Home > Career Counseling: Counseling 513

Career Counseling: Counseling 513

University of New Mexico Counselor Education Program

CACREP Accredited

COUN 513: Career Counseling: 3 Credits

Spring 2009 

Assistant Professor:

David Olguin, PhD, LPC      Office:  Simpson Hall 115 

Office phone:  277-5324     Office hours: Wednesdays 3:00-5:00

Fax:   277-8361       Thursdays 3:00-4:00

                            Or by appointment

Email:   dolguin1@unm.edu    Class Time: Thursdays 4:00-6:30

Website:  www.unm.edu/~dolguin1   Location: Dane Smith Hall 332 

UNM Catalog Course Description:

This course is a practical and theoretical foundation for understanding the relationships of personal and career development theories to counseling practice. Includes vocational choice theory, lifestyle choices, occupational and educational information, decision-making processes and career exploration techniques; all include working with diverse populations and ethical standards.  

College of Education Conceptual Framework: 

Professional Understandings  Professional Practices Professional Identities

1. Human Growth & Development 1. Learner-Centered  1. Caring

2. Culture & Language  2. Contextual   2. Advocacy

3. Content of the Disciplines  3. Coherent   3. Inquisitiveness

4. Pedagogy    4. Culturally Responsive 4. Reflection-In-Action

5. Technology    5.Technologically Current 5. Communication

6. Professional Issues       6. Collaboration

7. Nature of Knowledge      7. Ethical Behavior 

Counselor Education Program Mission Statement:

The Counselor Education Program prepares students to address the counseling and human development needs of a pluralistic society.   The program recruits and retains students who reflect the broad range of diversity found in New Mexico.  Students graduate with knowledge and skills in core competency areas that include: professional identity, social and cultural foundations, human growth and development, career development, helping relationships, group work, assessment, research and program evaluation. 

The counselor education program features an integration of theory, research, practice, and interdisciplinary collaboration.  It is intended to prepare counselors who are informed, who will be sensitive to the diversity and uniqueness of individuals, families and communities, and who will value and promote the dignity, potential and well-being of all people.  The program prepares professional counselors and counselor educators to respond to a world with challenging and pressing social problems. 

Faculty members are committed to teaching, scholarship, research, clinical practices and service, while promoting a climate of social justice, systemic change and advocacy. The faculty’s goal is to infuse multicultural and diversity training in all aspects of academic and clinical coursework in order to prepare multiculturally competent counselors and counselor educators.  From the beginning of the graduate course of study, classroom education is combined with on-site training.  These experiences provide the opportunity for students to work in and with various educational settings and community agencies. 

CACREP Topic Areas Addressed:

a. career development theories and decision-making models;

    b. career, a vocational, educational, occupational and labor market information resources, visual and print media, computer-based career information systems, and other electronic career information systems;

    c. career development program planning, organization, implementation, administration, and evaluation;

    d. interrelationships among and between work, family, and other life roles and factors including the role of diversity and gender in career development;

e. career and educational planning, placement, follow-up, and evaluation;

    f. assessment instruments and techniques that are relevant to career planning and decision making;

    g.  technology-based career development applications and strategies, including computer-assisted career guidance and information systems and appropriate world-wide web sites;

    h.  career counseling processes, techniques, and resources, including those applicable to specific populations; and

i. ethical and legal considerations. 

Course & Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand problem areas that affect gender roles, racial and ethnic socialization and career decision-making process
  2. To know the developmental and life stages that are part of the career development process
  3. To know and to be critical of the theories of career development
  4. To know what career development is and the interventions used to facilitate career planning of children, adolescents and adults in an ethical manner
  5. To illustrate a comprehensive delivery system (you will design a career counseling center) in career development in the setting of your choice: i.e., elementary or secondary schools, community college, technical/vocational school, university setting, etc.
  6. To know the dimensions of sexism and racism (sex and race role stereotyping) in career development and decision-making
  7. To know ethical codes and standards (ACA & NCDA)
  8. To understand and be sensitive to the problems that diverse populations encounter in career planning and development: women, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, gays and lesbians, elderly, etc.
  9. To analyze your personal career development and socialization in terms of career development stages, decisions and theories

Course Design & Learning modalities utilized:

  1. Lecture/Discussion
  2. Large & small group discussion
  3. Student Presentations
  4. Reading assignments
  5. Writing assignments
  6. Participation in group experiences
  7. Participation in Out-of-class activities
  8. Guest speakers
  9. Feedback exchange
  10. Complete a career assessment and receive results
  11. Student Research
  12. Internet resources

Expectations of Professionalism:

Student Rights and Responsibilities:

  1. To ask for clarification at any time.
  2. Secure, activate and frequently check your UNM email address.
  3. Read the “Rights and Responsibilities at The University of New Mexico” (UNM Student Handbook/Pathfinder).
  4. Comply with the Policy on Academic Dishonesty (Student Handbook).
  5. Write questions (and give to me) if you feel uncomfortable speaking in large groups.
  6. Attend class on time because late arrivals disrupt the learning environment.  Students will also be open to learning and feedback in class.
  7. Respect for diversity and courtesy is a MUST in the class environment.
  8. Have access to all required textbooks.
  9. Have access to and utilize the world wide web/internet
  10. Know the code of ethics and standards outlined by the American Counseling Association (ACA); http://www.counseling.org/resources/ethics.htm#ce and National Career Development Association (NCDA); http://www.ncda.org/pdf/counselingcompetencies.pdf. Confidentiality and ethical considerations are a MUST throughout the semester.
  11. Turn-off cell phones or change setting to vibrate.
  12. Maintain confidentiality (Information that is disclosed and discussed in class stays class).
  13. Be courteous and treat all persons in the classroom with respect; different opinions will be shared/expressed to the extent that not everyone will be in agreement (cultural differences).
  14. Monitor the congregation of small group allies outside of class time, gossip in educational environments can be detrimental and disrupt the learning process.
  15. Students have the right to express opinions in a respectful manner.
  16. Confrontations will be presented professionally; remember that counselors are advocates for conflict resolution (Feedback stem: What worked for me was…What didn’t work for me was…).
  17. Late work will be penalized by one lower letter grade.
  18. Staple assignments if more than one page (no paper clips or manual bending of corners). No binders allowed.
  19. Students with known physical/mental limitations must contact Student Support Services and the instructor at the beginning of the semester so that accommodations can be arranged.

Student Accessibility Services:

Qualified students with disabilities needing appropriate academic adjustments (i.e. seating placement, arrangements for examinations, etc.), should contact the instructor as soon as possible to ensure your needs are met in a timely manner. Students who need academic adjustments must register and work closely with UNM 's Accessibility Services to accommodate requests. This office must send an official notification of your needs to the instructor in order to make accommodations.  They are located in room 2021 Mesa Vista Hall.  Please visit the department's website at www.as.unm.edu or call (505)-277-3506 if you need further information.   

UNM/Counselor Education Policies & Procedures:

Students are expected to follow all UNM policies. Please see http://www.unm.edu/currentstudents.html or the UNM Course Catalog for information on UNM services and policies. Please see the UNM academic calendar for course dates, the last day to drop courses without penalty, and for financial disenrollment dates. You must also familiarize yourself with the policies in the UNM Pathfinder located at http://pathfinder.unm.edu/.  It is particularly important that you follow the UNM Student Code of Conduct, in the policies section of the Pathfinder http://www.unm.edu/~sac/policies.html#studentcode

In addition to UNM policies, all students must follow the policies and procedures presented in the Counselor Education Masters Student Manual. You can download a copy at http://www.unm.edu/~divbse/couns/counselor.htm.   

Academic Integrity & Expectations of Professionalism

Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional manners. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, against any student who is found guilty of academic dishonesty or otherwise fails to meet these standards. Plagiarism is representing someone else’s work as you own and is not acceptable.  All work is expected to be your own individual work; paraphrasing a document written by someone else is a violation and could result in failure of the class.  A clear description of Cheating or plagiarizing will be treated according to the UNM Student Code of Conduct, located in the Student Handbook: http://www.unm.edu/~sac/policies.html#studentcode.  

Cell Phones & Pagers:

Please turn off all cell phones and pagers during class or put them on vibrate.  Should a cell phone ring in class, it is expected that you turn off the ringer immediately.  It is not acceptable to answer a phone during class. If you must be available for an emergency call, please inform the instructor and your class mates, answer the call immediately, sit close to the door, and make a non-disruptive exit.  

Computers in Class:

You are welcome to use computers in class to take notes or to personally navigate websites being reviewed during class.  It is not acceptable to use your computer for non-class-related work.   

Required Textbook:

    Niles, S. G., & Harris-Bowlsbey, J. (2009). Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century (3rd ed.). Pearson-Merril Prentice Hall. ISBN 970-0-13-225438-0 

    Recommended Book:

    Peterson, N. & Gonzales, R.C. (2000). Career Counseling Models for Diverse Populations: Hands-on applications by practitioners. Wadsworth/Brooks Cole.  

    Web Site:


    Assignments & Course Requirements

    Class Attendance & Participation: Expected Throughout Semester

    Class attendance and participation are expected because they are crucial elements in a graduate counseling program and for the learning community.  Your grade can be affected by absences.  Students are expected to attend every class on time, have completed the assigned readings, and be prepared to discuss what was read.  There will be a variety of in-class activities that will be completed in groups.   

    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) & Strong Interest Inventory (SII): Due Early in Semester

    Each student will need to either go to UNM Career Services (2nd floor Student Services Center, room 220; http://www.career.unm.edu) or call them to see about setting up an appointment to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Strong Interest Inventory (SII). Each assessment will cost $10.00 (total of $20.00 for both). After you take each assessment you need to make an appointment to have them interpreted.  Save your assessments/inventories because you will practice interpreting the results with a partner in class.  Also, you need to use the results in the Self-Evaluation Paper that is due April 16, 2009. 

    Student Theoretical Presentations (25%): February 12 & 19, 2009

    Each student will pair up with peers to present a career development theory from the textbook (chapters 2-3). Students will be paired to present a 20-minute presentation, and handouts must be given to each individual in class. Groups must meet outside of class time.  

    Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter, Position Statement (20%): March 12, 2009

    Each student will develop their curriculum vitae (CV), cover letter and career counseling position statement.  These three important employment documents can be used to secure a desired counseling position once you near graduation. Use the internet to get additional resources so that you can develop your CV, cover letter and career position statement.  DO NOT use computer resume software packages to create the CV.  Include in Portfolio. 

    Self-Evaluation Paper (15%): April 16, 2009

    This assignment involves your visit at UNM Career Services (2nd floor Student Services Center, room 220; http://www.career.unm.edu), taking and having the MBTI and SII interpreted. This paper is six (6) pages in length and is comprised of two parts. First, you will go through the process of going to the center to complete the MBTI and SII.  After you complete the administration and interpretation processes you are to write three (3) pages addressing the following points and questions:

          Describe what your experience at the center was like (parking, location, greeting, etc.).

          Describe what you observed in the waiting room.

          Describe what it was like for you to take the MBTI & SII.

          Do you believe the MBTI & SII are culturally sensitive, and explain why?

      Describe what occurred during the administration processes (What were some differences and similarities?).

      What stood out about the career counselor’s style during the interpretation process? (What were some differences and similarities?)

      What thoughts and feelings went through your mind and body during the interpretations?

          Were the inventories useful and appropriate for you, and explain why?

          What clients would these assessments not be suitable for, and explain why?

    Second, you will write three (3) pages integrating a career development theory with your MBTI and SII results.  Explain how the results (and information conveyed to you during the interpretations) contributed to your career developmental stages and decision-making processes (refer to the textbook and/or other resources). Your paper will be graded on the content (integration of information from the textbook-and other sources if needed-identification of your skills, values, work history, and future career direction) and organization (clear, concise, free of spelling and writing and grammar errors). Follow APA style (use Dr. Olguin’s website for APA style links).  Include in Portfolio. 

    Personal Design of a Career Counseling Center (25%): April 30, 2009

    This assignment requires that your group select a targeted population in which to design a career counseling center (i.e., elementary, middle, or high school, college/university, or private practice).  Once you have selected the targeted area you will implement, design and develop your career counseling center.  Be creative.  Include in Portfolio.   

    Your program design should include: 

    • Mission Statement (mission statements should fit on a business card)
    • Theoretical and Philosophical beliefs towards career development
    • Name of Center (name should reflect your population, services provided, resources, and mission statement)
    • Client Assessment (population- who are they? and what are their needs?)
    • Center Assessment
        • staffing, hours of operation, space and location of the career center, population(s) you will service, types of services-career counseling, types of values and interests assessments, etc., accessibility to clientele,
        • materials (assessments/inventories, handouts-not older than 10 years, furniture, videos, magazines)
    • Budget (Create a budget of all the supplies/materials needed: are you securing school funds, donations, grants, private pay, etc.?)
    • Resources (catalogs, internet, bibliographies-websites, books, links to other career centers, etc.)
    • Special Considerations (Special needs, vocation rehabilitation, ethnicity and race, military, retirees, students and parents/families, referrals to mental health services, etc.)
    • Ethical considerations
    • Evaluation Methods you plan to use to assess services delivered and materials used

    Exam (20%): May 7, 2009

    A comprehensive final exam will be administered a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the conclusion of the semester.  The final exam is comprehensive and will include all of the chapters listed in the syllabus.  The final exam is due in class on May 7, 2009.  You are required to complete and turn-in the scantron sheet (name and social security must be in the appropriate place); only one scantron will be given so do not lose the one you are given. Answers will be emailed as soon as all exams are collected. 

    Assignment Points Break-down:

          Student Theoretical Presentations  20

          C. Vitae, Cover letter, Position Statement 20

          Self-Evaluation    15

          Design Career Center    25

          Exam      20 

    Grades: 98-100- A+  94-97- A   90-93- A-

                88-89-   B+  84-87- B   80-83- B-

                78-79-   C+  74-77- C   70-73- C-  69-Below- D-F 

    Grading Rubrics:

    Refer to each assignment in the Assignments and Course Requirements section for expected content. 

    Incompletes & Late Assignments & Drops:

    Incompletes are only given in rare circumstances.  Before you attempt and assume that an incomplete will be given, you must speak with Dr. Olguin to determine if an incomplete will be given.  If you need an extension on an assignment, please speak with me before the assignment due date.  Although an extension may be given, you will receive a drop in letter grade for papers turned in after the due date. 

    Writing Requirements:

    All written assignments must be in basic APA 5th Ed. format and style.  This means that each paper will have a title page (include header, Running head, & name), one inch margins all around, double-spaced, and if needed, citations with a reference page.  Certain sections in the Career Center assignment can be single spaced (base decision on appearance). 

    Electronic Submissions:

    MUST GET APPROVAL.  If approved, ALL assignments (not turned-in in class on time) MUST be emailed as MS Word or Text files (NOT Wordperfect) to Dr. Olguin on the due date.   

    Masters Examination and Portfolio Requirements:

    The curriculum vitae, cover letter and position statement need to be placed in your portfolio. In addition, you must also place the self-evaluation and design of career center in the portfolio. After you turn in each of the assignments to be graded, you will receive them after they are graded and edit any areas outlined, and then show Dr. Olguin the corrected version in the same semester to get approval to put into your portfolio. 


    Graduate Student Writing Studio Resources:

    You can receive free assistance with your writing at the College of Education Graduate Writing Studio located in the Tech Center, Room 117.  Individuals at the Graduate Writing Studio can assist you with class assignments, grant writing, dissertation writing, writing for publication, and other writing needs. You can make an appointment by going to www.coewritingstudio.unm.edu and following the instructions.  You can also call the studio at 277-0466.     

    WebCT Resources:

    Students can find information about using WebCT at http://webctinfo.unm.edu/student. You will need to log in using your NetID and password. Students who have technical problems with WebCT can contact free technical support by calling (505) 277-7490.  If your computer does not have the appropriate software for WebCT, you can access free software at http://webctinfo.unm.edu/student/getsoftware.htm 


    Date Reading


    Topics and Activities Assignments Due
    1/22/09   Introductions & Syllabus  
    1/29/09 Niles Chs. 1 & 14

    Appendixes B & D

    Introduction to Career Counseling

    Ethical Issues in Career Development Interventions

    2/5/09 Niles Chs. 4 & 8 Career Development and Diverse Populations and

    Career Counseling Strategies and Techniques for the 21st Century

    2/12/09   Pedersen Triad Training Model  
    2/19/09 Niles Ch. 2 Understanding and Applying Theories of Career Development Student Presentations
    2/26/09 Niles Ch. 3 Understanding and Applying Emerging Theories of Career Development Student Presentations
    3/5/09 Appendix F In Class Group Activity

    Road Trip Nation  www.roadtripnation.com

    3/12/09 Niles Chs. 6 & 7 Career Information & Resources

    Using Technology to Support Career Counseling

    CV, Cover Letter, Position Statement
    3/19/09   Spring Break  
    3/26/09 Niles Ch. 9 Designing and Implementing Career Development Programs and Services  
    4/2/09 Chs. 10 & 11

    Appendix C

    Career Development Interventions in Elementary, Middle, and High Schools  
    4/9/09 Niles Ch. 12 & 13 Career Development Interventions in Higher Education and Community Settings  
    4/16/09   MBTI & SII Assessment Interpretations Self-Evaluation Paper

    MBTI & SII Interpretation

    4/23/09 Niles Ch. 5 Assessment and Career Planning  
    4/30/09   Discuss other Career Assessments/Inventories and Card Sort Design of Career Counseling Center
    5/7/09   Final Exam Due Final Exam
    5/14/09   Finals Week  


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