Home > The Interaction of the Four Elements
The Interaction of the Four
Elements Jason Espada
In our everyday experience,
the principles we refer to as the four elements are always functioning
together in us. Understanding how they work can be useful in many
ways. By the term the four elements I’m referring to fire, water,
air and earth. These function in our experience as qualities,
or as far reaching principles. They can exist in us to a greater
or lesser extent, and in a more or less balanced way.
In general, as a starting point,
fire warms, illuminates, causes
growth, and is there as light, brilliance, creativity, diversification,
or growing strength or power
water moistens, eases the way,
is gentle, nourishing, refreshing, heart-centered, sensitive, purifying,
fluid and malleable
air moves swiftly as thought,
intelligence, moves unobstructed, without limits, as breath, permeates,
penetrates, provides spaciousness and circulation
earth stabilizes, is tangibility
itself, provides traction, weight, substance, firmness, solidity, and
It should be noted here that
each of the elements also have a shadow side, when they are functioning
physically and psychologically either in excess or in a state of deficit.
So, fire can also burn, be critical, impatient, destructive in a counter
productive way, impulsive, or contributing to growth in an unbalanced
way, excessive, destabilizing; or when we lack the fire element, a person
can be cold emotionally, without passion, inspiration, or drive, energy
or endurance;
Water, in excess, can be too
sensitive, wishy-washy, too changeable, malleable, melodramatic, hysterical,
over emotional; when the water element is lacking, a person can be without
feeling or appreciation, without joy, or with little well-nourished
Air, in excess, can make a
person flighty, mentally overactive, skipping around without much strength
of focus, or spacing out; when deficient, a person can exhibit a lack
of thorough thought, consideration or grace.
Too much earth can feel heavy,
weighed down, lethargic, sluggish, burdened, stuck in the mud or in
counter productive inertia; with a lack of earth one can feel not grounded,
without focus or solidity or enough weight.
Now, while considering the
elements can be useful for self-understanding or cultivating balance,
these reflections are further enriched when we consider their interaction
in pairs. These reflections are can be good for cultivating balanced
psychological and physical states, and can also work to heal or to correct
imbalance, to promote well being, strength and balanced growth into
the future.
And so, the elements considered
in pairs:
In conjunction, in a balanced way, earth and fire together promotes growth –
think tropics – where the
earth and fire elements are there together in a garden, powerfully,
with flourishing growth;
fire and water together make
for warm emotion, passion
air and fire produce fiery
intellect, thorough going, bright, illuminating, powerful thought
Water and air together equals
balanced intellect and feeling, heart and mind in conjunction
water and earth produces nourished
earth, think: like a plant that’s been watered, physical joy and well
being down to the roots
Together with air, earth has
space, and order; earth can stabilize the mind in meditation
Now consider: what element is most present? What is lacking?
What, if any, is clearly dominant in its effect at any given time of day?
What is in excess, and what
element (quality or principle) can I cultivate to bring greater balance?
When one element is in excess, very often another will be lacking. For example, if someone is flighty, often there’s a lack of earth; if sluggish, often there is a lack of fire, inspiration or drive; if over-emotional, sometimes there is a lack of thought (or the air element) contributing to that.
With observation, we can how
these dynamics work.
A two step method
Moving toward balance can involve
either producing or augmenting one element, or correcting an excess.
Regarding some element or quality that is excessive, first, sometimes
just being aware of some imbalance is enough to curb it or slow it down.
If we are impatient, and aware of it, that can calm the feeling, to
some extent at least. Or, if we are prone to being flighty, or
excessive in speaking, just being conscious of when that is happening
can lessen that tendency. However, for more substantial change
for what is in excess in our person, a second step is needed, and that
is cultivating some qualities in our character, to bring balance.
This takes more effort over time, of course, but it is the only way
to achieve the balance in our constitution that we are ultimately looking
Consciously cultivating the
Cultivating the quality of
a particular element can be done in a number of ways. If one knows
what an element is, essentially, a person can focus on that feeling,
and whatever we focus on increases in us. That is what reflection
is for, it is one of the purposes of meditation.
Also, we can look for the element
we want to better understand, and cultivate in ourself, in the
natural world. Earth is all around us as the ground, and as grasses,
woods, rock, roots, mountains; fire is there as the sun, volcano, and
vivid colors; air as breezes strong winds,
wide open spaces, our own breath;
and water as the rain, oceans, rivers, streams, waterfalls, lakes, wells,
and the water we wash our bodies with and are cleaned by, the pure water
we drink, and so on.
Reflecting on the four elements
can yield rich results. These are themes that get more interesting
and fruitful with time. Over time, the more interest, creative
thought and attention we give to this extensive subject the more we
can see its effect. We can have greater means available to us
to influence our experience. The effect at first can be subtle and gradual,
but it is clearly tangible, especially on the inner level.
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