: Ernest
Leroux, 1892. 57 p. gr. in-8. 893

Reprinted from the Revue d'histoire diplomatique,
annee 6. p. 395-448; contains an eight-page introduc-
tion bv Henri Donio!.

Copy: XYPL (IG).

Letters from Lafayette to Luzerne, 1780-

1782. Sixty-one letters (in French) edited with
an introduction and notes by Waldo G. Leland.
(American historical review. Lancaster, Pa.,
1914-15. 8�. v. 20, p. 341-376, 577-612.) 894

Copy: XYPL (* R-IAA).

Lettres inedites du general de La Fayette au
vicomte de Noailles, ecrites des camps de l'ar-
mee americaine durant la guerre de l'inde-
pendance des fitats-Unis. (1780-1781.) Paris:
aux depens de J. Paton, 1924. 51 p. in-8. 895

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v.296, no. 4); NjP; BN.

Lafayette in Virginia. Unpublished letters
from the original manuscripts in the Virginia
State Library and the Library of Congress.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1928. xi, 64 p.
facsim. 4�. (Institut frangais de Washington,
Washington, D. C. Historical documents. Ca-
hier 2.) 896

Introduction by Gilbert Chinard. The forty-seven
letters are addressed to Thomas Jefferson, W. Nelson,
Patrick Henry, General Wayne, and Colonel Davis.

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC.

See also Chinard, Gilbert; Hawkins,
Richmond Laurin, editor; Jackson, Stuart
W. ; Stevens, Benjamin Franklin; and
Tower, Charlemagne; and, in the Addenda,
Dale, Edward Everett, editor.

Lafond, Andre.

New-York 28: impressions d'Amerique.
Preface de Lucien Romier. Rouen: fiditions
du Journal du Rouen, 1929. xviii, 298 p. in-8.


Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN.

Impressions of America. . . Translated from
the French by Lawrence Riesner; introductions
by Ralph Beaver Strassburger and Lucien Ro-
mier. Paris, New York: Fondation Ralph
Beaver Strassburger, 1930. xxiv, 207 p. 12 .


Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.

La Forest, Antoine Rene Charles Mathu-
rin de.

La Forest was a member of the French legation
under Gerard and later under La Luzerne. He was
made vice-consul of France at Savannah on August 20,

1783, and after June 22, 1785, was in charge of the
affairs of the office of consul general. He formally re-
placed Barbe-Marbois in this position, March 2, 1792.

He was recalled by the order of November 17, 1792.
He was again appointed consul general and made one
of the commission with Fauchet, November 15, 1793.
For a more detailed account of his career and his diffi-
culties in America, as well as his despatches, see Cor-
respondence of the French Ministers, 1791-1797,
especially p. 717 and index.

Lakaxal, Joseph.

Adresse de J. Lakanal, president du College
d'Orleans, a ses honorables concitoyens de la
Louisiane. Nouvelle-Orleans: Impr. de l'Ami
des lois, 1822. 2 p.l., 26 p. 8�. 899

Henry Jouin in his article on Lakanal (see item
857) mentions a work written by Lakanal and entitled:
I'inat-dcux ans de scjour aux Etats-Unis. I have been
unable to find any bibliographical reference to this item.
It is strange that no library which I have been able to
consult contains any indication concerning it and that
the item has seemingly disappeared.

Copy: LC.

See also tinder Casexave, Maurice; Jouin,
Henry; Reeves, Jesse Siddall.

Lalou, Rene. See Dialogue entre Deux

La Luzerne, Anne Cesar de. See wider
Durand, John.

Lambert, Guillaume.

Voyage dans l'Amerique du Nord, en 1853
et 1854, avec notes sur les expositions uni-
verselles de Dublin et de New York. Bruxelles:
Hayez, 1855. 320 p. gr.-in-8 and 1 atlas. 900

Copy: LC.

Lambert de Sainte-Croix, Alexandre.

De Paris a San Francisco, notes de voyage.
Paris: C. Lew, 1885. iii, 319 p. in-18 et carte.


Copies: LC; BN.

Paris: C. Levy, 1885. 2 p.l., iii, 319 p.

illus. 2. ed. 12�. 902

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC.

Lambertie, Charles de.

Voyage pittoresque en Californie et au Chili

Paris: Ledoyen; Roumazieres pres Cha-

banais: L'auteur, 1853. xi, 310 p. 8�. 903

Copies: NYPL (IXG); LC.

Lameth, Theodore, comte de.

Memoires; publies avec introduction et notes
par Eugene Welvert. Paris: Fontemoing &
Cie., 1913. xxiii, 329 p. in-8. portrait. 903A

Chapter iv relates to the surrender of Yorktown at
which the Lameth brothers were present.

Copies: NYPL (AN); MPL; BN.

Lami, Eugexe Oscar.

. . . Conference de M. E.-O. Lami sur son
voyage en Amerique, faite le 9 decembre
1893... Paris: Imp. J. Montorier, 1894. 77 p.
gr.-in-8. 904

Copy: BN.

Lamy, �tienne. See Comite France-
Amerique. — Mission Champlain, 1912.



































































- 1


































Lancaster, Albert Benoit Marie.

Quatre mois au Texas. De la Nouvelle-
Orleans a la Havane. Notes de voyage...
avec un avant-propos par J. C. Houzeau.
Bruxelles: Typographic Ve Ch. Vanderau-
wera, 1886. xviii, 250 p. 8�. 905

Copies: NYPL (ITR; author's autographed presen-
tation copy) ; LC.

Notes biographiques sur J. C. Houzeau.
Bruxelles: F. Hayez, 1889. 120 p. in-4 avec
portrait. 906

The author travelled with Houzeau in the United
States and collaborated in the publication of several
works on astronomy, for a list of which see the BN

Copies: MH; BN.

. . .1. Le nord du Mexique. n. De la Nou-

velle-Orleans a la Havane. . . Mons: H. Man-

ceaux, 1889. 148 p. illus. 4�. (Bibliotheque de

la jeunesse. ) 907

Contains descriptive passages on Texas, New Or-
leans and Florida in 1882, the date of Lancaster's
voyage. There are also twenty-one interesting engrav-

Copy: NYPL (HAY).

Landolphe, Jean Franqois.

Memoires du capitaine Landolphe, contenant
l'histoire de ses voyages pendant 36 ans, aux
cotes d'Afrique et aux deux Ameriques, rediges
sur son manuscrit, par J. S. Quesne. Paris:
Arthus Bertrand, 1823. 2 v. 350; 500 p. in-8. 908

tt v- i'oP- 197~241; v- 2. P- 161-205 deal with the
united States during the periods when France was
represented by La Luzerne and Fauchet.
Copies: NYPL (KBK); LC.

Landry, Jeax.

Hommes et choses d'Amerique. Paris: J.
Lefort, A. Taffin-Lefort, successeur tpref.
1894]. 317 p. in-4. 909

Copies: NYPL (f ILD); BN.

Lanson, Gustave.

Trois mois d'enseignement aux fitats-Unis.
Notes et impressions d'un professeur francais.
Paris: Hachette, 1912. 298 p. in-16. 910

Copies: NYPL (STE); LC; BN.

Lanux, Pierre de.

Young France and new America. New York:
Macmillan Co., 1917. x p., 1 1., 153 p., 3 1. 12�.


"These are the reflections of a Frenchman who spent
the year 1917 in America." — Author's preface. I have
been unable to discover any French edition of this item
Copies: NYPL (BTZS); LC.

Sud: Virginie, Kentucky, Louisiane, Floride,
Arkansas, Georgie, Mississippi, Texas, Tennes-
see, Maryland, Alabama, Missouri, Caroline du
Nord, Caroline du Sud. Paris: Plon [1932].
278 p. illus. map. 12�. 911 A

The author has written this book, chiefly about the
Civil War, as an introduction to a knowledge' of present*
day America.

Copies: NYPL (IKP) ; LC.

Lapaquellerie, Yvon.

New- York aux sept couleurs. Paris: Librai-
rie Valois, 1930. 159 p. in-8. 912

Copies: NYPL (IRGV); LC; BN.


Laperouse, Jean Franqois de Galaup, comte
de. See Voyage de La Perouse autour du
monde. . .

Lapeyrere, P. de.

Souvenirs et episodes: Chine, Japon, fitats-
Unis. Paris: Plon, 1885. 167 p. in-16. 913

Copies: LC; BN.

Lapeyrouse, S. de.

Miseres oubliees (Californie, 1850-1853);
aventures et souvenirs d'un chercheur d'or
Paris: M. Dreyfous, 1886. 303 p. in-18 914

Copy: BN.

La Radiere, Louis de. See Kite, Elizabeth S.

Lardier, A., joint author. See Barbaroux,
Charles Oge, and A. Lardier.

La Rochefoucauld-Ltancourt,
Alexandre Frederic, duc de.

Mm/ySrJS! d" duc de Liancourt a Philadelphie
(1/94-1795): extraits publies avec une intro-
duction et des notes par Jean Marchand. (La
Revue d'histoire diplomatique. Paris, 1931 8�
annee 45, p. 342-360, 430-448.) ' 915

Copy: NYPL (BAA).

Des prisons de Philadelphie. Par un Euro-
pean. Philadelphie: Imprimee & se trouve chez
Moreau de St-Mery, Janvier 1796. 44 p. in-8.


Copies: NYPL (* KD; imperfect copy) ; LC.

Des Prisons de Philadelphie. Par un Euro-
peen. A Paris: Chez Du Pont. A Philadelphie:
chez Moreau de St.-Mery, l'an iv de la Re-
publique [1796]. 63 p., 1 folded table. 8� 917

Copy: NYPL (* KD).

Seconde edition, augmentee. . . Amster-
dam: Chez J. van Gulik et W. Holtrop, juin
1/99. 97 p., 3 tables. 8�. 918

Copies: NYPL (*KF); LC.

Troisieme edition, augmentee... A

Pans: Chez H. Agasse, An vm -1800]. 96 p.,
3 tables. 8�. 919

Copy: NYPL (� KF).

On the prisons of Philadelphia. By an Euro-
pean. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Mo-
reau de Saint-Mery, January 1796. 46 p. 8�.

Copies: NYPL (*KD); LC. 920

A comparative view of mild and sanguinary
laws; and the good effects of the former, ex-
hibited m the present economy of the prisons
of Philadelphia. By the Duke de Liancourt.
Philadelphia: Printed. London: Reprinted and
sold by Darton and Harvey, 1796. 48 p. 12�.


Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; MH (2. ed.).

Une lettre du duc de Liancourt a Talleyrand
(1797). fiditee par Jean Marchand. (Revue
d'histoire diplomatique. Paris, 1929. 8�. annee
43, p. 466-472.) 922

This letter is dated March, 1797. from Philadelphia,
and deals entirely with political conditions in the United
States and with Franco-American relations.

Copy: NYPL (BAA).



La Rochefoucauld-Liancovrt, duc de, cont'd

Voyage dans les fitats-Unis d'Amerique fait
en 1795, 1796, et 1797. Paris: Dupont, l'An vn.

8 v. in-8. 923

Copies: NYPL (* KF); LC; BN.

Travels through the United States of North
America. . . London: Printed [by T. Gillet] for
R. Phillips... 1799. 2 v. illus. 4�. 924

Copies: NYPL (j*KF); LC.

■ — — ■ London: Printed [bv T. Gillet] for R.
Phillips... 1799. 4 v. 8�. 925

Copy: NYPL (* KF).

De la Rochefaucauld Liancourt Reisen in den
Jahren 1795, 1796 und 1797... Hamburg: Bei
Benjamin Gottlob Hoffmann, 1799. 3 v. 8�.
(Neuere Geschichte der Fee- und Land-Reisen.
Bd. 9-11.) 926

Copies: NYPL (*KF-1799, Neuere); LC.

See also under Marchand, Jean.

La Rouerie, Armakd, marquis de.

Letters of Col. Armand (Marquis de la Rou-
erie) 1777-1791. (New York Historical So-
ciety. Collections. Publication Fund Series 11.
New York, 1878. 8�. p. 287-396.) 927

A wealthy young nobleman from Brittany who, en-
thusiastic in the cause for American independence, came
to America in 1777. He renounced his title and was
known in the American army simply as Col. Armand.
He generously spent the greater part of his fortune in
equipping an independent cavalry corps. Despite his
difficulties and his many wrangles with Congress his
zeal for the Americans remained unabated. He left
for France in February, 1781, and returned the fol-
lowing August. He was finally given the rank of
brigadier-general in 1783, although he had not ceased
to demand an honorable rank from the time of his
arrival. He returned to France in 1785 and for the
following six years continued to correspond with Wash-
ington, whom he greatly venerated. His published
correspondence contains letters to Gen. Scott, Major-
General Heath, and Hamilton, although the great bulk
of the letters are addressed to Washington. To my
knowledge, his letters represent the most curious and
wonderful English ever written by a French traveller.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Lasteyrie du Saillant, Ferdinand de.

Esquisses americaines. Souvenirs d'un sejour
chez les planteurs du Sud. Paris, 1865. 16 p.
in-4. 928

Reprinted from Revue francaise.
Copies: MH; BN.

Latour, Arsene Lacarriere.

Historical memoir of the war in West Florida
and Louisiana in 1814-15. With an atlas. Writ-
ten originally in French and translated for the
author by H. P. Nugent. Philadelphia: J. Con-
rad and Co., 1816. 2 v. xx, 264, exc p.; 1 1.,

9 plates. 8C. 928A

v. 1. Text. v. 2. Atlas.

Copies: NYPL (IIH; 3 copies); LC.

La Tour du Pin de Gouvernet, Henriette

Lucie (Dillon), marquise de.

Journal d'une femme de cinquante ans, 1778-

1815... Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1913. 2 v.

xxxii, 405; 391 p. in-8. 929

Copies: BN; Am. Lib., Paris.

Paris: Librairie Chapelot, 1914. 2 v.

xxxii, 405 p.; 2 p.l., 391 p. 16. ed. 8�. 930

Copy: NYPL (AN).

Recollections of the Revolution and the Em-
pire... Edited and translated by Walter Geer
. . . New York: Brentano's, 1920. xxii, 422 p.
illus. 8�. 931

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.



London: Jonathan Cape [1928]

422 p. (new ed.] illus. 8�.
Copies: NYPL (AN); ICN.

Laugel, Auguste.

Le chemin de fer du Pacifique et les expedi-
tions americaines dans l'Ouest. Paris, 1856.
in-8. 933

Reprinted from La Revue des deux mondes, in
which form the material is available in NYPL (* DM).

Les causes et caracteres de la guerre civile
aux fitats-Unis. (Extrait de la Revue des deux
mondes. ler novembre 1861.) [Paris: J. Claye,
1861.] 24 p. 8�. 934

Copies: MH; NYPL (in its periodical form: * DM).

La guerre civile aux fitats-Unis 1861-1863. . .
Extrait de la Revue des deux mondes livraison
du 15 octobre 1863. Paris: J. Claye, 1863. 28 p.
8�. 935

Copies: MH; NYPL (in its original form: * DM).

Les fitats-Unis pendant la guerre: 1861-1865.
Paris: G. Bailliere, 1866. xvi, 365 p. in-8. 936

Copies: NYPL (IK); LC; BN.

The United States during the war [1861-
1865). New York: Bailliere Brothers, 1866.
xiii p., 1 1., 316, 6 p. 8�. 937

Copies: NYPL (IK); LC.

Grandes figures historiques. . . (Un homme
d'etat americain: Charles Sumner.) Paris: M.
Levy freres, 1875. 387 p. in-18. 938

Copies: MH; BN.

Laujon, A. P. M.

Souvenirs de trente annees de voyages a
Saint-Domingue, dans plusieurs colonies etran-
geres, et au continent d'Amerique. Par A. de
Laujon. Paris: Schwartz et Gagnot, 1835. 2 v.
xii, 426; viii, 456 p. in-8. 939

Vol. 2, p. 1-223 contain his American experi-
ences. Laujon's observations are of great interest and
value — and are virtually unknown to modern com-

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Laurent, Odon.

Les universites des fitats-Unis et du Canada
et specialement leurs institutions medicales.
Bruxelles: H. Lamertin, 1894. 311 p., 2 1., 1
map. illus. 8�. 939A

Copies: NYPL (WAL) ; LC.

Laurie, Andre, pseud. See Grousset, Pas-

Laussat, Pierre Clement de.

Memoires sur ma vie a mon fils, pendant les
annees 1803 et suivantes, que j'ai rempli des
fonctions publiques, savoir: a la Louisiane, en



qualite de commissaire du gouvernement fran-
cais pour la reprise de possession de cette co-
lonic et pour sa remise aux fitats-Unis; a la
Martinique, comme prefet colonial ; a la Guyane
franchise, en qualite de commandant et admin-
istrateur pour le Roi. Par M. de Laussat. Pau:
E. Vignancour, imprimeur-librairie, 1831. 638 p.
in-8. 940

This is one of the rarest items of Americana in the
nineteenth century. Neither the BM nor the BN pos-
sesses a copy of this; nor have I been able to locate a
copy in the United States. A few copies were printed,
probably privately. See Villiers du Terrage, Dernieres
ounces . ... p. 396.

Copy: Bibliotheque Municipale, Pau, France.

Letters from Prefect Laussat to Decres. (In:
James A. Robertson, editor, Louisiana under the
rule of Spain, France and the United States.
1785-1807. Cleveland, O.: Arthur H. Clark Co.,
1911. v. 2, p. 29-59.) 940A

An English translation, with notes by James A. Rob-
ertson, of six letters of Laussat dated from April 18,
1803 to April 7, 1804, at New Orleans.

Copies: NYPL (II — Alliot) ; LC.

See also under Villiers du Terrage, Marc,


Lauzanne, Stephane Joseph Vincent.

Instantaiies d'Amerique. Paris: F. Juven
[1908,. vi, 268 p. in-8. 941

Copies: LC; ICJ.

...Les hommes que j'ai vus; souvenirs d'un
journaliste. Paris: A. Fayard et O, 1920. 2 p.l.,
(1)8-254 p., 1 1. in-8. 941 A

Among the many figures whom this journalist knew
are: Wilson, Roosevelt, Col. House, and Jusserand.
Copies: NYPL (BTZE); LC.

Great men and great days . . . Introduction
by Nicholas Murray Butler... Translated by
John L. B. Williams. New York, London: D.
Appleton and Company, 1921. xvi, 262 p. 8�.


Copies: NYPL (BTZE); LC.

Lauzun, Armand Louis de Gontaut, duc de.
See Biron, Armand Louis de Gontaut,
duc de Lauzun, afterwards duc de.

Laveleye, �douard de.

...Les fitats-Unis. Verviers (:E. Gilon,
1881,. 2 v. 96; 96 p. in-8. Q43

Copy: LC (with author's autograph).

Le Blanc.

Le Blanc was one of the commissioners appointed
by the French government November 15, 1793; he
became secretary of the legation. The first despatch
signed by him is dated March 14, 1794. The last
despatch from Philadelphia which was signed by Le
Blanc was dated June 8, 1794; this was also signed
by Fauchet. It expressed suspicions of La Forest. Le
Blanc was sent back to Paris by Fauchet; he had
arrived there by September, 1794, and stated the pur-
pose of his journey in a letter to the Commissioner of
Foreign Relations, Buchot. See Correspondence of the
French Ministers, 1791-1797, p. 410-411, 419, and index.

Leblanc, Jean. See Delegation ouvriere


Lebon, General. See Comite France-
Amerique. — Mission Champlain, 1912.

Le Braz, Marcel.

Croisiere merveilleuse du "Tourville" autour
du monde. Paris: fiditions "Je sers," 1930. xiii,
294 p. illus. 8�. 944

This was the ship and the voyage that brought the
body of former Ambassador Herrick from France to
New York. p. 29-36 treat of New York; elsewhere the
author describes the Panama Canal and at various
points in his world tour observes American influence.

Copy: NYPL (KBG).

Le Brix, J. M., joint author. See under Costes,
Dieudonne, and J. M. Le Brix.

Lebrun, Camille. See under Guyot, Pauline,
known as Camille Lebrun.

Lechartier, Georges Clement.

Intrigues et diplomatics a Washington (1914-
1917). Paris: Plon-Nourrit et C;e [1919,. 4 p.l.,
viii, 302 p., 1 1. in-16. 945

Copies: NYPL (BTZE); LC; BN.

Les conditions du travail. . .aux fitats-Unis
. . . Paris: Publications de l'lnformateur parle-
mentaire, 1919. 64 p. in-8. 946

Copy: BN.

Leclerc, Frederic.

Le Texas et sa revolution. Paris: H. Four-
nier et Cie., 1840. 104 p., folding map. 8�. 946A

This is one of a very small number of reprints of
two articles first published in the Revue des Deux
Mondcs in March and April, 1840. It was dedicated
to Mirabeau B. Lamar, president of the Republic of
Texas. In the preface the author announced several
other forthcoming works concerning his studies in
Texas, but I have found no record of their pub-

Copies: NYPL (ITR; autographed presentation
copy); DSG.

Leclerc, Max.

Choses d'Amerique. Les crises economique
et religieuse aux fitats-Unis. Paris: Plon, 1891.
vii, 282 p. in-18. 947

Copies: NYPL (ILD); MB; BN.

Leclercq, Jules Joseph.

Un ete en Amerique, de l'Atlantique aux
montagnes Rocheuses. Paris: E. Plon et Cie,
1877. 2 p.l., 414 p., 1 I. illus. in-12. 948

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC.

Voyage au Mexique. De New- York a Vera-
Cruz en suivant les routes de terre. . .contenant
36 gravures et 1 carte. Paris: Librairie Hach-
ette, 1885. 3 p.l., 446 p., 1 1. 12�. 949

Chap. i. De New-York au Rio-Grande: p. 1-11.
Copies: NYPL (HTY); LC; BN.

Le lac Yellowstone. Bruxelles, 1886. 8 p.
in-4. 950

Copy: Bib. Royale.

La terre des- merveilles; promenade au pare
national de 1' Amerique du Nord. Paris: Hach-
ette et C* 1886. 384 p. illus. in-12. 951

Copies: NYPL (MSWE); LC; BN.

De Rio de Janeiro a Mycenes. . . Paris: fidi-
tions Pierre Roger ,1928,. 253 p. in-12. 952

Impressions d'Amerique, p. 57-86. The author trav-
elled widely in the United States in 1876, in 1883, and
again during the 1890's.

Copy: NYPL (KBK).



Lecomte, Ferdixaxd.

De la guerre actuelle des fitats-Unis . . . Un
discours a la Societe militaire federale reunie a
Berne 18 aout 1862. Lausanne: Imprimerie
Pache, 1862. 16 p. 8�. 952A

Copy: NYPL (IKC p.v.9).

Guerre des fitats-LTnis d'Amerique; rapport
au departement militaire suisse, precede d'un
discours a la Societe militaire federale reunie a
Berne 18 aout 1862. Paris: C. Tanera, 1863.
2 p.l., (1)4-216 p.. 2 maps. 8�. 952B

Copies: XYPL (IK); LC; BX.

The war in the United States. Report to the
Swiss Military Department; preceded by a dis-
course to the Federal Military Society. New
York: D. Van Nostrand. 1863.' 148 p. 8�. 952C

Copies: XYPL (IKC); LC.

Guerre de la secession: esquisse des evene-
ments militaires et politiques des fitats-Unis, de
1861 a 1865. Paris: C. Tanera, 1866-67. 3 v.
in-8. cartes. 952D

Copies: XYPL (IK); LC; BX.

Le Faivre, Paul.

Soleil leyant, soleil couchant; Angleterre,
fitats-Unis, Japon. Paris: Nouvelle librairie
nationale, 1921. 95 p. in-16 ayec planches. 953

Copies: NYPL (BAC p.v.80, no.6) ; BX.

Lefraxc, Smile.

La verite sur l'esclavage et l'union aux fitats-
Unis. Nouvelle-Orleans: Imprimerie franco-
americaine, 1861. 226 p., 2 1. 8�. 953A

The author came from France to Xew York in April.
1861 and soon went to Xew Orleans, where he quickly
wrote and published this book in defence of slavery.
For his later career see Tinker, Les Ecrits. . ., p. 284.

Copies: NYPL (IKA) ; ICN.

Leghait, A.

Compte rendu d'un yoyage d'exploration dans
la Colombie britannique, le nord-ouest des
fitats-Unis et la Californie. Bruxelles: P.
Weissenbruch, 1896. in-8. 954

Reprinted from Recueil consulaire beige.

Copy: Lorenz.

Legouis, fiMILE.

Impressions de Haryard. Paris: Champion,
1914. 28 p. in-8. 955

Copies: XYPL; MH.

Le Hardy, Paul.

La terre des meryeilles. Souvenirs d'un ex-
ploration au basin de Yellowstone. 956

Reprinted from La Revue de Belgique, tome 17,
1875, p. 78-95.

Copy: HCW.

Le Hardy de Beaulieu, Adolphe.

Les chemins de fer aux fitats-Unis et en
Europe. Bruxelles, 1855. 18 p. in-8. 957

Reprinted from La Revue trimestriclle.

Lehman, Lucien.

Le grand mirage: U. S. A. Paris: fiditions
Maisonneuve freres, 1929. 251 p. in-8. 958

Copies: NYPL (IDS); LC; HCW.

The American illusion... Translated by
Eloise Parkhurst Huguenin. New York and
London: The Century Co. [Cop. 1931.] 5 p.l.,
3-263 p. 12�. 959

Copies: NYPL (IDS); LC.

La seule issue. Paris: Editions Maisonneuve
freres, 1930. 294 p. in-16. 960

In this volume the sole question is the need for peace
and for international co-operation. The author is an
advocate of the League of Nations — and treats the
American attitude toward the League.

Copy: LC.

Lexeuf, H. F.

La foi irlandaise en Amerique. Souvenirs
d'un missionnaire. Citeaux (Cote-d'Or): Impr.
et librairie Saint Joseph, 1880. [II], 284 p. gr-in-8.


Copies: NYPL (ZLR); LC; HCW.

Le Ray de Chaumoxt, James Doxatiex.

Notice sur la depreciation des terres et sur
leurs prix actuels, dans le nord de l'etat de New-
York. [Signe: J. D. Le Ray de Chaumont, juin
1837.] Paris: Imprimerie de J. Didot l'aine
[1837]. lip. in-8. 961 A

The author lived in X'ew York State from 1785 to
1790, when he returned to France. See notes under
Vincent Le Ray de Chaumont, his son.

Copy: BN.

Le Ray de Chaumont, Vixcext.

Renseignemens sur la partie des fitats-Unis
la plus favorable aux agriculteurs venant d'Eu-
rope. Paris, 1833. 961 B

Xo copy of this can be located.

Aux families emigrantes de l'Europe; colonies
agricoles dans l'etat de New-York sur les terres
appartenant a M. le comte de Chaumont; a
vendre 80,000 acres (32,000 hectaires) de terres
situees dans les comtes de Jefferson et de Lewis
. . . Paris: Imprimerie et lithographie de A.
Wittersheim, 1858. 15 p., folded map. 4�. 961C

This has been translated by Walter Guest Kellogg
as "Le Ray de Chaumont lands," the second part of
Tzvo Le Ray de Chaumont papers.

Copy: X.

Souvenirs des fitats-Unis. Extrait de la Se-
maine des families. Paris: Jacques Lecoffre et
Cie, 1859. 16 p. in-4. 962

This has been translated into English by Walter
Guest Kellogg and is published as the first part of Tzeo
Le Ray de Chaumont papers.

The NYPL copy of this rare and interesting pam-
phlet was given to John Bigelow by the author; Big-
elow then sent it on to Bancroft, with the following
holographic note, written on the inside of the cover, and
dated at Paris, March 16, 1863: "The author of this
brochure is the grandson of a friend of Franklin, of
John Adams, of Mr Jefferson etc the first who shipped
arms and munitions of war from France to America
in our first revolution. He — the grandfather — was
afterwards rewarded with a large tract of land in the
North Western part of the State of Xew York which
is still held by his grandson who presented me with
this. It contains some anecdotes of Franklin which
have I believe at least the merit of novelty and I send
it to you in the hope at least of its reminding you of

Yours very truly,

John Bigelow."



Le Ray de Chaumont, Vincent, continued

The author of the pamphlet states that he spent the
best twenty-five years of his life in New York State,
which he left in 1833. For the interesting career of his
father, James Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont, who
was naturalized as an American citizen, see the article
by the Rev. J. L. Tierney in Historical records and
studies of the United States Catholic Historical Society,
v. 15, 1921, p. 59-69, NYPL (IAA).

The BN catalogue lists Souvenirs des �tats-Unis as
the work of Leon Guillemin. This is, I believe, an error.
I am unable to check back to the source of this con-
fusion of identities, since the BN does not give the
authority for its classification.

Copy: NYPL (| IAG p.v.263, no. 4).

Two Le Ray de Chaumont papers (i: Mem-
ories of the United States, n: Le Ray de Chau-
mont lands. What an advertisement issued by
Vincent Le Ray de Chaumont said about them
and about the Le Ray family ). Translated from
the French by Walter Guest Kellogg. [Water-
town, N. Y.i] Reprinted from the Watertown
Daily Times [1932?,. 24 p. 8�. 962A

This represents a most commendable venture in the
publication of materials for local history. Mr. Walter
Guest Kellogg of Ogdensburg, N. Y., has made an
extended study of the Le Ray de Chaumont family and
their activities in the United States.

Copy: NY PL.

Le Roux, Robert Charles Henri, called
Le Wyoming; au pied des montagnes Roch-
euses. Les richesses d'un pays neuf. L'elevage.
Le petrolle aux fitats-Unis, son role dans l'av-
enir. La Standard-oil cv. Paris: Felix Juven
[1904]. 2 p.l., 322 p. illus. in-18. 963

Copies: NYPL (IWN); LC.

La France et le monde. Angleterre — fitats-
Unis. Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1917. iii, 295 p.
in-16�. 964

Copies: NYPL (BTZE); NjP.

Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole.

Jewish immigrants and Judaism in the United
States. (The Judaeans. Judaean addresses. Se-
lected. New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1917.
8�. v. 2, p. 33-51.) 965

The substance of this address was delivered before
the Societe des etudes juives in Paris, December 18.
1904; it was translated and published in Jewish com-
ment, May 26, 1905.

Copies: NYPL (� PBL) ; LC.

Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre.

Les fitats-Unis au xxe siecle. Paris: Colin,
1904. xxiii, 469 p. in-16. 966

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN.

The United States in the twentieth century.
Authorized translation by H. Addington Bruce.
New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1906. xxvi,
396 p. 8�. 967

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.

Lesieur, Santiago.

Journal d'observations faite pendant le voy-
age...a New-York, en France, et en Italie,
dans les annees 1838, 39, et 40. Paris: Impr.
de Follet ,1840,. 24 p. in-8. 968

Copy: BN.

Lesquereux, Leo.

Lettres ecrites d'Amerique, destinees aux
emigrants. Neuchatel: Impr. de H. Wolfrath,
1849-50. 116 p. 8�. 969

From the Revue Suisse, May, November, 1849, Janu-
ary, March and May, 1850.

Issued in three parts with continuous pagination.
Copy: LC.

Lettres ecrites d'Amerique. Neuchatel:
Wolfrath, 1851. 258 p. in-8. 970

Copy: Nourry (contains a supplement of 66 p. dated


Neuchatel: Impr. de H. Wolfrath, 1853.

2 p.l., 300 p. 8�. 971

"Extraites de la Revue Suisse."
Copies: LC; ICJ.

Lesueur, Charles Alexandre.

In 1815 Lesueur, then a scientist and artist of
distinction, was employed by William Maclure, the
American geologist, to spend two years in America
in his service. Lesueur first arrived in the United
States in May, 1816; he remained here until 1837.
He first travelled widely in the East, especially in New
York and Pennsylvania, and later in the West, along
the Ohio, Wabash and Mississippi rivers. His large
collection of some 1,600 drawings made while in the
United States is now preserved in the Museum of
Natural History at Havre. There have been several
published studies of Lesueur; that of Hamy is good;
that of Madame Loir is the best. The article by Waldo
G. Leland, "The Lesueur collection of American
sketches in the Museum of Natural History at Havre,
Seine-Inferieure," in the Mississippi Valley historical
rcvieiv, v. 10, 1923, p. 53-78, contains a biographical
introduction and a description of many of the items
of this vast collection.

See Hamy, Theodore Jules Ernest; Loir,
Mme. Adriex.

Letombe; Joseph Philippe.

Memoire et projet concernant les agences, la
residence, le commerce et la navigation des
Franqais dans les ports des fitats-Unis. Par le
citoyen Letombe ancien consul de la Republique
Franchise a Boston, n.p., n.d. 46 p. in-12. 972

Copies: WLCL; BN.

See also Correspondence of the French min-

Letters of a French officer, written at Easton,
Penna., in 1777-1778. (Pennsylvania magazine
of bistory and biography. Philadelphia, 1911.
8�. v. 35, p. 90-102.) 972A

Five letters.

Copy: NYPL (*R-IAA).

Lettre ecrite par un Frangais emigrant au
Scioto. [Paris., 27 p. in-18. 973

Letter is dated from New York May 23, 1790.

Copy: HCW.

Lettre ecrite a M. Garat, par un Officier re-
cemment arrive d'Amerique. (Mercure de
France. Paris. 12�. mars 1783, p. 194-202.)


This was written by a French officer shortly after
his arrival in France from America where he had served
during the war. It is a trenchant criticism of the writ-
ings of the Abbe Robin on America; his criticism still
possesses validity. He heaps ridicule upon the poor
Abbe, who was indeed curiously gullible. He states
that the Americans are so tolerant that they would
have laughed at him had he told them his observations.



Lettre ecrite a M. Garat. . ., continued

He speaks of the duty of rendering justice to this new
country which, in Europe, is more talked about than
it is understood. He refutes some of the more curious
statements of Robin, such as the statement that all the
houses in Boston are built of wood and that they can
be moved from place to place with the greatest ease.
He concludes by asking: Is the first serious work about
America to be written by a man who does not under-
stand the language, who was there not longer than
four months and who never stopped eight days in a
single city ?

Copy: NYPL (* DM).

Lettre d'un musicien parti l'annee derniere
pour 1' Amerique. (Revue musicale. Paris, 1829.
8�. annee 3, tome 5, p. 474-^75.) 973B

Letter is dated November 27, 1828, from New York.
Copy: NYPL (* MA).

Leuba, Edmond.

La Californie et les etats du Pacifique. Sou-
venirs et impressions. Paris: Sandoz et Thail-
lier, 1882. 318 p. in-12. 974

Copies: NYPL (IXG) ; LC.

Levasseur, Auguste.

Lafayette en Amerique en 1824 et 1825, ou
Journal d'un voyage aux fitats-Unis. Paris:
Baudouin, 1829. 2 v. iv, 509; 632 p. gr-in-8. 975

Copies: NYPL (IID) ; LC; Bib. Ste. Gen.

Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825; or,
Journal of a voyage to the United States . . .
Translated by John D. Godman... Philadel-
phia: Carey and Lea, 1829. 2 v. in 1. vi, (1)10-
227; iv, (1)10-265 p. 12�. 976

Copies: NYPL (IID); WLCL.

General Lafayette in Amerika, oder dessen
letzte Reise durch Amerika in den Jahren 1824
und 1825. Beschrieben von A. Lavasseur, und
aus dem franzosischen ubersetzt von A. Levas-
seur, geb. Zeis. . . Naumburg: Wild, 1829. 2 v.
in 1. 8�. 977

Paged continuously.
Copies: LC; IU.

Reis door de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-
Amerika, in de jaren 1824 en 1825, door den
Generaal Lafayette. . . Zutphen: W. J. Thieme,
1831. 2 v. 8�. 978

Copy: LC.

Levasseur, J�mile.

L'Exposition de Chicago. Coup d'oeil sur
l'ensemble de l'exposition, conference du 21 Jan-
vier 1894. [Paris, 18940 31 p., 1 plan. in-8. 979

Reprinted from the Annates du Conservatoire des
arts et metiers, serie 2, tome 6.

Copies: NYPL (VC, Chicago, 1893, p.v.5, no.2);

L'agriculture aux �tats-Unis. Paris: Berger-
Levrault et Cie, 1894. 479 p. in-8. 980

Copies: NYPL (VPY) ; BN.

Precede d'une note de...H. L. de Vil-

morin. Paris: Chamerot et Renouart, 1894. ii,
495 p. in-8. 981

Copies: NYPL (VPY); ICJ.

L'instruction primaire aux �tats-Unis. . .
Paris: C. Delagrave, 1894. 108 p. tables. 8�.


Repr.: Revue pedagogique, May 15, 1894.
Copy: LC.

Le salaire aux fltats-Unis . . . Lu dans la
seance publique annuelle des cinq academies
du 25 octobre 1894. Paris: Typographic de
Firmin-Didot et De, 1894. 19 p. in-4. 983

Copies: NYPL (TDB p.v.42, no.19); LC.

The concentration of industry, and machinery
in the United States. Philadelphia: American
Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 1897.
6-25 p. 8�. (American Academy of Political
and Social Science. Publications, no. 193.) 984

Copies: NYPL (VKE p.v.2, no.l); LC.

L'ouvrier americain: l'ouvrier au travail;
l'ouvrier chez lui; les questions ouvrieres.
Paris: L. Larose, 1898. 2 v. xviii, 634; 516 p.
in-8. 985

Copies: NYPL (TDI); LC; BN.

The American workman. An American trans-
lation by T. S. Adams. Baltimore: Johns Hop-
kins Press, 1900. xx, 517 p. 8�. (Johns Hop-
kins University studies in history and political
science. Extra v. [22.]) 986

Copies: NYPL (SB); LC.

Levis, Gaston Gustave Marie Victurnien
de Levis-Mirepoix, marquis de.
Visite au Canada suivie d'une course aux
Montagnes-Rocheuses et a l'ocean Pacifique en
1895. . . Chateaudun: Impr. de la Societe typo-
graphique, 1896. 2 p.l., ii, 194 p., 1 1. in-8. 987

Copy: LC.

Levy, Raphael-Georges.
La vraie Amerique. Paris, 1894. 16 p. in-8.
Copy: BN. 988

Lezay-Marnezia, Claude Franqois Adrien,

marquis de.

Lettres ecrites des rives de l'Ohio. Au Fort

Pitt, et se trouvent a Paris: Prault, an ix [1801].

viii, 144 p. 8�. 989

Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; LC; BN.

L'Heritier, Louis Franqois.

Le Champ d'Asile, tableau topographique et
historique du Texas... Paris: Librairie Lad-
vocat, 1819. 247 p. in-8. 990

Copies: NYPL (ITR); LC; HCW.

Liancourt, Due de. See La Rochefoucauld



Promenades en Californie. Havre, 1892.
36 p. in-8. 991

Copy: Nourry.

Lisle, de.

A Frenchman's comments on the discipline of
the American and British armies in 1777.
(Pennsylvania magazine of history and biogra-
phy. Philadelphia, 1911. 8�. v. 35, p. 365-368.)

991 A

Dated Reading, Penna., Nov. 28, 1777.
Copy: NYPL (* R-IAA).




Les fitats-Unis et la Havane, souvenirs d'un

voyageur. Paris: Bertrand, 1842. xii, 372 p.

gr-in-8. 992

Lowenstern was an Austrian who wrote in French.

Book is of very considerable value for social and in-
tellectual conditions in America.

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; BN.

Loir, Mme. Adrien.

Charles-Alexandre Lesueur; artiste et savant
francais en Amerique de 1816 a 1839. Le
Havre: Museum d'histoire naturelle, 1920.
108 p., 42 pi. in-8. 993

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Loizillon, Marie.

L'education des enfants aux fitats-Unis. Rap-
port presente a M. le Ministre de l'lnstruction
Publique apres une mission officielle. Paris:
Hachette et Cie., 1883. 109 p. in-8. 994

Copy: BN.

London, Geo.

Deux mois avec les bandits de Chicago.
Paris: Editions des portiques, 1930. 256 p., 2 1.
12�. 995

Copies: NYPL (SLG); LC.
Longchamp, Ferdinand.

Longchamp has recently been revealed as the author
of Asmodce d New-York (items 105 and 106 of this
bibliography). After the first sheets containing these
items had been printed I discovered in the Americana
catalogue no. 55 of G. A. Baker and Co., of New York
City (item 1188) a "presentation copy from the author"
of the English translation. The book itself I did not
see, for it had been sold, but I have implicit faith in
the accuracy of the description by Mr. M. Harzof.
Neither Lorenz nor the BN catalogue lists any items
by Longchamp, but the discovery of this copy would
seem to settle the question of the authorship. Hence
items 105 and 106 of this bibliography should be cata-
logued under this name.

Since this discovery was made the Library of Con-
gress has published a revised card for this item. There
it is stated that Longchamp was "Ferdinand Long-
champ." This is probable, since the English translation
was published by Longchamp and Co., in New York.
The city directory for 1864 reveals that this publisher
was Ferdinand Longchamp. While this identification
seems probable I have no information which would
clearly confirm it. The signed copy sold by G. A.
Baker and Co. carried the name of "J. D. Long-
champ." Might this not have been a brother of the
publisher? To further complicate the question, the
NYPL copy of the English translation contains a pencil
notation that the author was "Frederick Longchamp."

Longchamp, J. D.

Supposed author of Asmodee a New-York; see under
Longchamp, Ferdinand.

Lordereau, Gabriel.

Du Havre a Chicago. Lyon: Alexandre Rey,
1894. 60 p., 2 cartes, in-4. 996

One of the very few engineers who have been un-
happy in America.
Copy: BN.

Lorimier, Louis.

Journal of Lorimier during the threatened
Genet invasion of Louisiana — 1793-1795. (In:
Louis Houck, editor, The Spanish regime in
Missouri. Chicago, 1909. 8�. v. 2, p. 59-99.)


This is an English translation of the original manu-
script in the General Archives of the Indies, Seville.
Copies: NYPL(IVP); LC.

Louis-Garay, Gabriel. See Comite France-
Amerique. — Mission Champlain, 1912.

Louis Philippe. See under Parker, Jane

Lucas, Charles Jean Marie.

Du systeme penitentiaire en Europe et aux
fitats-Unis. Paris, 1828-30. 3 v. 460; 462;
164 p. in-8. 997

v. 1 published by A. Bossange et C. Bechet; v. 2-3,
by Th. Dehay et Vve. Charles Bechet.
Copies: LC; MH.

Expose de l'etat de la question penitentiaire en
Europe et aux fitats-Unis, suivi d'observations
de MM. de Tocqueville, Charles Lucas et Be-
renger. Paris: Imp. Panckoucke, 1844. 131 p.
in-8. 998

Copies: MH; HCW.

L'esprit public aux fitats-Unis apres la

guerre. Paris: Les Editions des Meilleurs

livres, 1926. 225 p. in-16. 999

Copies: NYPL (ID); LC; BN.

Le catholicisme aux fitats-Unis: son passe —
son present — son avenir. Paris: Librairie
Letouzey et aine, 1930. 247 p. in-16. 1000

Author has made four extended visits to the United

Copy: NYPL (ZLR).

Lumen, Docteur.

Les par f urns du Frigolet. Avignon: Typo-
graphic Fr. Seguin aine, 1874. 103 p. in-32.


A curious book of religious reveries inspired by
the sight of Niagara Falls many years before. He here
describes his visit to the Falls in 1848. Frigolet was
a monastery near Tarascon, in the south of France,
in which the author completed the book.

Copy: BN.

Les matinees de Beaucaire ou Recits d'une
promenade sur l'lllinois, le Mississipi et l'Ohio.
Avignon: Typographic Fr. Seguin aine, 1874.
288 p. in-32. 1002

Internal evidence establishes Lumen as the author
of this equally curious book, which is really a con-
tinuation of Les parfums du Frigolet. The title is
explained by the fact that the author conceived the
book one morning as his train pulled into the railway
station at Beaucaire. He summarizes the motto of the
Americans as "Go ad head; and no mind" [sic !].

Copy: BN.


Les �tats-Unis en 1900. Paris: Societe d'edi-
tions scientifiques, 1896. 308 p. in-18. 1003

Author visited the United States frequently from
1865 to 1895; here he records many of the changes
of thirty years in America.

Copy: BN.

Aux fitats-Unis. Paris: E. Flammarion,
1897. 3 p.l., 3-300 p. new ed. 12�. 1004

This is a new edition of the preceding item.
Copy: NYPL (ILD).

M. * * *, Americain. See under Du Buisson,
Paul Ulrich.

M ****** *. See Voyage au Kentoucky. . .




Lettre de M. MacNamara, pretre de la mis-
sion, a M. Fiat, Superieur General: Yisite aux
�tats-Unis. Paris: Seminaire des Irlandais,
Dec., 1884. 36 p. in-8. 1005

Copy: BX.

McNamara, William.

The Catholic Church on the northern Indiana
frontier, 1789-1844... Washington, D. C:
Catholic University of America, 1931. vii, 84 p.,
1 1. 8\ (Studies in American church history,
v. 12.) 1006

Contains much unpublished correspondence of
Stephen Theodore Badin.

Copies: XYPL (ZLR); LC.

MacOrlax, Pierre.

Les pirates de 1 'avenue du rhum (reportage").
Paris: Editions du Sagittaire [Cop. 1925]. 3 p.l.,
9-146 p., 3 1. in-12. 1007

Copies: LC; BX.

Macquet, Jules.

Londres, le Canada et les �tats-Unis. Sou-
venirs de voyage des bords de la Somme aux
bords du Saint-Laurent. Tours: Lib. Cattier,
1893. 239 p. in-8 avec gravures. 1008

Copy: BX.

Madame * * * See under F-

-N, G-

M ada me * * * * * Sec Cite xh age de Mist.
Mademoiselle van.

Magxax, Dexis Michel Aristide.

Histoire de la race franchise aux �tats-Unis.
Paris: Charles Amat. 1912. xvi p., 2 1., 356 p.,
1 L. 18 pi.. 1 map. 4�. 1008A

The abbe Magnan is a French Canadian priest who
has lived in the United States.

Copies: XYPL (IEE); LC; BX.

Paris: Charles Amat, 1913. xvi, 386 p.

illus. 2. ed.. rev. 4;. 1008B

Copies: XYPL (IEE); SSL.

Malartic, Louis Hippolyte Joseph de Mau-
ris, V1COMTE DE.

[Letter to General Arthur St. Clair, dated
Sept. 1, 1796, referring to his services on the
latter's staff during the expedition against the
Indians of Ohio in 1791.] (Pennsylvania maga-
zine of historv and biography. Philadelphia,
1918. 8�. v. 42, p. 180-182.) 1008C

Accompanied by a letter from Edouard Laboulaye
to J. M. Newton, dated Feb. 26, 1874, relative to Malar-
tic's services and career.

Malartic's letter, together with the original French
text, is also printed in the St. Clair papers, v. 2,
p. 406-410.

Copy: XYPL (� R-IAA).

Malbraxque, Jules. See Delegation ou-
vriere francaise.

Malezieux, Lmile.

Travaux publics des �tats-Unis d'Amerique
en 1870. Rapport de mission. . . Publie par
ordre de M. le Ministre des Travaux Publics. . .

Paris: Dunod, 1873. 2 p.l., 572 p., and atlas of
61 folded pi. f�. 1009

Copies: LC; ICJ.

Souvenirs d'une mission aux �tats-Unis
d'Amerique. Paris: Dunod, 1874. ii, 175 p.
gr-in-8, avec 7 planches. 1010

The author was sent to the United States in 1870
to study engineering development and public works.
He prepared and presented a formal report of his in-
vestigations for the French government; the above
item contains his more personal notes and reflections.
His travels in the United States were extensive; he
journeyed from coast to coast, visiting the following
principal cities: Xew York, Philadelphia, Xorfolk,
Washington, Saratoga, Niagara, Chicago, Omaha, Og-
den. Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and St. Louis.
While in Xew York he was the guest of Hugh Max-
well, who had known and entertained Jacquemont, La-
fayette, and de Tocqueville. The book contains seven
large folding plates of considerable interest:

i. Carte. Itineraire general.

ii. Carte des environs de Xew-York.

iii. Environs de San-Francisco — avec vue de l'en-
tree de la baie. . .

iv. Xavigation interieure: Ferry boat. . . [the Eliza-
beth]; Steam-Boat de la ligne de Xew-York a Albany
[the Drew}.

v. Wagons a lits dits Silver Palace Cars [five

vi. Ponts suspendues modernes: Pont de Niagara
Falls [with engineering details].

vii. Chemin de fer du Pacifique — Profil en long.

Copies: XYPL (ILD); MH; BX.

Mallet, Mme. Marie.

Quinze jours de traversee ou Voyage en
Amerique. Paris: Desesserts, n.d. vii, 371 p.
illus. 8�. 1011

Copies: XYPL (XKY); Chamonal.

Maxdat-Graxcey, Edmoxd, barox de.

Dans les montagnes Rocheuses. Paris: E.
Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1884. 314 p. front., map,
plates. 12�. 1012

Copies: NYPL (IWE) ; BX.

Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et C>e, 1889.

314 p. illus. 2. ed. 12�. 1013

Copies: NYPL (IW) ; LC (Paris, 1894).

Cow-boys and colonels; narrative of a jour-
ney across the prairie and over the Black Hills
of Dakota . . . [Translated] with additional notes
not contained in the original edition by William
Conn... London: Griffith, Farran, Okeden, &
Welsh, 1887. xi, 352 p. illus. 8�. 1014

Cony: LC.

London: Griffith, Farran, Okeden, &

Welsh [1888,. 364 p. illus. new ed. 8�. 1014A

Copy: XYPL (IW).

New York: E. P. Dutton and Co. [1887.]

364 p. illus. 12�. (Boy's favorite series.) 1015
Copy: NYPL (IW).

En visite chez l'oncle Sam: New York et
Chicago. Dessins de Crafty et de Martin-
Chablis. Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1885. viii, 279 p.
in-18. 1016

Copies: XYPL (ILD; 2. ed., 1S91); LC; BX.

La breche aux buffles. Un ranch francais
dans le Dakota. Dessins de R. T. de Boisvray.
Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1889. xvi, 292 p.
illus. 12�. 1017

Copies: XYPL (VPO); XjP.

u I

C'est lo jitn ",ui cuil dans la inannili
Tanl il fail ctiaud pii Aiueri |ue.

An impression of the French jury at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876.

From a rare volume of caricatures, Le Jury jrangais a Philadelphie,

attributed to Bartholdi.



Mandf.lstamm, Valentin.

New-York; roman. Illustrations par Andre
Castaigne. [Paris: Impr. de l'lllustration,] cop.
1922. 103 p. illus. f�. (La Petite illustration,
roman-theatre. . . no. 119-122. Roman, nouv.
serie, no. 40-43.) 1018

Copies: NYPL (NKS, Petite); LC.

Cher New- York. Roman d'amour. Paris:
Ernest Flammarion (cop. 1922]. 284 p. 12�.


This is substantially the text of his NczvYork.
Copy: NYPL.

Hollywood: roman de moeurs cinematogra-

phiques. Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1925. 2 p.l.,

xxv, 264 p. in-12. 1020

Copies: NYPL (NKV) ; LC.

Mandrillon, Joseph H.

Thought to have travelled in the colonies before the
Revolutionary War.

Precis sur l'Amerique septentrionale et sur la
republique des Treize-fitats-Unis. (In: Alex-
ander Cluny, Le voyageur americain... Am-
sterdam: J. Schuring, 1782. 8�. 166 p. at the
end.) 1021

Copies: NYPL (* KF- 1782); LC.

(In: Alexander Cluny, Le voyageur

americain. Amsterdam: J. Schuring, 1783. 8�.
p. 142-242.) 1022

Copies: NYPL (* KF- 1783); WLCL.

Le spectateur americain. ou remarques ge-
nerates sur l'Amerique Septentrionale et sur la
republique des Treize-fitats-Unis. Suivi de re-
cherches philosophiques sur la decouverte du
Nouveau-Monde. Par M. J.h M ******** *
Amsterdam: chez les heritiers E. van Harre-
velt, 1784. xvi, 128, 307(1) p., 2 1., (1)4-91 p.,
1 folded map, 2 folded tables. 8�. 1023

Copies: NYPL (* KF - 1784; 2 copies, one on thick
paper with Mandrillon's full name on the title-page) ;

Seconde edition revue, corrigee, & aug-
mented de plusieurs articles & d'une table alpha-
betique des matieres. A Amsterdam; Et se
trouve a Bruxelles, Chez De la Haye & Com-
pagnie, 1785. xx, 519 p., 1 folded map, 2 folded
tables. 8�. 1024

"Le Spectateur, apres avoir promene ses regards sur
l'Amerique en general, les fixe avec interet sur cet
espace immense oil la liberte paroit avoir etabli son
empire, ou les bonnes moeurs paroissent etre respectees,
ou les lois n'ont pour object que de conserver a l'homme
les droits qu'il tient de la nature, oil le commerce
surtout jouit de tout ce qui pent enrichir la patrie et le
citoyen, et cet espace immense est la republique des
Etats-Unis." — From the Introduction, p. xi.
Copy: NYPL (*KF-1785).

A Amsterdam; Et se trouve a

Bruxelles, Chez Emmanuel Flon, 1785. 3 p.l.,
(i)vi-xx, 519 p., 1 folded map, 2 folded tables.
8�. 1025

Copies: NYPL (* KF- 1785); LC.

Fragmens de politique et de litterature, suivis
d'un voyage a Berlin en 1784, offerts comme
etrennes a mes amis, le ler Janvier 1788. Paris

et Bruxelles: Emmanuel Flon, 1788. xviii,
372 p., 2 1., 2 folding tables. 8�. 1026

The following passages are of interest for Franco-
American relations of the period:

Remarques sur la revolution americaine, p. 1-10;
Memoire pour la societe americaine etablie par quelques
negocians a Amsterdam, en fevrier 1782, p. 55-62;
Devise de la societe americaine, p. 62; Crise de l'Ame-
rique [translation of the first number of Paine's
Crisis], p. 63-79; Memoire... a S. E. Mr. J. Adams,
p. 79-86; Lettre. . .sur les consequences de l'inde-
pendance americaine, p. 87-109; Extrait d'une lettre
de Mr. le marquis de la Fayette, p. 120-122; Autres
[vers] pour le general Washington, p. 177; Portrait
du general Washington, p. 178-185; Tableau chrono-
logique des evenemens. . .dans la guerre de la revo-
lution americaine, p. 186-189; Societe de Cincinnatus,
p. 189-197; Institution de la Societe de Cincinnatus,
p. 197-203; Aux heros de l'Amerique, p. 204; In-
scription pour la buste du general Washington, p. 205;
Nouveau plan de constitution pour les Etats-Unis de
l'Amerique, p. 210-240.

Copies: NYPL; MiU; BN.

Mangourit, Michel Ange Bernard de.

The Mangourit correspondence in respect to
Genet's projected attack upon the Floridas,
1793-94. (American Historical Association.
Annual report. Washington, 1898. 8�. 1897,
p. 569-679.) 1027

Mangourit had been a criminal judge in Rennes,
the city of his birth. Having lost or having given up
this post, he came to Paris and embarked upon a career
as a publicist and journalist. He was at first subsidized
by the Court and later was known as one of the Con-
querors of the Bastille. As a reward for his revolu-
tionary services he was made, March 2, 1792, consul at
Charleston. He became embroiled in the Genet affair
and when Genet was dismissed he was recalled to
France. He reached Paris August 23, 1794, and has-
tened to have printed his Memoire de Mangourit con-
taining the addresses which he pretended had been made
to him by the citizens of Charleston before he left.
He was later charged with a study of the relations of
France with Spain and the Two Sicilies. For a brief
summary of his career see Turner, Correspondence of
French Ministers, p. 930-932.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Memoire de Mangourit. Adresses des muni-
cipalites, sections, societe republicaine de
Charleston, & des Gouverneur & Citoyens de
l'fitat de la Caroline du Sud, a Mangourit, con-
sul de la Republique franchise, sur sa destitution.
Paris: Impr. de Gueffier [1795]. 32 p. in-4. 1028

This is an important pamphlet for Franco-American
diplomatic relations in the eighteenth century. It is
sufficiently rare to merit a detailed description. Letter
of Governor William Moultrie to Mangourit, dated
April 10, 1794; reply of Mangourit; resolution and ad-
dress of the city of Charleston and reply by Mangourit;
address of Section xm of the city of Charleston;
address of Section ix; address of the Republican So-
ciety of Charleston and reply by Mangourit; address
of the citizens of South Carolina with many signatures;
farewell letter from General Huger and A. Moultrie;
Mangourit's reply to the citizens of South Carolina.
Mangourit to the Committee of Public Safety of the
National Convention (p. 13-22); eleven pages of notes.

Copies: NYPL (* KF- 1795); BN.

Maniere de vivre des Americains. See Une
des plus anciennes impressions franchises
sur les moeurs de la Nouvelle-Angleterre.

Maxoel de Grandfort, Mme. Sec Grandfort,
Marie Fontenay de.



Marchand, Jeax.

Journal d'exil du due de Liancourt. (Le Cor-
respondant. Paris, 1930. in-8. tome 321 (nouv.
serie, tome 285], p. 161-182.) 1029

Marchand publishes many excerpts from the un-
published manuscript journal of La Rochefoucauld-
Liancourt, covering the period from Oct. 1, 1794 to
April 18, 1795; this new journal forms an excellent
introduction to the published Voyage.

Copy: NYPL (* DM).

Marcou, Jules.

Une ascension dans les montagnes Rocheuses.
Paris: Impr. de E. Martinet, 1867. 24 p. in-8.


Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Societe de geogra-
phic serie 5, tome 13, 1867, p. 462-483, in which form
the material is available in NYPL. Marcou was the
author of numerous geological brochures on America.

Copies: MH; LC.

Marestier, Jean Baptiste.

For two years Marestier travelled in the United
States and England and studied steamship navigation.
He was the first to construct a steamship for the French

Memoire sur les bateaux a vapeur des fitats-
Unis d'Amerique. Paris, 1824. 296 p. in-4.
Text and atlas. 1031

Copies: NYPL (t YXHD and ttt YXHD); MdBJ.

Marie-Joseph, Father. See under Relation
de ce qui est arrive a deux religieux de la
Trappe. . .

Maris, Martin.

Souvenirs d'Amerique — Relations d'un voy-
age au Texas et en Haite. Bruxelles: Poot,
1863. 135 p. in-8. 1032

Author was at one time a Belgian consul in America.
Copies: LC; BX.

Marlin, Paul Jean.

La Belgique et les fitats-Unis. Lettres de
Philadelphie a l'occasion du centenaire ameri-
cain. Paris et Bruxelles, 1876. 106 p. in-8. 1033

Marlin also wrote numerous technical reports on
the Philadelphia Exposition of 1876. For a list of
these consult the BX catalogue.

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v.404) ; Chamonal.

Marmier, Xavier.

Marmier (1809-1892), traveller and litterateur, was
a member of the French Academy. His many accounts
of his extensive travels enjoyed a wide popularity; his
books concerning America were not without a marked
influence upon French opinion. At best Marmier was
but mildly critical; in general his writing is sympa-
thetic, without profundity or originality.

Lettres sur l'Amerique. Canada. — �tats-
Unis. — Havane. — Rio de la Plata. Paris:
Arthus Bertrand [1851]. 2 v. 455; 463 p. in-18.


Copies: NYPL (HAY); LC; BN.

Cartas sobre la America. . . Traducidas para
el Universal. Mexico: Imprenta del Universal
[1850?]. 2 v. in 1. 8\ 1035

Copies: NYPL (HAY) ; LC.

En Amerique et en Europe. Paris: L.
Hachette, 1860. 450 p. in-16. 1036

Copies: MB; BN.

Souvenirs d'un voyageur. En Amerique. En
Allemagne. En Danemark. En Norwege.
Paris: Didier et Cie, 1867. 396 p. in-18. 1037

Copy: BX.

Les �tats-Unis et le Canada... Tours: A.
Mame et lils, 1874. 247 p. in-8. 1038

Copy: BX.

Tours: A. Mame et fils, 1875. 237 p.,

1 1., 2 pi. 8�. 1039

Copies: XYPL (ILD); MH (1877).

Marquis, Raoul.

Le tour du monde en automobile par Henry
de Graffigny [pseud.]. Paris: Librairie Gedalge,
1927. 416 p. 4. ed. illus. 4�. 1040

Pages 157-181 describe the motor trip from Seattle
to Xew Orleans. This tour of the world by motor
was begun from Paris in 1903.

Copy: NYPL (t KBG).

Marsillac, Jean de.

Important letter in La Decade Philosophique,
Paris, of 30 Floreal, An V [May 19, 1797]. 1041

Marsillac may have had the collaboration of Volney
in this criticism of American life. He had been a
student of medicine at Montpellier and an officer in the
French army. When he was converted to Quakerism
he gave up his commission and acted as the spokesman
and missionary of the Quakers in France. He later
went to England and then visited the United States
where he remained until 1798. I have seen unpublished
mss. in the library of the Society of Friends in Lon-
don, but this is his only published opinion of American
life of which I find any record. For details of Mar-
sillac see Fay, Revolutionary spirit, p. 244-245, 401-
402, 455-456.

Copy: BN.

Martin, �mile. See Delegation ouvriere

Martin, Germain.

Problemes transatlantiques. Paris: Arthur
Rousseau, 1903. 199 p. in-8. 1042

Copies: NYPL (TN) ; LC; BX.

Masseras, E.

Masseras was at one time editor of Le Courrier des
�tats-Unis, New York.

La campagne electorate de 1869. Paris:
Librairie internationale, 1869. 30 p. in-8. 1043
Copy: BN.

Washington et son oeuvre. Paris: Sandoz et
Thuillier, 1882. 180 p. in-18. 1044

Copies: MB; WLCL; BX.

L'exemple de l'Amerique: Washington et son
oeuvre. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie., 1889.
xii, 302 p., 1 1. 12�. 1045

A later edition of the preceding item.
Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Massey, Ernest de.

A Frenchman in the gold rush. Translated
by Marguerite Eyer Wilbur from the journal
of Ernest de Massey. (California Historical
Societv. Quarterly. San Francisco, 1926-27.
4�. v.' 5, p. 3-43, 139-177, 219-254, 342-377;
v. 6, p. 37-57.) 1046

Ernest de Massey arrived in San Francisco in De-
cember, 1849, and kept a manuscript journal for more



than a year after landing. He remained in California
until 1857 when he returned to France. The first
published entry is for Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1849. A frag-
ment of this, "To the diggings of the Trinity," has
been published in The course of empire, edited by
Yaleska Bari, New York, 1931, and available in NYPL

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Masson, Frederic.

La proscription des Napoleonides. Joseph aux
�tats-Unis 1815-1821. (La Revue de Paris.
Paris, 1916. 8�. annee 23, tome 2, p. 245-276.)

Copy: NYPL (* DM). 1046 A

Matignon, Francis.

Boston's first Catholic church. Some letters
of Rev. Dr. Francis Matignon, of Boston, to
Bishop John Carroll, A. D. 1798-1801. Gath-
ered by the Rev. Edward I. Devitt. (American
Catholic Historical Society. Records. Phila-
delphia, 1904. 8�. v. 15, p. 34-45.) 1047

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Les Matinees de Beaucaire. See Lumen, Doc-

Maufroid, A.

Du Mexique au Canada: journal de route en
Amerique. Paris: Louis Theuveny, 1907. vii,
340 p. in-12. 1048

Travelled through the L^nited States during 1906.

Pages 1-96: New York City, Philadelphia, New
Orleans, Texas: p. 168-267: California, Salt Lake
City, Chicago, Niagara; p. 309-336: New York City.

Copy: NYPL (ILH).

Maurois, Andre.

L' Amerique inattendue. . . Paris: Editions
Mornay [1931]. 2 p.l., 185(1) p., 1 L, 1 port.
12�. 1049

Copy: NYPL (IDS).

A private universe. Translated by Hamish
Miles. New York: D. Appleton and Company,
1932. vi, 364(1) p. 8�. 1050

Part III (p. 301-364) is on America.
Copies: NYPL (NKW); LC.

Mauroy, Chevalier de. See Stevens, Benja-
min Franklin. Facsimiles...

Les Mauvais cocheurs americains. [Paris,
1789., 7 p. in-8. 1051

A soldier describes an incident he witnessed in
January, 1781.
Copy: BN.

Mazzei, Filippo.

Recherches historiques et politiques sur les
�tats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale. . .
Par un citoyen de Virginie [Filippo Mazzei].
Avec quatre lettres d'un bourgeois de New-
Heaven sur l'unite de la legislature. Paris: chez
Froulle, 1788. 4 v. xvi, 383; 259; 292; 366 p.
in-8. 1052

The bourgeois de New-Heaven [sic!] is Condorcet.

Mazzei was an Italian physician who practised medi-
cine in Smyrna and later, from 1755 to 1773, engaged
in commerce in London. With several other Italians
he came to the United States in December, 1773, to
introduce the cultivation of the grape and the olive.

He became a neighbor and friend of Thomas Jefferson.
He actively supported the movement for independence
and from 1779 to 1783 he was an agent for Virginia
to obtain supplies in Italy. He revisited the United
States in 1785. His Memorie delta vita (Lugano, 2 v.
1845-46) contains a lengthy account of his activities
in Italv on behalf of Virginia.
Copies: NYPL (*KF); LC.

Meaux, Marie Camille Alfred, vicomte de.

L'figlise catholique et la liberte aux fetats-
Unis. Paris: Lecoffre, 1893. ii, 431 p. 2. ed.
in-18. 1053

Copies: ICU; ICN; BN.

Paris: V. Lecoffre, 1903. 2 p.l., ii, 426 p.,

1 I. 12�. 1054

Copy: NYPL (ZLR).

Megret de Belligny, Jean Santiago de.

Reminiscences de la vie americaine. Bor-
deaux: Impr. G. Gounouilhou, 1867. 12 p. in-8.


Reprinted from Actes de V Academic imperiale des
sciences, belles-lettres, et arts de Bordeaux, serie 3,
annee 28, 1866.

Copy: BN.

Melera, Marguerite Yerta. See Dialogue
entre Deux Mondes.

Menonville, Franqois Louis Arthur Thi-

baut, comte de.

Journal of the siege of Yorktown. (Magazine

of American history. New York, 1881. 8�.

v. 7, p. 283-295.) 1056

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Merlin, Maria de las Mercedes (Jaruco),
comtesse de.
La Havane. Paris: Librairie d'Amyot, 1844.
3 v. [iii,, 366; 431; 488 p. in-8. 1057

Madame la comtesse de Merlin was in the United
States from May 3 to 25, 1840. This time was chiefly
spent in New York and Philadelphia. Vol. 1, p. 49-
217 discuss the United States. Her pages are filled
with interesting and intelligent observations upon
American manners and customs, hotels, prisons, etc.

Copies: NYPL (HOV, autographed presentation
copy); LC; BN.

Merou, Henri.

Coins de France en Amerique. Paris: E.
Basset et Cie, 1912. 179 p. in-18. 1058

Galveston, Chicago, San Francisco.

Copies: NYPL (IEE); LC.

Meulenaere, O. DE.

Un "trip" aux fitats-Unis et au Canada.
Bruxelles: Chez A. et G. Bulens freres [1913].
83 p. in-8. 1059

Copy: Lorenz.

Meunier-Surcouf, C.

Hollywood au ralenti. Paris: Felix Alcan,
1929. 143 p. in-16, avec 8 planches hors-texte.
(L'Art cinematographique. (V.]5.) 1060

Copies: NYPL (MFLA, Art); BN.

Michaud, Regis.

Ce qu'il faut connaitre de l'ame americaine.
Paris: Boivin & Cie. [1929.] 156 p. in-12. 1061

Michaud has written much on American literature
and especially concerning Emerson, but this is the book
which best reflects his views on the United States.

Copies: NYPL (* C p.v.3065); LC; BN.



Michaux, Andre.

Portions of the journal of Andre Michaux,
botanist, written during his travels in the United
States and Canada, 1785 to 1796. With an in-
troduction and explanatory notes, by C. S. Sar-
gent. (American Philosophical Society. Pro-
ceedings. Philadelphia, 1889. 8�. v. 26, p. 1-
145.) 1062

Text in French.
Copy: NYPL (* EA).

Journal of Andre Michaux, 1793-1796. Eng-
lished from the original French, appearing in
American Philosophical Society Proceedings,
1889, p. 91-101, 114-140. (In: R. G. Thwaites,
Earlv western travels, 1748-1846. Geveland,
O., 1904. 8�. v. 3, p. 25-104.) 1063

Copies: NYPL (IW) ; LC.

Michaux, Francois Andre.

Voyage a l'ouest des monts Alleghanys, dans
les �tats de l'Ohio, du Kentucky, et retour a
Charlestown par les Hautes-Carolines. . .Entre-
pris pendant l'an x — 1802. Paris: Levrault,
Schoell et Cie., 1804, An xn. 312 p. in-8. 1064

Copies: LC; WLCL; BN.

Paris: Dentu, 1808. 2 p.l, vi, 312 p.

8�. 1065

Copies: NYPL (IT); MdBP.

Travels to the westward of the Allegany
[Sic.1] mountains... London: R. Phillips, 1805.
iv, (1)6-96 p. 8�. 1066

Copies: NYPL (IV); LC.

Translated. . .by B. Lambert. London:

Printed by W. Flint for J. Mawman, 1805. xvi,
350 p. 8�. 1067

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Travels to the west of the Alleghany moun-
tains... London: Printed by D. N. Shury for
B. Crosby and Co., and J. F. Hughes, 1805.
xii, 294 p. 2. ed. 8�. 1068

Copies: NYPL (IID; KVA) ; LC.

(In: R. G. Thwaites, Early western

travels, 1748-1846. Cleveland, 0., 1904. 8�.
v. 3, p. 105-306.) 1069

Copies: NYPL (IW); LC.

Reise in das Innere der nordamerikanischen
Freistaaten, westwarts der Alleghany-Gebirge.
Aus dem Franzosischen. Mit. . .Zusatzen und
Anmerkungen, hrsg. von T. F. Ehrmann. Wei-
mar: Verlag des F. S. pr. Landes-Industrie-
Comptoirs, 1805. xiv, 250 p., 1 map. 12�. (M. C.
Sprengel, Bibliothek der neuesten und wich-
tigsten Reisebeschreibungen. Bd. 17.) 1070

Copy: NYPL (KBD, Sprengel).

Michel, Ernest.

Le tour du monde en 240 jours. Canada.
fitats-Unis. Japon. Chine. Hindoustan. Nice:
Impr. et librarie du patronage de Saint-Pierre,
1882. 2 v. illus. 12�. 1071

Tome 1. Canada. Etats-Unis. Japon.
Copy: LC.

Milbert, Jacques Gerard.

Itineraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des
parties laterales de l'Amerique du Nord. Paris:
Henri Gaugain et Cie., 1828-29. 2 v. 258 p.
gr.-in 4�; 1 title, 1 grand plan et 54 vues, gr.-
in-4�. 1072

For detailed description of this work and numerous
biographical details concerning the author consult I. N.
Phelps Stokes, Iconography of Manhattan Island, v. 3,
p. 568-569.

Copies: NYPL (flRM); LC; HCW.


Memoire ou coup d'ceil rapide sur mes dif-
fer ens voyages et mon sejour dans la nation
Creek. Par le Gal. Milfort, Tastanegy ou grand
Chef de guerre de la nation Creek, et General
de brigade au service de la Republique franchise.
A Paris: De l'lmprimerie de Giguet et Michaud,
An xi— (1802). 2 p.l., 331(1) p. 12�. 1073

In his preface the author states that he is aware
that he is not writing a chapter or even a paragraph
of world history, but he also feels that he is not writing
a novel. He claims that the book was written in great
haste: in less than three weeks, from memory, without
notes. The truth is that Milfort was a hopeless liar;
and as a result his book is one of the most interesting
and curious books of French travel in America in the
eighteenth century. He had lived among the Indians for
more than twenty years as an agent of the Spanish
government; and he later joined the service of the
French government. His book is often hostile to the
colonists. Certain descriptions of life among the In-
dians and frontiersmen are interesting. But what con-
fidence can be placed in a man who was capable of
describing how he, in command of six thousand In-
dians, had defeated George Rogers Clark and an army
of ten thousand regulars!

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC; BN; HCW.

Milhet, Jean. See under Villiers du Ter-
rage, Marc, baron de.

Millard, joint author. See under Hartmann,
and Millard.

Milliroux, Felix.

Confederation americaine. Revue de son
passe, conjectures, suggestions. Paris: E.
Dentu, 1861. 48 p. in-4. 1074

Author spent ten years in America. Criticizes
vigorously the conclusions of de Tocqueville.
Copies: MB; MH.

Apergus sur les institutions et les mceurs des
Americains. Paris: E. Dentu, 1862. vii, 172 p.,
1 1. gr. in-8. 1075

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

L'abolition de l'esclavage par l'Angleterre,
la France, les �tats-Unis. Rapprochements.
Paris: E. Dentu, 1866. 16 p. 8�. 1076

Copies: NYPL (SEK p.v.12, no. 5); LC.


Jefferson, friend of France, 1793. The career
of Edmond Charles Genet. . .1763-1834. . .
New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1928. xiv,
447 p. 8�. 1077

Based chiefly upon unpublished manuscripts from
the Genet papers in the possession of his descendants
and in the Library of Congress.

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Mission Champlain. See Comite France-
Amerique. — Mission Champlain, 1912.



Mission aux fitats-Unis des fonctionnaires
des postes et telegraphes: mai-juillet 1917.
Paris: Dumas, 1918. in-8. 1077A

Copy: Loreuz.

Mitchell, Julia Post.

St. Jean de Crevecoeur. New York: Colum-
bia University Press, 1916. xvi p., 1 1., 362 p.
8�. (Columbia University studies in English
and comparative literature.) 1078

This is the most recent and complete study of Creve-
coeur; publishes numerous letters for the first time.

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.


A travers le Nouveau Monde; fitats-Unis et
Canada. Notes d'un touriste. Bruxelles: J.
Goemaere, 1911. 145 p. in-8. 1079

Copy: BN.

Mofras, Eugene Duflot de. See Duflot de
Mofras, Eugene.

Molinari, Gust ave de.

Lettres sur les fitats-Unis et le Canada ad-
dressees au Journal des Debats a l'occasion de
l'Exposition universelle de Philadelphie. Paris:
Hachette et Cie., 1876. 365 p. in-12. 1080

The author came to visit the Philadelphia Exposition
of 1876, but he also visited New York, Coney Island,
Baltimore, Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans, Chi-
cago, and Boston. In New York he found that the
streets and pavements were like those of a third-class
city in Russia. He is one of the few Frenchmen who
have praised American food. He declared that in five
minutes he ate a lunch that would have satisfied the
most exacting gourmet. He was struck with the real
politeness of the Americans and found that the cult of
the dollar had been greatly exaggerated. He was amazed
that the public servants in America should be so willing
to serve the public. He regretted that the American
people should so long have been at the mercy of poli-
ticians, "a group of foxes organized to live at the ex-
pense of the democratic ravens."

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.


Avec Lafayette chez les Iroquois. Paris:
Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1929. 131 p. in-16 avec
10 planches. 1081

Contains unpublished manuscripts concerning La-
fayette, Barbe-Marbois, and de Moustier.
Copies: NYPL (HBC p.v.84, no. 3); LC.

Montdesir, fiDOUARD de. See under Giraud,

Montesquieu, Baron. See Celeste, Ray-

montlezun, baron de.

Souvenirs des Antilles: voyage en 1815 et
1816, aux fitats-Unis, et dans l'archipel Ca-
ra'ibe; apergu de Philadelphie et New-Yorck. . .
Par M... Paris: Gide fils, 1818. 2 v. viii,
406: 390 p. in-8. 1082

Taken together these four volumes form a detailed
journal of the travels of three years. The passages
treating the United States in the Souvenirs des An-
tilles are brief, factual and mediocre. His descriptions
of Philadelphia and New York are found in volume one.
Volume two closes with his return from the Antilles
to Norfolk at the end of August, 1816.

Copies: NYPL (HNH); LC.

Voyage fait dans les annees 1816 et 1817,
de New-Yorck a la Nouvelle-Orleans, et de
l'Orenoque au Mississippi; par les Petites et les
Grandes Antilles, contenant des details absolu-
ment nouveaux sur ces contrees; des portraits
de personnages influant dans les fitats-Unis,
et des anecdotes sur les refugies qui y sont
etablis. Par l'Auteur des Souvenirs des An-
tilles. Paris: Gide fils, 1818. 2 v. 372; 408 p.
in-8. 1083

This is one of the rarest and most valuable of the
accounts of nineteenth-century French travellers in
America. The first entry is dated Aug. 27, 1816, at
Norfolk; volume one is entirely devoted to his American
experiences; there is considerable material in volume
two on Charleston and South Carolina. Montlezun
visited Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe; he travelled
through and describes the following places: Norfolk,
Baltimore, Washington, Fredericksburg, Montpelier,
Monticello, Philadelphia, Trenton, New York, New
Orleans, and Charleston. Montlezun was a Parisian
and an ultra-royalist, and the Americans and their
manners are bitterly satirized; he viewed with ani-
mosity the absence of Parisian comforts and luxuries
in the United States and he could not tolerate the
blunt and ready speech which he found everywhere.
His book was attacked in France as an unwarranted
misrepresentation of the Americans and the French
refugees. For a contemporary review see The Monthly
Revierv, London, 1819, v. 88, p. 504-509.

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.


De Quebec aux Antilles — notes de vovage.
Quebec: J. A. Langlais, 1888. 195 p. 8�. 1083A

De Quebec a New-York, p. 19-21; New-York, p. 23-
26; and scattered passages.
Copies: NYPL (HNH); LC.


Memoires du due de Montpensier. . . Paris:
Baudouin Freres, 1824. xv, 207 p. in-8. (Collec-
tion des memoires relatifs a la Revolution fran-
chise, tome 42.) 1084

Author distinguished himself at the battle of Valmy,
suffered lengthy imprisonment at Marseilles, and later
came to the United States with his brother, le comte
de Beaujolais. Here they met another brother, Louis
Philippe, due d'Orleans, recently arrived from Ham-
burg. He remained in the United States until late in
1 799 when he returned to London. His Memoires are
devoted to his captivity, but the introduction contains
materials of interest.

Copies: NYPL (DFB); LC.

Montpetit, E. See Comite France-Ame-
rique. — Mission Champlain, 1912.


Voyage en Amerique, en Italie, en Sicile et
en figypte, pendant les annees 1816, 1817, 1818
et 1819. Paris: Delaunay, 1821. 2 v. x, (1)12-
466 p., 1 1.; viii, 448 p., 1 1. gr. in-8. 1085

Pages 1-310 of volume i are devoted to the United

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; BN.

A voyage to North America, and the West
Indies in 1817. London: Sir R. Phillips & Co.,
1821. 1 p.l., 102 p., 6 pi. 8�. 1086

Copies: NYPL (HAY); LC.



Moraxd, Paul.

Rien que la terre. Paris: Bernard Grasset,
1926. 3p.l., (1)10-258 p., 2 1. 12�. 1087

Copies: XYPL (BE); LC.

Nothing but the earth. Translated by Lewis
Galantiere, illustrated with engravings on wood.
New York: R. M. McBride and Co., 1927. viii,
216 p. illus. 8�. 1088

Copies: NYPL (BE); LC.

...Earth girdled... London: A. A. Knopf,
1928. 172 p. illus. 8�. 1089

An English translation of Ricn que la terre by
Charles Emile Roche, with illustrations by Hester

Copy: NYPL (BE).

Baton-Rouge. Maastricht: A. A. M. Stols,
1928. 51 p. in-8. 1090

Copies: XYPL; BX.

Charleston. U. S. A., avec lithos de Becan.
Liege: A la lampe d' Aladdin, 1928. 44 p. in-8.

Copies: XYPL; BX.

Syracuse (U. S. A.). Paris: Bernard Gras-
set, 1928. 59 p. in-8. 1092

Copies: XYPL (XKD p.v.135) ; BN.

U. S. A. — 1927: album de photographies
lvriques. Paris: Pour La Collection de Plaisir
de Bibliophile, 1928. 139 p. 1093

Copy: NYPL.

...Champions du monde... [Paris-.] B.
Grasset [1930]. 341 p. in-12. ("Pour mon plai-
sir." [no.] 6.) 1094

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC.

World champions; translated by Hamish
Miles. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Com-
pany [cop. 1931]. 3 pi, 3-290 p. 8�. 1095

Copies: NYPL (8-XKV) ; LC.

New-York. Paris: E. Flammarion [1930].
283 p. in-16 et carte. 1096

Copies: NYPL (IRGV); LC; BN.

New York. [New York:] H. Holt and Com-
pany (cop. 1930]. 7 p.l., 322 p. illus. 8�. 1097

English translation by Hamish Miles with illus-
trations by Joaquin Yaquero.
Copies: NYPL (IRGY) ; LC.

See also Dialogue entre Deux Mondes.

More. Charles Albert, chevalier de Poxt-
gibaud, comte de.
Memoir es du comte de M. . .precedes de cinq
lettres de considerations sur les Memoires par-
ticuliers. Paris: Victor Thiercelin, 1827. 319 p.
in-8. 1098

Copy: JHH.

Memoires du comte de More (1758-1837)
publies pour la Societe d'histoire contemporaine
par M. Geoffroy de Grandmaison & le Cte de
Pontgibaud. Paris: Alphonse Picard et fils,
1898. 343 p. in-8. 1099

Copies: NYPL (AX, More); LC.

A French volunteer of the War of Inde-
pendance (the Chevalier de Pontgibaud) trans-

lated and edited bv Robert B. Douglas. Paris:
C Carrington, 1897. xi, 209 p., 1 port. 8�. 1100
Copies: XYPL (AX, More); LC.

New York: J. W. Bouton, 1897. xi,

209 p., 1 port. 12�. 1101

Copies: NYPL (AN, More); LC.

New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1898.

xvi, 294 p. 12�. 1102

Copy: NYPL (AN, More).

The Chevalier de Pontgibaud, a French
volunteer of the War of Independance;
translated and edited by Robert B. Douglas
... Paris: C. Carrington, 1898. xi, 209 p.,
2 1.. 1 port. [2. ed.] 8�. 1103

Copies: WLCL; LC.

Denkwuerdigkeiten des Grafen von M...
Eine getreue Schilderung seines Lebens und
seiner Schicksale zu den Zeiten des nord-
amerikanischen Befreiungskrieges, der fran-
zosischen Revolution bis zur Restauration
... Dessau: J. C. Fritsche & Sohn, 1829.
vi, 258 p. 16�. 1104

Copies: XYPL (AX); IU.

Moreau, F. Frederic.

Aux �tats-Unis; notes de voyage, avec un
croquis de l'auteur. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit
et Cie., 1888. 3 p.l., 263 p. in-18. 1105

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

Moreau, George.

L'envers des �tats-Unis. Paris: Plon-Nour-
rit et Cie, 1906. 2 p.l., 295 p., 2 1. in-16. 1106

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BM.

Moreau de Saint-Mery, Mederic Louis

Stewart L. Mims has given a very adequate bio-
graphical sketch of Moreau de Saint-Mery in his intro-
duction to item 1113. It deserves a brief resume.
Moreau de Saint-Mery (1750-1819) was born at Port
Royal, Martinique, and educated in Paris. He returned
and worked on his monumental collection of the laws
and constitutions of the French West Indies until he
was called to Paris to assist in colonial administration.
He was prominent in scientific, historical and, later,
political groups. Having incurred the hostility of the
more lawless elements in Paris he was savagely attacked
and almost killed by a mob in July, 1792. He escaped
Robespierre and the guillotine and sailed with his fam-
ily from Havre in November, 1793; they did not arrive
in Norfolk until March 8, 1794.

He came to Xew York and secured employment as a
shipping clerk until he met de la Roche: with the latter
he opened a bookstore and printing press in Philadelphia.
From October, 1794 to August, 1798 he remained in
Philadelphia; after which he returned to France. He
was, during his residence in Philadelphia, an important
printer and was actively associated with various mem-
bers of the American Philosophical Society. His book-
shop was a center for many of the distinguished French
emigres: Yolney, Talleyrand, La Rochefoucauld-Lian-
court, de Xoailles, Demeunier and the due d'Orleans
(the future Louis Philippe). Moreau's last days in the
United States were embittered by the general hostility
shown against foreigners.

The writings of Moreau on the United States deserve
the close attention of the student. He was a close
observer, a historian, a politician, and a savant. He
was more frank, profound and interesting than the
better-known La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, who used
Moreau's manuscript with great profit.

Catalogue of books, stationary, engravings,
mathematical instruments, maps, charts, and



other goods of Moreau de St. Mery, & Co's,
Store, No. 84 South Front-street, corner of
Walnut. Index. English books, Libri Latini,
Italiani, Spagnuoli, Deutsche Bucher, Hol-
landsche Bockken, Livres Francais, Copy books,
Cartes, Paleographiques, Stationary. Philadel-
phia: Printed by Moreau de Saint-Mery, 1795.
76 p. 16�. 1106A

Copies: MB; MWA.

Essai sur la maniere d'ameliorer l'education
des chevaux en Amerique. A Philadelphie: De
l'lmprimerie de Moreau de Saint-Mery, 1795.

Copies: LC; LCP. 1107

An essay on the manner of improving the
breed of horses in America. Philadelphia:
Printed & sold by Moreau de Saint-Mery, Oc-
tober 1795. iv, 39 p. 8�. 1108

Copies: NYPL (* KD) ; LCP.

Des prisons de Philadelphie. Par un Euro-
peen. Philadelphie: Imprime & se trouve chez
Moreau De St-Mery, Janvier, 1796. 44 p. 8�.

Copy: LCP. 1109

On the prisons of Philadelphia. By an Euro-
pean. Philadelphia: Printed & Sold by Moreau
de Saint-Mery, January, 1796. 46 p. 8�. 1110

Copy: LCP.

Danse. Article extrait d'un ouvrage. . .ay ant
pour titre: Repertoire des notions coloniales.
Par ordre alphabetique. A Philadelphie: Im-
prime par L'Auteur. . .1796. 8, 62 p. 12�. 1111

Copy: JCB.

Extrait d'un ouvrage manuscrit intitule: Let-
tres d'un Francois voyageur a un de ses amis
en France. Philadelphie [1798]. 45 p. in-8. 1112

This is republished in La Bibliotheque americaine,
Paris, Janvier, 1807, no. 4, p. 37-79, in which form
it is available in NYPL (IAA). The first four num-
bers of La Bibliotheque americaine were published
under the title of Journal de V Amerique du Nord,
ou Correspondant des �tats-L'nis.

Copy: HCW.

Voyage aux �tats-Unis de 1' Amerique, 1793-
1798. Edited, with an introduction and notes,
by Stewart L. Mims. New Haven: Yale Uni-
versity Press, 1913. xxxvi p., 1 1., 440 p., 1 port.
8�. (Yale historical publications: manuscripts
and edited texts. [V.] 2.) 1113

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Moret, Eugene.

Au pays des dollars. Rouen: Megard et Cie.,
1890. 160 p. in-8 avec gravures. 1114

Copy: BN.

Lettre sur les moyens d'ameliorer l'etat des
proletaires en Europe [par G. Morhard, citoyen
de Genevej. Quebec: Imprime par N. Aubin
[1844]. 8 p. 8�. 1114A

Morhard was a Swiss who tried to encourage Euro-
pean immigration. The letter is dated from New York,
1844, and is addressed to N. Aubin, who printed it.

Copies: SSL; MPL.

Plan d'une agence pour la reception, la direc-
tion et le placement des proletaires europeens

dans 1' Amerique du Nord. Geneve: J. Fick,
1846. 16 p. in-8. 1114B

Copy: Leclerc.

Travail, liberte, propriete pour tous. Appel
d'un Americain aux riches et aux proletaires
de l'Europe. (Paris: Imprimerie de C.-H.
Lambert,, 1846. 35 p. in-8. 1114C

Copy: NYPL (SUB p.v.l).

Essai statistique et politique sur les fitats-
Unis d'Amerique, d'apres des documents re-
cueillis sur les lieux, comprenant 27 tableaux
synoptiques et analytiques de la constitution
federate et de celles des etats particuliers, avec
le portrait en pied de Washington. Paris: G.
Thorel; Blaye: Chatenet, 1848. 2 p.l., v, (1)6-
39 p., 27 double tables, 1 port. f�. 1115

Author states in preface that he has spent the best
years of his life travelling in the New World and that
he belongs to the American school in government with
its belief in prosperity and democracy. Devotes de-
tailed attention to the various states.

Copies: NYPL (t IID); LC.

Morison, Samuel Eliot.

Du Pont, Talleyrand, and the French spolia-
tions. (Massachusetts Historical Society. Pro-
ceedings. Boston, 1916. 8�. v. 49, p. 63-79.)


Publishes important manuscript materials. The du
Pont involved is Victor Marie du Pont, eldest son of
Pierre Samuel du Pont.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Morize, Andre, joint editor. See Selections
from French travellers in America.

Moustier, �leonore Francois �lie, marquis
Correspondence of the comte de Moustier with
the comte de Montmorin, 1787-1789. Edited by
Henrv E. Bourne. (American historical review.
New York, 1903. 4�. v. 8, p. 709-733; v. 9,
p. 86-96.) 1116A

Copy: NYPL (* R-IAA).

Observations sur les differens rapports de la
liberte ou de la prohibition de la culture du
tabac; . . .suivies d'une lettre a M. Necker, sur
le commerce des fitats-Unis de l'Amerique
Septentrionale. Paris: de l'lmprimerie de L.
Potier de Lille, 1790. 57 p. in-8. 1117

Letter to Necker is dated from New York March
12, 1789.
Copy: BM.

Lettre de M. de Moustier, ministre du roi,
aupres des fitats-Unis, a l'Assemblee Nationale.
Seance du 2 aout 1790. Imprimee par ordre de
l'Assemblee. [Paris: ] de l'lmprimerie Nationale
[1790]. 3 p. in-8. 1118

A letter concerning the Scioto Company.
Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; WLCL.

Memoires adresse a AIM. les Membres du
Comite des Rapports de l'Assemblee Nationale
pour servir de reponse a la denonciation faite
contre la Compagnie du Scioto, par M. de Mous-
tier, Ambassadeur de France aupres des 13
�tats-Unis de l'Amerique, le 7 aout 1790, et
renvoye au Comite des Rapports. Paris, 1790.
16 p. in-8. 1118A

Copy: BN.



Mte. St. Etiexxe. See under Zannini, Alex-


Murat, Achille. See under Murat, Na-
poleox Achille.

Murat, Napoleox Achille.

Lettres sur les �tats-Unis. . .aunde ses amis
d'Europe [le comte Thibeaudauj. Paris: Hec-
tor Bossange, 1830. 155 p. in-12. 1119

Copies: MH; BX.

Esquisse morale et politique des fitats-Unis
de l'Amerique du Nord. Paris: Crochard, 1832.
2 p.l., xxvii, 389 p. in-12. 1120

These ten letters, dedicated to comte Thibeaudau,
reprint the four letters written from the United States
(1826-1827), and include six written from London and
Brussels (1831-1832).

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; BX.

A moral and political sketch of the United
States. . .with a note on negro slavery by Junius
Redivivus [Win. Bridges Adams]. London: E.
Wilson, 1833. 1 p.l., (i)vi-xxxix (i), 402 p.
12�. 1121

Copies: NYPL (IID; 3 copies); LC.

The United States of North America. . .with
a note on negro slavery by Junius Redivivus
[Wm. Bridges Adamsi. London: Effingham
Wilson, 1833. 1 p.l., (i)vi-xxxviii, 402 p., 1
map. 2. ed. 12D. 1122

"...attention of the world has been redirected to the

LTnited States by the ferment which the operation of

the tariff occasioned there." — Postscript to the second

edition. This is the second edition of the above item.

Copies: NYPL (IID); NNC.

America and the Americans. Translated from
the French. New York: W. H. Graham, 1849.

2 p.l., 260 p. 12�. 1123

Copies: LC; MB.

Buffalo: G. H. Derby and Co., 1851.

3 p.l., (i)iv-vii, (1)10-260 p. 12�. 1124

Copy: NYPL (IID).

Brieven over de zeden en staatkunde der
Vereenigde Staten Van Noord-Amerika. Uit
het Fransch. Zalt-Bommel: J. Noman en Zoon,
1834. 2v. xvi, 173; 177 p. 8�. 1125

Foreword signed by G. Brandt Maas.
Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Exposition des principes du gouvernement re-
publicain, tel qu'il a ete perfectionne en Ame-
rique. Paris: Paulin, 1833. 2 p.l., xxvii, 414 p.,
1 1. in-8. 1126

Copies: LC; WLCL; BN.

Darstellung der Grundsatze der republika-
nischen Regierung, wie dieselbe in Amerika ver-
volkommnet worden ist . . . Braunschweig und
Leipzig: Im Verlags-Comtoir, 1833. xxix,
325 p. 12�. 1127

Translated from the French of Exposition des prin-
cipes. . .and dedicated to Andrew Jackson.
Copy: NNC.

Les lettres d' Achille Murat. (La Revue his-
torique. Paris, 1906. 8�. tome 92 p. 71-90.)


This article was prepared by Georges Weill from a
manuscript volume in the BN containing copies of
Murat's correspondence from 1830 to 1835.

Copy: NYPL (BAA).

Muret, Maurice. See Comite France-
Amerique. — Mission Champlain, 1912.

Murray, Louise (Welles).

The story of some French refugees and their
"Azilum," 1793-1800. [Athens? Pa.,] 1903.
150 p. illus. 4�. 1129

Copies: NYPL (ISD, Asylum); LC.

Athens, Penna., 1917. vii, 154 p., 2 1.

illus. 8". 1130

A curious work of amateur scholarship. The second
edition contains revisions and additions. The author
publishes many important materials for the first time.
Valuable for Charles Bue Boulogne, Omer Talon,
Aristide Dupetithouar, and the vicomte de Noailles.

Copies: NYPL (ISD, Asylum); LC.

Mussox, Eugexe.

Lettre a Napoleon in sur l'esclavage aux etats
du Sud, par un Creole de la Louisiane. Paris:
Dentu, 1862. vii, 160 p. 8�. 1131

Dated: Paris. March 4. 1862.

Copies: NYPL (SEKK); LC; HCW (1864).

Letter to Napoleon m on slavery in the south-
ern states, by a Creole of Louisiana. Translated
from the French. London: W. S. Kirkland &
Co., 1862. 2 p.l., 128 p. 8�. 1132

Copy: LC

Naxcrede, Paul Joseph Guerard de. See
under Baldensperger, Ferxaxd; and
Barthold, Allex J., in the Addenda.

Nasatir, Abraham P.

The French consulate in California, 1843-
1856, with an introduction and notes by Abra-
ham P. Nasatir. (California Historical Society.
Quarterly. San Francisco, 1932-33. 4�. v. 11,
p. 195-223, 339-357 ; v. 12, p. 35-64. ) 1 132A

This, the first article of a series, contains important
correspondence from the French consuls in California
to the French government. Louis Gasquet, of whose
letters several are here printed, was the French consul
at Monterey in 1845.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Nevers, Edmoxd de.

Lame americaine. Paris: Jouve et Boyer,
1900. 2v. 353; ix,408p. 8�. 1133

The author was a French Canadian who frequently
visited the United States. This is an enthusiastic study
of American civilization. Volume one contains: Les
origines, La vie historique; volume two: L'evolution,
A travers la vie americaine, and Vers l'avenir. The
appendices belonging to the first volume are bound
up with the second.

Copies: NYPL (IAE) ; LC; BN.


Une annee au desert. Scenes et recits du Far-
West americain. Chalons: Imp. de T. Martin,
1864. [115] p. in-18. 1134

Pages are not numbered. This book was privately
printed on papier chamois.

"Xicaise left Jefferson City May 4, 1858, traveled
via Independence, Ft. Kearney, Ft. Laramie, Salt
Lake, Ft. Hall, and arrived at Ft. Walla Walla Aug.
15. Went by land to Portland and San Francisco.
Remained in S. F. during the winter of 1858-9. In
the spring visited Sonora and the northern mines and
later visited Frazer River." — Wagner, The Plains and
Rockies, p. 176.

Copies: NYPL (IW; photostat copy) ; HEH; HCW.

Xiiiila, pseud. See under Acquix-Allaix,
Helexe d', in the Addenda.





Marins et soldats francais en Amerique pen-
dant la guerre de l'independance des fitats-Unis
(1778-1783). Paris: Perrin et Cie., 1903. vii,
439 p. illus. maps. 8�. 1135

A substantial and brilliant contribution to the his-
tory of Franco-American cooperation during the Revo-
lutionary War. The author has based his book upon
unpublished manuscripts from French archives, public
and private. A convenient index makes these valuable
materials easily available. The book contains important
materials by and for the following figures: Chevalier
de Barras, Claude Blanchard, du Portail, John Kalb,
Lafayette, comte de Segur, comte de Grasse, La Lu-
zerne, Chastellux, Rochambeau, d'Estaing, vicomte de
Noailles, chevalier de Ternay, marquis de Vaudreuil,
and the marquis de Vienne.

Copies: NYPL (IG); LC; BN.

Souvenirs d' Amerique et d'Orient. Paris:
Les Editions frangaises de la Nouvelle revue
nationale [1920]. 238 p. 12�. 1136

Was in the United States in 1881.

Copies: NYPL (KBK); BN.

Noaili.es, Louis Marie, vicomte de.

French officer, related to Lafayette, who fought in
the Revolution and who was later active in the French
settlement at Asylum, Pa.

See under Murray, Louise (Welles).


Les milliardaires americains. Les 400. Les
femmes. La naissance des milliards. Les ex-
centriques. Leurs enfants. Paris: F. Juven
tpref. 1899,. vii, 303 p. 8�. 1137

Copies: NYPL (TDC) ; LC.

Notice sur l'etat actuel de la mission de la
Louisiane. Paris: A. Le Gere, 1820. 1 p.l.,
58 p. 8�. 1137A

Copy: LNH.

Nouvelle edition a laquelle on a ajoute

de nouveaux details. Lvon: chez Rusand, 1822.
67 p. in-8. 1138

M. Aegidius Fauteux has recorded another edition
of this item published in Turin in 1822 and containing
67 pages.

Copies: LC; MH; HCW.

Notice sur le territoire de l'Oregon, suivie de
quelques lettres des Soeurs de Notre-Dame
etablies a St.-Paul de Wallamette. Bruxelles,
1847. 180 p. in-12. 1138A

Copy: SSL.

Nouette-Delorme, Smile.

Les fitats-Unis et l'Europe. Paris: E. Dentu,
1863. 30 p. in-4. 1139

Copies: NYPL (IK p.v.44, no. 11); LC; BN.

Nouveau Mississipi, ou Les dangers d'habiter
les bords du Scioto. Sec Roux, Serjeant-

Nussbaum, Frederick Louis.

Commercial policy in the French Revolution:
a study of the career of G. J. A. Ducher. Wash-
ington, D. C: .American Historical Associa-
tion, 1923. 5 p.l., vii, 11-388 p., 1 1. 8�. 1139A

This is an important and valuable study. The pages
dealing with Ducher's career in the United States are
compiled almost entirely from unpublished consular re-
ports. There is a detailed bibliography, p. 317-359, and
an index.

Copies: NYPL (TIY); LC.

Offenbach, Jacques.

Offenbach en Amerique: notes d'un musicien
en voyage. Notice biographique par Albert
Wolf. Paris: C. Levy, 1877. 2 p.l., xxxi, 250 p.
in-12. 1140

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; JHH.

America and the Americans. The theatres.
The streets. The cars. The newspapers. New
York. Philadelphia. The ladies. The restau-
rants. The races. The waiters. Albany. Ni-
agara. London: W. Reeves [1877]. viii, 11-83 p.
8�. 1141

Cover-title: Offenbach's notebook of his American

Copies: LC; MWA.

Offenbach in America. Notes of a travelling
musician. . .with a biographical preface by Al-
bert Wolff. Translated from the advance sheets
of the original Paris edition. New York: G. W.
Carleton Co.; Paris: C. Levy, 1877. vi, (1)8-
211 p. 8�. 1142

This is a different English translation from the

Copies: NYPL (� MEC); LC.

Olliffe, Charles.

Scenes americaines: Dix-huit mois dans le
Nouveau Monde. Bruxelles: Delevigne et Cal-
lewaert, 1853. xiv, 298 p., 2 pi. 2. ed. 12�. 1143

This second edition contains seven chapters not in-
cluded in the first edition published in Paris in 1852.
Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; HCW.

The Operations of the French fleet under the
Count de Grasse in 1781-2, as described in two
contemporaneous journals. New York, 1864.
x, 216 p. illus. 8�. (Bradford Club series, no.
3.) 1144

Edited by John D. G. Shea. The Chevalier de
Goussencourt was apparently a pseudonym; the second
was written by a person friendly to de Grasse, if not
by de Grasse himself.

A journal of the cruise of the fleet of His Most
Christian Majesty, under the command of the Count
de Grasse-Tilly, in 1781 and 1782. Bv the Chevalier de
Goussencourt [translated from the ms.], p. 25-133.
Journal of an officer in the naval army in America,
in 1781 and 1782. Amsterdam, 1783. p. 136-185.

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC.

Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines d\

I am not convinced that d'Orbigny ever actually
travelled in any part of what is now the LTnited States.
A letter of d'Orbigny recently communicated to me by
Dr. Maurice Chazin makes his visit seem improbable.
A close reading of his revised book (item 1146) does
not yield conclusive evidence. It is clear, however,
that he does borrow very frequently from French trav-
ellers in the L'nited States, whose accounts are not
conveniently available at the present time, such as
Derbec, whose letters from California were printed in
Le Journal des Dcbats during 1850 and 1851. The
materials that are appropriated from other authors are
well selected and give a value to his book.

Voyage dans les deux Ameriques, augmente
de renseignements exacts jusqu'en 1853 sur les
differents etats du Nouveau-Monde. Paris:
Furne et C"e, 1853. 2 p.l., iv, 615 p., 1 1., 28 pi.,
2 maps. 4�. 1145

p. 358-506 are devoted to the United States.

Copies: LC; MWA.

• it**


c t^



Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines d', continued

Paris: Furne et Ce., 1859. 2 pi, iv,

615 p. illus. 4�. (J. S. C. Dumont d'Urville,
and others, Histoire general des voyages, v. 3.)

Copy: NYPL (KBD - Dumont). 1146

Paris: Furne, Jouvet et Cie., 1867. 2 p.l.,

iv, 615 p. illus. rev. ed. 4�. 1147

Copies: NYPL (HAY); ICJ.

O'Rell, Max, pseud. See under Blouet, Paul.

Orleans, Antoine Philippe d'. See Mont-
pensier, Louis Antoine d'Orleans; duc

Ormesson, Wladimir, comte d'.

La premiere mission officielle de la France
aux �tats-Unis: Conrad- Alexandre Gerard
(1778-1779). Paris: E. Champion, 1924. xi,
227 p. in-16. 1148

Chiefly based upon unpublished manuscript material.
Copies: NYPL (IGA); LC.

Otto, Louis Guillaume.

It is to be regretted that Otto did not publish an
extended study of American life as he had observed
it from 1779 to 1792 while acting in various diplomatic
capacities for the French government. He was spoken
of as a man notable for his diplomatic ability, his
remarkable learning and sterling integrity. Professor
James Alton James has already demonstrated how im-
portant was Otto's judgment in helping to prevent war
between the United States and France from 1795 to
1800. Professor James makes mention of Otto and
publishes excerpts from his diplomatic reports, which
reveal him to have been a man of great sympathy and
perspicacity. For some accounts of his missions here
see the references to Doniol, Turner, and James. It
is to be hoped that some scholar will make a more
detailed study of Otto, especially since copies of his
reports are now available in the Library of Congress.

A letter from Mr. Otto, to Dr. Franklin, with
a memoir on the discovery of America. (Ameri-
can Philosophical Society. Transactions. Phil-
adelphia, 1786. 4�. v. 2, p. 263-284.) 1149

Copy: NYPL (* EA).

See also under James, James Alton.

P * * *, Vice-Consul, a E * * *, pseud, of
Franqois Jean, marquis de Chastellux.
See Chastellux, Franqois Jean, mar-
quis de.

Pages, Pierre Marie Franqois, vicomte de.

Voyages autour du monde et vers les deux
poles, par terre et par mer pendant les annees

1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1773, 1774, et 1776.
Paris: chez Moutard, 1782. 2 v. 432; 272 p.
in-8; cartes et planches. 1150

Copies: NYPL ("KF-1782); LC.

Travels round the world, in the years 1767,

1768, 1769, 1770, 1771... London: Printed for
J. Murray, 1793. 3 v. tables. 2. ed. 8�. 1151

Copies: NYPL (*KF); LC.

Nouveau voyage autour du monde, en Asie,
en Amerique et en Afrique, en 1788, 1789 et
1790, precede d'un voyage en Italie et Sicile,
en 1787. Paris: H. J. Jansen, 1797. 3 v. in-8.

Copies: LC; MH. 1152

Pares, Eugene.

Voyage et aventures de trois jeunes Frangais
en Calif ornie. Lille: Lefort, 1879. 192 p. gr-
in-8. 1153

Copy: BN.

Voyage a travers l'Amerique du Nord.
William Clarke et Cie. Limoges: Ardant et
Cie., 1883. 160 p. gr-in-8. 1154

Copy: BN.

Au pays du petrole. Aventures de deux Fran-
gais dans l'Amerique du Nord. Limoges: Ar-
dant et Cie., 1903. 224 p. in-4 avec 12 grav. 1155

Copy: BN.

Paris, Louis Philippe Albert d'Orleans,
comte DE.
Feldzug der Potomac-Armee vom Marz bis
July 1862. . . Mit einer Karte. Aus dem franzo-
sischen. Naumburg: G. Patz, 1863. 83(1) p.,
folded map. 8�. 1156

Copy: LC.

Histoire de la guerre civile en Amerique.
Paris: Michel Levy, 1874-90. 7 v., 8�, and at-
las, f�. 1157

Copies: NYPL (IKC and ft IKC) ; LC.

History of the Civil War in America. Trans-
lated, with the approval of the author, by Louis
F. Tasistro. Edited by Henry Coppee. Phila-
delphia: Jos. H. Coates & Co., 1876-[88]. 4 v.
8�. 1158

Volumes 3—4, edited by John P. Nicholson, bear the
imprint: Philadelphia: Porter & Coates. v. 1 copy-
righted 1875.

Copies: NYPL (IKC); LC.

The battle of Gettysburg: from the History
of the Civil War in America. Philadelphia:
Porter & Coates [1886]. ix, 315 p. maps. 8�.


Copies: NYPL (IKE); LC (also editions of 1907
and 1912).

Parker, Jane Marsh.

Louis Philippe in the United States. (The

Century magazine. New York, 1901. 8�. v. 62

tnew series, v. 40], p. 746-757.) 1160

This article is the basis of the article written by
Leo d'Hampol in La Contcmporaine in 1902. The
French article contains several excellent illustrations
that do not appear in the English original.

Copy: NYPL (*DA).

Parrot-Lariviere, Armand.

Voyages hurnoristiques. Mes peregrinations
aux Antilles franchises et aux �tats-Unis
d'Amerique. Paris: Dumoulin, 1868. 35 p.
in-8. 1161

The author designates himself in the following fash-
ion: Matelot, laboureur, cuisinier, ci-avant avocat a

Copy: BN.

Parseval, COLONEL.

Lettres des �tats-Unis. Paris, 1891. 59 p.
gr-in-8 avec plan. 1162

Copy: HCW.



Pascal, Cesar.

Meeting en faveur des esclaves emancipes
dans les fitats-Unis d'Amerique. . . Compte-
rendu et discours par Cesar Pascal. Paris: De
Grassart', 1866. 20 p. 8�. 1162A

Copies: NYPL (IEC p.v.l, no.2); BN.

Washington et ses environs — Lettres et notes
de voyage. (In: Melanges par Victor Hugo, etc.
Bruxelles: Greuse, 1869. 12�. p. 161-237.)


This was the first publication of material which was
later included in his A travcrs I' Atlantique et dans
le Xouzeau- Monde.

Copy: NYPL (NKD).

A travers l'Atlantique et dans le Nouveau-

Monde. Paris: Grassart, 1869. 401 p. in-18.

Copy: HCW. 1163

Paris: Grassart, 1870. 4 p.l., 395 p. 16�.


Copies: NYPL (ILD); MB.

Passy, Paul �douard.

L'instruction primaire aux fitats-Unis. Paris:
Delagrave, 1885. 224 p. in-18. 1165

Copies: LC; DCU-H; BN.

Dans le far-west americain. Paris: Librairie
populaire, 1897. ii, 342 p. in-18. 1166

Copy: BN.

Patenotre, Jules.

Souvenirs d'un diplomate (voyages d'autre-
fois). Tome n. Suede, Chine, Annam, Maroc,
fitats-Unis. Paris: Ambert, 1914. 332 p. in-8.


Copies: LC; MB; BN.

Patouillet, Joseph.

L'imperialisme americain. Paris: A. Rous-
seau, 1904. 388 p. in-8. 1168

Copies: NYPL (ICI); LC; BN.

Paul-Dubois, Louis Francois Alphonse.

Les chemins de fer aux fitats-Unis. Paris:
Armand Colin, 1896. vii, 273 p. in-18. 1169

Copies: NYPL (TPR); LC; BN.

Pavie, Theodore Marie.

Pavie was born in 1811 at Angers, probably the son
of a printer and bookseller. He travelled widely in the
United States, South America, and the Orient. He
published several volumes of travels and short stories,
including translations from Oriental languages. From
1852 to 1857 he taught Sanscrit language and literature
at the College de France. At the age of eighteen he
travelled in the United States. An interesting study
might be made of the influence of Chateaubriand upon
Pavie. As a youth he was enchanted by all that was
distant; he loved the sea and was wont to sit upon a
rock by the water and weep as he contemplated the
horizon. He was weighed down by a profound melan-
choly. In his preface he states: "J'offre au public ces
pages incoherentes, ce desordre d'un cerveau melan-
cholique et souffrant" and speaks wistfully of the wild
and savage land where "j'ai passe les plus beaux jours
de ma jeunesse, au milieu de tout ce que demande en
soupirant une jeune tete malade de desirs."

The author vouches for the authenticity of most of
that which he describes, although he admits that some
incidents were not actually witnessed, but are "prob-
able." His travels in the United States were extensive,
as a list of the more important localities which he
treats indicates: New York, Albany, Schenectady, Syra-

cuse, Oswego, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara, Saratoga,
New Haven, Newport, Providence, Boston, New Jersey,
Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, Annapolis, Har-
risburg, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Louisville, Illinois,
Louisiana, Red River, Texas, New Orleans.

The Nouvelle biographic generate speaks of Pavie's
Voyage aux Etats-i'nis et an Canada as published in 6
vol. in-8 in 1827 while Yapereau in his Dictionnaire
nniyersel des contemporains lists 2 vol. in-8, 1828-1833.
It is probable that both are in error, for Pavie himself
states that he was eighteen [\829] when he first began
his travels in the United States. The only editions
which I have found are the one-volume edition of 1832
and the two-volume edition of 1833.

Souvenirs atlantiques. Voyage aux fitats-
Unis et au Canada. Angers: Impr. de L. Pavie,
1832. 550 p., 1 1. in-8. 1170

Copy: LC.

Paris: Roret, 1833. 2 v. in 1. viii, 350 p.,

1 1.; 2 p.l., 354 p., 1 1. in-8. 1171

This edition contains materials not found in the
edition of 1832: p. 317-354 of v. 2 — "Episodes: Le
negre, Le lazo, Attaque de la Nouvelle-Orleans."

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; BN.

Atlantische Erinnerungen. Reisebilder aus
Canada und den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-
Amerika. . . Braunschweig: C. Horneyer, 1834.

2 v. 2 p.l., (1)4-274 p.; 275(1) p. 16�. 1172

This is translated from the French edition of 1832.
Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

L'Amerique anglaise en 1850. Les

Anglais et les Americains sur les bords du
Saint-Laurent. Les Canadiens francais. Scenes
de la vie coloniale et de la vie nomade. [Paris,
1850., [43, p. 8�. 1172A

Reprinted from the Revue des deux mondes,
nouvelle periode, tome 8, p. 965-1007, in which form
the materia] is available in NYPL (* DM).

Copy: MH.

Perigny, Maurice, comte de.

En courant le Monde. (Canada, fitats-Unis,
Coree, Japon, Mexique.) Paris: Perrin, 1906.
243 p. in-16. 1173

Copies: LC; MB; BN.

See also Questions actuelles.

Peron, Franqois.

Memoires du capitaine Peron, sur ses voyages
aux cotes d'Afrique, aux iles d Anjouan, et de
Mayotte, aux cotes nord-ouest de l'Amerique,
aux iles Sandwich, a la Chine, etc. Paris: Bris-
sot-Thivars, 1824. 2 v. v, 328; 359 p. 8�. 1174

Vol. ii, p. 91-131 describe his explorations on the
Pacific Coast. He first approached the northwestern
coast of what is now the United States on Sept. 19,
1796; he sailed down the coast and landed at Monterey,
to which he devotes an extended treatment. At the
beginning of November, 1796, he left Monterey and
sailed westward across the Pacific, eventually going to
China. From China he rounded the Cape of Good Hope.
About December 21, 1797 he found himself off the
coast of Cape Cod. Vol. ii, p. 256-285 describe his
stay in New England. From his own narrative it
appears that he remained in America almost two years,
for it was not until the 9th of November, 1799, that
he sailed for South America. During his residence
here he visited and describes the following places: Saco,
Me., Portsmouth, N. H., Boston, Cambridge, Charles-
town and Hingham (which the author calls "Ing-
ham"), Mass.

Copies: NYPL (KBI); LC.



Perrin du Lac, Francois Marie.

Voyage dans les deux Louisianes, et chez les
nations sauvages du Missouri, par les fitats-
Unis, l'Ohio et les provinces qui le bordent, en
1801, 1802 et 1803. . . A Paris: Chez Capelle et
Renand, Libraires-Commissionnaires. . . Et, a
Lvon, chez Bruvsset aine et Buynand, 1805.
3 pi, x, 479 p., 1 map, 1 pi. in-12. ' 1175

Copies: NYPL (2 copies, slight differences in im-
print; * KF); LC.

A Lyon: Chez Bruyset aine et Buynand,

An. xin — 1805. 3 p.l., x, 479 p., 1 map, 1 pi.
8�. 1176

Copy: NYPL (* KF).

Travels through the two Louisianas, and
among the savage nations of the Missouri; also,
in the United States, along the Ohio, and the
adjacent provinces, in 1801, 1802, & 1803...
Translated from the French. London: Printed
for R. Phillips by J. G. Barnard, 1807. 106 p.,
1 1. 8�. (In: Sir Richard Phillips, A collection
of modern and contemporary voyages and trav-
els, v. 6, [no. 1.]) 1.177

Copies: LC; MB.

Reise in die beyden Louisianen unter die wil-
den Volkerschaften am Missouri, durch die
vereinigten Staaten und die Provinzen am
Ohio... Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1807. 2 v.
in 1. x, 206; vi, 122 p., 1 map, 1 pi. illus. 8�.

Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; LC. 1178

Perrot, Leopold. See under Treny.

Persat, Maurice.

Memoires du commandant Persat, 1806 a
1844, publies avec une introduction et des notes
par Gustave Schlumberger. Paris: Plon-Nour-
rit, 1910. 3 p.l., (i)vi-xxx, ta]-i, 367 p. 8�.


His memoirs begin with a summary of his military
services under Napoleon and the story of his departure
for North America where he resided from August, 1817
to May, 1819. During this time he met Joseph Napoleon
in New York, went to the Antilles in 1818, joined
Bolivar and fought against the Spanish.

Persat made a second voyage to America from
October. 1824 to May, 1827. He travelled by the West
Indies to New York where he again met Joseph Na-
poleon. He then travelled through the United States,
making detailed notes on the cities which he visited:
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Louisville, etc., and on the
character, customs and industries of the Americans.
He reached Louisiana on foot, where he joined a fili-
bustering expedition which he accompanied as far as
Texas, from which point he returned to France.

Copies: NYPL (DHC); LC; BN.

Peters, Paul.

Lettres des Iitats-Unis. [Paris:] Journal des
Debats, 1910. 76 p. in-4. 1180

Copy: BX.

Petition of French emigrants to the agents of
the Ohio Company, in December, 1795. (In:
Theodore Thomas Belote, The Scioto specu-
lation and the French settlement at Gallipolis.
Cincinnati [1907,. 8�. p. 70-73.) 1180A

Petition is dated from Marietta, December 17, 1795,
and is signed by P. Bureau, R. J. Meigs, jun., and M.

Copies: NYPL (IYB p.v.l, no.5); LC.


When Genet was removed as French Minister in the
United States in 1793 the French government ap-
pointed Fauchet and three commissioners to serve in
his place. Petry was one of these commissioners, who
also served as consul for the state of Pennsylvania.
The first despatch signed by him is dated from Phila-
delphia. March 14, 1794; the last is dated June 13,
1795. Fauchet and the commissioners were succeeded
by Adet. For the despatches of Petry see the Cor-
respondence of t)\e French Ministers, 1791-1797, p. 302-

Pharaon, Florian, joint author. See Che-
valier, Henri �mile, and Florian

Philip, Andre.

Le probleme ouvrier aux fitats-Unis. Paris:
Felix Alcan, 1927. xvii, 563 p. in-8. 1181

Copies: NYPL (TDC) ; DL; BN.


Paris-Paris: instantanes d'Amerique. Paris:
Editions des Cahiers Libres, 1931. 156 p. in-16.


Contents: I. Paris — New-York. n. New-York:
Chrysler Building; Visite au "New- York Times"; B. J.
["un gros financier"]; Cop's Parade; Hallelujah, in.
Californie: New-York — Los Angeles; Cinema; Zukor;
Naissance du talkie; World's premiere; Mondanites;
Hearst; Gay's lions farm; Mexique; Telephone; Break-
fast-Club; Will Rogers, iv. Los Angeles — New- York:
Indianapolis; Saint-Louis; Derniers jours; Television;
Base-ball. v. Terre de France: Costes; Gauloiseries.

Copies: NYPL (6. ed.); LC; BN.

Philips, Edith.

Louis Hue Girardin and Nichols Gouin Dufief
and their relations with Jefferson. . . Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins Press, 1926. 75 p. in-8. (Johns
Hopkins studies in Romance literatures and
languages. Extra vol. 3.) 1183

Copies: NYPL (RDTA - Johns) ; LC; BN.

Les refugies Bonapartistes en Amerique,
1815-1830. Paris: Editions de la "Vie Universi-
taire" [19—?]. 1184

Copies: MH; MdBJ; BN.


Le conflit americain et sa solution probable,
discussion d'un article de M. R. de F[ontenay],
intitule: La Question americaine, dans la Revue
nationale et etrangere du 10 avril 1862. Paris:
Dentu, 1862. 32 p. 8�. .n�4A

This pamphlet, as biased as the article which it is
designed to refute, is an attempt to show that France
favors the noble cause of the North.

Copies: NYPL (IKA); MH; BN.

Pic hot, Amedee.

Les Mormons. Paris: Hachette et Cie, 1854.
iii, 292 p. 12�. 1185

Contains the account of his travels in the United
States about 1845.

Copies: NYPL (ZZMD); LC.


Rimouski — Puebla. Du Canada au Mexique.
Paris: Librairie Valois, 1931. 255(1) p. illus.
12�. 1185A

Pages 21-100 describe his trip from New York to
the Mexican border.

Copies: NYPL (HTY); LC; MPL.



Pillionnel, Jacques Henri.

Poemes d'Amerique. Paris: Albert Messein,
1928. 178 p. in-8. 1186

Copies: NYPL (NKK); ICU.

Pin, F., joint author. See under B arras,
Charles, and others.

plxart, alphonse louis.

Voyage dans l'Arizona. Paris: Societe de
geographic 1877. 16 p. in-8. 1187

Reprinted from Bulletin of the society, serie 6, tome
13, p. 225-240, in which form the material is available
in NYPL.

Copies: LC; BN.

Pitou, Louis Ange.

Voyage a Cayenne, dans les deux Ameriques
et chez les antropophages . . . contenant le tableau
general des deportes, la vie et les causes de l'exil
de l'auteur; des notions particulieres. . .sur la
religion, le commerce et les mceurs des sauvages,
des noirs, des Creoles et des quakers. Paris:
chez l'auteur, 1805. xlvii, r48]-312; 404 p. fold,
fronts. 8�. 1188

This curious and valuable work of Pitou was first
called to my attention by Dr. Maurice Chazin; it has
thus far escaped general notice.

Louis Ange Pitou (1767-1846) was deported from
France to Cayenne in 1797. In his first volume he
gives a lengthy autobiographical sketch and an explana-
tion of the causes of his exile. After several years in
exile he was permitted to return to France. He re-
turned by way of the United States in 1801 with six
or seven companions. Twenty-five pages of his second
volume tell the story of their travels in the United

They first landed at Newport and there met a William
Eins, a Quaker, who entertained them and supplied
them with much of their information. Of Newport
and the Quakers Pitou gives many interesting details.
He came to understand that the government of the
country was "republicain representatif et oligarchique"
and that the elections were always tumultuous, because
there were as many political groups as there were
religious sects. Congressmen often had but one eye,
the other having been gouged out in some contest.
While Pitou was in Newport he was told that Jefferson,
"l'ami du peuple et sur-tout des Frangais," was elected
to succeed Adams, a man who had never forgiven the
French people for having neglected him and feted Frank-
lin years before when they were both in Paris.

Pitou and his companions soon went on to New
York, "cette nouvelle Tyr," where the churches were as
numerous as the shops. There they found that the dead
were more troublesome than the living, since the dead
occupied many of the choicest spots in the city. In
New York they made the friendship of M. Reyphyns,
pastor of the Irish church.

In general their impressions of the Americans were
most favorable. If the Americans have some faults they
have many virtues, they concluded. He defends the
Americans against the charge of all-too-many bank-
ruptcies and states that many thousands of French
refugees can bear witness to American hospitality.
Pitou ends his consideration of the Americans with a
significant statement that: "the only thing necessary
for the happiness of Americans is to know how to curb
their desires."

Copies: NYPL (HET); WLCL; BN; LC (only the
second edition, Paris, 1807, "augmentee de notions
historicities sur les antropophages").

Point, Nicolas.

An early Missouri River journal: a journey
in a barge from the fort of the Blackfeet [Lewis]
to that of the Assiniboines [Union]. (Mid-
America. Chicago, 1931. 8�. v. 13, p. 236-254.)

This journey was accomplished in 1847. 1189

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Polignac, Camille Armand Jules Marie,
prince de.
L'Union americaine apres la guerre, par le
prince Camille de Polignac, ex-general de di-
vision, fitats Confederes. Paris: E. Dentu,
1866. iv, (1)6-48 p. 8�. 1189 A

Copy: LC.

figlise Saint-Martin de Perigueux. Voyages
en France, en Belgique et en Amerique, par M.
l'abbe C. Polydore. Perigueux: Cassard freres,
1884. 2p.l., 274 p., 1 1. in-8. 1190

I have not been able to find or examine this book in
the Library of Congress.
Copy: LC.


Faits interessants ou recits de plusieurs con-
versions dans les fitats-Unis d'Amerique pour
repondre au desir de quelques amis de France
et de Suisse. Bordeaux, 1873. v, 62 p. in-16.


A missionary relates in detail a series of five con-
versions which took place in the United States.
Copy: BN.

Pontgibaud, Chevalier de. See More,
Charles Albert, chevalier de Pontgi-
baud, comte de.

Ponthoz, Augusts Van der Straten. See
Straten-Ponthoz, Auguste van der,

Portalis, Albert �douard.

Les fitats-Unis: le self-government et le
cesarisme. Paris: A. Le Chevalier, 1869. 2 p.l.,
280 p. in-12. H91

Copies: NYPL (IID) ; LC.

Deux republiques. Paris: Charpentier, 1880.
356 p. in-12. H92

Copies: WLCL; BN.

Portier, Michel.

Monseigneur Portier's account of his trip
from Pensacola to St. Augustine. Translated
by John E. Cahalan, a. m. [From Les Annales
de la Propagation de la Foi, no. xix, Janvier
1830.] (United States Catholic Historical So-
ciety. Historical records and studies. New
York, 1901-03. 8�. v. 2, p. 464-477; v. 3, p. 168-
184.) H92A

Michel Portier was the first bishop of Mobile. The
journey here described ended in October, 1827.
Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Post, Marie Caroline.

The life and memoirs of Comte Regis de
Trobriand, major-general in the army of the
United States. New York: E. P. Dutton &
Company, 1910. 3 p.l., v-ix, 539 p. illus. 8�.


The author was a daughter of the subject of the
book. She has used the family papers in the prepara-
tion of the biography, as well as manuscript memoirs.

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Poujol, ClI.

Quelques jours en Amerique et a l'Exposition
de Saint-Louis. Paris et Cahors: Imp. de A.
Coueslant, 1905. 107 p. in-12. fig. et planches.

Copies: ICJ; BN. 1193




Travaux d'ameliorations interieures, projetes
ou executes par le gouvernement general des
Ltats-Unis d'Amerique de 1824 a 1831. Paris:
Anselin. 1834. xxx, 364 p., 4�, and atlas, f�.

Copies: NYPL (t VDD; text only); LC.

Chemins de fer americains; historique de leur
construction, prix de revient et produit; mode
d'administration adopte; resume de la legis-
lation qui les regit. Paris: Carilian-Goeury,
1836. 1 p.l., (i)vi-xviii p., 1 1., 271 p., 1 map,
7 pi. in-4. 1195

Copies: NYPL (TPR); LC.

Amerikanische Eisenbahnen ; Geschichtliches
ihrer Ausfiihrung; Baukosten; Ertrag, Ver-
waltung and Gesetzgebung derselben... Aus
dem Franzosischen iibertragen. . . Regens-
burg: Friedrich Pustet, 1837. xx, (1)4-408 p.,

1 folded map, 1 folded pi. 8�. (Offentliche Bau-
vverke in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.
Theil2.) 1196

Copies: NYPL (TPR); MB.

Considerations sur le principe democratique
qui re?it l'Union americaine. . . Paris: C. Gos-
selin, 1841. x. 311 p. in-8. 1197

Copies: NYPL (IBZ); LC; BN.

De la puissance americaine. Origine, — in-
stitutions,— esprit politique, ressources mili-
taires, agricoles, commerciales et industrielles
des �tats-Unis. Paris: W. Coquebert, 1843.

2 v. in 1. xv, 354; xii, 428 p. maps. 8�. 1198

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC (1845); BN.

Troisieme edition revue et beaucoup aug-

mentee. Paris: Guillaumin et Cie., 1848. 2 v.
8�. 1199

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC.

Question de l'Oregon. Paris: W. Coquebert,
1846. 100 p. 8�. 1200

Copies: WaS: HEH.

Les �tats-Unis d'Amerique. Mceurs, usages
et coutumes politiques . . . fitude historique et
d'economie politique, 1815-1873. Paris: Dentu,
1874. 241 p. in-8. 1201

Copies: NYPL (ILD) ; LC; BN.

The United States; its power and progress
... 1st American, from the 3d Paris edition.
Translated from the French, by Edmund L. Du
Barrv... Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo &
Co., 1851. xxiv, (1) 34-488 p. 8�. 1202

Copies: LC; MB.
Praroxd, Ernest.

Voyage en Amerique, notes envoyees a G. Le
Vavasseur. Amiens: Impr. Lenoel-Herouart.
1864. 23 p. gr-in-8. 1203

In verse. Was in the United States during the Civil

Repr.: Le Picardie.
Copies: NYPL (IID); BN.

La mort du president Lincoln. Paris: Li-
brairie des auteurs, 1867. 28 p. 8�. 1203A

Yerse submitted by Prarond in the Concours of the
Academie franchise held in 1867.

Copies: NYPL (AN, Lincoln, p.v.10, no.9); MB.

Precis de la campagne de l'armee navale, aux
ordres du comte de Grasse. [n. p., n. d., 1781?].
(4) p. 8�. 1203B

Contains no title-page — simply a half-title.
Copy: JCB.

Prevost-Paradol. See under Greard, Octave.

Provaxcher, Leon A. See under Huard,
Victor Amedee.

Prudhommeaux, Jules Jean.

Histoire de la communaute icarienne, 8 fevrier
1848-22 octobre 1898; contribution a l'etude du
socialisme experimental. . . Nimes: Impr. "La
Laborieuse," 1906. xxv p., 1 1., 483(1) p. illus.
8�. 1204

Copy: LC.

Icarie et son fondateur fitienne Cabet. Con-
tribution a l'etude du socialisme experimental.
Paris: fidouard Comely et Cie., 1907. xl, 688 p.
in-8. 1205

The best book on Cabet and Icarie. Author utilizes
unpublished manuscripts of French travellers in the
United States. Was himself a traveller.

Copies: NYPL (SFH); LC; BN.

Puaux, Rene.

Decouverte des Americains. Paris: Charpen-
tier, 1930. 200 p. in-16. 1206

Author is a French journalist who was invited to
travel in the United States by the Carnegie Foundation
for International Peace. This volume of observations,
sympathetic and moderately enthusiastic, was awarded
the Ralph Beaver Strassburger Prize for 1930.

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC.

See also Dialogue entre Deux Mondes.


Memoire, statuts et prospectus, concernant
l'Academie des sciences et beaux arts des fitats-
Unis de l'Amerique, etablie a Richemond, capi-
tale de la Virginie; presente au Roi, par le
chevalier Quesnay de Beaurepaire. A Paris:
De l'lmprimerie de Cailleau, Imprimeur de
l'Academie de Richemond, 1788. 4 p.l., (1)6-
114 p., 1 1. 12�. 1207

For the best account in English see article by Richard
Heyward Gaines, "Richmond's first academy, projected
by M. Quesnay de Beaurepaire, in 1786," in Virginia
Historical Society. Collections, new series, v. 11, 1892,
p. 165-173.

Copies: LC; JCB; BN.

Memoire et prospectus, concernant l'Acade-
mie des sciences et beaux arts des fitats-Unis
de l'Amerique, etablie a Richemond, capitale de
la Virginie; par le chevalier Quesnay de Beau-
repaire. fondateur-president. A Paris: De l'lm-
primerie de Cailleau, imprimeur de l'Academie
de Richemond, 1788. 8 p.l., 52 p. 8�. 1208

Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; LC.

Memoir concerning the Academy of the Arts
and Sciences of the United States of America
at Richmond, Virginia. . . Translated by Rose-
well Page... Richmond: D. Bottom, superin-
tendent of public printing, 1922. 50 p. 8�. 1209

Published as a part of the report of the Virginia
State Librarv for 1920-21.

Copies: NYPL (*HNC-Va.); LC.




Souvenirs de voyage. Rouen: Imp. Cagniard,
1892. 301 p. gr-in-8. 1210

Author was in the United States in 1872.
Copies: NYPL (HCY); LC.

Les Questions actuelles de politique etran-
gere dans l'Amerique du Nord. Paris: Felix
Alcan, 1911. xviii, 242 p. in-16 avec cartes. 1211

Authors are as follows: Ronsiers, Paul; Roz, Fir-
min; Tardieu, Andre; Deschanel, Paul; Siegfried,
Andre; and de Perigny.

Copies: NYPL (HAE); BN.

Rachel, Elisabeth Felix, called. See under
Thomson, Valentine.

Raousset-Boulbon, Gaston, comte de. See
under Soulie, Maurice.

Rappard, William Emmanuel.

Notre grande republique soeur; apercu sur
revolution des fitats-Unis et sur les rapports
suisses-americains. Conference... Geneve:
Sonor [1916j. 50 p., 1 1. 8�. 1211A

Copies: NYPL (IAG) j MH.

La mission Suisse aux fitats-Unis — aoiit-
novembre 1917. Geneve: fidition Sonor S. A.
[1918., 79(1) p. 8�. 1211B

Copies: NYPL (BTZE p. v. 334, no.8) ; MH.

Rapports de la delegation envoyee a l'Ex-
position Colombienne de Chicago, par le Mi-
nistere de l'lnstruction Publique, 1893. Paris:
Hachette et Cie, 1896. 3 v. xxxiii, 260; 235;
310 p. in-8. 121 1C

vol. 1, written by Benjamin Buisson; vol. 2-3, by
Gabriel Compavre.
Copy: NYPL.

Ravold, Jean Baptiste.

Frangais et Allemands aux fitats-Unis
d'Amerique pendant l'annee terrible (1870),
conference faite a Gerbevillier, le 14 juillet 1883.
Nancy: Sidot freres, 1884. 62 p., 1 1. 8�. 1212

Ravold was in the French diplomatic service in the
United States at the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian

Copy: LC.

Ravoux, Augustin.

Memoires, reminiscences et conferences de
Monseigneur A. Ravoux. Saint-Paul, Minn.:
Ledoux et LeVasseur, 1892. xii, 257 p. ports.
8�. 1212A

The author was vicar-general of the Catholic diocese
of Saint Paul. He was a Frenchman who came to the
United States in the 1840's and his book contains much
material relating to his travels in the far West. This
edition in French contains more material than does the
English edition, published in Saint Paul in 1890. Both
NYPL and LC have copies of the English edition.

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC.

The labors of Mgr. A. Ravoux among the
Sioux or Dakota Indians from the fall of the
year 1841 to the spring of 1844. [St. Paul,
1897., 8 p. 8�. 1212B

This article was first published in the St. Paul
Pioneer Press, March 7, 1897.

Copy: NYPL (HBC p.v.121, no.2).

Reau, Louis.

L'art frangais aux fitats-Unis. Ouvrage il-
lustre de vingt-quatre planches hors texte.
Paris: Henri Laurens, 1926. 210 p. gr. in-8. 1213

Copies: NYPL (MAMI); LC; BN.

Reboux, Paul.

Blancs et noirs, carnet de voyage: Haiti,
Cuba, Jamaique, fitats-Unis. Texte illustre de
nombreuses photographies prises par l'auteur.
Paris: E. Flammarion, 1915. ii, 319 p. in-12.


Copies: NYPL (HNH); LC; BN.

Romulus Coucou. Roman. Paris: Ernest
Flammarion tcop. 1920]. 254 p. 12�. 1214A

A novel of negro life in Louisiana.
Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC.

See also Dialogue entre Deux Mondes.

Reeves, Jesse Siddall.

Napoleonic exiles in America. A study in
American diplomatic history, 1815-1819. Balti-
more: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1905. 134 p.
8�. (Johns Hopkins University studies in his-
torical and political science. Series 23, no. 9-
10.) 1215

Contains unpublished manuscript materials written
by the marquis de Grouchy, Joseph Lakanal, and baron
Hyde de Neuville.

Copies: NYPL (SB); LC; BN.

Reiss, N.

Excursion a New York en 1850. Bruxelles:
Gregoir, 1851. 96 p. in-12. 1216

Copies: NYPL (IRGV); LC; BN.

Relation de l'anniversaire de la federation du
14 juillet 1789, celebree a Carleston [Sic!], le
sextidi 26 Messidor, l'an 3e de la republique
franchise [14 July 1795j. Charleston: Impri-
merie de Beleurgey, l'an in [1795]. 4 p. 4�.

Copy: JCB.

Relation de ce qui est arrive a deux re-
ligieux de la Trappe pendant leur sejour aupres
des sauvages. Paris: Rusand, 1824. 168 p. in-12.


This rare and little-known volume contains an ac-
count by R. P. Vincent de Paul, a Trappist who was sent
to the United States in 1812 to convert the Indians,
and the Journal du R. P. Marie-Joseph, another mis-
sionary, who went to Illinois and Louisiana in 1805.
Both are valuable for the curious details which they
give concerning the Indians and the early settlers.

Copy: Nourry.

Relation d'une traversee faite en 1812,
d'Angleterre en Amerique, par un Frangais qui
en merite le nom [Mich. V. de Becours]. Douai:
Impr. de Villette, 1818. 2 p.l., 105 p., 1 1. 8�.


The author announced for publication in December.
1818, or January, 1819, Vingt-huit mois de sejour aux
Etats-Unis d'Amerique. No record of its publication

Copies: LC; JHH.

Remy, Jules.

Voyage au pays des Mormons... Paris: E.
Dentu, 1860. 2 v. lxxxviii, 432; vi, 544 p.
gr.-in-8. 1219

Copies: NYPL (ZZMD); LC; BN.

A journey to Great-Salt-Lake City... Lon-
don: W. Teffs, 1861. 2 v. 8�. 1220

Copies: NYPL (ZZMD); LC.



Revel, Laurent.

. . .Cent vingt mille kilometres a pied. 81 il-
lustrations de l'auteur. Ouvrage couronne par
1' Association des explorateurs frangais. Paris:
Librairie des Explorateurs frangais, 1907. 2 p.l.,
viii. 444 p. 4�. 1220 A

Some fifty pages of this book are devoted to the
travels of the author in the United States.
Copies: LC; AF.

Revoil, Benedict Henry.

Chasses et peches de l'autre monde. Paris:
Alexandre Cadot, 1856. 320 p. 16�. 1220B

The author spent nine years (1841-49) in the United
States which he describes as the sportsman's paradise.
He travelled widely and took many detailed notes on
his hunting and fishing expeditions. His books con-
stitute important chapters in the history of American
sport. The contents of this volume follow: Chair et
poisson: la panthere; le serpent de mer; le peccari; le
diable; le cheval sauvage; l'opossum; le coyote; l'alli-
gator; Tours gris; le caribou; le chien de prairie; les
pigeons; les cygnes, les herons et les faucons; les
dindons; le chat sauvage; le cerf; les bouquetins; le

Copies: NYPL (MY); MH; BX.

Peches dans l'Amerique du Nord. Paris: L.
Hachette et De, 1863. 2 p.l, 320 p. 12�. 1221

Copies: NYPL (MYK); LC; BN.

Nouvelle edition, illustre par Yan' Dar-

gent. Tours: A. Maine et fils, 1886. 2 p.l,
(1)8-384 p, 1 1. illus. 4�. (Bibliotheque il-
lustree.) 1222

Contents: I. Avant-propos. Les peches americaines.
ii. La peche a la ligne. in. L'aigle pecheur. iv. Les
huitres de Milk-Pond. v. Une peche aux flambeaux,
vi. L'histoire de six requins. VII. Les pecheries de
Terre-Xeuve. vm. Les sangliers de l'Ocean. ix. Les
geants du Labrador, x. Les monstres de l'Atlantique.
xi. Le lac des saumons. xn. Les tortues de l'ile de
Sable, xin. Les lions de Xew--Brunswick. xiv. Le
serpent de mer. xv. Ange ou diable. xvi. Les goujons
aveugles. xvn. Les alligators du Texas et de la

Copies: LC; BX.

Shooting and fishing in the rivers, prairies
and backwoods of North America. Translated
and revised by the Chronicler. London: Tinsley
Bros, 1865. 2 v. xx, 291 ; vi, 279 p. 12�. 1223

A translation of the author's Chasses dans l'Ame-
rique du Nord and Peches dans l'Amerique du Nord.
Copies: XYPL (MYER); LC.

Chasses dans l'Amerique du Nord. Nouvelle
edition, illustree par Yan' Dargent. Tours:
Mame et fils, 1868. in-8. 1224

Copy: BX.

The hunter and the trapper in North
America; or, Romantic adventures in field and
forest. From the French of Benedict Revoil.
By \Y. H. Davenport Adams. . . London, New
York: T. Nelson and Sons, 1874. vi p, 1 1,
(1)10-393 p. illus. 12�. 1225

Copy: LC.

Les Peaux Rouges de l'Amerique du Nord.
Limoges: E. Ardant et Cie, 1881. 72 p. gr-in-
12. 1226

Copy: BX.

Scenes americaines. Au milieu des bois.

Limoges: E. Ardant et Cie, 1881. 240 p. in-8.

Copy: BX. 1227

A travers le Nouveau Monde. Limoges: C.
Barbon, 1882. 117 p. gr-in-12. 1228

Copy: BX.

Coups de fusil ; souvenirs d'un chercheur
d'aventures aux fitats-Unis. Tours: Mame et
fils, 1882. 195 p. in-12. 1229

Copies: MB; BX.

Les drames de l'Amerique. Limoges: C. Bar-
bon, 1882. 126 p. in-12. 1230

Copy: BX.

Moeurs des fitats-Unis d'Amerique. Li-
moges: C. Barbon, 1882. 144 p. gr-in-12. 1231

Copy: BX.

Notes d'un voyageur moderne. Limoges: C.
Barbon, 1882. 141 p. gr-in-12. 1232

Copy: BX.

Le sport americain. Chasses excentriques
dans l'Amerique du Nord. Tours: Mame et
fils, 1882. 195 p. in-12. 1233

Copy: BX.

A travers les prairies; les Peaux-Rouges de
l'Amerique du Nord; excursions, chasses, etc.
Limoges: E. Ardant et Cie, 1883. 304 p. gr-in-
8. 1234

Copy: BN.

Excursions d'un chasseur en Amerique. Li-
moges: E. Ardant et Cie, 1883. 176 p. gr-in-8.

First edition issued in 1872. 1235

Copy: BX.

Scenes de la vie americaine. Limoges: C.
Barbon, 1883. 117 p. in-12. 1236

Copy: BX.

Memoires d'un vieux pecheur americain.
Tours: Mame et fils, 1886. 143 p. in-12. 1237
Copy: BN.

Rey, L, joint author. See under Dax, Armand
Louis, vicomte de, and L. Rey.

Rey, William.

L'Amerique protestante; notes et observa-
tions d'un voyageur. Paris: Cherbuliez, 1856.
2v. vii, 326; 370 p. in-12. 1238

Copy: BN.

Paris tetc.]: J. Cherbuliez, 1857. 2 v.

vii, 326 p, 1 1.; 2 p.l, 370 p, 1 1. 12�. 1239

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Ricard, Adolphe, pseud. Sec Eyma, Louis

Ricaud, J. A.

fitude commerciale, industrielle, economique,
constitutionelle, etc. de la grande republique
americaine. Dix-sept annees chez les Yankees.
Paris: Beaudelot, 1889. viii, 309 p. in-18. 1240

Copies: LC; HCW.

Richard, F, joint author. See under Barras,
Charles, and others.

Richard, Gabriel. See under Dionne, Nar-
cisse Eutrope; Garraghan, Gilbert J.



Rivot, Louis �douard.

Voyage aulac Superieur. Paris: V. Dalmont,
1855. 2 p.l., 160 p., 3 maps. 8�. 1240A

Rivot was a mining engineer and his book relates
chiefly to the state of Michigan.

Copies: NYPL (VHT); LC; MPL.

Robin, Abbe.

This is not Claude C. Robin, with whom this author
has been (and is) confused. See note under Claude C.

Robin was, upon Franklin's recommendation, at-
tached to the army of Rochambeau as chaplain where,
in the regiment of the Vicomte de Noailles, he estab-
lished a kind of welfare center. Bernard Fay describes
his book as "rather ridiculous and very dull." This was
substantially the opinion of his contemporaries. When
the book was first published Garat gave it a trenchant
review in Le Mercure de France. He said that Robin
was too seasick to note the crossing. Boston to him
seemed less a modern city than an ancient one; the
customs in Boston reminded him of the ancient and
austere simplicity of the first ages. For a time he
thought that he was in Jerusalem, then at Athens. He
says that in Boston the houses are all made of wood
and can be moved about with great ease. He illustrated
the hospitality of the Americans by remarking that the
wife of the host frequently shared her bed with gentle-
men guests. Vital statistics he gathered by studying

In the Mercure of March 29, 1783, the author was
again attacked by an officer recently returned from
America. He refutes the principal conclusions of Robin
and states that the Americans are so tolerant that they
would have laughed at the abbe had he told them his
reflections. He concludes his letter thus: "Is the first
serious work about America to be written by a man
who does not understand the language, who was there
no longer than four months, and who never stopped eight
days in a single city?"

Nouveau voyage dans I'Amerique Septen-
trionale, en l'annee 1781; et campagne de l'ar-
mee de M. le comte de Rochambeau ... A Phila-
delphie, et se trouve a Paris: Chez Moutard,
1782. ix, 222 p. in-8. 1241

Copies: NYPL (* KF - 1782); LC; HCW.

A Philadelphie, et se trouve a Paris,

chez Moutard, imprimeur-librairie, rue des Ma-
thurins, Hotel de Cluni, 1782. 192 p. 12�. 1241A

Copy: WLCL.

• A Philadelphie, et se trouve a Paris:

Chez Moutard, 1783. viii, 224 p. 8�. 1242

Copies: NYPL CKF-1783); WLCL.

Voyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. . .
A Philadelphie: 1783. 192 p. 8�. 1243

Printed at Paris.

Copies: NYPL (*KF-1783); JCB.

New travels through North-America...
Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Bell
...1783. 112 p. 8�. 1244

Translated by Philip Freneau.
Copies: NYPL (* KD - 1783); LC.

Boston: Printed bv E. E. Powars and

N. Willis, for F. Battelle, 1784. 95 p. 8�. 1245

Copies: NYPL (* KD - 1784); LC.

Nieuwe reize door Noord-Amerika, in den
jaare 1781. Te Amsterdam: Bij Allart en Hol-
trop, 1782. viii, 283(1) p., 2 1. 8�. 1246

Copies: NYPL (� KF - 1782); LC.

Robin, Claude C.

In Sabin and in the NYPL, LC and BM catalogues
the abbe Robin is described as Claude C. Robin. These
names, however, represent two different people. The
error began, as I have been able to trace it, in a
confusion of identity by J. M. Querard in his La France
litteraire (1836), viii, 83. It has been constantly re-
peated, with one very obscure exception.

It is not possible, after reading the Nouveau voyage
dans I'Amerique septentrionale (1782) and the Voyages
dans I'interieur de la Louisiane (1807), to believe that
they could have been written by the same author. Be-
yond the difference in style, which is marked, is the
approach to the materials. Claude C. Robin was a
scholar, scientist and a well-known naturalist. The
abbe Robin was a credulous traveller whose most sober
conclusions were termed "ridiculous" by his contem-
poraries. In the three volumes by Claude C. Robin
there is no mention of any previous travels by him
in the United States. Were he actually the abbe Robin
of the earlier period it seems likely that he would
have drawn contrasts between his earlier and his later
travels or that he would have contrasted conditions
in the northern states with those in Louisiana.

On the basis of internal evidence I had reached the
conclusion that the abbe Robin was not Claude C.
Robin when I found a remark of A. L. Boimare sup-
porting this view. Boimare settled in New Orleans
in 1825 and probably had the opportunity of learning
something about Claude C. Robin from people who had
known him while he was there. Boimare published in
the 1850's a brief bibliography of materials on Louisi-
ana history, but this was virtually unknown until its
republication in 1917. He states that there has been a
confusion of identity. For his statement see Louisiana
historical quarterly, v. 1, no. 2 (Sept., 1917), p. 59-60.

Voyages dans I'interieur de la Louisiane, de
la Floride occidentale, et dans les isles de la
Martinique et de Saint-Domingue, pendant les
annees 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805 et 1806, contenant
de nouvelles observations sur l'histoire naturelle,
la geographic les mceurs, l'agriculture, le com-
merce, l'industrie et les maladies de ces coun-
tries, particulierement sur la fievre jaune, et
les moyens de les prevenir... Paris: F. Buis-
son, 1807. 3 v. 2 p.l., xii, 346 p., 1 port.; 2 p.l.,
511 p., 1 folded map; xii, 551 p. 8�. 1247

Volumes 2 and 3 are devoted entirely to Louisiana.
Copies: NYPL (HAY); LC; BN.

Robinet de Clery.

Les Ltats-Unis d'Amerique. L'etat de Wis-
consin. Paris: Impr. P. Dupont, 1890. 24 p.
gr-in-8. 1248

Reprinted from the revue Paris et Saint-P 'etersbourg.

The copy at the BN cannot be found.

Rochambeau, Achille Lacroix de Vimeux,
marquis de.

Yorktown — centenaire de l'independance des
Ltats-Unis d'Amerique (1781-1881). Paris:
Champion, 1886. 340 p., 1 1. figures, in-8.

1248 A

The author took a part in the Yorktown celebration
in 1881.

Copies: NYPL (IGE); LC; SSL.

Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de


Relation, ou Journal des operations du Corps
Frangais sous le commandement du Comte de
Rochambeau, Lieutenant-General des Armees
du Roi, depuis le 15 d'Aout. Colophon: A Phila-
delphie [really Paris], De l'lmprimerie de Guil-
laume Hampton [1781]. [Boston, 1929.] 15 p.



Rochambeau, J.-B. D. de Vimeur, continued

(Americana series; photostat reproductions by

the Massachusetts Historical Society, no. 225.)

Copies: NYPL; LC. 1248B

Memoires militaires, historiques, et politiques
...de Rochambeau. Paris: Fain, 1809. 2 v.
2 p.l., xii, 437 p. ; 2 p.l., 395 p. in-8. 1249

Edited by Luce de Lancival.
Copies: NYPL (AN); DS.

Memoirs of the Marshal Comte de Rocham-
beau, relative to the War of Independence of
the United States. Extracted and translated
from the French by M. W. E. Wright . . . Paris,
1838. 3 p.l., 114 p., 2 ports, in-8. 1250

Copies: NYPL (IG); LC.

Sec also Jusseraxd, Jean Adrien Antoine
Jules; Stevens, Benjamin Franklin. Fac-

Roche, Jules.

Le secret des fitats-Unis. Paris: La Repub-
lique franchise, 1917. 16 p. in-16. 1251

Copies: NYPL (IOK) ; BN.

Rochechouart, Julien, comte de.

Excursions autour du monde. Les Indes, la
Birmanie, la Malaisie, le Japon, et les fitats-
Unis. Paris: Plon et Cie., 1878. iii, 288 p. in-18
avec 12 gravures. 1252

Copies: NYPL (BEM); LC (1879); BN.

Rochefort, A. T. DE.

Adraste et Nancy. Tonga et Peggy Nyredon.
Deux anecdotes americaines qui contiennent
plusieurs faits sur la revolution de 1' Amerique
septentrionale; les descriptions des villes prin-
cipales de cette partie du continent, et les opi-
nions d'un vrai republicain sur les gouverne-
mens. St. Maixent: Chez Laine, imprimeur-
libraire, l'an u de la Republique franchise
[1794?]. 2 p.l., 192 p., 1 1., plate. 12�. 1253

This is sufficiently rare to make it difficult to find
even imperfect copies. The W. L. Clements Library'
owns what seems to be a complete copy; I am indebted
to Dr. Randolph G. Adams for this detailed description.

The first leaf is a general title-page covering both
anecdotes; it contains neither author nor imprint. This
is followed by a plate: the engraving of a touching
scene with the legend "ah Mamma Mamma! je ne le
reverrai plus." The title-page for the first anecdote
then follows with the name of the author, publisher,
and the date. "A mes lecteurs," p. [l]-2; "Aux
Americains," p. 3-4; "A Miss Nancy," p. 5-7;
"Adraste et Nancy...," p. [9]-143. Page [145] con-
tains the title of the second anecdote. It is followed
by: "Preface," p. [147]-149; "Tonga et Peggy Nyre-
don...," p. 151-192; "Errata," 1 p. at end.

The author is said to have been an officer in the
marine who fought in the War of the Revolution during
1779 and 1780.

Copy: WLCL.

Rod, Sdouard.

Reflets d'Amerique. Paris: E. Sansot, 1905.
119 p. in-12. 1254

Copy: JHH.

Roland-Marcel, Pierre.

La bibliotheque aux fitats-Unis. Paris: P.
Brelaz, 1928. 32 p. in-8. 1255

Copies: LC; BN.

Romier, Lucien.

Qui sera le maitre, Europe ou Amerique?
[Paris:] Hachette [1927,. 244 p. in-16. 1256

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC.

Who will be master, Europe or America?
Translated from the French by Matthew
Josephson. New York: Macaulay Company,
1928. vii p., 1 1., 11-299 p. 8�. 1257

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC.

L'homme nouveau. [Paris:] Librairie Hach-
ette [cop. 1929]. 252 p., 1 1. in-16. 1258

Copies: NYPL (BAP); LC.

Ronna, Antoine Constant Colomb.

Essai sur l'agriculture des fitats-Unis d'Ame-
rique. Le ble aux fitats-Unis d'Amerique, pro-
duction, transports, commerce. Paris: Berger-
Levrault et Cie, 1880. xvi, 335 p. 8�. 1258A

Copies: NYPL (VPM); LC.

Journal d'un voyage autour du monde pendant
les annees 1816, 1817, 1818 et 1819. Paris: Pon-
thieu, 1823. 2 v. 344; 407 p. in-8 avec 2 cartes.

In California in 1818. 1259

Copies: LC; WaS.

A voyage round the world, between the years
1816-1819. London, 1823. 112 p. 8�. (In: New
vovages and travels, v. 9.) 1260

Copies: NYPL (KBD); LC.

Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1816 bis
1819. Aus dem franzosischen des Herrn Camille
de Roquefeuil. Jena: Bran'sche Buchhandlung,
1823. 1 p.l., 396 p. 8�. 1261

Copy: LC.

Rossi, Louis.

Six ans en Amerique (Californie et Oregon).
Paris et Bruxelles: Ruffet et Cie, 1863. iv,
322 p. in-8 avec 2 cartes. 1262

Copies: NYPL (ILD) ; LC.

Rostaing, Jules.

Voyage dans les deux Ameriques; ou, Les
neveux de l'Oncle Tom. Paris: Ve L. Janet
[1854]. iii, 240 p., 12 col'd pi. 8�. 1263

Copies: NYPL (NKV); MH.

Rounet, A., joint author. See Godon, Charles,
and A. Rounet.


L'enseignement technique et l'apprentissage
aux fitats-Unis. (Le Musee social. Memoires
et documents. Paris, 1920. 8�. annee 1920,
p. 29-72.) 1263 A

Copy: NYPL (SA).

Rousiers, Paul de.

La vie americaine. . . Paris: Firmin-Didot et
Cie, 1892. 2 p.l., 698 p. in-4 avec 320 reproduc-
tions et 17 plans. 1264

Copies: NYPL (tILD); LC; BN.

Paris: Firmin-Didot et C;e [1899]. 2 v.

2 p.l., 370 p.; 2 p.l., 336 p. illus. 12�. 1265

[v. 1.] Ranches, fermes et usines. [v. 2.] L'edu-
cation et la societe.

Coiiies: NYPL (ILD); MH.



Rousiers, Paul de, continued

American life. Translated. . .by A. J. Her-
bertson. Paris: Firmin-Didot & Co., 1892.
1 p.l., 5-437 p. 4�. 1266

Copies: NYPL (ILD) ; LC.

La vida en la America del Norte. . . Barce-
lona: Montaner y Simon, 1899. 2 v. 359; 335 p.
illus. 8�. 1267

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC.

L'Oklahoma. Paris: Librairie Plon r189— ?j.
1 p.l., 32 p. illus. 8�. (Bibliotheque illustree
des voyages autour du monde par terre & par
mer. no. 52.) 1268

Reprinted from his La vie amcricaine, 1892.
Copy: NYPL (ITT).

Les industries monopolisers (trusts) aux

fitats-Unis. Paris: A. Colin et C>e, 1898. xvii,

339 p. in-12. 1269

Copies: NYPL (TN); LC; BN.

See also Questions actuelles.

Rouvroy, Claude Anne de, marquis de Saint-
Simon-Maubleru. See under Contenson,
Ludovic de; Stevens, Benjamin Frank-
lin. Facsimiles.

Roux, Sergeant-major.

Le nouveau Mississipi, ou Les dangers
d'habiter les bords du Scioto, par un patriote
voyageur. Paris: Jacquemart, 1790. 44 p. in-8.


Copies: NYPL (*KF); LC.

Roux, Benedict.

Kaskaskia — Fr. Benedict Roux. Edited by
Rev. John Rothensteiner. (Illinois Catholic his-
torical review. Chicago, 1918. 8�. v. 1, p. 198-
213.) 1271

Contains various documents written about Kaskaskia,
111., in 1838.

Copies: NYPL (IAA); LC.

Roux de Rochelle, Jean Baptiste Gaspard.

fitats-Unis d'Amerique. Paris: F. Didot,

1837. 400 p., 1 1., map, 96 pi. 8�. 1272

Roux de Rochelle was French minister to the United
States from 1829 to 1831.

Copies: NYPL (IAE) ; LC; BN.

Roy, Just Jean �tienne.

Roy (1794-1870) was one of the most prolific popu-
lar writers of his time. Just Girard was one of the
several pseudonyms that he often employed. He trav-
elled widely and his travel accounts were extremely
popular; he is said to have travelled in Mexico during
the 1850s when it is possible that he might have visited
Texas. J. S. Reeves, an authority upon French exiles
in America, states that his book contains much historical
background and that, despite its fictional form, it has a
considerable historical value.

Les aventures d'un capitaine frangais, planteur
au Texas, ancien refugie du Champ d'Asile.
Tours: A. Mame et fils, 1879. 191 p., 1 pi. 8�.


This book was first published, according to Lorenz,
in 1860.

Copy: LC.

The adventures of a French captain, at present
a planter in Texas, formerly a refugee of Camp
Asylum. Translated from the French by Lady

Blanche Murphy. New York: Benziger Bros.
tcop. 1876.] 180 p., 1 pi. 12�. 1274

Copies: NYPL (HBM); LC.

L'energie americaine (evolution des fitats-

Unis). Paris: E. Flammarion, 1910. 2 p.l.,

339 p. in-18. 1275

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN.

Litterature, art et science. (In: Ce qu'un
Frangais doit savoir des fitats-Unis. Paris:
Librairie Grasset [1917]. 80 p. in-12. Le fait
de la semaine. 5e annee, no. 3.) 1276

Copy: NYPL (* C, Fait...)

L'Amerique nouvelle. Les fitats-Unis et la
guerre. Les fitats-Unis et la paix. Paris: E.
Flammarion, 1923. 282 p., 1 1. in-18. 1277

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.

Les Americains vus par leurs romanciers.
Monaco: Impr. de Monaco, 1927. 38 p. in-8.
(Societe de conferences, Monaco. [Confe-
rences., 1926/7, no. 34.) 1278

Copy: NYPL (� EN).

Les fitats-Unis d'Amerique. Paris: Felix Al-
can, 1927. vii, 280 p. in-16. 1279

Copies: NYPL (TAH); LC; BN.

De Roosevelt a Hoover, 1910-1930. Paris:
Plon [1931]. iii, 297 p. 12�. 1280

A study of the main currents of contemporary
American politics with emphasis upon the nationalism
of Roosevelt and the internationalism of Wilson.

Copies: NYPL (IL); LC.

L'evolution des idees et des mceurs ameri-
caines. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, 1931. 281 p.
12�. (Bibliotheque de philosophic scientifique.)


A collection of critical and sympathetic essays on
American idealism.

Copies: NYPL (IDS); LC.

See also Questions actuelles.
Rozier, Jean Antoine Bernard.

Memoire sur les relations des fitats-Unis
d'Amerique avec le gouvernement directorial,
adresse par Rozier, consul-general a New- York,
au directeur Larevelliere-Lepeaux. (In: L. M.
de Larevelliere-Lepeaux, Memoires. Paris
[1895]. 8�. tome 3, p. 179-189.) 1282

Rozier was consul-general in 1798.
Copies: NYPL (DFB); MH.

Russailh, Albert Benard de.

Last adventure; San Francisco in 1851.
Translated from the original journal of Albert
Benard de Russailh by Clarkson Crane. San
Francisco: The Westgate Press, 1931. 2 p.l.,
(i)iv-xvii(i), 94 p., 1 1. illus. 8�. 1283

With an introduction by Clarkson Crane.
Copies: NYPL (* KP - Grabhorn) ; LC.

Sachot, Octave Louis Marie.

Recits de voyages. Les grandes cites de l'Ou-
est americain. Tableaux des mceurs ameri-
caines. Paris: Ducrocq, 1874. 344 p. in-12.


Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati, San Francisco, etc.

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.



Saffell, William Thomas Roberts.

The Bonaparte-Patterson marriage in 1803,
and the secret correspondence on the subject
never before made public. Collected and ar-
ranged by W. T. R. Saffell. Philadelphia: Pub-
lished by the Proprietor, 1873. 1 p.l., (i)vi-xv,
25-254 p., 2 ports. 12�. 1285

Copies: NYPL (DGF); LC.

Sagot, Francois.

Le communisme au Nouveau-Monde ; reduc-
tions du Paraguay, societes communistes des
fitats-Unis. Paris: Larose, 1900. vi, 235 p. in-
8�. 1286

Copies: NYPL (SFH; with author's autograph);

Saili.y, Pierre de.

Diary of Peter Sailly on a journey in America
in the year 1784. (In: George S. Bixby, Peter
Sailly, 1754-1826, a pioneer of the Champlain
Valley, with extracts from his diary and letters.
Albany, N. Y.: The University of the State of
New York, 1919. 8�. p. 58-70.) 1286A

This was issued as Bulletin 680 of the University of
the State of New York, New York State Library,
History bulletin 12.

Copy: NYPL (IR).

Saint-Am ant, Mme. de.

Voyage en Californie, 1850-1851. Paris: Gar-
nier, 1851. 48 p. in-8. 1287

Copies: HEH; BN.

Saint-Amant, Pierre Charles de.

Guide pour les voyageurs. Route de la Cali-
fornie a travers l'isthme de Panama. Extrait
du voyage d'exploration en Californie et en
Oregon, entrepris en 1851-1852... Paris:
Maison, 1853. 102 p. in-12. 1288

Copy: LC.

Voyages en Californie et dans l'Oregon.
Paris: Maison, 1854. 52, 651 p. gr-in-8 carte et
vignettes. 1289

Copies: NYPL (IX); LC; BN.

Saint-Andre de Lignereux.

L'Amerique au xxe siecle. Preface de Paul
Adam. Paris: J. Tallandier [1909]. viii, 292 p.
in-18. 1289A

Author has also written numerous reports on the
St. Louis Exposition of 1904.
Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.

St. Cricq, Jules, comte de.

Notes d'absence et Lettre de Burke, sur la
revolution de France, ecrites en 1819, pour son
frere, par le comte Jules de S[t]. -Cricq. Paris:
Lottin de Saint-Germain, imprimeur du roi,
1821. 229 p., 1 1. 8�. 1289B

The author landed in the United States May 17,
1818 and remained until August 10, when he sailed
for Europe. During his sojourn in America he visited
and described briefly: New York City, Albany, Buffalo,
Niagara Falls, Philadelphia, Washington, and Mount
Vernon. See pages 24-31, and scattered references
in the pages that follow these. His notes on his Ameri-
can travels are in the form of a journal and the entries
are fragmentary.

The present copy contains numerous manuscript
corrections of the text; these corrections are summarized
in two printed pages of errata. These corrections are
said to be in the writing of the author.

Copy: NYPL.

St. Cyr, John Irenaeus Mary. See under
Garraghan, Gilbert J.

Saint-Saens, Charles Camille.

...Au courant de la vie... Paris: Dorbon-
aine [1914]. 128 p., 1 pi. 8�. ("To the happy
few.") 1290

"Impressions d'Amerique," p. 97—115.
Copies: NYPL (* MGA); LC.

Saint-Simon, Claude Anne, marquis de. See
under Cortenson, Ludovic.

Saint- Victor, Jacques Benjamin Maximil-
ien Bins, comte de.

Lettres sur les �tats-Unis, ecrites en 1832 et
1833, et addressees a M. le comte O'Mahony.
Par J. M. B. de. . . Paris: Au depot central de
librairie [etc.], 1835. 2 v. xiv, 355; 359 p. in-8.


The author was a royalist, an aristocrat, and an
ardent Catholic, as was the comte O'Mahony, to whom
the letters were addressed and who contributed the
important preface to the two volumes. The letters are
seventeen in number and are dated from January IS,
1832, to August 15, 1833. Some of them were first
published in the Invariable at Fribourg, Switzerland.
According to the author and to the comte O'Mahony
France stupidly contributed to the establishment of a
democratic and republican United States, an illusion
that had already endured some fifty years. But during
that time there have been "only superficial tales and
falsehoods, published by travellers who were blind or
by publicists who were hypocrites." The author at-
tempts to give a complete picture of American life,
institutions, and government and in order to document
his attacks he skillfully draws many of his materials
from American newspapers; in the words of the
preface: "...alors il suffit d'enregistrer les aveux
naifs qui leur echappent et dont leurs innombrables
journaux se font les depositaires, pour presenter, de
leur caractere national, de leurs moeurs, de leur gou-
vernement, une satire plus sanglante que personne n'au-
rait ose le faire d'apres ses propres impressions..."
and from this novel method the conclusion is: "II en est
resulte pour cet ouvrage purement historique. . .le plus
haut degre d'authenticite qu'aucune histoire ait jamais
presente..." Much the same method was adopted by
H. L. Mencken almost a century later when he created
an Americana section of the American Mercury. I
think the limitations of such sources are obvious to the
modern reader, yet these two volumes are among the
really valuable accounts of America in the early years
of the nineteenth century. Saint-Victor came to the
United States shortly before de Tocqueville sailed back
to France and was here during the same period as was
Michel Chevalier; it is interesting to compare the ob-
servations and conclusions of these three observers.

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC; BN.

San Carlos de Pedroso, marquise de.

Les Americains chez eux. Paris: Nouvelle
Revue, 1890. 368 p. in-18. 1292

Copies: MH; BN.

Sand, Maurice.

Six mille lieues a toute vapeur. Paris: M.
Levy freres, 1863. 367 p. 2. ed. in-8. (Biblio-
theque contemporaine.) 1293

Preface by George Sand.

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC; BN.

Saugrain de Vigni, Antoine Francois.

Saugrain (1763-1820), born of a long line of printers
and booksellers, received a thorough scientific education
before coming to America where he entered the service
of the King of Spain in mineralogical investigations.
He returned to France but was never able to escape
the lure of the wilderness. Brissot de Warville says



that Saugrain returned to the United States in 1787
with a M. Piquet, a botanist and philosopher. Together
they explored Kentucky and parts of the Ohio Valley,
studying botany and seeking sites for French colonies.
Saugrain was interested in mining and found much
iron, lead, copper, and silver. Wherever he was he
seemed to establish a small furnace and made ther-
mometers and barometers, which he sold. Saugrain was
appointed a doctor in the army by Jefferson; he later
settled in St. Louis, where he was the first doctor
to employ vaccination. His unpublished manuscripts
have been partly printed in several recent articles and

See under Byars, William Vincent; Dan-
dridge, N. P.

Sauniere, Paul.

A travers l'Atlantique; journal de bord de la
Nubienne dans son voyage au Canada et aux
fitats-Unis, redige jour par jour. Paris: E.
Dentu, 1884. 4 p.l., 350 p., 1 1. in-18. 1294

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; HCW.

Sautter, Emmanuel.

Un coin de la vie religieuse aux fitats-Unis.
Les Unions chretiennes de jeunes gens. Paris:
Fischbacher, 1898. 155 p. in-16 avec 16 grav.

Copy: BN. 1295

Les unions d'employes de chemins de fer aux
fitats-Unis. (Railroad Department of the
Young Men Christian Associations.) Confe-
rence faite au Musee social le 8 avril 1902. . .
[Paris: A. Rousseau, 1902.] 373-409 p. 8�.
(Musee social. Memoires et documents. 1902,
no. 7.) 1295 A

Copy: NYPL (SA).

Sauvalle, Paul Marc.

Louisiane — Mexique — Canada. Aventures
cosmopolites. Montreal: Desaulniers et Le-
blanc, imprimeurs, 1891. 3 p.l., 308 p., 1 1. 12�.


A pied de Houston, Tx. a la Nouvelle-Orleans, La.
p. 1-40; La Nouvelle-Orleans, p. 222-228.

Copies: NYPL (HV) ; LC.

Sauvin, Georges.

Autour de Chicago; notes sur les fitats-Unis.
Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et C>e, 1893. vii, 263 p.
in-16. 1296

A thoughtful and friendly view of American life
and institutions. The observations of the author are
not confined to Chicago, but extend from New York
to California, with the exception of the South where
he did not know conditions.

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; HCW.

Savardan, Augustin.

Un naufrage au Texas. Observations et im-
pressions recueillies pendant deux ans et demi
au Texas et a travers les fitats-Unis d'Amerique.
Paris: Gamier freres, 1858. 2 p.l., 344 p. in-18.


The shipwreck of which Savardan writes was that
of the colony at Reunion. This book is a detailed history
of the movement in France which resulted in the
formation of the Societe de colonisation europeo-ameri-
caine au Texas and of Victor Considerant's colony at
Reunion. Savardan was the doctor of the colony. He
sailed from Le Havre February 28, 1855 and came
back to France at the end of October, 1857. Having
once determined to return to France, he travelled
overland to New York to take passage. Leaving Re-
union he travelled by the following route: Fort Smith,

Napoleon, Cairo, Niagara Falls, New York. Savardan
attempts to give a complete picture of the colony in
Texas, for which it is of the greatest value. I It-
makes interesting observations on other parts of Texas
and on the Indians.

Copies: NYPL; LC; BN.

Savous, Andre E.

Un etat de l'Ouest americain: le Wyoming
et considerations generates sur le Far-West.
Paris: Larose, 1904. 47 p. in-8. 1298

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v.403); LC.

Schneider, Eugene.

Le voyage des missions economiques des pays
allies aux fitats-Unis et le congres d'Atlantic
City (octobre-novembre 1919). Paris: Impr.
Chaix, 1920. 20 p. in-8. 1299

Copies: LC; BN.


Voyage aux fitats-Unis d'Amerique: chemins
de fer. Bruxelles, 1871-74. 132; 203 p. in-8�
avec planches. 1300

Copy: Bib. Royale.

Schreiber, fiMiLE. See Servan, E., pseud, of
Smile Schreider.

schurmann, joseph j.

Impresario Schurmann; une tournee en
Amerique. Paris: F. Juven [1900]. 2 p.l., 248 p.
12�. 1301

Schiirmann was born at Rotterdam, but came to
Paris. He wrote in French. He was the impresario for
Eleanora Duse, to whom this volume is dedicated. The
Library of Congress suggests that the volume was pub-
lished in 1896, but the internal evidence suggests and
Lorenz (xix, 617) verifies 1900 as the date of pub-

Copy: LC.

Schweitzer, Th. Otto, joint author. See under
Grobet, H., and Th. Otto Schweitzer.

Seauret, P.-Alex.

First came to the United States in 1875 as an
emigrant worker.

Journal d'un emigrant aux fitats-Unis. Paris,
1906. 11 p. in-8. 1302

Souvenirs d'un ouvrier francais aux fitats-
Unis. Paris, 1906. 14 p. in-8. 1303

Both pamphlets are reprints of articles first pub-
lished in the Revue socialiste, tome 44, 1906 septembre,
p. 339-349; juillet, p. 61-74, in which form the material
is available in NYPL.

Segur, Louis Philippe, comte de.

Extraits de lettres ecrites d'Amerique par le
comte de Segur, colonel en second du regiment
de Soissonnais, a la comtesse de Segur. . .1782-
1783. (In: Societe des bibliophiles frangois.
Melanges. Paris, 1903. partie 2, piece no. 6,
p. 149-205.) 1304

Copy: NYPL (DBA).

Memoires, ou Souvenirs et anecdotes. Paris,
1824-26. 3 v. in-8. 1305

Copy: BN. NYPL and LC have various later

The memoirs and anecdotes of the Count de
Segur; translated by Gerard Shelley. New
York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1928. 286 p.
illus. 8�. 1306

An abridged translation.
Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

See also Van Vorst, Bessie (McGinnis).



Selections from French travellers in Amer-
ica. Edited with introductions, notes, and vo-
cabulary bv Andre Morize and Elliott M. Grant.
New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1929. xi,
326 p. illus. 12�. 1307

This unpretentious little book was designed for use
in French classes. It contains selections from twenty
of the more important travellers in the United States
from Lafayette to Paul Morand. The text is in French,
the introductions in English.

Copies: NYPL (IDS - Morize); LC.

Servan, E., pseud, of Smile Schreiber.

L'exemple americain. Le prix du temps aux
fitats-Unis. Preface de Victor Cambon. Paris:
Payot et O, 1917. 2 p.l., (i)viii-xxvii, (1)30-
266 p. illus. in-16. 1308

Copies: NYPL (ILH) ; BN.

Paris: Payot et O, 1919. xxvii, (1)29-

282 p. illus. in-16. 1309

Copies: LC; DCE.

. . .El ejemplo americano; el precio del tiempo
en los Estados Unidos... Barcelona: Soc. ge-
neral de publ. t1920.] 244 p. illus. 8�. 1310

Copy: NYPL (ILH).

Siegfried, Andre.

Deux mois en Amerique du Nord a la veille
de la guerre (juin-juillet 1914). Paris: Armand
Colin, 1916. 2 p.l., ii, 137 p., 1 1. in-16. 1311

Copies: NYPL (HV); LC; HCW.

Les fitats-Unis d'aujourd'hui. Paris: Ar-
mand Colin, 1927. 2 p.l., 362 p. illus. in-8. 1312

Copies: NYPL (IAG) ; LC; BN.

America comes of age ; a French analysis . . .
Translated from the French by H. H. Hemming
and Doris Hemming. New York: Harcourt,
Brace and Company, 1927. x, 358 p. illus. in-8.

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC. 1313

Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika; Volk,
Wirtschaft, Politik. Zurich: O. Fiissli [Cop.
1928]. 303 p. illus. 4�. (Der Aufbau moderner
Staaten. Bd. 2.) 1314

Copy: NYPL (IAG).

See also Dialogue entre Deux Mondes;
Questions actuelles.

Siegfried, Jules.

La situation economique et sociale des fitats-
Unis. Conference faitc.le 19 novembre 1901.
(Le Musee social. Memoires et documents.
Paris, 1902. 8�. annee 1902, p. 1-27.) 1314A

Copy: NYPL (SA).

Simond, Louis.

Journal of a tour and residence in Great
Britain, during. . .1810 and 1811, by a French
traveler [Louis Simond] . . . New York: Pub-
lished for the author, T. & W. Mercein, printers,
1815. 2 v. xiii, 377; 360 p. 8�. 1315

Simond was born in France and came to the United
States about 1789 and engaged in the shipping busi-
ness. He states that during the war, beginning in 1793,
he owned twenty-four American vessels: together more
than 5,000 tons. He and his wife, an Englishwoman,
went to England in December, 1809. A few friends
persuaded him to publish the journal of his English
tour and residence; before this time he had published
nothing. I have discovered no single book or pamphlet

entirely devoted to the United States by this interesting
author. His book on England and Scotland contains
scattered references to the United States, for he often
compares English and American conditions. In his
discussion of Liverpool there is a discussion of Ameri-
can commerce (i, 243-253). The above journal was
first written in English, was published in New York
and London in 1815, republished with additional ma-
terial in Edinburgh in 1817; a French edition was pub-
lished in Paris in the same year. These various editions
are available in the NYPL and the LC. It is to be
regretted that Simond never wrote a volume on the
United States; it is probable that it would have been
of considerable interest.

Copies: NYPL (CBD); LC.

Simonin, Louis Laurent.

Le mineur de Californie. Paris: L. Hachette
et O, 1866. 52 p. in-18. 1316

Copies: HEH; BN.

Les pays lointains: notes de voyage. . . Paris:
Challamel aine, 1867. viii, 350 p. in-18. 1317

La Californie et les Californiens, p. 1-101.
Copies: NYPL (KBK); LC (2. ed.).

Une excursion chez les Peaux-Rouges. Paris:
Challamel aine, 1868. 73 p. in-8. 1318

Copies: NYPL (HBC); BN.

Le grand ouest des fitats-Unis. Les pion-
niers et les Peaux-Rouges. Les colons du Pa-
cifique. Paris: Charpentier, 1869. v, 364 p. in-
12 et carte. 1319

Copies: NYPL (IW); LC; BN.

L'homme americain. Notes sur les Indiens
des fitats-Unis. Paris: A. Bertrand, 1870. 30 p.
in-8 avec deux cartes. 1320

Copies: NYPL (HBC p.v.ll, no.ll); LC; BN.

A travers les fitats-Unis de l'Atlantique au
Pacifique. Paris: Charpentier et Cie, 1875.
3 p.l., [iii]-iv, 410 p. in-12. 1321

Copies: LC; MB; BN.

Paris: Charpentier, 1885. 2 p.l., 3, 282 p.

12�. 1322

Copy: NYPL (ILD).

Attraverso gli Stati Uniti dall' Atlantico al
Pacifico. Milano: Fratelli Treves, 1876. 2 p.l.,
306 p. illus. 8�. (Biblioteca di viaggi. no. 42.)

1322 A

Contents: II gran deserto americano. I Mormoni.
I filoni d'argento del Nevada. La California. Gli
immigranti. Gli ultimi Pelli Rosse.

Copy: MB.

Exposition internationale de Philadelphie en
1876. Section franchise. Paris: Imprimerie na-
tionale, 1876. 26 p. gr. in-8. 1323

Copy: BN.

A French view of the grand international ex-
position of 1876. Being a graphic description,
with criticisms and remarks. Translated from
"Revue des deux mondes." By Samuel H.
Needles. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen &
Haffelfinger, 1877. 1 p.l., v-viii, 9-73 p. 8�. 1324

Copies: LC; MdBP.

Le monde americain; souvenirs de mes voy-
ages aux fitats-Unis. . . New-York — Chicago
et Saint-Louis — Les Grand Lacs — Les Rich-
esses souterraines — Les chemins de fer. Paris:
Hachette et O, 1876. 3 p.l., ii, 395 p. 8�. 1325

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC.



Simonin, Louis Laurent, continued

■ — - Deuxieme edition corrigee et augmentee.
Paris: Hachette et C'e, 1877. 1 p.l., ii, 445 p.,
1 1. 12�. 1326

Copy: NYPL (ILD).

L'or et l'argent. Illustre de 67 vignettes sur
bois par A. de Neuville. Paris: Hachette, 1877.
298 p. in-12. 1327

Copies: NYPL (VHR); LC; B.\.

Skarzynski, Louis, comte.

Les Peaux-Rouges et les negres aux fitats-
Unis. Paris: Giard et Briere, 1910. 34 p. in-8.

Copies: MB; BX. 1328

Smet, Pierre Jean de.

Letters and sketches: with a narrative of a
year"s residence among the Indian tribes of the
Rocky Mountains. Philadelphia: M. Fithian,
1843. ix, (1)11-244, 12 p. illus. 12�. 1329

Reprinted in R. G. Thwaites, Early Western travels,
174X-1H46. v. 27, p. 123-411, in which form the material
is available in NYPL (I\Y).

Copies: LC; ICJ.

Voyages aux Montagnes-Rocheuses, et une
annee de sejour chez les tribus Indiennes du
vaste territoire de l'Oregon dependant des fitats-
Unis d'Amerique. Malines: P. J. Hanicq, 1844.
vi, 304 p. front, (port.), plates, fold. map. 12�.

Copies: WLCL; Bib. Royale. 1330

Voyages aux montagnes Rocheuses, chez les
tribus Indiennes du vaste territoire de l'Oregon,
dependant des fitats-Unis d'Amerique. Lille:
L. Lefort, 1845. 1 p.l., (i)viii-xii, (1)10-268 p.
12�. 1331

Copies: LC; WaU.

Lille: L. Lefort, 1850. 2 p.l., [vii]-viii,

(1)10-258 p. illus. 2. ed. 12�. 1332

This work went through at least eight French edi-

Copies: NYPL (HBC): Mil.

Voyages aux montagnes Rocheuses et sejour
chez les tribus Indiennes de l'Oregon (fitats-
Unis). Nouvelle edition, revue et considerable-
ment augmentee. Bruxelles: Victor Devaux et
O; Paris: H. Repos et Cie., 1873. xxxv, 408 p.
illus. 8�. 1333

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC.

Reis naar het Rotsgebergte (Rocky Moun-
tains), door Eerw. Vader De Smet, Belgisch
zendeling in de Vereenigde Staten. 1840-1841.
Deventer: J. W. Robvns en Comp., 1844. 69 p.
8�. 1334

Title from Augustin and Aloys de Backer, Biblio-
thcque de la Compagnie de Jesus; noui: ed. par Carlos
Sommervogel, partie 1, Bibliographie, tome 7, col.

Reisen zu den Felsen-Gebirgen und ein Jahr
unter den Wilden Indianer-Stammen des Ore-
gon-Gebietes. Aus dem franzosischen iibersetzt
von L. Hinssen. St. Louis, Mo.: F. Saler, 1865.
iv, 220 p. 12�. 1335

Copy: LC.

Viaggi alle montagne Rocciose. Traduzione
di Luigi Previti. Palermo: Lao, 1847. xiv,
284 p. 16�. 1335A

Copy: VVaU.

Oregon missions and travels over the Rocky
.Mountains, in 1845-46. . . New-York: Edward
Dunigan, 1847. xii, (1)14-408 p., 2 1., 1 folded
map. 16 . 1336

Reprinted in R. C. Thwaites. Early western travels,
1748-1846, v. 29. n. 103-424. in which form the material
is available in NYPL ( I\V).

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC.

Missions de l'Oregon et Voyages aux mon-
tagnes Rocheuses, aux sources de la Colombie,
de l'Athabasca et du Sascatshawin, en 1845-
46. . . Gand: V� Vander Schelden [1848]. 3 p.l.,
ix, (1)10-389 p. illus. 16�. 1337

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC.

Missions de l'Oregon et voyages dans les
Montagnes-Rocheuses en 1845 et 1846. Ou-
vrage traduit de l'anglais par M. Bourlez.
Paris: Poussielgue-Rusand; Lyon: J. B. Pela-
gaud et Cie., 1848. 3 p.l., ii, (1)8-408 p., 11
pi., 2 ports, illus. 12�. 1338

According to H. M. Chittenden and A. T. Richard-
son, Life, letters and travels of Father P. -J. De Smet,
v. 1, p. 145, this is a different translation from the

Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; LC.

Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale,
Oregon. Troisieme edition, soigneusement cor-
rigee et augmentee de notes, d'un portrait et
d'une carte. Bruxelles: Mathieu Closson et Cie;
Paris: H. Repos et Cie., 1874. vii, 406 p. illus.
8�. 1339

Copies: LC; \Yal_".

Missien van den Oregon en reizen naer de
Rotsbergen en de bronnen der Colombia, der
Athabasca en Sascatshawin, in 1845-46. Uit
het Fransch door een kloosterling van Latrappe.
Gent: W*e Vander Schelden, 1849. xv, (1)18-
425 p. illus. 12�. 1340

Copies: NYPL (HBC); MH.

Voyage au Grand-Desert en 1851. Bruxelles:
Imprimerie de J. Vandereydt, 1853. 436 p. 18�.


Reprint of articles in the Precis historique.
Copy: Bib. Royale.

Cinquante nouvelles lettres... Publiees par
fid. Terwecoren. . . Paris, Tournai: H. Caster-
man, 1858. ix, 502 p., 1 1. 12�. 1342

Copies: LC; OrP.

Western missions and missionaries: a series
of letters. New York: James B. Kirker, late
Edward Dunigan and Brother, 1863. 1 p.l.,
(1)8-532 p. 12�. 1343

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC.

Lettres choisies du Reverend Pere Pierre-
Jean de Smet de la Compagnie de Jesus, mis-
sionnaire aux fitats-Unis d'Amerique. 3. ed.,
soigneusement revues et corrigees d'apres les
manuscrits de l'auteur et augmentees de nom-
breuses notes. En quatre series. Bruxelles: M.
Closson et Cie.; Paris: H. Repos et Cie., 1875-
78. 4 v. 8�. 1344

Serie 2 has the imprint: Bruxelles: F. Haenen;
Paris: H. Repos et Cie., 1876. Serie 4 lacks the im-
print of H. Repos et Cie.

Contents: Serie 1: 1849-1857. Serie 2: 1855-1861.
Serie 3: 1860-1867. Serie 4: 1867-1873.

Copies: NYPL (serie 2; HBC); LC (serie 1-3).



Life, letters and travels of Father Pierre-Jean
de Smet, S. J. 1801-1873... Edited from the
original unpublished manuscript journals and
letter books and from his printed works with
historical, geographical, ethnological and other
notes; also a life of Father De Smet. By Hiram
Martin Chittenden and Alfred Talbot Richard-
son. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1905. 4 v.
illus. 8�. 1345

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC.

Personal letters of Rev. P. J. de Smet, S. J.,
now published for the first time. Translated by
John E. Cahalan, A. M. (United States Catholic
Historical Society. Historical records and stud-
ies. New York, 1906. 8�. v. 4, p. 265-284.)

Copy: NYPL (IAA). 1346

Soissons, Guy Jean Raoul Eugene Charles

Emmanuel de Savoie-Carignan, comte


A Parisian in America. Boston: Estes and

Lauriat tcop. 1896]. xii, 259 p. in-16. 1347

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.


Les mines de la Calif ornie. Limoges: Barbou
freres (1852,. 3 pi, (1)12-98 p., 1 pi. 8�. 1348

Copy: HEH.

Gontran le chercheur d'or, ou les mines de la
Californie. Limoges: Barbou [1865]. 144 p.
in-12. 1349

This is probably the same text as the previous item.
Copy: BN.


En Amerique: journal de voyage. Gand:
Siffer, 1884. 346 p. in-8. 1350

Reprinted from Magazin litteraire et scientifique,

Copy: Bib. Royale.

Sosnowski, K.

Choses apergus au cours d'un rapide voyage a
tra vers les �tats-Unis. Paris: Gauthier-Villars,
1916. 40 p. gr-in-8 fig. 1351

Copy: BN.

Soulie, Gaston.

La grande aventure: l'epopee du comte de
Raousset-Boulbon au Mexique (1850-1854).
Paris: Payot, 1926. 253 p. in-8. 1352

This study is to a considerable degree based upon
the manuscript correspondence of the comte de Raous-
set-Boulbon. The author prints as an appendix to this
volume four letters written by Raousset-Boulbon from
San Francisco from April 16, 1853 to January 25,
1854. Raousset-Boulbon was a romantic figure. He
was in distress in Paris when news of the California
gold rush first came to the French public. He responded
at once and sailed for California with borrowed money.
He arrived in San Francisco in 1850, but when in the
course of several years even San Francisco began to
take on aspects of civilization Raousset-Boulbon moved
to Sonora. There he sought to exercise his newly-
discovered political genius by attempting to establish
a French colony. His melancholy failure had even a
touch of grandeur about it. He was executed by the
Mexican authorities, Aug. 12, 1854.

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC; BN.

Souvenirs d'Amerique et de France, par une
creole [Mme. Frederic Allainj. Paris: Perisse
freres, 1883. 387 p. gr-in-8. 1353

New Orleans, p. 125-249.

Copies: NYPL (NKW) ; MH; BN.

Spalding, Martin John.

Sketches of the life, times, and character of
the Rt. Rev. Benedict Joseph Flaget, first bishop
of Louisville. Louisville, Ky.: Webb and Lev-
ering, 1852. xvi, (1)18-406 p., 1 1. 8�. 1354

Spalding in writing this biography made extensive
use of Flaget's manuscript diaries and of an enormous
collection of private correspondence which have been
lost to modern historians, with the exception of Flaget's
diary for the year 1812, which has been translated and

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Stevens, Benjamin Franklin.

B. F. Stevens's facsimiles of manuscripts in
European archives relating to America, 1773-
1783; with descriptions, editorial notes, colla-
tions, references and translations. London,
1889-98. 25 v. f�. 1355

This extraordinary work is of the first importance
for Franco-American relations during the decade 1773-
1783. It is elaborately indexed and cross-indexed. For
the following French travellers in the United States
it is of very considerable interest and value: du Buys-
son, d'Estaing, Gerard, Holker, Kalb, Lafayette, Mau-
roy, Rochambeau, de Rouvroy and de Ternay.

Copies: NYPL (flAG); LC.

Stiegler, Gaston.

Le tour du monde en 63 jours. Nombreuses
reproductions de vues prises par l'auteur. Paris:
Societe frangaise d'imprimerie et de librairie,
1901. 360 p. 8�. 1356

Pages 299-338 describe the author's travels from
San Francisco through Chicago and Niagara Falls to
New York.

Copies: NYPL (KBG) ; MB.

Stocquart, �mile.

La loi federate des fitats-Unis sur la faillite.
Bruxelles: Revue [de droit international, 1900].
9 p. 8�. 1356A

Reprinted from the Revue de droit international et
de legislation comparee, serie 2, v. 2, 1900.
Copy: NYPL (t TLX p.v.5, no.2).

La vie judiciaire a New-York. Bruxelles:
Ve F. Larcier, 1900. 23 p. gr-in-8. 1357

Copy: BN.

L'ouvrier americain; conference donnee au
Cercle de critiques et de lectures juridiques de la
Conference de jeune barreau de Bruxelles, le ler
decembre 1900. Bruxelles: Alliance typogra-
phique, 1901. 30 p. 8�. 1357A

Copy: NYPL (TDB p.v.194, no. 6).

Straten-Ponthoz, Auguste van der, comte.

Recherches sur la situation des emigrants aux
fitats-Unis de 1' Amerique du Nord. Bruxelles:
Meline, Cans et Cie., 1846. vii, 158 p. gr. in-8
avec grande carte. 1358

Author was a Belgian diplomat in America in 1844—5.

Copies: NYPL (SEV) ; LC.

Onderzoek naar den toestand der landver-
huizers in de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-
Amerika. Utrecht: W. H. Van Heijningen,
1847. 2 p.l., 124 p., 1 folded map. 8�. 1359

Copy: LC.



Strauss, Louis.

Les �tats-Unis. Renseignements historiques.
Renseignements geographiques. Industrie agri-
cole. Bruxelles: Lacroix, Verboeckhoven et
Cie., 1867. 436 p. in-8. 1360

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC.

Stroehlix, Erxest.

Aux �tats-Unis. Impressions de nature et
souvenirs historiques. Geneve: Henry Kiindig,
1903. 47 p. in-8. 1361

Copies: NYPL (IAG p.v.207, no.10); LC; HCW.

Strowski, Fortuxat Joseph.

La Bruyere en Amerique. Les caracteres, ou,
Les moeurs de ce siecle. Paris: J. Tallandier
t1929]. 157 p., 1 1. 123. 1362

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC.

Suchard, Philippe.

Un voyage dans les �tats-Unis, il y a quarante
ans. Neuchatel: J. Sandoz, 1868. in-8. 1363

Copy: Lorenz.

Le tour du monde en grande vitesse. Neu-
chatel: J. Sandoz, 1875. in-8. 1364

Copy: Lorenz.

Suvorova, prixcess.

Quarante jours a New- York; impressions de
voyage. Paris: E. Dentu, 1878. 3 p.l., 170 p.,
1 1. 12�. 1365

Copies: LC; HCW.

L'empire du travail. La vie aux �tats-Unis.
Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1905. xi, 296 p. 16�. 1366

Author's pseud., Anadoli, at head of title.
Copies: NYPL (ILH); ICJ; BN.

Taboulet, G., joint author. See Imbert, A.,
axd G. Taboulet.


Notice sur la Riviere Rouge dans le territoire
de la Baie-d'Hudson. Montreal: Bureau des
Melanges Religieux, 1843. 32 p. 8�. 1367

Wagner states that this was probably written by
Tache. It contains a full account of the evangelization
of the North West and a short account of Blanchet
and Demers' journey to Oregon in 1838.


Les beaux arts aux �tats-Unis. (Arts plas-
tiques, etat general de la musique et de l'opera-
lyrique.) Paris, 1857. 72 p. in-8. 1368

Reprinted from Revue philosophique et religieuse.
Copy: BN.

Talleyraxd-Perigord, Charles Maurice
Camille, marquis de.

fitude sur la Republique des �tats-Unis
d' Amerique. 1776-1876. New York: Hurd and
Houghton, 1876. 226 p., 1 1. in-8. 1369

Copies: NYPL (IAG); LC.

Talleyraxd-Perigord, Charles Maurice de,
Prixce de Bexevext.
Lettres de M. de Talleyrand a Mme de Stael
tirees des archives du chateau de Broglie. (Re-

vue d'histoire diplomatique. Paris, 1890. 8�.
annee 4, p. 209-221.) 1370

Contains six letters written from Philadelphia, New
York, and Boston and dated from May 12, 1794, to
March 8, 1796. For the interests and the land specu-
lations of Madame de Stael in the United States see
the interesting study by Richmond Laurin Hawkins,
Madame de Stai-l and the United States, Cambridge.

Copy: NYPL (BAA).

Les fitats-Unis et l'Angleterre en 1795. (Re-
vue d'histoire diplomatique. Paris, 1889. 8�.
annee 3, p. 64-77.) 1371

Written to Lord Lansdowne and dated Feb. 1 1795
Copy: NYPL (BAA).

Correspondance diplomatique de Talleyrand.
La Mission de Talleyrand a Londres, en 1792
. . . Ses lettres d'Amerique a Lord Lansdowne.
Avec introduction et notes de Georges Pallain.
Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et C'e, 1889. 2 p.l.,
xxxii, 479 p., 1 port. in-8. 1372

Pages 421-454 contain one letter from Philadelphia
dated Feb. 1, 1795, and three letters from New York
dated June 15, 28 and July 8, 1795.

Copies: NYPL (DGD); LC.

Memoire sur les relations commerciales des
�tats-Unis avec l'Angleterre, par le citoyen Tal-
leyrand. Lu le 15 germinal an 5. (Institut na-
tional des sciences et arts. Memoires. Sciences
morales et politiques. Paris: Baudouin, Im-
primeur de l'lnstitut national, fructidor an vn
t1799,. 4�. tome 2, p. 86-106.) 1373

Copies: NYPL (*EO); MH.

Memoire sur les relations commerciales des
fitats-Unis avec l'Angleterre. . .suivi d'un Essai
sur les avantages a retirer de colonies nouvelles
dans les circonstances presentes. Londres: J.
Dean, 1808. 47 p. 2. ed. 8�. 1374

Copies: NYPL (TLC p.v.26, no. 4); WLCL.

Memoir concerning the commercial relations
of the United States with England. . .to which
is added An essay upon the advantages to be
derived from new colonies in the existing cir-
cumstances. . . London: Longman, Hurst, Rees
and Orme, 1806. 87 p. 8�. 1375

Copies: NYPL (TLX p.v.ll, no. 12); HEH.
Boston: Printed by T. B. Wait & Com-
pany, 1809. 22 p. 12�. 1376

Copies: NYPL (* C p.v.955, no. 12); LC.

Talleyrand's defence. Strictures on the
American state papers delivered by the president
of the United States, to the American Congress,
on April 5 (i. e. 3] 1798. Including the official
correspondence, with the American envoys, at
Paris... By M. Talleyrand... Translated
from the French. London: Printed for J. S.
Jordan, 1798. 25(1) p. 8�. 1376A

Copies: NYPL ("KF); CSmH.

Extraits des memoires du prince de Talley-
rand-Perigord; recueillis et mis en ordre par la
comtesse 0...du C. [E. L. de Lamothe-
Langon., Paris: C. Le Clere, 1838-39. 4 v. 8�.

Copy: NYPL (DGD). 1377

Memoires du prince de Talleyrand; publies
avec une preface et des notes par le due de
Broglie. Paris: Calmann Lew, 1891-92. 5 v.
illus. 8�. 1378

Copies: NYPL (DGD); LC.



Talleyraxd-Perigord. C. M. de, continued

Memoirs of the Prince de Talleyrand. Edited,
with a preface and notes, by the Due de Broglie.
Translated by Raphael Ledos de Beaufort.
With an introduction by Whitelaw Reid. New
York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1891-92. 5 v. illus.
8C. 1379

Pages 173—186 of v. 1 are devoted to his stay in the
United States. For other references consult the index.
Copies: NYPL (DGD); LC.

Paris: The Xapoleon Society, 1895. 5 v.

8�. 1380

Copy: NYPL (DGD).

See also under Balden sperger, Ferxand;
Barber, Samuel; Evans, Paul D. ; Lacour-
Gayet, Georges.

Talox, Omer.

The founder of the French settlement at Asylum, Pa.

See under Murray, Louise (Welles).
Taxguy de la Boissiere, C. C.

This Frenchman was the first to publish a journal
of political economy in America. Little is known about
his career. See Fay, Bibliographie critique, p. 85-87
and appendix 1 and 2, and "French Newspapers in
the United States before 1800," published as volume
xiv, part 2 (1920) of the Papers of the Bibliographical
Society of America.

Memoire sur la situation commerciale de la
France avec les �tats-Unis. . .1775-1795. . .
[Philadelphia 1796.] in-8. 1381

Copy: JHH.

Observations sur la depeche ecrite le 16 Jan-
vier 1797, par M. Pickering, secretaire d'etat
des �tats-Unis, a M. Pinkney [Sic!] ministre
plenipotentiaire des Iitats-Unis pres la Repub-
lique Francaise. A Philadelphia Imprime & se
trouve chez Moreau de Saint-Mery, imprimeur-
libraire, au coin de Front & de Walnut streets.
1797. 50 p. 8�. 1381A

Copy: LC.

Observations on the dispatch written the 16th.
January 1797, by Mr. Pickering, Secratary
[Sic.') of State of the United States of America,
to Mr. Pinkney [Sic!) minister plenipotentiary
of the United Sates \sic!j near the French Re-
public. Translated from the French by Samuel
Chandler. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by
Moreau de Saint-Mery, book-seller and printer,
corner of Front and Walnut streets, 1797. 50 p.
8�. 1381B

Copies: NYPL (CK p.v.147); LC.

Tapox-Foujas, F.

Certainly we have no evidence of a more curious
traveller than this French-Belgian journalist who might
have just stepped out of a comic opera to enter the
United States, where he arrived in 1853 at New York
City. According to his autobiographical account he was
born at Roanne, France, in 1810. He worked in a bank,
then taught school, later went into industry, and finally
into the insurance business. Possibly it was an insur-
ance scandal that sent him into journalism. He went
to Brussels in the early 1850's and there he gained the
reputation of an eccentric and the title of "le respectable
maniaque." Coming to New York in 1853, he sought
to visit his mother and brother and to warn the United
States against the Pope and the plots of the Jesuits. In
New York City on Jan. 28, 1854 he published the first

number of L'Anti-Pape, a newspaper in folio, written,
published, and sold by himself. This French newspaper
struggled through seven issues, the last appearing May
14 of the same year. This was followed by seven num-
bers of Le Petit Figaro (gr. in-4), the first appearing
June 25, 1854. Everywhere he thought that he was
followed by "the bloodhounds of the Jesuits." He was
surrounded by spies and even shopkeepers tried to starve
him by refusing to sell him food. In 1855 he left "la
terre classique du puff, du hombugg et du chantage"
and returned to Brussels where he was followed by the
implacable hatred of his enemies. During the six
years that followed he said that he wrote ten thousand
lines of verse and between 25 to 30 acts of his "re-
forming dramas." He could not sell his plays; and his
enemies prevented his selling a single copy of his books.
He had all his literary productions carefully registered
at the Hotel de Ville, where Dr. Maurice Chazin first
found them, and to this precaution he owes his tem-
porary success in his great struggle against oblivion.
From 1857 to 1861 he published at Brussels, Crispin,
revue critique et litteraire, a weekly for which he
wrote all the articles, signing them with different names.
Crispin in 1861 became La Nouvelle Menipee, journal
satire en vers, which survived from January 15 to May
10, 1861. His writings were heavy and incredibly dull
and we can sympathize with the newspaper editor who
said that if he printed the stuff that Tapon-Foujas
turned out he would lose five thousand subscribers in a
month. His writings are chiefly based on his experi-
ences in New York, especially in journalistic circles
there. Poor Tapon-Foujas could never understand why
pensions, decorations and membership in the Academy
were denied him.

Les lettres americaines, correspondance uni-
verselle. Liege: chez l'auteur, 1856. 152 p. in-8.

Copy: Bib. Royale. 1382

Une succession a l'americaine. Comedie en
trois actes et en vers. Verviers: Goffin, 1856.
48 p. in-8. 1383

Copy: Bib. Royale.

L'ficole du journalisme en Amerique. Come-
die en trois actes et en vers. Bruxelles, 1857.
44 p. in-12. 1384

Copy: Bib. Royale.

Xotice biographique sur F. Tapon-Foujas,
auteur des Drames reformateurs, par lui-meme.
Bruxelles, 1857. 64 p. in-12. 1385

Copy: Bib. Royale.

La Roulette aux eaux. Comedie en trois actes
et en vers. (7e drame reformateur.) Bruxelles:
tchez l'auteur?] 1857. 62 p. in-12. 1386

Copy: Bib. Royale.

Le sens moral en Amerique, ou l'ecole des
mandarins. Comedie en trois actes et en vers.
Bruxelles: [chez l'auteur?] 1857. xi, 56 p. in-12.

Copy: Bib. Royale. 1387

Le secret de la scission en Amerique. Comedie
politique en deux actes et en vers avec prologue.
Bruxelles, 1859. (4<= Drame reformateur.) 1388

Copy: Bib. Royale.

Tardieu, Axdre Pierre Gabriel Amedee.

Xotes sur les �tats-Unis: la societe — la
politique — la diplomatic Paris: Calmann-
Levv [1908]. 2 p.l., iii, 381 p. in-8. 1389

Copies: XYPL (ILH); LC.

L' Amerique en armes. Paris: Charpentier,
1919. ix, 320 p. in-18. 1390

Copies: LC; MB; HCW.

Devant l'obstacle; 1' Amerique et nous. Paris:
�mile-Paul freres, 1927. xii, 311 p. 12�. 1391
Copies: NYPL (ICM - France) ; LC.



Tardieu, A. P. G. A., continued

France and America; some experiences in
cooperation. Boston and New York: Houghton
Mifflin Company, 1927. vii(i), 311(1) p. 8�.

Copies: NYPL (ICM - France) ; LC. 1392

See also Questions actuelles.

Tardivel, Jules Paul.

La situation religieuse aux fltats-Unis. Il-
lusions et realite. Lille, Paris: Desclee, de Brou-
wer et O*. 1900. viii, 307 p. in-16. 1393

Copies: LC; MB; BX.

Tasse, Joseph.

Les Canadiens de l'Ouest. Montreal: Com-
pagnie d'Imprimerie canadienne, 1878. 2 v.
xxxvii, 356; 401 p. 8�. 1393A

"This work is full of information on the Canadian
voyageurs and explorers of the first half of the 19th
century, some of whom played a considerable part in
the establishment of the West: Langlade, Salomon
Juneau of Milwaukee, Julien Dubuque, founder of the
city of the same name, G. Franchere, Jos. Rolette of
Wisconsin, etc. There were five or six editions of this
work." — Aegidius Fauteux.

Copies: NYPL (HWE; 2. ed.) ; LC; MPL.

Tavano, Charles Felix.

A l'ombre des buildings. Roman. Paris: fidi-
tions Jules Tallandier, 1931. 221 p. in-16. 1394

A thinly-disguised novel of New York life. His
viewpoint is revealed by his quotation from Regis
Michaud's introduction to the French edition of Menck-
en's Prejudices.

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC.

Ternant, Jean de. See Correspondence of the
French Ministers.

Ternay, chevalier de. See Stevens, Benja-
min Franklin. Facsimiles. . .

Tessan, Franqois de.

Promenades au Far-West. Paris: Plon-

Nourrit et C�e 1912. 3 p.l., iii, 337 p., 1 1. in-16.

Copies: NYPL (IX); LC; BN. 1395

Notes d'un temoin. Les grands jours de
France en Amerique: mission Viviani-Joffre
(avril - mai 1917). Paris: Plon-Nourrit et Cie,
1917. 3 p.l., 310 p., 1 1. in-8. 1396

Copies: NYPL (BTZS); LC; HCW.

Thebaud, Augustus J.

Forty years in the United States of America
(1839-1 885)... with a biographical sketch by
the Rev. T. J. Campbell ; edited by C. G. Her-
bermann. New York: The United States Cath-
olic Historical Society, 1904. 360 p. illus. 8�.
(Monograph series, no. 2.) 1397

Copies: NYPL (IAA); LC.

Thellier de Poncheville, Charles.

La France vue d' Amerique. Paris: Bloud et
Gav, 1918. 80 p. in-12. ("Pages actuelles,"
1914-1918. nos. 117-118.) 1398

Contents: Un careme de guerre a Montreal. Le sang
de France au Canada. L'amitie americaine.

An ecclesiastic who visited the United States and
Canada on an official mission during the war.

Copies: NYPL (BTZE - Pages) ; MH.


Voyage de la Delegation ouvriere envoyee
par le gouvernement frangais a l'Exposition de
Chicago. (In: France. — Ministere du Com-
merce, de l'lndustrie, des Postes et des Tele-
graphes. Exposition internationale de Chicago
en 1893. Rapports publies sous la direction de
M. Camille Krantz. Rapports de la Delegation
ouvriere a l'Exposition de Chicago. Paris: Im-
primerie nationale, 1894. 4�. p. 7-31.) 1399

Copy: NYPL (VC, Chicago).

Thomas, Frank.

Nouveau Monde: souvenirs d'un voyage en
Amerique, avec 15 vignettes d'apres les photo-
graphies de M. David Lenoir. Geneve: J. H.
Jeheber [1898,. 316 p. in-12. 1400

Author is interested in the Protestant church in the
United States.

Copies: NYPL (ZDW); LNH.

Thomas, Louis.

Les fitats-Unis inconnus. . . Paris: Perrin et
O, 1920. 2 p.l., 288 p. in-16. 1401

Copies: NYPL (ILD); MB; BN.

Thomassy, Raymond.

Geologie pratique de la Louisiane. Chez l'au-
teur a la Nouvelle-Orleans et a Paris, Chez
Lacroix et Baudry, 1860. lxviii, 263(1) p.,
2 pi., 5 maps. 4�. 1401A

The title of this book is misleading, for the author
by no means confines himself to geological considera-
tions in describing his travels in Louisiana.

Copies: NYPL (PVC) ; LC; SSL.

Thomson, Valentine.

La vie sentimentale de Rachel d'apres des
lettres inedites. . . Paris: Calmann-Levy [1910].
iv, 279 p., 2 1. in-16. 1402

A valuable book, written chiefly from unpublished
letters. Her American tour is discussed: p. 251-269.
Copies: NYPL; LC (3. ed., undated).

Tilly, Jacques Pierre Alexandre, comte de.
Memoires du comte Alexandre de Tilly, pour
servir a l'histoire des mceurs de la fin du 18e
siecle. Paris: Chez les marchands de nouveautes
[Le Normant fils, imprimeur], 1828. 3 v. 8�.

1402 A

The comte de Tilly did not complete his memoirs to
include his American experiences, but important ma-
terials on his stay in the United States will be found
in v. 3, p. 243-256.

It is not clear why he came to America in 1797 nor
can the exact date of his arrival be established. He
was intimate with the vicomte de Noailles, through whom
he was introduced to the wealthy Bingham family of
Philadelphia. He succeeded in marrying the daughter,
Maria Mathilda Bingham in April, 1799. The family
became enraged; the couple separated in June and in
July a cash settlement of �5,000 sterling and an annual
"rente" of �500 persuaded the comte de Tilly to leave
America in July, when he sailed for England.

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC; BN.

Tinker, Edward Larocque.

Les ecrits de la langue franchise en Louisi-
ane au xixe siecle. Paris: Champion [printed
1932,. 2 p.l., 502 p. 8�. 1402B

This valuable book, printed in 1932, will probably
be released during 1933. The author kindly com-
municated the volume to me in advance of publication.
By his many years of labor in the field (including the
formation of an extraordinary collection of newspapers,
pamphlets, and books) the author has become the au-
thority in the field. His book will be the standard



Tixkkr. Edward Larocque, continued

work on Louisiana writers in French during the nine-
teenth century. It is arranged in the form of a bio-
graphical dictionary which contains extensive biblio-
graphical notes. Mr. Tinker has also compiled a bibli-
ography of the French newspapers and periodicals of
Louisiana which is scheduled for publication during
1933 by the American Antiquarian Society. An intro-
duction will contain the history of journalism in Louisi-
ana and the bibliographical notes will cover 137 papers
published in New Orleans and 107 papers published
in the various parishes.

The value of both these volumes is increased by
the author's liberal quotations from the writings which
he lists.

Tinseau, Leon de.

Du Havre a Marseille par l'Amerique et le
Japon. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1891. 2 p.l., 331 p.
in-8. 1403

Pages 1-66 are devoted to America.

Copies: LC (2. ed., 1891); BN.

Tissandier, Albert.

Six mois aux Iitats-Unis; voyage d'un tou-
riste dans l'Amerique du Nord... Paris: G.
Masson [1886,. 2 p.l., 298 p., 1 1. gr-in-8 avec
82 gravures, 8 planches, 2 cartes. 1404

Copies: NYPL (ILD) ; LC; BN.


Mon tour du monde. Paris: Louis Querelle
[1928,. 4 p.l., (1)12-479(1) p. illus. in-16.

Copies: LC; BN. 1405

Tixier, Victor.

Voyage aux prairies osages, Louisiane et Mis-
souri, 1839-1840. Clermont-Ferrand: Perol;
Paris: Roret, 1844. 260 p., 2 1. illus. 8�. 1406

"Tixier left France Nov. 23, 1839, and arrived at
New Orleans Jan. 27, 1840, where he received an in-
vitation from Major Chouteau to visit the Osages and
hunt buffalo with him. Arrived at St. Louis 12th of
May and from there went to Independence; leaving
Independence May 20th for Papins trading post, called
Nion-Chou. He accompanied the Osages on a buffalo
hunt to the Grand Saline." — Wagner, The Plains and
Rockies, p. 62.

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC.

Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Mau-
rice Clerel de.

No attempt has been made to list here the various
editions, either in French or English, of the author's
Democracy in America.

CEuvres completes d'Alexis de Tocqueville,
pub. par Madame de Tocqueville. [Paris:
Michel Levy freres, 1864-67.) 9 v. 8�. 1407

The following volumes contain material relating to
America: v. 1-3: De la Democratic en Amerique. v.
5: Correspondance et ceuvres posthumes. v. 6: Corre-
spondance. v. 7: Nouvelle correspondance entiere-
ment inedite. v. 8: Melanges, fragments historiques
et notes sur l'ancien regime, la revolution et l'empire.
Voyages — Pensees.

Copies: NYPL (NKF) ; LC.

Unpublished letters of Alexis de Tocqueville.
(Romanic review. Lancaster, Pa., 1928-29. 8�.
v. 19, p. 195-217; v. 20, p. 351-356.) 1408

Published with notes by Richmond Laurin Hawkins.

Letters of de Tocqueville to Jared Sparks, Charles
Sumner, the Rev. Mr. Barrett, John Canfield Spencer,
and C. T. W. Ellis.

Copy: NYPL (RDTA).

See also under Hawkins, Richmond Lau-
rin, editor.


Scenes de l'Amerique du Nord en 1849. Leip-
zig: Avenarius & Mendelssohn, 1850. vi, 134 p.
in-16. 1409

This very interesting and little-known volume is
cast in the form of ten letters, all written during the
year 1849 from various cities in the United States:
Petersburgh, Va., New Orleans, Saint Louis (4 letters),
Louisville, Niagara (2 letters), and Washington. He
speaks of the Biblical Socialists at the Icarian Colony
at Nauvoo, 111., and of the Mormons.

Copy: LC.

Toutain, Paul.

Un Francais en Amerique. Yankees, Indiens,
Mormons. Paris: E. Plon et C'e, 1876. 2 p.l.,
iv, 233 p. in-12. 1410

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC.

Touzalin, Lida M.

L'Amerique a table ou, 200 recettes de cuisine
americaine. [Paris:] E. Flammarion [Cop.
1929]. x, (1)12-218 p., 1 1. in-16. 1411

Copies: NYPL (VTI) ; LC; BN.

Tower, Charlemagne, jr.

The Marquis de La Fayette in the American
Revolution, with some account of the attitude
of France toward the War of Independence.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1895. 2 v. x,
494; 537 p. in-8. 1412

Copies: NYPL (IG) ; LC; BN.

Tranaltos, F. de, joint author. See Cortam-
bert, Louis Richard, and F. de Tran-

Translation of an extract from a letter of one
of the French emigrants to the Scioto dated,
Crique des Buffaloes, on the Ohio, October 20,
1790. (In: Theodore Thomas Belote, The Sci-
oto speculation and the French settlement at
Gallipolis. Cincinnati [1907]. 8�. p. 73-74.)


This letter was first published in the Pennsylvania
Packet, November 29, 1790.

Copies: NYPL (IVB p.v.l, no.5); LC.

Trasenster, Paul.

Aux �tats-Unis. Notes de voyage d'un in-
genieur. Liege: A. Desoer, 1885. 258 p. in-12.

Copies: LC; BM; BN. 1413

Le Travail industriel aux �tats-Unis. See
Belgium. — Ministere de l'Industrie, du
Travail et du Revitaillement . . .

Traversay de Rochefort, A. T. See under
Rochefort, A. T. de.


La Californie devoilee; ou, Verites irrecu-
sables appuyees sur de nombreux temoinages sur
cette partie du globe. Paris: Printed by Bo-
naventure and Ducessois, 1850. 60 p. illus. 8�.


This was one of a host of pamphlets produced by the
excitement concerning the discovery of gold in Cali-
fornia, but it differs from the majority in that it
contains translations of excerpts from English and
American newspapers as well as copies of correspond-
ence from Frenchmen who were in California. Treny
publishes an interesting letter from one Leopold Perrot,
dated from San Francisco, April 26, 1849 (see p. 35-

Copies: NYPL (IXG); C.



Tricoche, Georges Nestles.

La question des noirs aux fitats-Unis. Paris:
Guillaumin, 1894. 44 p. 8�. 1415

Copies: NYPL (IEC p.v.7, no. 7); LC; BN.

Le communisme en action: etude des com-
munistic societies aux fitats-Unis. Paris: Guil-
laumin et Cie., 1896. 35 p. 8�. 1416

Reprinted from Journal des economistes, 15 mars

Copies: NYPL (t SFC p.v.67, no. 7); BN.

Les milices des fitats-Unis d'Amerique.
Paris: Charles Lavauzelle [1896]. 55 p. 8�.

Copies: NYPL (VWZW p.v.19, no.9) ; BN.

La vie militaire a l'etranger: notes d'un en-
gage volontaire au lle United States Cavalry.
Paris: Charles Lavauzelle [1897). 352 p. in-16.

Copies: NYPL (VWZW); BN. 1418

Societes secretes et assurances fraternelles
aux fitats-Unis. Paris: Guillaumin et Cie., 1901.
47(1) p. 4�. 1419

Reprinted from Journal des economistes, mars 1901.
Copy: NYPL (SKH p.v.16, no.4).

L'an 1901 aux fitats-Unis. Bruxelles: P.
Weissenbruch, 1902. 10 p. 4�. 1420

Reprinted from Revue de Belgique.
Copy: NYPL (IL p.v.14, no.30).

Les academies militaires privees aux fitats-
Unis. Paris: Charles Lavauzelle [1903j. 57 p.
12�. 1421

Copies: NYPL (VWE p.v.17, no.5); LC.

Quelques mots sur la nouvelle loi de milices
aux fitats-Unis. Paris: Charles Lavauzelle
[1904,. 17 p. 8�. 1422

Copies: NYPL (VWE p.v.67, no.4); MB (1903).

Les occupations des femmes aux fitats-Unis.
Bruxelles: P. Weissenbruch, 1904. 8 p. 4�. 1423

Reprinted from Revue de Belgique.
Copy: NYPL (SNO p.v.l, no.17).

Les magasins a succursales multiples et l'or-
ganisation du commerce au detail aux fitats-
Unis. Paris: Societe du recueil Sirey, 1921.
568-595 p. 4�. 1424

Excerpt: Revue d'economie politique, 1921.
Copy: NYPL (TLC p.v.101, no.6).

...Au Maine et au Nouveau-Brunswick.
Paris: Pierre Roger, 1925. 269 p. map, plates.
12�. 1425

At head of title: Un coin oublie de la Nouvelle

Copies: NYPL (HV); LC; BN.

Trente annees aux fitats-Unis. Paris: fidi-

tions de la Revue Mondiale, 1927. 303 p. in-16.

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN. 1426

Trobriand, Philippe Regis Denis te Kere-
dern, comte de.
Quatre ans de campagnes a l'Armee du Po-
tomac. . . Paris: A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven et
Cie. 1867-68. 2v. 350; 380 p. in-8. 1427

Copies: NYPL (IKC); LC; BN.

Four years with the Army of the Potomac. . .
Translated by G. K. Dauchy. . . Boston: Tick-
nor and Company, 1889. 1 p.l., xix p., 1 1., 757 p.
illus. 8�. 1428

Copies: NYPL (IKL); LC.

Vie militaire dans le Dakota; notes et sou-
venirs (1867-1869). Paris: Champion, 1926.
xvi, 407(1) p. in-8 avec un portrait. 1429

Copies: NYPL (HBC); LC; BN.

See also under Post, Marie Caroline.
Trubert, Maurice.

Impressions et souvenirs d'un diplomate.
Turquie, Autriche, fitats-Unis, Balkans, Bresil.
Paris: Perrin et Cie, 1913. 3 p.l., (1)4-292 p.
in-16. 1430

Pages 159-221 are devoted to the United States.

Copies: NYPL (KBK); MB; BN.

Trudeau, Jean Baptiste.

Journal of Jean Baptiste Truteau on the Up-
per Missouri, "Premiere Partie," June 7, 1794-
March 26, 1795. (American historical review.
Lancaster, Pa., 1914. 8�. v. 19, p. 299-333.)

1430 A

Edited with an introduction and numerous notes.
Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Journal of Jean Baptiste Trudeau among the
Arikara Indians in 1795. (Missouri Historical
Society. Collections. St. Louis, 1912. 8�. v. 4,
p. 9-48.) 1431

Translated by Mrs. H. T. Beauregard.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Trudeau's Journal. (South Dakota historical
collections. Pierre, S. D., 1914. 8�. v. 7, p. 403-
474.) 1431 A

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Trudeau's Description of the Upper Mis-
souri. (Mississippi valley historical review.
Cedar Rapids, la., 1921. 8�. v. 8, p. 149-179.)

Copy: NYPL (IAA). 1431B

Truteau, Jean Baptiste. See under Trudeau,
Jean Baptiste.

Turenne d'Aynac, Gabriel Louis, comte de.

Quatorze mois dans l'Amerique du Nord.
(1875-1876.) Paris: A. Quantin, 1879. 2 v. ii,
390; 396 p. in-12. 1432

Copies: NYPL (HV) ; LC; HCW.

Turner, Frederick Jackson, editor. See
Correspondence of the French Min-
isters. . .

Turpain, Albert.

Douze cents milles a travers les fitats-Unis.
Paris: Secretariat de 1' Association pour
l'avancement des sciences, 1920. 39 p. in-8. 1433

Copy: JHH.

Turreau de Garambouville, Louis Marie.
See under Turreau de Linieres, Louis
Marie, baron.

Turreau de Linieres, Louis Marie, baron.
AperQu sur la situation politique des fitats-
Unis d'Amerique. Paris: Firmin Didot, 1815.
154 p. in-8. 1434

As a young man Turreau fought in the War of the
American Revolution; during the French Revolution
he was a general noted for his cruelties in the Vendean
War. From 1804 to 1811 he was Minister to the United
States. He died in 1816.

Copies: NYPL (ID); LC; BN.




Relation d'un voyage en Afrique et en
Amerique, par Madame *****. Namur:
Impr. de D. Gerard, 1821. 63 p. in-16. 1435

Copy: The NYPL possesses a photostat copy of a
unique copy of this book discovered in the Bibliotheque
Royale de Belgique at Brussels by Dr. Maurice Chazin.
It contains valuable manuscript notes made by Ch. van
Hulthem, to whom this copy was presented at The
Hague, March 1, 1822. From these notes we learn that
the voyage was made during 1802-1805, that the
pamphlet was privately printed and never offered for
sale, and that Madame ***** was, at the time of
the voyage, Mile, van Uitenhage de Mist, who later
married General De Howen and that it was while he
was in garrison at Namur that this little item was

Une des plus anciennes impressions franchises
sur les mceurs de la Nouvelle-Angleterre: Ma-
niere de vivre des Americains. (Revue de
litterature comparee. Paris, 1928. 8�. annee
8, p. 156-160.) 1436

Copy: NYPL (NAA).

Uzanne, Louis Octave.

Vingt jours dans le Nouveau Monde. Paris:
May & Motteroz t1893]. vii, 214 p., 1 1. in-8.

Copies: LC; YVLCL. 1437

Vacher, Leon Clery.

Le homestead aux �tats-Unis. Paris: Guil-
laumin et Cie, 1895. xi, 286 p. in-8. 1438

Copies: NYPL (TEM); LC; BN.

Valcourt, Theophile de.

Les institutions medicales aux fitats-Unis de
l'Amerique du Nord. Rapport presente a son
Excellence le Ministre de l'lnstruction publique,
le 2 decembre, 1868. Paris: A. Delahaye, 1869.
2 p.l., 89 p., 1 1. 8�. 1438A

Copies: LC; ICJ.

Van Den Heuvel, Jules.

Croquis americains. Gand: A. Siffer, 1894.
110 p. in-12. 1438B

Copy: NYPL (ILD).

La lutte contre l'alcoolisme aux fitats-Unis.
[Paris: ] Au secretariat de la Societe d'economie
politique, 1895. 1438C

Reprinted from Reforme sociale.

Copy: Lorenz.

Vandervelde, �mile.

Impressions d'Amerique. Paris, 1905. 17 p.
gr. in-8. 1439

Reprinted from Revue socialiste, tome 41, p. 276-
292, in which form the material is available in NYPL.

Copy: BN.

Vaneechout, �douard Polydore.

Campagnes et stations sur les cotes de l'Ame-
rique du Nord. Par L. du Hailly [pseud.]. Paris:
E. Dentu, 1864. 294 p. in- 18. 1440

Copies: NYPL (IID) ; LC; BN.

Van Vorst, Bessie (McGinnis).

L'Amerique au xvme siecle d'apres un voy-
ageur frangais [le comte de Segurj. (La Revue
des deux mondes. Paris, 1910. 8�. periode 5,
tome 60, p. 191-217.) 1441

Author publishes for the first time manuscripts of
the comte de Segur now belonging to the comtesse

Copy: NYPL (* DM).

La poursuite du bonheur aux �tats-Unis.
Paris: Hachette, 1913. xi, 246 p. in-16. 1441 A
Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC; BN.

Varigny, Charles Victor Crosnier de.

Les grandes fortunes aux fitats-Unis et en
Angleterre. Paris: Hachette, 1889. 296 p. in-
16. 1442

Copies: DCU; HCW.

Les fitats-Unis. Esquisses historiques. Paris:

Ernest Kolb [1892]. 2 p.l., 292 p., 1 1. in-18.

Copies: NYPL (NAR); LC; BN. 1443

La femme aux �tats-Unis. Paris: A. Colin
et O, 1893. 2 p.l., 322 p. in-18. 1444

Copies: NYPL (SN); LC; BN.

The women of the United States... Trans-
lated. . .by Arabella Ward. New York: Dodd,
Mead and Company, 1895. iv, 277 p. 12�. 1445

Copies: NYPL (SN) ; LC.

Varigny, Henry de.

En Amerique. Souvenirs de voyage et notes
scientifiques. Paris: G. Masson [1895]. 300 p.
in-8. 1446

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC (1894); BM.

Varin-Bernier, Rene.

Lettres addressees a mes parents pendant mon
voyage autour du monde. Bar-le-Duc, 1910.
gr-in-8. 1447

Copy: Nourry.

Vaudreuil, marquis de. See Noailles,
Amblard Raymond Marie Amedee, vi-
comte de. Marins et soldats francais en
Amerique. . .

Verbrugghe, Louis, and Georges Ver-


Promenades et chasses dans l'Amerique du

Nord. Paris: C. Levy, 1879. 3 p.l., 351 p.

in-18. 1448

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

Reisen und Jagden in Nord-Amerika. . .
Autorisirte Uebersetzung von H. Schubert.
Bremen: H. Fischer, 1881. 352 p. 12�. 1449

Copies: NYPL (ILD); MH.

Vergnaud, Geo.

Un voyage en Amerique. Sarlat: Imp. de
Michelet, 1911. 78 p. in-8. 1450

Copy: BN.

Vernes, F.

Odisco et Felicie, ou La colonie des Florides.
Paris: Buisson [etc., etc.], an xi — 1803. 2 v.
fronts. 16�. 1450A

Vernes was a Swiss writer who visited Louisiana.
In the preface of this work it is stated that it was
written in Louisiana. Querard notes another edition
published by Maradan in Paris in 1807. Vernes was
also known as Vernes de Luze.

Copy: LC.

Verton, baron de. See under Contenson,
Ludovic DE.




Essais d'histoire diplomatique americaine...
Paris: E. Guilmoto [1905]. 2 p.l., ill, 306 p., 1 1.
in-8. 1451

Copies: NYPL (IL); LC; BN.

L'industrie americaine. Paris: F. Alcan,
1908. 2 p.l., 492 p. in-8. 1452

Copies: NYPL (TAH); IX; BX.

Les fitats-Unis d'Amerique et le conflit euro-
peen... Paris: F. Alcan, 1919. x, 313 p., 1 1.
in-16. 1453

Copies: NYPL (BTZE); LC.

Impressions d'une Franchise en Amerique
(fitats-Unis et Canada). Paris: Plon-Nourrit
et Cie., 1906. 2 p.l., ii, 376 p., 2 1. illus. in-16.

Copies: NYPL (ILH); LC. 1454


A travers l'Amerique du Nord. Paris, 1905.
18 p. gr. in-8. 1455

Reprinted from La Revue de Paris, tome 2, 1905,
p. 513-531, in which form the material is available in

Copy: BX.

See also Comite Fraxce-Amerique.
siox Champlaix, 1912.


Viexxe, Louis Pierre, marquis de. See under
Noailles, Amblard Raymoxd Marie
Amedee, vicomte de. Marins et soldats
frangais en Amerique. . .


De Montreal a Washington (Amerique du
Nord). Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Q*, 1887.
3 p.l., 288 p. in-16. 1456

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC; BN.

De Paris a Washington. Paris: E. Plon,
Nourrit et 0*. 1887. 294 p. in-18. 1457

Copy: BN.


La concentration des forces ouvrieres dans
l'Amerique du Nord. Avec une preface de M.
Paul de Rousiers. Paris: A. Colin et Cie,
1899. xxvi, 362 p. in-16. 1458

Copies: NYPL (TDR); LC; BN.


Paris, New-York, Paris. Preface de M.
Georges Scapini. Paris: Louis Querelle [1928].
229 p., 1 1. in-16. 1459

Copies: NYPL (NKV); LC; BN.


Le theatre americain. Paris: Boivin et C'e
(1929). viii, 202 p. in-12. 1460

A historical survey with emphasis upon the con-
temporary American theatre.
Copies: XYPL (XBL); LC.



Souvenirs du Chevalier de Villebresme, mous-
quetaire de la garde du roi, 1772-1816. Guerre
d'Amerique — emigration. Publies pour la
premiere fois par le vicomte Maurice de Ville-
bresme. Paris: Berger-Levrault & C'e, 1897.
vii, 200 p. in-8 et portr. 1461

Copies: NYPL (DFP); JHH.

Villexeuve-Traxs, Romee Fraxqois de.

A l'ambassade de Washington, octobre 1917 -
avril 1919... Paris: fiditions Bossard, 1921.
2 p.l., 286 p., 1 1. in-8. 1462

Copies: NYPL (BTZS); LC.

Villiers du Terrace, Marc, barox de.

Les dernieres annees de la Louisiane frangaise.
Le chevalier de Kerlerec, d'Abbadie — Aubry,
Laussat... Paris: E. Guilmoto [1904?]. 2 p.l.,
vi, 468 p. in-4� avec 64 illustrations, 4 cartes.


A comprehensive study, based largely upon unpub-
lished manuscripts, in the best tradition of French
scholarship. An excellent index makes accessible the
rich materials concerning the following people, prom-
inent in the history of Louisiana from 1765 to 1803:
d'Abbadie, Aubry, Foucault, Jean Milhet, Pierre Cle-
ment de Laussat, Gen. Collot, and Barbe-Marbois.

Copies: NYPL (II); LC; BN.

Vixcext de Paul, Father. See under Rela-
tiox de ce qui est arrive a deux religieux
de la Trappe. . .

Visixet, Toxy.

Un mois aux fitats-Unis & au Canada, tra-
versees de l'Atlantique par les paquebots neufs
rapides de la Compagnie generale transat-
lantique... Paris: Compagnie generale transat-
lantique, 1887. 2 p.l., ii, 134 p. in-18. 1464

Copies: LC; BN.


La formation du people americain par l'ecole
(notes et impressions). (Le Musee social.
Memoires et documents. Paris, 1912. 8�. annee
1912, p. 21-31.) 1464A

Copy: NYPL (SA).

Yiviaxi, Rexe.

La mission frangaise en Amerique, 24 avril -
13 mai 1917. Paris: E. Flammarion, 1917. 2 p.l.,
264 p. in-16. 1465

Copies: NYPL (BTZS); LC; HCW.

La Mission frangaise Viviani-Joffre aux
fitats-Unis (avril -mai 1917)... [Paris:]
Imprimerie nationale, 1918. 39 p. in-16. 1466

Copies: NYPL (BTZE p.v.318, no.l); LC; BN.


Lettres de Volney a La Revelliere-Lepeaux,
1795-1798. (Annales revolutionnaires. Paris,
1910. 8�. annee 3, p. 161-194.) 1467

Edited, with an introduction and notes, by Albert

Copy: NNC.



Volney, C. F. C, comte de, continued

Tableau du climat et du sol des �tats-Unis
d'Amerique. Suivi d'eclaircissemens sur la
Floride, sur la colonie franchise au Scioto, sur
quelques colonies canadiennes, et sur les sau-
vages. Enrichi de quatre planches gravees, dont
deux cartes geographiques et une coupe figuree
de la chute de Niagara... Paris: Courcier,
1803. 2 v. in 1. fold. map. pi. 4�. 1468

Another copy — NYPL (KN) — contains a sep-
arate pagination for the Vocabulaire de la langue des
Miamis, placed between p. 524 and 533.

Copies: NYPL (* KF); LC.

Paris: Bossange freres, 1822. 2 p.l., xx,

494 p., 2 maps, new ed. 8�. 1469

Copy: NYPL (KN).

Paris: Parmantier, 1825. 1 p.l., xix,

478 p., 2 folded maps. 8�. 1470

Copy: NYPL (KN).

View of the climate and soil of the United
States of America: to which are annexed some
accounts of Florida, the French colony on the
Scioto, certain Canadian colonies, and the sav-
ages or natives: translated from the French of
C. F. Volney. . .with maps and plates. London:
Printed for J. Johnson, 1804. xxiv, (i) iv-v(i),
503(1) p., 2 folded maps, 2 folded pi. 8�. 1471

Translated by Charles B. Brown.
Copies: NYPL (KN, two copies); LC.

A view of the soil and climate of the United
States of America: with supplementary remarks
upon Florida; on the French colonies on the
Mississippi and Ohio, and in Canada; and on
the aboriginal tribes of America. By C. F.
Volney... Translated, with occasional re-
marks, by C. B. Brown. Philadelphia: J. Con-
rad & Co., 1804. xxviii, 446 p., 2 folded maps,
2 folded pi. 8�. 1472

Copies: NYPL (KN; three copies); LC.

C. F. Volneys Reisen durch die Vereinigten
Staaten von Nordamerika. . . Hamburg: G.
Vollmer, 1804. 2 v. illus. 16�. (Magazin der
neuesten und besten auslandischen Reisebe-
schreibungen. Bd. 5-6.) 1472A

Copy: LC.

Viaggio agli Stati Uniti dell' America Set-
tentrionale. Prato: Tip. Giachetti, 1845. 190 p.
illus. 8�. (Raccolta di viaggi. . .compilata da
F. C. Marmocchi. tomo 18.) 1472B

Copies: NYPL (KBD - Marmocchi) ; LC.

Oeuvres de C.-F. Volney... Bruxelles: A.
Wahlen et Cie, 1823. 4 v. in 2. 32�. 1473

Copy: NYPL (BCC).

Deuxieme edition complete. Paris: Par-
mantier, 1825-26. 8 v. illus. 8�. 1474

Copies: NYPL (NKE); MdBP.

Paris: Firmin Didot freres, fils et Cie.,

1864. 2 p.l., 778 p. illus. 4�. 1475

Copy: NYPL (t NKE).

See also under Hawkins, Richmond Lau-


Voyage d'un Autunois en Icarie.. See Job,
Frederic Olinet.

Un Voyage en Amerique au temps de la
guerre de l'independance. (La Revue du dix-
huitieme siecle. Paris, 1918. 4�. annee 5, p. 52-
73.) 1476

This manuscript has been edited from the original
in the BN by Eugene Grisell. The original manuscript
carries the title: "Voyage au continent americain par
un fran^ois en 1777 et reflexions philosophiques sur
ces nouveaux republicans." Only selections from the
early part of the manuscript have been published;
this was intended to be the first article of a series,
but the review itself ceased publication before the
second installment was printed. This anonymous trav-
eller arrived in Charlestown in June, 1777 and later
went to Philadelphia. He gives interesting and valu-
able observations on the negroes, the Quakers, re-
ligion, commerce, and social customs. It is to be hoped
that this manuscript will find publication in full.

Copy: NYPL (* DM).

Voyage d'un Autunois en Icarie a la suite de
Cabet. Autun: Impr. Dejussieu, 1898. 180 p.
in-12. 1477

Copy: Chamonal.

Voyage au Kentoukey, et sur les bords du
Genesee, precede de conseils aux liberaux...
Par M. * * * * Paris: M. Sollier, 1821. iv,
243 p. in-8 map. 1478

Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; LC.

Voyage de La Perouse autour du monde,
publie conformement au decret du 22 avril 1791,
et redige par M. L. A. Milet-Mureau. A Paris:
De lTmprimerie de la Republique [par P. D.
Duboy-Lavernej, An v (1797). 4 v., 4�, and
atlas, f�. 1479

In California for less than ten days in September,

Copies: NYPL (t*KF); LC.

Voyage de Mgr. le comte de Paris et de Mgr.
le due d'Orleans aux fitats-Unis et au Canada.
Paris: Librairie Nationale, 1891. 66 p. gr-in-8.

Copies: NYPL (AN - Orleans) ; BN.

Vuillet, Gerard.

Notes de voyage aux �tats-Unis et au Ca-
nada. Paris: Libr. Dunod, 1928. 12 p. in-4
graphiques, tableaux, photographies. 1481

Copy: BN.

Wagner, Charles.

Vers le coeur de 1' Amerique. Paris: Fisch-
bacher, 1906. viii, 401 p., 1 1. in-16. 1482

Copies: NYPL (ILD); LC (2. ed.); BN.

Watteyne, Victor.

Lettres de Floride. Bruxelles: Societe beige
de librairie, 1892. 80 p. 8�. 1483

Reprinted from the Revue generate, 1891-2.
Copy: NYPL (ITL).

La securite dans les mines aux fitats-Unis.
Bruxelles: L. Narcisse, imprimeur, 1909. 36 p.
8�. 1483A

Copy: LC.

Waxweiler, �mile.

Choses d'Amerique. Bruxelles, 1894. 29 p.
in-8. 1484

Copy: Bib. Royale.



Weillf.r, Lazare.

Les grandes idees d'un grand peuple. Paris:
F. Juven [1903,. 2 p.l., 400 p., 1 1. in-12. 1485

Copies: NVPL (ILH); LC (5. ed., 1902); BN.

Wilson, Bruxo.

Evolution de la race franchise aux fitats-
Unis. Montreal: Beauchemin limitee, 1921. in-
12. 1485A

This book was published without the name of the
author. Wilson is a French-Canadian with an English
name. He was sent by his newspaper, La Presse of
Montreal, to conduct an investigation in the United
States. He travelled in various states for several
months, but chiefly in New England. These articles
were first published in La Prcssc and then republished
in their present form.

Copies: LC; SSL.

Woelmont, Arnold, baron de.

Ma vie nomade aux montagnes Rocheuses.

Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1878. 3 p.l., 366 p.

in-18, 1 carte et 1 gravure. 1486

Copies: NYPL (KWP) ; LC; BN.

Souvenirs du Far-West. Paris: E. Plon et

Cie., 1883. 3 p.l., 269 p. in-18. 1487

Copies: NYPL; LC; BN.

Nellv McEdwards: mceurs americains.
Paris :"Plon-Nourrit, 1885. 297 p. in-18. 1488
Copy: BN.


Voyages et aventures du baron de Wogan.

Paris: Hetzel [1863,. 2 p.l., 326 p., 1 1. 12�.

Copy: LC. 1489

Six mois dans le Far-West; voyages et aven-
tures. Paris: Didier et Cie., 1875. 3 p.l, 326 p.,
1 1.. 1 port. 2. ed. 12�. 1490

This is the same text as the previous item.
Copies: NYPL (IW); BN.

Adventures of Baron De Wogan in the Rocky-
Mountains. London: A. H. and T. Murray,
1867. 8�. (Murray's railway readings. Part 1.)

Copy: BM. 1491

Du Far-West a Borneo. Paris: Didier et
Cie., 1873. 359 p. in-12. 1492

References to America and the Americans are scat-
tered through the volume. Of special interest are the
following: La Californie, p. 28-55; Fete des fitats-
Unis, p. 155-187; Anglais et Americains, p. 256-268.

Copies: NYPL (KBK); LC.


Une actrice franchise aux fitats-Unis. Paris:

fiditions Fast [1920]. 4 p.l., (1)8-258 p. in-8.

Copies: NYPL (MWES); LC; BN. 1493

Zannini, Alessandro, conte.

De l'Atlantique au Mississippi, souvenirs d'un
diplomate. Paris: J. Renoult t1884j. 271 p.
in-18. 1494

Copies: NYPL (ILD) ; LC; BN.

Zeveren, J. VAN.

New York a la fin de la guerre civile aux
fitats-Unis. Liege: Lelotte, 1865. 210 p. in-8.


Copy: Bibliotheque du Ministere de la Guerre, Brus-


Acquix-Allain, Helene d'.

Xew-York et Paris, par Nihila [pseud, of
Helene d'Acquin-Allainj. Paris [1884]. 245 p.
in-12. 1496

This item was first brought to my attention by
M. Fauteux who supplied me with the name of the
author. The author, it would appear, used several forms
of her name. She was Madame Frederick Allain, who
wrote Souvenirs a" ' Amcrique et de France (item 1353).
Tinker was not able to locate a copy of New-York et
Paris; the autographed copy belonging to M. Fauteux
is the only copy I have been able to find. A brief
biographical sketch of Madame Allain will be found in
Tinker's Les Merits. . . , p. 13-14.

Copy: AF (autographed copy).

Adams, Henry.

History of the United States of America. . .
New York: C Scribner's Sons, 1889-91. 9 v.
maps. 12�. 1497

Adams has frequently made use of unpublished
diplomatic reports from the French officials in the United
States. He quotes many reports from Pichon, the charge
d'affaires, and from Turreau and Serurier. They are
conveniently available through the index.

Copies: NYPL (II); LC.

Count Edward de Crillon. (American his-
torical review. New York, 1895. 8�. v. 1, p. 51-
69.) 1498

This is the story of one of the most curious and
amusing episodes in American history of the early
nineteenth century. Crillon was really one Soubiran

who was later described by the French police as "an
intriguer of the first order, who, being son of a gold-
smith of Lectoure, has successively played the roles of
Colonel, Consul, Ambassador, and Chevalier of all the
Orders." He became associated with John Henry, a
political blackmailer, and together they went to Wash-
ington in 1812. They deceived officials there, including
the French ambassador, and left with a large sum
of money. Adams publishes several documents by Sou-
biran on his "mission" as well as a letter from Serurier
and other documents.
Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Adet, Pierre Auguste.

A copy of his Rapport. . . (item 11) has been located
in the United States in the John Carter Brown Library.

Note of P. A. Adet, minister of the French
Republic, to the Secretary of State of the United
States. Baltimore: printed by Philip Edwards,
1796. 18 p. 4�. 1499

At head of title: Maryland Journal, Extra.
Copy: JCB.

Adet, Pierre Auguste, and Timothy Pick-

Review of the administration of the govern-
ment of the United States of America; since
the year ninety-three. Or; The correspondence
between the Secretary of State [Pickering]-, and
the French minister [Adet], on that subject.
Boston: Benjamin Russell, 1797. 87 p. 8�. 1500

Copies: NYPL (*KD); WLCL.



Allain, Madame Frederic.

After the first sheets of this bibliography had been

Srinted I learned from Mr. Edward L. Tinker that
Ime. Allain was the Creole who wrote Souvenirs
d'Amerique et de France. Hence item 1353 should be
catalogued under Allain. The author employed several
forms of her name. See also Acquin-Allain, Helene

Alliot, Paul.

Alliot, Medicin, proprietaire en Negres et en
Terres de St.-Domingue, Deporte de la Louy-
siane; Aux Habitants de la Commune de Lorient
et a tous les Francais. [A Lorient: De l'im-
primerie de Ve. Feutray, 1803.) 8 p. 4�. 1501

There is a seemingly unique copy of this interesting
pamphlet in LC, by whose kindness I am enabled to
give these details concerning it. This memorial de-
scribes the cruel and illegal imprisonment of Alliot
by the Spanish authorities for no other cause than the
jealousy of rival doctors. The author relates his pro-
fessional career and his knowledge of medicine. The
author evidently completed it in prison for it is signed:
Aux prisons de Pontaniou. a Lorient, ce 26 Messidor
an onze [15 July 1803]. It has no title-page, but the
first page carries the heading as above described. The
author sent it to Jefferson together with another manu-
script, his historical and political reflections on Louisi-
ana. Alliot's letter to Jefferson is dated April 14, 1804,
from New York. The pamphlet is now to be found in
the Thomas Tefferson Papers, Feb. 28 - March 17,
1801, folios 18861-18864.

Copy: LC.

Historical and political reflections on Louisi-
ana. By Paul Alliot. Lorient, July 1, 1803; New-
York, April 13, 1804. (In: James A. Robertson,
editor, Louisiana under the rule of Spain,
France and the United States. Cleveland, O.:
Arthur H. Clark Co., 1911. v. 2, p. 29-232.) 1502

Translated from the original manuscript in LC and
edited with copious notes by James A. Robertson. Both
the French and the English text are published. Alliot
was a physician in New Orleans when he was de-
ported to France, where he was imprisoned at Lorient
until finally released by the French government. He
then returned to New York where he presented these
reflections to President Jefferson. The notes contain
Alliot's interesting letter to Tefferson dated April 14,
1804 (p. 145-149).

Copies: NYPL (II) ; LC.

Aquix-Allaix, Helexe d'. See Acquix-
Allaix, Helexe d'.

Arles, Hexri d', pseud. See under Beaude,
Marie Joseph Hexri Athanase.


A discussion of the authorship of items 105 and 106
will be found in the regular list under Longchamp,

Au Texas!!! ou expose fidele des hauts faits
de science sociale executes par les grands
hommes de la Phalange et de la Democratic
pacifique dans le nouveau monde. Paris, 1856.
35 p. in-12. 1503

Copy: AF.

Audet, Jeax Frederic.

Histoire de la congregation de Winooski au
Vermont. Montreal, 1906. 167 p. 8�. 1504

Copy: AF.

B * * *. See under Bourgeois, Nicolas Louis.

Badix, Stephex Theodore.

(Three letters concerning his missionary
labors among the Indians of Michigan, 1832.]
(American Catholic historical researches.
Philadelphia, 1911. 8�. new series, v. 7, p. 197—
202.) 1505

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Baldexsperger, Ferxaxd.

Toujours le voyage de Chateaubriand aux
fitats-Unis: Entre Baltimore et New York.
( Modern Language Association of America.
Publications. Menasha, Wis., 1932. 8\ v. 47,
p. 1120-1129.) 1506

Copy: NYPL (RAA).

Barbe-Marbois, FRAxqois, MARQUIS de.

Complot d' Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton
contre les fitats-Unis d'Amerique et contre le
general Washington. Septembre 1780. . . Paris:
Chez P. Didot, l'aine, 1816. 2 p.l., xliv, 184 p.,
1 plan, 2 ports. 12�. 1507

The interesting and lengthy introduction consists
of a "Discours sur les Etats-Unis d'Amerique."

The New York Public Library possesses the original
manuscript (19 1., ix. 166 p.) of this very' interesting
and valuable work. With the original manuscript is a
note stating that it originally belonged to Joel Barlow
who received it as a gift from the author when Barlow
was minister to France.

Copies: NYPL (IG) ; LC.

Complot d'Arnold et de Henry Clinton contre
les fitats-Unis d'Amerique et le general Wash-
ington (septembre 1780) .. . Paris: Delaunav,
1831. 2 p.l., xlvii. 163 p., 1 plan, 2 ports. 8�.

Copies: NYPL (IG); JCB. 1508

Conspiracy ;etc, etc.]. (American register.
Philadelphia", 1817. 8�. v. 2, p. 1-63.) 1508A

This is an English translation by Robert Walsh,
editor of the American Register, of item 1507. With the
original manuscript (noted above) the NYPL possesses
a manuscript letter of Walsh, dated August 14, 1817,
to Barbe-Marbois concerning his translation.

Copy: NYPL (*DA).

Barde, Alexandre.

Histoire des comites de vigilance aux At-
takapas. Saint-Jean-Baptiste (La.]: Imprimerie
du Meschacebe et de l'Avant-Coureur, 1861.
3 p.l., (i)iv-vi, (1)8-428 p. 12�. 1509

A lengthy biographical sketch of Barde and a critical
estimate of the value of his work will be found in
Edward L. Tinker's Les Ecrits de la langue francaise
en Lonisiane au xixc Steele, p. 22 it.

Copies: NYPL (AZ); LC; ELT; BN.

Bargoxe, Charles. See under Farrere,
Claude, pseud.

Barthold, Allex J.

A propos du redacteur du Courier de Boston
— Joseph Guerard de Nancrede. (Le Messager
de New-York. Brooklyn, 1932. 8�. v. 4, no. 6,
p. 10.) 1510

Barthold has discovered new materials about Guerard
de Nancrede. Some of these are included in this article:
others will be found in a forthcoming biographical
account in the Dictionar\ of American Biography.

Copy: NYPL (* DM").



Beaude, Marie Joseph Henri Athanase.

Horizons, par Henri d'Arles [pseud.]. Mon-
treal: 1' Action canadienne-frangaise, 1929.
196 p. in-12. 1511

This book relates entirely to California.
Copy: MPL.

Becours, Mich. V. de. See under Relation
d'une traversee faite, en 1812, d'Angleterre
en Amerique. . . (in regular list).

Berjot, Eugene.

Un voyage a la Nouvelle-Orleans par Dr.
E. Bergot. n. p. ,18— ?, 24 p. 8�. 1512

This item has neither title-page nor date of pub-
lication. An account of the author will be found in
Tinker. Les Ecrits. ... p, 36.

Copies: LC; MH; ELT.

Bernard, Simon.

An interesting letter from "le general B. . ." is pub-
lished in La Revue americaine, Paris, aout, 1826, no.
2, p. 316-321. The letter deals with national defense,
the navy, army, fortifications, highways and canals.
The editor prefaced the letter thus: "Le document
suivant est lire d'une lettre ecrite des Etats-Unis, il y
a quelques mois, par un de nos compatriotes qui apres
avoir figure au premier rang parmi les generaux de
l'armee imperiale, a porte aux Etats-Unis ses talens,
son experience, et des vertus faites pour etre goutees
dans une republique..."


Recueil de poesies d'un colon de Saint-
Domingue. Berquin Duvallon, editeur a Paris.
L'an xi de la Republique et l'an hi du gouverne-
ment consulaire, octobre 1802. [Paris,] 1802.
55 p.. 1 1. 12�. 1513

Contains a lengthy poem, Le Colon voyageur, about
Louisiana and the Mississippi. This volume of poetry
is attributed to Berquin-Duvallon. See Tinker, Les
&crits. . . , p. 183.

Copies: ELT; BX.

Bertie-Marriott, Clement.

Un Parisien au Mexique. Paris: Dentu, 1886.
3p.l., 384 p. 12�. 1514

Contains a chapter: De Mexico a Xew-York par
le Central Railway.

Copies: XYPL (HTY); BX (2nd edition).

Blanchard, Jean Pierre.

The principles, history, & use, of air-balloons.
Also, a prospectus of Messrs. Blanchard &
Baker's intended aerial voyage from the city of
New- York. New-York: Printed by C. C. Van
Alen for J. Fellows, 1796. 1 p.l., 46 p. 12�. 1515

Contents: Aerostation, p. 3-37; A sketch of Mr.
Blanchard's aerial voyage at Philadelphia, January 9,
1793, p. 37-38; Detail of the experiment with the
parachute..., p. 39; List of Mr. Blanchard's aerial
voyages, p. 40-41; Prospectus of the intended aerial
ascension [dated July 25, 1796], p. 42-46.

A description of Blanchard's successful ascension at
Philadelphia, the first of its kind in America, will be
found in The Sportsman pilot, October, 1932.

Copies: XYHS (a second copy at XYHS lacks the
title-page and cover).

Bloxdel, Georges.

Les enseignements de l'Exposition de Saint-
Louis. Paris: De Soye et fils, 1904. 16 p. 8�.

Extrait du Correspondant. 1516

Copy: LC.

Deux mois aux fitats-Unis. Paris, 1905. 1517

La situation economique et sociale des Ltats-
Unis. Paris: Lecoffre, 1905. in-12. 1518

Copy: Lorenz.


Thought to have travelled in the English colonies in
the 1760's.

De 1' Amerique et des Americains, ou Obser-
vations curieuses du philosophe La Douceur,
qui a parcouru cet hemisphere pendant la der-
niere guerre, en faisant le noble metier de tuer
des homines sans les manger. Berlin: S. Pitra,
1771. 2 p. 1., (1)4-80 p. 12�. 1519

Also attributed to Pierre Poivre, Pernety, and vari-
ous other writers.

Attacks the theories of de Pauw's Rechevches phi-
losophiqiies sur les Americains, Berlin, 1768-70.

Copies: XYPL (*KF-1771); LC.

Berlin: S. Pitra, 1772. 116 p. 16�. 1520

Copy: LC.

Bossu, Nicolas.

The John Carter Brown Library possesses two other
editions of the Nouveaux voyages (item 261): a two-
volume edition published at Frankfurt and Leipzig in
1771 and a two-volume edition published at Helmstedt
in 1776.

Boucher de Boucherville, Georges.

Une de perdue, deux de trouvees. Montreal:
Eusebe Senecal, 1874. 2 v. 735 p. in-12. 1521

The action of this interesting novel takes place in
Montreal and in Xew Orleans, of which the author
had a personal knowledge. He fled from Canada after
the Canadian Rebellion of 1837 and lived in Louisiana.

Copy: MPL.

Boucher de Boucherville, Phileas Yer-
cheres de.

Souvenirs d'un voyage en Calif ornie. (Les
Soirees canadiennes. Quebec, 1865. 8�. annee
5, p. 9-290.) 1522

This is a very interesting account of a voyage to
California during the gold fever of 1849. It is signed:
Phileas Vercheres de Boucherville.

Copies: XYPL (XDT); MPL.


Tournee a la mode dans les �tats-Unis, ou,
Voyage de Charleston a Quebec et d' Albany
a Boston, par la route de Philadelphie, New-
York, Saratoga, Ballston-Spa, Mont-Real, et
autres villes ou lieux remarquables. . . Traduite
de l'anglais, avec notes et additions, par M.
Bourgeois... Paris: A. Bertrand, 1829. viii,
199 p., 1 folded map. 8�. 1523

This item has puzzled several bibliographers who
have attributed it to Bourgeois. It is a translation of
The Fashionable tour. . .by G. M. Davidson. But the
translator has added many new materials: enough that
the item deserves a place in this bibliography.

Copy: MB.

Voyage aux �tats-Unis d'Amerique, et de-
scription des mceurs, coutumes et usages de ses
habitans. Traduit de l'anglais, avec notes et
additions, par M. Bourgeois. . . Paris: A. Ber-
trand, 1834. viii, 199 p., 1 folded map. 8�. 1524

A reissue, with new title, of the preceding item.
Copy: LC.



Bourgeois, Nicolas Louis.

Bourgeois is the B * * * of item 122.

Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre.

J. P. Brissot's Franzbsischen Burgers, neue
Reise durch die Nordamerikanischen Freistaten
im Jahr 1788. Auszugsweise aus dem Franzo-
sischen iibersetzt. Mit Anmerkungen von Jo-
hann Reinhold Forster. . . Berlin: in der Vos-
sischen Buchhandlung, 1792. xii, 292 p. 12�.

Copies: WLCL; JCB. 1525

The John Carter Brown Library has a three-volume
German translation of the Nouveau voyage (item 296)
published at Hof in 1796.

Castelnau, Francis, comte de.

Extrait d'une lettre de M. le comte de Castel-
nau a M. le baron de Walckenaer. . . (Societe
de geographie de Paris. Bulletin. Paris, 1839.
8�. serie 2, tome 11, p. 240-247.) 1526

Letter is dated from New York, September 21, 1838,
and discusses the sources of the "Wakulla River,"

Copy: NYPL (KAA).

Essai sur les Seminoles de la Floride. (So-
ciete de geographie de Paris. Bulletin. Paris,
1842. 8�. serie 2, tome 17, p. 392-403.) 1527

Copy: NYPL (KAA).

Note sur deux itineraires de Charleston a
Tallahassee (Floride). (Societe de geographie
de Paris. Bulletin. Paris, 1842. 8�. serie 2,
tome 18, p. 241-259.) 1528

Copy: NYPL (KAA).

Essai sur la Floride du milieu. (Nouvelles
annales des voyages et des sciences. Paris, 1843.
8�. tome 100 [Serie 4, annee 4, tome 4], p. 129-
208.) 1529

This has been reported to me as existing in reprint
form, but I have been unable to secure the necessary
bibliographical information about it to enter the reprint.

Copy: NYPL (KAA).

Cazeau, Franqois.

While I have not attempted to include unpublished
manuscripts in this bibliography I cannot refrain from
mentioning two unpublished documents which do much
to explain Cazeau's curious pamphlet (item 375). Both
are letters written by Cazeau to the president of the
Continental Congress: one written May 31, 1783, and
the other January 12, 1785. They are in the Library
of Congress in the Papers of the Continental Congress,
78, vi, 183 and 239-250.

Le Champ-d'Asile, au Texas, ou Notice
curieuse et interessante sur la formation de
cette colonie, jusqu'a sa dissolution; avec des
renseignements propres a eclaircir les faits, et
a venger les malheureux colons des calomnies
qu'on leur a prodiguees. Par C...D... A
Paris: Chez Tiger [1820]. 107 p., 1 folded pi.
16�. 1530

Copy: LC.

Chandonnet, Thomas Aime.

Notre-Dame-des-Canadiens et les Canadiens
aux fitats-Unis. Montreal: Imprime par G. E.
Desbarats, 1872. 2 pi, vii-xvi, 171 p. 8�. 1531

Copies: LC; SSL.

Chasles, Victor Euphemion Philarete.

Chasles was, like Laboulaye, one of the gifted
Frenchmen who, by their lectures and writings, did
much to interpret nineteenth-century America to France.
But he was never, I regret to state, in the United
States. Like Laboulaye he talked of coming to America,
but never came. This point was not established until
after the early pages of this bibliography which con-
tained items 398 to 401 had been printed. While those
items would occupy a conspicuous place in any com-
pilation of works relating to Franco-American relations
they have no place in a bibliography confined to
French travellers. It is a matter for interesting specu-
lation that the two French writers, Laboulaye and
Chasles, who admittedly possessed a wide and pro-
found appreciation of the United States (greater than
that of many of their travelled contemporaries), were
never in America.

Chastellux, Franqois-Jean, marquis de.

Voyage... en Amerique... n. p., 1785.
191 p. 1532

Copy: NjP.

A Paris: et se trouve a Bruxelles, Chez

B. Le Francq, 1786. 136 p. 8�. 1533

Copies: NYPL (* KF) ; WLCL.

Travels in North-America, in the years 1780,
1781, and 1782... Dublin: Colles [etc.], 1787.
2 v. xv, 462; xv, 430 p. plates. 8�. 1534

Copies: NYPL (*KF); LC.

Chateaubriand, Franqois August Rene,
vicomte de. See under Balden sperger,

Cheverus, Jean Louis Anne Magdeleine
Lefebvre de.
[Letters written to Bishop Carroll and to Dr.
Matignon concerning the Indians of Maine,
1797-1798.] (American Catholic historical re-
searches. Philadelphia, 1906. 8�. new series,
v. 2, p. 123-133.) 1535

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Les Citoyens francois habitans des Etats-Unis
de L' Amerique Septentrionale, a leur patrie, a
ses Representans.

This pamphlet (item 447A) has been acquired by
The New York Public Library after the early pages
of this bibliography were printed. When I first de-
scribed it I stated that it was uncommon. I can now
say that, as far as my own researches are concerned,
it is unique. I have never seen any other reference to
it, nor does the Union Catalog reveal any copy of it.
The NYPL copy contains several manuscript correc-

Clemenceau, Georges. See under Hawkins,
Richmond Laurin, editor, in the main list.


Souvenirs d'un voyage de Mexico a New
Yorck. Paris: Imprimerie de Bourgogne et
Martinet, 1845. 42 p. in-16. 1536

Reprinted from the Bulletin de la Societe de geogra-
phic, avril, 1845, in which form the material is available
in NYPL (KAA).

Copy: BN.


Colombier, Marie.

Les voyages de Sarah Bernhardt en Ame-
rique. Illustre de son portrait par elle-meme,
d'un portrait de l'auteur, par Ed. Manet et d'un
grand nombre de fac-similes de caricatures
americaines, avec un preface par A. Houssaye.
Paris: Drevfous, 1881. 4 p.l., 328 p. incl. front.,
illus., port. 12 . 1537

The author, a French actress, accompanied Sarah
Bernhardt in America.

Copies: IX; MPL; BN.

Courcy, Henry Potier de.

The Catholic Cliurch in the United States:
pages of its history. . . Translated and enlarged
by John Gilmary Shea. 2. ed., revised. New
York: Edward Dunigan and Brother (James B.
Kirker), 1857. 591 p. 12�. 1537A

The author spent more than ten years in the United
States. The materials which form the greater part of
this book were written in French and first published
in the Ami dc la Religion and the Univers. It would
seem that the French text never appeared in book
form; neither Lorenz nor the BN note any French
edition. The first English edition was published in
1856. The author brings the history of the Church
down to the year 1856, the year in which he returned to

Copy: NYPL (ZLR).

Courmoxt, Felix de.

Le capitaine May et le general de la Vega,
sur les bords du Rio Grande. Opera comique
en un acte; libretto par Felix de Courmont;
musique par Fourmestreaux. Nouvelle-Or-
leans: Imprime par J. L. Sollee, 1847. 16 p. 8�.


The author studied law in France and came to New-
Orleans in the late 1830's. Here he neglected the law
and devoted himself to rhymed attacks upon his fellow
citizens. He was so successful in this that he was
forced to leave the city. This comic opera was his
revenge upon the Americans. See Tinker, Les Ecrits
. . ., p. 92.

Copy: ELT.

Des fitats-Unis, de la guerre du Mexique et
de l'ile de Cuba. Paris: Moquet, 1847. 30 p.
in-8. 1538 A

Copies: NYPL (IIX); BN.

Crevecceur, Michel Guillaume St. Jean de.

No attempt has been made to list all the modern
reprints of Crevecceur.

Lettres. . . [ti.p., n.p.,] 1785. 2 v. xxiv, 422 p.,
11.; 1 p.l., 400 p, 1 1. 16�. 1539

Copy: WLCL.

A Maestricht: Chez J. E. Dufour &

Phil. Roux, 1785. 2 v. xxiv, 457(1) p.; 2 p.l.,
431(1) p. 16�. 1540

Copies: LC; WLCL.

A Paris: Chez Cuchet, 1787. 3 v. 1 p.l.,

xxxii, 478 p., 2 1.; 1 p.l., 438 p., 3 1.; 1 p.l,
592 p., 1 1. front., plates, fold. maps. 8�. 1541

Copies: LC; WLCL.

Letters from an American farmer; describ-
ing certain provincial situations, manners, and
customs, not generally known; and conveying
some idea of the late and present interior cir-

cumstances of the British colonies in North
America. Written for the information of a
friend in England, by J. Hector St. John...
Dublin: Printed by Tohn Exshaw, 1782. 6 p.l.,
256 p., 2 folded maps. 12�. 1541 A

Copy: LC.

Letters from an American farmer; describing
certain provincial situations, manners, and cus-
toms, not generally known; and conveying some
idea of the late and present interior circum-
stances of the British colonies in North America.
Written for the information of a friend in Eng-
land, by J. Hector St. John, a farmer in Penn-
sylvania. Belfast: Printed by J. Magee, 1783.
4 p.l, 208 p., 2 folded maps. 12�. 1541B

Copy: LC.

Briefe eines amerikanischen Landmanns an
den Ritter W. S. in den Jahren 1770 bis 1781.
Aus dem englischen ins franzosische von * * *
und jetzt aus dem franzosischen iibersetzt und
mit einigen Anmerkungen begleitet von Johann
August Ephraim Gotze... Leipzig: S. L.
Crusius, 1788-89. 3 v. pi. 12�. 1541C

Copy: LC.

Reise in Ober-Pensylvanien und im Staate
Neu-York, von einem adoptirten Mitgliede der
Oneida-Nation. Herausgegeben von dem Yer-
fasser der Briefe eines amerikanischen Land-
wirthes. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt und
mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Dieterich
Tiedemann. . . Mit zwei Kupfern. Berlin: In
der Vossischen Buchhandlung, 1802. xiv, 472 p.
plates (ports.) 8�. 1542

Copies: NYPL (IID); LC.

Crillox, Couxt Edward de.

This was the name under which Soubiran, an obscure
but gifted swindler, appeared in Washington and duped
Serurier, the French ambassador, and many others. See
under Henry Adams.

D. . ., C. . . See Le Champ-d'Asile, au Texas.
Dabadie, F.

There is no adequate proof that Dabadie actually
travelled in the United States and it is possible that
these few pages on Mormonism were compiled from
other published accounts. See entry 514.

Dale, Edward Everett, editor.

Lafayette letters, edited by Edward Everett
Dale. Oklahoma Citv: Harlow Publishing Co.,
1925. 61(1) p., 1 1., 1 pi., 4 ports. 8�. 1543

These letters were written by Lafayette, his son,
George Washington Lafayette, and other members of
his family from 1825 to 1828. Many of the letters
were written in the United States, especially those
by George Washington Lafayette. Most of the letters
are addressed to Captain Francis Allyn, master of the
\esst-l which brought the Lafayette group to America
in 1824.

Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Damours, Joseph Arthur.

Une paroisse de langue franchise aux Ltats-
Unis — Saint Mathieu de Central Falls i Rhode
Island]. Quebec: l'Action sociale limitee, 1917.
125 p. in- 12 avec gravures. 1544

Copy: MPL.



Dawson, Warrington.

Un garde Suisse de Louis xvi au service de
l'Amerique: le baron Gaspard de Gallatin. (Le
Correspondant. Paris, 1931. 8�. tome 324
[nouv. serie. tome 288], p. 321-338, 672-692.)

Copy: NYPL (*DM). 1545

UeCelles, Alfred Duclos.

Les Ltats-Unis. Origine — institutions — de-
veloppement. Ottawa, 1896. xv, 437 p. illus.
8�. 1546

The author was a frequent visitor to the United
States from before 1862.

Copies: NYPL (IAE); LC.

Delarue-Mardrus, Lucie.

Le Far- West d'aujourd'hui. Paris: Fasquelle
tcop. 1932]. 206 p., 15 pi., 1 port. 12�. (Collec-
tion voyageuses de lettres.) 1547

Copies: NYPL (IW); LC.


Lettres ecrites de la Calif ornie. (Nouvelles
annales des voyages et des sciences. Paris,
1850-51. 8�. v. 127 [Serie 5, v. 23], p. 350-370;
v. 128 [serie 5, v. 24], p. 322-342; v. 129 tserie
5, v. 25], p. 109-124, 225-248, 352-373; v. 130
tserie 5, v. 26], p. 91-110, 352-366.) 1548

This series of valuable letters, comprising some 132
pages, was written from California from May 16 to
December I, 1850. As far as I know none of the in-
stallments was ever reprinted.

Copy: NYPL (KAA).

Dubois-Fontanelle, Jean Gaspard.

Naufrage et aventures de Monsieur Pierre
Viaud, natif de Bordeaux, capitaine de navire;
histoire veritable, verifiee sur l'attestation de
Mr. Sevettenham, commandant du Fort St.
Marc, des Appalaches. . . Bordeaux: F. J. De-
soer, 1770. vi, (1)8-143(1) p. 16�. 1549

The Library of Congress states that the first edition
of this work was published at Bordeaux and Paris in
1768, but neither the BN nor the BM would seem to
possess any edition earlier than 1770. Dubois-Fontanelle
is said to be the editor of the narrative of Viaud. How-
ever, the history of this item is not clear, and it is
possibly an imaginary voyage.

The shipwreck is supposed to have occurred on the
coast of Florida. February, 1766.

Copies: LC; BN.

Naufrage et aventures de M. Pierre Viaud,
natif de Bordeaux, capitaine de navire...
Bordeaux: Chez les freres La Bottiere, 1770.
340 p. 12�. 1549 A

Copy: ICN.

Naufrage et avantures de M. Pierre Viaud,
natif de Bordeaux, capitaine de navire... A
Neucbatel: Aux depends de la Societe tvpo-
graphique, 1770. viii, (1)10-299 p. 8�. 1550

Copy: NYPL (*KF-1770).

Naufrage et aventures de M. Pierre Viaud . . .
Paris, 1797. 1550A

Copy: MiU.

The shipwreck and adventures of Monsieur
Pierre Viaud, a native of Bourdeaux, and cap-
tain of a ship. Translated from the French, by
Mrs. Griffith. . . London: T. Davies, 1771. xii,
276 p., 1 pi. 8�. 1551

Copies: NYPL (*KF-1771); LC.

The surprizing yet real and true voyages and
adventures of Monsieur Pierre Viaud. A French
sea-captain. To which is added, The shipwreck.
A sentimental and descriptive poem, in three
cantos. By William Falconer. . . Philadelphia:
Printed by R. Bell, 1774. xii, 144 p., 2 1., 108 p.,
2 1., 1 pi. 12�. 1552

Each work has independent title-page and separate
pagination and registration.

Copies: NYPL (*KD-1774); LC.

The true and surprising adventures, voyages,
shipwreck, and distresses, of Mons. Pierre
Viaud, a French sea-captain, and a native of
Bourdeaux. Translated by Mrs. Griffith. Orna-
mented with two engravings. London: S.
Fisher, 1798. v(i), (1)8-112 p., 2 pi. 16�.

Copy: LC. 1553

The shipwreck and adventures of Monsieur
Pierre Viaud, a native of Bourdeaux, and cap-
tain of a ship. Translated from the French, by
Mrs. Griffith. First American edition...
Dover, N. H.: Printed and sold by Samuel
Bragg, jun., 1799. viii, 203 p. 16�. 1554

Copy: NYPL (*KD).

The shipwreck; or, The adventures of M.
Pierre Viaud. London, 1814. 12�. 1555

A different translation from that of Mrs. Griffith.
Copy: BM.

Der Schiffbruch; oder, Peter Viaud's merk-
wtirdige Schicksale und Reisen. Eine wahre
Erzahlung. Nach dem franzosischen, von O.
v. S. Grimma: C. F. G. Beyer, 1827. vi, 193 p.
16�. 1556

Copy: MiU.

Dumas, Alexandre.

A copy of his Californie. . . (item 593) has been
located in the United States in the Henry E. Huntington
Library. An English translation by M. E. Wilbur of
this item is announced for publication June 1, 1933,
by the Primavera Press of Los Angeles.

Farrere, Claude, pseud, of Charles Bargone.

L'Atlantique en rond. Paris: Ernest Flam-
marion [Cop. 1932]. 248 p., 1 1. 12�. 1557

Chapter iv, "Au fil du gulf-stream" (p. 115-163)
describes New Orleans at the end of the nineteenth

Copies: NYPL (BXV); LC.

Fersen, Hans Axel, grefve vox.

...La guerre d'Amerique (1780-1783)...
Paris: Henri Gautier [1896]. 32 p. illus. 8�.
(Bibliotheque de souvenirs & recits militaires.
no. 20.) 1558

Reprinted from Baron R. M. de Klinckowstrom's Le
comte de Fersen et la cour de France.
Title from cover.
Copy: NYPL (IG p.v.14).

Lettres d'Axel de Fersen a son pere pendant
la guerre de l'independance d'Amerique; pu-
bliees avec une introduction et des notes par le
comte F. U. Wrangel. Paris: Firmin-Didot et
O, 1929. 3 p.l., (i)vi-vii, 199(1) p., 1 port.
12�. 1559

Copies: NYPL (IG) ; LC.


Fersen, Hans Axel, grefve vox, continued

Letters of de Fersen, aid-de-camp to Rocham-
beau, written to his father in Sweden. 1780—
1782. Translated. . .from Baron Klinckow-
strom's Count de Fersen, Paris, 1878. (Maga-
zine of American history. New York and Chi-
cago, 1879. 8�. v. 3, p. 300-309, 369-376, 437-
448.) 1560

Reprinted, in another translation and without in-
dication df previous publication, in the same magazine,
v. -'5, p. 55-70, 156-173.

Still another translation is published in Katharine
Prescott Wormeley's Diary and correspondence of Count
Axel Fersen. Huston, 1902, p. 21-64.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Gallatix, Gaspard, baron de. See Journal
of the siege of York-town, in the main list,
and Dawson, Warrington, in this Ad-

Grouchy, Emmanuel, marquis de.

Memoires du marechal de Grouchy. Paris:
E. Dentu, 1873-74. 5 v. 8�. 1561

I have not seen these volumes, but the Library of
Congress has kindly examined them and reports thus:
"Only volume 5, p. 32-237, appears to contain any
data of a relevant nature. It may be stated that much
of the text between these pages is devoted to letters
exchanged between de Grouchy and French correspond-
ents during his residence in America. . ."

Copies: LC; BX.



Father Peter Huet de la Valiniere, the "fiery,
factious and turbulent 'Rebel' " Canadian priest
... (American Catholic historical researches.
Philadelphia, 1906. 8�. new series, v. 2, p. 203-
237.) 1562

This article, thrown together in the chaotic and
sprawling manner of Griffin, the editor, contains much
valuable unpublished material by and concerning Huet
de la Valiniere.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

...Initiation a la vie aux Iitats-Unis. . .
Preface de M. Charletv. Paris: Librairie Dela-
grave. 1931. 313 p., 'l 1. 12�. (Bibliotheque
americaine.) 1563

Contents: Avant-propos, par M. Charlety. Intro-
duction: Yue d'ensemble des Etats-Unis, par Andre
Siegfried. L'histoire des Etats-Unis et de la vie eeo-
nomique, par Achille Yiallate. La vie economique des
Etats-Unis et l'etranger: Les tarifs douaniers, par
Andre Siegfried. L'agriculture. par Henri Rouy. La
bourse et la banque, par Jean Compeyrot. La banque
et l'industrie, par Pierre Lyautey. Les methodes in-
dustrielles et commerciales et le taylorisme, par Jean
Milhaud. Les rapports avec les ouvriers, par Henri
Dubreuil. Les religions et leurs consequences dans la
vie pratique, par Andre Siegfried. L'art dans ses
consequences pratiques, par Louis Reau. Ecrivains,
oeuvres et publications, par C. Cestre. Les journaux,
par Georges Lechartier. La publicite, par Fortunat
Strowski. Les institutions politiques et leur mise en
pratique: l'Etat federal et les etats, par M. Caudel.
L'organisation des tribunaux federaux et la justice
federale: Les tribunaux d'etat; les "lawyers," par
Benjamin Conner. Le fonctionnement et l'esprit des
universites libres, d'etat et confessionnelles, par Firmin
Roz. La vie et les relations sociales aux Etats-Unis,
par la comtesse Madeleine de Bryas. Preparation du
voyage, formalites de douanes, centres d'informations et
livres sur les Ktats-l'nis. par Alphonse Gaulin.

At head of title: Institut des etudes americaines.

Copy: XYPL (IDS).

Jay, Antoine.

Correspondance inedite d'un Franqais qui a
reside dans les fitats-Unis, depuis l'annee 1795
jusqu'en 1803. (Bibliotheque americaine...
Paris, 1807-08. 8�. no. 4, p. 1-36; no. 7, p. 1-
23; no. 8, p. 141-177.) 1564

Earlier numbers of this periodical have the title
Journal de V Ameriqne du Xord.

To my knowledge the only complete set of this
interesting periodical in Xew York City is that pre-
sented to the New York Society Library by Dr. Peter
Irving. The first four letters are dated from Boston
from May 15 to July 5, 1802; the two concluding
letters do not have dates. The letters discuss the fol-
lowing: colonial history, institutions, establishment of
the Constitution, party politics, morals, customs, Fourth
of July celebration, theatres, marriages, women, and

Copies: NYPL (IAA; first two installments); N. Y.
Soc. Lib.; LC (reprint ed.).

Kimball, Gertrude Selwyn, editor.

Pictures of Rhode Island in the past, 1642-
1833, by travellers and observers... Provi-
dence, R. I.: Preston and Rounds Co., 1900.
xiii, 175 p. 8�. 1565

Contains extracts from the works of Claude Blanch-
ard, Count Axel de Fersen, the Marquis de Chastellux,
Count Cromot du Bourg, Abbe Robin, Prince de Bro-
glie, Count Mathieu Dumas, Crevecceur, Brissot de
VVarville, and the Due de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt.

Copies: NYPL (IQI); LC.

Lachaise, Auguste. See under Turner,
Frederick Jackson, editor.

La Madelene, Joseph Henri de Collet,
baron de.

Le comte Gaston de Raousset-Boulbon: sa vie
et ses aventures (d'apres ses papiers et sa
correspondance). Alenqon: Chez Poulet-Ma-
lassis et de Broise, 1856. 162 p. 12�. 1566

Copies: NYPL (AN); HEH.

Le Couteulx de Caumont, Stephen Louis.
See under Murray, Martha J. F.


Les Creoles, reponse a Mme. de Grandfort.
[Nouvelle-Orleans: Imprimerie de H. Meri-
dier, 1855?] 42 p. 16�. 1566A

This is a spirited reply to the caustic observations
of Mme. de Grandfort (see item 768). This pamphlet
was reprinted in Souvenirs d'Amerique . . . (item 1353)
in which form it is available in NYPL.

Copies: LC; LNH.

Lindsay, Lionel.

Un precurseur de la Trappe du Canada: Dom
Urbain Guillet. ( Nouvelle France. Quebec,
1911-18. 8�. v. 10, p. 417-428, 453-463, 541-
552; v. 13, p. 369-374, 456-464; v. 14, p. 121-
130, 370-376; v. 15, p. 134-137, 207-215; v. 16,
p. 227-233, 274-276; v. 17, p. 184-189, 219-228.)


M. Fauteux first called my attention to this series
of valuable articles. They are largely composed of the
correspondence between Guillet and the bishop of Que-
bec. Guillet had travelled extensively in the United
States and most of his letters written from the United
States are dated from 1809 to 1810.

Copy: NYPL (ZLV).

Lyonnet, Pierre. See under Turner, Fred-
erick Jackson, editor.



Marechal, Ambrose.

Diary of Archbishop Marechal, 1818-1825. . .
(American Catholic Historical Society. Rec-
ords. Philadelphia, 1900. 8�. v. 11, p. 417-
454.) 1568

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Mauduit, George, vicomte de.

Private views; reminiscences of a wandering
nobleman. London: Hurst & Blackett, Ltd.
[1932.] 288 p., 1 port. 8�. 1569

The memoirs of this French engineer extend back
some twenty-five years to record impressions and events
in France, England, and the United States. He fre-
quently visited the United States, both before and after
the Great War. There is not yet, I believe, any
French edition of these memoirs. The author wrote it
in English.

Copy: NYPL (AN).

Meulette, Waldeurard.

Gallipolis. (The American pioneer. Cincin-
nati, O., 1843. 8�. v. 2, p. 182-187.) 1570

A letter by Meulette dated Jan. 10, 1843, from
Lexington, Kentucky.
Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Meurin, Sebastien Louis.

Lettre du P. Sebastien Louis Meurin a Mon-
seigneur Briand, eveque de Quebec [dated from
Kaskias, June 11, 1768). (In: Reuben G.
Thwaites, editor, The Jesuit Relations and allied
documents. Cleveland, 1901. 8�. v. 71, p. 32-
47.) 1570A

Copies: NYPL (HWLG); LC.

Murray, Martha J. F.

Memoir of Stephen Louis Le Couteulx de
Caumont. 1 facsim., 4 pi., 2 ports. (Buffalo
Historical Society. Publications. Buffalo, 1906.
8�. v. 9, p. 433-483.) 1570B

Letters of Louis Le Couteulx to Joseph Ellicott and
others, p. 462-481.

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Ney, Eugene.

Vovage sur le Mississippi. Paris, 1833. 20 p.
12�. ' 1571

A reprint of this article has several times been
offered by French booksellers, but I am unable to
locate any copy of the reprint in an American library.
It was first published in La Revue des deux nwndcs
(Paris, 1833), serie 2, tome 1, p. 525-544, in which
form it is available in NYPL (* DM). Ney visited and
describes Pensacola, New Orleans, Saint Louis, and

Notes sur les fitats-Unis d'Amerique; Phila-
delphie 1806. (Bibliotheque americaine...
Paris, 1808. 8�. no. 8, p. 193-211 ; no. 9, p. 352-
362.) 1571A

Copies: N. Y. Soc. Lib.; LC (reprint).

Oderahi, histoire americaine... See under
Palisot, A. M. F. J., baron de Beauvois,
known as Palisot de Beauvois.

Odin, Jean Marie.

Missionary life in Texas fifty years ago.
(United States Catholic historical magazine.
New York, 1891-93. 8�. v. 4, p. 210-219.) 1572

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Palisot, Ambroise Marie Franqois Joseph,

baron de Beauvois, known as Palisot

de Beauvois.

Oderahi, histoire americaine; contenant une

peinture fidelle des moeurs des habitants de

l'interieur de l'Amerique septentrionale . . .

Paris: Chez Boiste fetc, 1801]. ix, 261 p. 12�.


The question of the authorship of this early and
valuable book on the American Indians is ably dis-
cussed by Paul Hazard in his "L'Auteur d'Oderahi,
Iiistoire americaine," published in La Revue de lit-
terature comparee (Paris, 1923), in, 407-418, avail-
able in NYPL (NAA). There he has shown that
Palisot de Beauvois is probably the author. He came
to Philadelphia from Santo Domingo in 1791 and re-
mained there until 1793. He again returned to the
United States in 1793 and remained until 1798. While
in the United States during this second visit he travelled
widely gathering information on the fur trade, agri-
culture, and natural history.

Despite the publication of M. Hazard's article con-
fusion has persisted concerning this book. The NYPL
card bears the notation: "The first edition of Chateau-
briand's Atala, which evidently suggested this imitation,
appeared in Paris in 1801." But the facts are otherwise.
If either is an imitation, it is Chateaubriand who has
copied Oderahi. M. Hazard has carefully examined
the chronology. The date of the first appearance of
Oderahi is not known, but it was included -as a part
of a collection, Veillees americaines, of which the second
edition was published in Paris in 1796. Due to the
success which greeted Atala it was published separately
in 1801. M. Hazard states that the BN copy of Oderahi
bears the manuscript notation: 25 thermidor an ix
[August 13, 1801].

Copies: NYPL (* KL); ICN; BX.

Oderahi, eine americanische Erzahlung. Sei-
tenstiick zur Atala von demselben Verfasser
[i. e. Chateaubriand, but not really by him].
Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt. Berlin, 1803.
8�. 1574

This is the complete entry in the BM catalogue.
Copy: BM.

Oderay, usos, trages, ritos, costumbres y
leyes de los habitantes de la America septen-
trional, traducidas del frances e ilustradas con
varias notas criticas . . . por Don Gaspar Zavala
y Zamora. Madrid: Gomez Fuentenebro y Com-
pania, 1804. 288 p. 16�. 1575

Copy: LC.

Pichon, Louis Andre.

Pichon was the French charge d'affaires in Wash-
ington before the arrival of Turreau as minister in 1804.
His attitude was frequently sympathetic toward the
American government and mildly hostile toward that
of France. For this reason he was removed and retired
to private life. Henry Adams quotes several excerpts
from his unpublished reports to the French govern-
ment and from 1801 to 1803 makes frequent use of
materials supplied by Pichon.

See tinder Adams, Henry.

Pierce, Bessie Louise, editor.

As others see Chicago: impressions of visitors,
1673-1933. Compiled and edited by Bessie
Louise Pierce, .'.with the assistance of Joel L.
Norris. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1933. xiii, 540 p. 8�. 1575A

Only a few of the interesting French impressions
of Chicago are included in this volume: fragmentary
notes by Ampere, Rousiers, and Francois Edmond Bru-

Copies: NYPL; LC.


Prisoxs en Amerique. (La revue americaine.
Paris, 1827. 8'. v. 3, p. 382-419.) 1575B

Copy: NYPL (HAA).

Raousset-Boulbon, Gaston, comte de.

Le comte de Raousset-Boulbon et l'expedition
de la Sonore: correspondance — souvenirs et
ceuvres inedites publies par A. de Lacliapelle.
Paris: E. Dentu, 1859. 2 p.l., 318 p., 1 1. port.,
map. 12�. 1576

The best treatment of Raousset-Boulbon and of his
historical background is Rufus Kay Wyllys, The
French in Sonora (1850-1854) ; the story of French ad-
venturers from California into Mexico (University of
California Publications in history, v. 21, Berkeley, Cal.,
1932), available in NYPL (STG).

Copies: NYPL (AN); HE1I.

See also under La Madelene, Joseph Henri
de Collet, baron de; Soulie, Maurice.

Rondet-Saint, Maurice.

La grande boucle. Notes et croquis de 1'ancien
continent et des deux Ameriques. Avec une
preface de Pierre Baudin. Paris: Plon, 1910.
2 p.l., vi, 314 p., 1 1., 1 map. 12�. 1576A

Pages 142-164 (and other scattered references)
record his impressions of a tour made in 1909 on the
Pacific coast. He visited Seattle and San Francisco
and was much interested in American newspapers and

Copies: NYPL (KBK); BN.


Memoire sur un voyage dans l'interieur de
l'etat de New- York. Paris, 1832. 34 p. in-8.


This is a reprint from the Bulletin de la Societe de
geographic de Paris, Paris, 1832, tome 16, p. 97-114,
166—179, in which form it is available in NYPL

Copy: Nourry.

Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-Amerika. . .
Deutsch von Dr. C. A. Mebold. [Stuttgart: E.
Schweizerbart. 1838., xx, 542 p. illus. 8�.
(Welt-Gemalde-Gallerie. tBd. 22.,) 1578

This is a German translation of item 1272.
Copy: LC.

Salmon, Father.

Father Salmon, missionary in Kentucky, de-
scribes to Bishop Carroll his journey from Bal-
timore and the condition of the Church and the
character of the people of that state — 1799.
(American Catholic historical researches.
Philadelphia, 1911. 8�. new series, v. 7, p. 105—
107.) 1579

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Serurier, Louis Barbe Charles.

In 1811 Serurier succeeded Turreau as French
minister to the United States. Henry Adams has made
extensive use of his unpublished diplomatic corre-
spondence in the archives of the French government.
He sometimes quotes considerable excerpts from them.
D. C. Haskell has brought to my attention the fact that
Adams has made a serious mistake in calling the
French minister "Jean Matthieu Philibert Serurier."
The individual of this name was a marechal in the
French army and was never in the United States.
It was his nephew, Louis Barbe Charles Serurier, who
was the minister. Other writers, following Adams, have
repeated this mistake.

See under Adams, Henry.
Soubiran. See under Adams, Henry.

Soulie, Maurice.

The Wolf Cub: the great adventure of Count
Gaston de Raousset-Boulbon in California and
Sonora, 1850-1854. Translated from the French
...by Farrell Svmons. Indianapolis: Bobbs-
Merrill Co. tcop."l927.] 281 p. illus. 8�. 1580

This is a translation of item 1352.
Copies: NYPL (AN); LC.

Tinker, Edward Larocquf.

Dr. Tinker has recently published two highly im-
portant works in the field of Franco-Americana: Les
ecrits de langue francaise en Louisiane an xix'' siecle
(printed 1932; published 1933) and a Bibliography of
the French newspapers and periodicals of Louisiana
( American Antiquarian Society, 1933. 126 p. illus. 8�.
Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1932).
The former is a vast bio-bibliographical dictionary; the
latter an exhaustive and ingeniously-charted record of
the newspaper and periodical press. Both are available
in NYPL.

Turner, Frederick Jackson, editor.

Documents on the relations of France to
Louisiana, 1792-1795. (American historical re-
view. New York, 1898. 4�. v. 3, p. 490-516.)


Documents iii and iv are reports on Louisiana writ-
ten by Pierre Lyonnet, a former resident of New
Orleans. Document xi is a report submitted by Auguste
Lachaise, who was with Michaux in Kentucky in mak-
ing preparations for the projected descent upon Louisi-

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Turreau de Linieres, Louis Marie, baron.

Turreau was French minister to the LTnited States
from 1804 to 1811 when he was succeeded by Serurier.
Turreau was the first minister to be sent here from
France following the recall of Adet in 1797. Henry
Adams has utilized much material from Turreau's un-
published diplomatic correspondence and included many
quotations from his dispatches.

See under Adams, Henry.

Viaud, Pierre. See under Dubois-Fontanelle,
Jean Gaspard.

Vincent de Paul, Father.

Some account of what befel Father Vincent
de Paul, religious of La Trappe, with observa-
tions made by him when in America, where he
has spent about ten years. . . (American Catho-
lic historical researches. Philadelphia, 1905. 83.
new series, v. 1, p. 360-367.) 1582

Yincent de Paul was sent to the L'nited States in

Copy: NYPL (IAA).

Wharton, Francis.

The Revolutionary diplomatic correspondence
of the United States. Edited under direction of
Congress by Francis Wharton, with prelim-
inary index, and notes historical and legal.
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1889.
6 v. 8�. 1583

This is the standard edition. While not entirely-
free from errors, the level of the editing and the quality
of the notes are high. It contains much valuable ma-
terial by and concerning Du Coudray, Gerard, Holker,
Lafayette, La Luzerne and Barbe-Marbois. The first
volume contains brief biographical sketches of many
of the more important Frenchmen who participated in
the Revolution. The correspondence extends from Feb-
ruary 5, 1775 to March 4, 1785.

Copies: NYPL (IGA); LC.


Item 127. Line 6 of note: for Conrrier read Courier.

Item 206. Line 2 of title: for les read des.

Item 242. Pagination: for 217 p. read 207 p.

Items 398-401. Cancel these items. For explanation see addenda entry under

Item 420. Line 8 of note immediately preceding numbered item: for VOrleanis
read VOrlcanais.

Item 622. First line of title: for Capitain read Captain.

Item 963. Line 3 of title: for petrolle read petrole.

Item 1010. Line 24 of note: for suspendues read suspendus.

Items 1109, 1110. Cancel these items. Item 1109 is merely a repetition of 916,
and 1110 a repetition of 920.

Item 1211. First line of note: for Ronsiers read Rousiers.

Item 1247. Line 7 of title: for countrees read contrees.

Item 135. Line 5 of note: Delete 187.

Item 612. Title: For Dupuy, Peyou, Pseud, of Abbe Leopold Louis read Dupuy-
Peyou (Abbe Leopold Leo'is).

Item 764. Title: For Gournel, Henri read Fournel, Henri.

Item 782. Line 1 of note: For et read de.

Page 49. Title following item 796. Line 2 of title: Naulte read Nautte.

Item 827A. Line 2 of note: Mississippi read Mississipi.

Item 895. Line 5: Paton read Patou.

Page 95. Insert listing following item 1454: Viaud (P.) see item 1549.

*A number of additional errors in the original edition have been found by the publisher, and the corrections
are noted in this list, after Item 1247-

[ 106]


Note: To facilitate the consultation of materials the entire period has been
arbitrarily divided into twelve groups. In the following list an attempt has been
made to include all the travellers up to 1830; after that time only the more im-
portant travellers have been listed. Enough of each traveller's name is given to
avoid any confusion in referring to the items. Both the regular bibliographical
list and the addenda should be consulted for the names which follow.


Bonneville; Bossu; N. L. Bourgeois; Chappe
d'Auteroche; Delacroix; Demeunier; Du Buis-
son; Du Buysson; Du Coudray; Duponceau;
Du Portail; Durousseau de Fayolle; Du Simi-
tiere; Kalb; Lafayette; La Rouerie; Lisle;
Mandrillon; Mazzei; Meurin: Pages; Yiaud.
See also anonymous items: 824A, 859, 972 A.


Barbe-Marbois; Biron; C. Blanchard; J. P.
Brissot de Warville; Broglie; Cambis; Chas-
tellux; M. G. de Crevecceur; Cromot du Bourg;
Ducher; M. Dumas; Duponceau; E. I. du Pont;
Durousseau de Fayolle; Du Simitiere; Fersen;
Feydeau de Saint-Christophe; Forbach; Ga-
briel; Gallatin; C. A. Gerard; Grasse-Tilly;
Kalb; Lafayette; Lameth; La Perouse; La
Rouerie; J. D. Le Ray de Chaumont; Mazzei;
Menonville; Andre Michaux; More; Moustier;
Nancrede; Otto; Quesnay de Beaurepaire;
Abbe Robin; Rochambeau; Rochefort; Rou-
vroy; Sergeant-major Roux; Sailly; Segur;
Turreau de Linieres; Vienne; Villebresme. See
also anonymous items: 646, 646 A, 860, 862, 863,
973A, 1051, 1144, 1476, 1479.


Adet; dAllemagne; Alliot; Badin; Baudry
des Lozieres; Bayard; Beaujour; Berquin-Du-
vallon; J. P. Blanchard; A. Bonnet; Boucher
de la Richardiere; Boulogne; Bridel; Brillat-
Savarin; Cambray; Caraman; Cart; Cazeau;
Cazenove; Chateaubriand; Collot: Desjardins;
Dilhet; Dubroca; Dupetithour; E. I. du Pont;
M. J. Durand; Fauchet; Flaget; Franchere;
Genet; Girardin; Guillet; S. Hallet; Houdon;
Huet de la Valiniere; Hyde de Xeuville;
Jacquemin; Antoine Jay; La Forest; Lan-
dolphe; La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt; Latour;
La Tour du Pin de Gouvernet; Laujon; Laus-
sat; Le Blanc; V. Le Ray de Chaumont; Le-
tombe; Lezay-Marnezia; Lorimier; Malartic;
Mangourit; Marsillac; Matignon; Andre
Michaux; F. A. Michaux; Milfort; Mont-
pensier; Moreau de Saint-Mery; Nancrede;
Otto; Palisot; Peron; Perrin du Lac; Petry;
Pichon; Pitou; C. C. Robin; Rozier; Salmon;

Saugrain de Vigni; Serurier; Simond; Soubi-
ran; Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord;
Tanguy de la Boissiere; Ternant; Tilly; Tru-
deau; Turreau de Linieres; Uitenhage de Mist;
Vernes; Vincent de Paul; Volney. See also
anonymous items: 973, 1180A, 1216A, 1412A.


Barbaroux; Beltrami; Bernard du Hautcilly;
Joseph Bonaparte; Bourgeois; Cart; Cheverus;
E. I. du Pont; P. S. du Pont de Nemours;
M. J. Durand; Flaget; Grouchy; Hartmann
and Millard; Hyde de Neuville; Jacquemont;
Lafayette; Lakanal; Laujon; V. Le Ray de
Chaumont; Lesueur; L'Heritier; Lucas; Ma-
restier; Milbert; Montlezun; Montule; N. A.
Murat; Pavie; Persat; Portier; Poussin;
Roquefeuil; Roux de Rochelle; St. Cricq;
Suchard. See also anonymous items: 663, 973B,
1137A, 1478, 1530.


Aimard; Bacourt; Beaumont; A. Brissot de
Warville; Castelnau; M. Chevalier; Cochelet;
L. R. Cortambert ; Domenech ; Duflot de Mo-
fras; Abel Aubert Du Petit-Thouars; Fauvel-
Gouraud; Forest; Gaillardet; Gelline; Guyot;
Herz; Laujon; F. Leclerc; Lesueur; Loewen-
stern; Merlin; Ney; Pichot; Point; Poussin;
Ravoux; Revoil; B. Roux; Roux de Rochelle;
Saint-Victor; Smet; Straten-Ponthoz; The-
baud; Tixier; Tocqueville. See also anonymous
items: 1, 11 38 A.


Aimard; Almbert; Ampere; A. Andre; As-
sollant; Auger; Beluze; Bertrand; Boucher de
Boucherville; Cabet; Carlier; H. E. Chevalier;
Comettant; Considerant; Derbec; Domenech;
Dulieu; Dureau; fitourneau; Eyma; H. Ferry;
Grandfort; Grandpierre; Jouve; G. Lambert;
Lambertie; Lapeyrouse; Lesquereux; Lumen;
Marmier; Massey; Milliroux; Nicaise; Olliffe;
Reiss; Remy; Revoil; W. Rey; Rossi; Ros-
taing; Russailh; Mme. de Saint-Amant; P. C.
de Saint-Amant; Savardan; Smet; Solignac;
Tapon-Foujas; Thebaud; Thomassy; Tolmer.





Asmodee; Biarnes; Binet; Duvergier de
Hauranne: M. V. P. C. Ferri-Pisani; Fisch;
Fontane; Frignet; Houzeau; Joinville; Laugel;
F. Longchamp; Paris; Pascal; Polignac; Ros-
si; Sand; Simonin; Thebaud; Trobriand;
Vaneechout; Wogan; Zeveren. See also anony-
mous item: 630.


d'Abzac; Asmodee; Audouard; Beauvoir;
Chambrun; Clemenceau; Houzeau; Huebner;
Jacolliot; Jonveaux; Kowalski; Lutaud; Male-
zieux; Offenbach; Parrot-Lariviere; Pascal;
Quesnel; Ricaud; Sachot: Schorn; Simonin;
Strauss; Thebaud; Toutain; Trobriand; Tu-
renne d'Aynac.


Acquin-Allain; d'Albrey; Allard; Barbier;
Bartholdi; Blanc; P. Blouet; Bourget; Cestre;
Compayre; Coubertin; Croonenberghs ; Dion-
ne; Donnat; Eggermont; Goblet d'Alviella;
Guislain; Hagemans; d'Haussonville; V. A.
Huard; Hulot; Job; Johanet; Lacroix; Lan-
caster; Landry; M. Leclerc; J. J. Leclercq;
Leuba; E. Levasseur; Lutaud; Macquet; Man-
dat-Grancey; Marlin; Molinari; F. F. Moreau;
Moret; Nevers; Norvins; Ricaud; Rousiers;
San Carlos de Pedroso: Sauniere; Sautter;
Sauvin; Schurmann; Soissons; Solvyns; Su-
vorova; F. Thomas; Tissandier; Trasenster;
Turenne d'Aynac; C. Y. C. de Varigny; H. de
Yarigny; Verbrugghe; Vigneron; Visinet;

Woelmont; Zannini. See also anonymous item:


P. Adam; G Aubert; d'Avenel; Baudot;
Bernhardt; Boutroux; d'Estournelles de Con-
stant; Gobat; Hauser; C. Huard; V. A. Hu-
ard; Huret; Jusserand; Klein; Lanson; Lau-
zanne: Le Roux; P. Leroy-Beaulieu; G. Mar-
tin; Maufroid; Merou; G. Moreau; Nevers;
Rod; Roz; Saint- Andre de Lignereux; Saint-
Saens; Sayous; Szilassy; Tardieu; Tessan;
Tricoche; Yiallate; Wagner.


Altiar; Caullery; Douyau; Duplan; Girau-
doux; Hauser; Hovelaque; Jusserand; Klein;
Lauzanne; Lechartier; Le Roux; Roz; Servan;
A. Siegfried; Tardieu; Tessan; Thellier de
Poncheville; Tricoche; Villeneuve-Trans ;


Baldensperger; M. J. H. A. Beaude; Belles-
sort; Berenger; C. Blanchard; M. Braunsch-
vig; Delarue-Mardrus; Dimnet; Dubreuil; Du-
hamel; Duplan: Durtain; Fay; C. A. A. Ferri-
Pisani; Gerbault; Gontard; Herriot; Joseph-
Renaud; Jusserand; Lafond; Lapaquellerie;
Lehman; Lugan; Mandelstamm; Maurois;
Michaud; Morand; A. Philip; Philippe; Pil-
lionnel; Puaux; Romier; Rouquette; Roz; A.
Siegfried; Strowski; Tavano; L. Thomas; Tri-
coche; Villani; Yilleneuve-Trans.


Note: This is an index of places, persons, and important subjects. It does not
presume to be a complete index to all the names and materials contained in the
items listed in this bibliography. It is simply an index of the information given
by the titles and by the editorial notes. Names of persons which are alphabetically
entered in the regular list and in the addenda are not repeated here. Since all
references are to numbered items, numbers occasionally refer to the materials in
notes which precede the numbered items given in this index.

Abbadie. d', 1463.

L'Abcille jranQaise, 127.

Abolitionists, 214, 854, 855.

Actors and actresses, 168, 169, 203, 204, 768, 1537.

Adams, John, 962, 1026.

Adams, Dr. Randolph G., 1253.

Adams, T. S., translator, 986.

Aeronautics, 243 A, 723. 1515.

Agriculture, 522, 529, 961B, 980, 1198, 1247, 1258A,

1360, 1563, 1573.
Alabama, 911 A.

Albany, N. Y., 403, 723, 883, 1170, 1289B, 1523, 1524.
Alexandria. Ya., 87.
Alleghany Mountains, 1064-1070.
Allyn, Capt. Francis, 1543.
American Philosophical Society, 351, 606A, 874A, 1062,

1063, 1106A, 1149.
Ampere, Jean Jacques Antoine, 15 75 A.
Anarchism, 741.

Annery, d', French consul at Boston, 447A.
Apache Indians, 370.
Arcambal, Jacques Philippe, 607.
Architecture, 777, 789.
Arizona, 70, 1187.
Arkansas, 21, 265, 803, 91 1A.
Army. See undo- Military and naval affairs.
Arnold, Benedict, 1507, 1508.
Arts (including fine arts), 1, 88, 221, 285, 573, 828,

1276. 1368, 1563.
Astoria, Oregon, 705.
Asylum, Pa., 1130.
Atlantic City, N. J., 1299.
Attakapas. 1509.
Aubry, 1463.


Baldensperger. Fernand, 94B, 450.

Ballston Spa, N. Y., 1523, 1524.

Baltimore, Md., 107, 554, 798, 1080, 1083. 1169, 1179,

1506, 1579.
Bandits, outlaws, and gangsters, 119, 174 A, 688.
Banks. See under Finance.

BarbeMarbois, Francois, marquis de, 835. 1081, 1583.
Bardstown, Ky., 126, 693A, 694A, 695, 695A, 704.
Barrett, Rev. Mr., 1408.
Bath, W. Ya., 151.
Baton Rouge, La., 1090.
Baudin. Pierre, 1576A.

Beaufort de Ledos, Raphael, translator, 1379.
Beaujolais, comte de, 1084.
Beaumont, Gustave de, 1, 422.
Beauregard, Mrs. H. T., translator, 1431.
Bennett, James Gordon, 1841-1918, 275, 723.
Berkeley, Cal., 374.
Bidermann, Jacques Antoine, 607.
Bigelow, John, 962.
Blanchard, Claude, 1565.
Bliss, Eugene, translator, 51 5A.
Bloody River, 178A.
Boimare, A. L., 1247.

Books and booksellers, 391, 452, 1106A, 1293.

Boston, Mass., 122, 127, 169, 429A, 447A, 573, 723,
784, 786, 798, 834A, S83, 893, 973A, 1047, 1080,
1174, 1241, 1370, 1392, 1510, 1523, 1524, 1564.

Boudinot, Elias, 775.

Bourdin, H. L., editor, 506.

Bourne, Henry E., editor, 1116A.

Bouvier, Parisian journalist. 105.

Brisbane, Albert, 474.

Brissot de Warville, J. P., 291, 376, 1565.

Broglie, due de, editor, 1379.

Broglie, Prince de, 1565.

Brooklyn, N. Y., 86, 138. See also New York City.

Brown, Charles B., translator, 1471, 1472.

Brown, John, 421A.

Brown, Rev. P. William, translator, 554.

Brown University, 154.

Brownsville, Texas, 484.

Bruce, H. Addington, translator, 967.

Bruwaert, Francois Edmond. 1575A.

Bryas, Madeleine, comtesse de, 1563.

Buffalo, N. Y., 723, 883, 1169, 1289B.

Buisson. Benjamin, 121 1C.

Bureau de Pusy, Jean Xavier, 607.

Cabet, �tienne, 838, 1205.

Cable, G. \V., 231.

Cahalan. John E., translator, 1192A, 1346.

Cairo, 111., 1297.

California, 32, 33, 85, 95, 118, 174B, 175, 201, 259,
267A, 342, 370, 395, 461, 487, 489, 543, 563, 569,
575, 583, 593, 597, 689, 709, 760, 784A. 798, 802,
847B, 884A, 886, 903, 914, 954, 974, 991, 1046,
1048, 1132A, 1153, 1182, 1262, 1287, 1288, 1296,
1316, 1348, 1352. 1414, 1479, 1492, 1511, 1522,
1548, 1556A, 1566, 1576, 1576A, 1580.

Cambridge, Mass., 93, 1174. See also Harvard Uni-

Camp Asylum. See Champ d'Asile. Texas.

Canada and Canadians. 573. 641, 693A, 705, 713, 717,
751, 778, 816, 818, 939A, 987, 1008, 1034, 1038,
1048, 1059, 1062, 1071, 1079, 1080, 1169, 1173,
1185A, 1294, 1295B, 1393A, 1398, 1454, 1464,
1472, 1480, 1481, 1531, 1562.

Capone, Al, 688.

Carnegie Foundation for International Peace. 1206.

Carroll, John, archbishop, 125A. 126B, 1535, 1579.

Carter, Charles F., translator, 202A.

Castaigne, Andre, illustrator, 1018.

Castro-ville. Texas. 370A.

Catalogne, Gerard de, 553.

Catholicism. See Roman Catholic Church in United

Caudel, 1563.

Cemeteries, 88, 93, 361, 693.

Mount Auburn, Cambridge, Mass., 93.

Central Falls, R. I., 1544.

Central Railway, 1514.

Cestre, C, 1563.

Chamisso, A. de, 438.

[ 109]



Champ d'Asile, Texas, 792, 990, 1273, 1274, 1530.

Champlain Valley, 1286A.

Chandler, Samuel, translator. 1381B.

Charavay, fitienne, 892.

Charleston, S. C, 798, 815C, 1027, 1064, 1080, 1083,

1091, 1174, 1216A, 1476, 1523, 1524, 1528.
Chastellux, Marquis de, 292, 293. 1135, 1565.
Chateaubriand, 131, 748, 828, 1573.
Chazin, Dr. Maurice, 805, 834A, 1145, 1188, 1382,

Chesapeake Bay, 87.

Cheverus, J. L. A. M. L. de, cardinal, 834A.

Chicago, 111., 3, 86, 250, 349, 359, 402, 484, 489, 496,

515, 623, 688, 721-723, 725, 732A, 778A, 784,

877, 883, 995, 996, 1010, 1016, 1048, 1080, 1284,

1296, 1325, 1356, 1575A.

Chicago Exposition of 1893, 361, 471B, 573, 704A,

1211C, 1399.
Chinard, Gilbert, 896.
Chinatown, New York City, 852.
Choisy, de, 775.

Cincinnati, Ohio, 93, 515, 1169, 1284.
Civil War, 69, 107A, 172, 392-394, 421B, 482A, 483,
513, 517, 550, 623, 805, 830. 846, 934-937, 952A-
952D, 1157-1159, 1184A, 1189A, 1203, 1495.
Civilization in America, 285, 399. 465, 653, 1133.
Clark, George Rogers, 1073.
Clemenceau, Georges, 796A.
Cleveland, Grover, 361.
Cleveland, Ohio, 883.
Clinton, Sir Henry, 1507, 1508.
Cluny, Alexander, 1021, 1022.
Cobbett, William, 7.
Cockfights, 701.
Colfax, Schuyler, 441.
College d'Orleans, La., 899.

Colleges and universities, 1, 128, 285, 371, 372, 488,
489, 799, 800, 884, 910, 1563.
Brown, 154.
College d'Orleans, 899.
Harvard, 127, 378, 955.
Wentworth University for Women, 780.
Williams, 555.
Colorado, 155, 382.

Columbia River, 618, 705, 1337, 1340.
Commerce, 2, 177, 303, 306, 445-447, 580A, 626, 788,
972 1024, 1117, 1139A, 1188, 1198, 1240, 1247,
1315, 1373-1375, 1381, 1399, 1424, 1476.
Communism, 1286, 1416.
Compeyrot, Jean, 1563.
Coney Island, 1080.
Confederate States of America, 428A, 429, 744. See

also Civil War.
Conn, William, translator, 1014.
Conner, Benjamin, 1563.
Considerant, Victor, 1297.
Constitutional law, 278A-278C, 1240.
Constitutions, 135, 527, 528, 537, 538, 1026, 1115,

1120, 1121-1127, 1564.
Consuls and consular service, 2, 104, 135-137, 310, 507,
580H-580K, 784A, 784B, 787-788C, 1027, 1028,
1078, 1132A, 1139A, 1282, 1583. See also Diplo-
mats and diplomatic service.
Coppee, Henry, editor, 1158.
Cornwallis, Lord, 775.
Cotton, 177.

Courier de Boston, 127, 1510.
Courrier des �tats-Unis, 420, 719, 1043.
Courts. See Judiciary.
Cowboys, 1014.

Crane, Clarkson, translator, 1283.
Crawford, F. M., 231.
Creek Indians, 1073.
Creoles, 1188, 1566A.

Crevecceur, M. G. St. Jean de, S35, 1565.
Cromot du Bourg, Count, 1565.
Custine, de, 775.

Customs, American, 116, 117, 178A, 278, 285, 360,
401, 497, 517, 570, 580A, 587A, 647, 657, 671,
780, 827A, 830, 879, 1020, 1024, 1027, 1057, 1075,
1179, 1188, 1201, 1231, 1247, 1281, 1291, 1362,
1402A, 1436, 1476, 1488, 1564.

Cuvier, Baron, 438.


Dahlgreen, Mrs. Madeleine V., translator, 387.

Dakota, 1014, 1014A, 1015, 1017.

Dalmas, Charles Joseph, 607.

Dauchy, G. K., translator, 1428.

Dautrement, Alexandre, 607.

Dautrement, Auguste, 607.

Davidson, G. M., 1523, 1524.

Davis, John, translator, 208.

Delalain, Henriette d', illustrator, 521.

Delaware River, 580L, 893.

Democracy, 534, 676, 1115.

Dentistry, 756.

Denver, Col., 780.

Department stores, 852.

Desmoulins, Auguste, 445.

Detroit, Mich., 484, 554, 557.

Dicey, A. V., 27SC.

Dicey, E. M., translator, 278C.

Diplomats and diplomatic service, 6-11, 89-91, 100,
123-125, 156-158, 197, 219, 344, 350, 368, 369,
568, 667-670, 731, 732, 733, 734, 822, 829, 972,
1077, 1116A-1118A, 1148, 1149, 1167, 1272, 1430,
1434, 1494, 1497-1500, 1583. See also Consuls and
consular service.

"Dollar worship," 139, 198, 277, 285, 539, 655, 685,
1080, 1114.

Douglass, Robert B., translator and editor, 1100, 1103.

Duane, William, translator, 242.

Du Barry, Edmund L., translator, 1202.

Dubreuil, Henri. 1563.

Du Coudray, 1583.

Dumas, Alexandre, 719.

Dumas, Count Mathieu, 1565.

Du Pont, Bessie Gardner, translator, 607.

Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 607.

Du Portail, L. L., 775, 1135.

Durand, John, editor, 612A.


Easton, Pa., 972A.

Economic conditions. 111, 285, 891, 947, 1201, 1240,

1314A, 1438C, 1518, 1563.
Education, 143, 214, 285, 311A, 374, 419, 442, 471A-

471E, 582, 608, 609, 647, 745, 782, 799, 800, 890,

982, 994, 1165.
Eins, William, 1188.
Elections. See Politics.
Ellicott, Joseph, 1570B.
Ellis, C. J. W., 1408.
Emancipation. See Slavery.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 586, 587, 1061.
Emigration and immigration, 142, 210, 285, 357, 362,

593, 641, 702, 808, 961B, 961C, 969, 973, 1114A-

1114C, 1215, 1302, 1358, 1461, 1556A.
Engineering, 519.

Fall River, Mass., 784.

Fauchet, J. J. A., 8, 908.

Fauteux, Aegidius, 1138.

Fawcett, E., 231.

Fersen, Count Axel de, 1565.

Finance, 1, 103, 112, 285, 360, 5801, 1563.

Fishing, 1220B, 1221, 1223, 1237.

Flick, Ella M. E., translator, 613.

Florida, 206, 208, 81 5C, 840, 907, 911 A, 928A, 1027,

1247, 1450A, 1468, 1471, 1472, 1483, 1527, 1528,

1529, 1549-1556.



Fort Duquesne, Pa., 67.

Ft. Hall, Idaho, 1134.

Ft. Kearny, Neb., 1134.

Ft. Laramie, Wyo., 1134.

Fort Monroe, Va., 200.

Ft. St. Marc, 1549-1555.

Fort Smith, Ark., 1297.

Foster, John Reinhold, translator, 264.

Foucault, 1463.

Franklin. Benjamin, 962.

Fredericksburg, Va., 1083.

Gabriel, R. H., editor, 506.

Gaines, Richard Hey ward, 1207.

Galantiere, Lewis, translator, 1088.

Gallipolis. Ohio, 1180A, 1570.

Garnett, Porter, translator, 439.

Gasquet, Louis, French consul in California, 1132A.

Gaulin, Alphonse, 1563.

Geer, Walter, editor and translator, 931.

Genesee region. New York State, 286-288.

Genet, Edmond Charles, 996A, 1027.

Georgia, 623. 911 A.

Gerard, Conrad Alexandre, 1583.

Gettysburg, Battle of, 1159.

Gist, Mordecai, 775.

Godman, John D., translator, 976.

Gold rush, 31. 118, 342, 605, 1046, 1349, 1352, 1522.

Grant, Ulysses S., 441, 483 A.

Grasse, Comte de, 477, 1135, 1144, 1203B.

Great Lakes. 1325.

Green, S. A., translator and editor, 700.

Griffith, Mrs., translator, 1551, 1553, 1554.

Grisell, Eugene, editor, 1476.

Guerard, Albert, 591.

Guthrie, Ramon, translator, 674.


Haefeli, Leo, translator, 796.

Hamilton, Alexander, 775, 927.

Hammond, George, 8.

Harrison, Benjamin, 125.

Harvard University, 127, 378, 867, 955.

Hauteville. Mary de, translator, 216.

Hawkins. Richmond Laurin, 1370, 1408.

Hayes, Rutherford B., 856.

Hazard, Paul, 1573.

Hearst, William Randolph, 1182.

Heath, Major-General William, 927.

Hemming. H. H., and Doris, translators, 1313.

Henry, John, 1498.

Henry, Patrick, 896.

Herbermann. C. G., translator, 1397.

Herbert, Lady, translator, 814.

Herbertson, A. J., translator, 1266.

Herrick, Myron T., 944.

Highways, 99.

Ilingham, Mass.. 1174.

Hinssen. L., translator, 1335.

Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 606A.

Hodgdon, Samuel, 775.

Holker. Jean, 1583.

Holland Land Company, 376.

Hollywood, Cal., 3, 243, 632, 683, 696, 1020, 1060.

Hoover, Herbert, 1280.

Hospitals, 148A, 783, 884.

Hotels, 3, 285, 768, 1057.

Howells, William Dean, 231.

Hudson Bay, 178 A, 1367.

Hudson River, 1072.

Hudson's Bay Company, 178A.

Huguenin, Eloise P., translator, 959.

Hunting, 1220B, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1229, 1235, 1448.

Huntington, J. V., translator and editor, 706.

Hurlbert, William Henry, translator, 429, 845.

Hurlbut, William Henry, translator. See Hurlbert,

William Henry.
Hyde de Neuville, Baron, 607.

Icarie, 179-194, 313-341, 838, 1204, 1205, 1409, 1477.
Idaho, 784B.

Illinois, 815C, 1169, 1217, 1570A.
Illinois River, 1002.

Immigration. See Emigration and immigration.
Imperialism, 793, 804, 1168.
Indiana, 592, 1006.

Indians, 12, 87, 118, 143A, 148, 178A, 249A, 249B,
267A, 354, 356, 370, 410A-410C, 410E, 438, 510,
563, 606, 650, 725, 766, 1073, 1175-1178, 1212B,
1217, 1226, 1234, 1297, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1328,
1329, 1330, 1333, 1335, 1410, 1431, 1505, 1535,
Apaches, 370.
Creeks, 1073.
Iroquois, 1081.
Oneidas, 503.
Osages, 482, 1406.
Pottowatomies, 143 A.
Seminoles. 1527.
Industry, 577, 599, 788A, 788B, 984, 1179, 1198, 1240,

1247, 1399, 1452.
Insurance companies, 832.
Iowa, 328.
Iroquois Indians, 1081.

Jackson, Andrew, 743, 1127.

Jackson, Frances, translator, 822.

Jacquemont, Victor, 1010.

James, Henry, 231.

Jannet, Claudio, 356.

Tapanese, 113, 114.

Jefferson, Thomas, 435, 435A, 436, 610, 611, 896, 962,

1052, 1077, 1083, 1183, 1188, 1501, 1502.
Jefferson City, Mo., 1134.
Johnson, Andrew, 440, 450.
Jones, Sir Willoughby, translator, 512.
Josephson, Matthew, translator, 1257.
Jourdain, Louis, 464.
Journalism. See Newspapers.
Judaism, 965.
Judiciary, 356, 716, 727, 852, 1357, 1563.


Kalb. Tohn, 1135.

Kansas, 210, 691A, 691B, 712.

Kaskaskia, 111., 1271, 1570A.

Kellogg, Walter Guest, translator, 962A.

Kelsey, R. W., editor, 376.

Kent, J., translator, 409.

Kentucky, 107, 125A, 126, 268, 286, 623, 695A, 701,

768, 911A, 1064, 1293, 1478, 1570, 1581.
Klinckowstrom, Baron, 1559.
Knox, General Henry, 775.

Laboulaye, �douard, 403.

Lacratelle, 502.

Lafayette, Marquis de, 1, 291, 580G, 615, 775, 975, 976,

977, 1010, 1026, 1081, 1135, 1583.
La Luzerne, 775, 894, 908, 1135, 1583.
Lambert, B., translator, 1067.
Landsdowne, Lord, 1371, 1372.
La Reveilliere-Lepeaux, 1467.
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, 835, 1106A, 1565.
Laws. 117, 570, 580H, 879, 1024, 1356A, 1563. See

also Constitutional law, and Judiciary.



League of Nations, 960.

Lechartier, Georges, 1563.

Lee, Robert E., 248.

Lehman, Linwood, translator, 610.

L'Enfant, Pierre Charles, 868.

Le Vavasseur, G., 1203.

Liberty, 1, 388, 428, 782, 826, 1024, 1114C, 1117.

Library Company of Philadelphia, 622A.

Library of Congress, 775, 779A, 874A, 896, 996, 1077,
1190, 1301, 1501.

Lincoln, Abraham, 512, 665, 853, 854, 855, 1203A.

Literature, 1, 231, 399, 400, 852, 1276, 1563.

Little Rock, Ark., 803.

Longview, Wash., 618.

Los Angeles, Cal., 3, 370, 1182. See also Hollywood.

Louis Philippe, due d'Orleans, 834A, 1084.

Louisiana, 85, 122, 135, 136, 149, 150, 205, 206, 208,
209, 261, 264, 268, 563, 580A, 628A, 730, 785,
827B, 899, 911 A, 928A, 940, 940A, 996A, 1131,
1132, 1137A, 1169, 1175, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1214A,
1217, 1222, 1247, 1295B, 1401A, 1402B, 1406,
1450A, 1463, 1501, 1502, 1513, 1521, 1566A, 1581.

Louisville, Ky., 86, 1170, 1179, 1354, 1409, 1571.

Luttrel School, 780.

Lyautey, Pierre, 1563.

Mississippi, 206, 592, 911A.

Mississippi River, 86, 122, 174, 178A, 261, 268, 459,

1002, 1083, 1270, 1472, 1494, 1513, 1571.
Mississippi Valley, 312A, 613, 719, 827A.
Missouri, 64, 459, 563, 623, 712, 911A, 1175, 1177,

1178, 1189, 1406, 1430A, 1431B.
Mobile, Ala., 798, 1192A.
Monroe, James, 534, 1083.
Montana, 784B.

Montcrieff, C. K. Scott, translator, 230.
Monterey, Cal., 575, 1132A, 1174.
Montesquieu, Baron, 377.
Montgomery, Ala., 484.
Monticello, Va., 1083.
Montmorin, Comte de, 11 16 A.
Montreal, 628A, 705, 723, 768A, 1398, 1456, 1485A,

1521, 1523, 1524.
Mormonism, 212, 370, 465, 514, 587A, 603, 642, 796,

1185, 1219, 1322A, 1409, 1410.
Morris, Gouverneur, 549.
Mount Vernon, Va., 1289B.
Moving pictures, 686, 852, 1182. See also Hollywood,

and Theatres.
Murphy, Lady Blanche, translator, 1274.
Music, 470, 798, 883, 973B, 1142, 1368.


MacVeagh, Margaret, translator, 450.

Madison, James, 1083.

Maine, 1535.

Malone, Dumas, editor, 610.

Mammoth Caves, Ky., 86.

Manitoba, 556.

Mann, Horace, 471E.

Manners, 424A, 462, 464, 465, 497, 1057, 1083.

Marbois, Marquise de, 403.

Marriage, 173, 351, 352, 356. See also Women.

Maryland, 268, 911 A, 1579.

Massachusetts Historical Society, 645.

Mathiez, Albert, editor, 1467.

Matignon, Francis Anthony, 1535.

Meade, George Gordon, 394.

Medicine, 120, 148A, 783, 884, 939A, 1438A, 1501.
See also Hospitals.

Mel, Margaret G., translator, 4.

Menestrier, J. V. A., 607.

Meras, E. Jules, translator, 229.

Merrill, Frances and Mason, translators, 577.

Mexican war, 494, 1538A.

Mexico, 178, 558, 559, 567, 663, 666, 763, 798, 884A,
907, 949, 1035, 1048, 1173, 1182, 1185A, 1273,
1295B, 1352, 1514, 1536, 1576, 1580.

Michigan, 82, 143A, 144, 1240A, 1505.

Miles, Hamish, translator, 1050, 1095, 1097.

Milhaud, Jean, 1563.

Milhet, Jean, 1463.

Military and naval affairs, 200, 222-230, 239-242, 284,
308, 309, 342A, 343, 392-394, 397, 403-409, 456,
477, 482A, 483, 494, 508, 513, 517, 550, 572, 580G-
580L, 611A, 615, 646, 646A, 700A, 717, 842-846,
860, 862, 863; 867-870, 872-874A, 892-896, 903A,
927, 952A-952D, 972A, 991A, 1008C, 1056, 1073,
1098-1104, 1135, 1144, 1156-1159, 1192B, 1198,
1199, 1203B, 1241-1246, 1248B-1250, 1304-1306,
1355, 1390, 1412, 1418, 1421, 1422, 1427-1429,
1461, 1507-1508A, 1532-1534, 1545, 1558-1560,
1565, 1583.

Milwaukee, Wis., 249B, 883.

Mims, Stewart L., 1113.

Mines and mining, 118, 629, 1325-1327, 1348, 1349,
1483A. See also Gold rush.

Minnesota, 561, 563.

Missionaries and missions, 558-565, 630, 631, 695A,
1137A-1138A, 1217, 1329-1346, 1505, 1535, 1572,
1579, 1582.


Nakam, 249A.

Napoleon III, 214, 1131, 1132.

Nauvoo, 111., 183, 321, 322, 331, 337, 339, 1409.

Navigation, 2, 972, 1010.

Needles, Samuel H., translator, 1324.

Negroes, 292, 295, 353, 534, 620, 652, 725, 839, 1188,
1214, 1214A, 1328, 1415, 1476.

Nelson, W., 896.

Nerincks, 126B.

Nevada, 784B, 1321-1322A.

New England, 235, 815C, 1174, 1436, 1485A.

New Haven, Conn., 1170-1172.

New Jersey, 376, 1169.

New Mexico, 155, 563, 726, 766.

New Orleans, La., 2, 178B, 261, 268, 348, 420, 457, 484,
515, 647, 701, 719, 730, 768B, 798, 805, 808, 815C,
817, 827A, 839, 899, 905, 907, 940A, 953A, 1040,
1048, 1080, 1083, 1169, 1247, 1295B, 1353, 1401A,
1402B, 1406, 1409, 1501, 1502, 1512, 1521, 1538,
1556, 1570B, 1571.

New Rochelle, N. Y., 122.

New York City, 3, 86, 87, 105, 106, 107, 109, 122, 169,
200, 243, 267A, 370, 373, 420, 421, 484, 492, 496,
515, 521, 530, 623, 632, 640, 666, 719, 723, 738,
768, 781, 798, 811, 817, 835, 852, 872, 873, 883,
897, 900, 912, 949, 953A, 968, 1010, 1016, 1018,
1019, 1043, 1048, 1057, 1080, 1082, 1083, 1083A,
1106A, 1114A, 1141, 1170-1172, 1179, 1182,
1185A, 1216, 1282, 1289B, 1296, 1297, 1325, 1356,
1357, 1365, 1370, 1372, 1382, 1394, 1495, 1496,
1506, 1514, 1515, 1536.

New York Society Library, 1564.

New York State, 85, 286-288, 503, 508, 538, 666, 781,
815C, 961A-962A, 1010, 1170-1172, 1289B, 1297,
1356, 1577. See also New York City; Niagara

New York Times, 883, 1182.

Newport, R. I., 377, 403, 671, 1169, 1188.

Newspapers, 1, 127, 511, 653, 678, 798, 1141, 1291,
1384, 1402B, 1510, 1563.

Niagara Falls, 85, 86, 218, 515, 723, 751, 1001, 1010,
1048, 1170-1172, 1289B, 1297, 1356, 1409, 1468.

Nigabianong, 249A.

Noailles, Vicomte de, 1106A, 1130, 1241, 1402A.

Norfolk, Va., 1010, 1082, 1083, 1106A.

North Carolina, 911 A, 1064.

Northwest Company, 178A.

Nugent, H. P., translator, 928A.



O'Brien, M. J., translator. 393.

Ogden, Utah, 1010.

Ohio. 178B. 459. 1008C, 1064. 1175. 1177, 1178, 1293,

1412A, 1472.
Ohio Company, 11 80 A.
Ohio River, 370, 515A. 971, 989, 1002.
Oklahoma, 1268.
Olere, D., illustrator, 3, 4.
Omaha, Neb., 1010.
O'Mahony, Count, 1291.
Oneida Indians. 503.
Oregon, 563, 583, 584, 680, 784B, 1138A, 1200. 1262.

1288, 1289, 1330. 1331, 1333. 1335-1340. 1367.
Oregon territory, 583.
O'Reilly, Isabel M., translator, 429A.
O'Rell. Max. 275.

h'Orlcanais, New Orleans newspaper, 420.
Orleans, Louis Philippe Robert, due d', 1480.
Osage Indians. 482, 1406.
Oswego, N. Y., 1169.

Page, Rosewell, translator, 1209.

Panama Canal, 944.

Peace of 1783, 568.

Penitentiary system. See Prisons.

Pennsylvania, 178B, 254, 268, 376, 447B, 503, 787,
815C, 971, 1180A.

Pensacola, Fla., 1192A. 1571.

Perriemond, General. 607.

Petersburg, Va., 1409.

Petroleum and its products. 453, 963, 1155.

Philadelphia, 86. 178B. 243 A, 253, 403, 515, 530, 606A,
623, 665, 700A, 723, 784, 787, 798, 802, 824A, 871,
883, 915, 916, 920, 922, 943, 1010, 1033, 1048,
1057, 1082, 1083, 1106A, 1109, 1110, 1141, 1169,
1179, 1180A, 1241A, 1242, 1289B, 1370, 1372,
1402A, 1476, 1515, 1523. 1524, 1571A.

Philadelphia Exposition of 1876, 145. 146, 626, 1033,
1323, 1324.

Pichon, Louis Andre, 607.

Pickering, Timothy, 1381B, 1499. 1500.

Pittsburgh, Pa., 178B, 457, 515A, 723. 787, 1169.

Plessis, Joseph Octavius. archbishop of Quebec, 693A.

Politics and politicians. 424A, 624, 653, 672, 680, 693,
718, 793, 805, 891. 1026, 1043, 1052, 1080, 1115,
1120, 1198, 1249, 1280, 1373, 1389, 1434, 1564.

Porter, Estelle C, translator, 633.

Portland, Ore., 618, 1134.

Portsmouth, N. H., 580H, 1174.

Pottowatomie Indians. 143 A.

Prisons, 1, 253, 254, 535. 581. 835, 836, 852, 910-021,
997, 998, 1057, 1575B.

Prohibition, 243, 620, 1007, 1117, 1438C.

Prostitution, 1, 783.

Providence, R. I., 824A. 1170.

Public works, 98, 1009, 1010.

Quakers, 108, 292-294. 580G, S35, 1041, 1188, 1476.
Quebec, 623, 666, 723, 732A, 767, 1083A, 1523, 1524.


Rachel (Elizabeth Felix), 168, 169.

Railroads, 285, 422, 671, 711, 712. 933, 957, 1010, 1169,

1195, 1196, 1295A, 1300, 1325.
Reau, Louis, 1563.
Red River, 1367.
Red River Settlement, 705, 1170.

Religion, 110, 117, 118. 141. 178A. 243, 250. 279, 284A,
419, 547, 587A. 653, 753, 798. 850, 852, 947, 1031,
1188, 1295, 1393, 1476, 1563. See also Roman
Catholic Church in United States.

Reunion, Texas, 474, 1297.

Revolution (of 1776), 137, 222-230, 239-242, 284, 303-
306, 308, 309, 343, 404-409, 456, 477, 478, 508,
580A-580G, 580L. 594, 595, 606A, 611 A, 612A,
615, 622A, 646, 646A, 673-675, 700, 700A, 717,
774, 775, 828, 860, 862, 863, 867-870, 872-874A,
892-896, 927, 972A. 973A, 1021-1026, 1056, 1098-
1104, 1135, 1144, 1203B, 1241-1246, 1248B-1250,
1253, 1304-1306, 1355, 1412, 1434, 1461, 1476,
1507-1508A, 1532-1534, 1539-1542, 1545, 1558-
1560, 1565, 1583.

Rev. General, 607.

Rhode Island, 1544, 1565.

Richmond, Va., 1207-1209.

Riesner, Lawrence, translator, 898.

Rio Grande River, 1538.

Robertson, James A., translator and editor, 1502.

Robin, Abbe, 973A, 1565.

Rochambeau, 127, 284, 775, 1135, 1241, 1557-1559.

Roche, Charles Emile, translator, 1089.

Rochester, N. Y., 1170-1172.

Rock Springs, Wyoming. 484.

Rocky Mountains, 29, 148, 155, 948, 963, 987, 1012,
1030, 1329-1338, 1340, 1486, 1491.

Roman Catholic Church in United States, 96, 125A-
126, 143A, 144, 152A, 249A, 249B, 284A, 509,
554, 557, 613, 693A-695A, 704, 721, 722, 755, 803,
810, 815A, 815B, 961, 1000, 1005, 1006, 1047, 1053,
1054, 1137A-1138A, 1212A, 1212B, 1217, 1271,
1329-1346, 1354, 1397, 1504, 1505, 1531, 1535,
1537A, 1544, 1562, 1567, 1568, 1570A, 1572, 1579,

Roosevelt, Theodore, 1280.

Rothensteiner, Rev. John, editor, 1271.

Rouse's Point, N. Y., 666.

Rousiers, Paul de, 1575A.

Rouy, Henri, 1563.

Roz, Firmin, 1 563.

Saco, Me., 1174.

Sacramento, Cal., 593, 847A.

Sacramento River, 593, 605, 1556A.

Saint-Andre, Durant, 607.

St. Augustine, Fla., 1192A.

St. John, Percy B., editor and translator, 29, 37, 51, 60,

63, 65, 66, 72, 77, 80.
St. Louis, Mo., 86, 185, 188, 482, 596, 722, 723, 827A,

1010, 1193, 1284, 1293, 1325, 1406, 1409, 1516,

Salt Lake, 1134.

Salt Lake City, Utah, 1010, 1048, 1220.
San Antonio, Texas, 370A, 474.
San Francisco, Cal., 3, 95, 119, 170, 171, 243, 267A,

370, 438, 484, 496, 617, 788C, 818, 901, 1010,

1046, 1134, 1283, 1284, 1352, 1356, 1414, 1576A.
San Joaquin River, Cal., 593, 1556A.
Saratoga, N. Y., 1010, 1169, 1523, 1524.
Sargent, C. S., editor, 1062.
Saskatchewan, Canada, 705, 1337, 1340.
Savannah, Ga.. 898, 1080.
Schenectady, N. Y., 723, 1169.
Schools. See Education.
Science, 1, 371, 372, 1276, 1373, 1433.
Scioto, 87, 107, 1270, 1412A. 1468-1471.
Scioto Land Company, 87, 1118A, 1180A.
Scott, Gen. John Morin, 927.
Sears, Roebuck & Co., 243.
Seattle, Wash.. 1040. 1576A.
Segur, Comte de, 478. 1135.
Seminole Indians, 1527.

Serurier. French minister to United States, 350.
Seton, William, 502.



Sevettenham, Mr., 1549-1555.

Seward, William H., 214.

Shea, John D. C, editor, 1144.

Shelly, Gerard, translator, 1306.

Shenandoah Valley, 151.

Siegfried, Andre, 1563.

Skyscrapers, 243, 374, 664, 762, 1182.

Slavery, 1, 4A, 88, 133A, 159, 214, 353, 421A, 630, 652,
661, 693, 701, 747, 798, 806, 827, 854, 855, 953A,
1076, 1121, 1122, 1131, 1132. 1162A.

Smith, Joseph, 465. See also Mormonism.

Socialism, 1204, 1205, 1303, 1409, 1439.

Sorchan, Beatrice, translator, "58.

South Carolina, 911 A, 1027, 1083.

Southern Pacific Railroad, 178.

Spencer, John Canfield, 1408.

Stael, Mme. de, 1370.

Steamships, 671, 768, 1031.

Stephenson, Agnes and Helen, translators, 171.

Stokes, I. N. Phelps, 1072.

Street railways, 1141.

Strowski, Fortunat, 1563.

Sugar industry, 784A.

Sumner, Charles, 403, 1408.

Susquehanna River, 505.

Symons, Farrell, translator, 1580.

Syracuse, N. Y., 1092, 1169.

Talkie, 1182.

Tallahassee, Florida, 1528.

Talleyrand, 104, 376, 607, 922, 1106A, 1116.

Tamalpais, Mount, Cal., 543.

Taylor, F. H., 437.

Taylorism, 347, 576-578.

Television, 1182.

Tennessee, 119, 911 A.

Ternay, Chevalier de, 1135.

Texas, 40, 79, 81, 370A, 474, 475, 476, 558-560, 563.
629A, 663, 703, 712, 719, 763, 764, 792, 805, 808,
905, 907, 911A, 946A, 990, 1032, 1048, 1169, 1179,
1222, 1273, 1274, 1295B, 1297, 1503, 1530.

Theatre, 168, 169, 1402, 1460, 1493, 1537, 1564. See
also Music.

Thibeaudau, Comte, 1120.

Thompson, Charles Miner, translator, 589.

Tilly, Comte de, 226.

Tinker, Edward Larocque, 1509, 1512, 1513, 1538.

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 93, 353, 356, 422, 719, 720,
742, 998, 1010, 1074, 1291.

Toledo, O., 784.

Transatlantic cable, 533.

Trappists, 613, 1031, 1217.

Trenton, N. J., 1083.

Troy, N. Y., 86.

Trusts, 891, 1269.

Turner, Frederick Jackson, editor, 481.

Twain, Mark, 275.


Uncle Tom's Cabin, 768.

Union Mission, 482.

Universities. See Colleges and universities.

Utah, 155, 212, 465, 563, 796.


896, 911A,

623, 723, 784, 883,
1289B, 1409, 1456,


Valley Forge, Pa., 611 A.

Van Buren, Martin, 125.

Van der Hayden, Rev. J., editor, 510.

Yaquero. Joaquin, illustrator. 1097.

Vermont, 1504.

Viallate, Achille, 1563.

Vigilance committees, 1509.

Villebort, Parisian journalist,

Virginia, 200, 538, 745, 862, 896, 911A, 1052.

Virginia Canal, 178.

Volney, 1106A.


Wabash River. 971.

Wabash Seminary, 780.

"Wakulla River," Florida, 1526.

Walckenaer, Baron de, 1526.

Ward, Arabella, translator, 1445.

Washington, George, 8, 152, 243A. 284, 611A, 673, 775

791, 870, 874A, 927, 1026, 1044, 1045, 1115, 1507

Washington, D. C, 85, 86, 484. 515

945, 1010, 1083, 1162B. 1169,

1457, 1462.
Washington Conference, 100.
Wayne, General Anthony, 896.
Weill, Georges, 1128.
Wentworth University, 780.
Whaling, 575.

Wharton. Edward C, translator, 768B.
Wilbur, Marguerite E., translator, 1046.
Wilkins. E. II., translator, 881.
Williams, John L. B., translator, 942.
Williams, S. T., editor, 506.
Williams College, 555.
Wilmington, N. C, 580H.
Wilson, Woodrow, 779A, 1280.
Winchester, Ya., 151.
Wisconsin, 249B.
Wolf, Albert, 1140, 1142.
Women, American, 173, 232, 236, 237, 285, 419, 544,

633, 648. 653, 746, 768, 773, 852, 929, 1141, 1423,

1444. 1445, 1564.
Workers and working class conditions. 144A, 171A,

379, 380, 389, 472, 576-580, 778A, 946, 985, 1181,

1357A, 1458.
World War, 271, 283, 682, 809. 871, 882, 1311.
Wrangel, F. U., editor, 1558.
Wraxall, L., translator, 13, 14. 17, 26, 36, 41, 47, 50,

56, 59, 62, 71, 73, 79.
Wright, M. W. E. translator, 1250.
Wvllys, Rufus Kay, 1576.
Wyoming, 963, 1298.

Yellow fever, 1247.

Yellowstone, 448, 640, 847, 956.

Yellowstone Lake, 950.

Yorktown, Va., 862, 863, 903A, 1056, 1248A.

French Travellers in the United
States 1765-1932

Being :
A Supplement to a Bibliography by Frank Monaghan

By Samuel J. Marino

Head Librarian
McNeese State College, La.

French Travellers in the United
States 1765-1932

A Supplement to a Bibliography by Frank Monaghan*

By Samuel J. Marino

The compiler initiated this project with the thought in
mind of revising the original Monaghan list. Two things changed
the plan: one, the omissions in Monaghan were almost nil and
the additions were not many; two, the reprint edition** planned
for publication after May 1, 1959 (as Penny Book 20, G. K.
Hall & Company, Boston, Massachusetts). Therefore, the solu-
tion is this list of the work to date.

It should be noted that the list does not claim completeness.
Researchers are advised to check the University of Virginia
where a number of theses and dissertations have been written
on the French in America, "including," writes Reference Libra-
rian Harvey Deal, "French travelers to this country during the
period 1775-80 and 1860-1955," [and] "the Library has a good
collection of travel narratives written by French visitors to this
country since the end of the Second World War."

Bibliographies from which items have been used:

Clark, Thomas D.

Travels in the Old South. University of Oklahoma, 1956. 2v.
This is one of the American Exploration and Travel Series, Number 19.

Dissertation Abstracts.

Howes, Wright.

U.S.-iana. Bowker, 1954.
Oregon Country. John Howell, Books. 434 Post Street,

San Francisco 2, California, 1958.

At head of title. Catalogue 32.

Refered to as "Howell Catalogue."

* New York Public Library, 1933. "Reprinted with additions and
revisions from the Bulletin of the New York Public Library of March-April
& June-October 1932."

Because of its exhaustiveness and its descriptive comments, the
Monaghan list has been an indispensable aid to scholars in the field of
French- Americana.

** By special arrangement with the G. K. Hall Co., the Antiquarian Press
Ltd. reprinted this present complete edition.



Vail, R. W. G.

The Voice of the Old Frontier. University of Pennsylvania, 1949.

Wagner, Henry Raup.

The Plains and the Rockies, 3rd ed., rev. by Charles L. Camp.
Columbus, Ohio, 1953.

Writings on American History.


Ampere, Jean Jacques.

J. J. Ampere's journey through Ohio [Sept. 1851]; a transla-
tion from his Promenade en Amerique. By Mildred Crew. Ohio
State Archeological and Historical Quarterly. 60:64-89, Jan. 1951. 1

Part of Monaghan 93.

Anderson, Emmett H.

Appraisal of American life by French travelers, 1860-1914.
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Virginia, 1954. 2

Available on microfilm : University Microfilms Publication No. 9630.

Aubigne, Guillaume Merle d', See Merle dAubigne, Guillaume.

Badin, Stephen Theodore. See Spalding, Martin John.

Bartel, Roland, ed.

America through foreign eyes, 1827-1842; selected source
materials for freshman research papers. Boston, Heath, 1956. 109p. 3

Edwin R. Bingham, jt. author.

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, excerpts, pages 49-57.

Bayard, Ferdinand Marie.

Travels of a Frenchman in Maryland and Virginia with a
description of Philadelphia and Baltimore in 1791, or Travels in
the Interior of the United States, to Bath, Winchester, in the
Valley of the Shenandoah, etc., during the summer of 1791. Trans-
lated and edited with introduction, notes and index by Ben C.
McCary. Williamsburg, Virginia [1950]. 4

"This edition is limited to three hundred and twenty-five copies ..."
Lithoprinted: Edward Bros., Ann Arbor, 1950.

Monaghan 151 and 152. "Actually this translation is a combination of
both editions because the few passages deleted by Bayard in the prepara-
tion of his second edition have been indicated and included at the bottom
of the page."

Beaumont, Gustave de la Bonniniere de.

Marie, or Slavery in the United States. Translated by Barbara
Chapman. Introduction by Alvis L. Tinnin. Stanford University
Press, 1958. 5

Translation of Monaghan 159. Gustave de Beaumont accompanied Tocque-
ville on his travels in this country to study American penal system for
the government of Louis Philippe.

As a novel, this story of the tragic love of a French traveler in the United
States for a "woman of color" belongs to the romantic tradition of Cha-
teaubriand and Mme. de Stael. (Publisher).


Bentzon, Th., pseud, of Marie Therese (de Solms) Blanc. See

Ross, Janet.
Bernard du Hautcilly, Auguste. See Le Netrel, Edmond.

Berthier, Alexandre. See Chinard, Gilbert.

Blanchet, Francois Norbet.

Memoire presente a la S. Congregation de la Propaganda
sur le Territoire de l'Oregon.

In: Rapport sur les Missions du Diocese de Quebec et autres
que en ont ci-devant fait partie. Juillet 1847, No. 7. Quebec, 1847. 6
Not in Monaghan.
Wagner-Camp 127.

Blue, George Verne.

The report of Captain La Place on his voyage to the northwest
coast and California in 1839. California Historical Society Quar-
terly, 18:315-428, 1939.

Not in Monaghan.

Report of French navigator Cyrille P. T. LaPlace on his voyage to the

Pacific coast of the United States in 1839.

Bonsai, Stephen.

When the French were here. A narrative of the sojourn of the
French forces in America, and their contribution to the Yorktown
Campaign drawn from unpublished reports and letters of partici-
pants in the National Archives of France and the Manuscript Divi-
sion of the Library of Congress. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday,
Doran, 1945. 263p. 7

Chronicles the trail of the French Expeditionary Force from Providenc*

to Annapolis in 1780.

Bosqui, Edward.

Memoirs. Foreword by Harold C. Holmes. Introduction by
Henry R. Wagner. San Francisco, Grabhorn Press, 1952; Oakland,
Calif., Holmes Book Co., 1952. 180p. 8

350 copies.

Pioneer fine printer of California.

Bridel, Jean Louis.

Le pour et le contre; ou, Avis a ceux qui se proposent de
passer dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Paris, Levrault, Schoell,
1803. 9

Monaghan 286. Available on microcard ($3.27) : Title 48, Lost Cause Press,

Louisville, Ky.

Brooks, John Graham.

As others see us. Macmillan, 1910. 10

Not in Monaghan.

"Our French Visitors" pages 173-190, based on various accounts: Brissot
de Warville to Paul Bourget.

Capitaine, Alexandre.

La situation economique et social des Etats-Unie a la fln du


XVIIIe siecle d'apres les voyageurs frangais. Paris, Les Presses
Universitaires de France, 1926. 11

Not in Monaghan.

Based on eleven better-known travelers.

Chambers, Samuel Tinsley.

Observations and opinions of French travellers in the United
States from 1790 to 1835; together with some comparisons with
observations and opinions of British travellers in the same period.
Thesis (M.A.) Georgetown University, Washington, D. C, 1949.
(LC: 52-31889). 12

Chambrun, Charles Adolphe de Pineton, marquis de.

Impressions of Lincoln and the Civil War; a foreigner's
account. Translated from the French by Aldebert de Chambrun.
Random House, 1952. 174p. 13

Letters to the author's wife, Marie Helene Marthe (de Corcelles), Mar-
quise de Chambrun, 20 Dec. 1864-13 June 1865, describing his voyage from
France and his stay in Washington.
Not in Monaghan.

Personal recollections of Mr. Lincoln [Chicago? 1893] 14

"Printed by a lover of Lincoln in an edition of 25 numbered copies."
(LC has No. 21: 56-52194).
Reprinted from the Century magazine, Jan. 1893.

Chevalier, Michel.

Lettres sur l'Amerique du Nord. Extraits. Avec une introduc-
tion par Robert G. Mahieu. Princeton University Press for Insti-
tut Frangais de Washington, 1944. 41p. 15

Petites Bibliotheque Americaine. Institut Francais de Washington.

LC: 44-9528.

Monaghan 422.

Chinard, Gilbert.

Alexandre Berthier Journal de la Campagne d'Amerique 10 mai
1780-26 aout 1781. Publie d'apres le manuscript inedit de 1'Univer-
site de Princeton. Institut Frangais de Washington, 1951. 16

Institut Francais de Washington. Bulletin, nouv. serie, n. 1 Dec. 1951,

p. 43-120.

Not in Monaghan.

Clerc, Laurent.

The diary of Laurent Clerc's voyage from France to America
in 1816 [West Hardford? Conn., 1952] 22p.

Voyage from Le Havre to New York in company with Thomas Hopkins

Gallaudet; and introduction dealing with the school for the deaf established

by Gallaudet and Clerc in Hartford.

Writings on American History, 1952. Item 4382.

Colbert, Edouard Charles Victurnien, comte de Maulevrier.

Voyage en Icarie: deux ouvriers viennois aux Etats-Unis er
une introduction et des notes par Gilbert Chinard. Baltimore,
Johns Hopkins, 1935. 87p. (LC: 35-10149.) 18

Historical documents. Institut Francais de Washington, cahier VIII.

Not in Monaghan.


The Genesee country in 1798. Translated by R. W. G. Vail.
Rochester Historical Society Publications, 14:157-165, 1936. 18a

A translation of a portion of Item 18.

Collot, Georges Henri Victor.

Voyage dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, ou Description des
pays arroses par le Mississippi, l'Ohio, le Missouri y autres rivieres
affluentes . . . Avec un atlas de 36 cartes plans, vues et figures.
Paris, A. Bertrand, 1826. 19

Monaghan 458.

Available as title 69, on microcard, from Lost Cause Press, Louisville. $12.49.

Cretinon, Jean Francois, See Rude, Fernand

Duflot de Mofras, Eugene.

Duflot de Mofras' travels on the Pacific coast . . . translated
edited and annotated by Marguerite Eyer Wilbur. Foreword by
Dr. Frederick Webb Hodge. Santa Ana, Calif., Fine Arts Press,
1937, 2v (Calafia series [no. 2]) 20

Based on Duflot de Moras' Exploration du territoire de POregon, des Cali-
fornies, et de la mer Vermeille, collated with a transcription of his ten
original Memoires, on which the French publication was based . . . and
further compared with a supplementary holographic manuscript of certain
portions dealing with Fort Ross, found in his Melanges, volume II.
(Writings, 1937-38, Item 910).
Monaghan 583.

Du Haut-Cilly, A., See Le Netrel, Edmond.

Echeverria, Durand.

Mirage in the West; a history of the French image of Ameri-
can Society to 1815. Foreword by Gilbert Chinard. Princeton, 1957.
300p. 21

Includes Louis Pitou, Perrin du Lac, etc.

Fontenay, Marie, See Grandfort, Marie Fontenay de.
Forest, Prudent, See Joyaux, Georges J.

Franchere, Gabriel.

A voyage to the northwest coast of America. Ed. by Milo
Milton Quaife. Chicago, Lakeside Press, 1954. 22

The Lakeside classics, 52.

Monaghan 705 in translation.

LC: 55-871.

Franchere, Lucille Corinne, ed.

L'aurore de la Nouvelle France; ed. with introduction, notes
verb forms, idioms, and vocabulary, Lucille C. Franchere and
Myrna Boyce. Chicago, Bruce, 1934. (Science and culture texts) 22a

Chiefly extracts from letters of the early Jesuit missionaries.

Girardin, E. de.

A trip to the Bad Lands in 1849. South Dakota Historical Re-
view, 1:51-78, 1936. 23

This story of the trip made by E. de Girardin in 1849 to the Bad Lands

of South Dakota was first published in a French travel magazine, "le tour

du monde", in 1864.


Chapters I and II are from a translation by Elizabeth Conrad, and pub-
lished in the Paliinpsest in March, 1937; Chapters III, IV, and V have
been translated by Mrs. S. M. Stockdale.

Grandfort, Marie Fontenay de.

Marie Fontenay observes the Americans (1854). Translated,
with introduction by Sylvia Harris. Legion d'Honneur, 5:145-148,
1934. 24

Brief excerpts from Monaghan 768.

Guibourd, Omer Frangois.

Omer Frangois Guibord's diary. Translated by Mrs. Max W.
Meyer. Missouri Historical Society Bulletin, 8:71-80, Oct. 1951. 25

Not in Monaghan.

First section of a narrative (not a diary), dealing with the author's

journey from Ste. Genevieve, Mo., to Philadelphia en route to France, 1825.

Handlin, Oscar, ed.

This was America; the true account of people, places, manners
and customs as recorded by European travelers to the western
shore in the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Har-
vard, 1949.

Includes: Crevecoeur. The American Farmer — Gallic Style, pp. 36-59.

Brissot, Jean Pierre. A Revolutionary in the Making, pp. 67-87.

Moreau de St.-Mery. The Bitter Thoughts of President Moreau, pp. 88-103.

Michaux, Francois Andre. A Botanist's Gleanings, pp. 109-122.

Montlezun, Baron de. A Bourbon Who Refused to Forget, pp. 123-137.

Hubbard, Genevieve G.

French travelers in America, 1775-1840, a study of their obser-
vations. Unpublished thesis, American University, Washington,
D. C, 1936. 27

Joyaux, Georges J.

Forest's Voyage aux Etats-Unis de l'Amerique en 1831. Louisi-
ana Historical Quarterly, 39:457-472, Oct. 1956. 27a
Extracted pages, translated, of Monaghan 701, Chapters VIII-XV, which
deal with Forest's experiences in and around New Orleans.

Lacour, Frangois Marie. See Rude, Fernand.

Laperouse, Jean Frangois de Galoup, comte de.

Le voyage de Laperouse sur les cotes de l'Alaska et de la Cali-
fornie (1786) avec une introduction et des notes par Gilbert Chin-
ard. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1937. 144p. 28

Historical documents. Institut francais de Washington. Cahier x.

Monaghan entry: Voyage de La Perouse autour du monde . . .

See following item.

Voyage round the World performed in the year 1785, 1786,
1787, 1788. Boston, 1801. 29

Translation of Monaghan 1479 (?)

Offered for sale: Item 180, catalogue 32, John Howell, Books, San Fran-
cisco, California, 1958. $50.00. Bound with two other travel accounts.

La Place, Cyrille P. T. See Blue, George Verne.


La Rochefoucauld Liancourt, Frangois.

Journal de voyage en Amerique et d'un sejour a Philadelphie
1 octobre 1794-18 avril 1795; avec des lettres et des notes sur la
conspiration de Pichegru, publie avec une introduction et des
notes par Jean Marchand. Paris, E. Droz, 1940. 157p. 30

Historical documents. Institut francais de Washington. Cahier xii.

Also: Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1940.

Evidently not the same as Monaghan 923 which is "fait en 1795, 1796, et


Larocque, Frangois Antoine.

The journal of Frangois Antoine Larocque from the Assini-
boine river to the Yellowstone — 1805. Translated and edited by
Ruth Hazlitt. Missoula, Mont. 27p. 31

Historical reprints . . . Sources of Northwest history No. 20. State Uni-
versity of Montana. Reprinted from the historical section of the Frontier,
a magazine of the Northwest, 14 :n. 3, 4; 15 :n. 1, 1934.
No entry for Laroque in Monaghan.

Laugel, Antoine Auguste.

Laugel's estimate of the Americans, 1865. Translation and note
by Adam Fitz-Adam. Legion d'honneur, 5:209-215, 1935. 32

A translation of Monaghan 936.

Le Netrel, Edmond.

Voyage of the Heros: around the world with Duhaut-Cilly in
the years 1826, 1827, 1828 and 1829. Translated by Blanche Collet
Wagner. Los Angeles, G. Dawson, 1951. [10]64[2]p. 33

Early California travel series, 3.

Includes stops at San Francisco, Monterey, San Gabriel, San Diego and


Monaghan 201 is Bernard du Hautcilly, Auguste. Voyage autour du

monde . . .

Lesueur, Charles Alexandre. See Vail, Robert W. G.

Lindsey, David.

Ohio through French eyes, 1849-1864. Historical and Philosoph-
ical Society of Ohio Bulletin, 9:90-102, April 1951. 34

Marchand, Etienne.

A voyage round the world performed during the years 1790-
1791, and 1792, preceded by a historical introduction, and illu-
strated charts, etc. Translated from the French of C. P. Claret
Fleurieu, of the National Institute of Arts and Sciences, and of
the Board of Longitude of France. London, 1801. 35

Not in Monaghan.

Howes 3631.

Howell catalogue 32, Item 203: $225.00.

McDermott, John Francis.

Eugene Ney's Mississippi travels, 1830 [from New Orleans to
St. Louis and Louisville.] Mid-America, 34:254-60, Oct. 1952. 36

Monaghan 1571.


Manoel de Grandfort, Mme. See Grandfort, Marie Fontenay de.

Maulevrier, Comte de. See Colbert, Edouard Charles Victurnien,
conite de Maulevrier.

Merle d'Aubigne, Guillaume.

La vie americaine de Gullaume Merle dAubigne; extraits de
son journal de voyage et de sa correspondence inedite, 1809-1817;
avec une introduction et des notes par Gilbert Chinard. Paris,
E. Droz; Baltimore, John Hopkins, 1935. 152p. 37

Historical documents. Institut francais de Washington. Cahier ix.

Not in Monaghan.

Milfort, Louis.

Memoir; or A cursory glance at my different travels and my
sojourn in the Creek Nation, by Louis Le Clerc de Milford. Trans-
lated by Geraldine de Courcy. Edited by John Francis McDermott.
Chicago, R. R. Donnelly, 1956. 257p. 38

Monaghan 1073 in translation.

LC: 57-4098

Lakeside classics, no. 54.

Moerenhout, Jacques Antoine.

The inside story of the gold rush, translated and edited from
documents in the French archives by Abraham P. Nasatir, in Col-
laboration with George Ezra Dane who wrote the introduction
and conclusion. San Francisco, California Historical Society,
1935. 38a

California historical society special publication no. 8.

LC: 35-6845

Consul Moerenhout' s correspondence and report relative to the California

gold discoveries, addressed to the French minister of foreign affairs, May

15, 1848 to October 28, 1849.

Montule, Edouard de.

Travels in America, 1816-1817; translated from the original
French edition of 1821 by Edward D. Seeber. Bloomington, Indi-
ana University [1950]. 197p. 18pl. 39

Indiana University publications. Social Science series, no. 9.

Translation of Monaghan 1085, first 318 pages.

Moreau de Saint-Mery, Mederic Louis Elie.

American journey [1793-1798] translated and edited by Kenneth
Roberts, Anna M. Roberts; preface by Kenneth Roberts; introduc-
tion by Stewart L. Mims; frontispiece painting by James Bing-
ham. Doubleday, 1947. 40

Esentially translation of Monaghan 1113.

LC: 47-3941.

Baltimore as seen by Moreau de Saint Mery in 1794. Edited
by Fillmore Norfleet. Maryland historical magazine, 35:221-240,
1940. 41

Text of diary while Moreau de Saint-Mery was in Maryland.

Not in Monaghan.



Napoleon, Prince.

Voyage du Prince Napoleon aux Etats-Unis, 1861. Revue de
Paris, 40:241-272, 549-587, 1933. 42

Introduction by Ernest d'Hauterive.

Prints notes of Prince Napoleon.

Not in Monaghan.

Nasatir, Abraham Phineas.

The French in California gold rush. New York [American
Society of the French Legion of Honor] 1934. 14p. 42a

Franco-American pamphlet series, no. 3. LC: 35-10148.

Ney, Eugene. See McDermott, John Francis.

Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie Frangois Joseph.

Insectes recueillis en Afrique et en Amerique, dans les
Royaumes d'Oware et de Benin, a Saint Domingue et dans les
Etats-Unis pendant les annees 1786-1797, Paris, Fain, 1805. 43

Clark 11:112, which see for full description.

Monaghan (Addenda) 1573 lists Palisot, Ambroise Marie Francois Joseph,

Baron de Beauvois, known as Palisot de Beauvois with one item: Oderahi.

Paris, 1801.

Palmer, Frederick Alexander.

Westerners at home: comments of French and British trav-
elers on life in the West, 1800-1840. Ann Arbor, University micro-
films, 1949. 44

University Microfilms publication no. 1557.

Polignac, Camile Armand Jules Marie, Prince de.

Letter giving description of gunboat fight and fortifications
near Trinity. Louisiana State University Archives: George W.
Guess Letters. 793. 45

Catahoula Parish, La., March 1864.

Polignac was Brigadier General, CSA.

Preuss, Charles.

Exploring with Fremont; the private diaries of Charles Preuss,
cartographer for John C. Fremont on his first, second, and fourth
expeditions to the Far West, translated and edited by Edwin G.
and Elizabeth K. Gudde. University of Oklahoma, 1958. 46

American exploration and travel series, no. 26.

Not in Monaghan.

Pujol, Irene Blanche.

Robin's Voyage dans l'interieure de la Louisiane, translated
and annotated. Louisiana State University, unpublished masters
thesis, French, 1939.

Charles Cesar Robin; date is 1801.

Translatoin of Monaghan 1247.

First volume describes Antilles, Martinique and San Domingo, Jamaica,

Havana and Florida.

Revel, Gabriel Joachim du Perron, comte de.

Journal particulier d'une campagne aux Indes Occidentales
(1781-82), Paris, H. Charles-Lavauzelle, [1898?] 287p. 48


Clark 1:293

Not in Monaghan.

LC has copy.

Robin, Charles Cesar. See Pujol, Irene Blanche
Ross, Janet.

Th. Bentzon. L'Amerique vue par une francaise des dernieres
annees du 19eme siecle. Ph.D. dissertation. Radcliffe. 1951. 49

Probably a summary of Monaghan nos. 231-238.
[Roux ]

Le nouveau Mississippi, ou les dangers d'habiter les bords du
Scioto, par un Patriote Voyageur. Paris, Jacob-Sion, 1790. 44p. 50

"Sabin 73511 and 735512. etc." Vail.

Not In Monaghan.

Vail 838.
Rude, Fernand.

Voyage dans l'interieur des Etats-Unis et au Canada, avec
1855. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1952. 308p. 51

Universite de Grenoole, Publications de la Faculte des Lettres, 5.

Diaries of Jean Francois Cretinon and Francois Marie Lacour from France

to New Orleans, Nauvoo, 111.. Cairo, Pittsburgh. New York, and back to

France; with an introduction on tne trench colony ot xcaria established

at Nauvoo by Etienne Cabet. Appended: a letter of Etienne Ravat, Nauvoo,

15 Sept. 1850 "Inscriptions icarienne dans le refectoire de Nauvoo;" and

"Rapide coup d'ceil sur les conditions d'admission dans la communaute
icarienne," by Cabet (1855;.
Ryan, Lee W.

French travelers in the Southeastern United States, 1775-1800.
Bloomington, Indiana, Principia Press, 1939. 52

Reviewed in: American Historical Review, 46:222, 1940; Journal of Southern

History, 6:404, 1940; Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 27:287, 1940.
Salvan, Albert Jacques.

Un frangais dans le Missouri en 1840. French Review,
13:100-109, 1939. 53

Monaghan 1406.

An account of the travels of Victor Tixier, author of Voyage aux prairies

Osages Louisiane et Missouri (1839-1840).
Saugrain de Vigni, Antoine Frangois.

L Odyssee americaine d'une famille f rancaise. Etude suivie de
manuscripts inedits et de la correspondance de Sophie Michau
Robinson, par H. Foure Selter. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1936.

123p. 54

Institut francais de Washington

Monaghan gives biographical sketch of Saugrain.

Reviewed in: American Historical Review, 43:719, 1938; Mississippi Valley

Historical Review, 23: 567-568, 1937.
Semmes, Raphael.

Baltimore as seen by visitors, 1783-1860. Baltimore, Maryland
Historical Society, 1953. 208p. 55

Studies in Maryland history, no. 2.


Spalding, Martin John.

Sketches of the early Catholic missions of Kentucky, Louis-
ville, from the commencement in 1787, to the jubilee of 1826-27.
Compiled from authentic sources with the assistance of Very Rev.
Stephen Theodore Babin. Louisville, [Ky.], B. J. Webb [1844?
Louisville, Ky., Lost Cause Press, 1956]. 56

Nineteenth century American literature on microcards. Series A: the

Ohio Valley.

Stuart, Robert.

The discovery of the Oregon trail; Robert Stuart's narratives
of his overland trip eastward from Astoria in 1812-13. From the
original manuscripts in the collection of William Robertson Coe,
esq., to which is added: An account of the Tonquin's voyage and
of events at Fort Astoria [1811-12] and Wilson Price Hunt's diary
of his overland trip westward to Astoria in 1811-12. Translated
from Nouvelles annales des voyages. Paris, 1821; edited by Philip
Ashton Rollins. New York and London, Scribner, 1935. 391p. 57

Reviewed in: American Historical Review, 41:357-360, 1936; Canadian

Historical Review, 17:442-443, 1935.

Tabeau, Pierre Antoine.

Tabeau's narrative of Loisel's expedition to the upper Missouri,
edited by Annie Louise Abel, translated from the French of Rose
Abel Wright. Norman, University of Oklahoma, 1939. 272p. 58

Account of Regis Loisel expedition (1803-1805), told by a member of
the expedition.
Not in Monaghan.

Reviewed in: American Historical Review, 45:908-9; 1940; Canadian His-
torical Review, 21:79-80, 1940; Mississippi Valley Historical Review,
26:413-14, 1939; Pacific Historical Review, 8:470-71, 1939.

Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de, Prince de Benevent.

Talleyrand in America as a financial promoter 1794-96. Unpub-
lished letters and memoirs. Translated and edited by Hans Huth
and Wilma J. Pugh. Foreword by F. L. Nussbaum. Washington,

GPO, 1942. 181p. 59

Volume II of the Annual Report of the American Historical Association
for the year 1941.

Discovery of a hitherto unknown manuscript on economic conditions in
the United States.

Thompson, Lawrence Sidney.

Foreign travellers in the South, 1900-1950. Rochester, N. Y.,
University of Rochester Press for the Association of College and
Reference Libraries, 1954. 60

ACRL microcard series, no. 18; 5 cards.

Books in foreign languages about Louisiana, 1900-1950. Louisi-
ana Historical Quarterly, 34:35-57, Jan. 1951. 61


Timourian, Ara.

Catholic exploration of the far West, 1794-1835. American
Catholic Historical Society Record, 48:329-387, 1937; 45:50-66, 135-
170, 1933. 62

An account of the explorations of Pierre Laclede Liguest, Baptiste Trudeau,
Francois Perrin du Lac, Regis Loisel, Charles Le Raye, Francois Antoine
Laroque, Manuel Lisa, and others, in the trans-Mississippi country
during this period.

Tixier, Victor.

Tixier's travels on the Osage prairies, edited by John Francis
McDermott, translated from the French by Albert J. Salvan. Nor-
man, University of Oklahoma, 1940. 309p. 63

American exploration and travel, vol. IV.

Monaghan 1406.

Reviewed in: American Historical Review, 46:937-8, 1941; Journal of

Southern History, 7:257-9, 1941; Mississippi Valley Historical Review,

27:470-71, 1940; Pacific Historical Review, 9:351-52, 1940.

Tonquin. See Stuart, Robert.

Trobriand, Philippe Regis Denis de Keredren, comte de.

Army life in Dakota, selections from the Journal of Philippe
Regis Denis de Keredern de Trobriand, translated from the French
by George Francis Will. Edited by Milo Milton Quaife. Chicago,
Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelly, 1941. 387p. 64

Lakeside classics [39].

Monaghan 1429.

Vail, Robert W. G.

American sketchbooks of Charles Alexandre Lesueur, 1816-1837.
Worcester, Mass., American Antiquarian Society, 1938. 65

Reprint of Proceedings of the Society of April, 1938.

A catalogue of the sketches in the sketchbooks made by French naturalist,


Not in Monaghan.

Verhaegen, Pierre.

From St. Louis to Springfield in 1836. Illinois State Historical

Society Journal. 26:308-309, 1933. 66

Extract from a latin letter written from St. Louis, July 16, 1836, by
Father Pierre Verhaegen, Superior of the Jesuit order in the West, to his
Superior-General in Rome, describing a trip from St. Louis, Mo., to
Springfield, 111.

Vieillot, Louis Jean Pierre.

Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de l'Amerique Septentrionale.
Paris, 1807. 67

Clark 11:130.

Not in Monaghan.



Note: The entire period has been divided into twelve groups. Enough of
each traveller's name is given to avoid any confusion in referring to the
items. (After Monaghan, page 107.)


Echeverria; Hubbard; Palisot de
Beauvois; Ryan


Bonsai; Chinard; Echeverria;

Hubbard; Laperouse; Moreau de

St.-Mery; Palisot de Beauvois;

Revel; Ryan; Semmes; Spalding.

Bayard; Bridel; Capitaine; Cham-
bers; Colbert; Echeverria; Hub-
bard; La Rochefoucauld; La-
rouque; Marchan; Merle d'Au-
bigne; Moreau de St.-Mery;
Palmer; Pujol; Revel; Roux;
Ryan; Semmes; Spalding; Stuart;
Tabeau; Talleyrand; Timourian;

Bartel; Chambers; Clerc; Collot;
Buibouard; Hubbard; Le Netrel;
McDermott; Merle d'Aubigne;
Montule ; Palmer; Semmes ;
Spalding; Timourian; Vail.

Bartel; Blanchet; Blue; Chambers;
Chevalier; Hubbard; Joyaux;
Palmer; Salvan; Semmes; Tim-
ourian; Tixier; Vail; Verhaegen.

Ampere; Girardin; Grandfbrt;
Lindsey; Nasatir; Rude; Semmes.


Anderson; Chambrun; Laugel;

Lindsey; Napoleon; Polignac.


Anderson; Ross.

Anderson; Ross; Thompson.




Note: Index of places, persons and important subjects. It is simply an index
of the information given by the titles and by the editorial notes. Names
of persons which are alphabetically entered in the regular list are not
repeated here. References are to numbered items. (After Monaghan, p. 109).

Abel, Annie Louise, 58
Africa, 43
Alaska, 28
Annapolis, Md., 7
Antilles, 47
Assiniboine River, 31
Astoria, Oregon, 22, 57

Bad Lands of South Dakota, 23

Baltimore, Md., 41, 55

Bath, W. Va., 4

Benin [S. Nigeria ?], 43

Bingham, James, front.

painting, 40.
Bourget, Paul, 10



Boyce, Myrna, jt. auth., 22a
Brissot, Jean Pierre, 26
Brissot de Warville, 10

Cabet, Etienne, 35

Cairo, 111., 51

California, 6a, 7, 20, 28, 38a, 42a

Canada, 18

Catahoula Parish, La., 45

Catholic Church in United States,

6, 56, 62, 66
Chambrun, Aldebert de, translator,

Chambrun, Marie Helene Marthe

(de Corcelles,) Marquise de, 13.
Chapman, Barbara, translator, 5
Chinard, Gilbert, 18, 21, 28, 37
Civil War, 13

Coe, William Robertson, 57
Conrad, Elizabeth, translator, 23
Courcy, Geraldine de, translator, 38
Creek Indians, 38
Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume St.,

Jean de, 26
Crew, Mildred, translator, 1


Dane, George Ezra, translator, 38a


Economic conditions, 11, 59

Far West, 62

Fitz-Adam, Adam, translator, 32

Florida, 47

Fort Astoria, Oregon, 57

Fort Ross, California, 20

Fremont, John C, 46

Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins, 17
Genesee Falls, New York, 18a
Gold rush, 38a, 42a
Gudde, Elsabeth K., 46
Gudde, Erwin G., 46


Harris, Sylvia, translator, 24

Hartford, Conn., 17

Hauterive, Ernest d', 42

Havana, 47

Hazlitt, Ruth, translator, 31

Hodge, Frederick Webb, 20

Holmes, Harold C, foreword, 8

Honolulu, 33

Hunt, Wilson Price, 57

Huth, Hans, translator, 59

Icarie, 51

Jamaica, 47


Kentucky, 56

Laroque, Frangois Antoine, 62
Le Raye, Charles, 62
Liguest, Pierre Laclede, 62
Lincoln, Abraham, 13, 14
Lisa, Manuel, 62
Loisel, Regis, 58, 62
Louisiana, 47, 53
Louisville, Ky., 36, 56


McCary, Ben C, translator, 4
McDermott, John Francis, editor,

38, 63
Mahieu, Robert G., introduction, 15
Marchand, Jean, 30
Martinique, 47
Maryland, 4
Mer Vermeille, 20
Meyer, Mrs. Max W., translator, 25
Michaux, Frangois Andre, 26
Mims, Stewart L., 40
Missionaries and missions, 6, 22a,

56, 62, 66
Mississippi River, 19
Missouri, 53
Missouri River, 19, 57


Monterey, Calif., 33
Montlezun, Baron de, 26
Moreau de St.-Mery, Mederic Louis
Elie, 26


Nasatir, Abraham P., translator,

Nauvoo, 111., 51
New Orleans, La., 27a, 36, 53
New York, 17, 51
Norfleet, Fillmore, 41
Nussbaum, F. L., 59


Ohio, 34

Ohio River, 19

Oregon territory, 6, 20, 22

Oregon trail, 57

Osage prairies, 53, 63


Perrin du Lac, Frangois Marie, 62

Philadelphia, 4, 25, 30

Pichegru, 30

Pittsburgh, Pa., 51

Printers, 7

Providence, R. I., 7

Pugh, Wilma J., translator, 59


Quaife, Milo Milton, 64
Quebec, Diocese, 6


Ravat, Etienne, 51
Revolution (of 1776), 7
Roberts, Anna M., translator, 40
Roberts, Kenneth, translator, 40
Robinson, Sophie Michau, 54
Rollins, Philip Ashton, 57
Royaumes d'Oware, 43


St. Louis, Mo., 36, 66
Ste. Genevieve, Mo., 25

Salvan, Albert J., translator, 63

San Diego, Calif., 33

San Francisco, Calif., 7, 33

San Gabriel, Calif., 33

Santo Domingo, 43, 47

Scioto, 50

Seeber, Edward D., translator, 39

Selter, H. Foure, 54

Shenandoah Valley, 4

Slavery, 5

Social conditions, 11

South, 60

South Dakota, 23

Southeastern U. S., 52

Springfield, 111., 66

Stockdale, S. M., translator, 23

Stuart, Robert, 56

Timourian, Ara., 62

Tinnin, Alvis L., introduction, 5

Tixier, Victor, 53

Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri

Maurice Clerel de, 3, 5, 26
Travelers, English, 12
Trinity [Louisiana ?], 45
Trudeau, Baptiste, 62

Vail, R. W. G., translator, 18a


Wagner, Blanche Collot, 33

Wagner, Henry R., introduction, 7

Washington, D. C, 13

West Indies, 48

Wilbur, Marguerite Eyer, editor, 20

Will, George Francis, translator, 64

Winchester, Va., 4

Wright, Rose Abel, translator, 58

Yellowstone, 31
Yorktown, Va., 7



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